Download - A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Page 1: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 2: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 3: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating patients.

Page 4: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 5: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 6: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 7: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Lancet Oncology 2005; 6(10):780-789.

Page 8: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Beverage JN et al. J Pharm Sci. 2007 Sep;96(9):2224-31.

Page 9: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 10: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

To further explore the potential relationship between deficiencies in the CYP2D6 gene and outcomes achieved with tamoxifen among women with hormone-positive breast cancer, researchers from the Mayo Clinic conducted a retrospective analysis of a subgroup of patients from the Austrian Breast and Colorectal Study Group-8 (ABCSG-8) trial. The ABCSG-8 was a prospective clinical trial conducted between 1996-2004 in which 3,901 women with hormone-positive breast cancer were randomized prior to treatment to two years of adjuvant tamoxifen followed by three years of Arimidex® (anastrozole) or five years of adjuvant tamoxifen.

Page 11: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

* At five years poor metabolizers who were randomized to tamoxifen had a 3.8-fold increased risk of recurrence compared with extensive metabolizers of tamoxifen.

* However, poor metabolizers who were randomized to switch to Arimidex after two years of tamoxifen did not experience an increased recurrence risk at years three and five.

The researchers concluded that these results provide further evidence that testing for CYP2D6 variances can help determine which patients may respond to tamoxifen and that testing prior to adjuvant therapy should be considered following discussion with the patient.

Reference: Goetz M, Ames M, Gnant M et al. Pharmacogenetic (CYP2D6) and gene express profiles (HOXB13/IL17BR and molecular grade index) for prediction of adjuvant endocrine therapy benefit in the ABCSG 8 trial. Presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. December 13, 2008. Abstract 57

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January 5, 2009

CYP2D6 Gene Variants May Affect Responses to Tamoxifen Among Breast Cancer Patients

Among postmenopausal women with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, those with certain variations in the CYP2D6 gene derived little benefit from tamoxifen (Nolvadex®); based on these findings, researchers at the Mayo Clinic recommend CYP2D6 testing for postmenopausal women being considered for adjuvant tamoxifen therapy. These results were presented at the 2008 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

Page 13: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Beverage JN et al. J Pharm Sci. 2007 Sep;96(9):2224-31.

Page 14: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 15: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 16: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

CYP2C9analysiert werden die SNPs „CYP2C9 Allel *2“ und „CYP2C9 Allel *3“A. wenn ein SNP oder beide homozygot-mutiert vorliegen: PMB. wenn beide SNPs heterozygot (combound heterozygous) vorliegen: PMC. wenn nur einer der beiden SNPs heterozygot vorliegt: IM D. wenn beide SNPs homozygot-wildtyp vorliegen: EM

CYP2C19analysiert wird der SNP „ CYP2C19 Allel *2“ A. wenn der SNP homozygot-mutiert vorliegt: PMB. wenn der SNP heterozygot vorliegt: IM D. wenn der SNP homozygot-wildtyp vorliegt EM

CYP2D6analysiert werden die 3 SNPs „ CYP2D6 Allel *3, Allel *4 und Allel *6“A. wenn ein SNP oder mehrere homozygot-mutiert vorliegen: PMB. wenn min. 2 SNPs heterozygot (combound heterozygous) vorliegen: PMC. wenn nur einer der 3 SNPs heterozygot vorliegt: IM D. wenn alle 3 SNPs homozygot-wildtyp vorliegen: EM

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Page 18: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 19: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Polymorphe Pharmakokinetik von Antidepressiva

Page 20: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.


CYP 2 C19 CYP 2 D 6


Page 21: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

SAROTEN - Filmtabletten 10 mg

DOSIERUNG Peroral ambulant: Initial 25-50 mg abends

NEBENWIRKUNGEN Anticholinerg, Kreislauf, Herz, Allergien, Knochenmark, Photosensibili- sierung, Ödem. WECHSELWIRKUNGEN Katecholamine, ZNS-Dämpfer, Alkohol, Anticholinergika, Antihistaminika verstärkt, MAO-Hemmer (Krisen), L-Dopa abgeschwächt. Kontrollen: Blutbild, Leber, Herz. MAO-Hemmer 14 Tage Abstand. Erhöhte Krampfbereitschaft bei Elektroschock. Umschlagen in manische Phase möglich. Vorsicht bei Suizidtendenz. Verkehrshinweis.

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Page 23: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.







Page 24: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 25: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-System• Plasmavolumen•Sympath. Nervensystem•Blutdrucksenkung•Natriumentzug


Östrogene Cortisol, Cortison

• Glatte Gefäß- muskulatur

- Vasokonstriktion - Blutdruckerhöhung

• Erhöhung der Nor- adrenalinfreisetzung• Wirkung auf ZNS

zentrale Blutdruckerhöhung

• Metabolische Effekte






Wasser- undNatriumretention


AngiotensinI ACE II


Page 26: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

polymorphic 287 bp insertion/deletion sequence

5‘ 3‘

INTRON 16 of the ACE gene

Angiotensin I-Converting Enzym (ACE) Polymorphism: Ins/Del (287bp) in Intron 16

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ACE rs4646994 Ins/Del Intron 16

Das menschliche ACE-Gen besitzt einen bekannten Insertions/Deletions (I/D) Polymorphismus, dessen D/D Genoytp mit hohen Plamaspiegeln des Enzyms und damit verbundenen erhöhten Angiotensin II Konzentrationen assoziiert ist.

Page 28: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Rigat B et al. J Clin Invest. 1990 Oct;86(4):1343-6.

Serum immunoreactive ACE concentrations (ag/liter) forindividual with the II, ID, and DD genotypes, respectively,

shown in left, middle, and right panels.

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Angiotensin 2

normale Ernährung: 6 - 25 ug/24h salzarme Ernährung: 17 - 44 ug/24h salzreiche Ernährung: 0 - 6 ug/24h


0.2 - 2.8 ng/ml*h (Liegen), 1.5 - 5.7 ng/ml*h (Stehen) Salzarme Diät


0.5 - 19 Jahre : 27 - 113 U/l Erwachsene (> 19 Jahre) : 12 - 68 U/l


Page 30: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

• Discussed at the moment is the question, whether drug response in men with erectile dysfunction is genetically determined. Only 50% of ACE D allele carriers showed a positive response to sildenafil in contrast to men with genotype II in the ACE I/D polymorphism, who had a response rate of 75%.

• (Herz. 2003 Jun;28(4):304-13; Eisenhardt A

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Page 32: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 33: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 34: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

N Engl J Med. 2008 Dec 18;359(25):2693-705.

Page 35: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Scrivani SJ et al. N Engl J Med. 2008 Dec 18;359(25):2693-705.

Normal Anatomy of the Jaw

Page 36: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Scrivani SJ et al. N Engl J Med. 2008 Dec 18;359(25):2693-705.

Normal Jaw Function

Page 37: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Tempomandibuläres Syndrom


Mann : Frau = 1: 9

● Intraarticuläre Veränderung


● Niedriges Östradiol

Lancet. 2007 Oct 27;370(9597):1494-9.

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Kanasaki K et al. Nature. 2008 Jun 19;453(7198):1117-21. Epub 2008 May 11.

Schematic illustration of 2-ME synthesis by COMT

Page 39: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Kanasaki K et al. Nature. 2008 Jun 19;453(7198):1117-21. Epub 2008 May 11.

A working model of preeclampsia derived from our studies with COMT/2-


Supplementary Figure 15

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Plazentare Östrogene ↓

2-Methroxyöstradiol ↓

Hypoxie inducible Factor 1

Trophoblastinvasion in Spiralarterien

Page 41: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.


Hypoxia inducible Factor 1 (HIF12)

suluble Fms like Tyrosin Kinase 1(= löslicher VEGF Receptor)

2 Methoxyöstradiol

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Reduktion derSchmerzempfindung


Page 43: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

In einer retrospektiven Studie konnte gezeigt werden, dass Patienten mit einer erniedrigten COMT-Aktivität häufiger einen Schock bei Bypassoperationen erleiden und ein höheres Sterblichkeitsrisiko während der Operation haben.

Haase-Fielitz A, Haase M, Bellomo R, et al.: Decreased Catecholamine Degradation Associates with Shock and Kidney Injury after Cardiac Surgery, J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009 Apr 30 .


Page 44: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

COMT met weist einen höheren Gewebsspiegel an Östrogen auf, wodurch die Lipoproteinlipase aktiviert wird.

Page 45: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

N Engl J Med. 2008 Mar 6;358(10):999-1008.

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• 1*/2* 80 %• 2*/2* 20 %• 1*/3* 56 %• 2*/2* 23 %• 3*/3* 9%

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Page 48: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Kohnke H et al. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2005 Jul;61(5-6):381-8. Epub 2005 Jun 11.

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Page 50: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 51: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 52: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Neurology. 2000 May 23;54(10):1949-54.

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Kein neuroprotektiver

Effekt der Östrogene

bei APO E4 Trägerinnen

Yaffe K et al. Neurology 2000;54:1949-1954.

Page 54: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Yaffe K et al. Neurology. 2000 May 23;54(10):1949-54.

Time to cognitive impairment (3MS score ,80)according to APOE-4 status and baseline estrogen use

after adjusting for age, education, race, and stroke history

Page 55: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Yaffe K et al. Neurology. 2000 May 23;54(10):1949-54.

Page 56: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Yaffe K et al. Neurology. 2000 May 23;54(10):1949-54.

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Page 58: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 59: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Progesteron 0,4 gTestosteron 500 µg

Colecalciferol 2000 I.E.PEG 400 1,6 g

PEG 6000 1,05 g

M.u.f. Supp. XXIV

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Page 61: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 62: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

de Jong P. N Engl J Med 2006;355:1474-1485

Selected Candidate Genes Most Likely Associated with AMD

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Page 64: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.
Page 65: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. Arch Ophthalmol 2001;119:1417-36.

Vitamin C

Vitamin E




500 mg

400 mg

15 mg

80 mg

2 mg

Erkrankungsreduktion in 5 Jahren um 25%

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Page 67: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Seddon JM et al. Arch Ophthalmol. 2006 Jul;124(7):995-1001.

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Page 69: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.

Genetische Variationund

Fähigkeit zur Partnerschaft

Molecular genetic studies of the arginine vasopressin 1a receptor (AVPR1a) and the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) in human behaviour:

from autism to altruism with some notes in between.

Israel S, Lerer E, Shalev I, Uzefovsky F, Reibold M, Bachner-Melman R, Granot R, Bornstein G, Knafo A, Yirmiya N, Ebstein RP.

Prog Brain Res. 2008;170:435-49.

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AVPR1 – Polymorphismusund


Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Sep 16;105(37):14153-6. Epub 2008 Sep 2.

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Page 72: A recent survey showed that only 10% of physicians thought they had the necessary training and knowledge in genomics to use genetic testing in treating.


F5 rs6025 Arg506Gln

Das weithin bekannte F5 Leiden Allel codiert für eine Faktor V Variante, die nur ungenügend durch APC inaktiviert wird. Durch diesen Polymorphismus kann der Antagonist des Faktor V, nämlich das aktivierte Protein C nicht angreifen und die Prothrombinwirkung des Faktor V nicht ausbalancieren. Dies ist mit einer höheren Inzidenz thromboembolischer Ereignisse verbunden.

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F2 rs1799963 G/A Pos. 20210

Das humane Prothrombin Gen, F2, besitzt einen selten vorkommenden Polymorphismus (G/A Pos. 20210) innerhalb der 3’-untranslatierten Region, der zu erhöhten Serum Prothrombin - Spiegeln und somit zu einer erhöhten Gerinnbarkeit des Blutes führt.

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APOE rs429358 Cys112Arg

APOE rs7412 Arg158Cys

Das APOE-Protein besteht aus 299 Aminosäuren mit einer wichtigen Bindungsstelle zwischen den Aminosäuren 140 und 160. Das auf Chromosom 19 lokalisierte ApoE-Gen kommt in drei bekannten Allelvarianten (e2, e3 und e4) vor, die wiederum drei Isoformen des Proteins bilden: E2, E3 und E4. APOE3 ist die häufigste Isoform und besitzt ein Cystein in Aminosäure Position 112 und innerhalb der Bindungsregion ein Arginin in Aminosäure Position 158. APOE4 besitzt ein Arginin an Stelle 112 und hat normale Bindungskapazität. APOE2 trägt ein Cystein in der Bindungsregion an Stelle 158 und zeigt nur 1-2 % der normalen Bindungskapazität

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PAI1 n.a. 5G/4G Promoter

Die Trägerschaft des 4G – Allels ist mit erhöhtem PAI-1 Plasmaspiegel assoziiert.

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NOS3 rs1799983 Glu298AspNOS3 rs2070744 T/C Pos. -786 Promoter

Vor allem zwei Polymorphismen, gehen mit einer reduzierten eNOS Aktivität einher, der Glu298Asp Polymorphismus, sowie der T/C Pos.-786 Promotorpolymorphismus.

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MTHFR rs1801133 Ala222Val (C/T Pos.677)

Der C > T Austausch in der Pos. 677 im MTHFR Gen führt zum Aminsäureaustausch Alanin nach Valin. Die Valin-Variante ist mit reduzierter Enzymaktivität und einem moderat erhöhten Homcysteinspiegel verbunden. Homozygote Träger des T-Allels (T/T) haben ein um ca. 25 % höheres tHcy im Vergleich zu homozygoten C-Trägern (C/C).

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COMT rs4680 Val158Met

Der sicher am häufigsten untersuchte Polymorphismus im COMT Gen ist die Val158Met Variante (manchmal auch Val>Met Codon 108 genannt). Dieser Basenaustausch ist mit verringerter Enzymaktivität und herabgesetztem Abbau von Östrogenen und anderen Katechol-Verbindungen assoziiert.

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VDR rs2228570 VDR FokI f/F (T/C)

FokI polymorphism

Dieser Polymorphismus führt zur Bildung von zwei unterschiedlichen VDR Proteinen. Der T nach C Basenaustausch führt durch Veränderung des Translationsstartpunkts zu einem um drei Aminosäuren verkürzten Protein. Das, durch das so genannte f-Allel kodierte, längere Protein, besitzt schwächere Aktivität als Transkriptionsfaktor für VDR spezifische Zielgene. Die kürzere Variante, durch das F bzw. C-Allel kodiert, besitzt im Vergleich zum längeren Protein stärkere Aktivität.

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AR (CAG)n short > long alleles

Im Exon 1 des Androgenrezeptor-Gens (AR) befindet sich ein prominenter polymorpher CAG-Trinucleotide-Repeat-Polymorphismus. Die polymorphe Anzahl der Wiederholungen der CAG Sequenz im AR Gen beeinflusst die Effizienz des Rezeptors: die Anzahl ist invers mit der Fähigkeit, die Androgenwirkung über den Rezeptor zu vermitteln, assoziiert - Allele mit weniger CAG-Repeats sind aktiver.

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ESR1 rs2234693 IVS1 -401 T/C (p/P)

Einer der am häufigsten untersuchten Polymorphismen im ESR1 Gen ist der sogenannte PvuII Polymorphismus. Obwohl diese Genvariante im nicht kodierenden Teil des Rezeptorgens liegt, scheint sie auf die Stärke der Transkription des Gens einen Einfluss zu nehmen. Auf Grund klinischer Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass der p/p Genotyp die Östrogenwirkung am schwächsten vermittelt. Deshalb geht man davon aus, dass dieser Polymorphismus entweder in die Transkriptionsgeschwindigkeit eingreift oder mit einer anderen funktionellen Genvariante assoziiert ist.

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CYP17A1 rs743572 T/C Pos. -34

Dieser Polymorphismus wird auch als MspA1 A1/A2 bezeichnet.Der CYP17A1 -34 T/C Polymorphismus befindet sich in der Promoterregion des Gens. Obwohl die Funktion dieses Basenaustausches noch nicht vollständig geklärt ist, konnte gezeigt werden, dass das C Allel mit einer erhöhten Transkription des Gens und bei Frauen mit erhöhten Serum Estradiol Spiegeln assoziiert ist.

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CYP19A1 rs 10046 C/T Pos. +1558

Einer der wohl am häufigsten untersuchten Polymorphismen im CYP19A1-Gen ist die C/T Pos. +1558 Variante in der so genannten „3‘ nicht translatierten Region“ des Gens. Eine funktionelle Rolle konnte diesem Polymorphismus bisher nicht zugeordnet werden, vielmehr geht man davon aus, dass C/T Pos. +1558 mit einem funktionellen Polymorphismus, der bis dato noch nicht identifiziert werden konnte, genetisch verbunden ist („linkage“). Ungeachtet dessen geht dieser Basenaustausch bei postmenopausalen Frauen mit erhöhten Estrone und Estradiolspiegeln und einem erhöhten Verhältnis Estron : Androstenedion und Estradiol : Testosteron einher.

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CYP1A1 rs4646903 3801T>C (MspI)

CYP1A1 rs1048943 Ile462Val

Der MspI und der Ile(462)Val SNP sind mit erhöhter Aktivität und Induzierbarkeit verbunden.

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CYP1B1 rs1056836 Leu432Val

CYP1B1 rs1800440 Asn453Ser

Vor allem zwei Polymorphismen im CYP1B1 Gen wurden häufig untersucht. Der CYP1B1*3 (Leu/Val Codon 432), der mit gesteigerter Aktivität des CYP1B1 Enzyms und der CYP1B1*4 (Asn/Ser Codon 453), der mit verminderter Aktivität einhergehen kann.

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SRD5A2 rs9282858 Ala49ThrSRD5A2 rs523349 Val89Leu

Vor allem zwei Polymorphismen, gehen mit einer Änderung der Steroid 5-alpha-reductase type 2 (SRD5a2) Aktivität einher, nämlich der Val89Leu und der Ala49Thr. Der Val89Leu Austausch ist mit einer Reduktion der Aktivität verbunden, wohingegen der Ala49Thr Austausch in vitro mit einer 5 fach erhöhten Aktivität assoziiert ist.