Download - A Rebelliously Royal Legacy: Chapter 1.1


A Rebelliously Royal Legacy

1.1: But I’m a Prince!

Prince Harry had to admit that he was disappointed. Not one person had recognized him since he had had arrived in Sunset Valley. To be fair, the only person he’d seen was the taxi driver… but she surely listens to the radio. He thought everyone would know he had been kicked out of the United Simdon by his own grandmother…

He sighed, and decided that at least he could start afresh here. He would found a new monarchy, one superior to that of the United Simdon. Sims from all over the world would come to see his palace!

…but there was a slight problem. His house wasn’t quite a palace yet…

He picked up the newly delivered newspaper and flicked through it. The page titled “Jobs” caught his attention. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start earning some money to build his palace, so he applied for a job in the military career.

The job required athletic skill, which suited him fine. He made his way to the gym.

Unfortunately, his natural athletic ability did not help him when it came to running on the treadmill. He slipped numerous times. If that didn’t make people in Sunset Valley notice him, he wasn’t sure what would!

On his way back home, he saw two women standing outside their house, and decided to talk to them.

“Hey, I was wondering if you could help me?” he said to one of them.

“Sure, Mr…?”

“It’s Prince Harry.”

“Right. Well, Prince Harry, I’m Monika, how can I help your royal highness?” she smirked.

“Are there any, uhh, pretty ladiezzz in this town?”

“Excuse me?” she said angrily.

“Ya know, hot women. I mean you two aren’t exactly what I’m looking for…”

“Look, I don’t care if you’re royal or not, that is just rude. Go ask your guy friends that. Us ladiezzz don’t want to hear that kind of talk.”

“Well I’m sorry if I offended your ladyship, but I just want to know if this town has any good genes or if its all fat women.”

Monika sighed and shook her head. She pointed to the house next door,

“Try over there.”

Harry was greeted by a man named Stiles, who said there were some women living with him and he was welcome to come inside and meet them.

Finally, though Harry, someone helpful!

“I’m Prince Harry,” he said to a pretty blonde woman standing near the doorway.

“Blair,” she said, smiling.

“I think you and I may get on very well,” flirted Harry.

“I think so too…” said Blair.

It didn’t take long for them to hit it off.

The problem was, no matter how much he tried to focus on Blair, Harry could not get Monika out of his head. She was just so sassy and cool.

Harry pushed her to the back of his mind and focussed on Blair.

“Wanna take this to the bedroom?” said Blair seductively.

“Sounds great…” said Harry, kissing her.

After a night of fun, Harry left Blair without saying goodbye. He liked her, but there was no chemistry. He decided to call Monika the next morning and apologize for his rude behaviour the previous day.