Download - A Quick Guide to Adventist Resources on the Internet


Teachers seeking digital material on Seventh-day Ad-ventist resources, whether for an entire course, spe-cific class periods, lectures, or devotionals, need easy-to-navigate, informative Websites that not onlyprovide facts and resources, but also novel ap-

proaches. The following sites will not only help you bring thepast to life in meaningful and compelling ways, but will alsoassist you in presenting the Adventist faith in a fascinating andmultifaceted way to students.

Seventh-day Adventist Office of Archives, Statistics,and Research Archives ( fea-

tures approximately two million pages of free, downloadablematerials on everything Adventist, including hundreds of pho-tos, maps, charts, Sabbath school quarterlies, periodicals, and

complete books. Documents, available in PDF format, arearranged in a logical and intuitive way.

Adventist Yearbook ( default.aspx?) and Adventist Statistics ( offer every Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook andAnnual Statistical Report ever produced. A rich resource of sta-tistics, membership and financial figures, names, dates, insti-tutions, addresses, Websites, and maps.

Adventist Directory ( en-ables you to locate any Adventist church, school, hospital,bookstore, or conference office. Searches can be done by cityor state, zip or area code, and radius. YouTube channel featuring the popular “This Week in Ad-

ventist History” segment in both its entirety and trimmed clipsby subject. Hundreds of short, exciting videos that resurrect theAdventist past.

17http:// The Journal of Adventist Education • February/March 2013


on the Internet

A Quick Guide to Adventist Resources

18 The Journal of Adventist Education • February/March 2013 http:// by church archivists provide daily doses of Seventh-

day Adventist history and interesting factoids. Perfect for con-temporary students active on Twitter.

Ellen G. White Estate, Inc.; of church cofounder Ellen G. White in a searchable

database available in numerous languages; answers to fre-quently asked questions; brief and useful introductions to EllenWhite, Adventist pioneers, and their world; a kids’ section; atelevision program; hundreds of photographs; and an app.

Center for Adventist Research (CAR) atAndrews University Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index (http://www. features a search en-gine for articles published by Adventist periodicals. (Most ofthe tens of thousands of articles in this database can be readand downloaded on the previously mentioned Advent ist Ar chivessite.)

The Seventh-day Adventist Obituary Index (http://www. contains life dates ofindividuals and obituary sources.

Photograph Database ( car/photosearch.html) of thousands of quality images.

Loma Linda UniversityLLU’s Digital Archive ( includes

every issue of the only periodical solely devoted to Adventist his-tory, Adventist Heritage, as well as hundreds of photographs andinteresting artifacts from yesteryear (http:// archives. landingpage/collection/advhert).

Major Adventist JournalsAdventist Review (; Min-

istry (; The Journal of Ad-ventist Education (; Signs of the Times(; Liberty (; and Message (

The Websites for most of these journals include archives witha searchable database for ease in locating articles and authors.

Nelson Memorial Library, Pacific Union College directs to other sites, although Gary Shearer’s bib-

liographies will be an extremely helpful resource for thosesearching for books, articles, and dissertations on a partic- ular area of Adventist history and general history (http:// These written workscan orient you quickly, as well as make you aware of what isavailable in the area.

Oakwood University of documents on Seventh-day Adventist history,

with an emphasis on the black experience. Also features many

19http:// The Journal of Adventist Education • February/March 2013

Benjamin Baker, Ph.D., is an AssistantArchivist at the General Conference of Sev-enth-day Adventists in Silver Spring, Mary-land.

Adventist Pioneer Library but informative videos (

page_id=618) and concise written biographies (http://www.aplib. org/ ?page_id=12) on Millerite and Adventist pioneers.

Seventh-day Adventist Church Official Site addition to breaking news, includes archives of news

broadcasts, photos, stories, and spotlights on the Adventist past,including the weekly “This Week in Adventist History” segmenton the ANN video site.

Information can now be retrieved not only from books,but also laptops, PCs, Macs, apps, mp3s, mp4s, CDs, pod-casts, blogs, and tweets. These resources are accessible wher-ever there is a computer (or a Smart phone or iPad) and anInternet connection. Access the vast treasure trove of richknowledge available to be reinvigorated and to enrich yourteaching. �

useful pedagogical aids such as self-help manuals; collectionsof short biographies; leadership, health, and devotional mate-rials; and uplifting music.

Adventist Heritage Ministry of original Adventist buildings and locales, as

well as a well-equipped store with Adventist history resources.Visitors to the site can schedule visits and tours to these historicspots, as well as to Adventist-owned sites, including the Advent-ist Historic Village in Battle Creek, Michigan.

Newbold College/British Union ConferenceHistorical Archive rich resource on Adventism in the United Kingdom and

Ireland, replete with photographs, complete books and jour-nals, and useful links to news stories, talks, interviews, anddozens of similar Adventist sites.

Center for Ethnic Adventist History Studies and materials on black Seventh-day Adventism,

including 250 Web pages of resources, downloadable docu-ments and books, videos, timelines, statistics, rare photographs,and an extensive obituary section. Monthly features such asquotes, book of the month, video of the month, and essays. Acomplementary YouTube channel is also available (http:// www.