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  • 7/30/2019 A Place for Hope


    Jocelyn Partee

    WRD 110

    Essay 2 (2-day extension)


    A Place for Hope

    Plain red brick, tired little faces eyes closed, emotionless tired from the 2

    hours of sleep they were able to get the night before. This is how I would describe

    the girls of South Park T.A.P.P. as they enter the school early in the morning. My

    space analysis was over the school South Park T.A.P.P. which stands for teenage

    parent program. In Louisville Kentucky there are two of these schools South Park

    as well as Westport. These schools are here to help teenage mothers complete high

    school. Having a child at a young age can be difficult what T.A.P.P. is able to do is

    give these young women a place they feel safe somewhat like a home away from


    The outside of the school can be somewhat deceiving even though it is a

    alternative school it used to be an elementary school. They left the playground in

    the back for the little kids to play on. On the outside walking up it has red brick a

    sign the reads Georgia Taffee and a flag like most schools. There are flowers

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    outside and cars all around. South Park T.A.P.P. is located in Fairdale, Kentucky

    right outside of Louisville. Inside there are low ceilings to your right there is the

    banquet hall/cafeteria to your left there is an area which houses three offices the

    secretary the vice principle and the principle. After looking that area there is a long

    hallway to the left with two large swinging doors thats the daycare where kids ages

    0-4 all go. The daycare staffs all greet the girls and their babies with smiling faces

    and open arms. Back at the front of the building there are there is a long hallway

    straight ahead that is where all the classes are with the exception of the child

    development class which is beside the daycare.

    At both South Park and Westport the school provides classes for girls as

    young as 11 all the way up to 21. Everyone at the school has a different story and

    background. The youngest girl to ever attend South Park was 11. Some of the girls

    who go here live in foster homes. Some have gotten pregnant from rape. Some

    dont even have a home which is why at T.A.P.P. there are social workers whose job

    is to help these girls through their tough situations. Last year a group of girls from

    both South Park and Westport went to the capital of Frankfort, Kentucky to ask

    legislators to continue to fund their S.M.A.R.T. program

    testimonythey told of what T.A.P.P. has done for them along with how it has helped

    in change their lives. With these testimonies from the girls and the help from

    representative Larry Clark who has been a huge supporter of T.A.P.P. the

    S.M.A.R.T. program was given enough funding for the next 4 years.
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    (Above is an image of the T.A.P.P. check ceremony with principle Mrs. York

    holding the check for $455,800.00).

    For me when I first found out about South Park T.A.P.P. it was when I was

    16 years old and 6 months pregnant with my son. I had never heard of a school like

    this anywhere else my mother suggested I go here to finish school and a went and

    said okay. My first impressions were I dont want to be here it was a new school

    with people I didnt know and I was nervous and scared. It would come to be that

    without T.A.P.P. I wouldnt be where I am today. The teachers were amazing and

    really cared about us and our grades and futures more than we did at times. They

    pushed us and stayed on us until we achieved what we never knew we could. This

    school wasnt just school it was my second home and the teachers and students

    became my second family. At T.A.P.P. you were able to build a bond with girls who

    were in your same situation. Many of them which I address as my sisters because

    that is what they were and still are. At South Park T.A.P.P. you were in a place

    where you knew when you dropped your baby off in the morning he/she would be

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    safe and well taken care of. You could see your child throughout the day and still

    able to get a full high school education.

    Within T.A.P.P. there were many programs you could participate in such as

    FBLA, and S.M.A.R.T. when I attended T.A.P.P. I was the president of FBLA (

    future business leaders of America)

    (Above is a picture of the girls of T.A.P.P. who were in FBLA 2010-2011. Image

    came from my personal Facebook page).

    S.M.A.R.T. which stands for (Science, Math, Art, and the right Technology)

    was a major part of T.A.P.P. This program with in T.A.P.P. was able to touch and

    help so many girls. What S.M.A.R.T. does is help you see what can be in the future

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    and helps you reach your goals. It was able to give you field trips to colleges all

    around Louisville and also schools in Lexington, Indiana, and Cincinnati. The

    requirements to be in this program were that you had to have at least a 2.5 G.P.A.

    you also had to have a good attitude and want to go to college or do something after

    you graduate to better yourself. Within this program there would be seminars were

    they would bring in people to motivate you. Many of the women who were brought

    in were graduates of T.A.P.P. as well as college graduates for me there were two

    women I specifically remember because one was a lawyer and the other was a

    professor at JCTC. Seeing woman like that who had attended T.A.P.P. and were

    still able to finish school and make careers for themselves was inspiring.

    (Above is an image of girls in the smart program the picture to the far left is

    the girls at a S.M.A.R.T. meeting and the image in the middle is the girls on a visit

    to the University of Kentucky).

    One of the girls who I interviewed for my essay attended T.A.P.P. from 2011-

    2012 her name is Kimmie Chan. Kimmie got pregnant at 15 years old with a boy

    Kayden Chan. After finding out her stepfather kicked her out with a 1 month old

    baby and no place to go with her father in China she moved to Fairdale, Kentucky.,d.aWM&psig=AFQjCNGMF5HNktxTverTIz1svwd5_HQd4A&ust=1367422439468247
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    Her aunt gave her a trailer to stay in with her baby and her boyfriend and then she

    started T.A.P.P. She had moved to Fairdale, Kentucky from Hamptons, NY and

    had no idea a school like T.A.P.P. existed. While attending T.A.P.P. Kimmie was

    able to keep a 4.0. G.P.A. and upon graduation was given a full scholarship to

    Spaulding University. She received $1500.00 in scholarships from the S.M.A.R.T.

    program and started school in the fall of 2012. When I asked her what T.A.P.P. did

    for her she saidwithout T.A.P.P.? I probably would not have graduated. I had

    been put down by so many in my life including my dad that it had started getting

    difficult to pick myself up. T.A.P.P. made me believe in myself again

    . (To the left is an image of me and

    Kimmie in class at South Park T.A.P.P.)(image came from my personal Facebook


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    If you attend T.A.P.P. then most likely you are going to hear about the

    S.M.A.R.T program and if you are fortunate enough to get into the S.M.A.R.T

    program then you will hear about one parent Scholar House which resides in both

    Louisville and Lexington, Ky. This is a place that provides housing to single

    parents while they attend school full time. When I was at T.A.P.P. and found out

    about One Parent Scholar House I only hoped that I would get in since I attended

    T.A.P.P. and was a part of S.M.A.R.T. which works very closely with O.P.S.H after

    graduation I was one of the few girls who was given an apartment. Actually I was

    the only girl from T.A.P.P. who was given an apartment at the scholar house in

    Lexington. In my perspective scholar house is very similar to T.A.P.P. in which

    they provide you with free child care while youre in school full time getting your

    education they also give you an apartment which you can stay in for up to 5 years

    until you graduate.

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    (Above is an image of my neighbor Valentine and her son giving a speech on

    One Parent Scholar House at a luncheon/fundraiser. Coach Calipari beside her is

    one of the people who donated to O.P.S.H)

    One Parent Scholar House, S.M.A.R.T., and South Park T.A.P.P. really all go

    hand in hand is what I learned not only from going there and being a part of all

    three programs but also from doing some research. Because If you are a single

    mother trying to get a high school degree and striving to go to college in Kentucky

    then you most likely will learn about all three of these programs as I did. With the

    help of T.A.P.P. and the teachers, counselors, and principle I have been able to do,d.aWM&psig=AFQjCNEu1WCbViz5FHqDpsIbuSih0mjRog&ust=1367423746191168
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    many things I would have never imagined.

    (Above is an image of the graduation ceremony at T.A.P.P. the girls including

    myself on the far bottom left all wear pink caps and gowns since pink is the school

    color at T.A.P.P. image came from my personal Facebook page).

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    (The image on the left is me and

    Rodnica Polen after the graduation ceremony at Fairdale High school we both

    attended T.A.P.P. image came from my personal Facebook page).

    You might be thinking what makes T.A.P.P. so different from any other

    school? Well unlike Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant. Even though many of the

    girls are young the lives of the girls on these shows are often at times over

    dramatized. Most of the time a girl gets pregnant drops out of school and stays at

    home with her child. Or ends of getting her G.E.D. and attending a community

    college even though these might seem true for some a majority of the girls at

    T.A.P.P. and striving for something different. They push themselves each day to be

    better role models for their children. The reason most reality shows are so popular

    is because they are stretching reality to make it more entertaining for the public. If

    you ever have the opportunity to go to T.A.P.P. you will see the amazing things

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    these young women are accomplishing and the amazing things this school is able to

    help these young women do its extraordinary.

    One of my good friends and former T.A.P.P. student Jessica Mitchum

    recently joined to army and is currently in boot camp. Mitchum went to a Catholic

    school before getting pregnant and was a cheerleader. After getting pregnant at 16

    she came to T.A.P.P. after graduation she decided she wasnt going to go straight to

    college however after some thinking she decided to join the army serve her country

    and make an amazing example for her daughter Natalie. When I asked her what

    T.A.P.P. did for her she saidit made me stronger and even though it wasnt

    always easy it really helped me better myself.

    (Above are two images of Jessica and her daughter Natalie, images came

    from my personal Facebook page).

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    When you see people achieving great things it usually makes you want to do

    better. At T.A.P.P. we had so many role models and strong women to look up to you

    couldnt help but want to do better for yourself. The change you see in not only

    yourself but of the girls around you from the time you first enter T.A.P.P. to the day

    you graduate is phenomenal. You see that all of the nagging and pushing the

    teachers gave you was really because they knew what you could achieve even when

    all you wanted to do was drop out and quit. I saw many girls do that and give up

    but T.A.P.P. made me a stronger person.

    Some things you hear before coming to T.A.P.P. is that all they do is color all

    day. That we take naps and just basically sit around and do nothing. Kids from

    other schools would say you have it easy, you dont do anything their we get all

    the hard work. In reality that was far from true in fact the girls who attend

    T.A.P.P. have a much more difficult time than any normal high school kid. Not only

    did we give up a teenage years to have a child or children but they/we are still

    continuing are education even on sometimes just 3 hours of sleep from being up

    with a baby all night, These girls are still at school in that classroom everyday

    making something of themselves. For those who think that all these girls do is color

    they actually are in phycology, and calculus classes as well as AP physics and AP

    English which no matter what school you attend are still difficult classes. I know

    for a fact that by attending T.A.P.P. I was more prepared for college then some of

    the people I know who graduated from magnet schools. The teachers at T.A.P.P.

    dont try to make things easier for you their job is to get you to see that even though

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    youve had a child/children you can still do the same amount of work if not harder

    work than someone in a different predicament.

    For someone who knows nothing about T.A.P.P. I feel that if you took the

    time to research and find out about this space your idea of this place that you might

    have already had in your head would be completely changed. For almost every teen

    girl I know including myself I would say that no one ever expects or thinks they will

    be a teen parent. You might feel as if your world will be over. The feelings that

    might come up might be those of shame, guilt, sadness, and depression. What I

    learned and what I think others can learn is that your life is not over when you

    have a child its just beginning. The people of T.A.P.P. are well aware of this and

    they know that whatever you want to do if you set your mind to it, it can be

    accomplished. They encourage you every step along the way they want the best for

    you for anyone who thinks that teen parents arent able to do what they can because

    of their child your wrong. With the help of O.P.S.H you can go to school, even study

    abroad with your child by your side. At times it might seem hard but life isnt

    supposed to be a cake walk its how you persevere through the difficult times that

    make you a better and stronger person.

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