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Page 1: A People’s Manifesto

A People’s Manifesto

On behalf of the previous government. I apologise.I apologise to all the students whose hopes we raisedI apologise to the nurses in our country whose lives we've made as unstable as those they care forI apologise to the owner of the corner shop, the independent barber, the greengrocer and the milkman for preserving the gains of the richI apologise to the artists, whose contribution and expressions of humanity remind us why we do what we do as human beingsI apologise to the immigrants who brought knowledge, determination and a good heart to this country.

People of Britain – Rejoice! You are immensely powerful. Wake up and use your power! You are the 99% and I’m going to give 100% to give your country back to you.

Don’t worry you’re in good hands! I’m here and it’s all because of you. You who wanted me here so I can serve you to the best of my ability. You have my word. I will do it…

We are living in corrupt times when it seems that our politicians see nothing wrong in evading tax or bending the rules to suit their own self-interest.

Democracy does not mean the periodic rubber-stamping of this or that faction. Democracy is (an) ongoing holding to account of power - it is not about travelling road shows focused on "giving people a voice". (Democracy) is about rejecting the nihilism espoused by people like Russell Brand and taking seriously the business of how peoples’ lives are controlled.

"Leadership is not about the next election, it's about the next generation."

Rest assured, from this moment on we will be running this Country for you the voters, and not for big money, tax-avoiding corporations!

Our first action in government will be to dismantle the armed forces. The money saved will be diverted to education, the arts and health.

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Optimism is a strategy to make a better future. If you believe the future cannot be improved you guarantee that as the outcome. Now is the time to step up and make things better for us and our children. All major services will be nationalised; public services for a civil society.

I (will) end social and economic inequality. Everyone (will) have a guaranteed minimum income, everyone (will) have a home. The NHS (will) be fully funded to treat people at the point of need.

We're all going to help make this change. All classes, all genders, all religions, all races, ALL PEOPLE.

Everyone's voice matters. There are too many people who feel they are unable to express their views because they are unacceptable. Middle Englanders!

I will be your change, your engine, your voice. It's time for an alternative government, where people's voices will matter.

Our country is thriving on the knowledge brought by immigrants, as it always has. However those immigrants who come illegally and those who leech our (working tax credit) and send it to other parts of the EU, who steal from those working (the) hardest; their presence should not be tolerated and should be dealt with in the most severe manner. If you come to this country under the free movement of the EU, then you come to add to this economy and contribute.

The future matters, we all have a voice and the decisions we make today can help build the kind of society we want tomorrow. I'm going to make honesty, decency and transparency bywords for my government.

We have been living for too long with seemingly limitless lines of credit. We have lost the ability to only have what we can afford and we must stop mortgaging up the current and future generations with more and more debt.

We have to live within our means!

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We’ve come through a recession and it appears that we’re heading on the right track. I hope once again we can create wealth so that we can all live a good life here in the UK.

Democracy is a struggle.Making community choices and sharing the job of decision-making makes us one country – even when we disagree.

We need a revolution because people need something to believe in. I reject and renounce the party machinery, vested establishment interests, donations from big business and promises of cushy directorships / lucrative speaking engagements after my retirement.

True democracy requires a properly informed, involved and motivated electorate.

We must be a beacon for fairness and a lighthouse of humanity for all the world. For this is the future of greatness!

For the first time in human history the very health of the planet is in the balance; austerity has hit the poor hardest and women most of all; inequality is growing; democracy is in crisis; by standing together we can turn things around and make a real difference.

Everyone will do National Service where we will all be engaged in making eco-friendly homes, solar panels, wind farms…

I will give each adult a small piece of land. Work it, change it. Build a nation we can be proud to live in.

The real genius of Britain (lies in) its ceaseless creative energy, its contradictory celebration of what has gone before and simultaneous desire to rip up the preceding order of things. This creativity can only be given space to breathe and intervene - it cannot be legislated.

Thus, my government pledges to roll back the bureaucratic constitution of personhood that has so foolishly contrived to reconstitute each and every one of us as a nexus of data and paperwork, of tax returns and indexed KPIs. We shall welcome the ensuing chaos as a true celebration of the contradiction that is at the heart of this thing called Britishness.

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I don't think we need 'a revolution'. We need many cultural and societal mini-revolutions, changing the way we think about entitlement, equality, education, and our rights and responsibilities. Claiming that the privileged, western society in which we live is in need of a 'revolution' is childish. Let's focus on the issues that need change and address those collectively and maturely.

Does democracy matter? Of course! The question is more, how should it be carried out and how do we create an ethos amongst the public of informed involvement and deal, as a society, with opinions and behaviours that are deleterious to our future health.

Our rights are never safe. There is always someone waiting to take them away.

The old order is not capable of building a sustainable, responsible and responsive future for us. The challenges we face, environmentally, socially, psychologically require an evolution in our collective behaviour; and as we enter dangerous waters we need a new paradigm to survive.

On behalf of my government, I say,

Our country, our UNITED kingdom will stand firm in only one way in the face of those set against democracy. We stand together.

The Revolution will not be televised. Shut off your facebook and get outside! The revolution is happening now.

Please come, join me. Leave your cynicism at the door. Leave (it) outside along with greed (and) selfishness…

PEOPLE NOT PROFITS. Putting the unity back into community. Democracy is what makes us human.

Peace on Earth and may God bless you all. Thank you.

Giuseppe Marinetti (March 11th, 2015)