Download - A Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford · 5/1/2016  · A Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford The St. Catherine Parish Legacy Fund is committed to

Page 1: A Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford · 5/1/2016  · A Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford The St. Catherine Parish Legacy Fund is committed to

A Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford

The St. Catherine Parish Legacy Fund is committed to ensuring the long-term stability of our parish and its ministries. Please consider a gift in lieu of flowers upon a love one's passing as a way to ensure our community will thrive well into the future.

Sixth Sunday of Easter 1 May 2016

Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. through 2:00 p.m.

Pastor The Reverend Michael Whyte, 860 658 1642

PARISH STAFF Administrative Assistant-Parish Office Mrs. Lisa Cerchia 860 658 1642 or [email protected]

Director of Religious Education Mrs. Kathi Bonner 860 658 4737 or [email protected]

Director of Youth Ministry Mrs. Judy Pluta 860 408 9888 or [email protected]

Director of Music Ministry Mrs. Susan Zybert 860 216 6519 or [email protected]

Facilities Manager Mr. Michael Grappone, 860 658 1642

Parish Council President Mr. Jim Peters 860 651-3143 or [email protected]

Finance Council Chairman Mr. Scott Muryasz 860 693 4164

Parish Legacy Fund Chairman Mr. Peter Pabich, 860 408 1254

Parish Lay Trustees Mrs. Melissa Horbal, 860 651 7844 Mr. Joseph Capozzoli, 860 352 2390

Thanks for worshiping with us. If you would like to join our parish

family, fill out a yellow membership form found in the vestibule or atrium and mail it to us, drop

it in the collection basket or call us at 658 1642.

We Welcome You to Our Family of Faith!

Mass/Liturgy Schedule: Saturday Vigil at 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses at 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend, NO 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass) Daily Mass at 8:30 a.m., Monday through Wednesday, and Friday. (Yearly) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday from 4:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Baptisms and Baptismal Preparation: Please call the parish office at 860 658 1642 Sacrament of Holy Matrimony: Please call the parish office at 860 658 1642 at least 6 months in advance Choir Practices: Adult—Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. Youth—Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Contemporary Music Group—Sundays at 4:00 p.m.

Bulletin Deadline: Monday at 10:00 a.m. Website News: email to: [email protected] 265 Stratton Brook Road, Box 184, West Simsbury, Connecticut 06092 Tel: 860 658 1642 /Fax: 888 297 3134 Email: [email protected] Website:

WELCOME! We welcome all visitors who are celebrating with us today. As is our custom at St. Catherine of Siena, please remain in your pew for the singing of the first and last verses of the recessional hymn.

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Religious Education News FHC Mandatory Rehearsal is Friday, May 6th, 4pm-6pm. Please remember to bring the completed banner to the rehearsal! Watch for the Registration Information email in mid-May.

Saturday, April 30th @ 5:00 pm Mass for Harry & Eileen Geary, requested by their family;

Sunday, May 1st @ 8:00 am Mass for Paul Davenport;

Sunday, May 1st @ 11:00 am Mass for John Polio, birthday remembrance, requested by his family;

Sunday, May 1st @ 5:00 p.m. Mass for Fred Cosgrove, 4th anniversary, requested by his family;

Monday, May 2nd @ 8:30 a.m. Mass for Brendan Duggan, for improved health, requested by Myles & Julia McCabe;

Tuesday, May 3rd @ 8:30 am Mass for Rev. David W. Longergan;

Wednesday, May 4th @ 8:30 a.m. Mass for Special Intention; ——————————————————————————

FEAST OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Wednesday, May 4th @ 6:30 p.m. Mass for Robert

Quinn, requested by Kathy Cochener;

Thursday, May 5th @ 8:30 .am. Mass Pro Populo;

Thursday, May 5th @ 6:30 p.m. Mass for Thanksgiving requested by the Cerchia Family; ——————————————————————————

Friday, May 6th@ 8:30 a.m. Mass for Charles Deye, requested by his family;

Saturday, May 7th @ 11:00 a.m. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION;

Saturday, May7th @ 5:00 pm Mass for For all mothers, living and deceased;

Sunday, May 8th @ 8:00 am Mass for For all mothers, living and deceased;

Sunday, May 8th @ 11:00 am Mass for For all mothers, living and deceased; and,

Sunday, May 8th @ 5:00 p.m. Mass for For all mothers, living and deceased.


Offertory Collection Weekly Collection: $11,094.01 Loose Cash/Checks $ 1,074.00 Envelopes $ 10,020.01 Cathedraticum* -$ 610.17 School Tax* -$ 610.17 *Parish taxes (5.5%) paid to the Archdiocese for services to the parish.

Pantry Partners $ 5,269.00 Repair & Refurbishment $ 215.00(additional)


THANK YOU to the adults who graciously volunteered to chaperone our pay it forward scavenger hunt on Hopmeadow Street last weekend: Ralph Chappano, Debbie Hammel, Kevin O' Bryan, Chris Palmberg and to Manuela Hanshaw for her

continued support.

Sunday, May 1st, 6:00 pm—FAREWELL DINNER AND TRIBUTE TO SENIORS (by rsvp reservation only).


Sunday, May 1st, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m., Russell Hall—End of the year potluck picnic and outdoor games to celebrate the year. Kickball and more. Please bring a dish to share for our buffet table. All are invited. Walk-ins welcome!!

St. Gerard's Center for Life Baby

Bottle Drive Ends this weekend.

Thank you for your generosity to keep this

pro-life, pro-mother mission alive in the greater

Hartford area!

Please join us in congratulating

our newly Confirmed:

Grace KATERI Augdahl, Caleb BASIL Budnick, James ISIDORE Carew, Haley CECILIA Carr, Patrick PATRICK Conley, Bailee JOAN Cota,

Maria ALEXANDRA Diaz-Islas, Isabelle ROSE Dorman, Caroline KATERI Doyle, Brian SEBASTIAN Drew, Katherine LUCY Dzenko, McKenna ROSE Finken, Mary FELICITY Firestone, Meaghan ANNE Ging, Nicole JULIA Gorowski, Claire CECILIA Harper,

Justin CHRISTOPHER Heinrich, Skylar SEBASTIAN Hewes, Allison FRANCES Hoffman,

Mason THOMAS Horrigan, Owen FRANCIS Jahne, Alexander THOMAS Johnson, Lillian FELICITY Johnston,

Ryan LAWRENCE Khoshneviss, Mary JANE Kille, Kyle LUKE Kliszewski,

Kathryn CLARE Krocheski, Wyatt JAMES Majka, Kaley LAURA Melanson, Christopher FRANCIS Meuser,

Jack CHRISTOPHER Montgomery, Abigail VERONICA Mundt,

Caitrina ROSE Murphy, Devon ELIZABETH Murphy, Rachel NATALIA Nardello, Caroline ANASTASIA O’Meara,

Caroline ELIZABETH Pane, Grace JOAN Parker, Mya AUDREY Patrone, Noah ANTHONY Picarelli-Kombert,

Douglas DAVID Pineau, Aaron PATRICK Post, Rachel ANN Ramenda, Nicholas MICHAEL Ratajczak, John JOSEPH Robinson, Katherine MARY Robinson,

Ava THERESE Rooney, Sophia JUDE Schwager, Julie ROSE Sojkowski, Steven FRANCIS Sparks,

Grace CECILIA Sullivan , Janina MARGARET Szczepanski, Mallory MARIA Thompson, Amelia VERONICA Toscano,

Abigail BERNADETTE Treacy, Jackson SEBASTIAN Tully, Melissa ANNE Vogellus,

Kate ANNE Werle.

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The Paraclete The New American Bible defines The Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, in terms of various roles: Teacher, counselor, witness, mediator, and more. Sometimes we are told jokes that begin with an introduction such as, “A lawyer, a doctor and a teacher walk into a bar…” and then there is a punchline, funny or not. But in today’s Gospel, we could almost introduce the Holy Spirit in terms of various professions—but it wouldn’t be a joke, for the implications are far too serious for our eternal life. The late Father Raymond Brown, a leading expert on the Gospel of John, tells us that in the Jewish tradition the word “Paraclete” refers to many roles: teacher, lawyer, advocate, witness, spokesman, mediator, encourager and more. For Christ said: “I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you…” In this Gospel of John we learn, as we do in other parts of the New Testament, from Father Raymond Brown, that the Holy Spirit has a special role, to be the personal presence of Jesus Christ in the Christian disciple when Christ is absent. This personal role infuses the Christian disciple with wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude (sometimes called courage), knowledge, piety, and fear (awe or respect) of the Lord (the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit) so that we may grow in the Christian faith and become, as Saint Catherine of Siena said, “…what God meant you to be, and you will set the world ablaze.” Becoming what God meant— designed and created us to be—His likeness and image in the world—will mean that we will bring Christ’s love and light into the world and become the antidote to evil or indifference. How does this happen? How do we fight evil, indifference in the world? Evil, the fullest form of indifference—simply not caring—shows itself in the horrible ways in our world: from Adolf Hitler or terrorists we now see destroying human life and world peace, to the inaction of feeding homeless human beings, not caring for those who have no bed to lay down on or no roof to shelter them, allowing small children and older adults to suffer illness without medical care to the looking the other way when innocent human children are destroyed or the frail elderly or treated like unwanted animals and put down at the end of life. Is this what God designed for His adopted sons and daughters? Who then become the antidote to this evil, indifference? Members of this parish who support Pantry Partners, St. Elizabeth House, or Neighbors In Need caring for those who go without food, shelter or dignity; our youth ministry team working in various women’s and men’s shelters, working and caring for U. S. veterans, who feed the homeless not with a meal slammed down in front of the them but with kind words and human companionship; the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who visit the sick in hospitals and nursing homes and bring Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity to them; the men and

women who work on Project Rebuild Hartford and restore dignity through a decent home in which to live and raise a family; in the Prayer Shawls that are knitted and given with love and prayers to those who are sick or lost or grieving—reminding them that God loves them and is with them in their sorrow; in those who teach the faith to others in our religious education program and build links in the chain fence of faith throughout the ages; in those who sing and bring the music at Mass to life to enliven and lift our prayers and praise of our God; and in the hundreds of other ways that our parish lives out the command of Christ: Love One Another! The realities of our Christian belief of The Second Coming are very much alive and present in today’s Gospel: Judgment by God, the meaning of the relationship that we the adopted sons and daughter of the Father have been given, through Christ; and, the gift offered to each of us of Eternal Life. These are all fulfilled and made real in The Paraclete and its many special roles. Will we listen? Will we learn what the Holy Spirit is saying to us? And then, will we act accordingly so that the promise of Saint Catherine of Siena: “Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world ablaze” will become our personal reality…for all eternity. As our 2016 Youth Ministry t-shirts proclaim, go be the “spark that sets the world ablaze!”

Dr. Joan Kelly and The Creed I am so pleased to let you know that the turn out and the conversation at last Sunday’s adult faith formation program on The Creed: Do You Believe What You Just Said? was amazing and I have had many comments from parishioners who attended on how much they learned and how enjoyable it was. With wit and great skill, Dr. Kelly spoke to the issues, the history and the meaning of our Creed—the statement of our faith—and its implications for our faith lived out through each one of us. We will be inviting Dr. Kelly back during the year for more adult faith formation conversations. Educating us all to the true meaning of our faith is a wonderful way to produce many dividends for us all. Peace!

MANY THANKS to our Senior High Youth Ministry who baked and delivered 75 apple pies to area soup kitchens for their Thanksgiving meals. Thank you to the parent helpers who gave their time and energy on PIE NIGHT: Rosanne O' Hara, Amy Dillon, Susan Hoffman, Jeanne Carpenter, Debbie Hamil, Kathy Duford, Manuela Hanshaw and Mike Laiuppa.

Save the Date!! St Catherine of Siena Annual Golf Outing “The Halo

Open”. All are welcome. Friday May 27, Simsbury Farms. $135.00 for Golf, Lunch, Dinner and Auction.

Brochures are in the Atrium.

May 5th is the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, which is a Holy Day of Obligation. The Vigil Mass will be celebrated on May 4th at 6:30 p.m. Masses on May 5th will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

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Upcoming Meetings/Events


-Sun, 1st—Jr. High Youth Ministry BBQ, RH, 12 Noon

-Sun, 1st—Contemporary Choir, MR, 4 p.m.

-Sun 1st—Sr. High Youth Ministry Dinner, RH, 6 p.m.

-Mon, 2nd—Mass at McLean Home, 11 a.m.

-Mon, 2nd—Confession, Church, 6 p.m.

-Mon, 2nd—Rosary, Church., 7 p.m.

-Tues, 3rd—Children’s Choir, MR, 6:30 p.m.

-Tues, 3rd—Men’s Club Golf Meeting, RH, 6:30 p.m.

-Tues, 3rd—PC Exec, Library, 7 p.m.

-Tues, 3rd—Adult Choir, MR, 7:30 p.m.

-Thurs, 5th—The Ascension of the Lord-Holy Day

-Fri, 6th—First Holy Communion Rehearsal, Church, 4 p.m.

-Sat, 7th—First Holy Communion, Church, 11 a.m.

-Sun, 8th—Children’s Liturgy of the Word, RH, 11 a.m.

-Sun, 8th—May Procession, Mary Garden, 12 Noon

-Sun, 8th—Contemporary Choir, MR, 4 p.m.

-Mon, 9th—Confession, Church, 6 p.m.

-Mon, 9th—Parish Council, Library, 7 p.m.

-Tues, 10th—Children’s Choir, RH, 6:00 p.m.

-Tues, 10th—RCIA follow-up, Library, 7:00 p.m.

-Tues, 10th—Adult Choir, MR, 7:30 p.m.

-Thurs, 12th—Girl Scouts, RH, 7 p.m.

-Sun, 15th—Children’s Liturgy of the Word, RH, 11 a.m.

-Sun, 15th—Contemporary Choir, MR, 4 p.m.

-Mon, 16th—Confession, Church, 6 p.m.

-Mon, 16th—Prayer Shawl, Library, 7 p.m.

Social Outreach





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but everyone should do something!

Pantry Partners—The May Pantry Partners

distribution is May 21. All volunteers will meet in the vestibule at 8:45. Please consider placing an order for your family or someone you know. Thank you for your generous donations in the second collection at Mass. We appreciate your support!

The Catholic Cemetery Association of the Archdiocese of Hartford is having a 0% financing on purchases from Mother’s Day through Memorial Day. They will host an Open House on May 7th from 11 a.m.—2 p.m. at Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery, 1 Cottage Grove Rd, Bloomfield, CT for additional information.

Gifts of Love has clients, a young couple, who have just had triplets. The babies are doing well (2 boys and 1 girl) but will be in the hospital until approximately the middle of May. They are looking for car seats (w/bases) and porta cribs. If you know of anyone in your congregation that might have these items to donate, please contact Amy Daniels, 860-693-4017, or email her at [email protected].

Knights of Columbus Council 2758 is offering post-secondary education scholarships to students & families who have demonstrated active commitment to the church. Applications are available at the parish office or for more information contact Thomas Valenti, Grand Knight, 860-651-4087.



Sunday, June 5, 12:30 pm, Simsbury on the Green at Simsbury Farms Golf Course, following the

11 o’clock Mass. More details soon!

And, as we approach the culmination of the 2015-2016 WCM calendar, we ask each of you to do a little soul-searching about any future role you might like to play in shaping the direction of our Ministry in the coming seasons. Please consider nominating yourself for a leadership role in the Women's Club Ministry or suggesting viable candidates by contacting Michelle Helitzer at [email protected] or Rosemary Clarke at [email protected] or 860-651-5507. (The Annual Banquet is traditionally the time of year when an Officers Slate is proposed for ratification by our membership for the coming year.

Vacation Bible School is scheduled for Monday, June 20th- Friday, June 24th from 9:15am-12:15pm. Online registration for Grades K-4 has begun so be sure to register before we are filled! Each registered family is asked to contribute in some way-options are on the

registration form. For more information, please contact Colleen Tighe at [email protected]. Come "Conquer challenges with God's Mighty Power" with us this June. CONFIRMATION. Service hours are offered for Vacation Bible School! Please contact Mrs. Tighe to find out how you can help! [email protected].

A BIG THANK YOU from Sister Madelyn from the Dominican Nuns on the money raised to support their missionary work with the lepers. More than $1,400.00 was raised from the Bake Sale, a record amount, and they are very appreciative.

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Church: St. Catherine of Siena City: West Simsbury, Connecticut Account # 04-0523 Run # Routing Code: O Phone: 860.658.1642 Fax: 888.297.3134 Contact: Lisa Cerchia