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ISSUE 03December 2020

The United Basel Mission Church Council, Mumbai

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�ditoria� Pastor Freny Issac

UBM Christa Sanidhi Church, Mira-Road, Mumbai

UBMC Off��� Bearer�’ Des�Mrs. Alma Xavier

Vice President, UBMCC, Mumbai

UBMC Pastor�' Des�Pastor Immanuel Khanapur

UBM Christa Kanthi Church- Kurla, Mumbai

Spiritualit� i� th� Churc� Toda�Rev. Dr. Anil Fredricks

Professor, Karnataka Theological College - Mangalore

�eolog� Toda�Rt. Rev. Dr. Prasanna Kumar Samuel

Bishop, CSI - KCD, Bangalore

Lea� Toda�Rev. Dr. C. T. Robin

Mission Catalyst International,Master Trainer, North India

Transformer�Dr. Marimuthu

Youth with a Mission (YWAM), Mumbai


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Makari�Pastor Joslyn KarkadaLove of Savior Church, Bengaluru

Parousi�Rev. Noel Karkada

CSI - KSD, Mangalore

Senior Cit�en�Rev. Gladson Karkada

(Retired Presbyter)UBMC, Mumbai

Me�’� Departmen�Rev. Divakara

UBM Christa Krupa Church, Chembur, Mumbai

Wome�’� Departmen�Dr. Sahana MabenDental Surgeon, Mangalore

Yout� Departmen�Rev. Vijay Malar

BETHESDA A. G. Church, Mulund - Mumbai

Sunda� Schoo� Departmen�Brother Dinesh Salian

Child Evangelist, Mumbai

Outreac� Departmen�Mrs. Lorraine Francis

Pandit Ramabai Mukti Mission - Director

Revolutionar� Missionarie�Rev. Samuel Tatigiri

UBM Christa Shanti Church, Marol, Mumbai

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PRESIDENT: Vishal Shiri


SECRETARY: Mable Soans


TREASURER: Samuel Richard Soans



Rev. Jayanth Roch

Rev. Samson Balmi

Pas. Freny Issac

Pas. Vinod Issac


Rev. Gladson Karkada

Pas. Freny Issac

Pas. Vinod Issac


Shobha Karkada

Pas. Freny Issac


Pas. Freny Issac

Pas. Vinod Issac

Rev. Gladson Karkada


Joella Johnas

Steffy Alwa

CREATIVE TEAM Allwin Karkada

Ansty Karkada

Pas. Vinod Issac


Ansty Karkada

EDITORPastor Vinod Issac



Rev Samuel Tatigiri




Pastor Soa Christabel


Renuka Gladys Roch

Anjana Powell Singh


Renuka Gladys Roch

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�ditoria� Pastor Freny IssacUBM Christa Sanidhi Church, Mira-Road, Mumbai

reetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. GWishing you all Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

Hope is the common word, used in Christian era and also in Christian Faith. The Christian Faith, always hopes for better and eternal things. Sometimes we become hopeless, when things are not going, as we expect. We feel miserable, when we enter into unexpected things. It doesn't mean that our expectations are wrong, or our hopes are not going to be fulfilled. It means God is still in control, and whatever happens will be beyond our imagination. Humans cannot predict the future. Human beings are called to live in Faith. Living in Faith is called Hope. The things which are not going according to our expectations, symbolizes that greater things are going to happen, which the human mind cannot even predict. Our expectations are limited to our understanding and our beliefs. But when God is at work, He works beyond human imaginations and expectations.

God became human is an unimaginable truth, that occurred 2020 years ago. Christmas is not only a festival, but it is the greatest phenomenon, that happened in the history of this world. We are celebrating that greater historical event, which happened with the greater purpose of God. The birth of Jesus Christ is the hope, which was conceived in the womb of a poor, hopeless, downtrodden, marginalized, oppressed community, through the prophecies and the word of God. Christmas is a feast of celebrating the greatest hope of this world, which has been fulfilled through Jesus Christ, who took the form of man. And this fulfillment of hope, leads human generation, to the hope of Eternity. By becoming new creation in Christ, we are now partakers of Eternal Life. So, the physical death is not the end of our lives, if we are living in Christ. For God's children there is no end, there is no eternal death. But there is, 'A New Hope'. This new hope is not, what we hope for, but it is trusting in God who is going to do something greater, which we cannot even hope for. A new hope always remains in trusting God and in His works. May this Christmas, be a celebration of fulfilled hope and also a celebration of a New Hope. May the writings of this magazine, bring eternal blessings on all of us and help us to trust God in all the circumstances and lead us to a New Hope, which God is going to fulfill.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope”. – Jeremiah 29:11. Amen.

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UBMC Off��� Bearer�’ Des�Mrs. Alma XavierVice President, UBMCC, Mumbai

ishing each one of you MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR, Wwith a HOPE that the new year, brightens our lives with good health and prosperity.

HOPE, as it is used in the Word of God has a much deeper meaning, than the word HOPE, used in common parlance. Some HOPE to graduate from high school and go on to college or HOPE they can find that certain job or career, that will earn them name and fame, others HOPE that they can do, whatever will bring satisfaction for themselves and to others.

I would say that HOPE as promised in the Word of God, is a unique HOPE that is far beyond a wish, and with absolute certainty, I would say that “My HOPE is in Christ.”

We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces HOPE, and HOPE does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 3:3-5) For a Christian, then, HOPE means the certainty, “of being on a journey with Christ towards the Father who awaits us.”

We begin the Advent season by lighting the Advent candle, that is the candle of HOPE. This candle reminds us of the HOPE God gave His people when He promised to send a Messiah, a Saviour, a Deliverer. This candle reminds us that this promise was fulfilled, at the birth of Jesus Christ. And it invites us to look forward in HOPE, to the day of Christ's second coming, His second Advent, when all the promises that were initially fulfilled at His birth, will be completely fulfilled at His return, this is the HOPE that we are living in.

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Jesus Christ, is the HOPE of the world, to have come in the form of an infant because babies are HOPE personified. They are pure potential. Their lives are all in the future. Is there a mother or father who hasn't looked into the face of their newborn baby and wondered, “What will this little child accomplish, what will he become? A doctor saving lives, a lawyer pursuing justice, an engineer, painter, ballerina, astronaut, college professor, athlete, research scientist. . . anything is possible. But, Mary had even more than the usual maternal pride, to justify having great HOPE for her son. The previous year, she had been visited by an angel, Gabriel, who gave her this promise. This promise to Mary echoed the prophecy of Isaiah, given seven centuries earlier.

“For unto us a child is born, to us, a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He will reign on David's throne and over His kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.” – Isaiah 9:6-7 (NIV)

In other words, when Jesus was born God made it clear that this baby, was the one for whom the world had been waiting, and watching and hoping, ever since the first man and woman had been driven out of Eden. A Savior, a deliverer, a king. What joy must have filled Mary and Joseph's hearts, as they looked down at their tiny son, wrapped in cloths, lying in an ordinary manger filled with straw, surrounded by cows and sheep and donkeys. What HOPE in knowing that this child was the one, in whom all of God's promises would be fulfilled. Knowing that He was the one, in whom God's people would find forgiveness of sins, the one in whom they would find true and lasting peace, the one whose power would establish, an eternal kingdom of justice and righteousness… This is the HOPE that the Lord has given us.

I mention all this because it highlights the fact, that Christianity is a religion of HOPE. It is a faith that looks forward to the future, to the time when God's promises, will be fulfilled. That was true for God's people prior to Christ's birth, as they looked forward to the birth of the promised Messiah. Our faith is future-focused, a religion of what is to come, A RELIGION OF HOPE.

We have to trust Him to do what is best, and that may not be what we expect or desire. But, what I can guarantee is that God will prove Himself faithful to you and that He will not disappoint you. None will regret putting trust and HOPE in Him. He will keep His Kingdom, His People, and His House, safe from trespassers that is the HOPE, we all have. For Christians, however, this time of year is a happy reminder of the HOPE we have, because of Jesus Christ.

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UBMC Pastor�' Des�Pastor Immanuel KhanapurUBM Christa Kanthi Church - Kurla, Mumbai

ear readers, Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the Dcurrent situation, the most important challenge is to overcome the economic problem, caused by the spread of the COVID-19 disease. In

addition, we are living in fear and anxiety, starting with the second wave of this disease. This is due to the failure of the whole world, to find a cure for the disease. It has created such a situation, where we are losing our hope. We ourselves are responsible for being in such a state. We have left our first love for God, as stated in Revelation 2: 4. According to Titus 2: 12-13, we are still ungodly and have fallen a prey to the desires of the world. According to Revelation 17:14, we are waging war against God.

Thus, our hope is getting lost. In Exodus chapters 13 to 14, the Red Sea stood as a gigantic barrier to all Israel, making it impossible for them to escape from Pharaoh's army, who were pursuing them. But God made a dry ground through the middle of the sea and helped the Israelites to cross it safely. God gave a new hope for the Israelites. Similarly, God is able to guide us, through the hardships of today's economic situation.

Dearly beloved, today God has created a new hope, through our Lord Jesus Christ. According to St Paul, in his epistle of 1 Corinthians, if we hope in Christ for the rest of our life, we will be blessed. For Jesus said in Matt 28:20, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age." He himself promised to bewith us, so it is necessary today to live in perfectfaith in him. Our Lord Jesus Christ, is able to giveus a new hope in the midst of despair.

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Rev. Dr. Anil FredricksProfessor, Karnataka Theological College - Mangalore

here is a wave of dissatisfaction with the mode of worship and the traditions, Tfollowed by the mainline churches, for they lack spirituality in the church. With such a mindset, some of the members opt to find it elsewhere in the

vicinity, thereby increasing the number of smaller Christian groups, where they claim, the true spiritual life could be experienced. Lack of spirituality in the mainline churches is often the reason for such migration of worshipers, from one group to the other. Every time, new trends arise and attract many of them. Concentrating too much on the tradition and overwhelmed by the church politics, these mainline churches are spiritually lifeless - such expressions are common in the vicinity of self-claimed, 'pious' Christians. Contradicting such criticism or examining the life of the church is a mirage, since there is little interest in such matters, within the mainline churches. Is there spirituality in the church today? To answer the question, we have to turn to the basic question - what is the meaning of spirituality? It is not only the meaning of spirituality but also locating it in the church.

Some find the answer to this in the smaller groups, where the way of worshipping is filled with music and emotions. Prayers and preaching encompassed with the euphonious music, vast space for expressions, and vibrant preaching, emphatically make them feel solace. The silence of congregations and traditional hymns, do not impress them, since they find them outdated and boring. This makes them find a different ambience, where music and sound, create an atmosphere of serenity. This takes us back to the basic question of Christian spirituality.

Spirituality in the Church Today

“Spirituality in a secular sense is a longing for something beyond the merely material. But in the Christian context, spirituality is 'the whole of the lives of

those who have responded to God's gracious call to live in fellowship with Him. Spirituality refers to 'the whole life of a person'.”

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This statement of Ferdinand O. Regalado, an Old Testament Professor, defines it meaningfully. Spiritual life has been much misunderstood within and outside the Christian world, for various reasons.

The title given for this article, has certainly raised a question in my mind: By speaking about spirituality in the Church, are we confining the matter to the institutionalized Christianity? Does it exist outside the Church boundaries?

Biblical foundations: It is evident even from the stories of the Old Testament, that the people of God were called to live a life, in a way what God expected. The covenant of God with Israel was inclusive of their lifestyle. As Jesus summarized the Law of Moses stating - love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind, AND love your neighbor as yourself. This was His answer to the question, “Which is the greatest commandment?” The prophets of the Old Testament emphatically pronounced the need for a lifestyle, which is pleasing in the eyes of God. The life and teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ simply displayed the life of fulfilling the will of the Father. Therefore, Christian spirituality in the biblical sense is nothing, but a lifestyle according to the will of God.

Hence, Christian spirituality depicted in the life and teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ certainly leads us to acknowledge the wholeness of spirituality. Here, the word wholeness denotes a wider and deeper understanding, of the concept of Christian spirituality. The call of Jesus Christ is to be the salt of the earth and light to the world. It is evident that the whole life of a Christian is spiritual. But even at the time of Jesus' earthly ministry, there was a dichotomy of spiritual life and worldly life. We see that the early disciples of Jesus left everything they had, and followed Jesus for He called them to follow, but we fail to notice that Jesus encountered even men and women, and sent them back to their respective places, to live a life of witness. Jesus Christ himself was a target of both Pharisees and Herodians (religious and political leaders of his days), because of his teachings and performance.

The dichotomy of Christian religious life: The bifurcation between the earthly and heavenly worlds, does have its roots in the history of Christianity. Seldom has it curtailed its divergence. Martin Luther projected the two spheres: temporal and spiritual. He distinguished in his writings, 'Secular Authority', between the kingdom of grace and the kingdom of the world. The kingdom of God is not of the world, but it is located and part of this world. Similarly, John Calvin advocated that the state (earthly) not only restrained evil but also promoted human welfare. In his work Institutes, he distinguishes between the civil and the ecclesiastical spheres. He adds that Christ's kingdom is not earthly or carnal and hence subject to corruption but spiritual. This has strongly created hope in the reformist tradition, for the transformist vision of culture. Hodge, an exponent of this teaching took this matter for discussion, when Presbyterian Church declared that, it had an obligation to......

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promote and perpetuate, the integrity of the United States and the federal government (during the war between the north and the south). He continued to assert the spirituality of the church. This is a classic example to unmask, the ambiguity of belonging yet isolated from the world, which has been the reality of the life of the church, in history.

The complexity of the concept in our context: In India, the concept of spirituality is alien, since it is induced into the Indian thought, simulated by the western oriental thought, though there are some connotations, which imply the transformation of the life of human beings. There is no word for spirituality in any of the Indian languages. There is only dharma, referring to the complex interdependence of the universal, social, and individual order. Therefore, narrating the Christian spirituality in the western world view is somewhat deviating from our basic understanding of life, since dharma is a way of life. According to Mahatma Gandhi, dharma means duty, ethics, and religion. He too believed that spirituality could be the basis for social transformation. He was a man of prayer. For him, spirituality was the foremost thing in his life, and all the other things such as politics, public life, etc., were products of his spirituality.

Where do we stand? Much attracted by the current trends and long-lasting traditions, we are inclined to restrict our spirituality and become rigid within our spheres, which results in the formation of ghettoes. In such a context, we have to explore and appraise the current scenario of the way of life, of Christians. Some prefer to call it discipleship. According to R.J. Foster, discipleship is the core of spirituality. Discipleship is adapting the way of life that Jesus led, following his footsteps, and taking the cross in everyday life.

The call to follow him: In the gospels, the call of Jesus to his followers, to take up the cross and follow him, clearly depicts the way. There is no difference between what I believe and what I do. “You ought to live holy and godly lives." Again, “But just as He who called you is Holy, so be holy in all you do.” Therefore, the spirituality we speak about today shall be universal, rather than individualistic. It is not confined to the boundaries of the institution, group, or individual. Knowing Jesus or accepting him as my personal Saviour, does not take me away from my society and the world, for I am called to live in the world and to witness. “The Biblical challenge that stands before a Christian, is not one of separating people into two classes (spiritual or worldly), but rather to separate his or her own words and actions, into two classes. One should know if what he or she is doing and saying, fits in with the kingdom of God or the kingdom of this world.” The everyday prayer of Christians, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” becomes meaningful, when such a prayer is adapted into the life, to realize the kingdom of God on earth, thereby we are spiritual, not only through our words but also through our deeds.

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My spirituality cannot be different from his, her or someone else's, because the ruler of our soul, the master of our life is God, and He alone lives and works through each one of us. My spirituality is not my achievement, but the response to God's grace received through Jesus Christ. Either we claim that living according to His will is my obligation or we declare, that the spirit of God is already working through me.

With this backdrop, on the one hand, we have to question the life of our Churches today. Why are there divisions? Why is there hatred among us? How can we be spiritual when we are not having a pure heart and clean hands? On the other hand, we need to revisit the spirit of worship by the early churches, and the unity and harmony they enjoyed. There is a great need of transforming our churches, both within four walls and also outside of it, the society we live in, into spiritual alters, to worship our God Almighty.

In conclusion, the truth should be acknowledged that spirituality, is the way of life according to the will of God, who continues to work in and through the people, who commit their lives to Him. It is our response to His grace. Therefore, Christians have both, an obligation to live in this world with harmony and to worship Him in spirit. Our devotion to God leads us to surrender to His will so that He continues to rule our lives in everything: not only our words but also our thoughts and deeds. When such a godly life becomes reality, then we can claim true spirituality both within and outside the church.

Your Kingdom Come!

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Rt. Rev. Dr. Prasanna Kumar SamuelBishop, CSI - KCD, Bangalore


During the season of Advent, the Christians practice a tradition called "Advent Wreath", which found its way into the Christmas celebration in the 16th century. The tradition is understood as part of the spiritual preparation for Christmas, the coming of the Lord. The Advent wreath is commemorated by lighting four candles for each week, and each candle symbolizes Gospel values such as hope, love, joy, and peace. We often think of Jesus as the one, who will transform the situations of hopelessness, violence, grief, and animosity, to give us hope, love, joy, and peace, not only during advent but all through our life. We celebrate Jesus' inauguration of such gospel values. But, how far have we propagated them and practiced them? What have we done to make them a reality in our world? According to Gary Gonzales, “Christmas calls for a response--or reaction--from its participants. When it comes to God's intervention in our lives, we can't just sit there.”

The theme for this Christmas according to our CSI-ALMANAC is, “Finding space for the Prince of Peace”. The present situation of the globe is completely messed up, due to the pandemic covid-19. People are dying in lakhs, anxiety and fear has become part and parcel of everyone's life. Isolation, loneliness, and exclusion, have become the neo-norms of life. How can we affirm peace in the covid-19 situation? It is not that the world is yearning for peace, only from a pandemic situation, but the world is groaning for peace from its inception, from evils like poor economic policies, poor political governance, privatization of essentials like health and education,poverty, caste, colour, oppressive powers, and violence, which have messed up lifeand harmony. It is in this messed-up situation, the message of Christmas is," Emmanuel," that God is with us, as a prince of peace in our messes, finding a space amidst mess not to justify it, but to establish His justice in fightingagainst it along with us.

Theology Today

Isaiah 9:2-7

Ephesians 1: 3-14

Luke 2: 1-14

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The word "peace" appears over 400 times in the Scripture. In the Old Testament, the word "peace" is the word shalom, and it is a state of wholeness and harmony, that is intended to resonate in all relationships. The root meaning is completion or wholeness. The general meaning is, entering into a state of wholeness and unity, a restored relationship. It also conveys a wide range of nuances: fulfilment, completion, maturity, soundness, wholeness, harmony, tranquillity, security, well-being, welfare, friendship, agreement, success, and prosperity. While speaking about peace, Brueggemann, a renowned Old Testament scholar says, 'the word 'peace' is the word 'shalom'. It is not only an absence of hostility but the maintenance of a prosperous social system so that the intent is to promote the general welfare, to build up the common good.

1) Finding space for peace “Within”

The moment we start to deliberate about peace, the first thing that comes to mind is about the vantage point of it. Where do we begin? Do we begin from within, or do we begin from outside? In other words, is peace something to be sought for, as an individual or as a community? Some think that if there is no peace within, how can we work for peace outside. Similarly, few feel that how can I be in peace, when my neighbours are not in peace. Rather, seeing them as two different approaches, it is wise to see them as inter-connected and inter-related. The inner world is influenced more by the outer world. It is the external competitive world, communal world, casteist world, class-oriented world, and the racist world, which strongly forms the self and disturbs the self. The shepherd community who sang the song of glory and peace were yearning for peace not as individuals, but as shepherds. The shepherds were considered ceremonially unclean. They were not allowed to go into the temple area to worship. They were unaccepted. They were nobodies. They could not be called as witnesses in court, it is also opined that no one could believe the testimony of a shepherd. They were despised. They were looked down upon and often hated. The Jewish Talmud says of them, “Give no help to a heathen or a shepherd.” Therefore, peace on earth is a massive picture, which has to combat the evil forces, that affect everyone as an individual and also as a community. Though it is a herculean task, it starts on and within a person to person level. It challenges us, to set aside our discriminating prejudice and dominating arrogance of one another, to live together as people who recognize that, we are all made in God's image and we need one another to truly live. The beauty of John's gospel is that it portrays the triune relationship between God, Jesus, and the world as ever inter-dependent and each needs the other to truly live and promote life. The present pandemic situation that has forced the world into isolation and exclusion, encourages us to realize the importance of the 'other' and the 'neighbour,' and calls us to embark on a journey of reconciled relationship.

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2) Finding space for Peace 'in and through' Wilderness

The first freedom-walk of Israelites began from Egypt and moved towards Cannan, 'in and through' the wilderness. While journeying in the wilderness, the Israelites were assured of God's abiding presence. However, the Israelites were grumbling and testing the presence of God, all through their journey. The journey of Israelites with God, 'in and through' wilderness could be captioned as, 'A Tale of Two Expressions”, the expression of God and the expression of Israel. While Israel was expressing her infidelity, disloyalty, arrogance, forgetfulness, and forsakenness, God in response was expressing God's faithfulness, truthfulness, affection, and forgiveness. However, God's steadfast love helps Israel, to realize their iniquity and return to God, in all faithfulness. Isaiah chapter 7 - 9 discloses Ahaz's trust in Tigleth-Pileser of Assyria than in Yahweh, to fight the coalition of King Rezin of Aram and King Pekah of Israel. As a result, Jerusalem became a vassal of Assyria, a relationship that would impoverish Jerusalem and would lead, ultimately, to its enslavement. The people of Zebulun and Naphtali, because of their location on the northern edge of Israel, were the first or among the first to come under the boot of Assyria. It is in such a situation God reiterates, God's steadfast love, and the act of liberation, in breaking the yoke of oppression. Therefore, in the history of Israel, the experiences of wilderness and exile were inevitable, in the process of attaining shalom. It paved way for them to retreat, repent, return, and re-affirm their faithfulness in Yahweh. According to Bill Wylie-Kellerman, a Methodist pastor, activist, and author, “In the tradition and history of Israel, the wilderness is the time of preparation, the place of testing and repentance. It is the time to travel light, stripped of excess baggage, vulnerable in emptiness. It is the place of powerlessness, where we are fully and perpetually at the mercy of God.” The present contexts of cultural and communal violence, war, natural disasters, economic crisis, political fascism, and covid-19, could be an experience of self-imposed wilderness and forced wilderness. The truth is that the peace of Jesus is not the absence of wilderness, but assuring God's presence in and through the wilderness.

3) Finding Space for Peace in Worship

The pandemic covid-19 has uncovered the importance of worship, among all communities of faith. Be it, anyone of any faith, their last resort during times of trouble, is God. The closure of worship places put people into worry. However, the closure of worship places could not end worship, rather encouraged people of faith to innovate new forms of worship. People craving for worship and their creative forms of worship establishes, the significance of worship. In Biblical history, worship was always politically connected. Worship emerged as a civil-disobedience in the history of Israel. Pharaoh was commanded to free the Israelites so that they could worship Yahweh. In response, Pharaoh increases workload. Similarly, in the Babylonian exile when Daniel and his friends were asked to bow down before the image of the king, they denied. As a result, they were put into a burning furnace.

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Therefore, worship, according to the scripture, was always an expression of Israel's fidelity towards God, the King, over and against the Kings i.e. Pharaoh, Caesar, and Herod.

The story of Christmas is widely known as, “A Tale of Two Kings” i.e. Caesar Augustus and Jesus Christ. According to New Testament Scholars, in the Mediterranean world…..the fastest growing religion was the imperial cult, the worship of King Augustus Caesar. Julius Caesar, the adopted father of Augustus, was also revered as a god. Therefore, Augustus Caesar was called as son of god. Augustus, as a king, attained 'Pax Romana', Roman peace, through wars, murders, conspiracy, and conquests. The Lukan writer, in countering Augustus as the prince of peace, proclaims Jesus as the King and prince of peace. Jesus, according to prophet Isaiah, is the wonderful counsellor, mighty God, everlasting father, and prince of peace, who has compassion on his people, who brings holistic healing to society and encourages us to practice our worship. This is a king who will ultimately receive our worship one day. One day, "at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

A couple of years ago, while I was on my way to church on Christmas Day, I stopped at a crossroad, waiting for a green traffic signal. Meanwhile, poor street-dwellers and their pathetic conditions caught my attention. Before I reached the church to preach the Christmas sermon, I wanted to know from these deprived families, what the special day means to them. Before I heard from them, I saw a baby in a sound sleep amid the traffic noise. The mother of this child was preparing a meal for her family. Others were busy with their work. There was no need to get any answers from them. Their living conditions challenged my perspective on Christmas. They were deprived of shelter, proper clothing, and sanitation. Neither they had any identity nor were they considered as part of the society. This crossroad experience encouraged me to re-visit the journey of Gabriel, Joseph and Mary, shepherds, and the three wise men, who met at a crossroad crossing the boundaries and wilderness,' facing uncertainties and anxieties, to experience and worship the real prince of peace.

May the Advent season and Christmas, help us to understand God's peace, in the pandemic situation and inspire us to be peace-makers.

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Rev. Dr. C. T. RobinMission Catalyst International,Master Trainer, North India

Lead Today

reetings to all my friends and co-workers in the Lord. I am very happy and Ghumbled, to be with you all by writing this short exhortation, to encourage and challenge each one of you, who are in the leadership position in the

Church or doing any kind of ministry, which God has given to each one of you. By God's grace and His calling upon my life, over forty years of serving in India and overseas, I must tell you that this journey was not easy, without the help of God Almighty and God given mentors in my life, time to time. Even though many ups and downs, and challenges in various ways came, the Lord Jesus Christ always helped me through the Holy Spirit, and inspired and strengthened me to overcome them.

How easy it can be for leaders to be busy, with a lot of activity but accomplish little. Progress seems to elude, so many church and ministry leaders, who struggle to maintain the present, go in every direction, or are constantly absorbed in "putting out fires," rather than working towards the future.

The Apostle Paul repeated the need to "press on" (Philippians 3:10-16), not wanting to run the race, "like a man running aimlessly," lest he runs in vain (1 Corinthians 9:26). Running a race requires advancing. People who run to win the race can't do so by . . .

• Moving in place (leaders who merely maintain status quo)

• Getting detoured by every sign of danger (leaders who constantly operate in crisis mode)

• Running around in circles or off course (leaders who are easily distracted by non-essentials)

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Some of the principles I learned over these years, I wish to point them out, for your encouragement, motivation and challenge each one of you as leaders:

1. We must have a personal committed prayer & devotional Life: As Psalms 42:1-2 says, “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?” And also, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

2. We must know the purpose of God in our life: Paul prayed for the Church of Philippi, that they would be able to grasp their purpose (that their "love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight") so that they would "be able to discern what is best" (Philipp. 1:9-11).

3. We must be rooted and established in love: Paul knelt before the Father, for the Ephesian church that they "being rooted and established in love" (purpose) may understand His love that they "may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God" (Ephesians 3:14-19).

4. We must be faithful stewards of what God has given us: While we need to be good stewards of what God has given us, we also need to trust Him for what is unseen. Guard against limiting your goals to current resources. Remember verses like Ephesians 3:20-21, -- "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.”

5. We must have Goals and Casting that vision: Once you established goals that line up with God's purposes for the church, born out of prayer and faith, envisioning what God might want to do in and through you in the future. Hopefully you invited others to partner with you in this process. Before you engage in strategic planning on how to implement those goals, you should start to cast the vision for what God might want to do through you, through your ministry and Church.

• Communicate God given vision and goals with your pastor, friends and other like-minded persons, whom you trust and fellowship. Ask your friends to pray with you & for you, build a strong intercessors team.

• Prioritize, setting short-term and long-term goals based on need.

• Then you are ready to engage, in strategic planning for those goals, that can and should be immediately realized and reached.

• And don't forget to move into action, begin in a small way, put your trust in God. God will lead you through and you will see your vision come true.

• Wait on God, listen first and get it confirmed, then move on with the help of the Holy Spirit, for the Glory of God to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ.

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You want people to come on board, so they need to know the whys and wherefores, as well as the objectives. Your skills of persuasion are not enough, as you are embarking on a spiritual journey. Pray that God makes hearts pliable, to what He wants to do and protects the body from misunderstandings and divisions.

Goal setting and vision casting doesn't stop, once you start strategic planning or move into action, so you need to keep communicating and inviting people to partner through prayer. You want the passion to be sustained. You want to be able to recruit people, to participate in the accomplishment of the goals. You want God to be given the glory. Consequently, you need to communicate the vision, expressing faith in God to guide and provide.

I, hope some of these thoughts have challenged you and helped you, to be back on the track with God. I pray for every one of you, who have taken a decision, to be a blessing for others and willing to put these truths in practice and mentor others, to be fruitful, as in John 15:16, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.”

God be with you and prosper you for His Glory and Purposes!

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City TransformationThe greatest revival recorded in the Bible, is in the book of Jonah. This revival happened in the city of Nineveh. This city was the capital of Assyrian Empire. They were the most notorious rulers, in the ancient times. When they went for war, they were ruthless and heartless. Their army often raided their neighbours and brought havoc. They also brought severe damage to Israel and murdered thousands. That is the main reason why Jonah, did not want to preach the word of God in Nineveh. So he went in the opposite direction. Loving your enemy is tough. But God used His tactics and brought the Prophet, to the enemy city. Interestingly, Jonah preached half Gospel-40 days God will judge. He did not speak on the other side-The love of God. From new born baby to the King, including animals were fasting and humbled themselves, before God. This was a greatest revival. The whole nation was fasting before God, they humbled themselves with ashes and sackcloth. Surprisingly the greatest revival, happened in a gentile nation, not in God's land. God changed His mind and there was no judgement of destruction. The city escaped the fire. Why the city had the revival and was transformed?

1. God loves people. Where there are more people, we see more love of God. Cities were filled with people before and even now, they are same. In the future too, cities will be full of people. God loves cities. Where there is more sin, we see more grace of God. Though the cities are filled with wickedness and abominations, God is gracious and wants to redeem them. Jonah 4 :11, talks about God's concern for the city. His heart is in the cities. He wants to reach out to them and reconcile them. He can bring a great revival, as He did in Nineveh.

2. To bring transformation, God's person is very important. Today the city needs prophets of God, who can bring the Word of God. These days, it is hard to find the genuine word of God. There is so much confusion and there are a few real prophets, of God. The word of God will transform people and places. God's words are powerful and they can change the world upside down.

3. To bring revival, people need to humble themselves, confess their sins, repent of their ways and change their course of action. Nineveh peoples' action, was pleasing to God. God saw their actions and changed His mind. God's people must set an example first and then lead others, to humility and repentance. Then we can experience, a great revival in our times.

May the Lord, lead us in this direction of a great revival.


Dr. MarimutuYWAM's Center for Urban Mission, Mumbai

Dr. MarimuthuYouth with a Mission (YWAM), Mumbai

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Robert De Nobili (1577-1656)

Roberto De Nobili was an Italian Jesuit missionary, to Southern India. He is known for his evangelization strategies, for proclaiming the Gospel, to the people of India. He had shared the Gospel adopting many local customs of India, which were in his view, not contrary to Christianity.

Roberto was born in September 1577, in Montepulciano, Italy. He died in January 1656, in Chennai. During his studies, at the age of seventeen - a year after his father's death - Roberto announced his intention to enter the Jesuit order and become a missionary to Asia, to which the family strongly objected. He gave up on his family’s dreams and joined the Society of Jesus. Inspired by the adventurous stories of the missionaries to Africa and Japan, Roberto prepared himself for the missions. He was sent to India, arriving in Goa in 1605. Adjusting to the new living conditions was not easy and during his first months in India, Roberto became quite ill. So, early in 1606, he was sent to the Fishery Coast to minister among the Paravas, a large tribe of outcasts. But his superior Alberto Laerzio asked him to move to the city of Madurai, five days' journey inland.

He took up residence in Madurai, in Tamil Nadu, in November 1606. He was convinced that Hindus will never respond to the Gospel until he becomes like them. Roberto mastered Sanskrit, Telugu and Tamil languages and literature, with the help of his teacher, Shivadharma. He learned Sanskrit and translated Psalms and prayers into Tamil. He used the word, "kovil" for a place of worship, "prasadam" for grace, "guru" for priest or teacher, "Vedam" for the Bible, "poosai" for Mass, etc. He also adopted local Indian customs, such as shaving one's head and keeping only a tiny tuft. He wore a white dhoti and wooden sandals, to don the look of a sanyasin. Another symbol he embraced, was the wearing of a three-stringed thread, across his chest. He interpreted the three-stringed thread, as representing theHoly Trinity- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

His method raised controversy among his fellow Jesuits and withthe Archbishop of Goa, Cristóvão de Sá e Lisboa. The dispute wassettled by Pope Gregory XV. He was successful in hismission with his strategies of the Gospel.

Rev. Samuel TatigiriUBM Christa Shanti Church, Marol, Mumbai

Revolutionary Missionaries

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History says that at the age of 17, Roberto expressed his desire to be a missionary. The reason could be the spiritual atmosphere he had experienced. As parents or family, are we providing such an atmosphere for our children? Are we showing our God to our children in our day to day dealings? Or are we confused, whom to turn to? As children, are we influenced by our parents' faith? Are we ready to look at them as our role models? At a very young age, Roberto decided to serve the Lord. Was not that the best vocation to serve the creator? Proverbs 20:11 says “Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work is pure, and whether it be right.” At the end of the day, what are our achievements? What are we gaining? Matthew 16:26 says, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give, in exchange for their soul?” Better to examine where we stand and what's the reason behind our lives.

Although Roberto became a missionary, the story did not end there. He had faced many challenges. His language, culture was different from India. He could neither approach them with the gospel, nor Indians could approach him for anything. In those difficult times, Roberto learned to be an Indian, without compromising Christianity. Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:20 that, “To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews.” Roberto's purpose was clear, to win the souls. He did not do it to please people or for his pleasure, but God. We tend to please people and seek our pleasure with what we do. Roberto reminds us to examine ourselves. Are we compromising with the world? Whom are we trying to please, God or people? Galatians 1:10 says, “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings or God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

As we are amid Pandemic and Advent, let's remember that Christ came into the world, to give hope to the disappointed, and He became Hope. Roberto walking in the footsteps of Jesus; gave hope to many perishing souls of India. We too, are here to give hope to the hopeless. May God grant us perfect wisdom and understanding to make the right choices, to live a righteous life, and glorify His name through our life. Amen.

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Dearly beloved in the Lord, I greet you all in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ and I also extend Christmas greetings to you. Praise be to God the Father, who has given me the opportunity, to share the word of God with you online. I thank Rev. Jayant Rosh and all the office bearers of the United Basel Mission Church Council, for requesting me to write this article. Throughout the year, we eagerly look forward to the festival of Christmas. Everyone, from children to adults celebrates this festival, with great excitement and enthusiasm. All of us have the responsibility of celebrating this festival safely, amid the anxiety and fear, this year.

The festival of Christmas is a symbol of the birth of Jesus Christ. But we notice that people are now slowly forgetting, the importance of the birth of Jesus Christ, and Santa Claus is given more importance on Christmas. It is slowly spreading from western countries to other countries. If children are made to accept that, Christmas means receiving gifts from Santa Claus, then this misconception is being raised in their minds by adults. So what should be our expectations at Christmas? Surely it must be Jesus Christ who was born for us. Jesus Christ who was born 2020 years ago, is God's blessing to us. According to John 3:16, Jesus Christ is the greatest blessing that God has sent, to lead us from the path of destruction to everlasting life. He gave us new hope through Him. The hope and blessing of salvation through Jesus Christ, who came to seek sinners, saved and showed us the way to Eternal Life. The door of salvation that was opened to Zacchaeus, the same hope and blessing of Salvation is opened for you and me.

Jesus Christ is a treasure of blessing, in response to the hardships of the people. Jesus Christ comes up with miraculous power, to respond to the suffering of the people, in the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew 5: 3-12. He is a treasure of blessing, who wipes away the tears of those who are sick, and in distress and misery. The new hope for people is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the blessing of a prosperous life. Jesus Christ was born into the world, so that there might be life and prosperity, according to John 10:10. He brought the blessings of life and prosperity into our lives. He created new hope in us. Jesus Christ is everything. Finally, according to Isaiah 9:6, He is our Everything. He is still able to do miracles in our lives today. So, Christmas is a festival that gives hope and blessings.

May God bless all of us and protect us.

Pastor Joslyn KarkadaLove of Savior Church, Bengaluru


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Christmas is a time for family and also a time for the community. But this time the pandemic covid-19 has restricted, a lot of our members from gathering and physically participating in the activities. Children and elders are most affected by this. There is a fear and anxiety in most of us, that we may not be able to celebrate Christmas and other related Christmas programs, as in the past years.

But it does not matter. If we understand the real meaning of Christmas, we will not lose the spirit of Christmas. Jesus was born in the silent and serene atmosphere of Bethlehem, without the presence of many people/gathering. It is an important point to ponder, that what makes our Christmas meaningful, is not just the dazzling lights and booming sounds, but the experience of silent strains, hope, peace, and harmony in our hearts. This year it is going to a silent Christmas. In this context let us understand CHRISTMAS under the given theme and subtitle New Hope and Parousia.

What is hope? Hope is faith in what we do not see. Christmas is the good news of great joy and new hope. Sometimes we search for hope in negative places, in wrong persons, priorities, and wrong concepts. The good news came to shepherd that, "Today in the city of David a savior has been born to you. He is the messiah, the Lord, "Luke 2:11. New hope came to the shepherds in the place of insecurity. It was an anxious and stressful moment but it brought NEW HOPE. Today we are facing insecurity and stress. But the good news is that, 'for unto us a child is born'. The good news about new hope. In Isaiah 9 we read, “People who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of deep darkness, upon them a light had shined”. A new hope has been given to the people who walked in darkness.

A New Hope: Celebrating the space where there is none

There was no space in the inn. It seemed like there was no hope. But the manger provided a space. Those days usually the mangers were the caves outside the village. We can very well learn that nature gave space where animals shared the space. Therefore, Christmas is a new hope celebrating space and place, where there is none.Evidently, we see a space in the impossible. Many times, we may face or feel loneliness. Our people may leave and forsake us. Our enemy can mess with us. But as we celebrate Christmas it reminds us that, there is hope amid hopelessness and hope amid uncertainty.

Rev. Noel KarkadaCSI - KSD, Mangalore


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A New Hope: Parousia

Parousia means in Greek, "Arrival” or “Coming”. The coming of the Savior or Messiah. It is an eschatological event. The context of the Parousia today is anticipation or expectation, of the new hope that God offers. Even amid this pandemic crisis, there will be Christmas, because God is with us. Will there be no Christmas? Of course, there will be one quicker and deeper more like the first Christmas, when Jesus was born. Will there be no Christmas? Of course, there will be one without the streets full of people, but with the heart burning for the one who comes or arrives. Parousia – the coming of Christ and Maranatha - Come our Lord. Invoking God Immanuel, Maranatha becomes an expression of hope, which encourages all of us to face life's realities. O Lord, come bring and give us new hope. God is in control of everything in this world and the world to come. I pray, may this Christmas bring great joy and happiness and give us new hope.

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

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Everyone fears growing old because an ageing body, is prone to illness, failing strength, feelings of uselessness, loneliness, loss of near and dear ones through death, separation from children and grandchildren, who are busy with their own pursuits or financial concerns. In fact, these were some of the reasons, expressed by the senior citizens, in Homes for the Aged, when I had visited them during my ministry and asked them why they preferred to stay here or what brought them to these Homes. The Bible tells us in Job 12:12, “Wisdom is with the aged and understanding in length of days." Everyone should know this truth thoroughly. Wisdom and understanding gives peace and happiness in the family life. Proverbs 16:31 says," The silver haired is a crown of glory." We read one commandment in Leviticus 19:32, "You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man and fear God." St Paul writes to Timothy, in 1 Timothy 5:1, "Do not rebuke an older man but exhort him as a father and older women as mothers." Proverbs 23:22 says, " Listen to your father who gave your life, do not despise your mother when she is old.

In the Holy Scriptures, we read in many places, that everyone should respect older people. If we really respect and fear God, we respect and honor aged people, especially our own parents and in-laws. St Paul has written comforting words for them in 2 Corinthians 4 :16, he says, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is perishing, our inner self is being renewed day by day." This is the real hope that senior citizens can have. The new hope for the senior citizens, is to take shelter and comfort in the word of God. In fact, there is much opportunity for continuing growth in the spiritual area, as we grow old. The body may become weak, but the spirit is capable of growth and renewal. They can grow in wisdom and understanding, love, patience and other spiritual gifts. In fact, many prayer warriors are senior citizens.

God's way for us to grow old, is to develop a walk with Him, that involves a deep knowledge of the word of God, a walk that encompasses the habits of trust, praise and hope. The senior citizens experience, should be the experience of the Psalmist in Psalms 71, who is most probably an aged man, who trusted God to deliver him from his trials and bless him continually....

Rev. Gladson Karkada(Retired Presbyter)UBMC, Mumbai

Senior Citizens

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He placed his hope on God and as a result he praised and gave glory to God all day long. Senior citizens too, can develop the godly habits of trusting and praising God and placing their hope in God. Like the Psalmist in Psalms 71, they should trust God in difficult times of their life, instead of worrying and doubting. They can achieve this, by focusing on getting to know God and also on what God has done for them. That will strengthen their faith. Next they should learn to praise God even when they face problems. Just as trust comes from knowing God, praise comes from trusting God, because of His goodness and faithfulness in their lives, even when they are faced with difficult situations. They can count their many blessings and praise God. When they trust and praise God, they continually place their hope in God, who delivers them from their trials. Instead of focusing on the problems, they should focus on the promises of God which will make them not bitter, but better as they grow older. They should be people who hope in God. Finally, in conclusion, I would like to say that senior citizens, can serve God in whatever capacity they can, even in their sunset years. Although the Psalmist in Psalms 71, was old he did not rest, he testified to others of God's faithfulness and power. So as long as senior citizens live, they can tell about God's greatness and glory to the next generation.

May the Holy Spirit, guide the senior citizens and give them good health, patience, tolerance and endurance to go forward in life, with the hope that they

will be taken to Eternal Glory after completing their earthly journey.

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Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and Iwish you all a Happy and Blessed Christmas. Each Christmas, we are remindedthat this event symbolizes hope, joy and love. But when we look around us on aglobal scale, things don't look very hopeful. There isn't much joy in many parts of the world. Certainly, there is very little love between people. On a personal level, we are often up against many pressures of life—financial, health, work, family or just uncertainty about the future. There may even be others who are waiting and praying, for God to come through for them and deliver them. But when it doesn't happen—as we expect it to or according to our time line - we question God, feel let down, become disillusioned and lose hope.

Mary found herself in a difficult situation—one she didn't fully understand. God remained silent for 400 years and suddenly He spoke out to her—an unlikely candidate, to accomplish his divine plans. Even more perplexing was the news given to her, that she had found favour with God and would be pregnant with child, through the power of the Holy Spirit. The one she would bear would be great and would be called the Son of the Most High, talking about His divine origin and status. He will rule on the Davidic throne and over the house of Jacob forever, portraying God's covenant faithfulness. His throne is established forever and his Kingdom will never end, pointing to a Heavenly King and Kingdom without end.

Mary didn't let her limited human understanding, hinder God's work in her life. Neither did she dictate terms to God. She allowed him to work in his own way, by surrendering herself to His will. What's noteworthy is that, Mary breaks out in a song of praise (often called the Magnificat). It is not just an ordinary song—it is not only a song of worship but also a prayer, and beyond that, a declaration. “My soul magnifies the Lord. And my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.” – Luke 1:46, 47

She lifts her soul and spirit to God in worship. She didn't stop with the realization that her womb would be used by God, to bring His Son into this world, rather she readily engages her soul and spirit as well, thereby her entire being. Her soul, 'makes big' the Lord and her spirit is, 'incessantly joyful,' towards God her Saviour. What massive, life-altering declarations, even in the first line of her song. Her Lord, her God, her Saviour. All fitting and worthy titles for her firstborn son, God's only begotten son—Jesus. Then she goes on to three eye-openers, which are pertinent questions for us, even in the hopeless, despairing times we live in today.

Rev. DivakaraUBM Christa Krupa Church, Chembur, Mumbai

Men’s Department

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“For He has looked on the humble estate of His servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; For He who is mighty has done great things for me…” Lk 1:48–49a. She begins on a personal note, by looking inward at her true self. She's a sinner and undeserving, yet from now on and that too, solely because of God's grace and unmerited favour upon her, she will be called blessed by generations to come.

The battle is the Lord's and victory has already been won. Our hope is in the person of Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary. When we look on the inside, we see the ugliest, most disgusting and depraved condition that we are in, because we've chosen to go our own way and do our own thing. We are unable to save ourselves or others. We realize our need for a Saviour. In spite of our stubbornness, God continues to shower His unmerited favour upon us. The price for our sins has been fully paid on the cross. We need to receive His free gift of salvation with gratitude. Receiving God's Son into our lives, gives us hope for now and the future.


He who is mighty has done great things for me, and Holy is His name. And His mercy is for those who fear Him, from generation to generation He has shown strength with His arm… Lk 1:49–51a. After looking inward and realizing her inadequacies, Mary then looks upwards towards God. Mary is filled with confidence that, although she doesn't fully understand what is happening to her, she can bank on the nature and character of God. The God who has called her is Holy, Mighty, Merciful and His Strength never fails. Looking inward may leave us dejected, but an immediate follow-up reaction to that is, to lift up our eyes to God. We comprehend that He is a Holy God, who detests sin and has the power to destroy the hold of sin over us, show us mercy and deliver us with His strength. He is a dependable, promise-making and promise-keeping God. When we come to a fuller realization of who God is, only then can we live with any sort of hope for the future.


He has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” - Lk 1:51–55

Mary, then looks into what God has done and is able to do. She makes some massive declarations on a cosmic scale. She reminds herself and us, that God alone controls the affairs of mankind.

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All through human history there have been those, who have elevated themselves in their pride. When the mighty attempt to come together and usurp the rightful place of God in rebellion, God has brought them down. Those who take pride in their riches and their accomplishments, will be sent away empty, but the hungry will be filled. We serve a God, who sides with the humble and the weak, the marginalized and the downtrodden and those treated unjustly. He will uproot the mighty and the proud, and elevate the humble and the needy. Our hope lies in the fact that, God will set things right in His own time and in His own way.

Mary recognized her lowly estate and then lifted up her eyes and looked at the Master, acknowledging who He is and then with the hope that comes, from that realization and in faith, declares that God can come through for her, regardless of her circumstances. She looked forward to what this promised child, the Son that was given for us (Isa 9:6), would accomplish through His life, His ministry, His death and His resurrection.

We live in a hopeless world, no doubt. Although we may not see our miracle today, let's live in an attitude of joyful worship, remembering what Christ has done and looking forward in hope, to what He will still do. The battle is the Lord's and victory has already been won. Our hope is in the person of Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary.

If you remain humble he will elevate you, and if you remain hungry for things of God, He will satisfy you. So, don't give up on God or give in to the pressures of the world. Even this Christmas time, the message is to trust Him, surrender completely, wait on Him and fix our hope on Him. He will bring out something beautiful in His time. Let our prayer, our song and our declaration for the rest of our lives be, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”.

God bless you all.

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Hope is an optimistic state of mind, that is based on anticipation of positive outcomes, associated with events and situations in one's life or the world. It will not be wrong to say that, the life of a man who has no hope, is zero. Hope is finding light in utter darkness. Dawn or the hope that defeats the darkness or problems will not be there at all, so what is the new hope for us as we enter the new year. Faith is the foundation for a life of hope. When we live in faith, we find hope. Hope gives us a new direction (compass) for our life. But the year 2020 was like no other year. A small covid virus terrified the entire world. For those of us encompassed with hope the words like worry, confusion, and fear stood like a mirage in the ocean. Many lost their loved ones, many lost their money, many lost their jobs, and others were worried about what would happen if the situation did not change. So, ultimately how can we who are on the verge of losing hope, look forward to finding new hope?

In the verses of 2 Kings 4: 8-37, we read about the life of the Shunammite woman. Considering her life, her family life was a beautiful one. She and her husband were co-operative, respecting one another's opinions and making a living. Their life was scarce. There was an emptiness in their life because they had no children. But they never regarded it as a big problem. Instead, they lived a life of contentment. The reason for this was their life of faith and their quality of loving God and supporting His servants who served Him. In return, God gives them new hope. Likewise, when we see the life of Zacharias and Elizabeth, they too did not get the blessing of having children, till their old age. But God gives them hope in that age, as a reward for their constant service in the temple. God blessed their life with the hope, that what is impossible for humans, is possible for God.

Dr. Sahana MabenDental Surgeon, Mangalore

Women’s Department

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The storm that came in the life of Martha and Mary was questionable. The parting of their brother Lazarus questioned their hope, but Jesus' response introduced new hope. This disease did not come for death. This came to bring glory to the Son of God and to give glory to God. Jesus' response unveiled a new hope in death, sorrow, and disease. Dearly beloved, many times we feel disappointed in our lives, we become desperate, and we feel we have lost everything. Especially women tend to get elated and dejected faster in all situations of life. Often, we lose hope when we involve ourselves in the responsibilities of the family, our work, society, and church. The light which was seen in the darkness 2000 years ago, is still living with us today, as Emmanuel. He is a ray of hope for those who live in mortality. He can fill our drained lives and make them overflow. But let's not forget to live that life of hope. Though there is darkness around us, we should be able to see that new hope. God the Father, who led us in the past will lead us in the new year in all our endeavours, so let us eagerly await the new year, with new hope.

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Online Central Level

Women’s Fellowship Programmes

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Scripture Reference: “I reckon that the sufferings of this present timeare not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealedin us.” Romans 8: 18

The idea that we are saved by hope is a startling one. At first glance, we normally think of salvation as being by faith, rather than by hope. The foundation of our Hope is the Grace of God and the Gift of God. “If God is for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also, freely give us all things? The strength of any adversary is utter weakness, compared with the omnipotence of GOD. This adversary can be in any form (sickness, financial crisis, loss of family members, etc.). Sure enough, we all have gone through a major faith tested and faith trusted crisis, in the year 2020. But our hope of glory rests on the fact that God is graciously for us and has given us His Son. He spared not his Son. And the Hope of Glory for us is amazing in the coming year 2021. The church at large is on the battlefield where the war is raging, between the sons of GOD and the forces of darkness. Remember we (church) are victorious, More than conquerors, bondage breakers, and soul winners. As we are soon approaching the year 2021, let’s face the coming year by getting endued with the power of God. The fullness of our hope rests not only on the perfect defeat of our adversary but also on the perfect defence of our advocate.

Can things present separate us from the love of God? Of course not. For He is the I AM, the one who dwells eternally in the present (Exodus 3:14; John 8:58). The church is a victorious, vibrant, and valiant church. “YE ARE OF GOD LITTLE CHILDREN AND HAVE OVERCOME THEM BECAUSE GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN YOU THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD.” No foe can daunt us, no fear can haunt us. For, after all, a creature is but a creature and He who has enveloped us in His love is the Creator over all, GOD BLESSED FOREVER.”

As I conclude, our persuasion for tomorrow’s hope does not depend on the things we learn from experience or beings from the realm of the spirits. Whether it be matters of time or matters of space, nothing can separate us from the love of God. The love that took the initiative in lifting us from the miry clay, will lift us to the halls of heaven. What more could we ask for than that?

Charles Wesley captured the idea and expressed it in his well-known hymn, “Jesus lover of my soul.” Thou, O Christ, art all I want; More than all in Thee I find.

Rev. Vijay MalarBETHESDA A. G Church, Mulund - Mumbai

Youth Department

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Celebrate Life - OCTOBER 2020

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Celebrate Life - NOVEMBER 2020

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Celebrate Life - DECEMBER 2020

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Brother Dinesh SalianChild Evangelist, Mumbai

Sunday School Department

What would Christianity have been if Jesus wouldn't have come to earth? In the time leading up to Christmas I realised, why my dear Saviour wanted to be born as a human being and the opportunities that opened up for my life.

The day Jesus was born a new hope dawned for everyone, who were tired of being a slave to their lusts, the desires we experience that go against God’s will. In other words, a desire for anything sinful, also called “sin in flesh.” Although the expression, “youthful lust,” which is often thought of desires, and all their human tendencies, a beacon of hope was lit for everyone, who were oppressed by what is restrictive, cold, and evil in nature; everything that destroys peace, goodness, and what is uplifting and encouraging.

Jesus is the One who is able to bring order to all things. He is a master in saving and liberating; He overcame all darkness and death and was the first to proclaim light! He is the prince of peace, the liberator and ruler, the mediator between us and God. He came to earth and it is His lowly and humble coming, that we gather to celebrate and think about, during these days.

New hope for freedom in Jesus Christ!

Let us with childlike joy, rejoice in the new-born Son of God. By His birth many prophecies were fulfilled. By His life we can now be saved, so that the prophetic words about us, can also be fulfilled. By our life we can, “destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). We who were formerly slaves of sin, can now be made free by acknowledging the truth about ourselves. (John 8:31-36)

– Free to die to our own will!

– Free to live the life of Jesus!

– Free to unselfishly serve others!

– Free to love without limitations of any kind!

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Three things that are very important at this stage

The loss of earthly hope makes room, for the eternal hope we have in Christ.

We are earthly beings and therefore, we naturally live as if this is earth is our home. However, pain and loss, often begin to stir within us a dissatisfaction for the fragile, temporary things of this earth, creating a longing for something unshakeable and lasting. Therefore, in God's love for us, He allows the disappointments and losses that we experience, to drive us into the arms of Christ, producing in us endurance, character and ultimately hope: an eternal, satisfying, joy-filled hope.

The loss of earthly hope gives us a proper view of this momentary life.

If we view our lives as if this is all we are living for, we will be devastated when it doesn't pan out, as we had hoped. However, when we learn to view this life as a temporary life, we have a proper perspective of both our blessings and are sorrows. As Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal".

The loss of earthly hope causes us to long for heaven in a greater way.

The more we experience the reality of being foreigners in this world, the more we desire to be at home with our Saviour. This is not our home, yet we often live as if it is. We sacrifice for success, when it can all be gone in a moment. We hope for a spouse or a child, but even the blessings of marriage and parent-hood fall short of what we expect and often stir within us, a greater fear of losing those we love. We strive for health and beauty, when in a moment's notice, illness or death can unexpectedly strike.

But one day, our struggle and striving will end. Our uncertainties, fears and expectation of death will be no more. For those in Christ, eternity with our Saviour will be all the more sweeter, after tasting the bitterness of this earth. Believer, fix your eyes on your promised eternity, because as your vision of your eternal home begins to enlarge, this life will seem increasingly less important and far more momentary.

Hope according to the world and according to the Word of God

Hope, from the world's viewpoint is just what that definition describes. The world sees hope as a wish or a desire. Hope, as the world sees it, is a longing for something that may or may not take place.

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The Word of God teaches us that, biblical hope is something entirely different, than the wishful thinking of the world. Psalm 31:24 says, “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.” And again in Psalm 71:5 it is written, “For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD: Thou art my trust from my youth." In 1 Cor - 13:13, Paul writes,"And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." (KJV)

I do not know what tomorrow will bring my way. It may bring death, disease and disaster. It may bring sorrow, pain and hardship. It may bring blessing, joy and happiness. I may not know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know for sure that tomorrow might bring Jesus. Titus 2:13, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.”

His Purpose - The purpose of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life is manifold. These verses tell us about His plans for us and the purpose of His coming.

1. To Indwell - At the moment of salvation, the believer literally becomes the temple of God, 1 Cor. 6:19. God, in the form of His Spirit, comes in and takes up permanent residence. He dwells in the life of the believer! Just take a minute and let that truth sink in! Our problem is that, we have become so familiar with the deep truths of the Bible, that they no long hold much lustre for us. We fail to see the glory in the thought that God lives in our hearts!

2. To Invest - That is, He fills us with the power to live and labour for the Lord. Without Him, we would be able to accomplish nothing for His glory. However, with Him filling us and leading us, we have the ability to accomplish things that would otherwise be impossible - Phil. 4:13.

3. To Instruct - One purpose of the Holy Spirit in our lives, is to instruct us in the things of God. It is the Holy Spirit who teaches us about the Bible. It is the Holy Spirit who reveals, the deep things of God to us. It is He, who teaches us how to reach our full potential for the glory of God. He is a divine Instructor!

4. To Inspire - Again, we are reminded that He is an encourager. When we become discouraged, the Holy Spirit within us, rises up and wraps the comforting arms of Heavenly love and protection around us and reminds that we belong to Him. He encourages us to keep on running, to keep on going, to keep on living, for Jesus. He inspires us to press forward for the glory of the Lord.

Help In Stillness - As Jesus brings the thoughts of the gospel of St John Ch-14 to a close, He speaks to the disciples' troubled hearts once again. He reminds them that, He is still the Prince of Peace and that just because He is leaving, that doesn't mean that He will remove His peace. Here, Jesus tells the disciples that even though their world is about to be shattered, they can face it with the assurance that they have His peace, to keep them during the difficult hours ahead.

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Instead of worrying, we should be resting. Jesus has loaded us with spiritual blessings! We can take comfort in that truth today. I, praise the Lord that believers have hope, in what seems like a hopeless hour! I am glad that when I do not understand what is going to happen; when it seems that everything is falling apart; when I don't know which way to turn, I can count on the Lord Jesus Christ!

He has already given us all that we need. Whether your need is for salvation, help for service, for peace in your heart, your remedy will be found in Him. I invite you to come to Jesus today and cast your cares upon Him, 1 Peter 5: 7.

Whatever you may be facing today, you do not have to face it alone.

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“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem, of Judea, in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw His star when it rose and have come to worship Him.” (Matthew 2:1&2)

It may have never dawned on any one of us, that this dreadful pandemic, will continue to shake the whole world. We have never faced such a crisis in our whole lifetime, what we are facing today. What do you do, when everything is going along well and then the bottom of life drops out on you?

As human beings, many a time, our anxiety will kick in and we say – “What if I don't get the job? What if the economy fails? What if I make the effort to change, but it won't work out? Sometimes, our greatest risk is taking no risk at all. God often requires us to leave the path that feels and looks safe, for the one that feels and looks risky. These days, due to the pandemic, it has involved big changes in people's lives. However, the change will only happen if failure is not allowed to stop us. Fear of failure often stops us from trying, yet many of God's best people, experienced failure on their way to success. Indeed, the richest and most profound change often happens, after we've tasted failure. Friends, don't let failure stop you from moving forward.

It's Christmas time and the beautiful Bible verse, I have entitled above is a story of wise men, who were awakened by a star (an indication), that there's going to be a change in history. The Bible depicts them as astrologers from the East, who had just one intention – to search, follow the star, and worship Him. These wise men may have known that there would be some risks involved, as the way was unknown, the road that they have never gone before.

Mrs. Lorraine FrancisPandit Ramabai Mukti Mission - Director

Outreach Department

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What happened when they saw the star?

• They began to search (vs. 1&2): The wise men put their faith into action and set off on their journey, to a faraway country. They would have encountered many hardships, to travel all the way from the East, to where Jesus was. Being wise men, nothing hindered them. They were focused on one goal – to search to see the newborn King.

• They began to follow (vs. 8&9): The wise men experienced supernatural guidance when they followed the moving star, that led them to the place, where Jesus was born. It was because of their strong faith, God led them supernaturally and gave them the joy to fulfill their dream.

• They began to worship (vs. 10&11): When their search was complete and when they had arrived at the place where Jesus was, they were thrilled with ecstatic joy. They bowed down and worshipped him. The world around them changed for the better. They had reached the right destination and found the Messiah.

Amid the pandemic, when life is so volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous, let me assure you that our security is in Jesus Christ alone. When the world was falling apart and sin was at its peak, God sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, our Saviour, to rescue us from the dominion of darkness and bring us into His marvelous light. There is an encouraging verse in Rev. 21:5 which says … "Behold, I make all things new…” What a wonderful new hope, the wise men received when they searched, followed the star, and bowed down to worship. This new hope is available to everyone who has a yearning to see Jesus.

May this season of Christmas just not be a time to get involved in a shopping spree, making sweets and delicious food, but a time of awakening and getting to know our Saviour Jesus more and responding to the new Hope, that is given to everyone so freely and lavishly, to be called children of the living God. A blessed Christmas and a Christ-centered New Year 2021.

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