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A multigene phylogeny of the Dothideomycetes using four nuclear loci

Conrad L. Schoch1

Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, OregonState University, Corvallis, Oregon 93133

Robert A. ShoemakerKeith A. SeifertSarah Hambleton

Biodiversity Theme (Mycology and Botany), Agricultureand Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, K1A 0C6 Canada

Joseph W. SpataforaDepartment of Botany and Plant Pathology, OregonState University, Corvallis, Oregon 93133

Pedro W. CrousCentraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, FungalBiodiversity Centre, P.O. Box 85167, 3508 AD,Utrecht, The Netherlands

Abstract: We present an expanded multigene phy-logeny of the Dothideomycetes. The final data matrixconsisted of four loci (nuc SSU rDNA, nuc LSUrDNA, TEF1, RPB2) for 96 taxa, representing five ofthe seven orders in the current classification ofDothideomycetes and several outgroup taxa repre-sentative of the major clades in the Pezizomycotina.The resulting phylogeny differentiated two maindothideomycete lineages comprising the pseudopar-aphysate Pleosporales and aparaphysate Dothideales.We propose the subclasses Pleosporomycetidae (or-der Pleosporales) and Dothideomycetidae (ordersDothideales, Capnodiales and Myriangiales). Further-more we provide strong molecular support for theplacement of Mycosphaerellaceae and Piedraiaceaewithin the Capnodiales and introduce Davidiellaceaeas a new family to accommodate species of Davidiellawith Cladosporium anamorphs. Some taxa could notbe placed with certainty (e.g. Hysteriales), but therewas strong support for new groupings. The cladecontaining members of the genera Botryosphaeria andGuignardia resolved well but without support for anyrelationship to any other described orders and wehereby propose the new order Botryosphaeriales.These data also are consistent with the removal ofChaetothyriales and Coryneliales from the Dothideo-mycetes and strongly support their placement in theEurotiomycetes.

Key words: bitunicate asci, hamathecium,loculoascomycetes, pseudoparaphyses


Members of the Dothideomycetes often are found aspathogens, endophytes or epiphytes of living plantsand also as saprobes degrading cellulose and othercomplex carbohydrates in dead or partially digestedplant matter in leaf litter or dung. Combinations ofthese niches can be occupied by a single fungus as itpasses through its life cycle; for example several fungiinitiate their life cycles on living plants and switch tosaprobic states when the plant dies or leaves are lost.The nutritional modes are not limited to associationswith plants and several species are lichenized, whileothers occur as parasites on fungi or members of thekingdom animalia.

Although to a casual observer there is little todistinguish the flask-, spherical- or disk-shaped fruit-ing bodies of the Dothideomycetes from several otherascomycete groups, they share a distinctive pattern ofdevelopment. The asci bearing the sexual sporesdevelop in locules already formed lysigenously withinvegetative hyphae. This, defined as ascolocular de-velopment, is in contrast to ascohymenial develop-ment found in the majority of other fungal classes.Ascohymenial development generates asci in a broadhymenium interspersed with apically free paraphysesand the reproductive structure is derived from cellsafter fertilization.

Building on earlier descriptions of ascoloculardevelopment Nannfeldt (1932) proposed the group‘‘Ascoloculares’’ and in 1955 this was formally pro-posed as a class ‘‘Loculoascomycetes’’ by Luttrell(1955). The importance of ascus morphology anddehiscence, in addition to the presence of surround-ing elements inside the ascostromata, was emphasized(Luttrell 1951). The bitunicate ascus remains a de-fining character in modern dothideomycete taxono-my. It consists of a thick extensible inner layer(endotunica) and a thin inextensible outer layer(ectotunica). Most species release their ascospores bythe extension of the inner ascus wall and the ruptureof the outer wall, similar to a jack-in-the-box(fissitunicate), but variations are numerous. Anothercharacter of note, the centrum, defined as the tissuesand cells occupying the cavity of the sexual structure,was expanded by Luttrell when he described threedifferent ascostromatal developmental types exempli-fied by the genera Dothidea, Pleospora and Elsinoeforming part of the currently accepted orders,Dothideales, Pleosporales and Myriangiales ( for details). The ha-

Accepted for publication 4 August 2006.1 Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Mycologia, 98(6), 2006, pp. 1041–1052.# 2006 by The Mycological Society of America, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897


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mathecium (Eriksson 1981) (i.e. the sterile centrumtissues existing between the asci) is one of the mostreliable characters used to delineate ordinal classifica-tions within the Dothideomycetes. The presence ofpseudoparaphyses (sterile cells extending down fromthe upper portion of the ascoma, initially attached atboth ends, although the upper part may become free) isa notable character for the Pleosporales, together withmainly ostiolate flask-shaped pseudothecia. Converselythe absence of pseudoparaphyses and the presence offascicles of asci are important in the Dothideales. TheMyriangiales also do not have pseudoparaphyses butproduce single globose asci in multiple locules. Severaladditional orders currently accepted are defined bycombinations of centrum and ascomal characters. Fora summary of different centrum types and features seeKirk et al (2001 p 224–225).

The different classification systems proposed thusfar exhibited an emphasis on varying characters. Forinstance, the presence and morphology of charactersin the hamathecium, together with ascostroma shapewere used as the main characters to define ordinalgroups by Luttrell (1955), while von Arx and Muller(1975) emphasized the form of the ascus and thespecific opening of the ascoma. Although basing herclassification on the work of Luttrell, Barr (1987)employed additional characters such as the morphol-ogy of pseudoparaphyses.

The best studied species in this group tend to beplant pathogens on important agricultural crops.Therefore a large body of work in dothideomycetetaxonomy and systematics concerns descriptions ofanamorphs, the predominant morphological stateencountered on agricultural crops; in fact severalfamilies in this class (e.g. Pleosporaceae, Mycosphaer-ellaceae, Tubeufiaceae) include a high proportion ofanamorphic species. These include both hyphomy-cetes and coelomycetes. Many of the hyphomyceteshave sympodially proliferating conidiogenous cells.Phoma-like and other coelomycetes occur in severalfamilies (e.g. Leptosphaeriaceae, Lophiostomata-ceae); these have ostiolate pycnidia lined withphialidic, annellidic or holoblastic conidiogenouscells and produce small, aseptate conidia in slime.Other important species include the group nowinformally referred to as the ‘‘black yeasts’’ (someof which also belong to the Eurotiomycetes) charac-terized by the production of dark, slimy colonies andsporulation patterns that resemble the budding oftrue yeasts but actually are reduced versions ofphialidic, annellidic or sympodially proliferatingconidiogenous cells (de Hoog 1974). A selection ofthe variety of morphological structures exhibited byteleomorph and anamorph forms in the Dothideo-mycetes is shown (FIG. 1).

The refinement of character state homologies andthe development of morphology-based classificationsinto a phylogenetic classification system are acceler-ating with the advent of molecular data. Initialanalyses using DNA sequence data from the smallsubunit ribosomal RNA gene did not support themonophyly of the Loculoascomycetes (Spatafora et al1995, Berbee 1996). A more recent phylogeny pro-duced from protein gene coding data (Liu and Hall2004) was inferred as supporting the taxonomicconcepts for a monophyletic lineage for ascostromatictaxa, but the ontogenetic designations were consid-ered oversimplified by some (Lumbsch et al 2005).Other studies combining data from protein-codinggenes and the ribosomal operon have shown theparaphyly of ascostromatic, bitunicate lineages (Lut-zoni et al 2004, Reeb et al 2004). An example is thegroup of fungi that recently were transferred to theEurotiomycetes based on nuclear small subunitribosomal sequences, the ‘‘black yeasts’’ of theChaetothyriales (Winka et al 1998). Together withthe Verrucariales and Pyrenulales these bitunicatetaxa have been placed within a separate subclass, theChaetothyriomycetidae (Miadlikowska and Lutzoni2004), which is sister of the Eurotiomycetidae(Lutzoni et al 2004, Reeb et al 2004) in the classEurotiomycetes (also see Geiser et al in this issue).

Several studies provide the groundwork for a phy-logenetically based classification for the Dothideomy-cetes. Most have used nuclear small subunit ribosomaldata, but nuclear large subunit ribosomal andmitochondrial small subunit sequences also wereused (Lindemuth et al 2001, Lumbsch and Linde-muth 2001). This allowed for the reassessment ofspecific morphological characters proposed in earlierwork. Specifically, poor support for phylogeneticgroups based on the morphology of pseudopara-physes was found while phylogenetic correlation oftheir presence or absence was well supported (Liew etal 2000, Lumbsch and Lindemuth 2001), althougha single exception to this was noted (Silva-Hanlin andHanlin 2000). In spite of these recent examples ofinterordinal, molecular-based phylogenetic studies,a large number of species within the ascostromaticAscomycota remain listed as Dothideomycetes orChaetothyriomycetes incertae sedis (Eriksson 2006).Furthermore the question of whether Dothideomy-cetes represents a natural group derived from a singleancestor is not settled and the need to investigate itsrelationships to a number of the bitunicate lichenspecies such as the currently separate class Arthonio-mycetes remains essential. The main focus of thisstudy however is to provide an extension of previousribosomal DNA-based phylogenetic studies and com-bine a number of smaller phylogenetic analyses


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within the framework of a multiple gene analysisshowing intraordinal relationships in the Dothideo-mycetes.


Sampling and alignments.—Sequence data were obtainedfrom GenBank and the Assembling the Fungal Tree of LifeProject (AFTOL; strains and sequences used in this study are listed(SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE I). DNA alignments are availablefrom the AFTOL Web site and TreeBASE (SN2913-11828).A number of sequences generated by the AFTOL projectand available from the AFTOL Web site as well as from

GenBank were used. Newly generated DNA sequences weredeposited at GenBank (TABLE I supplement). Genes usedwere nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene DNA (nucSSU), nuclear large subunit rDNA (nuc LSU), elongationfactor la gene (TEF1), and the second largest subunits ofRNA polymerase II gene (RPB2). Herbaria and culturecollections where strains and specimens used in this studyare deposited are listed (TABLE I supplement).

Phylogenetic analysis.—Maximum and weighted parsimony(MP and WP) analyses were performed on a combineddataset with a total of 117 taxa that included 96 Dothideo-mycetes. Nineteen taxa contained data for only three loci tomaximize taxon sampling. The majority of the missing datawere in the terminal branches of the tree, and care was

FIG. 1. A selection of dothideomycete morphological forms. Teleomorphs, ascostromata: A. Light-colored, flask-shapedpseudothecia of Tubeufia cerea (Tubeufiaceae) on wood. B. Dark pseudothecia of Cochliobolus heterostrophus (Pleosporales) oncorn leaf. C. Hysterothecia of Hysteropatella prostii (Hysteriales), with slit-like openings. Teleomorphs, asci and locules: D.Stylodothis puccinioides (Dothideales), multiascus locules. E. Pyrenophora brizae (Pleosporales) bitunicate asci, one with brokenectotunica. F. Guignardia magniferae (Botryosphaeriales) asci with ascospores. G. Bitunicate ascus of Davidiella tassiana(Capnodiales). H. Phaeosphaeria avenaria, juvenile ascoma with pseudoparaphyses. I. Myriangium duriaei (Myriangiales),monascus locules in stroma. Anamorphs: J. Conidia borne in pycnidium of Dothiorella sp. (Botryosphaeriales). K, L. Helicalconidia, in two different dimensions, of Helicoon and Helicoma spp. (Tubeufiaceae). M. Conidia and conidiophore of Bipolarissp. (Pleosporales). N. Stroma of Trimmatostroma abietis (Capnodiales) bearing conidia in culture. O. Chlamydospores ofTrimmatostroma abietis (Capnodiales). Scale bars are approximations obtained from published sources; the bar indicates10 mm except in A, B, C and N where it indicates 200 mm. Photo credits, courtesy of: Jean-Paul Priou (A), B. Gillian Turgeon(B), Hans-Otto Baral (C), Robert A. Shoemaker (D, E, H, I), Gary Samuels (F), Pedro W. Crous (G, J, N, O), Clement K.M.Tsui (K, L), Keith A. Seifert (M).


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taken to include complete data sampling for taxa onbranches underpinned by the more basal nodes. Two taxawith only ribosomal data (AFTOL ID 1856 Phoma herbarumand AFTOL ID 1864, Didymella cucurbitacearum) also wereincluded to clarify the position of the clade surroundingPhoma herbarum. Removal of these taxa did not significantlyaffect support values in other parts of the tree. Likewisea comparison of a parsimony and Bayesian analysis with andwithout complete sets of characters yielded trees withcongruent topologies. DNA sequences from a single strain(Leptosphaeria maculans DAOM 229267) inadvertently wereincluded twice in the final analysis but were left in the finaltree to ensure correct comparison across all approaches. Werooted the tree with three taxa from the class Pezizomycetesas outgroups (Pyronema domesticum, Caloscypha fulgensGyromitra californica) (not shown in figure).

For the WP analyses the unambiguously aligned regionswere subjected to symmetric step matrices for eightpartitions (i.e. nuc SSU rDNA, nuc LSU rDNA and sixcodon positions of TEF1 and RPB2) to incorporate thedifferences in substitution rates and patterns as described inLutzoni et al (2004). MP and WP analyses were performedwith only parsimony informative characters with thesesettings: 100 replicates of random sequence addition, TBR

branch swapping and MULTREES in effect. Maximum likeli-hood was performed with PHYML (Guindon and Gascuel2003) using a GTR+I+C model of evolution. In all pre-ceding cases nodal support was verified by nonparametricbootstrapping under the conditions mentioned, using 500replicates.

Initial incongruence in the single gene trees for the taxaused was tested by examining single gene analyses with WPunder the conditions previously mentioned for a set of taxacontaining data for all four loci. A 70% majority ruleconsensus tree was compared in each case. Phylogeneticanalysis using Bayesian inference of maximum likelihoodwas performed with a parallelized version of MrBayes v 3.1.2across four processors (Altekar et al 2004). MrBayes was runwith these parameters: a general time reversible model ofDNA substitution (GTR) with gamma-distributed ratevariation across sites (invariance, partitioning across genesand codons). A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)analysis with metropolis coupling was run starting froma random tree for 5 3 106 generations, sampling every100th cycle. Four chains were run simultaneously with theinitial 1000 cycles discarded as burn-in. Two additional runswith 5 3 106 generations were compared to confirm thatstationarity in likelihood values was reached and compared.The phylogenies obtained in all cases were congruent. A50% majority rule tree from a total of 45 000 trees obtainedfrom a single run is presented (FIG. 2).


Data analyses.—The alignment for the phylogeneticanalyses, after excluding introns and ambiguouslyaligned regions, consisted of 5098 base pairs, 1882 ofwhich were parsimony informative. The reciprocalcomparisons of 70% bootstrap trees from each gene

with 61 core taxa did not reveal any incongruence(data not shown). Therefore all of 109 taxa in thecurrent taxon sampling were used in the combinedanalyses. The heuristic search in MP and WP analysesyielded six MPTs with 20 917 steps (CI 5 0.204, RI 5

0.535) and three MPTs with 34 319.54 steps, re-spectively. In model-based methods, ML heuristicsearch analysis resulted in a tree of 294 457.67 loglikelihood and resulted after the GTR model wasapplied with a gamma value of 0.395 across four ratecategories with a proportion of invariant sites equal to0.287. The Bayesian analysis converged on the plateauof the log-likelihood on a mean value of 293 955. Thetree from Bayesian analyses is shown (FIG. 2) with allof the bootstrap proportions as well as the Bayesianposterior probabilities. Internodes were consideredstrongly supported if they received all of bootstrapproportions $ 70% and posterior probabilities $

95% (Lutzoni et al 2004).

Overview.—The tree (FIG. 2) contains representativesof the major classes in the Ascomycota, as definedpreviously (Eriksson 2001). The supraclass relation-ships in our analysis indicated no support for a closerelationship between the Dothideomycetes and Sor-dariomycetes, alluded to in an earlier study (Lutzoniet al 2004) and the sister relationships of theSordariomycetes and Leotiomycetes are supportedin agreement with recent data (Lumbsch et al 2005).A few taxon pairs containing isolates used in previousworks have remarkably high similarity to each otherover all four loci. Two examples noted in this analysiswere incorrectly identified strains, namely ‘‘Clathro-spora diplospora’’ CBS 174.52 5 Alternaria alternataand ‘‘Epipolaeum longisetosum5Raciborskiomyces long-isetosus’’ CBS 180.53 5 Cladosporium herbarum.

Non-Dothideomycete bitunicate groups. Severallineages historically associated with the loculoascomy-cetes, such as the two species representing theCoryneliales, also were included. The placement ofCaliciopsis orientalis together with Caliciopsis pinea(FIG. 2) indicates a close relationship with the Euro-tiomycetidae (Geiser et al this issue). Other ordinalgroups traditionally associated with the Dothideomy-cetes and now placed in the Eurotiomycetes werementioned earlier. These groups share a number ofcentrum characters with members of the Dothideomy-cetes, such as the presence of periphysoids (Verrucari-ales, Chaetothyriales) and periphysate ostioles (Verru-cariales, Chaetothyriales, Pyrenulales). The phylogeny(FIG. 2) confirms the separation of the Chaetothyrialesand Verrucariales from the Dothideomycetes.

Dothideomycetes-Arthoniomycetes clade. The relation-ship of the Dothideomycetes and Arthoniomycetes(node A) is well supported by Bayesian and


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maximum likelihood but not parsimony, although inan analysis without third codon positions, support byMP bootstrap and WP bootstrap increased. Theinternal node supporting the monophyly of theDothideomycetes (node B) also had higher supportin maximum likelihood and the two parsimonyprocesses when the more saturated third codonpositions were omitted. In more complete analysescontaining characters from the RPB1 locus, this nodewas moderately supported and the Trypethelium strainis shown inside the Dothideomycetes (see Spataforaet al this issue).

Although taxon sampling for the Arthoniomycetesis sparse in our dataset, these levels of support(FIG. 2) largely agree with other recent large analyseswhere the Dothideomycetes is resolved as mono-phyletic but with low statistical support (Lumbsch etal 2005). A possible sister relationship of Dothideo-mycete/Arthoniomycetes has been proposed (Barr1987, Tehler 1990) and there is some phylogeneticsupport for this (Lumbsch et al 2005, Lutzoni et al2004). Clear differences between the groups exist,such as the ascohymenial type development of theArthoniomycetes apothecium (Henssen and Thor1994). More thorough sampling of Arthoniomyceteswill test the monophyly of its relationship with theDothideomycetes. It is premature to comment on theultimate monophyly of the Dothideomycetes, but itseems quite reasonable that increased sampling oftaxa and genes could increase support for this node.As pointed out by Lumbsch et al (2005), most of thelarge scale interclass relationships have been inconflict in recent publications and taxon samplingshould be an important consideration before makingmajor classification changes.

Dothideomycetes. The addition of protein gene dataillustrates that the lineages clustering around the coreorders Pleosporales and Dothideales correlate with thepresence or absence of pseudoparaphyses and othercentrum characteristics. The node supporting theDothideales, Capnodiales, Myriangiales and Myco-sphaerellaceae (C) is strongly supported. This nodewas unaffected when third base codon positions wereremoved, but a small increase in parsimony bootstrapsupport was noted at node M, combining the Dothi-deales and Myriangiales, although ML bootstrap de-creased. Saturation and the specific evolutionary modelapplied might have influenced this. Node C mightindicate a single loss of pseudoparaphyses in all theterminal clades. However previous molecular phyloge-nies based on nuc SSU rDNA data have shown thepresence of members of the aparaphysate genusLeptosphaerulina nested within the Pleosporales (Silva-Hanlin and Hanlin 2000), which could imply multiple,isolated losses of this character in other parts of the tree.

Anamorphs play an important role in the life cyclesof many orders of Dothideomycetes. Many are coelo-mycetes, especially phialidic, Phoma-like anamorphs,which may be a plesiomorphic anamorph character inthe class, perhaps serving some kind of spermatialfunction. In the Pleosporaceae and Mycosphaerella-ceae hyphomycetes with sympodially proliferatingconidiogenous cells with scars, and dry conidia, areparticularly common and strictly anamorphic speciesmay comprise the majority in these families. TheCapnodiales, with their multitude of hyphomycete andcoelomycete synanamorphs, and the helicoconidialanamorphs of the Tubeufiaceae, contain particularlydistinctive anamorph groups. The anamorph generaof both hyphomycetes and coelomycetes, lackingteleomorph connections, continue to be examinedfor their phylogenetic relationships, many of themundoubtedly will be found to be associated with theDothideomycetes. Several clades are well supported(FIG. 2) and will be discussed in more detail below.

Aparaphysate Dothideomycetes.—We hereby proposean emendation of the subclass Dothideomycetidae(nom. nud.) (Kirk et al 2001), which has beensuperceded by the Dothideomycetes O.E. Erikss.and Winka (2000). Dothideomycetidae sensu Lutzoniet al (2004) also was included in the Sordariomycetesas subclass Dothideomycetidae along with the subclassSordariomycetidae (syn. Sordariomycetes s. str.) andArthoniomycetidae (syn. Arthoniomycetes), althoughthere was no strong statistical support for thisbroadened concept of Sordariomycetes. We validateand emend the concept of Dothideomycetidae sensuKirk et al (2001) to include the bitunicate ordersDothideales, Capnodiales and Myriangiales, whichlack paraphyses, pseudoparaphyses and paraphysoids.This emended subclass overlaps with the Loculopar-enchymatomycetidae (Barr 1983) but differs byincluding the Myriangiales and excluding the Aster-inales, now listed under its constituent families asDothideomycetes et Chaetothyriomycetes incertaesedis by Eriksson (2006).

Dothideomycetidae P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon, J.C.David & J.A. Stalpers, ex Schoch, Spatafora, Crouset Shoemaker, subclass nov.; Dothideomycetidae P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David

& J.A. Stalpers, in Kirk et al, Dictionary of Fungi, 9thed., p 165, 572. 2001 (nom. nud.).

Ascomata immersa vel erumpentia vel superficialia,minuta vel magnitudine media, separata vel instromate basilari aggregata, unilocularia vel plurilo-cularia, ostiolata, nonnumquam periphysata. Pseudo-paraphyses absentes, periphysoideae nonnumquampraesentes. Asci globosi vel ellipsoidei vel clavati vel


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subcylindrici. Ascosporae hyalinae vel subhyalinae velfuscae, unicellulares vel pluriseptatae vel muriformes.Anamorphoses seu coelomycetes seu hyphomycetes.

Ascomata immersed, erumpent or sometimes su-perficial, minute, small or medium-sized; separate ormerged or grouped on basal stroma, uni- to multi-loculate apical pore mostly present, when presentostiolar canal at times periphysate, stromatic tissuesmay contain pseudoparenchymatous cells. Pseudo-paraphyses lacking, periphysoids may be present; Asciglobose, subglobose, ovoid to ellipsoid, saccate,oblong, clavate or subcylindrical, Ascospores hyaline,subhyaline or dark brown, variable in shape and size,one celled or one to several septate or muriform.

Anamorphs coelomycetous and/or hyphomyce-tous.

Type order. Dothideales (1897) Lindau in Engler &Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1(1):373. 1897.

Represented orders. Dothideales Lindau 1897, Cap-nodiales Woron. 1925, Myriangiales Starback 1899.

Dothideales. Species from this order generally havesmaller ascomata and fewer asci than the pseudopar-aphysate Pleosporales (node D) and traditionally havebeen segregated because of the absence of pseudopar-aphyses in their pseudothecia. The species included inthis order encompass saprotrophs, hemibiotrophs andbiotrophs. It is represented by eight species in ouranalysis, including the recent epitype isolate ofDothidea sambuci, the type of the genus Dothidea(Shoemaker et al 2003). The family Dothideaceaeincludes biotrophs, necrotrophs and saprobes onplant tissue. Stylodothis puccinoides was redescribed asa separate species from Dothidea but remains closelyassociated with the genus in our phylogeny.

Three members of the Dothioraceae are polypheticin the tree. The so-called black yeast anamorphsassociated with Dothideomycetes tend to occur in thisfamily, with Aureobasidium pullulans (probably ananamorph species complex based on the ITSsequences deposited in GenBank), and the micro-morphologically similar Hormonema dematioides (tele-omorph Sydowia polyspora, perhaps also a complex ofanamorph species) (de Hoog 1974). These speciesare found commonly on moist surfaces of plants andcan convert from yeast to meristematic growth under

nutritional stress. Some progress in the resolution ofthe nature of Aureobasidium pullulans has been madehere with the linkage of Columnosphaeria fagi (H.J.Hudson) M.E. Barr to a ‘‘neotype’’ culture CBS584.75 of A. pullulans var. pullulans (SUPPLEMENTARY

TABLE I).Capnodiales. The node I is well supported in this

multigene analysis. This same node is present ina ribosomal rDNA phylogeny containing ‘‘Raciborskio-myces longisetosus’’ as erroneous name for a Cladospo-rium species with Capnodium citri (Lumbsch andLindemuth 2001). Synapomorphies are limited in thisexpanded order and these taxa have not beengrouped together before. The presence of short,periphyses-like cells in the ostiolar pore of somegenera of the Capnodiales such as Capnodium alsoare reported from other families, including the Myco-sphaerellaceae (von Arx and Muller 1975) and mightbe a synapomorphy uniting these taxa. We herebypropose an expansion of the current Capnodiales toinclude the Mycosphaereallaceae and Piedraiaceae.The constituent families are discussed below.

Capnodiaceae. An ascostromatal family withoutpseudoparaphyses, the Capnodiaceae are leaf epi-phytes associated with the honeydew of insects. Alsoknown as sooty molds, they tend to live in complexcommunities, with multiple species, and often multi-ple fungal parasites of those species, inhabitinga common, sooty mass. They are noted for theproduction of darkly pigmented hyphae, often of verycharacteristic morphology (Hughes 1976, Reynolds1998). The members of this order have superficialascostromata with ovoid asci in fascicles and hyaline todark, one to multiseptate ascospores. The sooty moldsare highly pleomorphic and often highly pleoana-morphic. The order includes many anamorphicspecies, all dematiaceous, including several conidio-matal, mycelial (often with dry-spored, blasticphragmo- or dictyoconidia) or presumably spermatial(usually phialidic) hyphomycete genera or pycnidialsynanamorphs (Hughes 1976).

Mycosphaerellaceae. The Mycosphaerellaceae is char-acterized by small pseudothecial ascomata that areimmersed in host tissue, single and superficial, orimbedded in a pseudoparenchymatal stroma, papil-


FIG. 2. Dothideomycete phylogeny. 50% majority rule consensus tree of 45 000 trees obtained by Bayesian inference andMCMCMC under GTR+I+C applied across seven partitions. Only orders and families with more than two members under thecurrent classification of Eriksson (2005) are shown in shadow. Bar indicates the nucleotide substitutions per site. Nodes ofinterest are labeled alphabetically and support values are shown above and below. Bayesian PP 5 posterior probability, ML BP5 maximum likelihood bootstrap, MP BP 5 maximum parsimony bootstrap, WP 5 weighted parsimony bootstrap. Gaps (–)show a collapsed node and asterisks show the presence of a differently resolved node under the specific statistical samplingmethod used.


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late, ostiolate, lacking interascal tissue. Asci vary fromovoid to saccate to subcylindrical, usually stipitate, withor without an apical chamber, lacking any other apicalmechanism. Ascospores are hyaline to slightly pigmen-ted, 1-septate, but in some cases also 3-septate, andsometimes are enclosed in a sheath. Mycosphaerella hasclose to 30 anamorph genera associated with it, mostof which have cicatrized, sympodially proliferatingconidiogenous cells and single or acropetally catenate,dry conidia. The two clades delineated within Myco-sphaerella here also were recognized in a separate studyemploying multiple genes to resolve relationships inMycosphaerella (Hunter et al 2006). Node I1 containsthe type of Mycosphaerella, M. punctiformis, and thebulk of Mycosphaerella species, while the second clade(above I4) appears to contain more extremotolerantspecies (Crous et al unpubl data).

Mycosphaerella is distinguished from Davidiella(Cladosporium anamorphs) by lacking irregular lu-mens or inclusions in its ascospores and not havinganamorphs with protruberant, thickened, darkened,Cladosporium-like scars (Braun et al 2003, Aptroot2006). As shown in this study Davidiella with itsCladosporium anamorphs (type species Davidiellatassiana, anamorph Cladosporium herbarum) clustersin a well supported clade apart from Mycosphaerellas.str. (Mycosphaerellaceae), and thus a new family isproposed for clade I1.

Davidiellaceae Schoch, Spatafora, Crous et Shoemak-er, fam. nov.Ascomata Mycosphaerellae similia, sed lumen ascos-

porarum forma variabile et anamorphe Cladosporium.Ascomata immersed to erumpent, small or medi-

um-sized; separate or aggregated, uniloculate, apicalpore present, periphysate; wall of several layers ofbrown, thickened, pseudoparenchymatal cells. Pseu-doparaphyses lacking. Asci bitunicate, 8-spored, ob-ovoid to ellipsoid or subcylindrical, fasciculate, withor without apical chamber. Ascospores hyaline to palebrown, smooth to somewhat roughened, mucoussheath sometimes present, one-septate, thick-walled,with irregular lumens. Anamorphs are species ofCladosporium.

Typus. Davidiella tassiana (De Not.) Crous & U.Braun, Mycol. Prog. 2:8. 2003.The position of a single representative of the

Piedraiaceae, Piedraia hortae, is refined here asassociated with the Capnodiales and allies but notthe Myriangiales as reported earlier (Lindemuth et al2001). This species was described with an ascuscontaining only one thin wall (Shoemaker and Egger1982). The specialized parasites in this family are

almost exclusively associated with human hair intropical regions. It is shown with low parsimonybootstrap support (I3) with Trimmatostroma abietis,a meristematic anamorph species isolated from co-nifer needles and rock surfaces. This species wasshown to be closely related to Mycosphaerella and itsallies in a recently published molecular phylogeny(Selbman et al 2005).

Myriangiales. The Myriangiales are reported to berelated to the Dothideales (node M), although withoutany significant bootstrap support for this placement.They generally have ascostromata without ostioles inmonoascal locules. The species of the type genus,Myriangium, has globose asci scattered at many levelsin an undifferentiated stromatic mass (Sivanesan1984). The order includes saprobic, epiphytic orbiotrophic organisms. The anamorphs of this order,when known, generally are acervular coelomyceteswith polyphialidic conidiogenous cells, such as theSphaceloma anamorphs of Elsinoe species (Kirk et al2001).

Paraphysate Dothideomycetes.We hereby propose a new subclass for the

pseudoparaphysate taxa supported by node D1.

Pleosporomycetidae Schoch, Spatafora, Crous etShoemaker, subclass nov.Ascomata perithecialia vel hysterothecialia vel

cleistothecialia, immersa vel erumpentia. Hamatheciipseudoparaphyses cellulares vel trabeculatae, maturaenonnumquam deliquescentes. Asci bitunicati, pler-umque basilares, nonnumquam lateraliter exten-dentes, cylindrici vel clavati vel oblongi vel saccati.Ascosporae colore, forma septisque variabiles, pler-umque heteropolares sed nonnumquam etiam sym-metricae.

Ascomata perithecioid, hysterothecioid or cleis-tothecioid, conchate or dolabrate, immersed, erum-pent or superficial; globose, sphaeroid, turbinate,ovoid, obpyriform, conoid, doliiform, dimidiate.Hamathecium of wide to narrow cellular or trabecu-late pseudoparaphyses, deliquescing at maturity insome. Asci bitunicate, usually basal, at times extend-ing laterally, cylindric, clavate, oblong or saccate.Ascospores variable in pigmentation, shape andseptation, usually with bipolar asymmetry, but somesymmetrical.

Type order. Pleosporales Luttrell ex M.E. Barr.Represented order. Pleosporales Luttrell ex M.E. Barr.Pleosporales. The Pleosporales is the largest order in

the Dothideomycetes. It contains several well knownplant pathogens such as Cochliobolus heterostrophus, thecausative agent for southern blight on corn, Lepto-sphaeria maculans, causing black leg on rape seed and


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Phaeosphaeria nodorum causing stagonospora blotch incereals. In this analysis a strain of Delitschia winteri isplaced above node D, supporting the rest of thePleosporales according to Eriksson’s broad concept(2001). Delitschia shares features common to severalbitunicate species occurring on dung; they are darklypigmented, usually strongly constricted ascosporeswith germ slits (Barr 2000). The family Delitschiaceaewas described by Barr (2000) for species previouslyplaced in the Sporormiaceae. The delineation is basedon an ostiole containing periphyses and asci with wideouter ascus walls and an ocular chamber containingrefractive rods. This placement was confirmed withnuc SSU rDNA sequence comparisons (Kruys 2005). Acombined nuc SSU analysis of Delitschia winterigrouped it close to another species of the genus, D.didyma (AF242264), confirming the identification ofthe strain used (results not shown). Members of thisfamily are hypersaprotrophic on old dung andexposed wood.

There was also strong support for the monophyly ofPleosporales, with Lophium mytilinum branching at itsmost basal node (D1). This species is found asa saprobe on wood and on cones of conifers and islisted incertae sedis as part of the Mytilinidiaceae(Eriksson 2006). The family contains species withcharacteristic conch shaped ascomata. Analyzingadditional taxa from the Mytilinidiaceae and relatedgroups also will be important to investigate ancestralcharacter states for the Pleosporales but they shouldbe placed as Pleosporomycetidae incertae sedis fornow.

The morphology of ascospores has played animportant role in delimiting families in the Pleospo-rales. However, as noted from some of the firstmolecular based phylogenies of the Dothideomycetes,several family relationships might be poorly sup-ported (Lindemuth et al 2001). Perhaps the strainschosen are not good exemplars for their families orare derived from misidentified specimens. However itseems unlikely that this can account for all therelationships (FIG. 2) and a reassessment at this levelof classification seems urgent. Here we will discussonly briefly a selection of highlighted families(FIG. 2).

The most basal node inside the Pleosporales (D2)supports two members of the Testudinaceae, pro-visionally included among Ascomycota incertae sedisby Eriksson (2006). Members of this family are mainlyisolated from soil and produce reduced, cleistothe-cioid ascostromata. This clade unexpectedly containsthe ostiolate marine species, Verruculina enalia(Didymosphaeriaceae) as also noted in an earlierphylogenetic analysis (Kruys 2005). The next wellsupported clade above node D3 supports the Spor-

ormiaceae. These fungi are found commonly ondung but some occur on other substrates (e.g. wood,soil and plant debris). A large number of species inthis group have germ slits. This morphologicalvariability was confirmed in a phylogenetic studyusing DNA sequences from multiple ribosomal loci(Kruys 2005).

The Lophiostomataceae and Melanommataceaeare inferred as paraphyletic in the next set of clades(above D4 and D5), with one clade including twospecies of Lophiostoma (Lophiostomataceae 1). Thisclade also contains one species of Trematosphaeriaheterospora, which was classified as Lophiostomaheterosporum (Barr 1992). The second clade (Lophios-tomataceae 2) includes members of the Lophiosto-mataceae and Pleomassariaceae as well as Melanom-mataceae. Node D5 contains a diverse group ofspecies isolated from diseased and decaying plantsas well as soil (each currently classified undera different family). This overlapped with relationshipsreported before, using molecular-based phylogenies(Liew et al 2000, 2002), but like many of the otherclades will require more intense sampling to addressfamily and genus descriptions.

The more terminal branches in the Pleosporales(D6) include well studied families containing impor-tant plant pathogens, saprobes and animal pathogenswith numerous anamorphs. Didymella cucurbita-cearum forms a clade with the anamorphs Ascochytapisi and Phoma herbarum (D8), parasites on agricul-tural crops. Leptosphaeria (Leptosphaeriaceae),shown on a single branch, is a large genus with paleto dark brown and septate ascospores. Members ofthis family have flask-shaped pseudothecia withnarrow asci and a characteristic thin apex. Manyspecies are associated with coelomycetous ana-morphs. Phoma anamorphs are particularly common(Camara et al 2001, Verkley et al 2004). The Phaeo-sphaeriaceae (D9) are distinguished from the Lepto-sphaeriaceae by ascomal wall morphology and allhave pycnidial coelomycetes, mostly classified inStagonospora, characterized by holoblastic or some-times annellidic conidiogenesis and the productionof phragmoconidia. Unnamed pycnidial microconi-dial anamorphs also are reported in some species(Leuchtmann 1984). In a poorly supported cladea trio of species without any clear phylogeneticplacement are noted. Two of these species areanamorphs, Coniothyrium palmarum and Pyrenochaetanobilis, linked to the teleomorphs Leptosphaeria andHerpotrichia.

The next well supported node (D10) contains thePleosporaceae, which have ascostromata that aremainly flask-shaped pseudothecia embedded in thesubstrate with 1-septate to muriform ascospores. In


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addition to species found in marine environmentsand as parasites on animals a number of importantgrass and cereal crop parasite genera, Cochliobolus,Pyrenophora and Lewia, are included in this family.The sexual states are normally well linked with singleanamorph genera. Important anamorph species in-clude the well known genera Alternaria (withUlocladium paraphyletic within it), Stemphylium, theso-called helminthosporia (Bipolaris, Curvularia,Drechslera, Exserohilum) and a few other genera suchas Dendryphion and Dendryphiopsis.

Dothideomycetes incertae sedis.—A number of orderscould not be placed in any of the two subclasses definedand will be discussed in more detail. Two orders,Jahnulales and Patellariales, currently listed by Eriksson(2006) are not included in this analysis but a separatecomparison using deposited sequences from nuc SSUobtained from GenBank combined with our completetaxa revealed them to be separate from the groupsreferred to in this paper (data not shown).

Members of Hysteriales have been reported withpseudoparaphyses in apothecioid ascomata with elon-gated openings (von Arx and Muller 1975, Barr 1987,Luttrell 1974) and are often saprobes on wood or weakparasites of woody plants. Four members of theHysteriales agreeing mainly with Luttrell’s originaldefinitions are included (FIG. 2) and it is clear thatthese are not a monophyletic group, a proposition alsomentioned by Luttrell (1973). Farlowiella carmichaeli-ana could not be resolved with any certainty.

The phylogeny also supports a relationship be-tween the dung fungus Phaeotrichum benjaminii andTyrannosorus pinicola (FIG. 2). Phaeotrichum is char-acterized by dark-brown, septate spores and cleis-tothecioid ascostromata. T. pinicola produces ostio-late ascostromata with characteristic long, sharpspines and have been isolated from wood and plantmaterial. The multiple germ slits that were describedfor T. pinicola may be linked to the terminal germpores characteristic of P. benjaminii.

Node E supports Kirschsteiniothelia aethiops with itsDendryphiopsis atra anamorph. These two species alsoappear unrelated to other species in the genus(Shearer 1993) based on nuc SSU rDNA data andthe genus is reportedly heterogenous (Hawksworthand Eriksson 2003). K. aethiops does not have closeassociations with the Pleosporaceae and should beplaced in a separate family.

The Tubeufiaceae clade (above node G) containsspecies with a variety of nutritional modes. They oftenare reported as saprobes from terrestrial and fresh-water environments, but some species are hyperpar-asites and others can parasitize insects. Teleomorphsconsist of brightly colored ascostromata, with long,

hyaline, multiseptate ascospores (Rossman 1987).The best-known anamorphs of the Tubeufiaceae arehelicosporous hyphomycetes and well known generainclude Helicodendron, Helicomyces and Helicoon. Re-cent DNA sequence-based comparisons did not findstrong correlation between these anamorph formsand phylogenetic groups. (Tsui et al 2006). Combin-ing recent focused phylogenies into a large scaledataset is required before placement of this group inthe current classification.

Botryosphaeriaceae. The position of the Botryo-sphaeriaceae (H) within the Dothideomycetes hasbeen enigmatic. The taxonomy of this group of plant-associated fungi has relied mostly on anamorphdescriptions; sequence data recently have linkedseveral anamorph genera to the genus Botryosphaeria(Jacobs and Rehner 1998). Associated anamorphswere divided into two groups, those with thin-walled,hyaline conidia (Fusicoccum), and those with thick-walled, pigmented conidia (Diplodia) (Denman et al2000). In a recent phylogenetic study employing LSUsequence data to resolve relationships among mem-bers of the Botryosphaeriaceae, Crous et al (2006)segregated Botryosphaeria into several genera, sup-ported by morphological differences of their ana-morphs. From the phylogenetic results obtained inthis study, it is clear that the Botryosphaeriaceaedeserves an order separate from the Pleosporales andDothideales, which is introduced below.

Botryosphaeriales Schoch, Crous & Shoemaker, ord.nov.Family. Botryosphaeriaceae Theiss. & P. Syd., Ann. Mycol.

16:16 (1918).Type. Botryosphaeria Ces. & De Not., Comment Soc.

crittog. Ital. 1:211 (1863)..Type species. B. dothidea (Moug. : Fr.) Ces. & De Not.,

Comment Soc. crittog. Ital. 1:212 (1863).

Ascomata unilocularia vel plurilocularia, parietemultistratoso fusco inclusa, singularia vel aggregata,raro in stromate submersa. Asci bitunicati, endotu-nica crassa, stipitati vel sessiles, clavati, camera apicalidistincta, pseudoparaphysibus hyalinis, septatis, ramo-sis vel simplicibus intermixti. Ascosporae hyalinae velpigmentatae, unicellulares vel septatae, ellipsoideaevel ovoideae, nonnumquam appendicibus vel tunicagelatinosis praeditae. Anamorphoses: conidiomatapycnidialia, unilocularia vel multilocularia, saepe instromate submersa, cellulis conidiogenis phialidicis,conidia hyalina vel pigmentata, tenui- vel crassituni-cata proferentibus, quae nonnumquam appendicibusvel tunica gelatinosis praedita sunt.

Ascomata uni- to multilocular with multilayereddark brown walls, occurring singularly or in clusters,frequently embedded in stromatic tissue. Asci bituni-


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cate, with a thick endotunica, stalked or sessile,clavate, with a well developed apical chamber,intermixed with hyaline, septate pseudoparaphyses,branched or not. Ascospores hyaline to pigmented,septate or not, ellipsoid to ovoid, with or withoutmucoid appendages or sheath. Anamorphs have uni-to multilocular pycnidial conidiomata, frequentlyembedded in stromatic tissue, with hyaline, phialidicconidiogenous cells, and hyaline to pigmented, thin-to thick-walled conidia, which sometimes have mu-coid appendages or sheaths.

Conclusion.—This multigene phylogeny contributesto the overall phylogenetic classification of theDothideomycetes. We emend a previously proposedsubclass, the Dothideomycetidae, and propose a newone, the Pleosporomycetidae, based on the presenceor absence of pseudoparaphyses as defined by Barr(1987) based on Luttrell (1955). The orders accord-ing to Eriksson (2006) are largely upheld with theexception of the Hysteriales, but we also expand thisclassification with an additional order, the Botryo-sphaeriales, and redefine the Capnodiales to includethe currently defined Mycosphaerellaceae and Pie-draiaceae. A new family, the Davidiellaceae, is pro-posed to accommodate Davidiella species withCladosporium anamorphs. Several clades did notcorrelate with familial relationships under Eriksson’sclassification (2006) and should be addressed insubsequent analyses. Similarly a number of small cladesare incertae sedis and remain to be addressed in thefuture. The strains used in this study, althoughvalidated by morphological examinations in previouspublications (e.g. Berbee 1996) as well as by compar-isons with sequences from GenBank, should continueto be validated by more intensive taxon sampling ina number of clades. The value of additive sampling inthis study, where two strains used in previous studiescould be shown to be misidentified, supports this.

One large gap in this analysis is the absence oflichenized lineages. A single unidentified Trypethe-lium species was included, but numerous lichenizedascostromatic bitunicate species (such as those in thePyrenulales) remain candidates for placement in theDothideomycetes. In fact a study by Del Prado et al(2006) shows good support for a placement of thelichenized Trypetheliaceae within the Dothideomy-cetes. In addition, numerous lineages remain un-resolved in this class. For example the currentclassification of Eriksson (2006) contains 23 familiesplaced in orders but more than 40 families remainlisted as Chaetothyriomycetes et Dothideomycetesincertae sedis. It appears likely that, in the processof combining the comprehensive body of workalready done on the biology, ontogeny and morphol-

ogy of these fungi within a molecular-based phyloge-netic context, they will continue to surprise andchallenge us well into the future.


We thank Walter Gams for assistance with the Latindiagnosis and are grateful to Gary Samuels, Clement Tsuiand Gillian Turgeon for photographs provided. Computa-tional assistance by Scott Givan and Chris Sullivan from theCenter for Gene Research and Biotechnology at OregonState University is appreciated. The efforts of Ben O’Rourkeat Oregon State University and Lisa Bukovnik at DukeUniversity were vital in generating sequence data. We thankRichard Oliver for providing data from the Phaeosphaerianodorum genome project. The authors also acknowledgethe important contributions of Ewald Groenewald, MahdiArzanlou and other personnel at CBS. Finally, we acknowl-edge financial support from the National Science Founda-tion (DEB-0228725, Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life andDEB-0090301, Research Coordination Network: A Phyloge-ny for Kingdom Fungi).


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