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    A MO E B AThe Study of a Distributed Operating System

    Compiled & Prepared By:

    Patel Nupur ([email protected])

    Shah Palak ([email protected])

    VI th Semester - Computer Engg.

    U.V.Patel College of Engg, Mehasana.

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    Fields Of Application ........15

    Conclusion ............15



    For my physical studies like Measurement of velocity gradients in high viscose liquids I

    use Amoeba as a compact and powerful lab measurement system with many reducedpc systems for only data recording together with high speed Pentium PC's for data

    analysis connected through a standard 10 Mbps Ethernet network. Putting all machines

    together to one large coupled system is very simple and flexible. Only less

    administration work must be done.

    Amoeba doesn't make any usage of the BIOS. All needed hardware driversare delivered within the Amoeba kernel. But the first bootstrap stage (Amoebastandalone boot program on floppy or hard disks) needs the BIOS to load the first

    Amoeba kernel.Amoeba builds upon a traditional micro kernel. It supports true

    multithreading (kernel controlled), segment based memory management.Currently, it's the fastest distributed operating system.

    Here I m giving u concise and informal introduction to distributed operatingsystem-AMOEBA

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    Amoeba is a distributed operating

    system. It collects a huge variety of single

    machines connected over a (fast) network to

    one, huge computer. It was originally

    developed at the Vrije Universiteit in

    Amsterdam by Andrew Tanenbaum and

    many more. Amoeba was always designed to

    be used, so it was deemed essential toachieve extremely high performance.

    Amoeba system will connect the multiple

    Amoeba system in different sites into a single

    coherent system. This goal is obtained by

    using the object and capabilities in a uniform

    way. Currently, it's the fastest distributed

    operating system. The original Amoeba

    sources are handled under a public license -

    similar the BSD license.Amoeba builds upon a traditional

    micro kernel. It supports true multithreading

    (kernel controlled), segment based memory

    management. All Amoeba components

    communicate with each other over a

    standardized RPC (Remote Procedure Call)

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    interface - simple but very powerful. No

    matter if a client or server thread is running

    in kernel or user mode - it uses the same RPC

    interface. Always. Everywhere. This leads to

    a very clean and simple OS design, very wellsuited for beginners.

    Because Amoeba was designed from

    scratch with new concepts, never seen

    before, it suffered from a lack of application

    programs. Therefore a POSIX-compliant

    UNIX emulation was added. It makes porting

    UNIX programs much easier! Now, with

    additional changes, a huge variety of

    application programs from the UNIX-world

    work under Amoeba: X11 with applications,

    various compilers (gcc, ocaml, tcl/tk), bash

    shell, editors and many, many more. Amoeba

    is ready to use! Of course not without (little)


    It's still in a slightly experimental

    state, but ready to use. FSD-Amoeba is

    intended to use for dedicatedprogrammers only, and not for end users!


    Developed at the Vrije UniversiteitAmsterdam, Netherlands. Chief designer:

    Andrew S. Tanenbaum Other developers were Frans Kaashock,

    Sape J. Mullender, Robbert van Renesse,

    Leendert van Doorn, Kees Verstoep and

    many, many more. First proto release in 1983 (V1.0), last

    official release 1996 (V5.3) Supports

    multiple architectures: 68k, i80386,




    One of the main goals of the Amoebadevelopment was to design a transparent

    distributed system that allows users to log

    into system as a whole: Transparency. Thatmeans: Hiding the comlexities of a

    distributed system from the users. Amoeba

    users should not be concerned about thenumber of processors in the system, nor must

    they know the location of the other machines

    or servers (like the Filesystem server...).


    Several machines connected over a networkoperate as a single system: Distribution.

    Amoeba gives its users the illusion ofinteracting with a single, powerful system.


    On an Amoeba system, a single program orcommand can use multiple processors to

    increase performance. The user simply

    requests an operation, and the Amoeba OS

    decides the best way to execute the request.Amoeba will decide which processor (or

    processors) is appropriate for the request,based on the current state of the system.Additionally, special development tools have

    been made for an Amoeba environment that

    takes advantage of the inherent parallelism.For example, Amoeba supports a parallel

    'make' program.

    Small Kernel approach:

    To enhance flexibility and to minimize kernel

    size its design was based on micro kernel

    approach. That is, in Amoeba several of the

    standard services, such as file service, arebuilt outside kernel in user space. This helps

    in enhancing flexibility because these

    services can be easily modified and multipleversions of service can be simultaneously run

    on the same system to suit the needs of

    different users.

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    Much effort was given to meet this goal!!!

    This is accomplished with a newly developed

    High Performance network protocol called

    FLIP (Fast Local Internet Protocol). WhenFLIP was developed, none of the current

    protocols provided adequate support for

    distributed systems. FLIP performs clean,simple and efficient communication between

    distributed nodes. Development from the scratch;

    Amoeba doesnt based on anyexisting operating system

    Amoeba interact with the user as a

    UNIX-like Timesharing System

    High performance IPC message

    passing for local, privileged user processes;

    transfer of several data buffers with one

    transaction; shared segment support with VM

    address translation by the IPC module:

    Implemented, shared segment support now


    User process interrupt handler:


    User process I/O port access: done

    fast context switch (both thread and

    process): currently not achieved

    Clean and simple virtual memory

    (but without page swapping): exists



    Amoeba implements a universaldistributed Client-Server-Model. In fact,basically the whole system needs only three

    Functions to do all the work: The transaction

    call from the Client, and the GetRequest andPutReply functions on the Server side.

    Amoeba Many different Processor

    architectures are supported: i80386

    (Pentium), 68k, SPARC. Today, only the

    i80386 architecture is significant for building

    an Amoeba system (cheap!!!).System consists of four principle


    Workstations Pool Processors Specialized Servers (File server...) Gateways

    File Servers

    The file server distributed with

    Amoeba is called the Bullet Server. It uses a

    large buffer cache to provide very high

    performance. Thus the file server should berun on a machine with a large amount of

    RAM, and, of course, a disk. There is a

    modified version of the bullet server, calledbulletb, using a different cache method, and

    needing less memory.

    For the file server, the more memory

    present, the better the performance. Thefollowing table shows the minimum amount

    of memory needed for an isolated file server

    host, a boot host, the installation, and theworkstation kernel. It also shows the largest

    main memory support by the kernel. In most

    cases this will not be supported by thephysical machine.

    On the various 80x86 machines it

    may be possible to insert up to 512 MB**,

    depending on the machine. You need at least

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    4 MB RAM to run the bare kernel and

    perhaps a login shell, for example a text only

    console or a special I/O Hardware Server, aprinter spooler or something else.

    Kernel Minimum



    Limit onMemory

    Workstation 4 MB 512 MB

    Fileserver 16 MB 512 MB

    Installation 32 MB 512 MB

    Boot (withFS)

    64 MB 512MB

    Fig. 1. Minimum memory requirements forfile server machines and maximum memory

    configurations supported by Amoeba.

    At heart of the Amoeba system are

    several specialized servers that carry out andsynchronize the fundamental operations of

    the kernel. Amoeba has a directory server(called SOAP) that is the naming service forall objects used in the system. SOAP

    provides a way to assign ASCII names to an

    object so it's easier to manipulate(by

    humans). The directory server can replicate

    files without fearing their change. Amoebahas of course a file server (called the Bullet

    Server) that implements a stable high speedfile service. High speed is achieved by using

    a large buffer cache. Since the files are first

    created in cache, and are only written to diskwhen they are closed, all the files can be

    stored contigously. The underlying idea

    behind immutable files is to prevent the

    replication mechanism from undergoing raceconditions. And file server crashes normally

    don't result in an inconsistent file system!The Bullet server uses the virtual disk serverto perform I/O to disk, so it's possible that the

    file server run as a normal user program!

    The Boot server control all global systemservers (outside the kernel): start, check and

    poll, restart if crashed.


    Workstations allow the users to gain access to

    the Amoeba system. There is typically oneworkstation per user, and the workstation are

    mostly diskless; only a workstation kernel

    must be booted (from floppy, via tftp, burnedin Flash-EEPROM). Amoeba supports X-

    Windows and UNIX-emulation.

    The primary function of workstationsis to run the user interface (for example the X

    window system) and so they do not require

    large amounts of memory. 8 MB is the lower

    limit for color and monochrome X servers. 16MB and more is recommended. For a generic

    text terminal, 4MB is still enough. It is also

    possible to use an X terminal as a

    workstation. (If the X terminal does notunderstand the Amoeba network protocol it

    will be necessary to use a TCP/IP server toconvert network protocols which reduces

    perceived performance.)If no bitmap display

    is available a regular terminal can be used.Itwill not run X windows, of course.

    Pool Processors

    .The V8-SPARC processor pool at the VU

    Amoeba is designed as a collection of micro

    kernels. Thus the Amoeba system consists ofmany CPU's connected over a network. Each

    CPU owns his own local Memory in therange from 2MB to several 100MB. A huge

    number of Processors build the so calledProcessor pool. This group of CPUs can be

    dynamically allocated as needed by the

    system and the users. Specialized servers,called Run server, distribute processes in a

    fair manner to these machines.

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    performance on Ethernet networks - see the

    performance page for details.

    Interprocess Procedure Call (IPC): used byprocesses and the kernel (for example device

    drivers in user space) to interchange

    messages and data buffers on the localmachine; optimized for low latency and high

    transfer rates

    Kernel administration

    Remote rebooting of kernels: with a simple

    RPC boot request it's possible to boot new

    kernels on machines already running with an

    Amoeba kernel.

    Remote status report: nearly all kernel

    related informations and statistics can be

    retrieved remotely using a simple RPC

    request, including the kernel message buffer(the content you can see printed on the

    terminal console).

    Now it's possible to run device drivers,

    network protocol stacks, file systemservers,..., in user mode as generic user

    processes (with some more privileges). Local

    modules now communicate with the newenhanced IPC interface.

    Most device drivers and many other

    parts (servers) currently inside the Amoeba

    should move outside the kernel in usual userprocesses with privileged rights. Similar

    concepts from Mach, VSTa, L3/4 and QNX

    influenced the new design to create an

    Operating System ready for the third



    Clean and unified interaction betweenkernel modules and processes inside and

    outside of the kernel device drivers can be

    implemented as generic user processesoutside the kernel fast I/O response time

    kernel and user thread support (both

    controlled by the kernel) small set of system

    callsA small piece of code, called the

    microkernel, is present on all Amoeba

    machines and they run nearly the samemicrokernel which handles Low level I/O management Communication between processes or

    threads Low level Memory management Process and thread (kernel/user space)

    managementServer processes (see above) supply

    other operating system services and

    generally run in user mode. This job

    specialization allows the microkernel to besmall and efficient, increases reliability,

    allows as much as possible of the operatingsystem to run as user processes, providing

    flexibility and no extra burdens are added to

    individual CPUs with facilities that it doesn'tneed.

    Process concept:

    Amoeba supports traditional processconcept

    Processes consists of several threads (at

    least one) Each thread has his own registers,

    Instruction Pointer, stack; but all threads

    of a process share the same memoryregion

    Example: File server. Each request is

    handled by one thread, but all threads use

    the same cache; synchronization throughMutex and Semaphores

    Memory management:

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    Threads can allocate and deallocate

    blocks of memory, called Segments . These segments can be read and written,

    and cans be mapped into and out of the

    address space of the process.

    A process owns at leat one segment, butmay have many more of them. Segments can be used for text, data,

    stack, or any other purpose the processdesires. The operating system doesnt

    enforce any particular pattern on segment



    For each I/O-Device attached to a

    machine, there is a device driver in the

    kernel. The driver manages all I/O for the

    device. All drivers are static linked to the kernel;

    no dynamic Module support Mostly the communication with Device-

    Drivers are performed through the

    standard message protocol (like the restof the system in user space)


    Two forms of communication are

    provided: Point-to-Point communication Group communication



    The central point of the software

    concept for a server implementation is the

    Object concept. Each object consists of

    Data and Operations on this data

    Amoeba is organized as a collection

    of objects (essentially abstract data types);

    each with some number of operations thatprocesses can perform on it. Operations on

    an object are performed by sending a

    message to the object's server. Objects arecreated by processes and managed by the

    corresponding server. There are many

    different object classes:

    Files Directories

    Memory segments Processes I/O-Devices (Hard drive...) Terminals ...

    Operations on objects are performedwith Stub-procedures. When an object is

    created, the server returns a Capability. All

    Amoeba objects (files, programs, memory

    segments, servers) are protected and

    described with so called Capabilities thecapability is used to address and protect the

    object. A typically capability is shownbelow.

    Figure 6. Capability [, p


    Service Port field identifies theserver.

    Object field tells which object is

    being referred to, since a servernormally will manage several


    Rights field specifies whichoperations are allowed (e.g.

    capability for a file may be read

    only). Since capabilities are

    managed in user space

    Check field is needed to protectthem cryptographically, to preventusers from tampering with them.


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    A process is an object in Amoeba.

    Information about the processes in Amoeba

    are contained in capabilities and in a datastructure called a process descriptor, which is

    used for process creation and stunned

    processes (and process migration). Theprocess descriptor consists of four


    The host descriptor provides the

    requirements for the system where the

    process must run, by describing whatmachine it can be run

    The capabilities include the capability of

    the process which every client needs, andthe capability of a handler, which deals

    signals and process exit The segment component describes the

    layout of the address space (see below) The thread component describes the state

    of each of the threads (see below) in the

    process and their state informations (IP,Stack,)

    Amoeba supports a simple thread

    model. When a process starts up, it has atleast one thread. The number of threads isdynamic. During execution, the process can

    create additional threads. And existing

    threads can terminate. All threads aremanaged by the kernel. The advantage of this

    design is that when a thread does a RPC, the

    kernel can block that thread and schedule

    another one in the same process if one is


    Three methods are provided for threadsynchronization: Mutexes

    Semaphores Signals

    Mutex is like a binary semaphore. It can be

    in one of two states, locked or unlocked.Trying to lock an unlocked mutex causes it to

    become locked. The calling thread continues.

    Trying to lock a mutex that is already locked

    causes the calling thread to block untilanother thread unlocks the mutex.

    Semaphores is the second way threads can

    synchronize is by counting These are slower

    than mutexes, but there are times when theyare needed. A semaphore can't be negative.

    Try down a zero semaphore causes thecalling thread to block until another thread

    does an up operation on the semaphore.

    Signals are asynchronous interrupts sentfrom one thread to another in the same

    process. Signals can be raised, caught, or

    ignored. Asynchronous interrupts between

    processes use the stun mechanism.


    Amoeba supplies a simple memory

    management based on segments. Each

    process owns at least three segments:

    1. Text/Code segment

    2. Stack segment for the mainthread/process

    3. Data segment

    Each further thread gets his own stack

    segment, and the process can allocatedarbitrary additional data segments.

    All segments are page protected by the

    underlying MMU, the kernel segments, too.

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    All processes, the kernel too, communicate

    with a standardized RPC (Remote procedurecall) interface. There are only three functions

    to reach this goal:

    trans(req_header, req_buf, req_size,

    rep_header,rep_buf, rep_size)

    do a transaction to anotherserver


    get a client request


    send a reply to the client

    The first function is used by client to

    send a message to a server, and get a reply

    from the server on this request. The reply andrequest buffers are generic memory buffers

    (char). The reply and request headers are

    simple data structures to describe the requestand the capability of the server. On the other

    side, teh server calls within an infinite loop

    the getreq function. Each time a client sendsthis server (determined by a server port - see

    capabilities for details) a message, the getreqfunction returns with the client data filled in

    the request buffer, if any. The request headercontains informations about the client


    Because the client expects a reply, the

    server must send a reply (either with orwithout reply data) using the reply function.


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    New operating systems mostly lack of

    actual device drivers, especially on the i86-

    pc platform. For specialized machines, for example

    data acquisition systems, or device

    minimized numeric cluster machines, thenative Amoeba kernel is the best choice,

    featuring a modern and clean microkernel,

    and exploring the power of the Amoebasystem.


    The Amoeba distributed operating

    system can run on many different types andbrands of computers. It is intended that it

    should run on a network with at least fivecomputers. Although it is today technicallypossible to run Amoeba with just a single

    processor, it is not a satisfactory way to use

    the system. For a standalone system (withperhaps additional secondary machines) the

    main machine should be equipped with at

    least 64 MB RAM (128 MB recommended)and at least with 500MB disk space. It is,after all, a distributed operating system. To

    get good results from the system you should

    have a separate machine for the file server,one workstation per user (to run the user

    interface) and a group of pool processors to

    perform the actual work and to run variousservers. In general, at least five hosts are

    needed for pleasurable computing, although

    it's not true today anymore because of todays

    fast Pentium machines. All the Amoeba hostsmust be connected by a network so that they

    can communicate with each other, although

    they need not necessarily be all on the samenetwork, as long as all the networks are

    connected via gateways.

    Currently, Fireball Amoeba only supports

    Ethernet. In special only the 10 MBit/s

    connectivity with RJ45 or RG58 connectors,

    and now 100 MBit/s Fast Ethernet, too.


    According to Tanenbaum (1990),AMOEBA system has been implemented to

    five different CPU : 68010, NS 32016, 8088,

    VAX, PDP-11. The idea is to provide auniversal single powerful time sharing

    systems, which consists of a collection of

    machines, potentially distributed amongseveral countries. Current configuration has

    48 single board VME based computers using

    68020 and 68030 CPU and also 10 VAX

    CPU forming additional processor pool.

    A library which supports to run UNIXprogram on AMOEBA had been written.

    Current research includes connectingAMOEBA at 5 locations in 3 countries.

    Using Wide Area Network facilities.


    Amoeba has two level of protection:

    Ports for protecting access to server

    Capabilities for protecting access toindividual objects.

    Since the kernel must be kept as small as

    possible, to implement the security aspect

    there is two solutions.

    hardware solution: A small interface box

    (F - box) are put between each processor

    module and the network. It can be done byputting into the VLSI chip in interface card,

    or on a small printed circuit board which

    attach to network. This solution is currently solution: since ports for public

    servers are known to all users it is easy for an

    intruder to impersonate a server just by doinga get_rerequest on the servers port. So the F-

    box is built as a cryptographic algorithms

    which has the same function with the F-box.

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    The F box is one way function mapping Get-

    port to Put-port

    Put-port = F(Get-port)

    Thus that given G, P can be computed, but

    that given P, calculating G is not practicallyfeasible.

    Figure 7. Network security[Goscinski(1991,




    There are some similarity between

    Amoeba and V. Some of feature in Amoeba

    are adapted from V. Some features ofAmoeba had been planed by the designer of

    V to be implemented in the future, for

    instance processor pool concept. [Cheriton


    Amoeba and V use the small kernel to

    provide the infrastructure of the distributed

    system. Kernel provides the communication,

    process manager, memory manager and asmall server. Most of other facilities which

    usually are in the Operating System run on

    the top of the kernel at the user level. Thisapproach makes V and Amoeba more flexible

    and more reliable, because if something goes

    wrong in a server, the other server which is inthe other site (physically or logically) can

    take over the process).

    Amoeba and V are free-market model

    service, Service such as the file system are inprinciple just an ordinary user process. Any

    user who unsatisfied with the standard file

    system will be able to write their own system.

    Amoeba and V use client-server and

    remote procedure call. The difference is the

    transport protocol, V uses the VMTP butAmoeba does not. V and Amoeba allow the

    process to migrate to another processor, if the

    processor is busy or high loaded.V does not have the processor pool,

    and there is no dynamic processor allocation.

    Amoeba has a processor pool and does the

    processor allocation. V had not beendeveloped to use the Wide Area Network, but

    Amoeba has been implemented using WAN.

    By using workstation as the processor, V cantake advantages of the modern and powerful

    workstation, and the system will be more

    reliable, because the responsibility of process

    is distributed in each workstation.

    Amoeba use only a single naming

    mechanism (object with capability), It makes

    the system will be more consistent and easier

    to used. V uses 3 level of naming. At the toplevel of V naming mechanism, the

    mechanism will works similar with object

    and capability.

    Amoeba is more fault tolerance thanV (Cheriton 1988), because V was designed

    for interactive workstation, so if there aresomething goes wrong, user can re-execute.Amoeba is more secure than V, first Amoeba

    using cryptography for naming, and secondly

    Amoeba uses the hardware one wayscrambler.

    Amoeba performance depends on the

    processor pool, thus if there is a malfunction

    it the processor pool all system will stop. Incontrast, V uses the processor in every

    workstation, thus the responsibility of the

    work is distributed to each workstation.

    In the development process, V ismainly addressed to provide a fast

    communication between work station, but

    Amoeba is addressed to provide an objectoriented distributed operating system. And V

    is designed to support parallel and real time

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    application on shared memory multiprocessor


    The performance comparison betweenAMOEBA and V

    System Null





    in KBps



    AMOEBA 1.1 820 3.0

    V 2.5 546 2.0

    Table 1. Comparison between V and Amoeba

    [Tanenbaum(1990, p57)]

    This measurement is done from user to user,

    and using SUN 3/60 for AMOEBA and SUN3/75 for V system. From this table can be

    shown that the throughput of Amoeba is

    better than V. and the overall CPU MIPS isbetter as well.


    The VAM system can be used in the

    following applications fields: Distributed measuring and data

    acquisition systems, for example remotedigital camera servers connected with

    an Ethernet network. The native Amoeba kernel is very well

    suited for embedded systems. Distributed control systems. High performance parallel computing

    and other distributed numerical


    Distributed file systems using raw disk

    access on the top of standard operatingsystems.

    An example for a processor pool: About

    60-80 Sun motherboards were build into a

    rack system at the Vrije Univerity. Of coursecheap and normal IBM-PC 's can be used as

    CPU-Servers, too!!!


    A distributed system potentially willbe more reliable and low cost than a time

    sharing system. However some problem still

    arises in the designing of a distributed system. Those problems are communication

    primitives, naming , resource management,

    fault tolerance and the protection issues. The

    hardware configuration which will be used

    will determine the model of the operatingsystem, for instance a processor poll model

    will be difference with workstation poolmodel.

    The kernel model provide definition

    of each facility based on maximisingperformance, minimising complexity in the

    kernel maximising the reliability and security

    attribute of the system. By placing the other

    service outside the kernel and keeping thekernel as small as possible, the system is

    more flexible and reliable.The client-server model with remoteprocedure call have proved that using basic

    primitive communication the overhead of

    communication can be reduced. The speed ofcommunication between processor

    determines the performance of the system.

    By using the object and capabilitymodel, Amoeba is more flexible and more

    easily be used. Amoeba is the only one

    Distributed Operating System which

    implements Wide Area Network.



    Distributed Operating Systems by Tanenbaum

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    Distributed Operating Systems Concepts and Design by Pradeep K. Sinha

    Web site:



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