Download - A heavy heart that washed away a mask of deceit.

  • Youre just giving up,

    without even asking me to go for a drink or anything.

    Would you like to get a coffee with me.


    But you can buy me a cappuccino.

  • Hey whats up, this is Chris, you know the guy from the airport. Hey this is Christopher

    Williamson, we met at the airport and had you had a cappuccino and I had a coffee and we talked.

    Well I wont keep you any longer, talk to you tomorrow.

  • Son of a bitch, I missed her call because of some old betties hemorrhoids story. Fuck

    my life.

    Hey guy I met at the airport that bought my cappuccino and had coffee and left a five minute voicemail

    of himself practicing what he should say to me, this is the girl you met at the airport and I thought I

    would return your incredibly adorable call, I am sorry it took so long to get back to you but I have been

    pretty busy with school so if you would like to give me a call back I would love to talk to you! If however

    you get my voicemail again, please feel free to leave another one of those incredibly sweet voicemails

    for me to blush over. Talk to you soon! Cheers.