Download - A Healthy You -• also called folate or folacin ... (400 mcg) Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals Choose cereals

Page 1: A Healthy You -• also called folate or folacin ... (400 mcg) Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals Choose cereals

A Healthy You... A Healthy Family

Page 2: A Healthy You -• also called folate or folacin ... (400 mcg) Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals Choose cereals

Dear Mom:

Get Back to Your Pre-Pregnancy Weight .......................4

Eat Foods Containing Folic Acid Every Day ........................10

Breastfeeding Is Best ........................12

Avoid Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs ..............................14

Immunize Against Disease ...............16

Final Note to Mom ..........................17

WIC staff are here to help you. Even after you deliver, remember these important health tips:• Eat right for energy and good health• Eat foods that have folic acid every day• Breastfeeding is best for mom and baby• Immunize against disease• Avoid tobacco, alcohol and other drugs

If you want to know about other health issues, we can show you where to find help. We hope that the information in this booklet will help you and your family stay healthy.Sincerely,

Your WIC Staff


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Page 3: A Healthy You -• also called folate or folacin ... (400 mcg) Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals Choose cereals

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby! After carrying around extra weight for nine months, it’s understandable that you are eager to get back to your pre-baby weight. Safe weight loss after pregnancy happens gradually by making healthy food choices and exercising regularly.

• Get Your ‘Whole’ Dollar’s Worth. ‘Whole’ grains have the most nutrition. ‘Enriched’ grains are missing important nutrients.

• Your body needs at least 6 ounces of grains every day. Try to get at least 3 of those ounces from whole grains.

• 1 ounce equals 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of cereal or ½ a cup of cooked rice, pasta or hot cereal.

• To know you are making the right choice, look for the whole grain stamp on food packages.

Ingredients: Whole Grain Oats, ModifiedCorn Starch, Corn Starch, Sugar, Salt


Better Best

Get Back to Your Pre-Pregnancy Weight

• A healthy diet and moderate exercise most days of the week will help you lose weight, increase muscle tone and improve your sense of well being.

• Talk to your doctor about what exercises to do and when it is safe to start.

• Don’t overdo it! Slow changes you can stick with for life work better than crash diets or tough exercise plans. Remember, it took you 9 months to gain the weight, so give yourself at least 9 months to lose it.

• Walking is generally safe and baby can come along in the stroller. Increase your distance and speed slowly over time.

• Breastfeeding burns calories! It can help mothers slim down quicker.

• Eat breakfast every day. People who eat a healthy breakfast are less hungry and eat fewer calories in a day than people who skip breakfast.

• The next 5 pages show you how to eat the right foods to help your body heal and to achieve a healthy weight.

• Your WIC staff can also explain how much of each food group you and your children need.


Instead of:White bread or flour tortillas

Regular pasta or spaghetti

White rice

Sugary cereal or candy for breakfast or a snack

Chips or cookies

Baking with white flour

“Enriched” in the first ingredient

Try:“100% whole wheat” bread or corn tortillas

Whole wheat pasta or spaghetti

Brown or wild rice

Whole grain cereals such as shredded wheat, toasted oats, oatmeal or other whole grain WIC cereals

Plain popcorn, graham crackers, or whole grain granola bars such as Nature Valley®

Half white and half whole grain flour or oats

“Whole” in the first ingredient

Try These Tips To Help You Eat Whole Grains…

4 A H E A L T H Y Y O U . . . A H E A L T H Y F A M I L Y 5I N T E R T R I B A L C O U N C I L O F A R I Z O N A – W I C P R O G R A M

Page 4: A Healthy You -• also called folate or folacin ... (400 mcg) Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals Choose cereals


Jump-start your day with high quality foods like vegetables that keep your system clean and running smooth. After grains, your body needs more vegetables than any other food group. You need at least 2½ cups every day.

Add a rainbow of colors to your plate! Green – broccoli, green beans, green leaf and romaine lettuce, peas, spinach, asparagus, alfalfa sprouts, artichokes, nopales, tomatillos

White – cauliflower, jicama, parsnips, turnips, onions, mushrooms, hominy

Red – radishes, bell peppers, tomatoes, chilis, rhubarb, beets

Orange / Yellow – squash, carrots, pumpkin, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, yams

Blue / Purple – eggplant, cabbage

Beans are vegetables too! Eat more dry beans and peas like pinto beans, kidney beans, chick peas and lentils

Add Veggies to Your Meal1. Make vegetables into a main dish sometimes, like vegetable

stir-fry or vegetable soup.

2. Too busy to cook? Make a refreshing salad for lunch or dinner.

3. Shred veggies like carrots, zucchini or squash into meatloaf, casseroles, lasagna and stews.

4. Put chopped vegetables in sauces.

5. Add veggies or salsa to your pizza, tacos, burritos, burgersand sandwiches.

Fruit is delicious as well as nutritious. You need at least 2 cups or 2 servings of fruit every day. 1 serving can also be a medium sized fruit or ½ cup dried fruit.

Choose fruit that is fresh, frozen, dried or canned in 100% juice.

Go easy on fruit juices – they are mostly just sugar and water from the fruit. Most of the nutrition is in the fruit itself.

Taste the rainbow of colors and flavors!Red – cherries, grapes, pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, cranberries

Orange / Yellow – apricots, grapefruit, mangos, oranges, peaches, pineapple, cantaloupe, tangerines, tangelos, papaya

Green – grapes, honeydew melon, kiwi, limes, avocados

Blue / Purple – blackberries, blueberries, figs, plums, prune,grapes, raisins

White – bananas, pears, apples

Fruit is Nature’s candy. Go ahead, snack often.1. Place fruit on the table or counter where it’s easy to see and

reach for.

2. Keep cut-up fruit in the fridge for a quick snack.

3. Dried fruits are easy to carry and store. Put some in a zip-lock bag to keep in your purse or at your desk.

4. Whip up a parfait in no time by layering yogurt, berries, and granola cereal.

5. Create your own frozen fruit bars by placing 2 cups of cut-up fruit, such as strawberries, cherries or grapes, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 teaspoon lemon juice into the blender. Cover and blend until it is smooth. You may add 1 – 2 tablespoons water so it is as thick as a slush. Pour into 4 4-oz paper cups and insert a stick. Freeze until solid.

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Beans and meat are full of protein and iron to help you grow and build muscle. You need 5 ½ ounces of protein foods every day.

1 ounce equals:• 1 oz of meat including chicken and fish• 1 egg• 1 tablespoon peanut butter• ½ ounce (or 1 ½ tablespoons) of nuts or seeds • ¼ cup cooked dry beans

Tips for trimming fat from your protein foods: 1. Buy low-fat or lean meats. 2. Remove fat and skin.3. Drain off fat.4. Bake it, grill it, broil it, roast it, poach it or broil it. 5. Avoid breading or coating since they soak up extra fat.6. No need to add extra fat during cooking.7. Vary your protein routine – try fish, beans, peas,

nuts and seeds.

Calcium makes bones and teeth strong. You need 3 cups of milk or milk products every day. 1 cup of milk is equal to 8 ounces of yogurt, 1½ ounces of cheese or ⅓ cup of shredded cheese.

Go fat-free or low-fat when you choose milk and milk products such as, yogurt, cheese and desserts made from milk like pudding and ice cream.

Fat-free and low-fat milks have all the nutrients whole milk has and come without the extra fat.

Try blending milk, yogurt and a frozen banana with other fresh, frozen or canned fruit and 100% fruit juices. Try other ingredients like ginger, spices and nut toppings. You can invent your own recipes to share with friends.

If you cannot have lactose, ask WIC staff about lactose-free milk and other calcium-rich foods you may be able to have.

Some non-dairy foods high in calcium are:• Total cereal, instant oatmeal and corn tortillas • Soy milk and tofu• Some dark green leafy vegetables like

spinach and broccoli• Beans like pinto, anasazi, tepary, refried

and ranch beans• Calcium fortified juice• Sardines

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Page 6: A Healthy You -• also called folate or folacin ... (400 mcg) Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals Choose cereals

What Is Folic Acid?Folic acid is:• also called folate or folacin• a B-vitamin everyone needs for good health• especially important for all girls and women who are old

enough to become pregnant

Why Is Folic Acid Important?You need folic acid before you become pregnant. It is especially needed the first few weeks of pregnancy, before most women know they are pregnant.

It is important so your unborn baby’s brain and spine will form properly (free of neural tube birth defects).

How Can I Get The Folic Acid I Need?• by eating the recommended number of servings from the

Vegetable, Fruit, and Grain Groups • by taking a daily vitamin that contains the recommended

amount of folic acid (400 mcg)

Ready-to-Eat Breakfast CerealsChoose cereals that provide at least 25% of the Daily Value (DV) for folic acid per serving. Cereals that provide 100 percent of the DV for folic acid per serving contain as much folic acid as many daily vitamins.

Enriched Bread and Cereal Grain ProductsInclude breads, buns/rolls, cornmeal, corn grits, flour, macaroni, noodles and rice.

Whole Grain BreadsTry breads, bagels and muffins made with whole wheat, rye or oat bran.

Citrus and Other Fruits and Their Juices Choose oranges, orange juice, pineapple juice, avocados, honeydew melons and mangos.

Green Leafy and Other Vegetables Eat more asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok-choy, cauliflower, corn, green peas, romaine lettuce and spinach.

Cooked Dry Beans/Peas or Lentils Cook up some baked beans, lima beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas/garbanzo beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, split peas or roasted soybeans.

Cooked Liver and Giblets Occasionally eat liver from beef, pork and poultry as well as chicken giblets.

Nuts* and Seeds* Scoop up a handful of almonds, cashews, mixed nuts, peanuts, Spanish peanuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

* Check with your health care provider before feeding nuts, seeds, peanut butter and other nut/seed butters to young children due to the risk of choking and food allergies.

Eat Foods Containing Folic Acid Every Day


10 A H E A L T H Y Y O U . . . A H E A L T H Y F A M I L Y 11I N T E R T R I B A L C O U N C I L O F A R I Z O N A – W I C P R O G R A M

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Because Breastmilk:• is the perfect food for babies• has more than 200 nutrients perfect for

baby’s growth• is made naturally and not in a factory• is free of preservatives

and contamination• is gentle on baby’s stomach• changes to meet baby’s growing needs• is always warm and ready to feed• protects babies against sickness

and food allergies

Because Breastfed Babies:• love to breastfeed and it comforts them • have a special bond with mom• are sick less often • have better brain development• have protection from problems like obesity, diabetes and certain cancers • spit up less and have less diarrhea and constipation• may have a lower risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Because Breastfeeding:• is something special only you can do for your baby• helps moms and babies bond• is a time for moms to relax and enjoy their babies• is free• is easier than bottle feeding (breastfeeding is always ready to feed!)• helps a woman’s womb (uterus) return to normal size• may help moms lose the weight they gained during pregnancy• may protect moms against breast (and other) cancers

Most Moms Can Breastfeed, Including Those:• of all ages• with small breasts• who have more than one baby to breastfeed• who had a C-section (Cesarean section)• who work or go to school• who had a difficulty in the past

Breastfeed This Time or Next Time• If you are breastfeeding, good for you

and baby too!• While breastfeeding is natural, you may feel

unsure of yourself in the beginning. Be patient about learning this new skill.

• Your partner, family and friends can provide loving support to help make breastfeeding a success.

• If you are not breastfeeding, think about it if you have another baby.• Your WIC staff wants to help if you have questions about breastfeeding.


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These substances may cause a number of lifelong health problems for you, your unborn baby and your children. This page lists a few of the dangers that may result from using tobacco, alcohol or drugs.

Risks for You Risks for Babies and Children

Tobacco, smoking, snuff, spit tobacco

Lung disease, stroke, heart attack, cancer, wrinkled skin,

gum disease, mouth sores, high blood pressure, heavy bleeding

during pregnancy, early delivery, miscarriage, stillbirth.

Children that are near smoke have an increased risk of lung

problems, cancer and infections.

Babies may be underweight, have lifelong disabilities and birth defects, mental retardation or

learning problems.

Alcohol such as drinking liquor, mixed drinks, beer, wine, wine coolers

Damage to liver and other body organs, early delivery, miscarriage

or stillbirth.

Your child may be born with mental retardation or birth

defects that affect the heart, brain, face and other organs, and have

learning, behavior and emotional problems as they grow.

Street drugs; sniffing, inhaling, or drinking household cleaning products; abuse of prescription medicine

Numerous problems for your body and brain. Using any

of these just once may cause addiction or death. Risk of early

delivery, miscarriage or stillbirth.

Babies of moms who use drugs are at risk of prematurity, underweight, numerous birth

defects and brain damage.

All drugs May cause you to become hooked or dependent for life.

Drugs can affect your breast milk and harm your baby. Mothers

who use drugs or alcohol may not take proper care of their children.

Avoid Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs • If you are breastfeeding and use tobacco,

alcohol or medications, check with your health care provider about how to safely breastfeed your baby.

• If you are thinking about having a baby or become pregnant, do not use tobacco, alcohol or other drugs. Check with your health care provider before using any medicine.

• Set a good example for your children by not using tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.

• Ask others not to smoke around you or your children.• Sit with your children in non-smoking areas in restaurants and

other buildings.• Make “no smoking” a rule inside your home for family and friends.• Store household cleaning products and medicines out of the reach of

your children.• Talk to your children at a young age about why using tobacco, alcohol

or other drugs is harmful.

Need Help Quitting?• Your WIC staff can tell you where to get help.• Ask your family and friends to support your decision.• Check your local phone book for listings of Alcoholics Anonymous

(AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Also, under the “smoking” listings of your local phone book you may find contacts on how to stop smoking.

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The health tips in this booklet may help you now or in the future.

Your WIC staff can also refer you to other people or places for additional help

or more information.

Use the next two pages of this booklet to note the people, places and phone

numbers for these contacts.

Final Note to Mom

Having a new baby is a very special event. Now you should relax and enjoy being a mom.

Immunize Against Disease

What Does “Immunize” Mean?• Immunization, vaccinations and vaccines, including those taken

by mouth, are all words used for “shots.”• Shots protect people against diseases like measles, mumps, polio

and whooping cough.• These diseases can cause blindness, deafness, breathing problems,

brain damage or death.

Who Needs Shots?• Shots are not just for babies. Older children, teens and adults

need them too.• Breastfeeding helps protect babies from infections. But breastfed

babies still need their shots on time.• Everyone needs shots on time

to help protect against disease.

Ask your health care provider for a shot schedule.

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Adapted from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Provided by: Inter Tribal Council of Arizona - April, 2009

Inter Tribal Council of Arizona,