Download - A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

Page 1: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

A guiding lesson in English writing

Marie Young

Page 2: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

Step 1 Singing together

<Trouble is a friend>

Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

Page 3: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

Step 2 Crazy English and show time

Practice makes perfect.

Page 4: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

Step 3 Word focus

We should learn to face the trouble and make the trouble our friend.

Page 5: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

1. apply vt. 涂;敷;搽;应用;运用

vi. 申请;请求;使用;有效

apply to 适用于

apply. . . to. . . …… ……把 应用到

apply to sb. for. . . ……向某人申请

apply oneself to (doing) sth. 专注于;专心做某事


Page 6: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

【助记】 The applicant applied himself to a

pplying for a post for teaching applied chem

istry, saying that he would apply what he lea

rnt to his teaching.


Page 7: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

2. convey vt. 传达,运送;传导,传播

convey sth. to sb. 向某人表达 /传递某物

convey sb. /sth. from A to B 把某人或某物从 A地运送

到 B地

convey one’s feelings/meanings 表达某人的感情 /意思

Please convey my good wishes to your mother.



Page 8: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

Step 4 Check our writing

What is our trouble in writing?

Page 9: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

布局不合理 With the graduation around the corner, an idea h

as crossed my mind. I want to do something important for my school. My school is very beautiful. I want to pick up rubbish in my school at Saturday. Because there are some rubbish on the ground and (in the) dining hall.

In my opinion. It’s important for us to pick up rubbish in our school, where we studyed for three years. I love my school very much. My school is not only a beautiful school but also an outstanding school. We can learn knowledge in our school, we also can make friends.

Before I leave my school, I want to say: I love you, my school.

Page 10: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

With the graduation around the corner, an idea has crossed my mind.

I plant to do something meaningful for my school, which is small but beautiful. I would like to pick up the rubbish in my school on Saturday, together with my roommates because I see a lot of rubbish lying on the ground and in the dining hall. I think we’ll spend the whole morning cleaning these places. Although this action is not so big, it is of great importance. It is well worth doing.

In my opinion, it’s important for us to pick up the rubbish in our school, where we have studied for three years. I love my school very much. We can not only learn knowledge in our school, but also can make friends. I do thank my school very much and want to show my gratitude to it by picking up the rubbish.

Page 11: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

典型错句 (Only)In this way can we give teachers and s

tudents a comfortable surroundings to work in.

Second, I will invite our parents and other people who(are) interested in (it).

However, nowadays, there are some ugly phenomenons exist.

However, nowadays, there exist some ugly phenomenons.

I suppose to (will) plant some flowers in the school garden.

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With the graduation around the corner, an idea has crossed my mind. During the three years, school has done a quantity of things for us. It’s high time that I did something meaningful for school. Therefore, I decide to call up(on) all the students, teachers included, to do a thorought (thorough) clean after this examination. Small as our school is, there are still some place where (which) we don’t clean everyday. As a result, those places are dusty and full of rubbish. This activity can make our school more beautiful and our school can welcome new students with a(an) entirely new image. How meaningful it is.(!)

Through this activity, I want to convey my sincere thanks to our school. It’s the school that give(s) me a chance to learn knowledge and create wonderful memories with my dear classmates and teachers. School, thank you very much!

——by Liu Jiacheng

Page 13: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

With the graduation around the corner, an idea has crossed my mind. During the three years, school has done a quantity of things for us. It’s high time that I did something meaningful for school. Therefore, I decide to call on all the students to do a thorough cleaning after this examination. Small as our school is, there are still some places we don’t clean everyday. As a result, those places are dusty and full of rubbish. This activity can make our school more beautiful and our school can welcome new students with an entirely new image. How meaningful it is!

Through this activity, I want to convey my sincere gratitude to our school. It’s the school that gives me a chance to learn knowledge and create wonderful memories with my dear classmates and teachers. My dear school, thank you very much!

——by Liu Jiacheng

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好句分享It will be only two months before we leave the high


——by Zhu Xiaofang

Having lived here for nearly three years, I want to

do what I can to show my emotion for our school.

——by Gao Xiaoyu

If my memory serve(s) me correctly (如果我记得没错的话) , the first thing I did for the school is cleaning the school.

——by Li Yunjiao

Page 15: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

Step 5 some tips for writing

Let’s solve the trouble in writing.

and a sample writing

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• narrative 记叙文•   记叙文为高考书面表达重点考



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你今年暑假到一家肯德基( KFC )快餐店做保洁员 ( clea

ner )工作。你每天工作七个小时,为期 3 周。这项工作辛苦且枯燥,你感到非常疲劳,几乎半途而废。每天你都要起早贪黑地工作。在新学期开始之前,你终于完成了这项工作,并由此认识到了劳动的意义。你认为这是一次成功的体验。

注意: 1.必须使用第一人称;

2.词数 100~ 120。

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——打工经历 一般过去时

——体会感想 一般现在时

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4. 写作要点 ① 说明打工的缘由。 ② 阐述打工经历与感受。 ③ 体会打工的收获,即劳动的意义。

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Ⅰ . 格式模板

开头: During the summer holiday, I

thought ...

正文: The job was ... and I had

to ...every day.

结尾: I understand ..., and it’s


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During the summer holiday this year, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home with nothing to do so I got a job at a KFC’s fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner. I worked seven hours a day for three weeks.

The job was hard and boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I nearly gave it up halfway. After all, I stuck to it with determination. Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening. Finally, I finished the job before the new term began. Now , I understand what labour means, and I think it is really a successful experience.

(narration 叙事 )

(comment 评论 )

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我们经历的困难 (trouble) 有助于人生的成长。请用英语写一篇 100-120 词的短文,描述你所经历的一次困难,并略加评论。短文首句已给出

Step 6 Practice writing

As a famous saying goes that life is not a bed of roses, we will always encounter difficulties or troubles in our life.

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Step 7 show and make comments

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Step 8 Today’s homework:• 1, Finish writing;

• 2, Please go over what we have learned

• 3,vocabulary

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Page 26: A guiding lesson in English writing Marie Young. Step 1 Singing together Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

Some tips for writing:

1 scaffold : what ( beginning ) why/how ( body )conclusion/comments ( ending ) I learned from this experience that we should…2 words/sentences:

five simple sentences,complex sentences, transitional words, adj./adv. 返回