Download - A Guide to Entering the Canadian Workforce for Iranian Engineers


A Guide to Entering the Canadian Workforce for Iranian Engineers.

By: Bijan Shahrokhi


1- My Background

2- Facts

3- Smart Job Searching

4- Q & A


Electrical Engineer & MBA

Electrical Engineer

eCommerce & Marketing Manager

CEO and Co-founder


- 93 percent of job recruiters use

- Engineering is the easiest career knowledge to transfer from one country to another

- 80% of today's jobs are landed through networking

- HR team uses filtering software to review resume

Smart Job Searching

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Job application starts here.

- My English level

- My experiences

- Transfer of knowledge from Iran

- Market demand for my experience

- How do I upgrade my skills?

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Engineers do not need to be fluent in English. Engineering rules are the same everywhere.

You MUST be able to speak, write emails, and communicate at a basic level.



Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Learn English in a native English environment.


Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

My Key Skills

- Focus on skills that are in demand in Canada

To find out in-demand skills:- Use or LinkedIn - Speak to industry people - Consider Canada’s economy

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

My Key Skills

- Focus on transferable skills- Management is hard to transfer. - Programming is not hard.

- What software / skills am I missing? - Courses e.g. Canadian Electrical Code

- Software

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Target Employers

List of your target employer / or their criteria.

- Where are my target employers located?

- Am I willing to relocate?

- Which ones are hiring / growing?

- Are there many? Or few?

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

- My Transferrable Skills - Target Job Title - Target Employer

- Focused Resume - Focused Networking- Focused Presentation

Information Outcome


Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Build your reputation around KEYWORDS

- Keywords include names of tasks, software, positions, etc that are popular in your job

- HR Managers can relate to keywords

- Keywords are the common language between you and your employer

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Determine Your Keywords

ReviewTarget employers’ job postings & employees LinkedIn profile

SelectYour top 30 keywords to build your reputation with.

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

- Build your brand with your keywords- Resume- Networking events - Interviews - Presenting yourself -

- Skills - Experiences - Recommendations - LinkedIn Groups

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Now your are ready to apply

for the RIGHT jobs!

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Select Target Company

Find a Contact in the Company

Network & Build Relationships

Apply to the Job when appropriate

Target Networking Job Application

Find a Job Posting Apply for the Job

1 Hour

~ 10 Hours

Network and Build Relationships

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

DON’Ts: - Ask for a job - Give a resume- Wear a suit

I would like to learn more about your

industry in Canada and about company X. Can we meet for a coffee?

Network and Build Relationships

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

DO’s: - Show interest & knowledge- Look for information, not jobs- Establish a relationship - At the end, ask if he knows someone else

you should speak to

They will suggest applying for a specific job or speaking to someone in the field if helpful.

Job Application

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Ask yourself: - Is my resume focused on the job?

- Do I know enough about the company?(hierarchy, projects, upcoming hires, etc)

- Do I know people in the company?

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Pre - Interview

Do your homework: - Review interviewers’ LinkedIn profiles

- Determine their criteria for a good candidate

- Practice your answers before the interview- Record and listen to your answers- Practice in front of a mirror - Ask friends to provide feedback

Research Develop Reputation

Network & Apply Interview

Post - Interview

Do your homework: - Write a Thank you letter: Keep it short and


- Follow up in two weeks if you don’t hear anything

- Stay calm, professional, and interested!


