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A Fresh Approach

Teaching Beyond the Book

A Fresh Approach

Page 2: A Fresh Approach Teaching Beyond the Book A Fresh Approach.

A Fresh Approach

“...success depends less on materials, techniques, and linguistic analyses, and more on what goes on inside and between the people in the classroom...”

Earl Stevick, Teaching Languages: A Way and Ways, 1980

A Fresh Approach

Page 3: A Fresh Approach Teaching Beyond the Book A Fresh Approach.

A Fresh Approach

FunctionsInvite an opinionGive an opinion

Say whyAgree

DisagreeSit on the Fence

ExpressionsWell, maybeI reckon ...

You’re (so) right.As I see it, ...

... if ...What about you?

I see what you mean, but ...... because ...

I’d go along with that.I don’t know.

Do you reckon? I’m not so sure.

What do you think about...?

Language of Discussion

Page 4: A Fresh Approach Teaching Beyond the Book A Fresh Approach.

A Fresh Approach

FunctionsInvite an opinionGive an opinion

Say whyAgree

DisagreeSit on the Fence

ExpressionsWhat do you think about...?

What about you?I reckon ...

As I see it, ...... because ...

... if ...You’re (so) right.

I’d go along with that.I see what you mean, but ...Do you reckon? I’m not so

sure.Well, maybeI don’t know.

Language of Discussion

Page 5: A Fresh Approach Teaching Beyond the Book A Fresh Approach.

A Fresh Approach

Teaching beyond the book -

• focuses on learners first • encourages different approaches• increases the variety of materials • promotes our own development• allows other topics to be covered• encourages learner involvement• can be done a little or a lot• is easier than you think

Coursebooks -

• build on previous learning• may be required by

curriculum• reduce preparation time • are full of useful material• are a resource for learners too• are expected by learners• increase our credibility


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A Fresh Approach





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A Fresh Approach

cards boards rods


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A Fresh ApproachAdaptability

Page 9: A Fresh Approach Teaching Beyond the Book A Fresh Approach.

A Fresh ApproachAdaptability

Page 10: A Fresh Approach Teaching Beyond the Book A Fresh Approach.

A Fresh Approach

Develop grammar and lexis

Improve listening skills

Create opportunities for role play

Develop speaking skills

Increase cross-cultural understanding

Encourage better pronunciation

Create opportunities for extended writing


Engage learners’ imaginations

Stories are fun!


Page 11: A Fresh Approach Teaching Beyond the Book A Fresh Approach.

A Fresh Approach

Plan your beginning and end

Use repetition

Have fun with your voice

Use your face and body

Interact with your audience

Use props

Be descriptive

Don’t do too much!

Include direct speech


Page 12: A Fresh Approach Teaching Beyond the Book A Fresh Approach.

A Fresh Approach

(Tense) Writing

Past perfect,

past continuo


Various past, past continuous

interrupted by past simple

Lots of past


Present perfect, various future


Page 13: A Fresh Approach Teaching Beyond the Book A Fresh Approach.

A Fresh Approach

Looking at the learner first


Adapting to the learner

Developing adaptable resources

Investing in hi-tech, lo-tech and no-tech

Trying new things!

Regular training

A Fresh Approach means…

Page 14: A Fresh Approach Teaching Beyond the Book A Fresh Approach.

A Fresh Approach

Teaching Beyond the Book

[email protected]

A Fresh Approach