Download - A Fast Paced Introduction to Persuasive Design


Converting visitors through persuasive designwith Paul Boag

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Paul BoagUser Experience Consultant

Meet the speaker

Agenda• Applying psychology to the web

• Building trust online

• Writing persuasive copy

• Designing better calls to action

Applying psychology to the web

Never try and trick usersIt leads to anger and buyers remorse

Nudge usersTowards doing what they want to do now and with you.

Get to know your users

I am Donald Trump.I want to be president.So I can build a big wall.

Six tools of persuasionReciprocation, commitment, social proof, authority, scarcity, framing

Building trust online

Building trust with social proofReviews, testimonials, ratings, celebrity, social media, video.

Tell storiesAbout customers, the experience, your people, your company.

Be humanShow your people, admit mistakes, speak like a human.

Be availablePhone, email, live chat, social media.

Be directDon’t avoid the questions you don’t want to answer.

Remove risk

Writing persuasive copy

Front loadGet to the point! Don’t bury the lead.

Craft those

Writing better copyConversational, straightforward, jargon free, focus on benefits

Use the first & second personAs well as ensuring students make the most of their potential through their academic studies, the University of Essex also provides an environment which caters for all of the needs of its students through providing a range of accommodation, catering facilities, an active Students’ Union, sport and the arts.

Use the first & second personStudent life is about more than just studying. We support you with everything you’ll be looking for: from accommodation and catering through to an active Students’ Union, great sports facilities and an engaging arts programme.

Four step formula— What I’ve got for you— What it’s going to do for you— Who am I?— What you need to do next

Designing better calls to action

Lay the groundwork

Offer an incentive

A small number of distinct actions

Use active urgent language

Get the position right

Understanding how we scan

Use negative space

Use contrasting colours

Make it big!

Have it everywhere

Remove distractionsRemove, hide, shrink

Final thoughts— Tricking people is a false economy.— Persuade them to take action now.— Persuade them to take action with you.— Persuasive design is about visual design, copywriting and

calls to action.— Focus on building trust.— Get to know your users.

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