Download - A comprehensive plan to safely return to learning...St. Michael School of Clayton suspended onsite classes after spring break and began an online learning program that continued until

Page 1: A comprehensive plan to safely return to learning...St. Michael School of Clayton suspended onsite classes after spring break and began an online learning program that continued until

A comprehensive plan to safely return to learning

August 3, 2020

The St. Michael School of Clayton 6345 Wydown Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63105

Page 2: A comprehensive plan to safely return to learning...St. Michael School of Clayton suspended onsite classes after spring break and began an online learning program that continued until

The St. Michael School of Clayton Reopening Plan / August 3, 2020 Page 2

Letter from Head of School ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Return to School Scenarios ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Health and Safety Precautions -------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Onsite School Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9

Online School Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

Closing Thoughts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

Appendix: Resources --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Page 3: A comprehensive plan to safely return to learning...St. Michael School of Clayton suspended onsite classes after spring break and began an online learning program that continued until

The St. Michael School of Clayton Reopening Plan / August 3, 2020 Page 3

August 3, 2020

Dear parent,

I am proud to present The St. Michael School of Clayton Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 school year. The arrival of COVID-19 created a unique set of challenges for schools and our Pandemic Task Force and administration has been working throughout the summer to create the plans necessary to return to learning later this month. Our policies have been crafted with guidance from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics, the St. Louis County Department of Public Health and other state and local agencies.

From the beginning, our COVID-19 response has been guided by our principles of supporting the health and safety of our community, advancing our school mission and upholding our strong TSMSOC values. We recognize that we still have many challenges to face together. The trajectory of this virus and its impact is uncertain. Therefore, our plan includes several learning scenarios that may be initiated during the year. Our faculty will transition between them with minimal disruption to teaching and learning. TSMSOC is nimble, and we will be flexible.

This school year will look very different to our students and we will be patient and understanding with them. Please take some time to review this Reopening Plan as a family. Make sure your child is comfortable and knows what to expect when school begins. Remember that children take cues from parents, and keeping an optimistic attitude will help your child navigate this uncertain time.

Thank you for your trust and loyalty to The St. Michael School of Clayton. I look forward to beginning our school year on Thursday, August 27. If you have any questions about our reopening process, please contact me at [email protected].


Elizabeth T. Mosher Head of School, The St. Michael School of Clayton

Elizabeth Mosher

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Introduction Missouri enacted a stay-at-home order last April to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19. The St. Michael School of Clayton suspended onsite classes after spring break and began an online learning program that continued until the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

Last May, TSMSOC formed a Pandemic Task Force to assist in the planning and preparation for a successful return to learning in the fall of 2020. The task force included school administration, board members, faculty, parents and church representatives who had unique insight, skill sets and experience. See TSMSOC Pandemic Task Force Bios for more details. This team formed committees to examine reopening conditions relating to communication, building and grounds, school operations, education and procurement. Using feedback from parents and guidance from state and local public health agencies, the committees recommended plans, policies and protocols that would allow students to return to learning.

This Reopening Plan outlines our process to return to learning safely and decrease the risk of COVID-19 transmission. As a small school community, we have a better probability to return to onsite learning while practicing appropriate social distancing and other safety measures. We are also providing an online learning program if we cannot safely begin school onsite, or for students who may be at-risk, sick, under quarantine or otherwise inclined to remain home.

Our dedicated task force and administration have created a comprehensive Reopening Plan and we look forward to beginning our new school year on August 27, 2020. We ask our families and faculty to be flexible as the public health landscape changes quickly and we must be prepared to adapt accordingly. We will monitor the St. Louis County community transmission metrics of COVID-19 and follow the mandates of state and local health officials as they advise school leaders on opening plans.

Essential Supplies for the Onsite School Day This school year will be unique. If we are learning onsite, we ask students to bring additional supplies to school each day. Make sure your child is prepared with the following items:

2 clean cloth or disposable face coverings/masks (Pre-K through grade 8)

Lunch box with lunch

2 snacks

Refillable water bottle

Small hand sanitizer

Teachers will also send a list of grade-specific items to bring.

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Return to School Scenarios TSMSOC has developed a re-entry strategy recognizing that the school must remain flexible to support the diverse needs of students and families while being prepared to respond to the changing landscape surrounding COVID-19. This Reopening Plan reflects our decisions on August 3, 2020.

Our goal is to provide the very best educational experience for our students while also ensuring the health and safety of all members of the community. TSMSOC is at its best when teachers can work as closely with students as possible. Therefore, we have consulted with medical professionals to address what we must do to provide safe in-person instruction. When that is not feasible, we will provide online instruction with a commitment to fostering the health and well-being of each student while promoting high academic achievement, engagement and individualized support.

Onsite Learning We will follow guidance from state and local public health agencies to determine if we are able to hold classes inside our building. We have put many new policies and protocols in place to decrease risks to our students and faculty. We recognize that each family has unique needs and we will be flexible in allowing students to move between onsite and online learning as necessary.

Online Learning

TSMSOC is prepared to launch our online learning program if St. Louis County experiences a sustained increase in COVID-19 cases and a mandate to close schools is enacted, or if the administration and Board of Trustees agree that it is in the best interest of our families. This scenario could also be initiated in response to a temporary campus closure for deep cleaning if a student, staff or family member contracts COVID-19. In this program, online synchronous and asynchronous learning will be provided for all students.

We are also offering this online learning option for students who may be at-risk, sick, under quarantine or otherwise inclined to remain home.

Hybrid Learning

A hybrid learning environment may occur if a child or cohort must quarantine. This scenario includes online synchronous and asynchronous learning throughout the quarantine. After the quarantine, students may return to onsite learning as health requirements are met. See TSMSOC Returning to School from Illness or Quarantine Policy for more details.

Decision-Making Process At TSMSOC, we know that our individualized, experiential learning approach is best conducted onsite with face-to-face interaction between students and faculty. We plan to offer classes on campus unless state or local health officials mandate school closure, or the administration and Board of Trustees agree that it is in the best interest of our families to suspend onsite classes.

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Health and Safety Precautions Our top priority is the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff. TSMSOC has put measures in place to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19. We are committed to opening our doors to children only if it is safe to do so. These precautions were created with the guidance of the St. Louis County Department of Public Health, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics and other state and local health organizations.

Responsibility to Reduce COVID-19 Transmission Every member of TSMSOC community is responsible for reducing the spread of COVID-19 to keep our children, families and faculty safe. Every family must understand how COVID-19 spreads and the risks to avoid. See TSMSOC Responsibility to Reduce Spread Policy for more details.

Know how it spreads

Wash your hands often

Avoid close contact—stay 6 feet apart

Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth mask/face covering when around others

Cover coughs and sneezes

Monitor your daily health

Social Distancing Social distancing is one of the most effective ways to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 and will be closely monitored. We will use signage and floor stickers to remind students of distancing as they travel the hallways. Faculty will review guidelines with students regularly to ensure ongoing compliance. The American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledges that a distance of 3 to 6 feet between classroom desks will reduce the risk of COVID-19. Classrooms in grades 1-8 will be equipped with new desks that will allow a minimum of 3 feet distancing and will faceforward. Plexiglass dividers will be used for extra protection at desks and tables for youngerstudents when appropriate. See TSMSOC Socially Distant School Day Protocol for more details.

Masks/Face Coverings and Other Personal Protective Equipment Evidence continues to mount regarding the importance of universal face coverings for interrupting the spread of COVID-19. Our mask policies were created using the recommendations of the St. Louis County Department of Public Health and American Academy of Pediatrics. See TSMSOC Personal Protective Equipment Protocol for more details.

All TSMSOC staff, faculty and students in grades K-8 must wear a cloth face mask properlycovering their nose and mouth during arrival, throughout the school day while indoors, and during dismissal. Breaks from masks will be built into the day in a safe environment.

Students in grades Pre-K will be required to wear cloth face masks only during arrival and dismissal. Masks are encouraged, but not required, in the classroom for this age group. Infant and toddler students will not be required to wear any form of face mask.

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Students in Pre-K through grade 8 should have two clean cloth face masks at school daily. Masks will be available for any student that does not bring one to school. Additional PPE and supplies will be available for faculty and staff including face shields, safety goggles or glasses, gloves, cleaning supplies and disinfectant, soap, thermometers and hand sanitizer.

Hand Hygiene Hand hygiene is the very best weapon in any fight between human and contagious disease. Best practices include frequent hand washing, refraining from touching your face, covering coughs and sneezes in your arm and staying home when feeling sick. Children and adults will be required to wash or sanitize their hands at several points throughout the day. See

TSMSOC Hand Hygiene Protocol for more details.

Cleaning and Sanitization Our entire facility will receive a deep cleaning on a nightly basis. Additionally, a porter will be at TSMSOC to sanitize all high-touch areas throughout the school day. Each classroom will be equipped with cleaning and disinfectant products and teachers will be responsible for maintaining their areas throughout the day. Shared technology will be cleaned and sanitized after use. All products being used by the cleaning company are EPA-registered, hospital-grade disinfectants recommended by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. See TSMSOC Cleaning and Sanitization Protocol for more details.

HVAC Improvements TSMSOC and The Church of St. Michael & St. George have followed ASHRAE guidelines and upgraded the HVAC systems to include MERV-13 filters where possible. All air systems and air quality levels will be maintained throughout the year. This includes monitoring relative humidity and air dilution levels to maintain an environment in which the virus is less likely to thrive. Additional adjustments to systems will be made throughout the year as needed.

At-Home Daily Health Screening and BeSafe Online Tool All families are required to complete a student assessment on the BeSafe online tool: This assessment should be completed at home prior to arrival at school each day.

Families will submit responses to a brief questionnaire asking if the child has any symptoms or has been in close contact with a person diagnosed with, or is suspected to have COVID-19 within the last 14 days. If the child has symptoms or contact, he or she will not be cleared for school.

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If the child is initially cleared to attend school, he or she will receive a “green pass” from BeSafe. The “green pass” signifies that the child may proceed to school. At the school arrival area, each student will receive an in-person touchless temperature check and symptom review from a staff member prior to entering the building. Families must display the “green pass” with the appropriate date on their mobile device during the in-person screening process.

Students with a temperature over 99.3 or displaying COVID-19 symptoms will NOT be cleared to attend onsite classes for the day and must return home. See TSMSOC Student Health Screening Protocol for more details.

Immunizations and Flu Shots Yearly physical examinations are required for all students. Missouri law requires that all children entering a public, private or parochial school must be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and hepatitis. Each student’s Medical Record Form must be completed and mailed to the school office by August 15, 2020.

An influenza vaccination is strongly recommended for all students over the age of 6 months when it becomes available. This vaccination is especially important this year as we deal with COVID-19. It is likely that flu viruses and the virus that causes COVID-19 will both be spreading in the fall and winter. See TSMSOC Immunization and Flu Shot Policy for more details.

Illness Policy Students, faculty or staff with symptoms consistent with possible COVID-19 infection should remain home for at least 14 days unless a healthcare provider documents an alternative diagnosis or the individual tests negative for COVID-19. Seek medical advice by calling your healthcare provider and make an appointment if instructed. Remember that symptoms of COVID-19 such as cough or fever can be similar to those of the flu or common cold. See TSMSOC Illness Policy for more details and a full list of symptoms.

To encourage the following of these guidelines, student attendance will be recorded for informational purposes only, and not reported on the student’s school record.

Illness at School and Quarantine TSMSOC is prepared to respond quickly if there is a suspected COVID-19 case within our school community. If a student or staff member develops signs of COVID-19, we will isolate the person in our dedicated health room until the individual can leave or be picked up. Parents must pick up their student immediately upon notification from the school.

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The person with COVID-19 symptoms should follow the St. Louis County Department of Public Health guidelines for next steps and quarantine protocol. The school must be notified immediately if the person has been diagnosed with COVID-19. See TSMSOC COVID-19 Symptoms at School Protocol for more details.

Returning to School after Illness or Quarantine TSMSOC has developed specific guidelines for returning to school after illness or quarantine related to COVID-19 symptoms. A student, faculty member or staff who had signs of suspected COVID-19 can return to school after at least 14 days have passed since symptoms first appeared and a set of conditions are met. The person may return earlier if a healthcare provider documents an alternative diagnosis or he or she tests negative for COVID-19. See TSMSOC Returning to School from Illness or Quarantine Policy for more details.

If the individual is confirmed positive for COVID-19, he or she can return to school with a note from a medical provider and if at least 10 days have passed since the positive test, and 14 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

Social and Emotional Needs In addition to the physical safety and wellbeing of our students, we must also address their social and emotional needs. Children are resilient and can generally adapt to changing conditions. However, we must not dismiss the anxiety and stress that our students are feeling in this difficult time.

We are working with a group of counselors to host online meetings with faculty and families about the social and emotional effects this pandemic has had on children. Our teachers will be attentive to students’ mental health and emotional wellbeing as we return to learning. Whether we return onsite or online, this school year will be challenging. Our faculty will be patient and supportive as students learn new routines and processes.

Onsite School DayIf state and local public health agencies allow schools to open and the administration and Board of Trustees agree that it is in the best interest of our families, TSMSOC will welcome students into the building for onsite learning. We have created many new policies and protocols to decrease risks to our students and faculty.

Classrooms and Cohorts The school building was assessed and modified to accommodate a proper student and teacher capacity and eliminate contact between cohorts. Safe entrance and exit of the building as well as passage through doorways will be maintained throughout the day. The American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledges that a distance of 3 to 6 feet between classroom desks will reduce the risk of COVID-19. TSMSOC will be using a combination of tables, desks and plexiglass barriers in the classrooms to maintain a 3-6 feet distance between students.

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Students will be grouped in cohorts, or small groups, with dedicated staff to maintain consistency from day to day. Faculty, staff and students will practice physical distancing (three to six feet) within each cohort as much as possible.

See TSMSOC Socially Distant School Day Protocol for more details.

Children will stay in grade-level cohorts throughout the day.

Social distancing in hallways will be monitored.

Lunch will be held in the classroom or outdoors.

Outdoor learning opportunities will be provided as weather permits.

Masks will be worn by all faculty, staff and students in grades K-8 from arrival through the school day and dismissal. Students in grades Pre-K will be required to wear face masks only during arrival and dismissal. Infant and toddler students are not required to wear a mask. Breaks from masks will be built into the day in a safe environment.

Arrival and Dismissal Process Students arriving by car: Morning carpool will be organized by cohorts and families will receive their assigned time prior to the first day of school. Siblings should be dropped off with the earliest time slot for the family. All adults and students Pre-K and older must wear a mask inside the vehicle.

Each student will receive a temperature and symptom check from a staff member prior to entering the building. Students and parents must remain in their vehicles during this process. Families must show a “green pass” with the appropriate date from BeSafe on their mobile device during the screening. Students that pass the screening will exit their cars wearing a mask (Pre-K through grade 8) and go to the designated sanitization station. After proper hand sanitizing, students will go to their homerooms. Parents must remain in their cars throughout the process. See TSMSOC Arrival and Dismissal Plan for more details.

Students arriving on foot or bicycle: The gate drop off area is reserved for walking / biking students. Families must practice social distancing (6 feet apart) while waiting to be screened. All persons Pre-K and older must wear a mask. Parents may not enter the playground area.

Students departing by car: Afternoon carpool will take place at 3:30 p.m. in the designated carpool lane. Students Pre-K through grade 8 must be wearing masks. Any student not picked up during afternoon carpool will be billed $10 per minute past 4 p.m. A parent or guardian will be immediately contacted.

Students departing on foot or bicycle: The gate pick-up area is reserved for walking / biking students. Families must practice social distancing (6 feet apart) while at the gate. All persons Pre-K and older must wear a mask. Parents may not enter the playground area.

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Late arrivals: Families that arrive outside their designated arrival time must call the school at (314) 721-4422 and remain in their vehicle with their student at the front gate. A staff memberwill come to the vehicle to view the BeSafe “green pass” and perform all other screeningprotocols.

Unscheduled Pick-ups: Families needing to retrieve their student outside of normal dismissal times should park near the front gates, call the school at (314) 721-4422 and remain in their vehicle. A staff member will escort the student out of the building and to the vehicle.

Outdoor Spaces and ActivitiesWe will utilize campus outdoor space, nearby parks and green spaces to give students a greater amount of room to safely move, learn and explore. Toddler students through grade 2 will remain on campus and within walking distance of school grounds. Grades 3-8 will safely travel by bicycle or bus to nearby parks and pavilions. See TSMSOC Outdoor Policy for more details.

Playground and Outdoor Classroom: According to the American Association of Pediatrics, outdoor playgrounds need routine maintenance and hand hygiene should be emphasized before and after use. We will provide outdoor playground and classroom time to each cohort

group. Temporary tents may be used to support outdoor learning on TSMSOC grounds.

Bicycles: Social distancing guidelines will be maintained during biking. Students will wear masks as they assemble for bike riding and when dismounting. Masks will be removed as they ride. Each bicycle will be sanitized after use.

School Bus: For off-campus locations that are too far to walk or bike, we will utilize our school bus. Students will wear masks and have assigned seating with appropriate social distancing. Only one cohort at a time will be allowed on the bus. Seats, seatbelts, handrails and doors will be sanitized after every use.

Hallway Traffic Social distancing in hallways and common areas will be monitored. During arrival and dismissal, faculty will be stationed in the halls to monitor traffic flow of entering students. Hallways will

be marked and used as “One Way” during carpool times.

Food, Drink and Lunchtime Students will eat in cohorts, either in the classroom or outside. Hot lunch will not be offered for the 2020-2021 school year. There will be no food sharing in classrooms or at lunchtime. Drinking fountains will be closed and students are expected to bring their own water bottle. The water bottle filling stations will remain open. See TSMSOC Food and Drink Policy for moredetails.

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Attendance Tracking Our country has a culture of working or attending school when sick. This practice must change in the face of COVID-19. Our first priority is to keep sick students, faculty and staff at home. Attendance in the 2020-2021 school year will be recorded for informational purposes only, and will not be reported on the student’s school record. See TSMSOC Illness Policy for more details.

Before and After Care Before care will not be offered for the 2020-2021 school year. All children must arrive at school during their assigned time. After care will not be offered when we begin school in August. TSMSOC administration will re-evaluate the after care policy later in the school year.

Late pick-up: Any student not picked up during afternoon carpool will be billed $10 per minute past 4 p.m. A parent or guardian will be immediately contacted. See TSMSOC Before and After Care Policy for more details.

After School Activities No after school activities or clubs will be offered for the 2020-2021 school year.

Learning Journeys and Off Campus Activities All learning journeys, assemblies and other large gatherings of 20 or more people are canceled. TSMSOC administration will re-evaluate this policy throughout the school year.

Adventure Club Adventure Club will not be offered for the 2020 calendar year. We will reassess the situation for the 2021 spring break holiday.

Visitor Policy We are allowing only essential members of our community into the building and they will undergo a health screening upon arrival. This includes students, faculty, staff, tutors, ABA therapists and cleaning personnel only. We have always enjoyed visiting with our families in the hallways, however, we must follow the guidance of state and local health officials and reduce unnecessary risk. See TSMSOC Visitor Policy for more details.

Communication TSMSOC is committed to providing timely, effective communication to all families, faculty and staff. We have a broadcast system that will enable school personnel to notify all households and parents by phone, text and email within minutes of an emergency or unplanned event that causes early dismissal, cancellation or late start. Updated school closing information will also be posted to the school website. See TSMSOC Communication Policy for more details.

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Online School Day If St. Louis County experiences a sustained increase in COVID-19 cases and a mandate to close schools is ordered, TSMSOC is prepared to launch our online learning program. We are committed to fostering the health and wellbeing of each student while promoting high academic achievement, engagement and individualized support online.

Online Platform Google Classroom will again serve as our primary online learning platform. Using Google Classroom as our single point of access provides consistency for our families with multiple children. All students have Google accounts and can log in to access any materials and resources needed to complete school work. Parents can also access Google Classroom to monitor their child’s work and help manage the daily schedule.

Zoom Video-Conferencing: Zoom is the video conferencing platform we will use to virtually meet and record lessons. Students do not need individual Zoom accounts, but will be given a link to meet or to watch a recording. This technology allows us to connect with our students on a personal level and engage in face-to-face discussions, conferences and lessons.

Format Our faculty will be employing a variety of techniques to keep students engaged and active throughout the online school day. Our intent is to provide a structured academic experience for each student.

Weekly Schedule: We will provide each grade level with a weekly schedule that includes both synchronous and asynchronous learning blocks. Students and teachers will not be expected to follow their typical school schedules or be online all day. However, we intend to challenge students and provide a content-rich program with as much live instruction as appropriate. Schedules will vary by grade level and will be created by the classroom teachers and the Head of School.

Live Video Integration: Video cameras will be installed in each classroom to broadcast live lessons. Some faculty may be teaching from their classrooms and will utilize the materials and smartboards to facilitate their lessons.

Homework: We will streamline the homework assignment process to ensure that expectations are clear and parental oversight is less demanding.

Small Group Learning and One-on-One Time with Teachers: Faculty will enhance lessons by creating smaller learning groups when appropriate. We will also give students and parents an opportunity to schedule individual meetings or one-on-one learning sessions to reinforce the instruction.

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Online Learning Guidelines and Tips Online learning is challenging for students, parents and faculty. We’ve created the following guidelines to help make your student’s online experience as fruitful as possible.

Build a routine at home that includes regular hours for schoolwork.

Create a physical space for study. Establish a location that has the supplies students willneed throughout the day. Find a place that is quiet and has a strong wireless internetsignal. Refrain from using a bedroom or basement unless parental oversight is frequent.

Make sure children are ready for zoom meetings. They should be dressed and sitting in awell-lit area with an adult nearby.

Monitor communications from teachers. They will communicate with families throughemail or video chat. Families may contact teachers via email.

Schedule regular physical movement breaks and ensure your child has nutritious mealsand adequate sleep.

Orientation for Students and Parents An orientation for both students and parents will be held prior to beginning the online learning program. This will include training for Google Classroom and how to successfully manage the student’s schedule and homework assignments.

Closing Thoughts Our faculty and staff are dedicated to the wellbeing of our students and families. The circumstances surrounding this global pandemic change rapidly and this Reopening Plan reflects our decisions on August 24, 2020.

Our Pandemic Task Force will reconvene throughout the next several months to address new developments and assess our needs. Plans, policies and protocols may be revised as new information is introduced and as the public health landscape changes. We ask our families to join us in being flexible as we navigate this challenging time together. TSMSOC appreciates your support and is honored to be a trusted partner in your child’s education.

If you have any questions about our Reopening Plan, please contact:

Beth Mosher, Head of School [email protected]

Lori Timmons, Director of Admissions and Business [email protected]

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Appendix: Resources

American Academy of Pediatrics (2020, June 25). COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-Entry. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Considerations for School (2020, May 19). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention School Decision Tool Corona virus (COVID-19) Response Resources from ASRAE and Others Kamenetz, A. (2020, June 24). What Parents Can Learn From Child Care Centers That Stayed Open During Lockdowns. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education & Department of Health and Senior Services. Missouri School Board Association Considerations St. Louis County Cares: St. Louis County Public Health ( STLCO Guidance Master Page STLCO Reopening Childcare STLCO Stats STLCO Public Health Guidance World Health Organization. (2020, March). Key Messages and Actions for Prevention and Control in School.

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TSMSOC Food & Drink Policy 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


The TSMSOC Food & Drink policy is intended to keep the cohorts together throughout the day 

and was created based upon recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and 

Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the St. Louis County Health 



Hot lunch will not be offered for the 2020/21 school year. Students will eat in cohorts, either 


their classroom or outside.   

● All lunch items should be packed with a cooling pack. Refrigeration will not be available.  

● Microwaves will not be provided, therefore, send all food items ready to serve.  

● No delivery food items will be allowed for students. 

There will be no food sharing in classrooms or at lunchtime.   

● All children should bring their own snacks, lunch and drinks from home. 

● Snacks should be individually wrapped. 

● Birthday treats and other celebratory food (class parties, holidays, or similar) will be 

allowed, but must be sent to school in individually wrapped packages.  

Drinking fountains are closed and students are expected to bring their own water bottle. The 

touchless water bottle filling stations will remain open. 

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● Water bottles must be clearly labeled with the student’s name. 

● Water bottles will be sent home each day to be washed.   


We will follow the Hand Hygiene and Cleaning & Sanitization Protocols before and after all 

meals and snacks.  

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TSMSOC Hand Hygiene Protocol 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


Hand hygiene is the very best weapon in any fight between human and contagious disease. Best 

practices include frequent hand washing, not touching your face, covering coughs and sneezes 

in your arm, and staying home when feeling sick.   


Children and adults will be required to wash/sanitize their hands before entering the school 

building, before meals or snacks, after outside time, after using the bathroom, after any nose 

blowing, sneezing or coughing, before and after routine care for another person, after contact 

with anyone who is sick, and before leaving to go home.   

● Proper hand washing techniques will be emphasized! 

● Parents are encouraged to send individual hand sanitizer for each student's personal use.  

● Hand washing with soap and water is always our first line of defense, but TSMSOC will 

also provide hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol) for use in common areas.   

● Staff and students will be directed and encouraged to avoid touching the face (eye, nose, 

mouth) to decrease the transmission of Covid-19 and other infectious diseases.  


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TSMSOC Student Health Screening Protocol 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


All families will be required to complete a self-assessment on the BeSafe App and each student 

will receive an in-person temperature and symptom check prior to entering the building each 

day. Protocol and symptoms we are screening for are as follows:  


For each school day a child will attend school in-person, families will submit responses to a short 

screening questionnaire via our Besafe online tool ( indicating that they are symptom-free and have not been in close contact with someone who has 

been diagnosed with, or is suspected to have COVID-19, within the last 14 days. This must be 

filled out for each child, each day of attendance.  

Families will need to display a “green” pass screen on their mobile device, with the current day’s 

date on it, through the Besafe online tool to the faculty or staff member indicating the number of 

children being dropped off.  

Student temperatures will also be taken prior to entering the building each day by a designated 

staff member using a non-contact digital thermometer. See our Health Screening policy for more 


● Those with a temperature over 99.3 will not be allowed to enter the building and will need 

to return home. Please see Sick Policy for more information regarding next steps.  



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Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may 

have COVID-19: 

● Fever or chills 

● Cough 

● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 

● Fatigue 

● Muscle or body aches 

● Headache 

● New loss of taste or smell 

● Sore throat 

● Congestion or runny nose 

● Nausea or vomiting 

● Diarrhea 


Anyone displaying the above symptoms will NOT be cleared by the BeSafe app to attend 

in-person classes for the day 



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Addendum: BeSafe Instructions 

1.) Visit, click on students. 









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2) Complete the screening questionnaire for EACH child attending 

in-person instruction for the day. 










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3) Display the app or screenshot of the green “clear” to enter school. The 

number of children must be displayed as well as the date in any 



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TSMSOC COVID-19 Symptoms at School Protocol 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


TSMSOC will need to be prepared and able to respond effectively when there is a suspected 

Covid-19 case within our school community, whether it be a student or staff member. The policy 

below was developed based on recommendations from the CDC, AAP and St. Louis County 

Health Department. See also the Returning to School Protocol, the Illness Policy, and the 

Covid-19 Illness Policy for more information.  


If a student or staff member develops signs of COVID-19 (see symptom list under daily health 

screenings) we will separate the person away from others in our isolated health room, with 

supervision at a distance of six feet, until the individual can leave/be picked up. 

● While waiting to leave school, the individual with symptoms will wear a cloth face 

covering or mask if tolerated.   

● Parents will need to pick up their student immediately upon notification from the school. If 

we are not able to reach parents in a timely manner, emergency contacts will be notified. 

Please ensure your emergency contacts have been notified of TSMSOC's protocols.   

● We will air out and then clean and disinfect the areas where the person was after they 


● The person with COVID-19 symptoms should follow the Department of Health guidelines 

for next steps and quarantine protocol.  The employee or student’s parent/caregiver 

must inform the school immediately if the person has been diagnosed with COVID-19. 

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If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, our local health jurisdiction will advise, 

but it is likely that many of the student’s teachers, classmates and cohorts will be considered 

close contacts.*** Anyone considered a close contact will be quarantined and should not come to 

school until at least 14 days after last potential exposure AND approved by the local Health 

Department for return to school. 

TSMSOC will follow The St. Louis County Health Department guidelines when deciding to close 

the building. 

Please review the Returning to School section for instruction on coming back to school.   

***Definition for exposure/close contacts: Students with close contact with the positive student: 

During the student’s infectious period (48 hours before and for 10 days after symptoms 

developed), within 6 feet and contact for more than 15 minutes. This includes, but is not limited 


● Members of same household (parents, siblings, etc) 

● Classroom contacts seated within 6 feet in the front, side, and back of student  

● Lunch contacts within 6 feet for > 15 minutes  

● Free period contacts within 6 feet for > 15 minutes  

● Transportation contacts within 6 feet for > 15 minutes  

● Sports team or extracurricular contacts within 6 feet for > 15 minutes 


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Courtney Berg is a bilingual (Spanish) Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and serves as the executive director of Girls on the Run St. Louis, a nonprofit organization partnering with over 400 schools across 23 counties in Missouri and Illinois to provide physical activity-based positive youth development programming for 3rd-8th grade girls. Courtney and her husband, Charles, have two sons at TSMSOC (Xavier, 3rd and Santiago, 1st). Robin Blatt has a 20-year track record of identifying business challenges, developing marketing strategies, engaging teams and executing programs to reach aggressive goals in highly competitive industries. She was the Director of Marketing at Mortgage Returns and helped groom the tech startup for a multi-million dollar sale to a leading financial technology provider. Robin currently serves as Vice President of The St. Michael School of Clayton Board of Trustees. Genevieve Caffrey is the proud mother of Scotty (Kindergarten) and Josie (Toddler). She was an elementary teacher for 12 years and is currently a doctoral student and instructor of Social Studies Teacher Education at the University of Missouri Columbia. She feels happy and privileged to serve on the Education Committee and belong to the wonderful TSMSOC community! Li Ern Chen, MD is so excited that Hunter is going into first grade this fall! Li Ern is a pediatric surgeon with extensive experience in healthcare administration. She currently leads network and transitional care for Dedicated Senior Medical center, a concierge primary care provider for seniors that opened 3 clinics in St. Louis this summer. Kate Harris Craven is the current President of the Board of Trustees at The St. Michael School of Clayton and a member of the Vestry, the leadership body of the Church of St. Michael and St. George. Kate is a graduate of Providence College. She previously served as a VP of Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith and Bank of America where she held various roles within the organization, including Head of Internal Sales and Advice for Global Asset Management and The Global Bank Group. Theresa Eppert is the Lead Physical Education Teacher (21 years) and a member of the administrative team. Theresa had two daughters attend TSMSOC, Hannah, Class of 2002 and Nora, Class of 2008. Patti Gosnell has been with TSMSOC for one year and comes to us from North Carolina. A proud Tarheel alum, Patti brings with her experience in public relations, event planning and teaching. You will be greeted by Patti at the St Michael’s front desk or when calling us. She is also responsible for supporting the office staff, procuring supplies and coordinating various projects on behalf of the school. Eric R. Hoffman, AIA NCARB LEED AP is a founding partner of patterhn ives, recipient of the 2013 National AIA Young Architects Award, and former Professor of Practice at Washington University in St. Louis. A leading practitioner and educator, he is passionately committed to innovation, realization, mentorship and the environment. Eric is father to Carter in The St. Michael School of Clayton’s incoming first grade class.

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Jenn Hoffman is mom to Carter Hoffman (1st grade). She is a Senior Manager at World Wide Technology, and is responsible for managing the daily operations of a global services division as well as representing her department on the WWT Covid-19 response team. Jenn is also a member of the TSMSOC Board of Trustees. Rob Huq is an Assistant Circuit Attorney in the City of St. Louis where he represents the State of Missouri in criminal matters. His daughter Mae began at TSMSOC as a JK student and is entering first grade this Fall, 2020. Rachel Komeshak is the Project Management Office lead in the Institute for Informations at Washington University School of Medicine. Rachel has over 20 years of experience in radio/TV, marketing and IT. When she's not planning for pandemic can find her hanging out with her wife, Kristen; sons Nolan, Conor and Evan (all students of the TSMSOC); and puppy Crash. Peter Lang has been teaching performing arts, leading technology, and a member of the admin team at TSMSOC for almost a decade. His two sons attended and graduated from TSMSOC. Elizabeth T Mosher, Head of The St. Michael School of Clayton, has been in education for 40 years. Beth has taught in Parochial, Public and Independent Schools. She has been at The St. Michael School of Clayton for 25 years. Beth has grown as an educator and administrator through her experience at TSMSOC. She began her career at TSMSOC as a second grade teacher and moved to fourth grade in her second year. After receiving her M.A. in Special Education with an emphasis in Learning Disabilities Beth handled curriculum coordination and was then appointed the Learning Consultant for the school. Beth was appointed Assistant Head under Ashley Cadwell in 2007 and appointed Head of School in July of 2008. Beth took the opportunity offered by ISACS (Independent Schools of the Central States) to participate in leadership and administrative classes before assuming the role of Head of School and continues to participate in yearly classes offered by ISACS. Beth believes in honoring all children and supporting them for success. Beth was honored when she was chosen for several opportunities to study in Reggio Emilia to witness and master the Reggio approach first hand. When not at TSMSOC Beth and her husband, Mike, enjoy spending time with their family. Katie Mosher joined TSMSOC in January of 2020 as the Director of Marketing. She majored in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and Communications from Rockhurst University. She has a background in photography, graphic design and events. Prior to St. Michael’s, she worked as an Account Executive for 3 years at Fusion Marketing in St. Louis. When she is not working, she spends her time with her 1 year old son, Fitz and her husband Kevin. Betsy Panke comes to the team from the Church of St Michael and St George. She has been involved in many aspects of the church life and currently is on the Vestry, serving as Junior Warden. Her two children attended TSMSOC through kindergarten and she has fond memories of the experience. Professionally, Betsy is a Residential Architect working in St Louis for over 30 years. Rachel Presti, MD, PhD, is the mother of Isabelle Williams (7th grade) and DJ Williams (SMSOC alumnus). She is an infectious disease physician at Washington University/Barnes-Jewish Hospital and runs the Washington University Infectious Disease Clinical Research Unit. Kate Strembicki is the proud parent of Beatrice (3rd grade) and Hugo (1st grade), has been a TSMSOC board member since 2018 leading the buildings and grounds committee. Kate is a graduate of Washington University whose professional experiences include historic building renovation, costuming for the St. Louis Opera and Mardi Gras float decoration. Lori Timmons started at The St. Michael School of Clayton in 2013 as the business manager. In 2016 she transitioned to the Admissions Director and is still in that role today. Lori participates as a member of

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the TSMSOC Admin Team, which supports the school in daily operations, policies and procedures. Her daughters will be entering KG, PreK and Toddler 1.

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A comprehensive plan to safely return to learning

August 3, 2020

The St. Michael School of Clayton 6345 Wydown Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63105

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Letter from Head of School ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Return to School Scenarios ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Health and Safety Precautions -------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Onsite School Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9

Online School Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

Closing Thoughts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

Appendix: Resources --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

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August 3, 2020

Dear parent,

I am proud to present The St. Michael School of Clayton Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 school year. The arrival of COVID-19 created a unique set of challenges for schools and our Pandemic Task Force and administration has been working throughout the summer to create the plans necessary to return to learning later this month. Our policies have been crafted with guidance from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics, the St. Louis County Department of Public Health and other state and local agencies.

From the beginning, our COVID-19 response has been guided by our principles of supporting the health and safety of our community, advancing our school mission and upholding our strong TSMSOC values. We recognize that we still have many challenges to face together. The trajectory of this virus and its impact is uncertain. Therefore, our plan includes several learning scenarios that may be initiated during the year. Our faculty will transition between them with minimal disruption to teaching and learning. TSMSOC is nimble, and we will be flexible.

This school year will look very different to our students and we will be patient and understanding with them. Please take some time to review this Reopening Plan as a family. Make sure your child is comfortable and knows what to expect when school begins. Remember that children take cues from parents, and keeping an optimistic attitude will help your child navigate this uncertain time.

Thank you for your trust and loyalty to The St. Michael School of Clayton. I look forward to beginning our school year on Thursday, August 27. If you have any questions about our reopening process, please contact me at [email protected].


Elizabeth T. Mosher Head of School, The St. Michael School of Clayton

Elizabeth Mosher

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Introduction Missouri enacted a stay-at-home order last April to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19. The St. Michael School of Clayton suspended onsite classes after spring break and began an online learning program that continued until the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

Last May, TSMSOC formed a Pandemic Task Force to assist in the planning and preparation for a successful return to learning in the fall of 2020. The task force included school administration, board members, faculty, parents and church representatives who had unique insight, skill sets and experience. See TSMSOC Pandemic Task Force Bios for more details. This team formed committees to examine reopening conditions relating to communication, building and grounds, school operations, education and procurement. Using feedback from parents and guidance from state and local public health agencies, the committees recommended plans, policies and protocols that would allow students to return to learning.

This Reopening Plan outlines our process to return to learning safely and decrease the risk of COVID-19 transmission. As a small school community, we have a better probability to return to onsite learning while practicing appropriate social distancing and other safety measures. We are also providing an online learning program if we cannot safely begin school onsite, or for students who may be at-risk, sick, under quarantine or otherwise inclined to remain home.

Our dedicated task force and administration have created a comprehensive Reopening Plan and we look forward to beginning our new school year on August 27, 2020. We ask our families and faculty to be flexible as the public health landscape changes quickly and we must be prepared to adapt accordingly. We will monitor the St. Louis County community transmission metrics of COVID-19 and follow the mandates of state and local health officials as they advise school leaders on opening plans.

Essential Supplies for the Onsite School Day This school year will be unique. If we are learning onsite, we ask students to bring additional supplies to school each day. Make sure your child is prepared with the following items:

2 clean cloth or disposable face coverings/masks (Pre-K through grade 8)

Lunch box with lunch

2 snacks

Refillable water bottle

Small hand sanitizer

Teachers will also send a list of grade-specific items to bring.

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Return to School Scenarios TSMSOC has developed a re-entry strategy recognizing that the school must remain flexible to support the diverse needs of students and families while being prepared to respond to the changing landscape surrounding COVID-19. This Reopening Plan reflects our decisions on August 3, 2020.

Our goal is to provide the very best educational experience for our students while also ensuring the health and safety of all members of the community. TSMSOC is at its best when teachers can work as closely with students as possible. Therefore, we have consulted with medical professionals to address what we must do to provide safe in-person instruction. When that is not feasible, we will provide online instruction with a commitment to fostering the health and well-being of each student while promoting high academic achievement, engagement and individualized support.

Onsite Learning We will follow guidance from state and local public health agencies to determine if we are able to hold classes inside our building. We have put many new policies and protocols in place to decrease risks to our students and faculty. We recognize that each family has unique needs and we will be flexible in allowing students to move between onsite and online learning as necessary.

Online Learning

TSMSOC is prepared to launch our online learning program if St. Louis County experiences a sustained increase in COVID-19 cases and a mandate to close schools is enacted, or if the administration and Board of Trustees agree that it is in the best interest of our families. This scenario could also be initiated in response to a temporary campus closure for deep cleaning if a student, staff or family member contracts COVID-19. In this program, online synchronous and asynchronous learning will be provided for all students.

We are also offering this online learning option for students who may be at-risk, sick, under quarantine or otherwise inclined to remain home.

Hybrid Learning

A hybrid learning environment may occur if a child or cohort must quarantine. This scenario includes online synchronous and asynchronous learning throughout the quarantine. After the quarantine, students may return to onsite learning as health requirements are met. See TSMSOC Returning to School from Illness or Quarantine Policy for more details.

Decision-Making Process At TSMSOC, we know that our individualized, experiential learning approach is best conducted onsite with face-to-face interaction between students and faculty. We plan to offer classes on campus unless state or local health officials mandate school closure, or the administration and Board of Trustees agree that it is in the best interest of our families to suspend onsite classes.

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Health and Safety Precautions Our top priority is the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff. TSMSOC has put measures in place to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19. We are committed to opening our doors to children only if it is safe to do so. These precautions were created with the guidance of the St. Louis County Department of Public Health, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics and other state and local health organizations.

Responsibility to Reduce COVID-19 Transmission Every member of TSMSOC community is responsible for reducing the spread of COVID-19 to keep our children, families and faculty safe. Every family must understand how COVID-19 spreads and the risks to avoid. See TSMSOC Responsibility to Reduce Spread Policy for more details.

Know how it spreads

Wash your hands often

Avoid close contact—stay 6 feet apart

Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth mask/face covering when around others

Cover coughs and sneezes

Monitor your daily health

Social Distancing Social distancing is one of the most effective ways to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 and will be closely monitored. We will use signage and floor stickers to remind students of distancing as they travel the hallways. Faculty will review guidelines with students regularly to ensure ongoing compliance. The American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledges that a distance of 3 to 6 feet between classroom desks will reduce the risk of COVID-19. Classrooms in grades 1-8 will be equipped with new desks that will allow a minimum of 3 feet distancing and will faceforward. Plexiglass dividers will be used for extra protection at desks and tables for youngerstudents when appropriate. See TSMSOC Socially Distant School Day Protocol for more details.

Masks/Face Coverings and Other Personal Protective Equipment Evidence continues to mount regarding the importance of universal face coverings for interrupting the spread of COVID-19. Our mask policies were created using the recommendations of the St. Louis County Department of Public Health and American Academy of Pediatrics. See TSMSOC Personal Protective Equipment Protocol for more details.

All TSMSOC staff, faculty and students in grades 3-8 must wear a cloth face mask properly covering their nose and mouth during arrival, throughout the school day while indoors, and during dismissal. Breaks from masks will be built into the day in a safe environment.

Students in grades Pre-K-2 will be required to wear cloth face masks only during arrival and dismissal. Masks are encouraged, but not required, in the classroom for this age group. Infant and toddler students will not be required to wear any form of face mask.

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Students in Pre-K through grade 8 should have two clean cloth face masks at school daily. Masks will be available for any student that does not bring one to school. Additional PPE and supplies will be available for faculty and staff including face shields, safety goggles or glasses, gloves, cleaning supplies and disinfectant, soap, thermometers and hand sanitizer.

Hand Hygiene Hand hygiene is the very best weapon in any fight between human and contagious disease. Best practices include frequent hand washing, refraining from touching your face, covering coughs and sneezes in your arm and staying home when feeling sick. Children and adults will be required to wash or sanitize their hands at several points throughout the day. See

TSMSOC Hand Hygiene Protocol for more details.

Cleaning and Sanitization Our entire facility will receive a deep cleaning on a nightly basis. Additionally, a porter will be at TSMSOC to sanitize all high-touch areas throughout the school day. Each classroom will be equipped with cleaning and disinfectant products and teachers will be responsible for maintaining their areas throughout the day. Shared technology will be cleaned and sanitized after use. All products being used by the cleaning company are EPA-registered, hospital-grade disinfectants recommended by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. See TSMSOC Cleaning and Sanitization Protocol for more details.

HVAC Improvements TSMSOC and The Church of St. Michael & St. George have followed ASHRAE guidelines and upgraded the HVAC systems to include MERV-13 filters where possible. All air systems and air quality levels will be maintained throughout the year. This includes monitoring relative humidity and air dilution levels to maintain an environment in which the virus is less likely to thrive. Additional adjustments to systems will be made throughout the year as needed.

At-Home Daily Health Screening and BeSafe Online Tool All families are required to complete a student assessment on the BeSafe online tool: This assessment should be completed at home prior to arrival at school each day.

Families will submit responses to a brief questionnaire asking if the child has any symptoms or has been in close contact with a person diagnosed with, or is suspected to have COVID-19 within the last 14 days. If the child has symptoms or contact, he or she will not be cleared for school.

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If the child is initially cleared to attend school, he or she will receive a “green pass” from BeSafe. The “green pass” signifies that the child may proceed to school. At the school arrival area, each student will receive an in-person touchless temperature check and symptom review from a staff member prior to entering the building. Families must display the “green pass” with the appropriate date on their mobile device during the in-person screening process.

Students with a temperature over 99.3 or displaying COVID-19 symptoms will NOT be cleared to attend onsite classes for the day and must return home. See TSMSOC Student Health Screening Protocol for more details.

Immunizations and Flu Shots Yearly physical examinations are required for all students. Missouri law requires that all children entering a public, private or parochial school must be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and hepatitis. Each student’s Medical Record Form must be completed and mailed to the school office by August 15, 2020.

An influenza vaccination is strongly recommended for all students over the age of 6 months when it becomes available. This vaccination is especially important this year as we deal with COVID-19. It is likely that flu viruses and the virus that causes COVID-19 will both be spreading in the fall and winter. See TSMSOC Immunization and Flu Shot Policy for more details.

Illness Policy Students, faculty or staff with symptoms consistent with possible COVID-19 infection should remain home for at least 14 days unless a healthcare provider documents an alternative diagnosis or the individual tests negative for COVID-19. Seek medical advice by calling your healthcare provider and make an appointment if instructed. Remember that symptoms of COVID-19 such as cough or fever can be similar to those of the flu or common cold. See TSMSOC Illness Policy for more details and a full list of symptoms.

To encourage the following of these guidelines, student attendance will be recorded for informational purposes only, and not reported on the student’s school record.

Illness at School and Quarantine TSMSOC is prepared to respond quickly if there is a suspected COVID-19 case within our school community. If a student or staff member develops signs of COVID-19, we will isolate the person in our dedicated health room until the individual can leave or be picked up. Parents must pick up their student immediately upon notification from the school.

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The person with COVID-19 symptoms should follow the St. Louis County Department of Public Health guidelines for next steps and quarantine protocol. The school must be notified immediately if the person has been diagnosed with COVID-19. See TSMSOC COVID-19 Symptoms at School Protocol for more details.

Returning to School after Illness or Quarantine TSMSOC has developed specific guidelines for returning to school after illness or quarantine related to COVID-19 symptoms. A student, faculty member or staff who had signs of suspected COVID-19 can return to school after at least 14 days have passed since symptoms first appeared and a set of conditions are met. The person may return earlier if a healthcare provider documents an alternative diagnosis or he or she tests negative for COVID-19. See TSMSOC Returning to School from Illness or Quarantine Policy for more details.

If the individual is confirmed positive for COVID-19, he or she can return to school with a note from a medical provider and if at least 10 days have passed since the positive test, and 14 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

Social and Emotional Needs In addition to the physical safety and wellbeing of our students, we must also address their social and emotional needs. Children are resilient and can generally adapt to changing conditions. However, we must not dismiss the anxiety and stress that our students are feeling in this difficult time.

We are working with a group of counselors to host online meetings with faculty and families about the social and emotional effects this pandemic has had on children. Our teachers will be attentive to students’ mental health and emotional wellbeing as we return to learning. Whether we return onsite or online, this school year will be challenging. Our faculty will be patient and supportive as students learn new routines and processes.

Onsite School DayIf state and local public health agencies allow schools to open and the administration and Board of Trustees agree that it is in the best interest of our families, TSMSOC will welcome students into the building for onsite learning. We have created many new policies and protocols to decrease risks to our students and faculty.

Classrooms and Cohorts The school building was assessed and modified to accommodate a proper student and teacher capacity and eliminate contact between cohorts. Safe entrance and exit of the building as well as passage through doorways will be maintained throughout the day. The American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledges that a distance of 3 to 6 feet between classroom desks will reduce the risk of COVID-19. TSMSOC will be using a combination of tables, desks and plexiglass barriers in the classrooms to maintain a 3-6 feet distance between students.

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Students will be grouped in cohorts, or small groups, with dedicated staff to maintain consistency from day to day. Faculty, staff and students will practice physical distancing (three to six feet) within each cohort as much as possible.

See TSMSOC Socially Distant School Day Protocol for more details.

Children will stay in grade-level cohorts throughout the day.

Social distancing in hallways will be monitored.

Lunch will be held in the classroom or outdoors.

Outdoor learning opportunities will be provided as weather permits.

Masks will be worn by all faculty, staff and students in grades 3-8 from arrival throughthe school day and dismissal. Students in grades Pre-K-2 will be required to wear facemasks only during arrival and dismissal. Infant and toddler students are not required towear a mask. Breaks from masks will be built into the day in a safe environment.

Arrival and Dismissal Process Students arriving by car: Morning carpool will be organized by cohorts and families will receive their assigned time prior to the first day of school. Siblings should be dropped off with the earliest time slot for the family. All adults and students Pre-K and older must wear a mask inside the vehicle.

Each student will receive a temperature and symptom check from a staff member prior to entering the building. Students and parents must remain in their vehicles during this process. Families must show a “green pass” with the appropriate date from BeSafe on their mobile device during the screening. Students that pass the screening will exit their cars wearing a mask (Pre-K through grade 8) and go to the designated sanitization station. After proper hand sanitizing, students will go to their homerooms. Parents must remain in their cars throughout the process. See TSMSOC Arrival and Dismissal Plan for more details.

Students arriving on foot or bicycle: The gate drop off area is reserved for walking / biking students. Families must practice social distancing (6 feet apart) while waiting to be screened. All persons Pre-K and older must wear a mask. Parents may not enter the playground area.

Students departing by car: Afternoon carpool will take place at 3:30 p.m. in the designated carpool lane. Students Pre-K through grade 8 must be wearing masks. Any student not picked up during afternoon carpool will be billed $10 per minute past 4 p.m. A parent or guardian will be immediately contacted.

Students departing on foot or bicycle: The gate pick-up area is reserved for walking / biking students. Families must practice social distancing (6 feet apart) while at the gate. All persons Pre-K and older must wear a mask. Parents may not enter the playground area.

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Late arrivals: Families that arrive outside their designated arrival time must call the school at (314) 721-4422 and remain in their vehicle with their student at the front gate. A staff member will come to the vehicle to view the BeSafe “green pass” and perform all other screening protocols.

Unscheduled Pick-ups: Families needing to retrieve their student outside of normal dismissal times should park near the front gates, call the school at (314) 721-4422 and remain in their vehicle. A staff member will escort the student out of the building and to the vehicle.

Outdoor Spaces and ActivitiesWe will utilize campus outdoor space, nearby parks and green spaces to give students a greater amount of room to safely move, learn and explore. Toddler students through grade 2 will remain on campus and within walking distance of school grounds. Grades 3-8 will safely travel by bicycle or bus to nearby parks and pavilions. See TSMSOC Outdoor Policy for more details.

Playground and Outdoor Classroom: According to the American Association of Pediatrics, outdoor playgrounds need routine maintenance and hand hygiene should be emphasized before and after use. We will provide outdoor playground and classroom time to each cohort

group. Temporary tents may be used to support outdoor learning on TSMSOC grounds.

Bicycles: Social distancing guidelines will be maintained during biking. Students will wear masks as they assemble for bike riding and when dismounting. Masks will be removed as they ride. Each bicycle will be sanitized after use.

School Bus: For off-campus locations that are too far to walk or bike, we will utilize our school bus. Students will wear masks and have assigned seating with appropriate social distancing. Only one cohort at a time will be allowed on the bus. Seats, seatbelts, handrails and doors will be sanitized after every use.

Hallway Traffic Social distancing in hallways and common areas will be monitored. During arrival and dismissal, faculty will be stationed in the halls to monitor traffic flow of entering students. Hallways will

be marked and used as “One Way” during carpool times.

Food, Drink and Lunchtime Students will eat in cohorts, either in the classroom or outside. Hot lunch will not be offered for the 2020-2021 school year. There will be no food sharing in classrooms or at lunchtime. Drinking fountains will be closed and students are expected to bring their own water bottle. The water bottle filling stations will remain open. See TSMSOC Food and Drink Policy for more details.

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Attendance Tracking Our country has a culture of working or attending school when sick. This practice must change in the face of COVID-19. Our first priority is to keep sick students, faculty and staff at home. Attendance in the 2020-2021 school year will be recorded for informational purposes only, and will not be reported on the student’s school record. See TSMSOC Illness Policy for more details.

Before and After Care Before care will not be offered for the 2020-2021 school year. All children must arrive at school during their assigned time. After care will not be offered when we begin school in August. TSMSOC administration will re-evaluate the after care policy later in the school year.

Late pick-up: Any student not picked up during afternoon carpool will be billed $10 per minute past 4 p.m. A parent or guardian will be immediately contacted. See TSMSOC Before and After Care Policy for more details.

After School Activities No after school activities or clubs will be offered for the 2020-2021 school year.

Learning Journeys and Off Campus Activities All learning journeys, assemblies and other large gatherings of 20 or more people are canceled. TSMSOC administration will re-evaluate this policy throughout the school year.

Adventure Club Adventure Club will not be offered for the 2020 calendar year. We will reassess the situation for the 2021 spring break holiday.

Visitor Policy We are allowing only essential members of our community into the building and they will undergo a health screening upon arrival. This includes students, faculty, staff, tutors, ABA therapists and cleaning personnel only. We have always enjoyed visiting with our families in the hallways, however, we must follow the guidance of state and local health officials and reduce unnecessary risk. See TSMSOC Visitor Policy for more details.

Communication TSMSOC is committed to providing timely, effective communication to all families, faculty and staff. We have a broadcast system that will enable school personnel to notify all households and parents by phone, text and email within minutes of an emergency or unplanned event that causes early dismissal, cancellation or late start. Updated school closing information will also be posted to the school website. See TSMSOC Communication Policy for more details.

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Online School Day If St. Louis County experiences a sustained increase in COVID-19 cases and a mandate to close schools is ordered, TSMSOC is prepared to launch our online learning program. We are committed to fostering the health and wellbeing of each student while promoting high academic achievement, engagement and individualized support online.

Online Platform Google Classroom will again serve as our primary online learning platform. Using Google Classroom as our single point of access provides consistency for our families with multiple children. All students have Google accounts and can log in to access any materials and resources needed to complete school work. Parents can also access Google Classroom to monitor their child’s work and help manage the daily schedule.

Zoom Video-Conferencing: Zoom is the video conferencing platform we will use to virtually meet and record lessons. Students do not need individual Zoom accounts, but will be given a link to meet or to watch a recording. This technology allows us to connect with our students on a personal level and engage in face-to-face discussions, conferences and lessons.

Format Our faculty will be employing a variety of techniques to keep students engaged and active throughout the online school day. Our intent is to provide a structured academic experience for each student.

Weekly Schedule: We will provide each grade level with a weekly schedule that includes both synchronous and asynchronous learning blocks. Students and teachers will not be expected to follow their typical school schedules or be online all day. However, we intend to challenge students and provide a content-rich program with as much live instruction as appropriate. Schedules will vary by grade level and will be created by the classroom teachers and the Head of School.

Live Video Integration: Video cameras will be installed in each classroom to broadcast live lessons. Some faculty may be teaching from their classrooms and will utilize the materials and smartboards to facilitate their lessons.

Homework: We will streamline the homework assignment process to ensure that expectations are clear and parental oversight is less demanding.

Small Group Learning and One-on-One Time with Teachers: Faculty will enhance lessons by creating smaller learning groups when appropriate. We will also give students and parents an opportunity to schedule individual meetings or one-on-one learning sessions to reinforce the instruction.

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Online Learning Guidelines and Tips Online learning is challenging for students, parents and faculty. We’ve created the following guidelines to help make your student’s online experience as fruitful as possible.

Build a routine at home that includes regular hours for schoolwork.

Create a physical space for study. Establish a location that has the supplies students will need throughout the day. Find a place that is quiet and has a strong wireless internet signal. Refrain from using a bedroom or basement unless parental oversight is frequent.

Make sure children are ready for zoom meetings. They should be dressed and sitting in a well-lit area with an adult nearby.

Monitor communications from teachers. They will communicate with families through email or video chat. Families may contact teachers via email.

Schedule regular physical movement breaks and ensure your child has nutritious meals and adequate sleep.

Orientation for Students and Parents An orientation for both students and parents will be held prior to beginning the online learning program. This will include training for Google Classroom and how to successfully manage the student’s schedule and homework assignments.

Closing Thoughts Our faculty and staff are dedicated to the wellbeing of our students and families. The circumstances surrounding this global pandemic change rapidly and this Reopening Plan reflects our decisions on August 3, 2020. Our Pandemic Task Force will reconvene throughout the next several months to address new developments and assess our needs. Plans, policies and protocols may be revised as new information is introduced and as the public health landscape changes. We ask our families to join us in being flexible as we navigate this challenging time together. TSMSOC appreciates your support and is honored to be a trusted partner in your child’s education. If you have any questions about our Reopening Plan, please contact:

Beth Mosher, Head of School [email protected]

Lori Timmons, Director of Admissions and Business [email protected]

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Appendix: Resources

American Academy of Pediatrics (2020, June 25). COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-Entry. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Considerations for School (2020, May 19). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention School Decision Tool Corona virus (COVID-19) Response Resources from ASRAE and Others Kamenetz, A. (2020, June 24). What Parents Can Learn From Child Care Centers That Stayed Open During Lockdowns. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education & Department of Health and Senior Services. Missouri School Board Association Considerations St. Louis County Cares: St. Louis County Public Health ( STLCO Guidance Master Page STLCO Reopening Childcare STLCO Stats STLCO Public Health Guidance World Health Organization. (2020, March). Key Messages and Actions for Prevention and Control in School.

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A comprehensive plan to safely return to learning

August 3, 2020

The St. Michael School of Clayton 6345 Wydown Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63105

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Letter from Head of School ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Return to School Scenarios ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Health and Safety Precautions -------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Onsite School Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9

Online School Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

Closing Thoughts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

Appendix: Resources --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

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August 3, 2020

Dear parent,

I am proud to present The St. Michael School of Clayton Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 school year. The arrival of COVID-19 created a unique set of challenges for schools and our Pandemic Task Force and administration has been working throughout the summer to create the plans necessary to return to learning later this month. Our policies have been crafted with guidance from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics, the St. Louis County Department of Public Health and other state and local agencies.

From the beginning, our COVID-19 response has been guided by our principles of supporting the health and safety of our community, advancing our school mission and upholding our strong TSMSOC values. We recognize that we still have many challenges to face together. The trajectory of this virus and its impact is uncertain. Therefore, our plan includes several learning scenarios that may be initiated during the year. Our faculty will transition between them with minimal disruption to teaching and learning. TSMSOC is nimble, and we will be flexible.

This school year will look very different to our students and we will be patient and understanding with them. Please take some time to review this Reopening Plan as a family. Make sure your child is comfortable and knows what to expect when school begins. Remember that children take cues from parents, and keeping an optimistic attitude will help your child navigate this uncertain time.

Thank you for your trust and loyalty to The St. Michael School of Clayton. I look forward to beginning our school year on Thursday, August 27. If you have any questions about our reopening process, please contact me at [email protected].


Elizabeth T. Mosher Head of School, The St. Michael School of Clayton

Elizabeth Mosher

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Introduction Missouri enacted a stay-at-home order last April to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19. The St. Michael School of Clayton suspended onsite classes after spring break and began an online learning program that continued until the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

Last May, TSMSOC formed a Pandemic Task Force to assist in the planning and preparation for a successful return to learning in the fall of 2020. The task force included school administration, board members, faculty, parents and church representatives who had unique insight, skill sets and experience. See TSMSOC Pandemic Task Force Bios for more details. This team formed committees to examine reopening conditions relating to communication, building and grounds, school operations, education and procurement. Using feedback from parents and guidance from state and local public health agencies, the committees recommended plans, policies and protocols that would allow students to return to learning.

This Reopening Plan outlines our process to return to learning safely and decrease the risk of COVID-19 transmission. As a small school community, we have a better probability to return to onsite learning while practicing appropriate social distancing and other safety measures. We are also providing an online learning program if we cannot safely begin school onsite, or for students who may be at-risk, sick, under quarantine or otherwise inclined to remain home.

Our dedicated task force and administration have created a comprehensive Reopening Plan and we look forward to beginning our new school year on August 27, 2020. We ask our families and faculty to be flexible as the public health landscape changes quickly and we must be prepared to adapt accordingly. We will monitor the St. Louis County community transmission metrics of COVID-19 and follow the mandates of state and local health officials as they advise school leaders on opening plans.

Essential Supplies for the Onsite School Day This school year will be unique. If we are learning onsite, we ask students to bring additional supplies to school each day. Make sure your child is prepared with the following items:

2 clean cloth or disposable face coverings/masks (Pre-K through grade 8)

Lunch box with lunch

2 snacks

Refillable water bottle

Small hand sanitizer

Teachers will also send a list of grade-specific items to bring.

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Return to School Scenarios TSMSOC has developed a re-entry strategy recognizing that the school must remain flexible to support the diverse needs of students and families while being prepared to respond to the changing landscape surrounding COVID-19. This Reopening Plan reflects our decisions on August 3, 2020.

Our goal is to provide the very best educational experience for our students while also ensuring the health and safety of all members of the community. TSMSOC is at its best when teachers can work as closely with students as possible. Therefore, we have consulted with medical professionals to address what we must do to provide safe in-person instruction. When that is not feasible, we will provide online instruction with a commitment to fostering the health and well-being of each student while promoting high academic achievement, engagement and individualized support.

Onsite Learning We will follow guidance from state and local public health agencies to determine if we are able to hold classes inside our building. We have put many new policies and protocols in place to decrease risks to our students and faculty. We recognize that each family has unique needs and we will be flexible in allowing students to move between onsite and online learning as necessary.

Online Learning

TSMSOC is prepared to launch our online learning program if St. Louis County experiences a sustained increase in COVID-19 cases and a mandate to close schools is enacted, or if the administration and Board of Trustees agree that it is in the best interest of our families. This scenario could also be initiated in response to a temporary campus closure for deep cleaning if a student, staff or family member contracts COVID-19. In this program, online synchronous and asynchronous learning will be provided for all students.

We are also offering this online learning option for students who may be at-risk, sick, under quarantine or otherwise inclined to remain home.

Hybrid Learning

A hybrid learning environment may occur if a child or cohort must quarantine. This scenario includes online synchronous and asynchronous learning throughout the quarantine. After the quarantine, students may return to onsite learning as health requirements are met. See TSMSOC Returning to School from Illness or Quarantine Policy for more details.

Decision-Making Process At TSMSOC, we know that our individualized, experiential learning approach is best conducted onsite with face-to-face interaction between students and faculty. We plan to offer classes on campus unless state or local health officials mandate school closure, or the administration and Board of Trustees agree that it is in the best interest of our families to suspend onsite classes.

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Health and Safety Precautions Our top priority is the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff. TSMSOC has put measures in place to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19. We are committed to opening our doors to children only if it is safe to do so. These precautions were created with the guidance of the St. Louis County Department of Public Health, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics and other state and local health organizations.

Responsibility to Reduce COVID-19 Transmission Every member of TSMSOC community is responsible for reducing the spread of COVID-19 to keep our children, families and faculty safe. Every family must understand how COVID-19 spreads and the risks to avoid. See TSMSOC Responsibility to Reduce Spread Policy for more details.

Know how it spreads

Wash your hands often

Avoid close contact—stay 6 feet apart

Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth mask/face covering when around others

Cover coughs and sneezes

Monitor your daily health

Social Distancing Social distancing is one of the most effective ways to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 and will be closely monitored. We will use signage and floor stickers to remind students of distancing as they travel the hallways. Faculty will review guidelines with students regularly to ensure ongoing compliance. The American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledges that a distance of 3 to 6 feet between classroom desks will reduce the risk of COVID-19. Classrooms in grades 1-8 will be equipped with new desks that will allow a minimum of 3 feet distancing and will faceforward. Plexiglass dividers will be used for extra protection at desks and tables for youngerstudents when appropriate. See TSMSOC Socially Distant School Day Protocol for more details.

Masks/Face Coverings and Other Personal Protective Equipment Evidence continues to mount regarding the importance of universal face coverings for interrupting the spread of COVID-19. Our mask policies were created using the recommendations of the St. Louis County Department of Public Health and American Academy of Pediatrics. See TSMSOC Personal Protective Equipment Protocol for more details.

All TSMSOC staff, faculty and students in grades 3-8 must wear a cloth face mask properly covering their nose and mouth during arrival, throughout the school day while indoors, and during dismissal. Breaks from masks will be built into the day in a safe environment.

Students in grades Pre-K-2 will be required to wear cloth face masks only during arrival and dismissal. Masks are encouraged, but not required, in the classroom for this age group. Infant and toddler students will not be required to wear any form of face mask.

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Students in Pre-K through grade 8 should have two clean cloth face masks at school daily. Masks will be available for any student that does not bring one to school. Additional PPE and supplies will be available for faculty and staff including face shields, safety goggles or glasses, gloves, cleaning supplies and disinfectant, soap, thermometers and hand sanitizer.

Hand Hygiene Hand hygiene is the very best weapon in any fight between human and contagious disease. Best practices include frequent hand washing, refraining from touching your face, covering coughs and sneezes in your arm and staying home when feeling sick. Children and adults will be required to wash or sanitize their hands at several points throughout the day. See

TSMSOC Hand Hygiene Protocol for more details.

Cleaning and Sanitization Our entire facility will receive a deep cleaning on a nightly basis. Additionally, a porter will be at TSMSOC to sanitize all high-touch areas throughout the school day. Each classroom will be equipped with cleaning and disinfectant products and teachers will be responsible for maintaining their areas throughout the day. Shared technology will be cleaned and sanitized after use. All products being used by the cleaning company are EPA-registered, hospital-grade disinfectants recommended by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. See TSMSOC Cleaning and Sanitization Protocol for more details.

HVAC Improvements TSMSOC and The Church of St. Michael & St. George have followed ASHRAE guidelines and upgraded the HVAC systems to include MERV-13 filters where possible. All air systems and air quality levels will be maintained throughout the year. This includes monitoring relative humidity and air dilution levels to maintain an environment in which the virus is less likely to thrive. Additional adjustments to systems will be made throughout the year as needed.

At-Home Daily Health Screening and BeSafe Online Tool All families are required to complete a student assessment on the BeSafe online tool: This assessment should be completed at home prior to arrival at school each day.

Families will submit responses to a brief questionnaire asking if the child has any symptoms or has been in close contact with a person diagnosed with, or is suspected to have COVID-19 within the last 14 days. If the child has symptoms or contact, he or she will not be cleared for school.

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If the child is initially cleared to attend school, he or she will receive a “green pass” from BeSafe. The “green pass” signifies that the child may proceed to school. At the school arrival area, each student will receive an in-person touchless temperature check and symptom review from a staff member prior to entering the building. Families must display the “green pass” with the appropriate date on their mobile device during the in-person screening process.

Students with a temperature over 99.3 or displaying COVID-19 symptoms will NOT be cleared to attend onsite classes for the day and must return home. See TSMSOC Student Health Screening Protocol for more details.

Immunizations and Flu Shots Yearly physical examinations are required for all students. Missouri law requires that all children entering a public, private or parochial school must be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and hepatitis. Each student’s Medical Record Form must be completed and mailed to the school office by August 15, 2020.

An influenza vaccination is strongly recommended for all students over the age of 6 months when it becomes available. This vaccination is especially important this year as we deal with COVID-19. It is likely that flu viruses and the virus that causes COVID-19 will both be spreading in the fall and winter. See TSMSOC Immunization and Flu Shot Policy for more details.

Illness Policy Students, faculty or staff with symptoms consistent with possible COVID-19 infection should remain home for at least 14 days unless a healthcare provider documents an alternative diagnosis or the individual tests negative for COVID-19. Seek medical advice by calling your healthcare provider and make an appointment if instructed. Remember that symptoms of COVID-19 such as cough or fever can be similar to those of the flu or common cold. See TSMSOC Illness Policy for more details and a full list of symptoms.

To encourage the following of these guidelines, student attendance will be recorded for informational purposes only, and not reported on the student’s school record.

Illness at School and Quarantine TSMSOC is prepared to respond quickly if there is a suspected COVID-19 case within our school community. If a student or staff member develops signs of COVID-19, we will isolate the person in our dedicated health room until the individual can leave or be picked up. Parents must pick up their student immediately upon notification from the school.

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The person with COVID-19 symptoms should follow the St. Louis County Department of Public Health guidelines for next steps and quarantine protocol. The school must be notified immediately if the person has been diagnosed with COVID-19. See TSMSOC COVID-19 Symptoms at School Protocol for more details.

Returning to School after Illness or Quarantine TSMSOC has developed specific guidelines for returning to school after illness or quarantine related to COVID-19 symptoms. A student, faculty member or staff who had signs of suspected COVID-19 can return to school after at least 14 days have passed since symptoms first appeared and a set of conditions are met. The person may return earlier if a healthcare provider documents an alternative diagnosis or he or she tests negative for COVID-19. See TSMSOC Returning to School from Illness or Quarantine Policy for more details.

If the individual is confirmed positive for COVID-19, he or she can return to school with a note from a medical provider and if at least 10 days have passed since the positive test, and 14 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

Social and Emotional Needs In addition to the physical safety and wellbeing of our students, we must also address their social and emotional needs. Children are resilient and can generally adapt to changing conditions. However, we must not dismiss the anxiety and stress that our students are feeling in this difficult time.

We are working with a group of counselors to host online meetings with faculty and families about the social and emotional effects this pandemic has had on children. Our teachers will be attentive to students’ mental health and emotional wellbeing as we return to learning. Whether we return onsite or online, this school year will be challenging. Our faculty will be patient and supportive as students learn new routines and processes.

Onsite School DayIf state and local public health agencies allow schools to open and the administration and Board of Trustees agree that it is in the best interest of our families, TSMSOC will welcome students into the building for onsite learning. We have created many new policies and protocols to decrease risks to our students and faculty.

Classrooms and Cohorts The school building was assessed and modified to accommodate a proper student and teacher capacity and eliminate contact between cohorts. Safe entrance and exit of the building as well as passage through doorways will be maintained throughout the day. The American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledges that a distance of 3 to 6 feet between classroom desks will reduce the risk of COVID-19. TSMSOC will be using a combination of tables, desks and plexiglass barriers in the classrooms to maintain a 3-6 feet distance between students.

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Students will be grouped in cohorts, or small groups, with dedicated staff to maintain consistency from day to day. Faculty, staff and students will practice physical distancing (three to six feet) within each cohort as much as possible.

See TSMSOC Socially Distant School Day Protocol for more details.

Children will stay in grade-level cohorts throughout the day.

Social distancing in hallways will be monitored.

Lunch will be held in the classroom or outdoors.

Outdoor learning opportunities will be provided as weather permits.

Masks will be worn by all faculty, staff and students in grades 3-8 from arrival throughthe school day and dismissal. Students in grades Pre-K-2 will be required to wear facemasks only during arrival and dismissal. Infant and toddler students are not required towear a mask. Breaks from masks will be built into the day in a safe environment.

Arrival and Dismissal Process Students arriving by car: Morning carpool will be organized by cohorts and families will receive their assigned time prior to the first day of school. Siblings should be dropped off with the earliest time slot for the family. All adults and students Pre-K and older must wear a mask inside the vehicle.

Each student will receive a temperature and symptom check from a staff member prior to entering the building. Students and parents must remain in their vehicles during this process. Families must show a “green pass” with the appropriate date from BeSafe on their mobile device during the screening. Students that pass the screening will exit their cars wearing a mask (Pre-K through grade 8) and go to the designated sanitization station. After proper hand sanitizing, students will go to their homerooms. Parents must remain in their cars throughout the process. See TSMSOC Arrival and Dismissal Plan for more details.

Students arriving on foot or bicycle: The gate drop off area is reserved for walking / biking students. Families must practice social distancing (6 feet apart) while waiting to be screened. All persons Pre-K and older must wear a mask. Parents may not enter the playground area.

Students departing by car: Afternoon carpool will take place at 3:30 p.m. in the designated carpool lane. Students Pre-K through grade 8 must be wearing masks. Any student not picked up during afternoon carpool will be billed $10 per minute past 4 p.m. A parent or guardian will be immediately contacted.

Students departing on foot or bicycle: The gate pick-up area is reserved for walking / biking students. Families must practice social distancing (6 feet apart) while at the gate. All persons Pre-K and older must wear a mask. Parents may not enter the playground area.

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Late arrivals: Families that arrive outside their designated arrival time must call the school at (314) 721-4422 and remain in their vehicle with their student at the front gate. A staff member will come to the vehicle to view the BeSafe “green pass” and perform all other screening protocols.

Unscheduled Pick-ups: Families needing to retrieve their student outside of normal dismissal times should park near the front gates, call the school at (314) 721-4422 and remain in their vehicle. A staff member will escort the student out of the building and to the vehicle.

Outdoor Spaces and ActivitiesWe will utilize campus outdoor space, nearby parks and green spaces to give students a greater amount of room to safely move, learn and explore. Toddler students through grade 2 will remain on campus and within walking distance of school grounds. Grades 3-8 will safely travel by bicycle or bus to nearby parks and pavilions. See TSMSOC Outdoor Policy for more details.

Playground and Outdoor Classroom: According to the American Association of Pediatrics, outdoor playgrounds need routine maintenance and hand hygiene should be emphasized before and after use. We will provide outdoor playground and classroom time to each cohort

group. Temporary tents may be used to support outdoor learning on TSMSOC grounds.

Bicycles: Social distancing guidelines will be maintained during biking. Students will wear masks as they assemble for bike riding and when dismounting. Masks will be removed as they ride. Each bicycle will be sanitized after use.

School Bus: For off-campus locations that are too far to walk or bike, we will utilize our school bus. Students will wear masks and have assigned seating with appropriate social distancing. Only one cohort at a time will be allowed on the bus. Seats, seatbelts, handrails and doors will be sanitized after every use.

Hallway Traffic Social distancing in hallways and common areas will be monitored. During arrival and dismissal, faculty will be stationed in the halls to monitor traffic flow of entering students. Hallways will

be marked and used as “One Way” during carpool times.

Food, Drink and Lunchtime Students will eat in cohorts, either in the classroom or outside. Hot lunch will not be offered for the 2020-2021 school year. There will be no food sharing in classrooms or at lunchtime. Drinking fountains will be closed and students are expected to bring their own water bottle. The water bottle filling stations will remain open. See TSMSOC Food and Drink Policy for more details.

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Attendance Tracking Our country has a culture of working or attending school when sick. This practice must change in the face of COVID-19. Our first priority is to keep sick students, faculty and staff at home. Attendance in the 2020-2021 school year will be recorded for informational purposes only, and will not be reported on the student’s school record. See TSMSOC Illness Policy for more details.

Before and After Care Before care will not be offered for the 2020-2021 school year. All children must arrive at school during their assigned time. After care will not be offered when we begin school in August. TSMSOC administration will re-evaluate the after care policy later in the school year.

Late pick-up: Any student not picked up during afternoon carpool will be billed $10 per minute past 4 p.m. A parent or guardian will be immediately contacted. See TSMSOC Before and After Care Policy for more details.

After School Activities No after school activities or clubs will be offered for the 2020-2021 school year.

Learning Journeys and Off Campus Activities All learning journeys, assemblies and other large gatherings of 20 or more people are canceled. TSMSOC administration will re-evaluate this policy throughout the school year.

Adventure Club Adventure Club will not be offered for the 2020 calendar year. We will reassess the situation for the 2021 spring break holiday.

Visitor Policy We are allowing only essential members of our community into the building and they will undergo a health screening upon arrival. This includes students, faculty, staff, tutors, ABA therapists and cleaning personnel only. We have always enjoyed visiting with our families in the hallways, however, we must follow the guidance of state and local health officials and reduce unnecessary risk. See TSMSOC Visitor Policy for more details.

Communication TSMSOC is committed to providing timely, effective communication to all families, faculty and staff. We have a broadcast system that will enable school personnel to notify all households and parents by phone, text and email within minutes of an emergency or unplanned event that causes early dismissal, cancellation or late start. Updated school closing information will also be posted to the school website. See TSMSOC Communication Policy for more details.

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Online School Day If St. Louis County experiences a sustained increase in COVID-19 cases and a mandate to close schools is ordered, TSMSOC is prepared to launch our online learning program. We are committed to fostering the health and wellbeing of each student while promoting high academic achievement, engagement and individualized support online.

Online Platform Google Classroom will again serve as our primary online learning platform. Using Google Classroom as our single point of access provides consistency for our families with multiple children. All students have Google accounts and can log in to access any materials and resources needed to complete school work. Parents can also access Google Classroom to monitor their child’s work and help manage the daily schedule.

Zoom Video-Conferencing: Zoom is the video conferencing platform we will use to virtually meet and record lessons. Students do not need individual Zoom accounts, but will be given a link to meet or to watch a recording. This technology allows us to connect with our students on a personal level and engage in face-to-face discussions, conferences and lessons.

Format Our faculty will be employing a variety of techniques to keep students engaged and active throughout the online school day. Our intent is to provide a structured academic experience for each student.

Weekly Schedule: We will provide each grade level with a weekly schedule that includes both synchronous and asynchronous learning blocks. Students and teachers will not be expected to follow their typical school schedules or be online all day. However, we intend to challenge students and provide a content-rich program with as much live instruction as appropriate. Schedules will vary by grade level and will be created by the classroom teachers and the Head of School.

Live Video Integration: Video cameras will be installed in each classroom to broadcast live lessons. Some faculty may be teaching from their classrooms and will utilize the materials and smartboards to facilitate their lessons.

Homework: We will streamline the homework assignment process to ensure that expectations are clear and parental oversight is less demanding.

Small Group Learning and One-on-One Time with Teachers: Faculty will enhance lessons by creating smaller learning groups when appropriate. We will also give students and parents an opportunity to schedule individual meetings or one-on-one learning sessions to reinforce the instruction.

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The St. Michael School of Clayton Reopening Plan / August 3, 2020 Page 14

Online Learning Guidelines and Tips Online learning is challenging for students, parents and faculty. We’ve created the following guidelines to help make your student’s online experience as fruitful as possible.

Build a routine at home that includes regular hours for schoolwork.

Create a physical space for study. Establish a location that has the supplies students will need throughout the day. Find a place that is quiet and has a strong wireless internet signal. Refrain from using a bedroom or basement unless parental oversight is frequent.

Make sure children are ready for zoom meetings. They should be dressed and sitting in a well-lit area with an adult nearby.

Monitor communications from teachers. They will communicate with families through email or video chat. Families may contact teachers via email.

Schedule regular physical movement breaks and ensure your child has nutritious meals and adequate sleep.

Orientation for Students and Parents An orientation for both students and parents will be held prior to beginning the online learning program. This will include training for Google Classroom and how to successfully manage the student’s schedule and homework assignments.

Closing Thoughts Our faculty and staff are dedicated to the wellbeing of our students and families. The circumstances surrounding this global pandemic change rapidly and this Reopening Plan reflects our decisions on August 3, 2020. Our Pandemic Task Force will reconvene throughout the next several months to address new developments and assess our needs. Plans, policies and protocols may be revised as new information is introduced and as the public health landscape changes. We ask our families to join us in being flexible as we navigate this challenging time together. TSMSOC appreciates your support and is honored to be a trusted partner in your child’s education. If you have any questions about our Reopening Plan, please contact:

Beth Mosher, Head of School [email protected]

Lori Timmons, Director of Admissions and Business [email protected]

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Appendix: Resources

American Academy of Pediatrics (2020, June 25). COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-Entry. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Considerations for School (2020, May 19). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention School Decision Tool Corona virus (COVID-19) Response Resources from ASRAE and Others Kamenetz, A. (2020, June 24). What Parents Can Learn From Child Care Centers That Stayed Open During Lockdowns. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education & Department of Health and Senior Services. Missouri School Board Association Considerations St. Louis County Cares: St. Louis County Public Health ( STLCO Guidance Master Page STLCO Reopening Childcare STLCO Stats STLCO Public Health Guidance World Health Organization. (2020, March). Key Messages and Actions for Prevention and Control in School.

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TSMSOC Outdoor Activity Policy & Plan2020 - 2021 Academic Year


Per the American Association of Pediatrics, outdoor transmission of virus is known to be much

lower than indoor transmission. With that in mind, the St. Michael School of Clayton is prioritizing

the use of our outdoor space both on campus and in the surrounding community. We are

referring to this as our Outdoor Activity Policy & Plan which will address outdoor classroom

space, on-campus & off-campus outdoor activities as well as travel to/from those locations.


The St. Michael School of Clayton aims to maximize the use of our campus and de-densify spaces

so that cohorts have a greater amount of room to safely move, learn and explore. Our goal is to

develop and execute reasonable measures to support safe outdoor learning opportunities while

mitigating the spread of COVID 19.


Weather permitting, The St. Michael School of Clayton will utilize campus outdoor space, nearby

parks, and green spaces during the 2020/2021 school year. Temporary tents will be used when

needed to support outdoor learning on TSMSOC grounds. Students, faculty, and staff will comply

with TSMSOC COVID-19 directives while using these spaces.

Toddler students through 2nd grade will remain primarily on campus and within a walking

distance of school grounds. Grade levels 3rd through 8th will have the opportunity to safely

travel by bike or bus to nearby parks and pavilions.


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Off campus locations include, but are not limited to: Ellenwood Point, Ellenwood Lawn, Oak Knoll

Park, Tilles Park, Concordia Grounds and Forest Park.

Entrances & Exits:

● Portable sanitization stations will be available for use as children and teachers arrive and

depart their designated entrances/exits.

● Separate entrances and exits have been designated for each cohort to utilize throughout

the day and upon arrival and dismissal. Hallway traffic will be one way, and limited to one

cohort at a time.

● High touch external door handles and hand rails will be cleaned at various times

throughout the day.

● Signage noting TSMSOC Safety Procedures will be placed in outdoor areas where

students and parents arrive and will define who is and is not allowed to enter the school

building. Please see the Visitor Policy for more information.

Playground & Outdoor Classroom:

According to the American Association of Pediatrics, outdoor playgrounds/natural play areas only

need routine maintenance, and hand hygiene should be emphasized before and after use of

these spaces. Based on that, TSMSOC has created the following policy for use of these spaces.

● A rotation of outdoor playground and classroom time will be implemented to distribute

the number of children in outdoor spaces with sanitizing equipment in between use. The

cohort model will be used in the rotation schedule of outdoor space.

● For both the playground and the outdoor classroom, our policy will be to sanitize before

and after use, and disinfect all high touch surfaces (railings, handles, etc.) as needed

during use. Sanitization materials will be readily available in the outdoor space.

● Students and faculty will be required to wash their hands before and after outdoor space

use. Hand sanitizer will be available for use while on the playground and in the outdoor

classroom. See also Hand Hygiene Policy.

Off Campus Locations:

● Pavilions at the following parks will be utilized intermittently for our off campus activities:

Ellenwood Point, Ellenwood Lawn, Oak Knoll Park, Tilles Park, & Concordia Grounds.

Other locations will be added as needed.


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● We will walk, bike or ride the bus to these locations. Younger children may use strollers.

Students, faculty, and staff will comply with the TSMSOC COVID-19 directives while

venturing off campus. Please review the Bike and Bus policies below for more


Bikes & Bike Sheds:

A rotation of bike use will be implemented to distribute the number of children using equipment

and each bike will be sanitized in between use.

● The cohort model will be used in the rotation schedule. Social distancing guidelines will

be maintained during biking. Students will not gather near or around the bike shed and

will space apart while preparing equipment for use.

● Students will wear masks as they assemble for bike riding instructions and mounting

bikes. Masks will be removed and put into their pocket as they bike ride.

● When stopping and dismounting students will be required to put their mask back on for

safety. Hand sanitizer will be provided.

● Sanitization supplies will be available in the bike shed for use before and after each ride.


A rotation of stroller use will be implemented to distribute the number of children using

equipment and will be sanitized in between uses.

● The cohort model will be used in the rotation schedule of strollers. PreK, Toddlers and

Infant students will not be required to wear masks. Teachers are mandated to wear masks

at all times.

TSMSOC School Bus:

For off-campus locations that are too far to walk or bike, we will utilize the TSMSOC school bus.

● Students will wear masks when entering the bus or vehicle and riding on the bus / vehicle.

Driver must wear a mask at all times while on the bus.

● Students will be assigned seats, one child per seat. Only one cohort at a time will be

allowed on the bus.

● Seats, seatbelts, handrails, and doors will be sanitized after every use.


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TSMSOC Socially Distant School Day Protocol 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


Students will be grouped in small cohorts with dedicated staff and maintain consistency from day 

to day among groups. Faculty, staff, and students will practice physical distancing (six feet) within 

each cohort as much as possible.  

We will use signage and floor stickers to remind students of distancing as they travel the 

hallways. Faculty will review guidelines with students regularly to ensure ongoing compliance. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledges that a distance of 3 to 6 feet between 

classroom desks will reduce the risk of COVID-19.  

Classrooms in grades 1-8 will be equipped with new desks that will allow a minimum of 3 feet 

distancing and will face forward. Plexiglass dividers will be used for extra protection at desks and 

tables for younger students when appropriate 


Physical distancing strategies include, but are not limited to the following:  

● Children will stay in cohorts throughout the day. 

● Social distancing in hallways will be monitored.  

● Lunch will be in the classroom or outdoors. 

● Weather permitting, we will offer outdoor learning opportunities. 

● Masks will be worn by all faculty, staff and students in grades 3-8 from arrival through the 

school day and dismissal. Students in grades Pre-K-2 will be required to wear face masks 

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only during arrival and dismissal. Infant and toddler students are not required to wear a 

mask. Breaks from masks will be built into the day in a safe environment. 

● All learning journeys, assemblies, and other large gatherings of 20+ people are canceled. 

TSMSOC administration will re-evaluate throughout the school year.  


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TSMSOC Visitor Policy 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


TSMSOC has modified our Visitor Policy for the 2020-2021 school year.   


In order to minimize the number of people who come into contact with our students, TSMSOC will 

only allow essential visitors into school. Essential visitors will be allowed only by appointment 

and will need to comply with TSMSOC protocols, including a health screening and mask wearing, 

to enter the building.   

Essential visitors are defined as: faculty, support staff, administration, tutors, ABA therapists, and 

cleaning personnel.   

Non-essential visitors are defined as (but not limited to): parents, non-student siblings, 

grandparents, nanny or caregiver, TSMSOC alumni, delivery personnel, and other extended 

family members. Non-essential visitors may NOT enter the building under any circumstances. 


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TSMSOC Returning to School From Illness and Quarantine Policy 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


TSMSOC has developed specific guidelines for returning to school after illness or quarantine 

related to COVID-19 symptoms. Refer to the COVID-19 and Illness policies for more information. 

This policy is subject to change as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and 

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) update their recommendations.   


Recognize the symptoms of COVID-19. Seek medical advice by first calling your health 

facility/provider and making an appointment, if advised. Remember that symptoms of COVID-19 

such as cough or fever can be similar to those of the flu or common cold. If a child, faculty 

member or staff is sick, please stay home and notify TSMSOC of the absence and symptoms.  

A student, faculty member or staff who had signs of suspected COVID-19 can return to school 


● At least 14 days have passed since symptoms first appeared. The following conditions 

must also be met.   

○ The individual has been monitored for clinical worsening of symptoms. 

○ Symptoms have resolved. The individual has had no fever (>99.3) for 24 hours 

without fever-reducing medications, the individual has had improvement in 

respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath) AND 

○ A health care provider has certified that the individual does not have suspected or 

confirmed COVID-19.  

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○ If a student, faculty member or staff is diagnosed by a medical provider with an 

alternative reason for symptoms (i.e. an ear infection, influenza, etc), AND have a 

negative COVID-19 test, they may return to school before 14 days have passed 

and in accordance with the Illness Policy. 

● If the individual is confirmed COVID-19 positive, student* AND household contacts will 

immediately be excluded from school until approved by the Health Department and 

primary care physician for return to school. 

○ Students with a positive test will be isolated and should not come to school until 

no fever for > 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication) AND symptoms 

improving AND approved by the local health department to return to school 

(typically 10-14 days from start of symptoms). 

○ Patients must also be released by a primary care provider.  



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TSMSOC Arrival & Dismissal Plan 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


TSMSOC arrival and dismissal plans are outlined below and include both carpool and 

walking/biking scenarios. Included in this plan are late arrivals and unscheduled pick ups 

throughout the day.   


The goal with all of these situations is to make the health screening process (also see Besafe 

online tool information) as efficient as possible and to reduce the amount of faculty and staff, 

students and parents congregating in any area during peak times. Only faculty, staff and 

students who have passed the daily health screening will be allowed to enter the school (also 

see Visitor Policy).   


Students arriving by car: 

Morning carpool will be organized by cohorts and families will receive their assigned time prior to 

the first day of school. Students must be dropped off during that time, unless prior arrangements 

have been made. Siblings should be dropped off with the earliest time slot for the family. All age 

appropriate occupants in vehicles during health screenings must be wearing a mask. Age 

appropriate occupants are defined as Pre-Kindergarten (3 years) and above. 

Each day of class, staff, faculty, and students will provide responses to a short screening 

questionnaire via our Besafe online tool indicating that they are symptom-free and have not been 

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in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with, or is suspected to have COVID-19, 

within the last 14 days. Besafe online tool: 

Faculty, staff, and student temperatures will also be taken prior to entering the building each day 

by a staff member using a non-contact digital thermometer. Students and parents must remain in 

their vehicles during the screening process. Parents will need to show the “green pass” from our 

TSMSOC Besafe online tool to the staff member collecting the student(s) from the car. The staff 

member will also complete a short assessment of each child prior to their exiting the car. 

Students must either unbuckle themselves or do so with the assistance of their parent. 

Students with a temperature over 99.3 will not be allowed to exit their car and will need to return 

home until fever free for 48 hours without fever-reducing medicine. See COVID-19 Policy for 

more information. 

Students that pass the screening will exit their cars wearing a mask (Pre-Kindergarten and above) 

and go to their designated sanitization station. After proper hand sanitizing, students will go to 

their homerooms. Students entering the building will have staggered arrival times to ensure 

social distancing in the hallways and common areas. Faculty will be stationed in the halls to 

ensure traffic flow of entering students. Hallways will be marked and used as “One Way” hallways 

during carpool times. All doors will be opened and monitored by a faculty member. Students will 

wash their hands once arriving in their classroom. Students kindergarten and above will be 

required to wear a mask for the duration of the school day.  

Parents must remain in their cars or off the premises. See our Health Screening Policy and Visitor 

Policy for more information.  

Students walking or biking to school:   

The gate drop off area is reserved for walking / biking students only. Parents and students must 

practice social distancing (6 feet apart) while at the gate waiting to be screened. Parents 

dropping off at the gate must be wearing a mask and are not allowed to enter the playground 



Students departing by car: 

Afternoon carpool will take place at 3:30 p.m. in the designated carpool lane. Faculty will be in 

hallways monitoring social distancing. All pathways will be touchless and hallways will be limited 

to one way. Students Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grades must be wearing masks. A limited 

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number of students will be called during the carpool process at one time in order to maintain 

social distancing during carpool. Students will be given sanitizer before leaving the classroom 

and before entering their vehicle. Any student not picked up during afternoon carpool nor 

registered for Aftercare will be billed $10.00 per minute past 4:00 p.m. A parent or guardian will 

be immediately contacted. If a parent or guardian can not be reached the emergency contacts 

will be notified. Any person picking up a student must be listed on the approved pick up section 

on BigSIS. 

Students walking or biking home:   

The gate pickup area is reserved for walking / biking students only. Parents and students must 

practice social distancing (6 feet apart) while at the gate. Parents picking up at the gate must be 

wearing a mask and are not allowed to enter the playground area. 



Families that arrive outside their designated and assigned arrival time must call TSMSOC 

(314-721-4422) and remain in their vehicle with their student(s) at the front door/gates on Wydown 

Boulevard. A staff member will come to the vehicle to review the BeSafe mobile screen and 

perform all other screening protocols. Students may NOT exit the vehicle or enter the building 

until these steps have been taken.  



Families with any need to retrieve their student outside of normal dismissal times should park 

nearest the front door/gates on Wydown Boulevard. They must call TSMSOC (314-721-4422) and 

remain in their vehicle. A staff member will escort the student out of the building and to the 

vehicle, verifying the parent/guardian in the vehicle. If an emergency contact is picking up the 

student, photo verification will be required to be shown through the car window before a student 

is released to the emergency contact.   


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TSMSOC Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Protocol 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


Evidence continues to mount on the importance of universal face coverings in interrupting the 

spread of COVID-19. Policies regarding face coverings and PPE for staff, faculty and students are 

made using the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), with 

consideration to whether the use of cloth face coverings is developmentally appropriate and 

feasible and can be instituted safely. Even when wearing cloth face coverings, proper social 

distancing will be maintained. 


● All TSMSOC staff, faculty and students in grades 3-8 must wear a cloth face mask 

properly covering their nose and mouth during arrival, throughout the school day while 

indoors, and during dismissal.  

○ Breaks from masks will be built into the day in a safe environment.  

● Students in grades Pre-K-2 will be required to wear cloth face masks only during arrival 

and dismissal. Masks are encouraged, but not required, in the classroom for this age 


● Infant and toddler students will not be required to wear any form of face mask.  

● Students in Pre-K through grade 8 should have two clean cloth face masks at school daily. 

Masks will be available for any student that does not bring one to school.  

● All essential visitors will be required to wear face masks covering their nose and mouth at 

all times in the building.   

● Additional PPE and supplies will be readily available, including but not limited to: eye and 

face coverings such as face shields, safety goggles or glasses, gloves, cleaning supplies 

and disinfectant, soap, thermometers and hand sanitizer.   

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TSMSOC Before & Aftercare Policy 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


Below are our policies regarding before care, after care, late pickup, Adventure Club, and 

afterschool activities. The policies have been created in accordance with the Centers for Disease 

Control and Prevention (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and St. Louis County 

Health Department recommendations and are aligned with our Socially Distant School Day policy.   


For the 2020/2021 school year before care will not be provided. All families must drop off during 

their assigned time. 


For the 2020/2021 school year after care will not be provided. We will continue to reevaluate this 

policy throughout the school year.  


Any student not picked up during afternoon carpool nor registered for after care will be billed 

$10.00 per minute past 4:00 p.m. A parent or guardian will be immediately contacted. If a parent 

or guardian can not be reached, the emergency contacts will be notified. Any person picking up a 

student must be listed on the approved pick up section on BigSIS.  



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For the 2020 calendar year, Adventure Club will not be provided. We will reassess the situation 

for the 2021 spring break Adventure Club.  


No after school activities / clubs will be offered for the 2020/2021 school year. 


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TSMSOC Cleaning & Sanitization Protocol 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


TSMSOC has developed the following cleaning & sanitization protocol based on 

recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), St. Louis County 

Health Department, and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).   


The entire TSMSOC facility will be deep cleaned on a nightly basis. Additionally, a porter will be 

at TSMSOC daily and will sanitize all high-touch areas throughout the day. High touch areas 

include, but are not limited to: 

● Door knobs and handles 

● Light Switches 

● Bathrooms 

● Bottle Fillers 

● Desktops/tabletops 

● Stair rails 

Each classroom will be equipped with cleaning and disinfectant products, and teachers will be 

responsible for maintaining their areas throughout the school day as well.   

Any shared technology will be cleaned and sanitized after use. 

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All products being used by the cleaning company are EPA-registered, hospital grade products 

recommended by the CDC. We will continue to reinforce hand hygiene throughout the day as 



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TSMSOC Responsibility to Reduce Spread Policy 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


It is the responsibility of every member of TSMSOC community to reduce the spread of COVID-19 

and keep our community safe. This policy is based upon guidance from the Centers for Disease 

Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the St. Louis 

County Health Department.   


In order to keep our students, faculty and staff safe, every family must understand how COVID-19 

spreads and the risks to avoid. 

Know how it spreads: 

● There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). 

● The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. 

● The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. ○ Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). 

○ Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes 

or talks. 

○ These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or 

possibly be inhaled into the lungs. 

○ Some recent studies have suggested that COVID-19 may be spread by people 

who are not showing symptoms. 


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Wash your hands often 

● Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you 

have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. 

● It’s especially important to wash: 

○ Before eating or preparing food 

○ Before touching your face 

○ After using the restroom 

○ After leaving a public place 

○ After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing 

○ After handling your cloth face covering 

○ After changing a diaper 

○ After caring for someone sick 

○ After touching animals or pets 

● If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 

60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. 

● Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

Avoid close contact 

● Inside your home: Avoid close contact with people who are sick. ○ If possible, maintain 6 feet between the person who is sick and other household 


● Outside your home: Put 6 feet of distance between yourself and people who don’t live in 

your household. 

○ Remember that some people without symptoms may be able to spread the virus. 

○ Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people. ○ Keeping distance from others is especially important for people who are at higher 

risk of getting very sick. 





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Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others 

● You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick. 

● The cloth face cover is meant to protect other people in case you are infected. 

● Everyone should wear a cloth face cover in public settings and when around people who 

don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult 

to maintain. 

○ Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone 

who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to 

remove the mask without assistance. 

● Do NOT use a face mask meant for a healthcare worker. Currently, surgical masks and 

N95 respirators are critical supplies that should be reserved for healthcare workers and 

other first responders. 

● Continue to keep about 6 feet between yourself and others. The cloth face cover is not a 

substitute for social distancing. 

Cover coughs and sneezes 

● Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the 

inside of your elbow and do not spit. 

● Throw used tissues in the trash. 

● Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and 

water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at 

least 60% alcohol. 

Monitor Your Health Daily 

● Be alert for symptoms. Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of 


● Take your temperature if symptoms develop. 

○ Don’t take your temperature within 30 minutes of exercising or after taking 

medications that could lower your temperature, like acetaminophen. 


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TSMSOC Communication Policy 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


TSMSOC is committed to providing timely, effective communication to all families, faculty and 

staff, and support staff. Below is a reminder of the Communication Policy (also see handbook) for 

the 2020/2021 school year.   


The St. Michael School of Clayton has a broadcast system that will enable school personnel to 

notify all households and parents by phone, text, and email within minutes of an emergency or 

unplanned event that causes early dismissal, cancellation or late start. If your phone rings more 

than six times and your answering machine does not respond, or you do not answer, no message 

will be left. Updated school closing information will also be posted to the school website. School 

closings will not be posted on local news outlets for the 2020/2021 school year, this includes any 

COVID19 communications. 

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TSMSOC Immunization Policy 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


TSMSOC requires students to have a yearly physical examination and an up-to-date immunization 

record. The school also recommends students get the influenza vaccine for the 2020-2021 

school year.   


Yearly physical examinations are required for all students. Missouri Law Section 167.181 requires 

that all children entering a Missouri public, private or parochial school must be immunized against 

diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and hepatitis. Before admission, 

each student’s Medical Record form must be completed and submitted to the office by August 15 

or upon the child’s admission if during the school year. The form must be updated each year. 

Forms are available in the office. Influenza vaccination each fall is strongly recommended for all 

students over the age of 6 months. 


Influenza vaccination is strongly recommended. It is safe for children over the age of 6 months. 

Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by 

different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and flu is 

caused by infection with influenza viruses. Because some of the symptoms of flu and COVID-19 

are similar, it may be hard to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone, and 

testing may be needed to confirm a diagnosis. Flu and COVID-19 share many characteristics, but 

there are some key differences between the two.  

See for details.   

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It is likely that flu viruses and the virus that causes COVID-19 will both be spreading in the fall and 

winter. It is possible to have flu (as well as other respiratory illnesses) and COVID-19 at the same 

time. Getting a flu vaccine will not protect against COVID-19, but has many other benefits. Flu 

vaccines have been shown to reduce the risk of flu illness, hospitalization and death in children 

and adults. A 2014 study demonstrated that influenza vaccination reduced the risk of being 

admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit by 74%, and a 2017 study demonstrated that the 

influenza vaccine reduced the risk of death from influenza in healthy children by 65%.   

Getting a flu vaccine this fall will be more important than ever, not only to reduce the risk from flu 

but also to help conserve potentially scarce health care resources. TSMSOC will be evaluating 

the possibility of providing influenza vaccination on campus for students, faculty and staff. 


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TSMSOC Illness Policy 2020 - 2021 Academic Year 


TSMSOC has updated its general illness policy to include COVID-19 symptoms and policies. 

There will be a separate illness policy published with more in-depth information as it pertains to 



Students, faculty members or staff with symptoms consistent with possible COVID-19 infection 

(see COVID-19 illness policy) should remain home (along with household contacts) for at least 14 

days. If he or she develops these symptoms and a healthcare provider documents an alternative 

diagnosis AND the individual tests negative for COVID-19, he or she may return to school 

according to the following guidelines: 

● Students may not be sent to school with a fever of 99.3 or above. Students should be 

fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication before returning to school.  

● Students who are experiencing vomiting or diarrhea should not return to school for at 

least 24 hours after symptoms have subsided.  

● Students who are diagnosed with a bacterial infection (ear infection, sinus infection) must 

be on prescribed antibiotics for 24 hours prior to returning to school.  

● Students diagnosed with viral conjunctivitis (pinkeye not due to allergies) should stay 

home until the redness has cleared. If additional respiratory symptoms occur, please 

follow COVID-19 guidance.  

● If your child is sick, he or she should remain at home for his or her comfort and the health 

of fellow students. 

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If students are well enough to be at school, they are well enough to be outside at recess and 

lunch and participate in PE unless a note is presented from the physician.  

Head Lice: If a student has been diagnosed with head lice, they can return to school after 

treatment. School must be notified if a student has been diagnosed with head lice.  

In order to encourage the following of these guidelines, attendance will be recorded for 

informational purposes only, and not reported on the student’s school record. 



If children become sick during the day, they will be removed to a separate designated office 

(health room). Parents or caregivers will be called to pick them up within the hour. Please ensure 

all contact information is kept up to date. Students must be picked up immediately to prevent 

them exposing others to germs and for their own comfort.  

Head Lice: If lice is detected on a student at school, the student must be picked up immediately.