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A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem with trade credit

Z. Chen and R.Q. Zhang

School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing, P.R. China

Abstract. This paper incorporates capital flow constraints and trade credit to lot sizing problems. Capital flow constraint is

different from traditional capacity constraints: when a manufacturer begins to produce a certain number of products, its present

capital should not be less than its total production costs of that period; otherwise, the manufacturer must decrease production

quantity or suspend production, or it could delay payment using trade credit. Moreover, the capital of each period should also be

greater than zero to avoid bankruptcy. We formulate a mathematical model for the single-item lot sizing problem. Based on

dynamic programming, we approximate this mixed integer problem to a traveling salesman problem finding the longest route,

divide the model into sub-linear problems without integer variables, and propose a dynamic programming algorithm with heuristic

adjustment to solve it. The sub-linear problems can be easily solved by interior point algorithm. Our algorithm could obtain

optimal solutions under certain situations. Numerical analysis shows our algorithm has small optimality deviation percentage

under other situations and holds computation efficiency advantage compared with CPLEX 12.6.2. It also indicates capital flow

constraints and the application of trade credit in lot sizing problems could affect optimal production decisions. Keywords Capital flow constrained; Trade credit; Lot sizing; Dynamic programming

1. Introduction

Lot sizing problem is a production planning activity that considers the best use of production resources to satisfy

production goals over a certain length of planning horizon and decide the optimal timing and level for production [1-

2]. Making correct decisions on lot sizing directly affects total production costs and production efficiency, which are

important for a manufacturer to survive and compete in the market.

Wagner and Whitin [3] proposed an 2( )O T algorithm based on dynamic programming to solve single-item

uncapacitated lot sizing problem, where T is length of planning horizon. Wagelmans et al. [4] developed an

( lg )O T T algorithm for the Wagner-Whitin cases. There is now a sizable literature in this area extending the basic

model. For capacitated lot sizing problems (CLSP), it is generally difficult to exactly obtain an optimal solution

because of the computational complexity. Solution approaches for CLSP include mathematical programming

heuristics, Lagrangian heuristics, decomposition and aggregation heuristics, meta heuristics, and problem-specific

greedy heuristics [5]. For multi-level lot sizing problems, meta heuristics are often used for the solution, such as tabu

search algorithm, genetic algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm, and so forth. Comprehensive reviews on lot sizing

problems can be found in [5-9].

There are also some papers dealing with lot sizing problem with a profit maximization approach. Aksen et al. [10]

proposed a forward recursive dynamic programming algorithm to solve a single-item lot sizing problem with

immediate lost sales in a profit maximization model. Aksen [11] considered loss of goodwill in the uncapacitated lot

sizing problem, assuming unsatisfied demand in a given period can cause the demand of the next period to shrink.

Absi et al. [12] invenstigated the multi-item capacitated lot sizing problem with setup times and lost sales, and used a

Lagrangian relaxation of the capacity constraints to divide the problem into single-item uncapacitated lot sizing sub-

problems. Sereshti et al. [13] dicussed the general lot sizing and scheduling problem with demand choice flexibility

and evaluated the efficiency of two profit maximization models.

However, previous studies regarding lot sizing problems seldom consider the influence of capital constraints on

production planning. In practice, companies may encounter capital shortage problems, especially the small and

medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Once capital is in shortage, the manufacturer has to suspend or reduce production,

and it can’t provide sufficient products for their customers in time. A report showed shortage of capital accounts for

17% of companies’ bankruptcy in Australia in 2008 [14]. The survey data in Elston and Audretsch [15] suggested that

84% of high-tech entrepreneurs in US had experienced capital shortage at some time. Another report in 2013 found

SMEs in UK identified capital flow shortage as one of the two main factors affecting their business [16].

Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 82338412;

E-mail address: [email protected] (R.Q. Zhang)

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Trade credit has been widely used in market transactions and constitutes a major source of short-term financing

to prevent capital shortage. Studies found that in countries outside of USA, trade credit accounted for approximately

20% of all investment financed externally; in USA, trade credit was used by approximately 60% of small businesses

[17]. Another survey revealed that trade credit owed by Australian businesses was estimated to have been over 80

billion dollars in 2013 and accounted for around 8% of their total liabilities; for some industries like construction,

retail trade and wholesale trade, trade credit generally exceeded 25% of their total assets [18].

Research about trade credit in supply chain management problems has lasted for many years. Goyal [19]

established an EOQ model based on trade credit. Subsequently, trade credit was taken into account in many inventory

problems considering factors like deteriorating items, allowable shortage, linked to order quantity, inflation and so

forth [20]. We list some representative studies here. Teng et al. [21] extended the constant demand to a linear non-

decreasing demand function of time in a trade credit problem. Liao et al. [22] established an EOQ model for

deteriorating items with two warehouses and the delayed payment was permitted only when the ordering quantity met

a given threshold. Jaggi et al. [23] formulated an inventory model with fully backlogged allowable shortages

considering pay off time for the retailer. Ouyang et al. [24] proposed an integrated inventory model with capacity

constraint and a permissible delay payment period that is order-size dependent. Yadav et al. [25] investigated a

retailer's optimal policy under inflation in fuzzy environment with trade credit. Zhou et al. [26] studied an

uncooperative order model for items with trade credit, inventory-dependent demand and limited displayed-shelf space.

Reviews on the trade credit literature can be found in [20, 27].

To the best of our knowledge, for the multi period lot sizing problem, there are no studies that consider capital

flow constraints and trade credit in the models; for many works regarding trade credit, they are usually based on EOQ

models and not for multi period lot sizing problems. Since capital shortage is a commonly encountered problem for

many small and medium-sized enterprises and trade credit is a widely used option to deal with capital shortage, this

paper formulates a profit maximization model for the single-item lot sizing problem. In the problem, we assume initial

capital of the manufacturer in each period should not be less than the total production costs of that period, which

guarantees production continuity; the manufacturer can use trade credit to delay payment to their suppliers for

alleviating capital pressure. To make the problem solvable, we assume trade credit is in a simple form: the supplier

offers a fixed length and fixed interest rate of trade credit, and the manufacturer is not allowed to pay back the trade

credit in advance.

Main contributions of this paper are threefold: we introduce capital flow constraints to a traditional lot sizing

problem; trade credit is also incorporated into the problem to alleviate capital shortage; a polynomial algorithm and

some heuristic adjustments are devised to solve the problem. Our model can help a manufacturer make lot sizing

decisions who often encounters capital shortage problems.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 lists the notations and assumptions in our paper.

Section 3 formulates the mathematical model. Section 4 presents a dynamic programming model of the problem.

Section 5 analyse some properties and Section 6 provide the solving algorithm. Section 7 implements the

computational study. Section 8 concludes the paper and outlines future extensions.

2. Notations and assumptions

The following notations and assumptions are used to develop the mathematical model in the paper. Some notations

will be presented later when they are needed.

2.1. Notations

T Length of planning horizon;

t Index of a period, 1,2,...,t T= ;

td Demand in period t ;

tp Selling price in period t ;

tc Unit production cost (variable cost) in period t ;

ts Setup cost in period t ;

th Unit inventory cost in period t ;

t Unit penalty cost for lost sales in period t ;

0B Initial capital;

0I Initial inventory;

k Trade credit length, constant value;

r Trade credit interest rate, constant value;

tB End-of-period capital in period t , decision variable;

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tI End-of-period inventory in period t , decision variable;

ty Production quantity in period t , decision variable;

tw Quantity of lost sales in period t , decision variable;

tz Binary variable whether or not using trade credit in period t decision variable.

2.2. Assumptions

The following assumptions are adopted in our paper.

(i) When launching production, the manufacturer purchases raw materials from its supplier which results in

variable production costs. If using trade credit, it can delay the payment of raw materials to the supplier after

trade credit length;

(ii) Since suppliers tend to have higher risks for longer trade credit length or giving new credit to its customers

while old trade credit is not paid back, we assume: trade credit length k is smaller than the length of planning

horizon; when the manufacturer decides to apply a new trade credit at period t , it should not have unpaid old

trade credit; the manufacturer should not have unpaid trade credit in the last period; the manufacturer could

not pay back the trade credit in advance;

(iii) Capital at the beginning of period t should not be less than the total production costs in period t , i.e.,

1 (1 )t t t t tB s z c y- ³ + - ;

(iv) End-of period capital for any period should not be below zero, i.e., 0tB ³ ;

(v) Initial inventory for period 1 is 0, i.e., 0 0I ³ ;

(vi) No backorder is allowed;

(vii) The manufacturer can decide the realized quantities for customer's demands, i.e., it can decide the lost sales

for any period t , but has to pay the penalty cost of lost sales.

Assumption (i) and (ii) define the trade credit usage in our lot sizing problem. Assumptions (iii) and (iv) define

the capital flow constraints. Assumptions (v) and (vi) are also the standard assumptions of the Wagner-Whitin model

[3]. Assumptions (vii) indicates the manufacturer can decide how much products they want to provide for its


3. Mixed integer model

Capital flow for any period meets Eq. (1).

1 1 1 1


( ) (1 ) (1 ) ( )

( ) (1 ) ( )


t t t t t k t k t k t t t t t t t t t


t t t t t t t t t t t t t

B p d w z c y r z c y h I w s x t kB

B p d w z c y h I w s x t k

- - + - + - +


í + - - + - - - + + ³ï= ì

+ - - - - + + <ïî (1)

Eq. (1) is divided into two terms because when t k³ , the manufacturer may have to pay the principal and the

interest of trade credit occurring at period 1t k- + , which is 1 1 1(1 )k

t k t k t kz c y r- + - + - + + ; when t k< , 1 0t k- + £ and the

manufacturer can’t pay back the trade credit; The realized sales in period are given by t td w- , i.e., demand minus

lost sales in t . The revenue in period t is ( )t t tp d w- The variable production cost in period t is (1 )t t tz c y- , which

means if the manufacturer uses trade credit in t , it does not pay the variable production cost. Other costs including

inventory costs, lost sales penalty costs and setup costs are given by t t t t t th I w s x+ + .

Based on Eq. (1), we can derive the final capital TB .

0 1 1 11 1

[ ( ) ( ) (1 ) ] (1 )T T


T t t t t t t t t t t t t t k t k t kt t k

B B p d w h I w s x z c y z c y r - + - + - += = +

= + - - + + - - - +å å . (2)

The mixed integer mathematical model of capital flow constrained lot sizing problem with trade credit (CFLSP-

TC) is formulated as follows.

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Max 0TB B- , (3)

s.t. 1,2,...,t T=

(1), (2)

t ty Mx£ , (4)

1(1 )t t t t t tz c y s x B -- + £ , (5)

t tw d£ , (6)

1t t t t tI I y d w-= + - + , (7)

t tz x£ , (8)


t k

ii tz

+ -

=£å , (9)



ii T kz

= - +=å , (10)

0 0, 0tI I= ³ , (11)

0, 0t tw y³ ³ , (12)

{0,1}, {0,1}t tx zÎ Î . (13)

The objective is to maximize the final capital increment determined by Eq. (3). Constraint (1) is the capital flow

balance and Constraint (2) is the final capital expression. Constraint (4) enforces setups with positive production

amounts in each period. Constraint (5) is the capital flow constraint, i.e., the initial capital in period t should not be

less than its total production costs at period t . If 1tz = , the manufacturer has to pay the variable production cost of

period t . It also ensures the non-negativity of 1tB - , which avoids bankruptcy. Constraint (6) ensures that any lost sales

tw in period t cannot exceed demand quantity td of that period. Constraint (7) provides inventory balance of two

consecutive periods. Constraint (8)-(10) show Assumption (i) and (ii): the manufacturer uses trade credit only in the

production launching periods, the manufacturer can have at most one unpaid trade credit in a period, it should not have

unpaid trade credit in the last period and it can’t pay back trade credit in advance. Constraint (11) represents

Assumptions (v) and (vi). Constraints (12) and (13) guarantee the non-negativity and binarity of variables,


Note that if trade credit length 0k = , Model CFLSP-TC is capital flow constrained lot sizing problem without

trade credit (CFLSP); therefore, CFLSP is a special case of CFLSP-TC. The single-item capacitated lot sizing problem

has been shown by Bitran and Yanasse [28] to be NP-hard. As for our problem, the capital flow constraint Eq. (5) is a

capacity constraint by removing t ts x and tz from the model, and replacing 1tB - with tC , where tC is the capacity

constraint in period t . Therefore, capital flow constraint is a special type of capacity constraints, and model CFLSP-

TC and CFLSP are also NP-hard problems.

4. Dynamic programming model

We build a dynamic programming model for our problem in order to analyse some properties.

4.1. States

For any at period t , its states are: initial inventory level 1tI - , initial capital 1tB - , initial trade credit state 1t - , and

initial trade credit payable state 1tL - . To describe t , the definition of trade credit duration is provided.

Definition 1. For any period t , the number of periods from the last period that uses trade credit to the last production

launching period, is called trade credit duration.

Trade credit state t is a binary set representing the production plan since the last period that uses trade credit

when its trade credit duration is smaller than trade credit length k . In the binary set, 1 means launching production

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and 0 means not launching production in this period. Apparently, 0 =Æ. We use t to represent the number of

elements in the set t .

Figure 1 shows clearly 4 and 4 for 4 periods of a production plan with trade credit length 3k = and

different trade credit usage. If there are no preceding periods for period that use trade credit or trade credit duration

is longer than k , t is an empty set, which is shown by Figure 1(a) and 1(b). In Figure 1(a), its trade credit duration

is 0; in Figure 1(b), its trade credit duration is 4, so their trade credit states are both empty sets. In Figure 1(c), its trade

credit duration is 3; in Figure 1(d), its trade credit duration is 1; their trade credit states are given by the binary sets.

Trade credit payable state tL is the accounts payable of the manufacturer for the trade credit at the end of period

t . Apparently, 0 0L = .

4.2. Actions

The actions in period t include production quantity ty , demand realized quantity tv and whether or not use trade

credit tz . The lower bounds for ty , tv , tz are all zeros, upper bounds are presented below.

ty 1max{0, ( ) / } t t tB s c-= - , (14)

tv td= , (15)

tz 1 1


1 0

0 1 1


t t




- -


í = ³ï= ì

£ £ -ïî (16)

The upper bounds for tz in Eq. (16) mean the manufacturer couldn’t use trade credit if 11 1t k -£ £ - because it

has unpaid trade credit.

4.3. States transition function

Define a unit step function ( )K x : ( ) 1K x = if 0x > , ( ) 0K x = if 0x £ . The state transition equations are:


1 1


{0} 0, 0

0, 0

{1} 1

t t t

t t





- -


í È = ¹ïï

= Æ = =ìï




1 0, 0

1, 0

0 0


t t t

t t t t

t t

L z k

c y z k


-í = < <ïï

= = < <ìï

= ³ïî


tI 1t t tI y v-= + - , (19)




(1 ) ( )

( ) (1 )

(1 ) ( )

( )

t t t t t t t t t t


t t t t

t t t t t t t t t t


t t t

B p v z c y h I s K yk

d v L r

B p v z c y h I s K yk

d v



í + - - - -ï =ï - - - +ï

= ìï + - - - -ï ¹ï - -î


4.4. Immediate profit

The immediate profit for period t is the capital increment during this period. Given initial states 1tB - , 1tI - , 1t - , 1tL - ,

and actions ty , tv , tz , immediate profit tB can be expressed as:

1 1 1 1 1( , , , ) t t t t t t tB I L B B B - - - - -= - , (21)

4.5. Functional equation

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Define 1 1 1 1( , , , ) t t t t tf I L B- - - - as the maximum capital quantity increment during period 1, 2,...,t t T+ + , given initial

states 1tB - , 1tI - , 1t - , 1tL - . When 1,2,...,t T= , the functional equation is expressed as below.

1 1 1 1 0 ,0 ,0 1( , , , ) max { ( , , , )} t t t t t tt t t t t y y v v z z t t t t t tf I L B B f I L B - - - - £ £ £ £ £ £ += + . (22)

The boundary condition of the functional equation is 1( , , , ) 0 T T T T Tf I L B+ = . The dynamic programming

model is equivalent to Model CFLSP-TC, in which the objective is 1 0 0 0 0( , , , ) f I L B .

5. Mathematical properties

Based on the dynamic programming model, we present some mathematical properties. The algorithm proposed in our

paper will exploit these properties to solve the problem. We first give the definition of production cycle and

production round in this paper.

Definition 2. In a production plan, if the manufacturer launches production at the beginning of period m , and it does

not launch new production till the end of period t ( m t T£ £ ), we call period t to period t a production cycle.

Definition 3. In a production plan, for one or more consecutive production cycles that last from the beginning of m

to the end of period t ( m t T£ £ ), if initial inventory for period m and end-of-period inventory for period t are zeros,

we call period m to period t a production round.

Lemma 1. For any production starting period t , when 1tI - is fixed, if 1 0t - = or 1t k - ³ , 1 1 1 1( , , , ) t t t t tf I L B- - - -

is a non-decreasing function of 1tB - .

Proof. When 1tI - is fixed, 1tI - has no influence on the final capital increment. If 1 0t - = or 1t k - ³ , according to

Eq. (18), 1 0tL - = . Therefore,

1 1 1 1( , , , ) t t t t tf I L B- - - - 1 1 1( , , 0, ) t t t tf I B- - -=

0 ,0 ,0 1max { ( , , , )}t t t t t ty y v v z z t t t t t tB f I L B £ £ £ £ £ £ += + . (23)

When increasing 1tB - , from Eq. (14), (15), (16), the upper bound for tv and tz stay unchanged, while the upper

bound for ty stays constant or expands. There always exists actions 'ty , 'tv and 'tz that make 1 1 1' ( , , 0, ' ) t t t tf I B- - -

not lower than 1 1 1( , , 0, ) t t t tf I B- - - . Therefore, 1 1 1 1( , , , ) t t t t tf I L B- - - - is non-decreasing with 1tB - for fixed 1tI - ,

1 0t - = or 1t k - ³ .

Lemma 2. When trade credit length 0k = , for any production starting period 1t + ( 1 1,2,...,t T+ = ), if all the variable

production costs are equal, i.e., 1tc c+ = , the optimal solution satisfies 1 0t tI x + = .

Proof. If there was a solution that does not satisfy Lemma 2, i.e., 0tI > and 1 1tx + = , assume that period 1't + former

production cycle begins at period m (1 m t£ £ ). The production plan is shown in Figure 2.

According to capital flow expression Eq. (1) and (2), 1 ( )t t

t m i i i m m m i ii m i mB B p d w s c y h I- = =

= + - - - -å å , and

1[ ( ) ]


i i i i i i i i ii tBT Bt p d w h I s x c y

= += + - - - -å . If the production quantity in period m decreases tI , and production

quantity in period 1t + increases tI , the solution is still feasible. tB , TB change to the following:

'tB t

t i i m ti mB h I c I

== + +å ,

'TB 1


T i i m t t ti mB h I c I c I+=

= + + -å ,

If all the variable production costs are equal, 1m tc c += . Therefore, 'T TB B> . The final capital is increased, 0tI >

and 1 1tx + = is not optimal.

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Lemma 3. When the trade credit length 0k ¹ , for any production starting period 1t + ( 1 1,2,...,t T+ = ), if all the

variable production costs are equal and min{ | 1,2,... } (1 )k

ih i T r c= ³ + - , the optimal solution also satisfies 1 0t tI x + = .

Proof. If there was a solution that does not satisfy Lemma 3, i.e., 0tI > and 1 1tx + = , assume period 1't + s former

production cycle also begins at period m (1 m t£ £ ). as shown in Figure 2. If the production quantity in period m

decreases tI , and production quantity in period 1t + increases tI , the solution is still feasible. According to Eq. (1) and

(2), TB changes to the following:

If 0mz = and 1 0tz + = ,


T T i i m t t ti mB B h I c I c I+=

= + + -å ,

If 0mz = and 1 1tz + = ,

1' (1 )t k

T T i i m t t ti mB B h I c I c I r+=

= + + - +å ,

If 1mz = and 1 0tz + = ,

1' (1 )t k

T T i i m t t ti mB B h I c I r c I+=

= + + + -å ,

If 1mz = and 1 1tz + = ,

1' (1 ) (1 )t k k

T T i i m t t ti mB B h I c I r c I r+=

= + + + - +å .

When all the variable production costs are equal, 'T TB B> for the situations 0mz = and 1 0tz + = ; 1mz = and

1 0tz + = ; 1mz = and 1 1tz + = .

If min{ | 1,2,... } (1 )k

ih i T r c= ³ + - is also satisfied, 'T TB B> for the situation 0mz = and 1 1tz + = . Therefore,

Lemma 3 gets proven.

Lemma 2 and Lemma 3 are also known as the zero-inventory ordering policy, in which initial inventory for a

production launching period is always zero. Based on Lemma 1, Lemma 2 and Lemma 3, we convert Model CFLSP-

TC into a traveling salesman problem, finding the longest route as shown in Figure 3 (in this example 4T = ). ,m nBB

is the maximum capital increment in a production round from period m to period n with initial capital *

1mB - , initial

trade credit state meeting 1 0m - = or 1m k - ³ , and end-of-period trade credit state meeting 1 0n - = or 1n k - ³ .

Define *

nB as the maximum end-of-period capital in period n given 0n = or n k ³ , and *

0 0B B= . We

propose the following recursive equation for the traveling salesman problem.

* *

1 1 ,maxn m n m m nB B BB£ £ -é ù= +ë û . (24)

Lemma 4. For any period 1t + ( 1 1,2,...,t T+ = ), given initial states 0tI = , 0t = or t k ³ ,

1, 1max ( , , , )Tt T B t t t t tBB f I L B+ += .

Proof. If 0tI = , 0t = or t k ³ , 1 1( , , , ) (0, , 0, ) t t t t t t t tf I L B f B + += . From lemma 1 we know that

1(0, , 0, ) t t tf B+ is a non-decreasing function of tB . So 1(0, , 0, ) t t tf B+ gets the maximum value when *

t tB B= .

Maximum value for it is represented by 1max ( , , , )TB t t t t tf I L B+ . Since the manufacturer should not have unpaid trade

credit in the last period, 0T = or T k ³ . By definition, 1,t TBB + has the same meaning with

1max ( , , , )TB t t t t tf I L B+ given 0tI = , 0t = or t k ³ .Therefore, Lemma 4 is proved.

Lemma 5. For any period , given 0tI = , 0t = or t k ³ , the optimal production plan from period 1 to t is part

of the optimal production plan from period 1 to T .

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Proof. Based on Eq. (22) and the proof of Lemma 4, given 0tI = , 0t = or t k ³ , 1( , , , ) t t t t tf I L B+ gets the

maximum value when *

t tB B= , and tB equals *

tB when the production plan from period 1 to t is optimal. Therefore,

what is optimal for period 1 to period is also optimal for 1( , , , ) t t t t tf I L B+ given 0tI = , 0t = or t k ³ , and

the optimal production plan from period 1 to t is part of the optimal production plan from period 1 to T .

Theorem 1. If all the variable production costs are equal, i.e., tc c= , and min{ | 1,2,... } (1 )k

ih i T r c= ³ + - , recursive

equation (24) can obtain the optimal solution for Model CFLSP-TC.

Proof. When the variable production costs are equal, Lemma 3 shows the problem satisfies the zero-inventory

ordering policy. Hence, the optimal production plan is a combination of several production rounds.

The recursive equation (24) in fact enumerates all the possible production rounds given all the possible initial

trade credit states that meets 0t = or t k ³ . In equation (24), we always select maximum initial capital for the

computation of capital increment of each production round. Lemma 4 shows this way of computation guarantee

maximums capital increment for the latter production; Lemma 5 shows the optimal production plan from period 1 to

period , is part of the total optimal production plan given 0t = or t k ³ . Lemma 4 and Lemma 5 together

indicate the optimal production plan is a combination of several production rounds which have initial trade credit

states and end-of-period trade credit states that meet 1

0t = or 1t

k ³ , and 2

0t = or 2t

k ³ ( 1t is the beginning

period of the production round and 2t is the end period of the production round).

These are the same properties as the Wagner-Whitin case [3]. Recursive equation (24) enumerates all the

possible combinations of production rounds, the one that gives maximum final capital is the optimal solution.

Theorem 2. If all the variable production costs are equal, i.e., tc c= , recursive equation (24) can obtain the optimal

solution for Model CFLSP.

Proof. Since Model CFLSP is a special case of Model CFLSP-TC without considering trade credit. The zero-

inventory ordering policy also establishes when all the variable production costs are equal. For Model CFLSP, trade

credit states satisfy 0t = . Therefore, Lemma 1~5 also hold for Model CFLSP, and Eq. (24) can obtain the optimal


If the parameter values doesn't satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1 or Theorem 2, Eq. (24) only obtains an

approximate solution. The zero-inventory ordering policy is not optimal, and under some situations it is better to hold

some inventory when launching a new production cycle. Therefore, we devise a heuristic adjustment, as shown by

Corollary 1, to make the approximate solution more close to optimal.

Corollary 1. In a feasible solution, assume the solution is tx , ty , tw and tz . For any two adjacent production cycles,

assume the former production cycle begins at period 1t and the latter production cycle begins at period 2t . If

1 1 1 11 (1 ) 0t t t t tB s z c y- - - - > , 2

1 2 21


1(1 ) (1 )tk k

t i t ti tct z r h c z r


=+ + < +å , then it is better to move some production quantity

from to to obtain more final capital if the production plan is still feasible after the adjustment.

Proof. If 1 1 1 11 (1 ) 0t t t t tB s z c y- - - - > , period 1t has residual production capacity, which could produce more. After the

moving adjustment, the final capital changes to the following:


2 2 1 1 21

1' (1 ) (1 )

tk k

T T t t t t i ti tB B c z r c z r h y


=é ù= + + - + - Dê úë ûå .

If 2

1 1 2 21

1(1 ) (1 )

tk k

t t i t ti tc z r h c z r


=+ + < +å , 'T TB B> . If the production plan is still feasible after the adjustment, final

capital increases.

This heuristic adjustment step is shown in Figure 4. To judge whether the production plan is still feasible after

the adjustment, we only need to judge whether the end-of-period capital in each period is above zero or not.

The moving production quantity 2t

yD can be obtained by Eq. (25).

Page 9: A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem with trade · A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem

1 1 2 2 2 2 2


1 1 2 2 1 1 1


2 2 2 2 2


2 2 1 1 1

1 1




(1 )min , 0

(1 ) (1 ) (1 )

(1 )1

(1 ) (1 )

t t t t t t t

ttk kt t t t t t ii t


t t t t t

ttk k

t t t t ii t

B s B z c y sz

c z c z r c z r hy

B z c y sz

c z r c z r h

- -






í í ü- - - -ï ïï=ì ýï

-ï ï+ - + -ï î þD = ì- - -

=+ - + -





When 1

0tz = , the first term in the min bracket is the maximum production increment that period 1t can provide;

the second term in the min bracket is the maximum production decrement that period 2t can accept; the moving

production quantity 2t

yD is the minimum value of the two terms. When 1

1tz = , the manufacturer uses trade credit in

period 1t , period 1t can provide production increment finitely; so only the second term is needed in Eq. (25).

6. Sub-linear problems and algorithm

6.1. Computation of ,m nBB

In the recursive equation (25), in order to compute ,m nBB , several sub-linear problems without integer variables are

formulated. Since the production round from period m to n can include several production cycles, We use ,m nbb to

represent maximum capital increment for a specific production round from period m to period n . If 0n = , the

manufacturer doesn't use trade credit from period m to period n . There is only one production cycle needed in the

production round to compute ,m nBB . Maximum capital increment is computed by Model Sub-1.

Model Sub-1 ( 0n

= )

Max , [ ( ) ( )]n

m n t t t t m t t t t mt mbb p v h I c v d v s

== - + - - -å , (26)

s.t. , 1,...,t m m n= +



m i m mi mc v s B -=

+ £å , (27)

0tB ³ , (28)

1 0, 0 m nI I- = = , (29)

0 t tv d£ £ . (30)

The objective function (26) is to maximize the capital increment from period m to period n , where t td v- is the

lost sales in period t . Constraints (27) and (28) represent capital flow constraints assumptions in this paper. In

Constraint (28), tB is the expression of tv , which can be deducted by equations (1), (35) and (36). It is very lengthy

so we omit its full expressions here. Constraint (29) means initial inventory and final inventory of the production cycle

are zeros, which is a heuristic step if parameter values doesn't satisfy Theorem 1 or Theorem 2. Constraint (30)

provides the lower and upper bounds of variables.

If the computation of Model Sub-1 does not obtain a feasible solution, we set 0tv = ( , 1,...,t m m n= + ) and

, 0m nBB = , which means for the production cycle from period m to period n , it is better not to launch production.

When n k ³ , the manufacturer uses trade credit in period m . For a specific production plan in the production

round from period m to n , assume there are l production cycles and the production launching periods are 1 2, ,..., lt t t

(for easy of expression, we set 1m t= , 1ln t= - ). When n k ³ , The production plan from period to is shown in

Figure 5. Maximum capital increment is computed by Model Sub-2.

Model Sub-2 (n

k ³ )

Max 2 1

1 1


, 2 1[ ( )] (1 ) i


n t l t lk

m n t t t t t t t t i ti j tt m i t i j t ibb p v h I d v c v r c v s + -

= = = = == - - - - + - -å å å å å , (31)

s.t. , 1,...,t m m n= +


Page 10: A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem with trade · A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem

1m ms B -£ , (32)

1 1


i i ii


t t j tj ts c v B+ -

=+ £ -å . 2,3,...,i l= (33)

In Model Sub-2, Constraint (32) and (33) are the capital flow constraints for launching production under the

assumption of our paper. If the computation of Model Sub-2 does not obtain a feasible solution, set 0tv =

( , 1,...,t m m n= + ) and , 0m nbb = . Because , 0m nBB = is the maximum capital increment in the production round,


, ,max{ | 0 } or m n m n n nBB bb k = = ³ . (34)

For , 1,...,t m m n= + , the relation of tv and ty , tw is shown by equations (35) and (36).

ty = 1 1i



jj tv+ -

=å , 2,3,...,i l= (35)

tw = t td v- . (36)

We also have a following lemma regarding how many computations for ,m nBB .

Lemma 6. There are at most 2k sub-linear problems ,m nbb to compute ,m nBB .

Proof. When n k ³ , by the definition of trade credit state and trade credit duration, trade credit duration for period

n could be: 0,1,..., 1k - ; there are at most 0 1 12 2 2 2 1k k-+ + + = - combinations of production rounds in n . When

0n = , there are only one production round in n . Therefore, there are at most 12 1 2k k- + = sub-linear problems to

compute ,m nBB .

6.2. Algorithm DPH

Based on Theorem 1, Corollary 1 and sub-linear problems computations, we propose the following dynamic

programming algorithm with heuristic adjustment (DPH) in Box I to solve our problem.

Initialization: 1t = . 1 T´ zero matrices x , y , w , z , *B . T T´ zero matrices BB , ibb ( 1,2...,2ki = ).

Step 1: For , 1,...,n t t T= + , get the value of m based on trade credit state n . Compute ,m nbb from sub-linear

problems Model Sub-1, Model Sub-2. For the thi production plan in n , record its value in ( , )ibb m n

Step 2: According to Eq (34), calculate ,m nBB , record its value in ( , )BB m n ; According to Eq (24), calculate *


and record its value in *( )B t . Obtain the production plan from period 1 to period t : (1: )x t , (1: )y t , (1: )w t ,

(1: )z t .

Step 3: 1t t= + , repeat Step 1 and Step 2 until t T= .

Step 4: Backward to check if production plan meets Corollary 1. If meeting the condition, make plan

adjustments. Obtain final production plan: (1: )x T , (1: )y T , (1: )w T , (1: )z T and final capital *

TB .

Box I

6.3. Computation complexity of the algorithm

During the recursion of Eq. (24), there are ( 1) / 2T T + computations of ,m nBB . By Lemma 6, there are at most 2k

computations of sub-linear problems for each ,m nBB . Therefore, there are 2 ( 1) / 2k T T + computations of sub-linear

Page 11: A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem with trade · A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem

problems. The computational complexity of our algorithm is 2(2 )kO T , where is the computational complexity of

the algorithm for the sub-linear problems.

Without integer variables, the sub-linear problems can be solved by polynomial interior point algorithm. is 3.5

0( )O T L for the common used interior point algorithm, where 0L denotes the total length of the binary coding of the

input data. Details about the complexity of interior point algorithm could be found in [29]. This is one of the reasons

why we remove integer variables from original model and divide it into sub-linear problems.

Because trade credit length k is generally small compared with planning horizon length T , 2k can be viewed as

a constant number, our algorithm is polynomial in this sense. Since Model CFLSP is a special case of Model CFLSP-

TC, our algorithm can also solve the capital flow constrained problem without trade credit, and its computational

complexity is 2( )O T .

7. Numerical analysis

In our numerical experiments, the linear programming algorithm is the interior point algorithm in MATLAB based on

the paper of Yin Zhang [30]. Our algorithm is coded in MATLAB 2014a, and ran on a desktop computer with an Intel

(R) Core (TM) i7-3770 CPU, at 3.40 GHz, 4GB of RAM ad 32-bit Windows 7 operating system.

7.1. An example about the effects of capital and trade credit

Assume trade credit length 3k = , interest rate 7%r = , initial capital 0 200B = and planning horizon length

8T = .Values of other parameters are listed in Table 1.

The solution of our algorithm is shown in Figure 6. Because the problem satisfies the optimal conditions in

Theorem 1 and the solution is optimal. In the optimal solution, the manufacturer uses trade credit in period 2, and pays

back the trade credit at the end of period 4.

The optimal production arrangement plan without trade credit is shown by Figure 7. Because all the variable

production costs are equal, the solution is also optimal according to Theorem 2.

Figure 6 and Figure 7 demonstrate that whether or not using trade credit, does affect the optimal production plan.

Figure 8 shows the optimal capital increment as the changing of trade credit settings and quantity of initial capital.

In Figure 8(a), as we increase initial capital, final optimal capital increment also increases but keeps stable when

initial capital is large enough. The reason is that when initial capital is sufficient, capital flow constraints are not

production capacity constraints and the results are same as the cases without capital constraints. In Figure 8(b), final

capital increment varies as the changing of trade credit length. In Figure 8(c), final capital increment decreases as the

increasing of trade credit interest rate, which is reasonable. All those figures illustrate that trade credit settings and

capital do exert influence to the optimal production plan and final capital increment.

7.1. Computational comparisons of our algorithm with CPLEX

We make a numerical experiment to test the deviation of our algorithm with optimal solutions on a large set of

randomly generated problems. The randomized scheme of test problem generation is presented in Table 2, which is

similar to the test beds in Aksen's work [11] except that we also list some levels for initial capital, trade credit length,

interest rate and unit penalty cost in the comparison.

In Table 2, regarding initial capital levels: 0 1 1 1B s c d= + guarantees the manufacture has enough capital for the

production of the first period, 0 1 1 1 2( )B s c d d= + + guarantees capital for the production of first two periods and

0 1 1 1 2 3( )B s c d d d= + + + guarantees capital for the production of first three periods. There are totally 864 test problems

for a certain planning horizon length T .

Because Model CFLSP-TC is a non-linear mixed-integer programming problem, CPLEX cannot obtain its

optimal solution directly. We enumerate all the possible values of tz ( 1,2,...,t T= ); then, we solve them by CPLEX

and select the maximum final capital increment as the optimal solution. Therefore, the computational time for optimal

solutions by CPLEX is very consuming and increases greatly as T increases. For 8T = , the total computation time of

the 864 test problems by CPLEX is 1.6 hours; for 10T = , the total computation time is 6.7 hours; and for 12T = , the

total computation time is 29.5 hours. We also try to solve our problem by some meta-heuristics like genetic algorithm

Page 12: A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem with trade · A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem

and simulated annealing. However, it is difficult for those meta-heuristics to obtain a feasible solution, because the

capital flow constraints are not fixed and related with many parameter values like initial capital, selling price and

values of decision variables like production quantity, lost sales quantity, etc. Therefore, we only compare our

algorithm with CPLEX for 8T = , 10T = and 12T = for trade credit lengths lasting from 1 to 4. The experimental

results are shown in Table 3.

Table 3 shows that the average deviation of our algorithm with the optimal solution for Model CFLSP-TC

(capital flow constrained lot sizing problem with trade credit) is rather low. Of all the test problems, maximum

deviation optimality percentage of our algorithm is 4.71%, and mean deviation optimality percentage of our algorithm

is lower than 0.1%. Of all the 2592 test cases, there are only 85 cases that our algorithm can’t reach optimal. In

general, our algorithm can get 96.72% optimal cases. For Model CFLSP, it can be solved by CPLEX directly. We

compare our algorithm with CPLEX for different planning horizon lengths. The results are shown in Table 4.

Table 4 shows that for Model CFLSP (capital flow constrained lot sizing problem without trade credit), the

deviation optimality percentage of our algorithm is also very small. When the problem size is small, the branch and

bound method in CPLEX can compute them very fast. However, when the problem size is large, CPLEX needs large

memory to store matrices, which substantially increases the computation time. Our algorithm runs faster than CPLEX

for large size problems of Model CFLSP.

8. Conclusions and outlook

Capital shortage is a common problem faced by many small and medium-size companies. Therefore, it is necessary to

consider capital flow constraints when making operational decisions. Trade credit is a widely used option for many

companies to deal with capital shortage. In this paper, we formulate a single-item lot sizing model considering capital

flow constraints and trade credit. Based on dynamic programming, we propose an algorithm with heuristic adjustment

to solve the problem. Numerical studies show that capital flow and trade credit usage do affect the optimal production

plan and final capital increment in the lot sizing problem. Our algorithm can solve the problem in less time compared

with commercial solver CPLEX. Under certain conditions, it can obtain the optimal solution. Under other conditions,

it has little deviation compared with optimal solutions. Mathematical properties and our algorithm are also suitable for

the problem with given quantity of loan, which euqals to incresing capital to some period in our model.

Future research could extend in two directions: first is to consider the stochastic demand or the multi-item lot

sizing problems with capital flow constraints; second is to include some other financial behaviours, such as inventory

financing, factoring business, etc.


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Figure and table captions

Figure 1(a). 4 =Æ, 4 0 = .

Figure 1(b). 4 =Æ, 4 0 = .

Figure 1(c). 4 {1,0,1} = , 4 3 = .

Figure 1(a). 4 {1,0} = , 4 2 = .

Figure 1. Meanings of 4 and 4 for a production plan with different trade credit usage.

Page 14: A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem with trade · A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem

Figure 2. Production plan sketch when 0tI > and 1 1tx + = .

Figure 3. Traveling salesman problem for Model CFLSP-TC.

Figure 4. Heuristic adjustment.

Figure 5. Production plan from period m to period n when n k ³ .

Figure 6. Optimal production plan using trade credit.

Figure 7. Optimal production plan without using trade credit.

Figure 8. Optimal capital increment for different initial capital and trade credit settings.

Table 1. Parameter values of the example.

Table 2. Randomized generation scheme for the test problem.

Table 3. Performance of our algorithm for Model CFLSP-TC.

Table 4. Performance of our algorithm for Model CFLSP.

Figure and tables

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

(a) 4 =Æ, 4 0 = . (b) 4 =Æ, 4 0 = .

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

(c) 4 {1,0,1} = , 4 3 = . (d) 4 {1,0} = , 4 2 = .

Figure 1. Meanings of 4 and 4 for a production plan with different trade credit usage1.

m t... ......


... Tt+1

Figure 2. Production plan sketch when 0tI > and 1 1tx + = .









BB1,2 BB3,4

1 2 3 4

Figure 3. Traveling salesman problem for Model CFLSP-TC.

t1 t2... ......... T


Figure 4. Heuristic adjustment.

t1(m) t2 n... ...... ... tl ... T

Figure 5. Production plan from period m to period n when n k ³ .

1 The up arrow represents the beginning of a period that uses trade credit.

Page 15: A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem with trade · A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem

1 2 3 4 5 6 87

Figure 6. Optimal production plan using trade credit.

1 2 3 4 5 6 87

Figure 7. Optimal production plan without using trade credit.

(a) (b)


Figure 8. Optimal capital increment for different initial capital and trade credit settings.

Table 1. Parameter values of the example.

tp 30 22 12 14 30 12 12 40

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

9 12 9 25 9 20 20 25

Table 2. Randomized generation scheme for the test problem.

Parameter Num. Values

Trade credit length 4

1. 1k =

2. 2k =

3. 3k =

4. 4k =

Interest rate 3

1. 0.11r =

2. 0.07r =

3. 0.03r =

Demand distributions 3

1. Exponential with 150 =

2. Normal with 150 = , 40 =

3. Normal with 150 = , 10 =







100 200 300 400 500 600






Initial capital B0







1 2 3 4 5 6





t Trade credit length k







0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.13






Interest rate r

Page 16: A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem with trade · A capital flow constrained lot sizing problem

Unit production cost 2

1. Both constant: 13tc = and 1th =

Unit holding cost 2. Both seasonally varying

Selling price 2 1. Uniformly distributed in [15, 25]

2. Both seasonally varying

Initial capital 3

1. 0 1 1 1B s c d= +

2. 0 1 1 1 2( )B s c d d= + +

3. 0 1 1 1 2 3( )B s c d d d= + + +

Unit penalty cost 2 1. Constant: 2t =

2. Constant: 4t =

Setup cost 1 Constant: 1000ts =

Table 3. Performance of our algorithm for Model CFLSP-TC.

T k Num. of


Num. of non-

optimal cases






1k = 216 0 0% 0%

2k = 216 6 0.06% 3.36%

3k = 216 4 0.03% 4.20%

4k = 216 3 0.02% 3.19%


1k = 216 8 0.04% 3.63%

2k = 216 11 0.06% 4.71%

3k = 216 13 0.04% 3.28%

4k = 216 11 0.04% 2.81%


1k = 216 2 0.01% 0.28%

2k = 216 9 0.05% 4.03%

3k = 216 10 0.07% 4.34%

4k = 216 8 0.02% 1.01%

Total 2592 85 0.03% 4.34%

Table 4. Performance of our algorithm for Model CFLSP.

T Num. of


Avg. DPH

time (s)


time (s)

Num. of non-

optimal cases





12 216 0.62 0.14 4 0.01% 2.45%

24 216 2.68 0.22 10 0.01% 0.81%

36 216 6.34 0.48 9 0.02% 1.42%

60 216 11.92 58.24 8 0.01% 1.47%

72 216 19.99 117.14 5 0.01% 0.20%

Total 1080 8.166 35.24 36 0.01% 2.45%


Zhen Chen is a full-time PhD student in the school of Economics and Management, Beihang University. His research

interests include lot sizing problem, production management, meta-heuristics algorithms, etc. His articles have appeared in

journals such as Journal of Systems Engineering (in Chinese), Industrial Engineering (in Chinese), Industrial Engineering

and Management (in Chinese).

Renqian Zhang is a professor of Management Science at Beihang University, P.R. China. He received his PhD degree in

Management Science from Beihang University. His major research fields include production and operation management,

supply chain and logistics management, meta-heuristics algorithms, etc. His articles have appeared in journals

such as European Journal of Operational Research, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Omega-International Journal of

Management Science, Applied Mathematics and Computation, International Journal of Production Economics, Computers

& Operations Research.