Download - A Brief History of SEO

  • 1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a type of strategy that businesses and web developers utilize, to improve the search engine rankings of their web site, which helps web site owners refine the content and HTML coding on their web pages. More info on:

2. When early search engines began cataloging web sites in the mid-90s, webmasters and web designers began making web sites easier for the search engines to find them. At first all they had to do was simply submit their URL to the search engines, to get their site indexed. More info on: 3. It's thought that the term search engine optimization was coined around 1997, when business owners began to realize the value of having a high search engine ranking. There are two types of groups that utilize search engine optimization. They are called white hat, and black hat. More info on: 4. It was also around 1997 that search engines began to notice that efforts were being made to have web sites rank higher. At first this was being done by placing large groups of keywords on web pages that had nothing to do with the web site. More info on: 5. After a while search engines began banning web sites that were abusing their SEO policies. Several search engine optimization companies were sued by their customers, for not divulging their practices and the risks involved. More info on: 6. These types of optimizers are referred to as the white hats. They follow the rules and receive long lasting, positive results. The black hats tend to not follow the rules of the search engines, and still do things that could get their web sites banned from search engines. More info on: 7. Search Engine Optimization is a series of methods used to improve a web sites ranking in the search engines, based on relevant keyword searches. It may not work for everyone, and shouldn't be the only marketing tool a business employs. More info on: