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  • 7/30/2019 A Blaze of Glory and Punches


    AliceLiddell :At the drop of a dime Alice had materialized out of nothing and nowhere to stand

    infront of a rather familiar hotel room. She had business with the owner of this room, and she

    was here to get everything set into motion. Alice brought her hand up and knocked gingerly on

    the door infront of her. She was sporting a long red dress that night, a slit clean up to her right

    thigh had shown her rather nice legs underneath and a rather cute pair of black Prada high heel

    platforms. In her right hand was a black clutch purse and her hair was put up once more, off ofher neck. A pair of red glasses perched on her face. Alice fumbled with the black jacket she had

    on, it was a small jacket that only reached down to the bottom of her breasts. It was there just to

    keep her arms warm since the dress was short sleeved. As she stood there she waited for the

    person who was inside to answer, hopefully she wasn't asleep. But Alice figured that Jack rarely

    got any sleep as is, and was probably awake at the moment.

    v :*Jack seemed to take a twisted pleasure it what she was not that she knew thetruth about herself. At Jane's comment about being the sane one her shoulders softly rose in a

    shrug and she replied* "I was created by a psychopath as an alter ego... I truly have no place to

    stand when it comes to claiming sanity. Maybe this whole thing is just in my head and maybe

    you are a figment of -my- imagination." *She of course was joking, still her sleepy smile looking

    up to Jane and then she let out a soft laugh at where she had hoped to dine. Who didn't love a

    little Disney? And bam, there it was, Alice. The connection made her jump slightly was how

    quickly the other appeared and then hearing the knock she pushed lazily in to a sitting position

    and wiping at her nose to make sure all the blood was gone* "Could you please answer that,

    Miss Smith?"

    The Gatekeeper : - But then, if she were a figment of Jack's imagination, who was a figment of

    Delilah's imagination.. What did she represent other then pure freedom of worry, or perhaps a

    form of twisted conscience. " You'd be surprised where I can be found. " The Gatekeeper

    merelly stated. She then stood up slowly when asked to go answer the door. She certainly coulddo something so simple, doors were her thing after all. Slow steps carried her over to the front

    door of the hotel room and she reached over to the knob, turned it.. and opened the door. A

    giant eyeball was waiting on the other side when she opened it.. A moment taken... the door

    was closed again with a sigh.. " Some people are plain rude.. staring like that. " Yes, so she

    sometimes had troubles organizing her thoughts.. still doors were her thing. The next attempt

    saw the door open into the hall of the hotel and the Gatekeeper stared out at the one waiting

    behind it from behind mirrored shades. " You raaaaang? " She asked, adding. " Can I help you?

    " then a second was left for Alice to answer... but it quickly ended with Gatekeeper following with

    " Sorry we didn't order fish.. " and then she slammed the door shut in Alice's face.. Why?

    Because it was to be expected.. to a point where it was not expected... inception... inception.. -

    AliceLiddell :Alice was a bit surprised when the door was opened by someone other than Jack

    or that brute that she had kept around That shock was instantly extinguished as soon as the

    woman opened her mouth and what spewed forth was nothing but utter rubbish to Alice. This

    displeased her, but what really got her was when the door was slammed in her face. A red tint

    flared up on her face as she felt her temper go into overdrive. How dare someone slam the door

    in her face. She knocked on the door a bit rougher than previously, a hand going quickly

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    inbetween her cleavage. A moment later she pulled out a M1911 semi-automatic chrome plated

    .45 caliber handgun. She positioned the gun directly where the person who had previously

    opened the door had their head. Like hell will she allow someone to slam the door in her face

    again, especially when the situation that was at hand was dire indeed. She had much to discuss

    with Jack and she would be damned if anyone would stand in her way while she attempted to

    do so.

    v : *This was the first time Jack had actually seen Jane work a door from this sideand she blinked untterly confused as the large eye was suddenly gazing in to the room- luckily

    she bit her tongue to keep from screaming. And then the second time there was Alice... well,

    was Alice. Pushing up off the bed she stared up to Janey almost dumbfounded and knew that

    on the other side of the door. Alice was most likely producing a weapon from between her

    breasts and ready to go on the war path* "Janey!" *She was off the bed but even as she tried

    hard, her movements looked drunk as she swayed to and fro finally reaching the door and

    hitting it with a loud thud. Vertigo sucked... Opening the door she blinked staring at the end of

    the weapon now directed at her face* "Um.. Miss Alice... hello. I was not expecting you... please

    do come in..." *She absent mindedly went to rub her nose again as she stepped back from the

    door and took her sat again on the edge of the bed*

    The Gatekeeper : - Ahh yes, the interesting powers of the Gatekeeper, of course she would

    likely swear she didn't know that giant eyeball.. even if they had dated for a few days. But then

    they had to break up when he got jealous that she was looking at other eyes too much. Such is

    the way of an insane mind, as they say. The threat that Alice could pose didn't seem to bother

    the Gatekeeper.. its not like she had much reason to worry... what with being who she was...

    and stuff. Instead while she let Jackie get the door, the woman was busy scribbling down her

    old notepad, taking notes to make sure her... stalker.. eye.. stalker.. eye.. stalk.. whatever..

    Didn't cause her anymore problems. -

    AliceLiddell :Her hand went up as soon as she saw Jack answer the door, the gun now

    pointing to the sky. She had no intention of shooting Jack, so it was best she conveyed that with

    her action. "Hello darling, I do hope you're feeling better today." She said as she moved into the

    room, a short not was given to Brion as she noticed him perched in his normal corner of the

    room, near Jack's bed. She was pretty glad that he was there to protect her so that she could

    get some rest, even if she hated to do it. With another glance she saw the woman who had

    opened the door and her eye's narrowed into a glare before the gun that was raised in the air

    was now pointing at the woman. "Who is she Jack? Surely she isn't here to bother you.

    Because if that's the case I could always blow a hole into her. . . " Alice was incredibly chaffed.

    How dare someone who looked like she had just stepped out of the morlock sewers close a

    door in HER face. Of course, she thought that way about most people who didn't own at least 4

    pairs of Jimmy Choo's. Yet another one of her little rich girl quirks that she could do without if

    she ever wanted to make friend, which she didn't. After a brief moment of giving the woman a

    threatening glance she turned to Jack. " I wanted to talk to you about the plan I had told you

    about previously. I want to know if you have gotten in touch with any other mutants? I think we

    should launch the attack on the mansion tonight. The security is going to be more lax than

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    usual, and now would be the perfect time to do this." She was quick and to the point. She had

    no use in dilly dallying this late in the game. Now was the time for them to rise up, and she was

    planning on doing just that.

    v : *She briefly kept glancing to Janey write in the note book... it seemed to be a

    habit every time she saw the other. And she would not deny she would love to read what wason those pages. Now her attention was back to Alice and she shook her head* "No, no she is...

    um, well this is Janey. A friend of sorts... and possibly some one of great help?" *Yes, she said

    it as a question looking to Gatekeeper as she did so remembering an offer of helping for the

    higher good embedded in their conversation earlier. Looks back to Alice and suddenly feels, as

    always underdressed and half baked around the other. Reaching up she pushed dreadlocks

    back from her worn out face and sighed* "I have contacted the majority in the area. There are

    still a few survivors that are proving difficult... because, I am weakening." *She mumbled the last

    part obviously shamed by even saying it. But raising her eyes up to Alice she nodded- the attack

    was to be tonight... then maybe things would be back to normal. That was enough to push

    herself on or another sleepless night*

    The Gatekeeper : - What was it with kids and guns today... and they didn't even have good

    choices anymore. At least get a shotgun! Then she'd really make a stain on the wall. Oh well, its

    not like they could read her mind, or at least its not like Alice could.... could she?.... "

    insecuuuuure... " the woman muttered to herself slightly before looking up from her notebook to

    look in their direction. " Uh? Oh yeah. " she pulled the slab of paper away and grinned. " Name's

    Jane Smith, you could call me a high and mighty being of possibly cosmic qualities. But really...

    call me Jane. " she offered an over zealous shrug. " And truth be told, your little militia looks

    pretty weak. A little birdy tells me you're all going to die shitting yourselves. But hey, kids playing

    with gun.. good times.. you're totally ghetto, princess. " Jane, as she called herself when in front

    of others, didn't seem worried about the weapon. " Buuuut before you shoot me, and make thebiggest mistake of your life. I was thinking about lending a hand to you guys. For old time's

    sake. Yeah? But it'll cost ya. " -

    AliceLiddell :Every single word that came spilling out of Jane made Alice's blood pressure

    raise higher and higher. How the hell could someone like this old hag speak to Alice with such

    blatant disrespect. "How dare you speak to me like that you filthy cur. To me you are nothing

    more than a peasant crawling in her own filth!" Dear lord, she was going to pop a blood vessel

    soon if she didn't calm herself down, but now the woman even insults her weapon and called

    her ghetto? Alice had way more class than this old witch, so it was only a moment later that her

    hand was reaching down into her cleavage once more. This time what was pulled out was 10

    times larger than the gun she held in her other hand. She had pulled out a M72 LAW rocket

    launcher that was then propped up onto her shoulder. She had no intention of firing off this

    gigantic thing inside of the hotel room. Alice was merely trying to make a statement "My militia is

    perfectly fine thank you very much. There is no way in hell we are dying while I lead this attack.

    As for your sorry carcass, I doubt anything you have will be of any use to us. And by the looks of

    you, I'm sure you're in desperate need of money, but don't think I will give you even a cent after

    the disrespect you have shown me." She felt a little bad for taking out the rocket launcher while

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    in the presence of Jack. She had known for a while now that the woman was pregnant, and she

    didn't want to cause more stress. But some things just couldn't be forgiven.

    v :*This was spiraling out of control and Jack already was at her end of strength.Moving up to her feet she raised her hands, a palm directed at each woman. It did not look

    aggressive in the least it was simply putting herself between the two of them before she shelooked from one to the other.* "Hey, remember the rules... my hotel room. Pregnant woman

    does not need added stress, right?"

    The Gatekeeper : - A bazooka.... a bazooka!?! Who the living heck carries a... oh god just

    watching her pull that out of her crack looked awkward. Gatekeeper's jaw certainly dropped in

    awe at how weird the situation had turned out to be. And to think some people had the

    indescency to call - her - strange. " Well that's new.. " she thought a moment. " Actually its not. "

    she gained her smirk back and simply straightened herself to head toward the bathroom. " Sure

    princess, whatever you say. You got it, you can do it, you're totally pro. You're awesome, you're

    the queen. " she paused for a moment. " Go shoot and kill your old friends and teacher, that's

    how heroes are born. " the words left her mouth with a rather dry, and cruel tone. But soon her

    cheerfulness returned. " But I'm sure you'll manage.. ohhh yeaaaah. " a glance was given

    toward Dream. " Jackie, on account of our friendship I'll offer you this. If you cut off one of your

    dreads, with the scissors I've left here. Then at the time of your assault, the bathroom door will

    lead you guys directly to where you want to go, no strings attached. The door won't work if you

    don't pay the price... however.. " Jane waved to Jack. " In the case that you're still alive.. and the

    high queen has reassessed her mortality.. we'll talk again.." with that said.. the mysterious

    woman disappeared into the bathroom. -

    AliceLiddell : She let out a rather audible sigh. She had no right to do this in Jack's hotel room,

    nor should she ever allow her emotions get the best of her like they always do. Logan hadalways yelled at Alice for allowing her emotions to go to such extremes as to threaten someone

    with any sort of violence. That wasn't how a leader like she thought of herself behaved. Now

    she just felt disgusted with herself to show such the brutish side of her personality. "I apologize

    Jack." She said with sincerity in her voice as she watched the other female retreat into the

    bathroom. With a small flick of her wrist the two weapons in her possessions just disappeared

    as if they had never come into existence. She could feel the heat rising in her face once more

    but did not show one hint of weakness. Instead she turned back to Jack and continued as if

    nothing happened. Getting an apology from Alice was already a hard thing to do, and it was

    usually something one would only hear once in their life. "I want to attack the mansion tonight,

    and I need your help. I need you to use your abilities to call out to the other mutants, let them

    know what the plan is and to convey everything I say to them. But that won't be all. I know

    you're exhausted and that you have had a rough time. . . but I need you to help with the assault

    on the mansion. I won't put you on the frontlines, but I need you there. To help shield the

    students from psychic attacks and the sort. If we do this right, we will have our home back. . ."

    She hoped that would appeal to Jack. The girl would be able to have her baby in a safe

    environment, away from all this violence an strife. Things would be back to normal.

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    v : *She listened intently to Jane and a smile crossed her face. Oh the cruelty andkindness in the offer. How ironic that such a sincere and useful offer would require her to cut off

    a dreadlock.* "Thank you... so much Jane." *She watched as the woman leave in the same

    manner she had entered. And there it was again, the wave again threatening to take her off her

    feet. Going back to the bed she sat down and took the scissors that Jane had left and placed

    them in her lap. Lifts her eyes to Alice and hearing the apology she nodded gently but ratherthan dwell on that subject she went along with the change. It would not take much convincing

    "I'm your Huckleberry, Miss Liddell." *With Brion protecting her she had little to no fear in the

    world. Again a slow nod of her head* "I will do my best under your instructions"

    AliceLiddell : She was incredibly glad to hear that she would be receiving the support from a

    powerful telepath. She had to make sure that she could rally the students together in order to

    attack the school, the battle itself will be grueling and she knew it would be. In all honesty, she

    dreaded the very thought of it. However, she knew this had to be done Not only as a means of

    obtaining their home once again, but to prove that she could lead. In a sense, this was her way

    of proving herself. Even if no one was there to see her in action, she would know that she had

    done something to benefit someone else. Beneath the ice queen exterior she wanted to be able

    to help those who needed it. That could be why she always clashed heads with Emma Frost,

    they were too much alike. Alice banished the storage dimension that she had created between

    her cleavage and knew she would have to wait 10 minutes in order to summon something else.

    "Alright, I'll let you rest up some before I have you do anything. You look utterly exhausted. Is

    there anything I could do to ease the burden you are under?" She didn't want her rook to

    become too fatigued to the point of not being able to perform her duties.

    v :*Jack sat there for a few seconds and then smiled to Alice and gently shookher head* "No... I think a few moments of sleep will work wonders for me. Thank you Miss

    Alice." *Jack curled down in to the bed shutting her eyes and with in seconds her breathingchanged showing she was deep in sleep*

    AliceLiddell :Alice gave a faint smile, everything so far was going according to plan. With a

    nod she gave to Brion, Alice moved her way into the bathroom, knocking before she entered.

    She had figured Jane would be in the bathroom but after examining it being empty she could

    only guess that Jane was a teleporter. Alice quietly put the lid of the toilet down and sat on it.

    She crossed one leg and pulled the high heel off, before doing the same on the other foot. After

    a moment she stood back up and removed the black jacket she had on, following the dress that

    she unzipped with very little difficulty. As it slid to the floor she stood there in her bra and

    panties, examining herself in the mirror. Her skin was perfect as usual, thanks to large amounts

    of makeup that is. She always loved seeing how her scars were hidden away with just light

    application of makeup. Alice turned back around and picked up her clothing and opened the

    clutch purse she owned, summoning the storage dimension once more. After the clothing she

    was holding was properly stored away, she reached her hand into the clutch bag. She continued

    to go down until her upper arm was digested into the purse. She pulled out a black cat suit, with

    another venture into the purse a pair of black high heeled boots appeared. The purse itself was

    entirely too small to have these items come out, but once she had opened her storage

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    dimension inside of a space, it expanded it to accommodate such things. Within 10 minutes she

    had the suit on, and the shoes she was zipping up over her feet. Once more she stood and

    moved to the mirror, putting her hair down. This would be the attire she would be battling her

    greatest battle in, and it would do. It was easy to move in and contrary to how tight it was, she

    found it incredibly comfortable. Alice snapped the small purse shut and and with a turn a long

    piece of red cloth sprouted from the spot right above where her bum started and extended to thefloor. It was just a little added flair to the outfit she already had on. So with that, she was ready

    to lay siege to the school.

    AliceLiddell :After Alice had gotten into her battle attire, she exited the bathroom and gave

    Jack more time to sleep. She tried to prolong the attack as long as possible to allow the girl to

    get some rest, she needed her strength. After 3 hours of waiting she decided to awaken the girl.

    "Jack darling. . . It's time." was all that she had said as she very gently shook the girl awake.

    She knew that Jack would understand what she meant.

    v : *Jack did not need much of a shake and her eyes open seeing to look foggybut it did not take long for her to register her surroundings. Pushing up in to a seated manner

    she gave Alice a weak smile and nodded. Three hours felt only like three minutes but alas...*

    "Alright..." *Immediately her eyes began to glittering the cyan around the contacts as she started

    to link with the others* "What is your message?"

    AliceLiddell :Alice took a deep breath and slowly released it. She shouldn't be nervous right

    now, that was completely unlady like. . . but her nerves were almost shot. She didn't know if she

    could do this, but now was not the time to second guess herself. "Everyone who can hear this

    message, I have become psychically linked to all of you in order to send you all a message.

    Tonight we are going to take back our home. Each one of you are from Xaviers school for gifted

    youngsters. As such, we have been shunned from our school by the very people who havewelcomed us in. This is by no means something that they had planned. It was an evil entity

    known as The Shadow King who has been parading around in our mentors skin. They have not

    turned on us, they have just been taken hostage and used as tools. We must save them, we

    must take our home back. My name is Alice Liddell and I am a senior at the school. It is my duty

    to lead you all into victory. Together we shall stand tall and we shall succeed in taking back

    what is rightfully ours. If you can hear this message and you agree with me. I want you to stand

    up and fight with me. I will be launching an all out siege on the school. So please, I beg you to

    don your battle attire, raise your arms, and fight! Fight! Your lives and your futures are on the

    line! The attack starts now! For those of you who cannot make it to the school, we are located in

    a hotel, just 3 miles away from the city limits. We will have people who can create portals here

    for those of you who cannot make it to the school. For those of you who can teleport or create

    portals to help others, please do so. We launch our attack. . . NOW!!!!" Alice had hoped she had

    conveyed her message with conviction. She would not allow this to be a half hearted attack.

    Together they shall stand, and if so, together they shall fall. " Jack, are you ready?" With very

    little time for a response she had already began to summon the portal that would carry them to

    the gates of the mansion. There she would attempt to rally everyone and start the attack. Within

    the 5 minute time period, a large door stood in the middle of the hotel room. "Let's go." And with

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    that she opened the door and stepped inside, landing right at the front gate. Alice would allow

    the door to stay open for at least 2 hours before it would expire. It took very little effort to keep

    the gateway open.

    Lisbeth :Relaxing on a couch in the school safehouse, Lis listened to the messaged being

    telegraphed into her head. Molly Hayes was next to her, asleep after watching a movie. Sheshook the younger girl awake gently and stood up. "Come on. It's time to go home." While

    holding the little powerhouse's hand, she teleported out to appear near the school gates in full

    Asgardian armor, spear in hand.

    Ac ::: There just wasn't enough time. Dani chewed on her lip as she made her way towardsthe school. She was pretty sure this was a bad idea, going to take on a bunch of full fledged X-

    Men who wanted nothing more than to murder the hell out of her. She hadn't even told Tyler

    where she was going, Levi had told her about it over text and Tyler wasn't with her when she

    got it. Dani was not in the best shape of her life but she was pretty sure she could handle

    herself. She had been in worse shape when she had fended off Tyler that one time when he

    tried to kill her. Clothing wasn;t something she had a lot of but she had managed to find some

    black clothes to try and be sneaky in. Black yoga pants and a black long sleeved shirt.::

    Forge : -The mansion looked different from the last time the students were there. With somuch time passed it had given Forge enough time to alter some of the security features. On the

    roof of Xavier's school for the gifted several high tech cannon's could be seen plain as day-

    _Umbra_ : The tears slowly stopped as he laid there with the other, that's when the telepathic

    message cut into his brain. It hurt at first but then it just felt like someone was talking to him.

    After everything had been explained he knew what he had to do. Dylan looked up at Malikah

    with a look of fear "I have to go help." That was the only words he muttered before he quicklyjumped out of bed. He didn't bother to change his clothing, instead he slid his feed into his

    shoes and laced them up. "Please, don't worry about me alright?" He said before turning to

    Malikah, he was so appreciative over everything the other boy had done that he felt bad for

    what he was about to do. "I'm sorry but I can't take you with me." With one last glance with a

    hint of sadness, his body began to melt into the shadow at his feet. Within a moment he was no

    longer there, his shadow gone as well. He had come out at the gates of the school, he had

    pulled himself out of Alice's shadow. Dylan was completely prepared to fight for this. It meant he

    and his brother would have a safe place to be together again.

    v : *Jack heaved a soft before smiling and rising to her feet before she followedAlice through the portal with Brion at her side. The moment she crossed the portal she slowly

    inhaled and then released the shield from her body and the telepathic shield began to protect

    the minds of her fellow students from the one known as The Shadow King. Looking to Alice she

    gave a tired smile knowing this type of drain on her body would take its toll too quickly* "Kick

    some ass Miss Alice."

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    Magma ::: Amara stood just on the edge of the woods, a place many had once used to relax,

    now it was going to be a battle ground. It had been awhile since she had been back to this

    place, word had reached her of the unfornate attack on the school and the staff but she knew

    that alone the battle would be lost. She was wearing her uniform, her body was already

    radiating heat as she prepared to fight.::

    Leviathan :Leviathan had no idea what was happening when he had awoken to the voice in his

    head. It was loud and a little obnoxious, but he knew right away what was happening. Finally,

    someone was taking initiative and going with what he wanted. Tyler quickly got out of bed and

    started to dress into his battle attire, the gashes on his body barely healed meant nothing to

    him. This was what he was waiting for and it was what he would be fighting for. Within moments

    he was ready to fight, his missing left eye covered up by a bandage, his battle attire worn and

    cut in places. He looked a hot mess but it didn't matter. Leviathan was already at the hotel

    specified and even knew where the room was that would host the portal. In a few brief moments

    he was standing at the front gate of the school along side others. He didn't know how far he

    would be able to go with his body as banged up as it was, but he would fight with every bit of

    strength he had in his body.

    Cyclops :

    _Malikah_ : *Pissing Malikah was not the best of ideas but luckily Dylan was a new friend and

    only a friend. The moment the boy dissapeared Malikah flipped from the bed and in seconds

    had changed in to his jeans, shirt and leather jacket, the pockets filled with various trinkets.

    Even though they were in a hotel Malikah pulled out the cigarette and lit it as he walked back to

    the telepath's room and entered immediately going through the portal and stepping out besidewhere Alice, Jack and Dyaln stood. His dark gaze immediately fell on Dylan and stayed there for

    a few moments. The displeasure and anger would be easily read but he turned his attention

    towards the school as he began walking forward rubbing his hands together causing a faint

    pink glow at first which glowed steadily bright*

    Bruiser :After appearing near the gates, Molly let go of Lis' hand. She looked toward thegates and then ran for them, grabbing them to tear them off of their hinges. They'd make for a

    nice weapon once the staff decided to show...which shouldn't be long with the alarms going off.

    AliceLiddell :Alice nodded to Jack and for the first time, she felt something close to affection

    for the girl. "Thank you Jack, I want you to stay out of harms way. You're a telepath, not a

    fighter. As such, I don't want my rook to be taken from me." She knew how it sounded to call

    Jack a chess piece, but that was what this was. It was a huge game of chess one where the

    stakes were your lives. She was prepared to lay hers down for the mansion, and she expected

    everyone else to feel the same way. This might be a game of chess, but it was serious and it

    would prove to be difficult. "Keep a psychic link with me at all times Jack. If I need to send out a

    message, I want to be able to do it without needing to find you alright?" And with that alice was

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    gone. She had excused herself from the gates and teleported inside of the grounds. There she

    would seek out the one target she had to make sure wasn't in the fight at all costs. Wolverine.

    KonKata :

    Shawn : *He smirked as he stood in the mansion somewhere. His traps were prepped in the

    main area of the mansion. He was checking his weapons as he sat on the table. He had heard

    the alarm kick off. He got up and stepped up the stairs. He checked his weapons and nodded

    before making sure everything was prepped.* The fun house is ready. *He said chuckling and

    waited for those who were leaving to go "greet" their guests, and then activated the traps with a

    button.* -e-

    Ac ::: It wasn't long before people began to appear, many of them out of no where. A sort ofnervous excitement was washing over Dani, this was what she had been waiting for. This is why

    she had been sitting around doing nothing while her damn ribs healed up. They were still tender

    but oh so much better. Dani knew she wouldn't make it far until she ran into one of the teachers

    and part of her was kind of hoping to see Cyclops. He had blasted her in the original attack and

    she wanted to return the favor. ::

    _Umbra_ : Umbra noticed that Malikah had come as well, he was afraid that the other would beangry with the way he left. . . and he could tell that it was the case. He wanted to say something

    to him, to apologize. Dylan had no way to transport someone else, but he didn't think right now

    would be the best time to convey that message to him. Instead Umbra sank into the shadows

    once more, the shadow he was controlling moved along the ground, underneath peoples feet,

    and over the terrain. It took him moments to reach his destination, which was the main doors to

    the mansion. With one kick, the doors burst open and he looked inside not knowing who would

    be there, or even what would be there. He knew the school had defenses set, but didn't really

    know much about them. Still, Umbra moved forward, ready to strike if he saw a teacher in the


    Leech Leech quietly leads a small group of NPC Students (and anyone else who wants to join

    him) through the primary Morlock tunnel. It was basically an underground highway for Morlock's

    to safely reach the mansion. hadn't been used in years. He was sure the main opening would

    be guarded but he knew several side passages from his days here as a boy that most of the

    staff wouldn't know about. He redirects around a sealed off passage and into one of his private

    passes which let out near the pool house.

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    Cyclops : Didn't think you'd show back up. Did you come back to join us

    as slaves to the almighty Shadow King?

    Leviathan :Levi slid into the school grounds quietly, his heart was racing and his wounds were

    throbbing. The adrenaline that coursed in his body felt damn good, made him feel indestructible.He was here for a reason and he would see that through. So for the moment he was moving

    around, dodging into bushes, and trying to perform sneaky feats while searching an easy target.

    Or at least a target he could surprise attack.

    Shawn : *Shawn stood up on the stairs and smirked seeing the doors explode inwards and just

    shook his head.* Didn't anyone ever tell you to ring the doorbell first. *He tossed a round disk

    toward the one there and then pulled a Glock 19 with a drum clip on it and fired at the door

    frame, aiming at a canister there. A sort of double hit at this one. Triggering it and then moving

    back as the disk went off letting loose a burst that was aimed to overload a persons senses.* -e-

    : What do you plan on doing with that little one? It looks like Kurt is not here to save you from me this time.

    Ac ::: Damn. Arc wheeled around, she was ready this time. " Are you kidding meSummers.... I'd rather die than join your sad little group." She had been preparing as she

    passed along the grounds. Underneath their feet ran lines and lines of power. Dani had ditched

    her shoes to make this easier. Blue waves rippled down her body from her head to her toes. ::

    Wolverine : -Logan was lurking around planning on striking out against a student. However a

    familiar scent was caught by him. He follows the trail leading him towards Alice popping out hisclaws once he comes close to his prey-

    Bruiser :Molly looked up at Colossus as he approached her. He was supposed to be prettytough, but she was tough too, right? Well, the gates probably wouldn't do him much harm, but

    she hurled them at him anyway. "I'm not scared of you!"

    Beast : -McCoy was hiding within a tree waiting for a student or two to pounce on. Seeing

    Leviathan a smirk comes across his face as he leaps down behind the student. Holding onto a

    syringe in one hand he looks towards Levi- Ahh, so good of you to return. It looks like you have

    detention. Don't worry, this is just a little sedative. You will feel fine once you wake up and are

    controlled by the Shadow King.

    Cyclops : I can make sure that happens then.

    AliceLiddell :Alice let out a small sigh as she felt the presence of another near her, the man

    she had trained for years with. She knew what it felt like to be near him, that killing intent that

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    could pierce anyone and make them feel completely naked. She turned and saw her mentor

    there, in all of his splendor. His claws out and his face with that silent fury she was so used to

    looking at. Her face shown pity and sadness for a brief second. She felt so horrible having to do

    this to the only man she felt was a father to her. More so than her biological father. "Logan. . "

    she said in a cracked voice, but quickly fell silent. She knew what she had to do, she knew what

    he had become. So she stood straight and her face turned to absolute stone. She knew betterthan to play around with Logan, she either went in hard or she went in dead. She moved her

    hand to her hip and removed the brushed chrome desert eagle from the holster. She made sure

    to take weapons out of her storage dimension before the fight so she would have another of her

    abilities available to her. Without hesitation, she began to open fire on Logan. She had to keep

    him at a distance for as long as she could, until she could get close enough to touch him.

    :-The gates crash into his form and he grunts a little from the impact- You arestrong little one. But Colossus is stronger!! -He charges towards the girl sending a fist towards

    her small frame-

    Lisbeth : Lis walked the grounds, keeping an eye on the battles at hand and looking to see if

    anybody needed assistance. She refused to see anybody fall tonight, if she could do anything

    about it.

    Forge : -From within the school Forge controls the security system forcing the cannons to firetowards students here and there-\

    ightcrawler : -Nightcrawler appears suddenly behind Lisbeth holding onto two swords- Verylovely armor you haff. Do you believe it vill help you?

    Ac : :: Dani jumped out of the way, the blast hitting the wall just behind her sending a sprayof brick at her. A few small scratches, could have been worse. " Missed me Summers...getting a

    bit dodgy in your old age?" Taunting him was probably not the best idea but it seemed to relieve

    the stress a bit. Arc shot a hand out in front of her sending a blast of electricity out at Cyclops.::

    Bruiser :Molly rushed to meet Colossus, ducking beneath his fist in order to land her ownpunch into his midsection. She honestly wasn't sure how strong he was but since he was

    armored, she decided not to hold back much.

    _Umbra_ : Umbra could feel the teacher at the stairs through his shadow, that was enough time

    for him to bring his own shadow upwards. The darkness solidified right as the explosion took

    place. It caused him to slide back a couple of feet, but the shield infront of him had taken most

    of the damage. He wasn't expecting the second explosion however, he had no way to defend

    himself against such an attack. Once the machine had gone off he suddenly felt sick to his

    stomach. The feeling of vertigo came back to him, but much worse than before. His eyesight

    had also been effected from the blast causing it to go blurry. Every part of him felt like it was

    malfunctioning. He barely had any clue as to what was happening. Umbra moved his hands up

    and the shadow at his feet began to turn into a construct of his design. It formed around his

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    body and became a set of pitch black armor, for now this was the best he could do until he

    could catch his ground and be able to actually attack the person that had set off the explosions.

    That was only assuming feeling of vertigo would subside, for now it was causing him great

    waves of nausea to the point that he could throw up at any moment.

    Leech :Ok. This one looks clear. Lee... I doubt there will be anyone guarding it. Keep yourheads down until you have to fight. *he says to the npc students. most of them fairly new to the

    school and not terribly experienced.*

    RainbowWisher : "OMG, you guys!" and, yes, she actually said 'o-m-g'. "Why are we in here

    hiding!? Let's go kick some teacher heinie!" No one could really say where this spritely young

    girl came from, but there she was, a one-girl cheering squad.

    Lisbeth : Lis spun to face Kurt and eyed his two swords. Her armor should protect her from

    them but all the same, she eyed him with great caution, raising her spear defensively. "Thank

    you. Yes, I do. I'm afraid I'll have to harm you now." And with that, she pointed the weapon at

    him and sent a blast of energy toward him.

    Magma ::: Magma wheeled around, her sights set on the canons on top of the roof. Her body

    shifted, getting brighter as the heat increased. She raised her arms, hands pointed at the roof

    while she sent magma blasts at the canons that were shooting at the students.::

    Wolverine : Rrarr!! -As Alice opened fire Logan charged forwards allowing the bullets strikeinto his body and stop once they met adamantium. Once near Alice, Logan leaps towards her

    sending a set of claws to slash towards her form-

    ambit : I wouldn't do dat if i were you petite -Gambit charges up a card as he sneaks upbehind Magma. He throws the card towards the girls back to allow it to explode with kinetic


    Leech : Because we're Infiltrating! and these teachers have been kicking but a lot longer than

    we have. *he slides the cover off the exit from the tunnel and peeks out to the area behind the

    pool house.*

    RainbowWisher : "Bah! We'll totally beat 'em down! We have awesomeness on our side! YAY!"

    Could she have toned it down? Maybe. But where was the fun in that?

    Cyclops : Old age? Please, I'm in my prime.

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    directly infront of Logan and in the very next second she was no longer there. She had

    teleported directly behind him, the gun discarded to the ground where she was just standing.

    Alice reached her hand out and attempted to grab onto Logan, if she was successful she would

    be able to pull logan into the one place that she would stand a chance in. . . Her Rabbit hole.

    : Omph!! -The punch to his stomach was effective causing Colossus to bendforwards from the force of the impact, however he throws a backhand towards Molly intending

    on swatting her away like a gnat-

    Shawn : *He smirked at the topped of the stairs and pulled a canister from underneath his

    duster. He pushed both sides together and tossed it to one side of Umbra.* Here ya go. *He

    didn't care that he couldn't hear himself and he was fighting off the nausea at the moment, this

    wasn't something new to him. He turned then moved slowly and counting his steps, leaving the

    implosion grenade to fall to the ground. Umbra had about two seconds after it fell to the ground

    to get away from it before it would go off, pulling everything toward it and mangling everything.

    He moved down the hall and into a room now. He kneeled down and began to concetrate,

    focusing on pulling his senses back.* -e-

    Leech :OK. It looks clear *he says closing the cover again* I'll go first. the rest of you right

    behind him and make a beeline for the nearest door or window to the school. Our goal is to get

    inside and figure out whatever we can to find the most important targets.

    ightcrawler : -Kurt vanishes in a bamf of brimestone as the energy blast passes through acloud where he once stood. Kurt appears to the side of her, his tail wrapping around Lisbeth's

    spear- No pointy veapons for ze children. You could poke an eye out. -Kurt attempts to teleport

    taking Lisbeth's spear with him-

    Ac : :: Dani coughed and sputtered as dirt was sent flying at her face. " Shit!" She tried topeer through the dust cloud, electricity streaming into her as she stole it from the grid below.

    Soon, even through the cloud, she was glowing with blue light, tiny blue sparks arced off her

    body. She aimed another shot towards where she thought Scott to be aiming it at the ground so

    it wouldnt hit a stray student.::

    Leviathan : The surprise attack caught him off guard, he didn't think any of the teachers would

    be hiding in a tree. Until he saw Henry McCoy of course. Why didn't he think to keep an eye out

    for THE Beast? He quickly dodged the first attempt at the syringe going into him, the next strike

    he wasn't as lucky. He felt the needle slash at his arm, but his reflexes were much greater after

    the fight with Iceman. He began to emit a sort of cold aura that he directed towards the sharp

    instrument attempting to slash it's way into his veins. He had hoped it would freeze the liquid

    inside of the syringe and cause the whole thing to not be able to put him out. He couldn't sit this

    fight out.

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    Wolverine : -Being grabbed ahold of Logan reacted through instict spinning around andslashing towards Alice, he might still be teleported int othe rabbit hole. Logan wasnt in the

    midset t ocare at the moment-

    Bruiser :The backhand caught Molly by surprise and sent her flying back from Colossus,

    landing several yards away in the grass. She pushed herself back up, wincing, and started backtoward him. "That was cheap. I'm way too strong for that to stop me!"

    Leech :*he frowns at the new girl then turns back to peek out the cover again but this time

    tensed to run.* Ok let's go! *he shoves the cover off and bolts towards the school heading for

    the patio doors*

    Magma : :: Magma hoped to the gods the shots landed because she was sent flying forwards

    as Gambits attack hit. " The Cajun..." She managed to save herself from a faceplant in the grass

    by dropping her hands and springing off of them onto her feet as she did a backflip of sorts. As

    soon as she had het feet on the ground she would hurl a magma blast at Gambit, By now she

    was fully shifted into her magma form. Her body and hair glowed bright, waves of intense heat

    rolled off of her. ::

    Beast : Oh now that is not nice. Looks like I'm going to have to do this the old fashion way -

    Beast leaps forwards to grab ahold of Levi with his feet and hands in order to fall backward and

    do a monkeyflip tossing Levi towards the tree Beast came out of-

    Lisbeth : Lis pulled back on the spear to try and pull Kurt closer to her, while simultaneously

    throwing an armored punch at his head. There was nothing she could do to stop him from

    teleporting, however.

    _Umbra_ : He saw a blur come flying towards him and had absolutely no idea what it was, but

    he could guess it was something explosive. Umbra had no idea who the teacher he was fighting

    was, considering he didn't meet much of the staff when he first appeared. But he could guess

    that he wasn't the type of mutant who would be throwing out lazer beams and ice which wasn't

    good for Umbra. Those kinds of people he could deal with, the McGuyver guys like Forge? He

    didn't know how to counter that kind of technology, but he assumed the best defense is a great

    offence. Once the canister made it's way to him he quickly sank into the shadows once more.

    His body was completely engulfed in the shadow and sought out his attackers shadow. It was

    hard to differentiate the shadows in the area since his vision and hearing were screwed terribly,

    but he finally locked onto the one he wanted after the explosion sounded and he saw items all

    around the front of the mansion go zooming into one spot at an alarming speed. Once Umbra

    found the shadow he needed he slowly brought his hand out of it, he was directly beneath the

    man. His hand was outstretched in an attempt to grab Shawn. Once he had him in his grasp he

    would perform a counter attack, but until then he had hoped that the counter attack had gone

    unnoticed while his body was coming out of the shadow. His hand closed around Shawns wrist,

    a large grin now forming on his face as he was halfway out of his portal. "Sorry but I need you to

    sit this one out please." The shadow around him suddenly shot forward and began to solidify,

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    they formed large ribbons that began to form all around the area. Umbra was attempting to bind

    the teacher on the spot after that he would be able to knock him out or do something.

    RainbowWisher : "Woot! Butt kicking time!" She runs out with the other oddly faceless

    students, *actually* calling out a battle cry that suspiciously sounds like, "SPOOOOOOOON!"

    Cyclops :

    : Then try this little one!! -Taking both fists above his head he slams them onto theground causing a shockwave to travel towards Molly. The ground cracked and opened up as it

    moved towards the girl-

    Leech Grits his teeth at her battle cry as they were still trying to keep a low profile. or at least

    they were. He takes a low but fast stance as he runs ready to battle or activate a leech bubble

    as the case may be his hood flies back from his head. just a few more feet and we're inside.

    come on. he thinks

    ambit :-With a sly smile Remy leaps to the side of the magma blast and charges up threecards hurling it towards Magma- Is dat how you greet your teachers chere?

    Ac ::: Dani saw the blast go awry and tried to leap out of the way and more or less did,expect for the branch that smacked her in the shoulder. it sent a sharp pain rattling down her

    arm. Mentally she cursed as she scrambled onto her feet. Dani brought her hands together in a

    clap and sent out a wave of electricity, hoping to hit Scott ad maybe even > another teacher if

    she got lucky. It wasn't a huge wave just a few feet and it would disappate after ten feet or so.::

    ightcrawler : -Kurt wouldn't let go of the spear deeming it a dangerous item for the girl tohold onto. With Lisbeth's strength Kurt couldn't withstand the punch and fell to the ground-

    : Why don't you try that with me Lisbeth. -Bishop was standing nearby looking towardsLis, he didn't fear her energy powers whatsoever-

    Leviathan :As well as he thought his reflexes were doing, he didn't have enough time to react

    to being grabbed by beast. He was handled violently, more so than he was with Iceman. After a

    moment he felt his body launch forward and he hit a tree, the stitches running along his chest

    burst open and he felt a rush of blood spill over his chest. "F-Fuck" he managed to cough. The

    pain was nearly unbearable, but he knew he had to do something. Levi slowly began to get up

    and the idea hit him, he placed his hand on the wound and froze the blood that was coming out

    of him. It sealed the wound but was more painful than the stitches bursting open. His body was

    not like Icemans, he couldn't resist the cold: or even turn into an ice sculpture. So the fact that

    his skin was now frozen was incredibly painful. But he finally regained his footing, anger seeping

    over his face. His breath began to come out in puffs as the moisture around him began to

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    thicken and cool. His body was feeling the effects of the cold to the point that his teeth were

    chattering But he continued forward, anyways. His hand raised up and pointed to Beast before

    he started to drastically decrease the tempature around Beast. He was attempting to flash

    freeze the other mutant, it would cause his first layer of skin to freeze and slow him down.

    Shadowcat : Leech and his band of misfits may of thought they were home free as theyrushed for the patio doors - Not so much actually. The door would be flung open and through

    the void of the doorway, several ninja death stars would come slicing through the air at an

    intense speed towards the group with deadly intent. Shadowcat steps out of the door way,

    blocking the enterance whilst wagging a gloved finger. "Tsk tsk. You guys are going to have soo

    much detention."

    Shawn : *Shawn was sitting there still attempting to get his senses back and calm the nausea.

    He gave it a moment and then opened his eyes feeling the grab.* really should learn

    to expect the unexpected. *He said and pushed his foot back to set off the laser tripwire at the

    door. Once that was hit the flashbangs went off. Shawn's eyes were closed and he felt off

    balance but he shook it off and opened his eyes standing up and letting loose what was left in

    the drum of the pistol at the kid before kicking it out and popping in a fresh clip.* -e-

    Magma : :: " You were never a teacher of mine.." She let a smirk settle on her lips as the

    blasts hit her. She was ready this time and instead of being sent backwards into a wall or

    something she was merely moved a few short inches. She waved one of her hands in front of

    her and at first nothing happened but then the ground began to shake and crack open as molten

    rock began to seep out and tiny volcanoes began to appear around them.::

    haotic : Dre was in the forest, nearby the mansion, having been appearently called, since she

    wasn't really a fighter, more of a support, she sat in a tree eating popcorn.

    Cyclops :

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    Lisbeth : Lis had been about to check on Kurt now that he was out cold. But she was distracted

    by the appearance of Bishop. She wasn't exactly sure what his powers were, so this could be

    interesting. "Okay. Unless you wish to give up now. It would save you some pain."

    Leech Leech's large pupiless eyes somehow go wider as the stars aproach. he dives to the

    ground purposely tripping a coupleof npc students to make them fall to avoid the stars as well.most of them thankfully disintigrate. he rolls to the side and to his knees about to try and get a

    focus on kitty for his powers.

    :-Colossus charges towards Molly as well sending a fist swinging low to theground in an uppercut motion to knock the shit out of her-

    Ac ::: Dani was feeling pretty good about taking out Summers. One vendetta taken care to find a teacher or two to punch in the face...with electricity. " Fuck!" She dove onto the

    ground just in time to avoid the tree, its leaves and branches scraping over her. The sudden

    impact with the ground had her wincing a bit. She pushed a hand forward and shot a blast at

    Strong Guy then scrambled into her feet.::

    AliceLiddell :Alice felt her hand connect to the older man as she activated her Rabbit hole.

    "And down the Rabbit Hole we go" She said as they were transported into a giant forest. Large

    flowers with blood dripping from them loomed overhead. The ground was full of dead grass and

    blood stains. This was the perfect place to have this duel with Logan. It was : a battle field

    outside of the battle field. A place where only those two would be able to fight. As soon as she

    teleported them into the dimension, Logan had lunged forward once more and tried to attack

    her. She threw herself backwards but the claws still hit her stomach and ripped open three

    gashes. They were only moderately deep, but enough to cause her to bleed freely from it.

    "Alright Logan, I'm sorry to do this to you. . ." Now that she had dimensional lordship over thearea she raised her hand up to him "Please, forgive me." She attempted to increase the gravity

    around logan. She knew she wouldn't be able to crush him completely, the adamantium

    skeleton inside of logan would keep him from being killed within moments, but she was hoping it

    would cause him to slow down and his attacks to become easier to read. Of course, she

    wouldn't allow herself to be gutted just yet. The only gravity around her softened some, allowing

    her to move a lot more freely than she had been able to.

    haotic : She looked down at Levi who hit a tree nearby and then said, "Ya zigged when ya

    should have zagged...your hurt so...ummm...if ya tag me in I can take care of the dark blue

    one...he is takin my schtick anyways."

    Beast : -Perhaps it was the doctor part of him, but when he saw the blood oozing out of the

    students chest as the stitches broke, Hank McCoy froze there his expression changing to that of

    concern. Feeling the cold wave come over him he tries to fight the influence- You must knock

    me out while you can child. Do it quickly!!

    : I don't give up -Bishop aimed two guns towards Lisbeth opening fire with both of them-

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    Bruiser :Colossus' uppercut struck home, sending Molly back and to the ground. Painful, butshe would live, and she wasn't tiring out yet. Giving her head a shake, she charged straight for

    him in an attempt to knock him down.

    Shadowcat : Her hazel eyes narrowed upon the glitter that was once deadly projectiles andthen reached behind her back. "Impressive." When she drew her hands back again she was

    holding onto some mean looking hi tech swords, which..glowed. "You're not getting past me

    kids. So you might as well just give up."

    RainbowWisher : "NEVER GIVE UP!" she cried, striking a truly ridiculous pose. "NEVER


    Lisbeth : To avoid the shots, Lis vanished, teleporting about twenty feet away and off to the

    side. Upon reappearing, she located Bishop and sent a blast of energy toward him.

    rion_pencer : :: A sonic boom would sound from the sky, and then flying a few feet aboveMolly was Brion, his arm brought back, hand in a fist. The fist then would be launched forward,

    aiming for Colossus's head, while Molly aimed her punch for wherever she could reach. ::

    haotic : She looked down at Levi who hit a tree nearby and then said, "Ya zigged when ya

    should have zagged...your hurt so...ummm...if ya tag me in I can take care of the dark blue

    one...he is takin my schtick anyways."

    Leech : Scatter and take cover! *he says to the npc students as rainy faces off with shadowcat.

    He has no idea if they are a fair match but he isn't close enough to engage. but he can even the

    playing field a bit. He holds his hand towards Kitty and focus forming a leech bubble around hernulling her power to phase as he walks slowly towards the two*

    tronguy : Gah!! -the electricty struck into his large body and Guido looked towards Arcvery angrily. He lifts the tree and slams it back down towards her direction-

    Tech ::: Twin beams of energy shot at the tree that swung at his woman, attempting tosplinter it to parts. Tech appeared from the tree line, looking like a steampunk hero, with all of

    his makeshift gear on as he raised the wrist gauntlet at Guido, eyes on Dani. :: got

    some splannin to do?

    Shadowcat : It was lucky she hadn't already decided to phase through the ground as shewas planning to do, cause she'd probably be stuck. She felt the bubble effect her, and she gives

    a knowing smirk towards Leech as if to say 'are you serious?' "Really? Did you forget my mad

    ninja skills?" She spun the swords and and braced for the two mutants while she guarded the

    doorway. "Come on then. I've not got all night."

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    James_McKenzie : :: James appeared under the tree that Dre was standing in, an eyebrowraised at RW's little battle cry. He then rolled his eyes, and without looking up, spoke to Chaotic.

    :: You feel like flying? :: He started to shift, taking on his metal form as he waited for her to

    respond. He knew her advanced bone structure would make her a great missle, he just needed

    to find the right target. ::

    Ac : :: Damn, this guy was going to be a pain to take down. She never would have made itout of the tree's path in time if it hadn;t been shattered into bits before hitting her. Tyler's voice

    reached herears and she gelt parts relief and anxiety...she hoped he wasn't mad at her. Her

    hands balled into fists as the electricity began to gather there, her hands glowing brighter as

    they came together. " Hey ugly.... you missed me." Ah banter, it was so much fun. Another blast

    was sent at Stong Guy, it wasn't like the haphazard attempt from before, it had power behind


    ambit :-Gambit moved between the earth as it bursted sending volcanic rock he throws twomore cards towards Magma as he gets caught by one of the rocks bursting through the ground-

    haotic : She looked up at him thinking a bit then looked over the battlefield, "Sure." smirking, a

    smirk that was a lot like her mothers, which meant she had a plan and she then said, then stood

    up and waited for him to toss her at whatever.

    :-Molly dashing forwards as well as Brion flying towards him throwing a fisttowards his head caused Colossus to crash to the ground being struck by both of them-

    RainbowWisher : "I do, though. Aw, yeah, I could go all night. Mm-hm. Like the Engerizer

    Bunny. I just keep going and going and going and going," she said, and as she did so, she

    began flicking her fingers toward Shadowcat and the ground around her. As she did so, thepatio and the door around her began to turn to sand and ash- she was also backing up slowly.

    haotic :She looked down at Levi who hit a tree nearby and then said, "Ya zigged when ya

    should have zagged...your hurt so...ummm...if ya tag me in I can take care of the dark blue

    one...he is takin my schtick anyways." She looked up at him thinking a bit then looked over the

    battlefield, "Sure." smirking, a smirk that was a lot like her mothers, which meant she had a plan

    and she then said, then stood up and waited for him to toss her at whatever.

    : -The energy blast strikes into Bishop and he turns to face Libeth seeing where shestands now. His eyes glow brightly and he holds out a hand unleashing the energy back

    towards Lisbeth twice as powerful as she had sent it towards him-

    Leech : *leech keeps his concentration on Kitty. just hoping that the new girl was tough enough

    to keep up with her at least til he could get close enough to throw a few punches himself. it was

    killing him this slow aproach but any faster and he'd lose focus on her.*

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    Bruiser :Molly noticed Brion joining but kept her focus on Colossus, watching as he wasknocked to the ground. He wasn't out yet, so to keep him from getting up she sent a kick toward

    his side. She looked to Brion. "The teachers, we gotta knock them out!"

    James_McKenzie : :: He narrowed his eyes, seeing his buddy Lisbeth getting attacked, and

    he snatched Chaotic up in one arm, adjusting her some. He then braced himself. He wasn't abaseball pitcher, he was a football player, so the shot was gonna be like an arc, which would

    work cause she'd come down right on top of him. :: Bishop. :: He said to her, then he brought

    his arm back, and sent her Aaron Rodgers style towards Bishop as hard as he could. ::

    Leech meanwhile the girl with indesctructable eye lashes hides in the bushes with the kid

    whose cheeks glow when he eats cheese.

    Magma ::: Amara braced for the cards as they hit her and sent her backwards a few feet and

    into a wall. The magma contionued to ooze from the ground as the tiny volcanoes erupted

    around them. She got to her feet and shot another magma blast at Gambit. ::

    rion_pencer : :: Brion nodded, and soared up a few feet, only to drop as hard and fast ashe could towards Colossus, trying to drop a double axe handle smash on top of the mans head

    like the other punch as before. ::

    Shadowcat : Kitty all of a sudden broke out into a spurt towards them, arming herself with thebladed weapons she held, one in each hand. and swung skillful towards the couple of mutants

    who were in her 'zone'. Her moves were incredibly fast and she was very competant with the


    tronguy : Ugly? My mom says I'm handsome dammit! -With his tree being blown to bits heclaps his hands together causing a thunderclap towards Arc and Tech-

    Lisbeth : Lis' eyes widened as she saw the energy coming back toward her. She absorbed the

    blast, dropping to one knee as she felt the overload, one arm going over her chest where the

    blast struck her. Then she rose and ran toward him.

    haotic : Dre smirked and then felt herself flying, since her human form was in danger, it only

    took seconds, she opened her eyes, they were catlike, fur covering her body, muscle tone

    began to form long claws, she had shifted into full wereform, "HEY FUCKTARD!!! TAKE THIS!!!"

    She said as she swung a punch, her strengh having doubled to that of 2 tons and a large beast

    with a body mass with enough force to be like being hit with a cannon

    _Umbra_ : Dylan was more than positive that he was going to capture the teacher, no way in

    hell could the man escape his grasp. That was until the flashbangs had gone off, it was the one

    thing that was going to set him back. The flashbangs completely destroyed every shadow in the

    area for that brief moment. That was all that was needed to completely destroy the restraints

    that were wrapping themselves up around Shawn. The armor that he had on was also removed

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    and the shadow he had been coming out of was now gone. This caused him to be forefully

    ejected from the portal. His body thrust against the wall with a loud "THUD." His eyesight was

    now worse than it was before and what made it worse was the sharp pain he felt i his left

    shoulder. The thundering of gunfire was sounded throughout the hallway, one of the bullets had

    lodged itself in his shoulder causing him to bleed. He had to find cover somehow, but he

    couldn't see to move. Umbra began to shuffle around for any sign of object that could shieldhim, his arms out infront of him as he tried to feel his way around for something to help.

    Tech : :: Tyler reached out with his gauntlets as he saw the mans hands go back. ::Thunderclap! :: He reached for Dani, and activated his anti-grav boots, trying to launch them out

    of the blast radius. :: Shoot him! Drop the wattage like at the comic book store!

    Wolverine :-Logan growled out as the increased gravity forced him to his knees. He glarestowards Alice-

    RainbowWisher :As the swords flicked at her, deadly and accurate in their precision, she

    barely had time to make a couple of deft back flips to (mostly) avoid their sharp edges. Her

    gambit had the desired effect, however. Shadowcat was away from the door. The burning nick

    in her side was totes worth it.

    ambit : Gah!! -The blast of magma scorched him and his trenchcoat. The pain caused himto pass out.-

    Leech : Leech saw her charge but held his focus to the last second taking a roll to the left

    aiming to circle behind her. however he waited too long and got a nice gash sliced in the right of

    his abdomen it wasn't mortal but it hurt like hell and was making a mess. his recover is slowed

    by the wound and Kitty is free to use her power.*

    Ac : :: Dani was about to retort something, it was witty and everything but it was lost as theclap was impending. She hoped Tyler had made some mods to his gear because was teeming

    with energy. Her feet were bare and thanks to the miles of power cords running under this place

    she was having no trouble keeping herself charged. She grabbed onto Tyler and hoped for the

    best as she shot out a wave of electricity, its target was Strong guy.::

    :-Between the pummeling of Molly and Brion...the next tag team champions of theworld. Colossus was knocked out-

    AliceLiddell :Alice slowly moved forward as she watched Logan fall to his knee's. "I've never

    shown you this place Logan, I thought you would hate me if you saw what was hiding inside of

    me." As she spoke a large black Raven came down from the sky and landed near them. It's

    eye's were gone and there was blood running down it's beak. If you would even call it that. It

    was shattered in places and in others it looked like it had sharp teeth. The flowers that were

    running red with blood around them had faces of pain all over them. "This is what I hide inside

    of me. But when you were there. . .Everything felt better. I love you Logan." She couldn't bare to

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    do this to him, but she couldn't allow him to be out on the battlefield killing children. With The

    Shadow King controlling him, he would kill without hesitation. Alice brought a hand up and took

    a deep breath, she attempted to increase the gravity around him even more, to the point that he

    would be immobile completely. Her body mass began to increase and her strength was greater

    than even Collosus. Alice balled up her fist and stepped foward throwing the hardest punch she

    could at him.

    : "Hey, loser!" A disembodied voice could be heard being directed towards Shaun as hehad disorientated Umbra and took away his power source. In a shimmer of light, Dylans twin

    brother appeared and looked naturally pissed off at the teacher. "Stay away from my brother!"

    He then held out his hands and clapped them together. As his palms made contact with

    another, there was a blinding flash of pure white light which all but filled up the surrounding

    area. Certain that the strong blast of light would be strong enough to severely inflict temporary

    blindness with Shaun he followed it up with a suckerpunch to his jaw.

    :-Bishop was struck from a blow from Chaotic and falls forwards being knocked out-

    Bruiser :With Colossus down, Molly hugged Brion quickly, then looked around to see ifanybody needed help. There were a lot of (still living, but downed) bodies strewn about the

    lawn. Utter chaos, a battle field. "Um, looks like nobody's dead."

    Beast : -Thinks he was frozen somewhere down the line?-

    haotic : Sliding to a hault she shifted back and turned to look at Lisbeth and smiled a little at

    her and walked up to her and held out a hand, standing in ragged clothing, "Nice spear!!!"

    Shawn : *Shawn had been headed out the door and reloading when the guy appeared. Athearing the comment and that he was his brother he jumped out the door and when his hands

    made contact with the ground shifted his way to get out of the way of the door. He caught a

    glimpse of the flash which dazed him and he stood there a moment blinking the spots in his

    eyes out. All the while smirking.* Light and Darkness. Interesting combination it would seem.

    Once he had a moment he pulled another cylinder and pushed the bottom up till it clicked then

    tossed it into the room.* There ya go boy. *He tossed his pistol then as he moved and pulled out

    a bundle of small sticks that he held in one hand. He flicked his wrist and then locked into a

    staff. He then closed his eyes and stood there back from the door and waited now, leaning back

    against the wall. The implosion would roust them out toward the hall or out the window.* -e-

    Magma : :: Amara wasted no time, she was off and running. Teachers were falling but so were

    students. She turned her attention on the canons again, hoping she had done some damage

    before and intent on doing more as she hurled a magma blast towards them.::

    Shadowcat : She would continue her assault waving those deadly blades towards thestudents. Leech and Rain were the lucky ones, the others that were with them were either not

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    fast enough or agile enough to evade her swipes of precision and grace. "Just you two left. Sure

    you dont wanna just surrender?"

    James_McKenzie : :: James continued to look around the battlefield. He thought abouttaking on Shadowcat...but he wasn't much of a ninja type. So it'd be his metal against her sword

    metal. He kept looking around, walking slowly out onto the field, hoping to draw some fire, andtherefore a target. ::

    Lisbeth :Lis turned toward her and shook her hand with her own armored one. "Thank you."

    She then knelt next to Bishop to make sure that he was not injured too badly. They were, after

    all, just mind-controlled.

    Wolverine : -Logan blinks a little bit and looks towards Alice.- Ya can let me go darlin'. I don'tthink he can hold control over someone in here. -Logan looks around the dimension before

    looking back towards Alice- Don' worry. Who am I to judge?

    Leviathan : The pain he felt was consuming him, the anger pulsing through his body. Beast

    was completely immobile and out of the fight, he knew he had won but it didn't feel like it. His

    body was starting to shut down from the freezing temperatures around him. Slowly the puffs of

    mist he breathed faded and the temperature around him began to rise. He could feel his

    conciousness slipping and he fell to the ground. He might have had the oppertunity to take out a

    teacher, but it came to a great cost to his body. He was going through hypothermia, an the

    chunk of ice on his chest was causing frostbite. He only hoped he had helped.

    rion_pencer : :: He hugged her back, fixing her hat...she always had a hat...and thenodding. :: THat's a good thing. :: He saw Strong Guy, but he knew better from last time. So he

    started to fly after her. :: Where you thinking we need to go?

    tronguy : -A pummeling is something Strong Guy can take...Physical combat would lastforever against him. However electricity....not so much. Arc's electrical attack caused him to be

    knocked out-

    haotic : She turned and shifted to Neko form and looked around, "Your people need ya..." she

    said as she looked down at the guy, "I will provide backup, made a promise I would help to

    someone." Smiles a little bit then turned and looked around more.

    Forge : -Forge's voice could be heard over speakers hidden throughout the school grounds-Excellent job children. You did well against your teachers. Too bad Shadow King hadn't counted

    on us alone in killing you. The mansions power core has been converted into a large explosive.

    The explosion will be able to destroy all of New York. You only have a few minutes before this

    happens. Good day and I shall see you on the other side.

    RainbowWisher : "Dude. Those were just kids. What's your major malfunction? Look around

    you. You're not exactly winning this. Let's finish th-" She was cut short by the sudden

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    announcement. "OR you could help us avert a huge, killing-us-all explosion. Yes, let's do that


    Bruiser :Listening to the message playing over the speakers, Molly looked toward Brion."We gotta stop the bomb...somehow." This was hardly something she knew how to handle.

    Ac ::: Arc released her hold on Tyler, dropping to the ground, her hands and feet in thegrass. Below she could feel the thrum of electricity. The announcement had her mind working.

    She started going to work pulling out the elctricity from the mansion. Lights would start to go off

    inside while Arc started to glow blue, the color intensifying as she pulled in more power.::

    AliceLiddell :She stopped her fist an inch from Logans face as he had opened his mouth to

    speak. She was completely shocked to hear his voice. "L-Logan?" She muttered before she

    backed off of him. Her eye's studied him for a long moment before the gravity around his body

    broke and became normal once more. She didn't know how the Shadow King couldn't invade

    The Rabbit Hole, but from the looks of how Logan acted it was the truth. She moved slowly

    towards him, her face slowly softening again into a look of sadness. "I never wanted you to see

    this. But I had to take you out Logan. You have to understand, I didn't want anyone else to be

    hurt by you. I didn't want you to be hurt either." The last part she meant that only she felt that

    she could hurt him and take him out. Like it was her duty to be the one to do it. "I don't know

    what to do Logan. . .If I let you out. . .what if you turn back and hurt people? We can't let that


    Tech ::: He lowered Dani to the ground, and then listened to the announcement. :: I know, Iknow. :: He took his personal teleporter and handed it to Arc. :: Get out of here. :: He then sat

    down on the ground, and reached behind him, pulling out his lap top, patching his goggles into

    the screen as he began going computer nerd crazy, trying to find the power core, and triedhacking into it, shutting it down while his baby went to shut it down. ::

    Lisbeth : "That they do." Lis looked up as she heard the message. Her breath caught in her

    throat. She could teleport everybody out, but this was a whole state on the line. She teleported

    into the mansion and to the lift, pretty sure she was locked out...but still. She had to try and

    access it.

    rion_pencer ::: He nodded, and started for the school having Molly come with him. ::Come on...if we can get it out of the school, I can take it to space, throw it or something. In

    theory it won't kill me. :: He smirked, but deep down inside it was a fear. ::

    Bruiser : She hurried along with Brion. "I could maybe punch through the ground orsomething, to get to it. I mean, they probably keep the power core thingy downstairs, right?"

    haotic :Dre turned, hearing that, and glared a little, now they were messing with HER family

    too. She rushed towards Brion, rushing passed, "Kitty side...compromise...please..." She said as

    she began to shift, rushing towards a wall, in full werecat form she rushed up to a wall and

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    smashed it in and shifted back, twitiching, "I OPENED A WAY INSIDE THE THE REST IS


    Leech : *He finally gets back to his feet and faces Kitty He keeps his wounded right side to her

    and Takes a fighters stance now loosening his leech aura to fill the space around him which

    included all three. no powers for anyone but at least he didn't have to focus.* No powers. *hetells rain as he launches a quick kick followed by a punch for the throat*

    rion_pencer : Reinforced lower levels and I would actually get bloody knucklesand you'd pas out long before we actually got to it. :: He stopped, seeing Shadowcat still

    fighting. HE didn't have time, so he looked at Molly. :: Thunderclaps. :: He had heard one

    earlier, so he brought his arms back, and then clapped his hands as hard as he could, not really

    caring if he hit students with the shockwave. He needed in that school. ::

    Wolverine : -Logan withdrew his claws. There was only one answer to Alice's question.- Yougot to keep me in here darlin'. You can't let me out cause if you do an' he gets into my mind

    again. I will hurt someone.

    _Umbra_ : His eyesight was still non existant, but his hearing had gone back to the way it was.

    Most likely because he could no longer see. Umbra had heard the drop of the canister instead

    of seeing it and knew something bad was about to happen. Either an explosion or an implosion

    like before Neither of those things would sit well with the twins. Dylan moved to where he heard

    his brothers voice. He was so happy to hear his brother, but the feeling of joy was

    overshadowed by the panic he felt of the fight they were getting into. So with a quick thrust

    outwards, he grabbed onto his brother and he felt it. The only thing that could save them. The

    power of Twilight flowed through his body, it as if every shadow and ever ray of light had

    become one with him. Once he had grabbed his brother he continued backwards towards thewall and faded into it. Now he could use both the shadows and the light around them to flow

    into. The only problem now was his body was starting to fight itself. He had been using his

    shadow abilties for a long period, and now that he was connected to the Twilight the feeling of

    exhaustion was becoming more apparent. Dylan kept his brother in the space between until the

    implosion had fizzled out. "Brother, we have to end this soon. . I won't be able to hold this guy

    off. He is like a better version of forge . ." This was all he could say before he moved out of

    where he was hiding with his brother. "Where did he go?"

    Ac ::: Dani ignored Tyler's gift of a way out. There was no way she was just going to leaveafter what had just happened, after all the work everyo0ne had put into this. Nope, she was

    going to stay and fight. She wasn't even certain if the sub levels were on a power grid she could

    access but she was going to drain them all if she had to.::

    Bruiser : She ran into the school ahead of him, looking around to be sure that there were noteachers around. She found Lis by the lift and looked back toward Brion. "So how do we get


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    Shadowcat : "Where have you been? I've not been using my powers genius." The kick wasquickly deflected by the hilt of her sword and then the other was brought up so he'd hit the

    swords blade and not her throat. Pulling back both of her arms she gives the hilts of her swords

    a quick spin before driving the base of her weapons straight to Leech's temples.

    Tech : Firewall.....done. Firewall.....done. :: Tyler was flying through the security as quick ashe could. :: did he program that into the computers? :: Tyler launched several

    viruses into the parts of the systems he had gotten into, hoping they'd go infect others as he

    continued typing away at the keyboard. ::

    haotic : Dre had nothing more, only Neko form, if she shifted again she would loose control,

    staying in Neko form she looked at the three, "There someone who know's tech stuff who can

    hack the system and open?" She asked,

    RainbowWisher : "No? Ignoring the Big Explosion announcement? Fiiiiiine." She launched

    herself bodily at Shadowcat, aiming toward her midsection, attempting to prize her away from

    pummeling Leech into unconsciousness.

    rion_pencer : :: Brion entered the hole beside Molly, walking to the elevators and thengripping them. He started to pry them open, giving a grunt as he got them open. :: Straight down

    to the sub levels. :: Secuirty might blast him, but they had to get down there. ::

    Shawn : *He stood there now stepping away from the wall as he heard the implosion going off.

    He smirked as he heard the announcement and then nodded. So far he was succeeding as he

    needed to, distracting those that had tried to come through this area. He listened carefully

    before taking in a breath and then letting it out slowly now, his eyes still closed. He was

    beginning to focus, to clear his mind and open his senses, along with his instincts. He slammedthe staff onto the ground now, letting loose a ripple effect through the ground.* -e-

    AliceLiddell :Alice looked at him and knew he was right She doubted that anything she did

    would be able to take him completely out of the fight. But while he was here she had to be here

    as well. It was a double edged sword. A draw so to speak. "If I stay here you have to stay here. .

    .But this will only last an hour. Lets hope they can stop this within the the next hour, or we will

    both be released and taken back out there . . then . . I don't know what would happen.

    Bruiser : "Yay!" Molly stepped into the lift after the doors were opened. She looked towardBrion to wait for him to get in, and then would press the button to take them down.

    Leech : If there is one thing Leech knew how to do, it was survive. He manages to get out of the

    punch to a blade with only some skin cut from the side of his fist. The blow to the temple he

    takes but only grazing. it hurt like hell and he may have a concusion later but he was still in the

    fight. he takes a step back to regroup before another attack.*

    Lisbeth :Lis stepped into the lift as well...'cause she was standing there and such.

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    haotic :Dre looked at Brion and slowly stepped on..."Okay no one fart please..."

    Ac : :: So, this might have been a bad idea. Dani glanced over at Tyler who was just a fewfeet ahead of her typing away on his computer, doing his thang. Dani on the other hand was

    begining to feel....what one might call..unwell. In fact she was starting to feel like she wasburning up from the inside. She had drained the power from most of the mansion, and it was a

    fucking ton. WAY more than she had ever pulled in before. She knew it wasn't enough, in fact

    she was positive she had no way of getting to the grid that it was on. "Damn..." As she spoke,

    that one curse, it sounded strange, it crackled. Dani was looking a bit, odd. Her body was

    glowing brightly, blue waves rippling over her body, her eyes appeared to be replaced by two

    bright blue lights but what was maybe the weirdest part was her hair. It was blue and crackling

    with energy. Arc let herself drop onto her side, she felt like she was going to burn up::

    rion_pencer ::: He rolled his eyes and waited for them, then got in, letting it close. Helooked around, waiting for the elevator to attack them like in the movies. He tapped his

    earpiece, and connected to Tech. :: Heading to the sublevels, keep an eye on us.

    Shadowcat : Kitty flees

    Wolverine :-Logan nodded and moved towards Alice. He places an arm around her andsmiles towards her to comfort her- Don' worry. I'm sure it won't even take that long for Chuck to

    deal with this. Have some faith darlin'

    Leech : Maybe the bomb threat was real. *he shrugs as Kitty runs away*

    RainbowWisher :She finds herself suddenly with a mouthful of grass as her opponentvanished unexpectedly and simply lay there in the lawn. As she spits it out, she rolls onto her

    back to look up at Leech. "Pro'ly. Yay, we're all going to die! I'm gonna sing the Doom song

    now. Doom-doom-doom-doom-doooooom!"

    Lisbeth :Lis looked around at the others as the elevator descended. "Just in case we die.

    Anybody have anything to say?"

    haotic : Dre looked at Lisbeth and then said, "Yes don't tell my mommy I died a coward....tell

    her I died in some awesome way like...kicking ass and stuff...if all of us die...I just want to say...I

    don't know you people and when we get to heaven I will say that too." she said.

    _Umbra_ : The pain he felt in his arm was starting to get to him worse and worse. Blood

    continued to flow from the wound causing him to become light headed but he couldn't let it end

    like this. Now that the shadows were back he quickly formed a restraint around his arm to help

    put pressure on his wound. With another deep breath and slow release Umbra to focus the best

    he could. His hearing was back to normal and his feeling of vertigo was gone, it was just his

    eye's that were the problem. He could now make out incredibly blurry object, but they were

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    unrecognizable. "Come out you coward!" Dylan shouted. His shadow began to close in on him

    before it formed a circle around his feet. It began to increase in density and crawl upwards. It

    reached 3 inches in height and continuously moved around him in waves. He though to himself

    once more "The best defense is a good offence." Why couldn't he have both? He told himself.

    He had made sure to get his brother safetly outside of the mansion with a well placed twilight

    portal before he decided to take up arms once more

    Tech : Five by five man...I got you. :: He heard Dani, and looked up. He watched her for aminute, and then f