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  • 8/11/2019 A Beautiful Prohibition by Shaykh Ahmad Subayee (1)


    A Beautiful Prohibition to thePerson of Sunnahagainst Being Fooled by the

    Trickery of the People of At-Takhdheel

    (Those Who Do Not Aid the Truth & its People)1

    Written by the noble Shaykh

    Ahmad Hussain as Subayee 2may Allaah preserve him

    1[TN] Original article posted on, dated 4thSeptember 2012.

    2[TN] He is Abu Muhammad Ahmad Hussain as-Subayee. He currently resides in Kuwait, his countryof birth. He has studied under many of the mashaykh prominently in the country of Saudi Arabia,namely, ash-ShaykhAbdul Aziz ibn Baaz, ash-ShaykhMuhammad bin Saalih al Uthaymeen, ash-ShaykhMuhammad Amaan al-Jaamee, ash-ShaykhHamaad al Ansaari, ash-Shaykh Rabee bin Haadee alMadkhalee, ash-ShaykhTaariq as-Subayee (Shaykh Ahmads brother) may Allaah have mercy on those

    who have died and preserve those who remain.

    Ash-ShaykhRabee al Madkhalee said regarding those who speak against Shaykh Ahmad as-Subayee, Shaykh Taariq as-Subayee, ShaykhMuhammad al Anjaree and Shaykh Khaalid Dhufairee, he

    said,We seek refuge in Allaah and we ask Allah for safety and security. These individuals are from themost excellent sincereSalafisin calling to the dawahof the Salaf, may Allaah bless you. So they are thefirst people to take knowledge from and to take the minhajof the Salaffrom.I dont believe that a Salafi would prevent someone from studying with them and if there is someonewho opposes them then let him fear Allaah and do not block the people from the path of Allaah andfrom taking the minhajof the Salaffrom its proper people. And I urge the brothers to be serious anddiligent in studying because verily the people are yearning for this minhajof the salafand this aqeedahofthe Salaftherefore gain an understanding of it so you can call to the path of Allaah the Blessed andExalted and with it you can establish all of your worldly affairs.

    I ask Allah to give them success and cover their faults and to bring benefit by way of them." Taken, translation available upon
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    All praise is due to Allaah, may the peace and blessings be upon the

    Messenger of Allaah and his family, to proceed:

    The Prophet came out to the Sahaabahwhilst they were discussing povertyand (how) they feared it as is reported in the hadithof Abi Dardaa (Radhyi

    Allaahu anhu)reported by Abu Dawud and others - so he said,


    Is it poverty that you fear?! By Allaah, the world will be opened for you, then its

    abundance will be poured upon you and nothing will cause the heart of anyone of you

    to go astray except that. Indeed I have left you upon a clear and white path.3

    So from the great benefits (derived) from this narration: That the Muslim may

    fear something and try to protect himself from it. And the harm upon him is

    in other than that which he seeks protection from.

    Many of the people in these times (due to them being overcome with desires

    and ignorance being widespread) fear and scare others about falling into

    extremism and harshness, though being correct in and of itself, it has however

    become from the truths by way of which falsehood is intended.

    And the evil that is prevalent and excessive but has been missed by some of

    the people of knowledge, is the evil of at-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and

    its people). It has come with all its cavalry and might upon the youth ofAhlus

    Sunnah. They have become weak in their conviction and their clinging to the

    Sunnah and its foundational principles. They are weak in having good

    thoughts of the Scholars of the Sunnah, weak in connecting with them and

    returning back to them.

    And when the Prophet clearly and manifestly mentioned that the Saved

    and Aided group would remain, he established a proof and made an affair

    clear. He established a similarity between those who openly oppose the

    truth in their harming the call to the Sunnah, and between those who do not

    aid the call to the Sunnah. Just as the Prophet said:

    3[TN] Also reported by Ibn Majah (Hadith number 5) with similar wording, see Silsilahtul ahadeethus

    Saheehah of al-Allaamahal-Albaani Rahimahullaah(688), that narration continues with Abu Darda(RadiyAllaahu anhu) saying, By Allaah, the Messenger of Allaah - Salallaahualayhi wa Salam spoke thetruth, by Allaah, he left us upon a clear, white path, its night is like its day.

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    There will not cease to be a group from amongst my nation, apparent (manifest)

    upon the truth. They will not be harmed by those who do not aid them, nor by those

    who oppose them. Until the affair of Allaah comes.4

    So these words serve as a reminder for the one whose heart possesses life, and

    he has steadfastness in his clinging to the Sunnah- that perhaps it may aid the

    heedless to return, and the intelligent to submit.

    1:At-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and its people): is deterring from the Path

    of Allaah and deterring from the Path of Allaah is from the characteristics

    of the disbelievers, Allaahs refuge is sought. This occurs much in the

    Quraan, as in the Saying of Allaah :

    {Those who deter (men) from the Path of Allaah, and would seek to make it

    crooked, and they were disbelievers in the Hereafter}

    [al-Araaf: 45]

    And Allaah the Most High Said:

    {Those who prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter, and deter (men)

    from the Path of Allaah and seek crookedness therein - they are far astray}

    [Ibraheem: 3]

    2 -At-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and its people): Is from the

    characteristics of the hypocrites, and this is (mentioned) much in the Quraan,

    as in His The Most Highs Saying:

    {Had they marched out with you, they would have added to you nothing

    except disorder, and they would have hurried about in your midst

    (spreading corruption) and sowing sedition among you - and there are some

    among you who would have listened to them. And Allaah is the All-

    Knower of the wrong-doers}[at-Tawba: 47]

    4Reported in theMusnadof ImaamAhmad and by al-Bukhaari and Muslim with variant wordings.

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    3 -At-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and its people): Is abandonment of the

    obligatory legislated support for and aid of the truth and its people, which

    Allaah has made a sign of the truthfulness of eemaan, Allaah The Most High


    {And those who believed, and emigrated and strove hard in the Cause of

    Allaah, as well as those who gave (them) asylum and aid - these are the

    believers in truth, for them is forgiveness and a generous provision (i.e.



    Allaah The Most High Said:

    {So those who believe in him (Muhammad (Salallaahu alayhi wa salam)),

    honour him, help him, and follow the light (the Quraan) which has been

    sent down with him, it is they who will be successful}


    4 -At-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and its people): Is oppression upon thepeople of truth, and lead to an increase in trials and afflictions.

    5 -At-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and its people): Is a mighty sin. The

    Prophet equated it to having enmity towards the truth and opposing it.

    6 -At-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and its people): In its origin does not

    afflict a truthful believer, because his motivation towards eemaanand

    truthfulness will cause him to act in a manner that is contrary to takhdheel.

    And for this reason at-Takhdheelhas not been warned against on its own. Asfor extremism, it may be caused by anger for the sake of Allaah and

    zealousness upon avoiding that which He forbade, and a desire to aid His

    religion. Extremism can come about when all this is accompanied with

    ignorance and is not referred back to the scholars.

    7 -At-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and its people): Necessitates that a

    person follows his desires. This is because the person of at-Takhdheelstrives to

    prevent all refutations, and does not act with justice as is obligatory. If he was

    acting justly, he would reject only the part of the refutation which may havesome excessiveness in it, if any at all, and he would accept the Truth

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    contained in the refutation, which is its foundation. This, as an example, is

    like how the Prophet ordered that the rulers should be fought alongside,

    whether they are righteous or sinful (so we reject the sins clearly, but

    maintain obedience to the ruler); as was stated by Shaikhul-IslaamIbn


    8 -At-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and its people): Is caused by sicknesses

    of the heart, such as weakness of conviction, instability of the heart, having

    doubts, cowardice, fear, impatience and covetousness for the dunya.

    9 -At-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and its people): From its calamities is

    that its evil is not apparent, so he (the one who does not aid the truth and its

    people) manifests the Sunnah. And he claims to be compassionate and giving

    sincere advice. So he resembles a snake that is smooth to the touch; that hides

    within a garment.

    10 -At-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and its people): Makes the conflict we

    see today betweenAhlus Sunnahand those who oppose them appear to be one

    of mere mistakes and ijtihadaat(positions that are taken in the absence of a

    clear text), that does not necessitate splitting, or abandonment. Then these

    people (those who do not aid the truth and its people) accuse the people of

    knowledge of following their desires, then the [actual] people of desires

    become the people of knowledge [with them]; and not those being refuted.

    11 -At-Takhdheel (not aiding the truth and its people): Contains within it a

    complete resemblance to the innovated groups and parties, in regards to its

    defense of its leaders and its ways.

    1: Its people are eager to confine the conflict to being mistakes not


    2: Its people describe the people of truth with extremism and harshness

    3: They call for cooperation with the innovated groups and parties, orbelittle the differences between them.

    So is it conceivable, that this complete conformity of concepts and methods;

    doesnt have in it an indication of their resemblance to the innovated groups

    and parties in the concepts that they hold? If not, why then did the Prophet


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    Whosoever resembles a people, then he is from them.5

    So be warned O person of Sunnah! Lest you oppose the call of the Sunnah, or

    you become one who is with theMukhadhileen, those who do not aid the truth

    and its people.

    And the topic [at hand] is not the condition of one or two men. Indeed it is a

    huge continuation of the conflict concerning the fundamentals of the Sunnah,

    with numerous names (individuals), efforts and writings. These oppositions

    to the foundations of the sunnahare found in various individuals: [with] Alee

    Hasan, and Mustafah Ismaeel Abil Hasan, and Adnaan Aroor. So do not

    restrict yourself to an individual in your mind. And do not let an issue enter

    upon you, and you are pulled in to an opinion, way or statement that has

    gone to far extents in betraying the Sunnah.

    Be mindful of Allaah, again, be mindful of Allaah regarding the honour of the

    major scholars of Sunnah, and its well known scholars, such as Shaykh Rabee

    ibn Haadee and Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve them). And

    beware of placing yourself on the same side of the scales of the leaders of

    whom they have aimed the criticism and advice. And do not forget the

    striving that the two of them undertook, and do not forget their virtue and the

    praise of the people of knowledge for them.

    And do not let some of the doubts and ambiguities lead you or push you toaid the enemies of the Sunnah, such as Alee Hasan, and Abul Hasan, and

    Adnaan Aroor and their like.

    So beware of both of these groups: al-Mukhalifeen(those who oppose) and al-

    Mukhadhileen(those who do not aid the truth and its people).

    And if you are not strong in understanding, and you are unable to

    comprehend, then which of the two is more befitting to blindly follow if it

    was permissible at all? Would it be Alee Hasan, Adnaan Aroor, the callers

    to gathering numbers and playing with the Sunnahor the known manifest

    advisors [upon the Sunnah] such as Shaykh Rabee and Shaykh Ubayd?!

    And do not allow yourself to be shaken or allow your intellect or heart to be

    taken [by the belief] that consideration [and holding on to] the men [the

    scholars] during times of trial and afflictions is considered fanaticism of the

    scholars. Rather, it is a must that the Sunnahhas upright, trustworthy men

    that carry it, in every time and every place. Imaamal-Laalikaali rahimahullaah

    said: There were those within Islaam from whom this path was taken, an

    5Reported in Sunnan Abi Dawudand others.

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    enumerable number of men, I mention their names at the beginning of this

    book, so that you may know them, and you may increase in sending

    [salutations of] mercy upon them and making duaafor them. This is due to

    them preserving for us this way (theManhajof the Salaf), and it was them that

    guided us to the way of the Shareeah.

    So you are in front of two groups, two paths. The path of the people of

    knowledge and Sunnah, such as Shaykh Rabee ibn Haadee and Shaykh

    Ubayd al Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve them) and those who aid them upon

    their great efforts from amongst the people of knowledge. And the [second]

    methodology of Alee Hasan, and Abul Hassan al Maribi and Adnaan

    Aroor and their like. This is the origin of the affair, and that which stems

    from it by way of names, topics, writings and subjects, all follow on from this

    battle between the Sunnahand the bitaanatul-Jamaaaat(those upon the way ofthe innovated groups and parties, but in a concealed and hidden way). So

    seek guidance from Allaah and humble yourself to Him, that you may tread

    the path of the Sunnah and aid it. And do not tread the path of opposition or

    the path of abandoning the people of the truth.

    And if you were to say, I prefer seclusion, then I say, you have made a

    better choice than to choose the path of Alee Hasan and those who preceded

    him and [those who] followed him. Because if you were to seclude yourself in

    clinging to the Sunnah, searching for the truth, returning to the trustworthyscholars of the Sunnah then perhaps you will have time to think over and the

    opportunity to acquaint yourself with becoming accustomed to return to the

    truth and aid it.

    As for remaining alongside the one who is treacherous in regards to the

    Sunnah, helping and aiding him; throwing yourself into the doubts of the

    bitaanatul-Jamaaaat(those upon the way of the innovated groups and parties,

    but in a concealed and hidden way), then you are one that is close to

    destruction; if you are not already destroyed.

    And Allaah, Alone, is The One who guides to the straight path

    The Original Article

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