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9. IoT Applications 1

9.4 Innovative Application of the IoT

The application domains of the IoT tracking retailing supply chain management smart power grid smart building

9.4.1 Application of the IoT Table 9.9 Some Application Domains of the IoT Specific Wireless Sensor Application

Military sensor networks Sensor networks to detect and characterize chemical, biological,

radiological, nuclear, and explosive attacks and materials

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9. IoT Applications 2

Sensor networks to detect and monitor environmental changes

Wireless traffic sensor networks to monitor vehicle traffic Wireless surveillance sensor networks Wireless parking lot sensor networks

9.4.2 Retailing and Supply-Chain Management Retailing and Logistic Services Supply Chain Management

Fig. 9-21 Supply chain management in the multipartner business arena.

9.4.3 Smart Power Grid and Smart Buildings Smart Power Grid

Various sensors at individual homes can collect information that is sent via a network to main stations that can apply complex power management and send control signals back to the grid to save energy.


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9. IoT Applications 3

The smart grid is made possible by applying sensing, measurement, and control devices to electricity production, transmission, distribution, and consumption.

Smart Building Cyber-Physical System (CPS)

A CPS is an embedded system which integrates the computing process with the physical world as an interactive and intelligent system.

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9.5 Online Social and Professional Networking9.5.1 Online Social Networking Characteristics Online Social Networking Services

Personal page or profile for each user linked by social connections Social graph traversal along specific social links or networks Communication tools among participants or registered users Ability to share music, photos, and videos with friends or

professional groups Operation of a community in special niche areas like health care,

sports, and hobbies Customized software tools or databases are used in OSN services Strong customer loyalty and fast membership growth are seen Provider revenue from embedded advertisement and access to

premium content Representative Online Social Networks

Table 9.10 Assessment of Top Five Social Networking Web Sites in April 2011.

Social Networks Benefits

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High return visit rate User loyalty Virtual growth Business model

9.5.3 Communities and Applications of Social Networks Communities in Social Networks Social Network Application Domains

Table 9.11 Applications of Existing Social Networks