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The 90 Degree Turn in Life


University / college or book learning in general is not for everyone. Quite a few people get done with high school or learn the general education bits and move on. None of us look forward to the crushing disappointment of those who love us. If you are unable to speak to a single person about this change of life you want, here's how to go about it.


Stand in front of your parents or responsible guardian as they sit. You have to have a power of position when you do this and standing up will bolster your confidence.


Take a deep breath. Tell



"I want you to understand that I am not happy being at the university and that I am not doing very well." Don't let them comment yet.


Take another deep breath. You have to get this out. You must tell them this.

"I need to try other jobs, work with my hands or help someone and then later on, when I am ready, I will return to the university. I’m not sure when that will be.”

“Please hear me out”“Please let me finish”“Please listen to what I am saying”“Please do not turn your back on me"


Take a deep breath. Take a drink of water.


"I have discovered that I have no aptitude for computers (or whatever you are studying at the university). I don't understand the majority of what they are teaching and what's more important, I don't care about understanding it.”

“I regret that I have spent two years struggling to learn something that I do not love or care about. I have learned that I do have to try to make an effort and that I must call it quits when it is not for me.”


“You taught me when I was growing up to at least try and make a go of it and I did. I'm telling you right now, right here, I don't like learning about __X__ and I don't care about it and I will not continue with it.”


“I intend to move on to something else and for right

now it will not be at the university. I want to work and learn a skill and work

with my hands at something. I'm asking for

your help."


“I have no idea what I am good at. Inside I am essentially a lazy person and I don't know what I want to do as an adult. I do know that I don't want to sit in a classroom for 2 more years struggling at something I don't care about.”


“Right now nothing inspires me and I feel that there is not one thing that I can dive into. It seemed like a good idea when I first started, but now I dread going to class and I resist the classwork.”


I know you want to speak, but please, let

me finish.


“Part of me feels like a big failure because I could not succeed at learning. I know I have problems and rather than pile on more problems, I want to find a way to start eliminating problems.”

“Somewhere out there is a thing I can do, a place I can be so I can become a functioning member of society. I want to find that place or situation where someone comes to me for an answer.”


Take another deep breathWo


“I want to be the tool that someone uses to fix something. I just don't know how to do this or how to go about it.”

“As my parents, you deserve to be the first

ones I talk to about this. I know that you do care

about me and want to see me be the best that I can.”


“Please try to understand what I am talking about. There is nobody I trust more than you. I’m relying on you to understand what is happening to me.”


If you need to hold 3x5 cards in your hands and read to avoid their eyes, please do so.

Take another deep breathWo


“You are the adults and have been in this world much longer than I have. Please help me with this.”

"I want to stop hating myself because I could not succeed. I want to stop feeling so rotten about letting people down.”


“If I could do something that was worthwhile, something that would help me feel like a normal person, I would think that I would start to be okay again.”


Take another deep breathWo


“I need to start seeing what kind of jobs are out there and trying to do something. Not all jobs require a college degree and I am willing to start anywhere.”

“I know you would not want me to be stuck inside a dead-end job with no hope for the future. I need the motivation to get up and go to work every day and become something worthy of respect and trust.”


“I intend to withdraw from college/university tomorrow

morning. I'm asking you to please help me with whatever

comes next."


Take another deep breath and get a drink of water.


There will be parents, guardians, family members and friends who dismiss your words and dismiss you.

Also, there are parents, guardians, family members and friends who cannot face the failure of someone else. They become highly embarrassed and don't know how to respond and shut down.


If that happens to you, write all this down on paper and

mail it to them. Don't email.

Don't text. Don't just hand it to them.


Part of being taken seriously is behaving

seriously so put a stamp on it and mail it to them.


Having a printed letter in their hands, normally in the privacy of their own home, saves them from the immediate acknowledgement for a cry for help.

If this is you, if you are failing at the college or university where you are enrolled, stop beating yourself up and go get the first job that comes along.


Tell yourself that later when you are more mature

and have an interest in learning the theory about

a subject that you will return to the university.



Learn to work with your hands or find a trade that you like to do. Learn upholstery or welding or how to connect 2 water pipes together.


Look at the world and your country in particular and see what is required by law.

In the US, you have to have auto insurance in order to drive on the nation's highways. That means there is about 2 million new people each year that need insurance. Become an insurance agent and step into a job with customers waiting for you.

THREEWonnacott Look at the hobby where you spend

time. Are you so good at it that you could train others?

Put an ad in your local newspaper for $15 an hour and see if you get any bites. Remember, everything from here is up.

FOURWonnacott Want to be an auto mechanic? Go down to one

of the local auto mechanic (non-dealer) places and ask for the manager. Ask him to tell you the top 5 things you'll need in order to become an auto mechanic. Then go do those. Ask an auto mechanic place if they accept interns and offer to work at minimum wage for 30 hours a week so you can learn.

You are not alone. This happens to hundreds of students every year. You have to be smart enough to tell someone about it so they can understand and help you.


Do it today. Do it now. Do it the right way.

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Don’t wait for a good time. There is no good time to say these words.