Download - 9. Working With Brands - Jaclyn Ely

Page 1: 9. Working With Brands - Jaclyn Ely

Jaclyn Ely, Ikon Communications

Page 2: 9. Working With Brands - Jaclyn Ely

Jaclyn Ely, Ikon Communications

Top tips for working with brands1. Know your style

• Be able to articulate who you are & what your blog is• How are you & blog are perceived by your audience

2. Know your audience• How many people are visiting your blog & reading each post?• Who they? Demographics, geo-location, life stages• What mind set are they in when they’re engaging with your blog?

3. Understand the brief & what the brand wants to achieve• Consumer outtake/action• Key messaging

4. Stay honest• Authenticity is key to your audience & that’s why brands come to you• Work with brands that you can truly believe in & support

5. Go to extra mile• If you’re able to offer extra benefits to the brand, add these in, it will build

your profile with them & potentially a longer term relationship

Page 3: 9. Working With Brands - Jaclyn Ely

Jaclyn Ely, Ikon Communications

Top tips for working with brands1. Know your style

• Be able to articulate who you are & what your blog is• How are you & blog are perceived by your audience

2. Know your audience• How many people are visiting your blog & reading each post?• Who are they? Demographics, geo-location, life stages• What mind set are they in when they’re engaging with your blog?

3. Understand the brief & what the brand wants to achieve• Consumer outtake/action• Key messaging

4. Stay honest• Authenticity is key to your audience & that’s why brands come to you• Work with brands that you can truly believe in & support

5. Go to extra mile• If you’re able to offer extra benefits to the brand, add these in, it will build

your profile with them & potentially a longer term relationship

Page 4: 9. Working With Brands - Jaclyn Ely

Jaclyn Ely, Ikon Communications

Top tips for working with brands1. Know your style

• Be able to articulate who you are & what your blog is• How are you & blog are perceived by your audience

2. Know your audience• How many people are visiting your blog & reading each post?• Who are they? Demographics, geo-location, life stages• What mind set are they in when they’re engaging with your blog?

3. Understand the brief & what the brand wants to achieve• Consumer outtake/action• Key messaging

4. Stay honest• Authenticity is key to your audience & that’s why brands come to you• Work with brands that you can truly believe in & support

5. Go to extra mile• If you’re able to offer extra benefits to the brand, add these in, it will build

your profile with them & potentially a longer term relationship

Page 5: 9. Working With Brands - Jaclyn Ely

Jaclyn Ely, Ikon Communications

Top tips for working with brands1. Know your style

• Be able to articulate who you are & what your blog is• How are you & blog are perceived by your audience

2. Know your audience• How many people are visiting your blog & reading each post?• Who are they? Demographics, geo-location, life stages• What mind set are they in when they’re engaging with your blog?

3. Understand the brief & what the brand wants to achieve• Consumer outtake/action• Key messaging

4. Stay honest• Authenticity is key to your audience & that’s why brands come to you• Work with brands that you can truly believe in & support

5. Go to extra mile• If you’re able to offer extra benefits to the brand, add these in, it will build

your profile with them & potentially a longer term relationship

Page 6: 9. Working With Brands - Jaclyn Ely

Jaclyn Ely, Ikon Communications

Top tips for working with brands1. Know your style

• Be able to articulate who you are & what your blog is• How are you & blog are perceived by your audience

2. Know your audience• How many people are visiting your blog & reading each post?• Who are they? Demographics, geo-location, life stages• What mind set are they in when they’re engaging with your blog?

3. Understand the brief & what the brand wants to achieve• Consumer outtake/action• Key messaging

4. Stay honest• Authenticity is key to your audience & that’s why brands come to you• Work with brands that you can truly believe in & support

5. Go the extra mile• If you’re able to offer extra benefits to the brand, add these in, it will build

your profile with them & potentially a longer term relationship

Page 7: 9. Working With Brands - Jaclyn Ely

Jaclyn Ely, Ikon Communications

The Campaign…

Promoting Westfield stylists & style sessions.• 3 bloggers• 3 experiences• 3 competitions• 3 winners• 6 posts

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Jaclyn Ely, Ikon Communications

The Results…• 157,898 blog post views• 427 total comments• 386 competition entries• 134,766 banners• 138 banner clicks• 0.10% avg banner click through rate

Extra value above & beyond…

“It’s amazing how many of the comments were about how the experience made people feel. That’s the perfect message for

us. It’s not just about the clothes & the ‘look’ but the experience & emotion that Westfield & the stylists can

give you” Justine Guest, Group Marketing Manager Westfield

Page 9: 9. Working With Brands - Jaclyn Ely

Jaclyn Ely, Ikon Communications

Top tips for working with brands

1. Know your style

2. Know your audience

3. Understand the brief & what the brand wants to achieve

4. Stay honest

5. Go to extra mile

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Jaclyn Ely, Ikon Communications

Jaclyn Ely Ikon Communications

@ JaciEly

Page 11: 9. Working With Brands - Jaclyn Ely

Jaclyn Ely, Ikon Communications

Editorial vs. Advertorial

Presented by

Nikki Parkinson of Styling You Phoebe Montague of Lady Melbourne

Arnold Aranez of Mr GadgetDavid Krupp of Nuffnang

Moderated by

Jeff Tan of iProspect

Official Nuffnang Blogopolis

Twitter Hashtag: #nnb2011