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SHOCKING new evi-dence from secret

files hidden by Dallas po- lice for 29 years proves se ie.. is ses the final bullet that killed President John F. Ken-nedy was fired by his driver — Secret Service Agent William Greer!


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One of the astonishing documents from police files

And the astonishing po-lice documents prove Lee Harvey Oswald, the man fingered as the lone as-eessin by the Warren Com-mission, wasn't even one of the president's killers.

Now, for the first time anywhere, an intensive GLOBE investigation has unearthed the hidden files — and the awful truth about .TFICs murder

At doss rungs Here are the shock-

ing revelations, • The famed Zapruder film capturing the too-mem of the assassination clearly shows Greer ad-ministering the coup de grace to the president. • A doctor who per-formed the autopsy stated that the fatal head wound was caused by a handgun fired at close range. • At least one other gun-man, a man with a rifle who was firing deem on the motorcade from the nearby railroad overpass, was involved in the Ken-nedy assassination. • Six bullets from at least two assassins were fired at the president — not three shots as reported by the Warren Comnusston_ • Greer lied about why he mysteriously slowed down the president's car to nearly a complete stop during the shooting. • Greer helped to carry Texas Gov. John Connal-ly in the hospital on the stretcher in which the

mysterious "magic bul-let" — which killed JFK and wounded Go-v. Con-nally — was found.

Many experts believe JFWs wounds were alter-ed. But the shocking fact is that Greer was one of only two non-medical persons present in the autopsy room where the presi-dent's body was taken!

The Secret files reveal the FBI was ordered to cov-er up the facts and frame Oswald by acting Attor-ney Gen. Nicholas Kat-renbach — and they also show why the president was such en easy mark.

Traitor Greer actually slowed the president's limo to a crawl so JFK would be a sitting duck for the other marksmen waiting on the grassy knoll near Dallas Dealey Plaza and on a rail-road overpass.

Then, to make sure the job was done, the Secret Service agent turned and fired the final, deadly bul-let into JFK's head at point-blank range with his nickel-plated revolver.

And Greer can be seen

doing his dirty work in the famed film by eyewitness Abraham Zapruder. The coup de grace shows up as a blinding flare on the film — caused by the sun glint-ing off Greer's gun and the pistol's muzzle flash_

'People at the scene re-ported six or seven shots," says assassination re-searcher Larry Jernigan of San Luis Obispo, Calif.

The fatal sleet "The first hit Kennedy in

the throat and you can see it the film that Jackie leans over to help him.

Mien the car slows al-most to a stop. It took al-most 11 seconds for Greer to get out of the area -that's a long time.

'As you watch the film, you can dearly see the driv-er Greer) turn, face the rear, put his own left arm across his right shoulder, aim and fire the fatal shot.

'He appears to be hold-ing a .45 caliber pistol, which was standard issue for Secret Servicemen.

'You see the Impact on the front of the presi-

----r Agent Greer looked if the first shot had d — then finished off th

First Lady Jackie Kennedy grabs her husband Ins assassination footage (circled) the corns frame stir

jlieseist;;FSer ::::;::•17.154.41:5,44,111ta ',rs. . _ • - The president and Jackie are relaxed and smiling as the fatal motor- Kennedy c cade gets underway. Documents show six shots were fired at Kennedy the pres4di

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in a scene from the MOW! OK as the first bullet hilt In the authentic shows a handgun (outfinedipointing at Kan:loch/ from the front of limo

Greer (rIght)and his superior Charles Kellerman were both present at the president's autopsy


William— Greer fired coup are grace-shol

• Files show driver Greer lied to cops & Warren Commission • Uncut Zapruder film shows he turned round with gun in hand • Doc said fatal head wound came from handgun fired at close range

dent's head, then a piece of JFICa skull flies back-ward. Jackie scrambles across the trunk of the car to escape the gunman in the front seat.

"That's when Clint Hill, Jackie's own bodyguard, runs to the rear of the limo from the following car and pushes her back inside.

The Warren COMMiti-sion had this film and 'lost' three vital frames. The commission was a scam. The whole thing smells."

And witnesses said that the inside of the limo smelled of cordite — which only could have happened if a gun had been fired there, says Jamison.

Wounds were altered

But Greer's grisly role in the assassination wasn't finished when he pulled the trigger.

Documents place him in the hospital around Con-nally'e gurney when the 'magic bullet* WAS found, and new evidence ang• gests he planted IL

The Secret Service agent and his superior, Charles Kellerman, were the only government officials pre-sent at JFK's autopsy. And many experts say the wounds were altered by doctors to make the Os-wald-single bullet theory seem plausible.

Greer retired at age 56 — almost immediately af-ter the murder — and died of bleeding ulcers in Deals, Md., before his role in the killing came to light.

He's been dead about eight years, a source says, but any records of his death are scanty.

But eyewitness ac-counts in the reports con-firm Greer's role in the murder James L. Sim.

moos, who was standing on the railroad overpass as JFK's motorcade ap-proached, told Dallas po-lice: 'The car didn't speed up. In fact, it stopped or almost stopped."

And another eyewit. ness, World War II com-bat veteran Charles Brehm, who was standing just 20 feet away from when the shoot-ing -Started, told police: The car lost momentum, almost as if the driver had taken his foot of the gas.'

This was completely the opposite of Secret Service policy, which required the president's driver to step on the gas and get out of the killing zone as fast as he could, says historian Harold Weisberg, 78, who has spent 28 yeara inves-tigating JFICs death.

But Weisberg says that Greer did more than just slow down — in fact, he ac-tually stopped the car.

'Greer said that after the second shot, he stepped on the gas and raced to-ward the hospital,' says Weisberg. 'But according to a film taken that day, the brake light remained on the limo until after the final shot was fired.

Report on the radio 'There wall no reason at

all for the brake light to be on — unless Greer was de-liberately setting up Ken-nedy as a target for a three-way crossfire.'

And Weisberg nays he caught Greer in another lie. The agent testified be-fore the Warren Commis-sion that he slowed down to report on the radio to the rest of the motorcade.

But his superior and partner. Kellerman. sit


dy clutches his throat as the first bullet hits him. Greer had slowed The fatal shot, ([red from inside the limo, ex-esiclent's limo to a crawl, making him a sitting duck. witnesses say plodes JFK's head as Jackie reacts in horror



YOU THE Lu,,,, ,eu:,,,npson BIG $$WINNERS WWI) keen-eyed II GLOBE readers

cleaned up for a com-bined total of $1,000 in separate Spot the Difference contests.

Ceil Thompson, 66, of San Diego. who man-ages a senior citizens center, will go on va-cation — $600 ncher -after coming up with the right answers.

And retired school chef Shirley Kruser was cooking on all burners when she wrapped up another $500 prize in the next contest.

The Rolling Mead-ows. Ill, resident, 62, plans to use some of the cash for home repairs.

And these lucky run-ners-up won $50 each: Melba Stewart, Strong, Ark.; Robert White-head. Ocala, Fla.; Joyce

Winner Shirley Kruser

Foster, Winona. Minn.; Maly Alice Heath, Li-this Springs, Ga.; Georgia Mancini, Pitts-burgh, Pa.; Jack Swal-low, Denver, Colo.; So-phie Poskar. Toledo, Ohio; Aurelia Pirrello, Chester, N.Y.; Ruth Schouten, Pratt, Kan.. and Arra M. Bishop, Oakland. Md.

You can be a winner. too. Enter this week's contest on page 38.


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convinced there was a conspiracy & cover-up'

Lyndon Johnson Is sworn into office, with Kennedy's widow Jackie at his side

ring next to him, testified that he handled the radio, and not Greer.

Other documents prove Oswald was not one of the killers. Eyewitnesses said they heard shots coming from the grassy knoll and

• the railroad overpass -and not from the School Book Depository building where Oswald wan.

One of the unearthed reports shows that cops ar-rested John Franklin El-rod minutes after police got a call reporting a man carrying a rifle was walk-ing along the railroad tracks. Elrod was un-armed and later released.

But no attempt was ever made to find the man seen with the rifle.

And secret police re-ports also prove that Os-wald could not have com-pleted all the movements the Warren Commission said he did — after shoot-ing JFK. According to the commission, Oswald fired the fatal shots at 12:31


p.m. from the sixth-floor window of the Depository and walked to the second floor, where he was con-fronted by a policeman in the lunch room.

After a supervisor told the cop that Oswald worked there, Oswald walked seven blocks and boarded a bus, which got bogged down in a traffic jam that was caused, iron-ically, by the shooting.

He stayed on the bus 10 minutes, traveling just two blocks, then got off with a bus transfer stamped 1 p m., walked five blocks and took a cab.

The cabbie took him through heavy traffic for two miles, and Oswald got out and walked six more blocks til he reached his rooming house.

There, Oswald changed his clothes and walked nearly a mile, when he ran into Police Officer J.D.

Tippitt and shot hint in a confrontation. But the suppressed reports mark Tippites shooting at 1:10 p.m., meaning Oswald did all that in just 39 minutes — an impossible feat! And

other Dallas police and FBI records reveal the weakness of the case against Oswald.

None of Oswald's fin-gerprints was found on the weapons he suppos-

edly used to shoot Tip-pitt or JFK, and wit-nesses who worked at the Depository reported that they never even saw Os-wald that day.

But even more damn-

ing, Weisberg says a top official ordered FBI in-vestigators to prove Os-wald acted ALONE — and that there was no con-spiracy to murder JFK.

'There is a hand-written memorandum dated Nov 25, 1963, from deputy Arty. Gen. Nicho-las Katzenhach to .1. Ed• gar Hoover through his deputy," he says.

"The memo says: The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the as-sassin, that he did not have confederates who are still at large, and that the evidence was such he would have been con-victed at trial.'

'So that memorandum shows clearly — that they did not intend to inves-tigate the crime.'

"I am convinced that there was a conspiracy and a cover-up, but there is no way of knowing now who did it."


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Is Your Money Safe if You Enter a Nursing Home?

If you have worked hard all your life and managed to put away a nest egg, you might cod up losing most of your life savings be-muse of a defect in Medicare.

If you or your spouse suddenly become ill and require extended nursing home care... NO ONE will help you with the nurs-ing home bills. Medicare won't and neither will your health insurance. By law you are responsible for the nursing home bills your-self. Only after you have used up virtually all of your money. will Medicaid step in. That's became Medicaid. iike Welfare, only aids the poor. By some estimates. the average coup-le's life savings can be wiped our after only 13 *mks of nursing home care.

Rich people don't have to worry because they can afford super-expensive special nurs-ing home insurance, while the poor are taken care of by Medicaid.

Now that just doesn't seem fair to work-ing people with a lifetime of hard-earned sav-ings. The system they have supported with IAA dollars, seems to have forgotten them. Savings intended to provide security in retire-ment, or help for children, can quickly go up in smoke.

The fart is, if you don't know how to protect your assets, here's what can happen to you. By brae before .MedicaA will pay nursing home bits, you haw to spend all your countable assets except 12000 lot as low as 11500 in some mute) Countable assets mean not only money in checking and sav-ings accounts...but also any funds in CD's. IRA's. Savings Bonds, Mutual Funds. stocks. whole life insurance, annuities and other types of investments.

They can also rake a y-acauon home or a

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