Download - #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation

  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    Topic: Unjust EnrichmentR.V. SANTOS COMPANY, INC., petitioner, vs. BELLE CORPORATION,


    G.R. Nos. 159561-62 - October 3, 2012 eon!r"o #e $!stro

    Natre:%etition &or re'ie( on certior!ri o& the "ecision !n" reso)ution o& the $ourto& *++e!)s.

    R!in":1. t is !+ro+os to st!te here th!t the r!tion!)e un"er)in the o(ner/s riht to see

    !n e'!)u!tion o& the contr!ctor/s (or is the riht to +! on) the true '!)ue o&the (or !s m! be re!son!b) "etermine" un"er the circumst!nces. his isconsistent (ith the )!( !!inst unjust enrichment un"er *rtic)e 22 o& the $i'i)$o"e (hich st!tes th!t e4'er +erson (ho throuh !n !ct o& +er&orm!nce b!nother, or !n other me!ns, !cuires or comes into +ossession o& somethin !tthe e+ense o& the )!tter (ithout just or )e!) roun", sh!)) return the s!me tohim.7 E+oun"in on this +ro'ision in ! recent c!se, (e h!'e he)" th!t t4he

    +rinci+)e o& unjust enrichment essenti!)) contem+)!tes +!ment (hen there isno "ut to +!, !n" the +erson (ho recei'es the +!ment h!s no riht to recei'eit.7

    8or "is+osition o& the $ourt is ! %etition &or Re'ie( on $ertior!ri, !ss!i)in the $ourto& *++e!)s/ #ecision1 "!te" !rch :, 2003 !n" Reso)ution2 "!te" *uust 20, 2003in the conso)i"!te" c!ses "ocete" !s $*-G.R. ;% Nos. 6021: !n" 6022, 199:.

    ;ome time there!&ter, RA;$ commence" (or on the +roject. Un"er *rtic)e A?*@ o&

    the $onstruction $ontr!ct, the

  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    2 "., !t +. 636.

    3 "., !t ++. 63>-651.

    < $*$ Recor"s, Ao). 2, +. 1.

    5 "., !t ++. 2-11 !s the t!ret "!te &or com+)etion o& the o ome Units in Coo")!n"s. n !

    emor!n"um10 "!te" *+ri) 1, Be))e +ur+orte") in&orme" RA;$ o& the

    t!ret "!te !n" ure" the )!tter to com+)ete the +roject on or be&ore s!i" "e!")ine.

    ;ti)) the +roject (!s not com+)ete" on *+ri) 21, 199>.

    ;ubseuent), in =une 199>, Be))e +)!ce" !""ition!) (or or"ers (ith RA;$, (ho in

    turn m!"e the &o))o(in cost estim!tes &or the !""ition!) (orH

    *""ition!) Or"er No. 1 %3,>5

  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    ;u++) !n" inst!))!tion o& one ?1@ unit


    *""ition!) Or"er No. 3 15>,612.00

    A!rious (or or"ers issue" to RA;$4


  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    t!e o'er the construction (or therein. Be))e +ur+orte") sent ! emor!n"um1 to RA;$ to con'e its etreme "is!++ointment7 o'er

    the )!tter/s !b!n"onment o& the +roject.

    On =!nu!r 11, 1999, the +!rties/ re+resent!ti'es met !n" "urin th!t meetin

    RA;$ !))ee") !"'ise" Be))e th!t it (i)) not return to the site unti) the outst!n"inb!)!nce "ue to it is +!i".15

    12 "., !t +. 35.

    13 "., !t +. 5.

    1< "., !t +. 36.

    15 "., !t +. 6.

    22 %roress Bi))in (!s !

    resu)t o& ! bi)!ter!) !ssessment7 b the re+resent!ti'es o& both +!rties !n" (!s, in

    &!ct, !++ro'e"Jrecommen"e" &or +!ment b Be))e/s re+resent!ti'es. RA;$

    com+)!ine" th!t Be))e sere!te" the +roject into t(o +h!ses ?%h!se 1 !n" %h!se 2@

    (ith %h!se 1 com+risin the !re! !)re!" (ore" on b RA;$ !n" %h!se 2

    com+risin the un(ore"7 !re!. t (!s Be))e (hich !"'ise" RA;$ in ! meetin on

    =!nu!r 11, 1999 th!t the &ormer (!s sus+en"in %h!se 2 o& the +roject "ue to

    economic "i&&icu)ties. RA;$ !))ee") m!"e se'er!) "em!n"s &or +!ment o& its

    %roress Bi))in but Be))e inore" s!i" "em!n"s. hus, in 'ie( o& Be))e/s sus+ension

    o& the (or !n" the non+!ment o& the +roress bi))in, RA;$ (!s +ur+orte")

    &orce" to sto+ (or on the +roject, "es+ite bein &u)) +re+!re" to com+) (ith its

  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    ob)i!tions un"er the contr!ct. RA;$ &urther !sserte" th!t it (!s not noti&ie" o&, nor

    m!"e +ri' to, the !u"it (or con"ucte" b R.*. ojic! !n" there&ore RA;$ (!s

    not boun" b such !u"it. nsistin on the !ccur!c o& its %roress Bi))in, RA;$

    inter+ose" ! counterc)!im !!inst Be))e &or the +!ment o& the !mount o&

    %@ %

  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    !"mitte" &!cts !n" the issues to be reso)'e" b the !rbitr!tion +!ne) (ere !s


    .M*#E# 8*$;

    he +!rties !"mit the &o))o(inH

    1.Mheir res+ecti'e i"entitJjuri"ic!) eistence !n" circumst!nces.

    2.Mhe enuineness !n" "ue eecution o& the $ontr!ct ?!tt!che" !s *nne * o& the

    $om+)!int@ &or the construction o& ! "et!i)e" un"erroun" e)ectric!) net(or &or the

    !!t! Coo")!n"s $on"ominium %roject in !!t! $it entere" into b the

    +!rties on 1< =u) 199: &or ! contr!ct +rice o& %22,000,000.00.

    3.M*rtic)e A, ;ection

  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    *""ition!) Or"er No. 1 nst!))!tion o& : units o& o!" bre! s(itch, 102 units o&

    (-hrs. meters !n" &!bric!tion o& 21 sets o& Bus "ucts. %3,>5.M%roress Bi))in No. 1 ?!tt!che" !s *nne # o& the $om+)!int@ (hich $)!im!nt

    recei'e" on 10 *uust 199>.

    9.MOn 11 =!nu!r 1999, the +!rties/ re+resent!ti'es met to "iscuss the re!sons &or

    Res+on"ent/s &!i)ureJre&us!) to return to the ;ite. hese re+resent!ti'es (ere

    8ern!n"o R. ;!ntico, E"!r"o 8. Ai))!rino Ru" %. *nini+ot, &or the $)!im!nt, !n"

    Ren!to A. ;!ntos =oe $. $!)"eo, &or the Res+on"ent.

    10.M$)!im!nt m!"e !""ition!) +!ment to Res+on"ent &or e)ectric!) (ors on 22

    =!nu!r 1999 !mountin to



    ;U%REE $OUR RE%OR; *NNO*E#

    R.A. ;!ntos $om+!n, nc. 's. Be))e $or+or!tion


  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    1.1Mo( much (!s the (or !ccom+)ishe" b Res+on"ent in the +roject

    1.2MChether or not Res+on"ent h!s m!nu&!cture"J+ro"uce" !n"Jor inst!))e" 11

    sets o& !in #istribution %!ne)s & so, is $)!im!nt )i!b)e !n" &or ho( much shou)" it

    be )i!b)e to +! Res+on"ent &or their costJ'!)ue

    1.3MChether or not Res+on"ent is entit)e" to its c)!im &or un+!i" bi))ins

    2.Ms $)!im!nt entit)e" to its c)!im &or )iui"!te" "!m!es & so, ho( much b (!

    o& )iui"!te" "!m!es shou)" be !(!r"e" to it

    2.1MC!s Res+on"ent justi&ie" in sus+en"in its (or

    2.2Ms Res+on"ent justi&ie" in "ec)inin to return to (or

    3.Ms Res+on"ent entit)e" to its counterc)!im &or !ttorne/s &ees & so, ho( much is

    $)!im!nt )i!b)e to Res+on"ent &or such c)!im22

    he erms o& Re&erence &urther in"ic!te" the +!rties/ !reement th!t the

    +resent!tion o& their testimoni!) e'i"ence sh!)) be b (! o& !&&i"!'its o& (itnesses.

    e!rins (ere he)"

    22 $*$ Recor"s, Ao). .


    AO. 6>2, O$OBER 3, 2012


    R.A. ;!ntos $om+!n, nc. 's. Be))e $or+or!tion

    on !rch 2< !n" 2>, 2000. here!&ter, the +!rties submitte" their "r!&t #ecisions to

    the !rbitr!) tribun!).

    n ! #ecision "!te" =u) 2>, 2000, the $*$ &oun" th!t, un"er the $onstruction

    $ontr!ct23 !n" in"ustr +r!ctice, Be))e h!" the riht to the true '!)ue o& the (or

    +er&orme" b RA;$ u+on termin!tion. 8urther, the $*$ ru)e" th!t !ccor"in to theUni&orm Gener!) $on"itions o& $ontr!ct &or %ri'!te $onstruction ?$*% #ocument

    102@, !++ro'!) o& ! +roress bi))in is +ro'ision!)2< !n" is subject to &in!) re'ie(

    !n" !++ro'!) be&ore !cce+t!nce o& the com+)ete" (or !n" +rior to &in!)

    +!ment.25 ence, Be))e (!s (ithin its rihts to m!e ! re-e'!)u!tion o& the (or

    !ccom+)ishment o& RA;$. 8in"in th!t Enr. R!)!"in *. ojic! u!)i&ie" !s !n

    e+ert (itness, the $*$ !'e (eiht to the resu)ts o& the re-sur'e "one b R.*.

    ojic! !n" he)" th!t Be))e in"ee" m!"e !n o'er+!ment to RA;$. ;ince the "!te

  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    (hen RA;$ commence" (or on the %roject !n" the su++ose" com+)etion "!te

    c!nnot be "etermine", the $*$ &oun" no b!sis to !(!r" )iui"!te" "!m!es in

    &!'or o& Be))e. he !rbitr!) tribun!) )ie(ise "enie" RA;$/s counterc)!ims. hus, the

    "is+ositi'e +ortion o& the $*$ #ecision re!"sH

    23 he $*$ cite" *rtic)e P, ;ection 13.< o& the $ontr!ct (hich +ro'i"esH


  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    RA;$ !s sho(n b its %roress Bi))in !n" Bi)) o& Tu!ntities, !))ee") !++ro'e" b

    Be))eF !n" ?c@ the !u"it (!s t!inte" b ob'ious +!rti!)it since R.*. ojic! (!s !

    reu)!r contr!ctor o& Be))e !n" ! com+etitor o& RA;$.

    Cith res+ect to the secon" roun", it is RA;$/s contention th!t *rtic)e A, ;ection

    6.2?c@ o& the $onstruction $ontr!ct mere) "i&&erenti!te !cce+t!nce b Be))e o&RA;$/s (or !ccom+)ishment &rom time to time &rom Be))e/s &in!) !cce+t!nce o&

    (or u+on com+)etion o& the entire +roject. *)so RA;$ c)!ims th!t *rtic)e P,

    ;ection 13.< on) !))o(s Be))e to "etermine the true '!)ue o& the (ors in c!ses o&

    termin!tion o& the $ontr!ct u+on occurrence o& !n o& the e'ents o& "e&!u)t

    enumer!te" un"er *rtic)e P, ;ection 13.1 !n" s!i" +ro'ision h!s no !++)ic!tion in

    inst!nces o& justi&ie" sus+ension o& (ors "ue to Be))e/s bre!ch o& the $ontr!ct. n

    !n e'ent, it is RA;$/s 'ie( th!t neither *rtic)e A, ;ection 6.2?c@ nor *rtic)e P,

    ;ection 13.< !))o(s Be))e to (ith"r!(

    2: Ro))o, Ao). , +. 2< !n" Ao). , +. 1

  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    !ccom+)ishment. hus, the $*$ !n" the !++e))!te court !))ee") (ere correct in

    i'in (eiht to the e)ectric!) !u"it re+ort m!"e b R.*. ojic!. Be))e &urther

    +ro+oun"s th!t the )o(er tribun!)s correct) "i" not r!nt RA;$ !n !(!r" &or

    "!m!es consi"erin th!t RA;$ "i" not +ro'e such "!m!es !s it h!", in &!ct, been

    o'er+!i". *s &or RA;$/s c)!im &or the '!)ue o& m!teri!)s !n" eui+ment +ur+orte")

    )e&t !t the site, the s!me (!s not inc)u"e" in the erms o& Re&erence !n" RA;$ (!snot !))o(e" b the $*$ to +resent e'i"ence on the s!me. hus, this m!tter c!nnot

    be r!ise" &or the &irst time on !++e!).

    *&ter ! thorouh re'ie( o& the issues r!ise" b the +!rties, the $ourt &in"s no merit

    in the %etition.


    AO. 6>2, O$OBER 3, 2012


    R.A. ;!ntos $om+!n, nc. 's. Be))e $or+or!tion

    On the +roce"ur!) issueH

    t must be stresse" th!t in +etitions &or re'ie( un"er Ru)e

  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    ;ec. 19.M8in!)it o& *(!r"s.he !rbitr!) !(!r" sh!)) be bin"in u+on the +!rties.

    t sh!)) be &in!) !n" in!++e!)!b)e ece+t on uestions o& )!( (hich sh!)) be

    !++e!)!b)e to the ;u+reme $ourt.7

    ;ection 19 m!es it crst!) c)e!r th!t uestions o& &!ct c!nnot be r!ise" in

    +rocee"ins be&ore the ;u+reme $ourt(hich is not ! trier

    2> G.R. No. 1:>523, =une 16, 2010, 621 ;$R* 103.

    29 "., !t ++. 110-111.

    232, O$OBER 3, 2012


    R.A. ;!ntos $om+!n, nc. 's. Be))e $or+or!tion

    o& the (or !ccom+)ishe". On the contr!r, in c!se o& termin!tion "ue to "e&!u)t o&

    the contr!ctor, *rtic)e P, ;ection 13.< o& the $onstruction $ontr!ct e+)icit)

    !))o(s Be))e to uni)!ter!)) e'!)u!te the '!)ue o& the (or !n" the on) con"ition is

    th!t it be "one in oo" &!ith. E'en !ssumin !ruen"o (e !cce+t RA;$/s

    contentions th!t it justi&i!b) sus+en"e" (or !n" th!t *rtic)e P, ;ection 13.39>,

    ! 30, 2011, 63->

  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation



    AO. 6>2, O$OBER 3, 2012


    R.A. ;!ntos $om+!n, nc. 's. Be))e $or+or!tion

    th!t t4he !cce+t!nce o& (or &rom time to time &or the +ur+ose o& m!in

    +roress +!ment sh!)) not be consi"ere" !s &in!) !cce+t!nce o& the (or un"er the

    $ontr!ct.7 here c!n be no other inter+ret!tion o& the s!i" +ro'ision but th!t

    +roress bi))ins !re but +re)imin!r estim!tes o& the '!)ue o& the +erio"ic

    !ccom+)ishments o& the contr!ctor. Other(ise, there (ou)" be no nee" to inc)u"e

    *rtic)e A, ;ection 6.2?c@ in the $ontr!ct since &in!) !cce+t!nce o& the contr!ctor/s

    (or (ou)" come !s ! m!tter o& course i& +roress bi))ins (ere, !s RA;$ conten"s,

    &in!) !n" bin"in u+on the o(ner. On the contr!r, +roress bi))ins !n" &in!)!cce+t!nce o& the (or (ere c)e!r) sti)) subject to re'ie( b the o(ner.

    oreo'er, (e see no re!son to "isturb the $*$ ru)in th!t the &oreoin

    contr!ctu!) +ro'ision is consistent (ith in"ustr +r!ctice, !s c!n be "e"uce" &rom

    *rtic)es 22.02, 22.0< !n" 22.09 o& $*% #ocument 102 (hich +ertinent) st!teH

    22.02MRETUE;; 8OR %*QENH he $ontr!ctor m! submit +erio"ic!)) but not

    more th!n once e!ch month ! Reuest &or %!ment &or (or "one. he $ontr!ctor

    sh!)) &urnish the O(ner !)) re!son!b)e &!ci)ities reuire" &or obt!inin the necess!r

    in&orm!tion re)!ti'e to the +roress !n" eecution o& the Cor. .



  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation



  • 8/13/2019 #9 RV Santos vs Belle Corporation


    "ut to +!, !n" the +erson (ho recei'es the +!ment h!s no riht to recei'e it.735

    n the c!se !t b!r, (e u+ho)" the $*$/s &!ctu!) &in"in th!t the '!)ue o& the tot!)

    (or !ccom+)ishe" b RA;$ on the m!in +roject (!s %6>,,99