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9 Frame Analysis

Paranoid Park:

How is the Genre (Drama/Teen Drama) Portrayed?

Page 2: 9 frame analysis paranoid park

Frame 1

This is the first shot within the trailer and instantly introduces the institution behind the film which is IFC Films (one of the films i have researched). Instantly giving the audience the chance to recognise and remember the company. The effect and lighting around the wording of the logo

is effective and interesting as the light trying to emerge behind the typography can be seen as a link with the film as it seems to be wanting to get a secret out which is what the film’s narrative is all about which show’s that the trailer is already linking the genre of the film

Also, having the light around the logo could also be a sign of the institution trying to get more attention as it is not a world renowned company.

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Frame 2

This is the first main shot within the trailer, which allows the audience to see what the shot is like and set themselves up for the trailer and wonder what else will be shown in the trailer. Also characters are introduced straight away to the audience.

The characters link in with the drama/teen drama genre in this shot as the audience can instantly tell that these two characters are young and teenagers which instantly sets up the genre. Also, the introduction of both a male and female character is also important as it adds the love element to the drama. The shot of the boy looking up at the girl also could mean a sign of the relationship between them.

While the shot is slowly zooming in to the characters, a voice is heard which adds background information to the film which helps the audience more and also helps to set up the genre.

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Frame 3

This next shot is of the main character. The shot of character alone show’s another key element of the drama/teen drama genre, which is that in many drama films in particular teen dramas, the character often feels isolated and alone. By having this shot the audience can instantly recognize the genre.

The low angle shot looking up at the teenager writing also helps the audience recognize that this character is crucial and vital to the story and that this teen will have his struggles and emotional battles during the film and by showing him throughout the trailer, the audience can begin to emotionally attach themselves to the character.

Again like the previous shot there is a voiceover as the character writes in his book. This again gives the audience the chance to understand the character’s thoughts and feelings.

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Frame 4

This shot is of the school that the main character goes to. This shot allows the audience to recognize one of the key locations of the film and remember this location from the trailer because it will be used frequently in the film.

The shot of the teenagers instantly shows the teen drama genre and the audience recognizes what type of film it will be and what type of characters will be involved which sets the audience up for the film and excites them.

The voiceover has stopped for this scene and has been replaced by music as the shot of the teenagers and shown. Gives a different feeling to the audience before the voiceover returns at the end of this shot.

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Frame 5

The next shot has the directors name and the previous films in this genre that he has directed. By having such a renowned teen drama director’s name in the trailer, the prestige and anticipation of the film will be heightened.

The shot of the tunnel and the light and the end could suggest that the film will have its dark moments but maybe at the end of the film there will be happiness and a resolution to the distress that is shown throughout the trailer.

The music is much more prominent now as it flashes through different moments throughout the film. The music becomes a way to remember the film.

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Frame 6

This next shot is a quick fire shot when the music is being played. The shot shows the character at the skate park which introduces another main location with the film and the audience now know where parts of the film will take place.

The character sitting alone also enhances the teen drama genre feel as many films involve the teen feeling just alone and isolated. This is a huge part of the film as the character has been involved in a crime and cannot get over it so he spirals into isolation and a path of destruction.

The voiceover is being slowly built up again during these quick shots in order for the audience to understand the feelings of the character. This helps set up the genre.

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Frame 7

This next shot is shown to add the main plot to the trailer which is that a security guard has been found dead. This gives intrigue to the audience and makes them want to find out more.

The close up of the picture on the news adds to the drama and to the teen drama. By having such a serious turn in the trailer adds to the suspense and drama to the film. The audience will be hooked by this point and adding this is the cherry on top for the audience in terms of drama.

The voiceover and sound are heightened at this point to add the intensity. Sets audience up for film.

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Frame 8

This shot is near the end of the trailer and it is after dramatic events have happened. This shows that the character throughout the film will be under extreme pressure and this shot show’s that he may not be able to take it.

The close up of the main character helps to portray his emotions and struggles. The emotions and struggles of a character are vital to a drama film and this helps to set up the drama feel.

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Frame 9

The final shot of the trailer is the title of the film. The white text on the black background grabs the audience attention and allows them to remember the title of the film. The simple and effective use of the typography makes the title simple yet hard to forget as the audience will have it etched in there minds.