Download - 85358 UTB brozura EN - Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ... · Among other sports and activities, students can enjoy aerobics, basketball, fl oorball, climbing, ... to name just

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2009 - 2010

About the University Tomas Bata University in Zlín (TBU) is a top-ranking educational and re-search institution. It is progressive, it is open to people, places and ideas, and it pays special attention to re-search, development, and links with business and industry. At its fi ve fac-ulties, the University off ers a number of degree programmes and courses in the following fi elds: chemistry, food engineering, ecology, economics, visual arts, communication, informatics, security, pedagogy, philology and health care. It is one of the best R&D centres not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad. With more than 12,000 students the University belongs to medium-sized Czech universities. TBU is a bilingual university: Czech and English have equal status. The number of degree programmes and courses taught in English increases every year. International collaboration has also been intensively promoted. This particularly applies to student exchanges, lectures, teacher fellowships, R&D projects, etc. To assess progress in studies, a unifi ed credit system compatible with the ECTS standard is used for all TBU degree programmes. This enables students to spend part of their studies abroad. Apart from their degree certifi cate, all TBU graduates also receive the Diploma Supplement in English, which is recognized throughout Europe and which facilitates their position in the European labour market. In 2006, the University was awarded the Diploma Supplement Label by the European Commission, which has raised TBU’s prestige and reputation among European higher education institutions.

International Collaboration Since it was established in 2001, TBU has considerably extended its international contacts. Its students and academic staff travel abroad particularly within the Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus, which enables them to share experience with their colleagues from over 70 universi-ties from all the EU countries, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey. Interest in educational stays abroad has also grown steadily and every eff ort is made to enable all TBU students to spend at least part of their studies abroad. Offi cial TBU partners are in China, France, Gambia, Italy, Ireland, Korea, Mongolia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia, Great Britain, Austria, Germany, Canada, U. S. A., Egypt, Hungary, Poland and many other countries.All the faculties have R&D links and partnerships with numerous institutions and establishments worldwide. This particularly applies to reciprocal lecture stays, participation in international conferences and coordination of R&D projects. Since 2002, TBU has been a member of the European University Association (EUA), which associates 791 universities from 46 European countries. Membership in the Association enables

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the University to participate in all the EUA’s signifi cant activities, which aim to support higher education in Europe. This off ers the University a great opportunity to present itself to the whole of the European academic community.

Research and Development The Faculty of Technology has achieved considerable international success. Its Polymer Centre, which is the most prominent FT unit, focuses on research into polymers and processes related to polymer production and processing. Outcomes of the research are implemented especially in the rubber, plastics, automobile and textile industries, in health care, agriculture and the production of packaging materials. The Faculty of Management and Economics concentrates on forming the industrial policy of the region and preparing methodological materials aimed to help fi rms modernize enterprise processes and so increase their competitive strength. The Faculty of Multimedia Communications focuses its activities on graphic design, promo-tional fi lms, event broadcasts and reports, marketing research, media analysis, promotion and intercultural communication. The Faculty’s students often deal with real-life tasks. The Faculty of Applied Informatics concentrates its research work on the modern methods of automatic control theory, monitoring and control of technological processes, measurement technology, artifi cial intelligence methods, information technologies, software engineering, mathematical modelling of technological processes in view of their automatic control and on dealing with automatic control in CHP. The Faculty of Humanities undertakes research into selected fi elds of humanities, particularly pedagogy, medical sciences and foreign languages. The University Institute aims to support applied research, development, and project preparation and implementation. The Institute comprises the Science and Technology Park, which off ers above-standard laboratories with aseptic-room qualities, offi ces, conference rooms and other areas. The Park is used for applied research not only by TBU research teams but also by a number of businessmen. Intellectual property protection and technology transfer are guaranteed by the Technology Transfer Centre, which is part of the Science and Technology Park.

Intensive Czech CourseDuration: 1 academic year (September 2009 – June 2010) International students can enrol on a one-year intensive Czech language course. The course shall involve 22 lessons per week and will be completed with an examination. Subsequently, a certifi cate proving the knowledge of the Czech language will be issued. After graduating from the course and obtaining the above certifi cate (min. level B2 – in compliance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) the student will be off ered the possibility of study-ing in a Bachelor’s programme taught in Czech at TBU in Zlín provided that s/he has successfully passed the en-trance examination.

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Student Facilities Informational Background All areas and buildings of the University as well as the Halls of Residence are equipped with structured network cabling. All the ar-eas and buildings are interconnected via the optical backbone network with the connec-tion speed of 1 Gbit/s. In selected spaces in eight buildings used for teaching, wireless connection is available through 46 access points of the WiFi network. There are about 2,400 computers connected to the Univer-sity computer network in the buildings used for teaching. Over 1,000 of these can be found in computer laboratories and Internet study rooms. The University Halls of Residence off er 739 access points. In addition to that, there are three computer laboratories available for students at the Halls of Residence.

University Library The University Library is located in the new modern building of the University Centre, designed by the world-renowned architect Eva Jiřičná. The Library off ers the latest information and communication technologies and services up to 13,000 registered users. There are 558 access points in the Library, 216 of which are computerized.

Culture and Sports With the University’s growth and expansion, Zlín has become a town of the youth. Throughout the year, TBU students organize a whole range of cultural events for themselves as well as the general public. Many of these are of national importance (e.g. Miss Academia, Literary May, Rag Day and TBU Gala Ball). Other events organized by TBU students include club programmes, exhibitions, student fi lm showings, etc. The University is one of the co-organizers of the Zlín International Film Festival for Children and Youth. Sports and modern lifestyle promotion also form an indispensable part of the University life. A wide range of sports activities for all TBU students are organized by the Department of Physical Training. Among other sports and activities, students can enjoy aerobics, basketball, fl oorball, climbing, skiing, indoor football, swimming, volleyball, squash, or spinning.

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Modern Teaching Premises Jižní Svahy Campus In June 2004, TBU launched a new university complex in Jižní Svahy, Zlín. The campus is situated in very nice sur-roundings near the centre of town and its facilities meet the European standards. There are new lecture halls, a study room with Internet access, laboratories, seminar rooms, computer laboratories, a language laboratory and a refectory. The com-plex also provides sports opportunities for all TBU students and staff , as there are also a gym, a fi tness room and two out-door sports grounds.

University Centre In May 2008, a brand new University Centre was launched. The building, which uniquely represents architecture of the third millennium, houses the University Library and the offi ces of the University management. The Centre was de-signed by a Zlín native and a much-acclaimed architect and designer, Professor Eva Jiřičná.

Czech RepublicThe Czech Republic is located at the very heart of Central Europe. Since 2004, it has been a member of the European Union. Visitors to the country are fascinated by its 1000-year his-tory, rich cultural heritage and breathtaking natural beauty. The unmistakable taste of Czech beer, sturdy and reliable Skoda cars, and excellent glass products are popular abroad, too. International students are attracted by the high standards of Czech higher education. Students work under the supervision of highly-qualifi ed teachers and are provided with an excellent background for their studies. Obviously, the degrees conferred at Czech universities and higher education institutions are recognized abroad. Many patented inventions and various discoveries show how successful Czech scientists are. There are a number of Czech people who have won worldwide acclaim thanks to their unique skills, e.g. composer Antonín Dvořák, author of The Good Soldier Švejk Jaroslav Hašek, former President of the CR and playwright Václav Havel, fi lm director Miloš Forman, writer Milan Kundera, ice-hockey players Jaromír Jágr and Dominik Hašek, or tennis player Martina Navrátilová, to name just a few.

Town of ZlínThe University is located in the regional capital of Zlín, the population of which is 90,000. The town itself is situated in the South-East of Moravia. First-time visitors to Zlín admire all the neat green areas in town and particularly the unique red-brick functionalist architecture. The so-called “Garden Town” was created in the 1920s and 1930s by Tomáš Bat’a and his fellow workers, such as the well-known architects V. Karfík, F. L. Gahura, J. Kotěra, M. Lorenc and Le Corbusier. Many of their buildings and housing complexes are now protected by the National Trust. Today’s Zlín is a modern and lively town. It is a very nice place to live, work, study, relax and enjoy.

Contact Us:Tomas Bata University in Zlín, nám. T. G. Masaryka 5555, 760 01 Zlín, Czech RepublicTel.: +420 576 031 111, fax: +420 576 032 121, e-mail: [email protected] ,


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Study in English

Bachelor’s Programmesl Degree programme - Chemistry and Materials Technology Degree course - Chemistry and Materials Technology

Follow-Up Master’s Programmesl Degree programme - Chemistry and Materials Technology Degree course - Polymer Engineering

Doctoral Programmesl Degree programme - Chemistry and Materials Technology Degree course - Technology of Macromolecular Substances

Study in Czech

Bachelor’s Programmesl Degree programme – Chemistry and Materials Technology Degree course – Chemistry and Materials Technology Degree course – Environmental Protection Engineering

l Degree programme – Food Chemistry and Technology Degree course – Food Chemistry and Technology Degree course – Food Chemistry and Technology with specialization in: Technology of Milk and Dairy

Products Degree course – Food Chemistry and Technology with specialization in: Canning Technologies Degree course – Food Chemistry and Technology with specialization in: Cosmetics and Technology

of the Production of Cosmetic and Sanitary Products Degree course – Technology and Management in Gastronomy

l Degree programme – Process Engineering Degree course – Technological Equipment

l Degree programme – Economics and Management Degree course – Logistics and Management


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Follow-Up Master’s Programmesl Degree programme – Chemistry and Materials Technology Degree course – Environmental Protection Engineering Degree course – Footwear Engineering and Hygiene Degree course – Polymer Engineering Degree course – Materials Engineering Degree course – Materials Engineering with specialization in: Glass and Ceramic Technologies Degree course – Technology Risk Management Degree course – Technology and Management

l Degree programme – Food Chemistry and Technology Degree course – Food Chemistry and Chemistry of Bioactive Substances Degree course - Technology, Hygiene and Economics of Food Production Degree course - Technology and Economics of Fat, Detergent and Cosmetics Production

l Degree programme - Process Engineering Degree course – Technological Equipment Construction Degree course – Quality Control Degree course – Production Engineering

Doctoral Programmesl Degree programme - Chemistry and Materials Technology Degree course – Technology of Macromolecular Substances l Degree programme - Chemistry Degree course – Technology of Macromolecular Substances


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Study in English

Follow-Up Master’s Programmesl Degree programme – Economics and Management Degree course – Management and Marketing

Doctoral Programmesl Degree programme – Economics and Management Degree course – Management and Economics

l Degree programme – Economic Policy and Administration Degree course – Finance

Study in Czech

Bachelor’s Programmesl Degree programme – Economics and Management Degree course – Management and Economics Degree course – Marketing* Degree course – Enterprise Financial Management* * Degree courses offered in cooperation with VOŠE in Zlín and OA T. Bati in Zlín

l Degree programme – Economic Policy and Administration Degree course – Public Administration and Regional Development

Follow-Up Master’s Programmesl Degree programme – Economics and Management Degree course – Management and Marketing Degree course – Enterprise Economics Degree course – Industrial Engineering

l Degree programme – Economic Policy and Administration Degree course – Finance Degree course – Public Administration and Regional Development

Doctoral Programmesl Degree programme – Economics and Management Degree course – Management and Economics

l Degree programme – Economic Policy and Administration Degree course – Finance


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Study in Czech

Bachelor’s Programmesl Degree programme – Media and Communication Studies Degree course – Marketing Communications

l Degree programme – Visual Arts Degree course - Classical Animation (taught at VOŠF in Zlín)

Degree course - Multimedia and Design (studios: Animation, Audiovisual Arts, Footwear Design,

Fashion Design, Glass Design, Graphic Design, Interior and Exterior Design, Industrial

Design, Advertising Photography, 3D Design, Visual Communications)

Follow-Up Master’s Programmesl Degree programme – Media and Communication Studies Degree course – Marketing Communications

l Degree programme – Visual Arts Degree course - Multimedia and Design


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Study in English

Doctoral Programmesl Degree programme – Chemistry and Process Engineering Degree course – Technical Cybernetics

l Degree programme – Engineering Informatics Degree course – Engineering Informatics

Study in Czech

Bachelor’s Programmesl Degree programme – Chemistry and Process Engineering Degree course – Chemistry and Process Engineering

l Degree programme – Engineering Informatics Degree course – Automatic Control and Informatics Degree course – Information Technologies with specialization in: Information Technologies Degree course – I nformation Technologies with specialization in: Information Technologies in Business

Practice Degree course – Security Technologies, Systems and Management

Follow-Up Master’s Programmesl Degree programme – Chemistry and Process Engineering Degree course - Automation and Process Control

l Degree programme – Engineering Informatics Degree course – Automatic Control and Informatics Degree course – Information Technologies with specialization in: Information Technologies Degree course – Information Technologies with specialization in: Intelligent Buildings (Intelligent

Technological, Control and Information Systems in Buildings) Degree course – Computer and Communication Systems Degree course – Security Technologies, Systems and Management Degree course – IT Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools

Doctoral Programmesl Degree programme – Chemistry and Process Engineering Degree course – Technical Cybernetics

l Degree programme – Engineering Informatics Degree course – Engineering Informatics


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Study in English

Bachelor’s Programmesl Degree programme – Philology Degree course – English for Business Administration

Study in Czech

Bachelor’s Programmesl Degree programme – Philology Degree course – English for Business Administration Degree course – German for Business Administration l Degree programme – Specialization in Pedagogy Degree course – Social Pedagogy Degree course – Teaching Specialized Subjects in Secondary Schools

l Degree programme – Nursing Degree course – General Nursing

l Degree programme – Midwifery Degree course – Midwifery

Follow-Up Master’s Programmesl Degree programme – Pedagogy Degree course – Social Pedagogyl Degree programme – Specialization in Pedagogy Degree course – Social Pedagogy


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Tomas Bata University in Zl ín

nám. T. G. Masaryka 5555

760 01 Zl ín, Czech Republic