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Besides, hair dye was expensive.

As ever, Megan’s parents were completely oblivious to what their daughter was up to. Their argument had ushered in a new stage to their relationship. They felt more comfortable with each other and were much more open with one another.

Little things were changing. For example, neither of them were dying their hair anymore. Both were more comfortable in their own skins and with each other.

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Financially, things were getting worse. The money to help Emma meant they’d had to strip everything away. Sell their nice furniture and replace what they had to with the cheapest stuff available. Warren had even carefully taken off their warm brown wallpaper and sold it as scrap paper.

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Megan had tried talking to them again about her money making schemes, but neither of them wanted to hear it. In fact, they were starting to get angry with their daughters nagging. Didn’t she think they knew best?

Megan however, felt she did know better. So she decided to go ahead without them.

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Initially James was unsure, but he was soon so into his music he didn’t even notice the first punter volunteering some money.

Megan cornered James and reminded him of her plan. She would never admit it to anyone but herself, but she bullied him into it a little.

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He left the money side of things to Megan. She told him he was popular, that he was raking it in…Well that was nice to hear but it was the performance he was enjoying. While playing, he felt confident. He could forget the shy, awkward sim he had been as a child. When anyone recognised him from childhood, they were amazed at the change in him.

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And Megan did her part. She was always there collecting money so it always looked like he wasn’t doing well. People seemed more generous if there was less money in his jar.

Plus she drummed up interest by clapping, tapping her feet, dancing…

Although they shared a father, they looked nothing alike. James had taken after his dead mother Miranda, while Megan had their fathers colouring. So when people saw a pretty teen girl enjoying the music, cajoling them into getting involved they had no idea she was part of the ‘act’.

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Warren and Teresa didn’t know where Megan and James were nowadays, but they seemed very happy when they were at home.

In fact, they had never seen them get on so well. It was a shame they weren’t including Emma in whatever they were up to, but she was busy doing her own thing most of the time.

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If only their crops hadn’t failed. But sims like them were suffering all over the country, something was killing fruit and veg crops. The media was predicting massive increases in food prices as a result. Scientists had no answers, and the problem was too widespread for any kind of financial relief from the government.

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They were too busy to think much about it anyway. Following the total collapse of their business they had both got basic jobs. Teresa had gone into admin for a real estate agent, while Warren was in a workshop following basic instructions.

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After a few weeks of this, James and Megan cornered Teresa and asked for a few words. James hung back and let Megan do the talking.

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Megan explained what they had been up to, barely disguising her satisfaction. She told her mother despite being yelled at repeatedly, she had gone alone with the plan she’d had for ages. James had been busking, they had saved up the money and it was for the family.

She had James hand the gift with the money over. He was the one who had earned it after all. Teresa drew her into a hug, apologising. She thanked them both from the bottom of her heart, proud of them both.

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No. 2The Bailey Family.Warren , Teresa , James, Megan and Emma Marshall.

No. 6Jen Potter and Angus McKirrick

No. 1Trinity and Belladonna Darkstone

No. 5Alfred Hennrick

No. 4Bernice Kasitova and Ambrose Merrihall

No. 3The Williams FamilyMarley, Aimee and Malika

No. 7Ariette and Annette Vickers

Deasil Street

There are some big announcements on the horizon in the next episode, from Ambrose, Bernice, Trinity AND Angus!

Find out what they are next time on Deasil Street…

Next Time…