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Name and surname _____________________ grade 8-a

A. Present Simple or Present Continuous

1. I (live) __________________in London.

2. This weekend, I (visit) __________________m !riends in "righton.

#. The train to "righton (leave) __________________London at $.%& in the morning.

%. In the earl a!ternoon, we (want) __________________to go on a sightseeing tour.

&. In the evening, we (go) __________________to a 'on'ert.

$. The 'on'ert (start) __________________at 8 o'lo'k.

. I ('ome) __________________*a'k to London on +unda.

8. train (arrive) __________________in London at .& in the evening.

. /or a'tions ha00ening while s0eaking, we use __________________ 

1. /or arrangements !or the near !uture, we use __________________ 20/

B. Past Simple or Past Continuous

1. hile Tom (read) ____________, mel (wat'h) ____________a do'umentar on T3.

2. arvin ('ome) ____________home, (swit'h) ____________on the 'om0uter and ('he'k) ____________hi


#. The thie! (sneak) ____________into the house, (steal) ____________the 4ewelsand (leave) ____________without a tra'e.

%. No*od (listen) ____________while the tea'her (e50lain) ____________the tenses. 20/

C. will  or going to 

1. ark6 hat are ou doing with those s'issors7 "eth6 I__________('ut) that 0i'ture o! the o'ean out o! the


ark6 hat (ou9do)______________ with it7 "eth6 I (0aint) ___________ an o'ean at m art 'lass, and Ithought I 'ould use this 0i'ture as m model.

2. ark6 (ou9do)________________me a !avour +am7 +am6 +ure, what do ou want me to do7

ark6 I ('hange)____________the *roken *ul* in the lam0 and I need someone to hold the ladder.+am6 No 0ro*lem, I (hold)__________ it !or ou.

#. :ina6 here are ou going7 Ted6 I (go)__________to the store to 0i'k u0 some gro'eries.

:ina6 hat (ou9get)______________________7 Ted6 I (*u)_________________some milk and some *read.

%. ;ohn6 ow, it<s !reeing out there. ;ane6 I (make)_____________ some tea to warm us u0. 10/

D. Make the first conitional

1. I! I (go)____________ out tonight, I (go) ____________ to the 'inema.

2. I! ou (get) ____________ *a'k late, I (*e) ____________ angr.

#. I! we (no9see) ____________ ea'h other tomorrow, we (see) ____________ ea'h other ne5t week.%. I! he ('ome) ____________, I (*e) ____________ sur0rised.

&. I! we (wait) ____________ here, we (*e) ____________ late. 10/

E. Translate the or!s

It<s m !ault ___________________ 

=astle _______________________ 

>e0artment store ________________ 

:oggles _______________________ 

dmire _______________________ "/

Total #"/