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CANCER continues on page 3


Four University of Houston students working at the UH Center for Nuclear Receptors and Cell Signaling have taken on research projects to explore different therapies for prostate and breast cancer.

Beating back the overly broad disease simply called cancer has been the stuff of dreams for researchers everywhere. Despite extensive research, the different forms of cancer and the complex-ity of treatments have made the discovery of an absolute cure diffi cult.

Jayantha Tennakoon, a gradu-ate biology and biochemistry doctoral candidate, Hanah Do, an undergraduate biology major, Peter Tran, an undergraduate

biochemistry major, and Eylem Aydogdu, a recent graduate who now holds a doctorate in biology and biochemistry, have taken up arms against the onslaught of these tumor-related affl ictions.

Tennakoon focused his sights on prostate cancer while com-pleting his research in Assistant Professor Daniel Frigo’s lab.

“I research prostate cancer because it is one of the leading causes of death among men throughout the world,” Tennakoon said.

For his research, he won an Outstanding Abstract Award from The Endocrine Society, which recognizes exceptional abstracts submitted for ENDO 2012.

“(I hope to) make original

contributions to advance the fi eld of prostate cancer research. Perhaps later, as an independent scientist, (I can) apply the exper-tise I gain from this lab to address complex problems in develop-ment and cancer.”

Tennakoon is happy to know his work has provided his fi eld with valuable insight and possible solutions to fi ghting this disease, he said.

“The work done so far has pro-vided a novel pathway which may be potentially (explored) through different strategies in the future to reduce the proliferative and sur-vival potential of prostate cancer cells,” Tennakoon said.


A special Tobacco Task Force, authorized by Provost John Antel, fi nalized its proposal Friday for a transition to a tobacco-free campus beginning this fall and will present it later this week to UH President Renu Khator and a committee of University vice presidents as well as the University Coordinating Commission.

“A new UH tobacco policy will be recommended this week,” said Assistant Vice President of Univer-sity Health Initiatives Kathryn Peek in a special report at the Student Government Association Senate meeting June 6. “We expect a quick turnaround from the president, but it may take longer for a response from the UCC.”

Provost Antel charged the Uni-versity Health Initiatives in March to create the UH Tobacco Task Force. In April, Khator requested a recom-mendation by June for an update to current tobacco policies, which already set specifi c restrictions on smoking on campus.

Peek and Assistant Vice Presi-dent for Health and Wellness Floyd Robinson were appointed co-chairs of the task force.

“The provost wanted us to create a campus-wide policy to reduce health risks for all members of the UH community, which includes students, faculty, staff and visitors, but that still respects the civil rights of individuals,” Peek said.

These changes stem from a state rule passed in January requiring cer-tifi cation of a tobacco-free policy for any institution receiving funds from the Cancer Prevention Research

TOBACCO continues on page 2

Students explore prostate, breast cancer therapies


Students will soon begin order-ing textbooks for their fall classes, but the majority of UH professors have failed to let the University know what the required texts will be.

Texas public universities like UH are required by House Bill 33 to set a deadline for their profes-sors to make the information available, but over half of the professors missed the deadline in the spring semester and have yet to turn in a list.

“The Higher Education Oppor-tunity Act requires professors and instructors to submit this informa-tion to the university so students are aware of what books they need to purchase for the upcoming school year,” said Student Govern-ment Association President Cedric Bandoh in the SGA senate meeting June 6.

House Bill 33 was signed into law in June 2011, and this fall will be the fi rst semester to which it applies, but UH professors have been required to submit their fall

textbook lists in the spring for much longer.

“We have different participa-tion levels every year, so some years we do better than others,” said Executive Director of Auxil-iary Services Esmeralda Valdez.

This year, the professors’ text-book deadline for the fall semester was in late March. According to Bandoh, only 45 percent of profes-sors made this deadline.

“(The deadlines) might seem a little early, but actually they coincide with the academic calen-dar,” Valdez said. “We know that the academic calendar opens up registration for fall in April, so the deadline for the book orders will be in March so that the students registering for fall actually know what the course requirements will be.”

Without the information, Bandoh said, the UH bookstore can’t buy as many used textbooks from students it will need for the fall semester. Students also do not know which books to purchase.

“So the problem we are run-ning into now is we have students

TEXTBOOKS continues on page 2

Interior decorator doles out design tipsStadium has architect

HI 93LO 73

WednesdayJune 13, 2012Issue 116, Volume 77


t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s p a p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s t o n s i n c e 1 9 3 4t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s p a p e r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s t o n s i n c e 1 9 3 4


An SGA Senate bill passed in January increased the number of non-smoking areas and banned smoking altogether in high-traffi c areas. There are currently 711 tobac-co-free campuses nationwide, with 23 in Texas. | Hendrick Rosemond/The Daily Cougar

University calls for tobacco-free policySubmitted proposal highlights transition plans for fall semester


More than half of UH professors fail to meet textbook list deadline

Peter Tran, Jayantha Tennakoon and Hanah Do are all students of the CNRCS, where their research could help develop prostate cancer therapies. | Courtesy of Lisa Merkl


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2 ■ Wednesday, June 13, 2012 NEWS The Daily Cougar


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Institution of Texas.UH has received $6.9 million

from CPRIT, Peek said. In order to continue receiving these funds for research initiatives, the University must abide by this new requirement.

“We have a very high, reasonable expectation that many more million dollars are coming our way over the next few years,” Peek said.

“We have been actively recruiting and bringing in some high-power, talented cancer researchers to take advantage of this opportunity.”

The proposed policy will be based largely on the University of Texas Austin policy enacted in April and will prohibit the use, sale, advertising and sampling of all tobacco products on the UH main campus and at the Energy Research Park. It will allow for a one-year transition period where a small number of temporarily designated tobacco-use areas will be set up.

“We’ll be having working groups going on to make sure we have a comprehensive education/com-munication campaign to inform the

whole UH community about the new policy and the availability for smoking cessation services,” Peek said.

In February, UH submitted a grant application to CPRIT request-ing $150,000 over two years to cover the cost of providing smoking cessation services to students, which would include anything from therapy to providing nicotine patches. CPRIT is expected to respond to this application before the end of June.

“If we are going to have a tobacco free policy on this campus, we have to help people who want to quit (do so). And that’s a part of the policy,” Peek said.

Questions were brought up at the SGA Senate meeting June 6 about tobacco users who live on campus. The task force is still deliberating how to handle these types of issues.

Once the proposal is presented and accepted, the new policy will be announced at the end of the sum-mer and will go into effect in the fall.Once the proposal is presented and accepted, the new policy will be announced at the end of the sum-mer and will go into effect in the fall.

[email protected]

going into the bookstore wanting to know if they can buy their books back,” Bandoh said. “The bookstore is having to turn them away because faculty members have not notifi ed them of what textbooks are required for the next semester.”

During the meeting, Bandoh encouraged the senators to put pressure on their respective col-lege’s faculty and administration to make textbook information available.

“You guys need to go to the colleges and say, ‘Hey, only 45

percent of you have turned in your books,’” Bandoh said. “Whatever the excuse is, I think it’s very important that we take some time out of our schedules to make this a priority over the next few weeks.”

House Bill 33 also includes other requirements meant to help lower the prices students pay for textbooks, like making informa-tion on ways the institution can help students save money more widely available and selling the individual parts of textbook bundles, according to the bill’s text.

The bill’s text is available online at

[email protected]

TOBACCOcontinued from page 1

TEXTBOOKScontinued from page 1

The Daily Cougar NEWS Wednesday, June 13, 2012 ■ 3


Two of the three UH teams competing in the Microsoft US Imagine Cup 2012 Finals placed third and fourth in the Windows Phone 7 Game Design and Xbox 360 Game Design categories, respectively. The cup was held from April 20 to 23 in Redmond, Washington.

Teams Wasabi Ninja, Zigers and Eager Beavers PC created games based on the theme where they had to

“imagine a world where tech-nology helps solve the toughest problems.” Competitors were encouraged to address the United Nations Millennium Goals for 2015 in their projects.

“Imagine Cup was a great experience. This was actually my second time competing in the fi nal,” said Patipol Paripoonnano-nda, a member of Team Wasabi Ninja.

“With more than 131,000 students around the nation competing, I already felt fortunate enough that my team was chosen to be among the 22 teams to com-pete in the fi nal round.”

Team Wasabi Ninja placed third in Windows Phone 7 Game Design

and took home the $2,000 in prize money. In their game, players take on the role of “Phagy,” a nano-machine engineered specifi cally to destroy harmful materials in the water systems of developing countries.

“Despite the outcome, I believe that we have one of the best game development curricula in the nation, whether to compare with schools like UCLA or CMU,” Pari-poonnanonda said. “UH was the only university to have three teams accepted for the competition.”

Team Zigers placed fourth in Xbox Game Design, earning $1,000 for their accomplishments in creating a game called “Spillville” where the player commands a fi ctional organization charged with cleaning up severe oil spills.

The third team, Team Eager Beavers PC, competed in the Win-dows Game Design category. They designed a computer game that promotes educational awareness related to the future status of the ocean if current actions continue to harmfully affect its natural environment.

Research Assistant Professor and Teams Wasabi Ninja and Zigers mentor Chang Yun, teacher of the Interactive Game Develop-ment courses and mentor for three past years of UH game design

teams, spent six to seven months working with the teams to ensure they would produce high quality games.

“I want to assure them that they are the top-tier teams,” Yun said. “I make sure they believe themselves to be some of the best and encour-age them to push harder to earn the right to be the top in the nation or the world.”

Meanwhile, digital media developer and Team Eager Beavers PC mentor Jose Báez-Franceschi, instructor for the Game Art and Animation course, hopes his students’ achievements spark inspiration in other students.

“I hope that our students inspire other young people to see that game design and creation is not only fun and challenging, but

can also be used to engage people and draw their attention to issues that are plaguing our society and our planet,” said Báez-Franceschi.

“Preparing for the Imagine Cup is a team effort, and, like every other year, I am proud to be part of this process and of all the teams that competed.”

[email protected]

Team Wasabi Ninja took home third place for their Windows Phone 7 Game Design entry, which places the player inside a nano-machine named “Phagy” and tackles the global issue of clean water supplies in developing countries. | Courtesy of Chang Yun

2 teams place in top 4 at Microsoft Imagine Cup 2012 fi nals


Bylaws bill discussion postponed, new initiatives outlined, briefed


The Student Government Association tabled the bylaws ref-ormation bill June 6, postponing further discussion until the next meeting after technical questions were raised about task forces being listed as authors of the bill and some authors being listed as sponsors, creating a confl ict of interest.

The bill should be brought up again for voting at the meeting June 20, when SGA Speaker Ste-phen Cronin is expected to return. SGA President Cedric Bandoh acted as the speaker at last week’s meeting in Cronin’s absence.

Major changes the bill would instate are the creation of the Department of Justice, which will oversee the enforcement of the bylaws, and the new position of SGA Attorney General under this new department. This position would be in charge of appointing the chief election commissioner and ensuring that bills and resolu-tions passed meet the policies outlined in the constitution and bylaws.

“With everything that trans-pired a couple of months ago, questions could be raised on bias toward certain parties during a case since the president does appoint that chief election com-missioner,” Bandoh said.

“Also, if the president were to run for re-election, questions of bias (could arise in that situation as well).”

The postponement caused a delay in the full appointment of public relations senior Jeanette Rivera as Director of Public Rela-tions, and she was appointed

interim director instead. Full appointment would have required the power granted by the new set of bylaws to suspend a bylaw that disallows full appointments dur-ing the summer senate session.

“I want to execute the duties and the clauses of the bylaws to the best of my abilities represent-ing a continual fl ow of information to the students, educators, staff and alumni,” Rivera said.

“The goal is mutual commu-nication and to raise awareness of SGA initiatives and activities by increased collaboration with other student organizations.”

Also at the meeting, Kathryn Peek, assistant vice president for UH Health Initiatives, gave a special report on the progress of the tobacco task force created by Provost John Antel, and Bandoh discussed in his report the rise in Stafford loan interest rates expected to take effect July 1, encouraging the senators to take action and contact Congress.

“We all know the current state of our economy and we know how much debt students are in. I don’t feel it’s the time to double interest rates given our economic climate,” Bandoh said. “I really welcome you guys to join me in this fi ght.”

SGA Vice President Turner Harris discussed the state of the SGA app, which is in the process of being created. He has contacted Civitas Learning, and hopes this company could provide a more sophisticated functionality.

“Our app could be able to suggest courses and do all sorts of higher tech stuff that we would like it to do,” Harris said. “This is the company that can provide us with this information.”

He also discussed a col-laborative effort with the College

of Architecture and the College of Technology on a proposal for the implementation of radio-frequency identifi cation to help solve parking issues by allowing for a more accurate measure of available spots.

“We are constantly in pursuit of services we don’t offer to our students already,” Harris said. “I really think that’s something that can benefi t the students and administration here.”

Christopher Holly, executive chief of staff, discussed the changes to the Emergent Leader-ship Program, which includes appointing 40 interns for the different branches within the SGA and bringing in leadership training for other organizations on campus.

Director of External Affairs Mark Solano reminded everyone of the voter registration booth open from 4 to 5 p.m. every Thurs-day and announced that they are developing the legislative agenda and encouraged anyone interested in presenting to the Texas Senate or House committees to contact him.

Finally, Director of Finance Sieda Omar’s report provided insight into the discount programs set up for students in the 2012-2013 academic year. She has invested in the Student Savings Club, which will provide at least 30 discounts at different local vendors close to campus.

“With this program, all the student needs is their student ID card versus having to have an actual discount card,” Omar said. “Hopefully we will have (the list of vendors) out by the last couple of orientations.”

[email protected]

Working with Tennakoon in Frigo’s lab are Do and Tran. Both received recognition for their indi-vidual works as they were selected for the 2012 Summer Undergradu-ate Research Fellowship.

“My research is about main-taining a drug library of novel mol-ecules and then determining the role and effects of these molecules in contributing to the initiation and development of prostate can-cer,” Do said.

“This independent research experience and participation in SURF will provide me with a foundation needed for my senior honors thesis and my future stud-ies in medicine.”

Tran focused his research on specifi c signaling pathway of an enzyme which is found in both prostate cancer and the human brain.

“While it is found from previ-ous studies that a unique varient of this gene is exppressed in prostate cancer, it it is this unique

varent or simply the presence of (the enzyme) that is contributing to the growth and migration of cancer,” Tran said.

“From watching NOVA on PBS as a little child to watching Myth-busters on the Discovery Channel today, I was always interested in the fi eld of science, of how the human body worked.”

Lastly, there is Aydogdu, who became the fi rst out of the 30 enrolled at the CNRCS to receive a doctorate this past spring semester. Her research is aimed at microRNA regulation in both mammary stem cells and breast cancer.

“We aim to answer some ques-tions related to breast cancer by studying breast cancer stem cells and identifying the similarities and differences between cancer cell and stem cells,” Aydogdu said.

Her paper detailing her research was published in Car-cinogenesis, a multi-disciplinary journal published by Oxford University Press that centers on cancer research..

[email protected]

CANCERcontinued from page 1

Eylem Aydogdu successfully defended her dissertation this past spring semester. Her research deals with mammary stem cells and breast cancer. | Courtesy of Travis Croggin

I t isn’t a secret that UH is trying to shed its “commuter school” moniker, preferring instead to be a school

that houses a large number of students on campus. To prove it, two on campus

housing complexes and a couple of addi-tional parking garages have been built over the last six years with

other housing projects in the works. The University offers dorm style housing options in several large buildings, and apartment style housing in gated com-plexes. The school even offers luxurious apartments bordering the business and law schools, housing students ranging from their early 20’s to their late 40’s. These buildings even feature exercise rooms a, sky loft and an indoor movie theater.

UH’s “Live on Campus” brochure lists conceivable perks of living on campus, and claims an on-campus liv-ing arrangement is more cost effi cient, fun, convenient. They even claim it leads

to better grades than the commuting alternative.

“It defi nitely was a big benefi t,” said alumnus Steven Potter, who lived in the Calhoun Lofts on-campus apartments. “If I were coming in from Sugar Land, I’d have to leave at least 2 hours early to fi ght traffi c and then try to fi nd a parking spot.”

There are also options for affordable car rental by the hour for those who don’t have a vehicle, along with several in-the-building mini-markets that stock a modest amount of groceries.

Although the brochure points out potential perks of living on campus, they don’t always apply. Certainly not everyone can handle the responsibility of living on their own while balancing a

social life and acceptable grades. Con-trary to what the brochure says, grades may actually suffer while living on campus, particularly depending on into which crowd an impressionable under-classman may fall. Another potential misconception is that living on campus will always save you both time and money. The costs of living on campus are often more than one would normally pay. Alumnus Marcos Rios shared a spacious apartment near Meyerland with hardwood fl oor 10 miles away from campus that cost him $300 a month plus utilities. A two bedroom apartment at Calhoun Lofts with a little more than half the square feet would usually cost

Sergey Lavrov is good at his job. Having rooted himself in United Nations affairs for over three

decades, the Russian foreign minister has handled his share of problems

both in and out of his jurisdiction. He’s been around the block. And along the way, Lavrov has

accumulated a base set of more or less consistent guidelines for handling himself. The biggest of these guidelines being a so-called a reluctance to cast the fi rst Western stone.

It’s a position that’s held fast despite reports that last month’s massacre of 108 civilians didn’t contain an armada of combatants, as was originally reported, but consisted of women and children. Nor does it falter after not-so-successful “all-out military assaults” in towns teeming with civilians. And if anything,

Kofi Annan’s resolve that the sectar-ian bloodshed “grows by day”, only strengthens their stance. As the rest of their contemporaries fret over the “best” action towards Syria, Mother Russia’s held to her one time tested tactic: sitting on her hands.

But who are we to talk? We can’t really say it’s something that we are physi-cally fi ghting despite the slew of media coverage. At some point or another, we’ve turned cold and blind eyes, ears and shoulders to foreign atrocities com-mitted by those who have something of interest to us, be it oil, or national security, or oil.

Ignoring the obvious assistance offered, one needn’t look any further than Gaddafi , whose Libyan “contain-ment” methods may not have been implicitly approved by our country, but went unchallenged for several decades nevertheless. Poking through the

archives in South America yields infor-mation showing American “approved” clientele that include General Maximilio Hernandez, Roberto Suazo Cordova, General Efrain Rios Montt and General Manuel Noriega.

This isn’t a slam, but it’s a curiosity. The public hasn’t yet decided the roll of the United States in these world affairs, should our country decide who can go where, take and unpack what when they get there?

It’s a question that the United Nations toss around on the odd occa-sion, but it’s been some time since a nation has taken as adamant a stand as Russia has. And it’s interesting that we’ve contested him; we have not provided a better solution. We’ve been just as guilty.

Bryan Washington is a sociology sophomore and may be reached at [email protected].

4 ■ Wednesday, June 13, 2012 The Daily Cougar


We get it, you toiled and strained over the long spring semester; now you want a break. Too bad. There are no

breaks for college students.

Summer isn’t for lazing about anyway. Only high school students get to waste time sleeping in, browsing daytime television and tanning for melanoma. College students get part-time jobs and summer classes.

Classes for the 2012 summer sessions one through three kicked off on June 4. Procras-tinators need not worry, the fourth summer session starts July 9.

One important thing to note is the cost; a class in the summer costs as much as a class in the spring or fall, and your scholarships might not apply. Rest assured though, the summer still holds a few perks.

For one, you might graduate on time. Taking a summer class gives you an ace in the hole when you need to drop a class in the fall or spring. Also, a class in the summer can aid retention between the spring and fall semesters, especially for those who lack the willpower to study voluntarily.

Quick note on reality: Don’t fool yourself into thinking a bite-size summer session is easier than the same class in the fall or spring. Course work is no joke; professors still assign essays and online classes post weekly quiz-zes. You will work on projects. There will be homework. The midterm and final shall creep on you like a thief in the night.

Summer classes are intensive. If you work 40 hours a week with a boss who loves to dole out double-shifts, do not sign up for college algebra at 8:30 in the morning five days a week.

You can work part-time, you can have a love life and you can take summer classes, but you’re not going to balance them without an alarm clock and some cold hard determina-tion. If you can manage that, and if you’re willing to take a hit to the pocketbook, minise-ssions are an excellent way to knock out credit hours in the summer.

Students who plan to do nothing all sum-mer are doing it wrong.

Summer classes tough but worth the trouble

STAFF EDITORIAL The Staff Editorial refl ects the opinions of The Daily Cougar Editorial Board (the members of which are listed above the editorial). All other opinions, commentaries and cartoons refl ect only the opinion of the author. Opinions expressed in The Daily Cougar do not necessarily refl ect those of the University of Houston or the students as a whole.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Daily Cougar welcomes letters to the editor from any member of the UH community. Letters should be no more than 250 words and signed, including the author’s full name, phone number or e-mail address and affi liation with the University, including classifi cation and major. Anonymous letters will not be published. Deliver letters to Room 7, University Center Satellite; e-mail them to [email protected]; send them via campus mail to STP 4015; or fax to (713) 743-5384. Letters are subject to editing.

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GUEST COMMENTARY Submissions are accepted from any member of the UH community and must be signed with the author’s name, phone number or e-mail address and affi liation with the University, including classifi cation and major. Commentary should be kept to less than 500 words. Guest commentaries should not be written as replies to material already printed in the Cougar, but rather should present independent points of view. Rebuttals should be sent as letters. Deliver submissions to Room 7, University Center Satellite; e-mail them to [email protected]; or fax them to (713) 743-5384. All submissions are subject to editing.


Jacob Patterson







OPINION EDITOR Lucas Sepulveda

EDITOR Lucas SepulvedaE-MAIL [email protected]

Russia’s inaction should look familar

The Daily Cougar File Photo

Campus housing not for everyone

PATTERSON continues on page 8

Although the brochure points out potential perks of living on

campus, they don’t always apply. Certainly not everyone can

handle the responsibility of living on their own while balancing

a social life and acceptable grades.”



Atlanta-based interior designer Suzanne Kasler stopped by Houston to give an insight-ful presentation on her work as well as sign copies of her book “Suzanne Kasler: Inspired Inte-rior” on Tuesday at the Houston Design Center.

Kasler revealed her personal notes on design and narrated stories behind the details of her work.

The interior designer dis-played photos of her work in homes across the nation while she described her initial visions for new spaces, challenges in making them come to fruition and the details of her design work that allows spaces to resonate.

Kasler’s work has been pub-lished in numerous home decor magazines including “Elle Decor,” “Instyle” and “Architectural Digest,” in which her Atlanta home was recently featured.

Her inspiration coincides with her ambitions as a shopper, which often stems from her interest in clothes. “I’m always inspired by fashion,” Kasler said.

During shopping trips with her daughter, Kasler can often be

found photographing pictures to inspire her later down the road.

“I can take little pictures of those button details, a pleat detail and a trim detail,” Kasler said.

The mother also likes to travel to stores around-the-world and explained how designers can be stimulated with a visit to a unique shop.

Kasler advises aspiring young designer to utilize their own space as a laboratory to carry out ideas and experiments.

“The best canvas you can use, really, is your own house because in your house, you get to decide,” Kasler said.

As the designer displayed a picture of a decorated dining room, she spoke of making things work within one’s budget and used personal experiences as examples.

She explained that one of her clients did not want to embellish a dining room with wall lining so the designer instead found a more affordable alternative by avoiding expensive lacquer and painted the walls with glossy turquoise from the trim down.

As Kasler went through her slideshow presentation, she pointed out details that give rooms character.

Kasler also elaborated on her

aim to mix the lows with the highs in her interior decorations.

“Today everyone wants to have that something from the cata-logue and then have something that’s expensive.”

She recently designed a line of furniture for Hickory Chair and

a collection of lighting for Visual Comfort.

“Years ago when I was collect-ing I didn’t think about (designing products), but then I kept fi nding that I wanted that same piece that I kept looking for again and again,” Kasler said.

She gradually began to think like a designer and this nurtured her through her transition from a collector to a professional interior decorator.

[email protected]

The Daily Cougar Wednesday, June 13, 2012 ■ 5

EDITOR Allen LeE-MAIL [email protected]


Interior designer stops in Houston for book signingHome decorator searches for inspiration from fashion, traveling, gives advice to aspiring artists

Suzanne Kasler has had her work featured in various architecture and interior design magazines since 2005. This room consisting of ceiling-high windows, fresh plants and pops of color was a part of her “Watersound” design. | Courtesy of Keith Arnold


Hundreds of summer school, summer camp and after school program kids sat at Hermann Park’s Miller Outdoor Theatre to witness an exciting rendition of the classic tale and to take part in an exhilarating learning experience with InterActive Theatre’s “Pinoc-chio” play.

InterActive Theatre likes to tell both famil-iar and original stories while allowing their young audience to help tell the story’s narra-tive and have done so since 1998.

InterActive somewhat keeps true to Pinoc-chio’s story, a wooden puppet who aspires to be a real boy, and throughout the play the cast pick out the little volunteers from the audi-ence and have them hop on stage.

The giant stage of the outdoor theatre downplays InterActive’s small and uninterest-ing set: a colorful, yet boxed curtain that actors use to pass through and go around and a prop box, both of which are placed in the center.

“Pinocchio” is known for having

memorable settings throughout its story so it was sad to see that there was no extra fl are added to the stage in order to enhance the scenery.

Knowing that InterActive is capable of better stage presentation in their other plays, their edition of “Pinocchio” is slightly disap-pointing in the visual department.

The crew makes up for it with their stage presence though.

Through them, reliving the story of Pinoc-chio is very exciting.

The small cast of fi ve interchange between different characters while using eccentric accent, clothing and movements that allow children to enjoy Pinocchio, Geppetto, the Fairy and other characters that they know and love.

The small changes in the story such as “Toyland” being renamed to “Funland” and missing scenes of Catchfool city and the wea-sel trap are noticeable but not critical to the point that it harms the overall experience.

“Pinocchio” is known for its hidden moral teachings about the value of a school educa-tion and telling the truth, and the cast chimes into those elements very well, especially

during the Funland-donkey scene.The young audience and their parents

were very receptive and impressed. Still, the play would have been near perfect if the cast had used the entire stage.

Despite the splendid rework of an old child’s tale, InterActive Theatre should rethink presenting any of their plays at the Miller Outdoor Theatre.

The humid weather can ruin the feel if you are not seated under the giant, air-

conditioned shade.InterActive Theatre makes learning about

the story of “Pinocchio” feel new and authen-tic, but their lack of visual stage production and poor venue choice can damage part of the experience.

InterActive Theater will be performing “Pinocchio” again at 6 p.m. Friday at the Bel-laire Parks and Recreation Center.

[email protected]


Parents, children turn out for classic fableFamily theater company brings educational experience to Hermann Park, invites kids to participate in summer fun outdoors

The Miller Outdoor Theatre was the site of an academic center Tuesday when parents and their children fi lled the seats to view a live production of “Pinocchio.” | Wikimedia Commons

6 ■ Wednesday, June 13, 2012 The Daily Cougar

CROSSWORD \\\\\\\\\\\\\\

ACROSS 1 It may be

beaten in court

4 Cigar ends? 9 Distributed

(with “out”) 14 Wall-bracket

shape 15 Dog restraint 16 Insect’s final

stage 17 Poker face 20 Detroit

assembly line product

21 Fist pumper’s cry

22 Bridge framework

26 TV series with Sgt. Friday

31 When dark comes o’er the land

32 Helpful tip 34 “Limon”

soda 35 Feel ready to

explode 37 Ancient

Andean 38 “Song of the

South” song 42 Unmannerly

person 43 Conditions

of severity 44 Archery

target areas next to bull’s-eyes

47 Take a wrecking ball to

48 Kilmer who played Batman

51 Beg 53 Inhale and

exhale 55 Like most

colleges and softball teams

57 “... with 1,001 ___”

58 Claims of ones living in abandoned buildings

65 Sports car engine option

66 Amtrak stop 67 Prefix

meaning “new”

68 Gondola pusher

69 Cleans, as a deck

70 Admiral’s org.

DOWN 1 Manufac-

turer’s offer 2 Entice 3 Typewriter

roller 4 One kind of

fraternal-or-der member

5 Golf ball prop 6 April 15

payment 7 Catch

glimpse of 8 Destroy, as

documents 9 Unfortunate

accident 10 Bad ___

(German resort)

11 Mai ___ (rum-based beverage)

12 Kind of trip for the conceited

13 Mafia boss 18 Anti votes 19 Rabbit


23 “Take ___ Train” (Duke Ellington tune)

24 Perjured oneself

25 Come in 27 Crossword

puzzle lay-outs

28 Ship of Columbus

29 ___ A Sketch 30 Earl Grey, e.g. 33 Those

people’s 35 Shopaholic’s

indulgence 36 Rice

Burroughs or Allan Poe

38 The Z of ZIP code

39 Accelerator particles

40 Move like The Blob

41 Assayers’ samples

42 Baby’s dinner wear

45 Parish pastor

46 Kilt wearer 48 Hindu deity 49 Craggy

mountain ridges

50 Teacher’s instruction

52 Follows, as advice

54 Dog with a wrinkly face

56 Illustrated 58 Popular fuel

additive brand

59 Status ___ (existing condition)

60 It usually starts with www.

61 President Lincoln, affectionately

62 Where you might get into hot water

63 Apt first name for a thief

64 Part of T.G.I.F.


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The Daily Cougar SPORTS Wednesday, June 13, 2012 ■ 7

We have a dynasty. UH has been blessed with our fair share of rulers at the helm who have led their respective teams to prized victory

after victory.The men’s golf program’s reign spanned

29 years (1956-1985) and included 44 All-Americans such as Fred Couples, Steve Elkington and John Mahaffey.

The king on the throne for these successes was coach Dave Williams who helped the Cougars amass 16 team

national championships and establish UH as the premier institution for collegiate golf. Williams was known for both his abil-ity to recruit and his staunch enthusiasm for the University.

Likewise, an eerily similar run of domi-nance was underway at Hofheinz Pavillion from the mid-50s to mid-80s. The Cougars men’s basketball program, under the direction of UH great Guy Lewis, made ten trips to the Sweet Sixteen, five of which resulted in trips to the Final Four and two to the NCAA Championship game.

In ‘95, the University of Houston named its court at Hofheinz after Lewis. A little over one decade later, he was inducted into the College Basketball Hall of Fame.

It would also be unfair not to mention

the dominant years on the gridiron behind College Football Hall of Famer Bill Yeoman, who guided to Cougars to four Southwest Conference Championships between 1976 and 1984 along with two Cotton Bowl victories.

Fast-forward to present-day Cullen Boulevard and what you’ll find is a new leader of the reigns with accolades equally as admirable as those of Williams, Lewis and Yeoman.

You may not know his name, but fol-lowing his 14th year at UH, track and field coach Leroy Burrell has made a name for himself as one of the country’s premier coaches.

Over his nearly decade and a half at the helm, the Coogs have stockpiled 19 Conference USA Team Championships,

the most recent coming less than one month ago.

Like Williams, Lewis and Yeoman, Burrell is also a hall-of-famer as he was enshrined in the Philadelphia Sports Hall of Fame in 2008.

Since taking over for the 1998-1999 academic year, he has held the title of C-USA Coach of the Year 16 times, leading Houston to national prominence.

Since December, Athletic Director Mack Rhoades has named new head coaches in football, volleyball and soccer.

With any luck, the newest successors of the throne will have the same success building their program the way Williams, Lewis, Yeoman and Burrell did.

[email protected]

EDITOR Andrew PateE-MAIL [email protected]




Dominant, decorated UH coaches span decades

Christopher SheltonTHE DAILY COUGAR

Houston had seven qualifiers and two relay teams compete in the NCAA Track and Field Championships last week but coach Leroy Burrell believed his team’s performance was a mixed bag.

“We did on the women’s side with the relays but fell short on a few things on the men’s side,” Burrell said. “It’s a learning process as a program and we have to get to a point where we are competing for a championship.”

The women captured All-American honors in the 4x100 meter relay with Tai’Shea Reese, Kiersten Brewer, Alicia Perkins and Grecia Bolton finishing in sixth with a time of 44.11.

For senior sprinter Bolton, the feeling of becoming an All-American was quite familiar. It was her third consecutive time receiving the honor in the 4x100 relay.

All-American honors are not a bad way to conclude a career but her time at UH may not be up.

Coach Burrell hinted that Bolton could return and compete outdoors.

Brewer and Perkins are both freshman and should be a part of a 4x100 meter relay for years to come.

“We expect (Brewer and Perkins) to grow, because as freshmen, you’re really just along for the ride,” Burrell said. “We expect them to continue the legacy that the women’s relay team set.”

Bolton also competed in the 100 meter dash where she finished in 11th place. She garnered a second-team All-American selection.

Reese, also a senior, and a part of the 4x100 squad placed 19th in the 200 meter race.

Demeeka Jones finished 22nd in the 100 meter hurdles.

Thomas Lang was a top-level performer placing 12th in the triple jump, enough to earn a second-team All-American status. Errol Nolan ran the 400 meter in 45.28 and placed ninth while the mens 4x400m placed 21st posting a 3:08.08 time.

Dominique Charles, Kelvin Furlough, Doug Kelley, Errol Nolan were the competitors.

[email protected]

Legands like Williams, Lewis, Yeoman and Burrell keep Coogs nationally prominent

Memorial Stadium, located on the campus of the University of Nebraska, underwent a major renovation conducted by the DLR Group which included concourse expansions, new skybox suites, an expanded press box and other amenities. | Courtesy of UH Athletics

Cougar qualifi ers complete year at championships

UH names stadium architect Andrew PateTHE DAILY COUGAR

University of Houston Director of Ath-letics Mack Rhoades announced Tuesday that Houston-based PageSoutherland-Page/DLR group will be the architect for Houston’s newest football stadium.

PageSoutherlandPage has designed some of the nation’s premier athletic facilities including Nebraska’s Memorial Stadium and Florida’s Ben Hill Griffin Sta-dium — both of which were listed as top ten college football stadiums nationally in a recent CBS Sports Poll.

The award-winning firm has worked with the UH for years and is the current designer of the new West Dining Hall and the Cougar Place Replacement/Sopho-more Housing.

PageSoutherlandPage also was the architect for the UH Campus Recreation and Wellness Center, home of Houston Swimming and Diving.

UH’s new football stadium will be built on the current site of Robertson Stadium following the 2012 football season.

The renovations are expected to cost an estimated $105 million with the facil-ity holding 40,000 fans with a Phase II expansion that could increase the total to 60,000.

Plans call for luxury suites, loge box seating, comfortable club seating and other premium seating options.

The stadium will boast home and visit-ing team locker room facilities, space for Sports Medicine and Equipment Opera-tions and academic and meeting spaces that cover approximately 20,000 square feet.

According to the group, the new sta-dium will service the entire campus and will be capable of supporting student activities year-round.

DLR Group has also designed for LSU’s Alex Box Stadium (baseball), Oregon’s PK Park (baseball), Nebraska’s PinnacleBank Arena (men’s and women’s basketball), Hawks Field at Haymarket Park (Nebraska baseball), Medlar Field at Lubrano Park (Penn State baseball) and Charlotte’s 49ers Stadium (football). Recently, the Univer-sity of Minnesota selected the company to design its new baseball stadium.

To help fans as they battle through typical hot Houston summers, the sta-dium will maximize shading areas and be designed to take advantage of air flowing through the facility.

[email protected]


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8 ■ Wednesday, June 13, 2012 OPINION The Daily Cougar

in the high 700’s, but rent on two bedroom apartments in most places nearby campus range from the high 600’s to low 700’s.

As far as convenience goes, some housing areas are so close to campus that the convenience of a five-minute walk to class is undeniable. However, when Rios was asked why he didn’t live on campus, one of the other reasons besides the unattractive price was the dangerous surround-ing neighborhood, which was reported by as one of the top 5 most dangerous neighborhoods in Houston.

So while the location of certain housing areas may be convenient, the surrounding area may make the convenience come at a hefty price. Rios also cited a third reason for not living on campus: the lack of a real grocery store. While the mini-marts do their best at accommodating students on campus, they are small and lack the real selection needed in an actual grocery store. As one would be able to get many things, chances are there would be a few inaccessible things that would need to be picked up at an actual grocery store.

Some housing options are impressive, but one should look at the offerings and assess his or her current situation before deciding for certain that the possible perks will work to their benefi t.

Jacob Patterson is a business senior and may be reached at [email protected].

PATTERSONcontinued from page 4