Download - 77. San Miguel Cosdsdrporation v. Pontillas

  • 8/10/2019 77. San Miguel Cosdsdrporation v. Pontillas


    77. San Miguel Corporation v. Pontillas, G.R. No. 155178, May 07, 2008


    On 6 December 1993, Ricardo F. Elizagaque (Elizagaque), petitioner! "ice #re!ident and"i!$in Operation! %enter $anager, i!!ued a $emorandum ordering, among ot&er!, t&etran!'er o' re!pon!ibilit o' t&e Oro "erde are&ou!e to t&e ne*l+organized "i!$in ogi!tic!Operation! e-ectie 1 /anuar 1990.

    Re!pondent continued to report at Oro "erde are&ou!e. 2e alleged t&at &e *a! notproperl notied o' t&e tran!'er and t&at &e did not receie an *ritten order 'rom %apt.Fortic&, &i! immediate !uperior.

    Re!pondent al!o alleged t&at &e *a! *ar o' t&e tran!'er becau!e o' &i! pending ca!eagain!t petitioner. 2e 'urt&er claimed t&at t*o ot&er !ecurit guard! continue to report atOro "erde are&ou!e de!pite t&e order to tran!'er.

    4n a letter dated 5 Februar 1990, petitioner in'ormed re!pondent t&at an admini!tratieine!tigation *ould be conducted on 0 $arc& 1990 relatie to &i! alleged o-en!e! o'4n!ubordination or ill'ul Di!obedience in %arring Out Rea!onable 4n!truction! o' &i!

    !uperior. During t&e ine!tigation, re!pondent *a! gien an opportunit to pre!ent &i!eidence and be a!!i!ted b coun!el. 4n a letter dated 7 8pril 1990, petitioner in'ormedre!pondent o' it! deci!ion to terminate &im 'or iolating compan rule! and regulation!,particularl 'or 4n!ubordination or ill'ul Di!obedience in %arring Out Rea!onable4n!truction! o' &i! !uperior.



    Re!pondent *a! di!mi!!ed 'or a u!t cau!e.

    8n emploer ma terminate an emploment 'or !eriou! mi!conduct or *ill'ul di!obedienceb t&e emploee o' t&e la*'ul order! o' &i! emploer or repre!entatie in connection *it& &i!

    *or:.1;ill'ul di!obedience require! t&e concurrence o' t*o element!< (1) t&e emploee!a!!ailed conduct mu!t &ae been *ill'ul, t&at i!, c&aracterized b a *rong'ul and perer!eattitude= and (5) t&e order iolated mu!t &ae been rea!onable, la*'ul, made :no*n to t&eemploee, and mu!t pertain to t&e dutie! *&ic& &e &ad been engaged to di!c&arge.

    >&e 6 December 1993 $emorandum o' Elizagaque !&o*ed t&e tran!'er to t&e "i!$inogi!tic! Operation! o' t&e 'ollo*ing 'unction!ruc:!

    9. Flat ?ed

    1. Fire >ruc:

    11. Ga! Ctation

    15. ?. @ea!t >an:er

    4n ot&er *ord!, t&e entire Oro "erde are&ou!e, to *&ic& unit re!pondent belonged, *a!a-ected b t&e integration.