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7 Ways to Stay

Organized at Work

Organizing your work space does not have to take days or

hours; it can be done within minutes. In fact, maintaining an

organized work environment is much more effective if

treated as an ongoing project, instead of a massive burden.

Here are a few tips on how to keep your work space


Designate a Physical Inbox

1 © Avery Eisenreich

You need a physical inbox to put all your incoming papers.

Otherwise, they will scatter all over the existing documents on

your desk.

Have a Trash Can Within Reach

2 © Avery Eisenreich

If you have to stand up from your desk or walk a few steps to

reach the garbage can, then it is too far away. Make sure that

you can easily and quickly reach the trash without getting

up from your chair.

Schedule Regular Cleaning Time

3 © Avery Eisenreich

If you have not cleaned your desk in a month, it could take you

a few hours to clean it up. However, if you do it daily, it will only

take you minutes. Avoid compounding your organizing time by

scheduling a designated regularly.

Never Put Trash Down

4 © Avery Eisenreich

Whether it is a piece of paper or a food wrapper, never

procrastinate to throw away trash. Get in the habit of holding it

in your hand until it is in the proper bin. You don’t want to put

trash on your desk and forget about it.

Scan It

5 © Avery Eisenreich

Clear that paper clutter, by scanning it into soft copy or PDF.

Buying a scanner will attain and maintain peace and

organization on your desk.

Keep a Master Planner

6 © Avery Eisenreich

Having a planner is one of the most important ways to stay

organized. Writing down meeting, due dates, appointments etc. will make

you less likely to forget things and procrastinate. As well, you will benefit

from your information being stored in one place and being easily accessible.

Create a To-Do List and Follow It

7 © Avery Eisenreich

You should keep a daily (and, if possible, weekly and monthly)

to-do list. The key is to focus on following through with the tasks

until completion.