Download - 7 Ways to Engage Attendees Before Your Event


7 Ways to Engage Attendees Before Your Event

1.  Blog

“Reach out to potential attendees by publishing quality, thought leadership articles.”

2. Twitter Chat

“Choose an industry issue for discussion or make the focus educational, allowing users to ask questions to be answered by an expert.”

“A webinar is a great way to host a ‘pre-event’, allowing attendees to connect with speakers and special guests.”

3. Webinar

4. Survey or Twitter poll “Allowing attendees to contribute to your event by making suggestions for sessions, speakers, the format or venue, can really help give them a sense of ownership.”

5. Networking “Delegates identify networking opportunities as one of the key drivers of their attendance at events, so don’t wait until the day to let them start meeting one another.”

6. Facebook competition “Running a competition for an exciting prize is a tried and tested way to generate interest. Using Facebook as the platform for the competition allows you to benefit from social sharing and easy data capture.”

7. Have fun “Sometimes doing something a little bit silly is the best way to get people’s attention and prompt them to engage with one another – and social media is the perfect platform on which to have some fun.”

Looking for more ways to engage with attendees?

Check out & download our 52 week event communication calendar here!