Download - 7 tips for interviewing





• Landing a job after college is simply not easy.

• Twenty-some years ago I was able to get my first start in the finance world through a simple game of pick-up basketball with some of the senior partners of the company.

• Nowadays, even the most qualified and talented individuals cannot seem to get their way through the interviewing stage after successfully mastering the cover letter, resume, and job applications portion of the process.

T H E 7 T I P S F O R S U C C E S S• Do not get discourage. There is much you can do to prepare yourself for the

next opportunity. Below are seven successful tips to help aid you in the process. They will provide valuable insights into the reality of what companies and the person initiating the interview are looking for in a top candidate.

• Understand Yourself

• Research

• Prepare

• Dress For Success

• Confidence

• Be Your Self

• Ask Questions

1 . U N D E R S TA N D Y O U R S E L F• When going into an interview, it is important you understand every

aspect of who you are personally and professionally.

• This will allow you to assess your strengths, weaknesses, goals (both long-term and short-term), passion, successes, and of course failures.

• When self-reflecting, the last thing you want to do is internalize your greatest professional achievements. These are hallmarking moments in your professional life that you want to show employers with the greatest detail. Attributing these successes to transferable skills will put you in the best position possible before your interview.

2 . R E S E A R C H• Do NOT go in blind when

interviewing. Do your research on the company, their goals, and the position itself.

• You want make sure you have a way of relating your skills and knowledge with the desired position.

• By doing your research, you will be able to internalize and reflect to the interviewer why you are the best-fit candidate for the position.

3 . P R E PA R E• Most interviews usually ask the generic

‘why would you be the best fit for this company’ or ‘why us.’ You need to know how to answer these very broad and vague questions in the most professional way that translates your skills, knowledge, and talents for the position.

• Losing sight of that or stumbling with your answer can gravely cost you the interview. Always expect the unexpected.

• In addition to the questions, practice your body language. Most situations, we are unaware of how our bodies act. Make sure that certain words you usually say, such as ‘um’ or ‘like’ are mitigated from your vernacular when you are in the interview and any odd body movements.

4 . D R E S S F O R S U C C E S S

• Make sure you plan out a wardrobe that fits the organization and its culture. Usually you are expected to dress professionally. Make sure your clothes are fit, clean, and pressed. Keep any accessories and jewelry to a minimum.

5 . C O N F I D E N C E

• Once the interview starts, the key to success is the quality and delivery of every response and interaction you have with the interviewer. Your goal should always to be authentic, responding truthfully to every question.

• In reality, what companies are looking for is someone who is confident in their abilities and themselves. If you come off timid or shy, it can have companies question whether or not you are the best fit for the overall work culture.

C O N F I D E N C E • Having self-confidence, especially in

job interviews begins with knowing yourself.

• Understanding and owning your goals, strengths, weaknesses, and personality will give in turn give these companies the confidence to trust in you.

• Remember this also goes back to your research and preparation. Even if you are a shy person, your answers and responses should not be. They should prove that you are the best candidate for that particular position.

6 . B E Y O U R S E L F

• Similar to confidence, be yourself. Do not pretend to be someone or something you are not. You know your strengths, your weaknesses, your achievements, and your goals. Translate that with your personality. Leverage your personality to attract the people in the right way exuding confidence and more.

7 . A S K Q U E S T I O N S

• This is not always a step you have to do, but it will be helpful in showing a stronger interest by asking a variety of questions about the company and the position. Having these prepared rather than thinking about them on the spot will help you from any awkward silent moments.