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7 Tips for Impressing Your Dentist

Nothing will make your dentist more happy than these seven things!

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Why impress your dentist?

Impressing your dentist means surprising him with your cavity-free, healthy, strong teeth at your next dental appointment. Who wouldn’t want to do that?

The best dentist appointments are the ones where your dentist compliments your smile, congratulates you on being cavity free, and tells you to keep up the good work.

The next seven slides are going to show you how you can make that happen the next time you see your dentist.

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1. Floss every day.

Everyone knows that it’s important to brush twice a day, but not everyone knows that it’s just as important to floss at least once a day. Floss gets into those bacteria-infested crevices that your toothbrush can’t reach.

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2. Brush your gums.

Your dentist is going to check your gums to see if they look healthy.

They won’t be healthy unless you remember to brush them while you’re brushing your teeth.

Brushing your gums is crucial if you don’t want gum disease.

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3. Use a tongue scraper.

Since bacteria inevitably collects on your tongue, you need a way to get it off, and the bristles on your toothbrush aren’t strong enough to do the trick.

A tongue scraper, however, will scrape off all that bacteria to give you better breath, and to help prevent cavities.

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4. Chew xylitol gum.

Xylitol is a sugar substitute that’s actually been proven to fight cavities. By chewing xylitol gum after meals, you’ll get rid of food debris and cavity-causing bacteria.

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5. Invest in an electric toothbrush.

The high-frequency vibration of an electric toothbrush tears apart the bacteria that’s clinging to your teeth.

According to recent dental studies, electric toothbrushes are far more effective than manual toothbrushes in reducing bacteria.

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6. Educate yourself on oral health.

Do you know the difference between plaque and tartar? Do you know what it is that actually creates cavities?

Do you know what a root canal is and what dental problems may cause you to need one?

Learn the answers to these questions if you want to be more aware of why it’s so important to regularly visit the dentist.

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7. Drink fluoridated water.

Water in general is important for your overall health, but fluoridated water specifically is critical for the health of your teeth.

Fluoride helps strengthen the enamel on your teeth, and if your city’s water supply is not fluoridated, make sure the toothpaste you buy has fluoride in it.

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Visit Your Dentist Today

If you’re ready to impress your dentist, set up an appointment with him today. Remember that it’s important to see your dentist every six months.

Dr. Robert McBride of McBride Family Dental in Broomfield, Colorado is an excellent dentist that you should visit if you’re looking for a new dentist.

To learn some dental hygiene tips, visit our McBride Family Dental blog. You can also contact us to set up an appointment by calling 303-466-2221 or by visiting today.