Download - 7 T H S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 UPCOMING EVENTS Principal · The song titled “Sing it For Melbourne”



Friday 7th September

Battle of the Bands

Monday 10th September to

Friday 14th September

Year 9 City Experience

Thursday 13th September

Casual Clothes Day

Monday 17th September

Year 9 Resilience Program

Wednesday 19th September

Parent Teacher Interviews

Friday 21st September

End of Term 3– 2:30pm


Monday 8th October

Start of Term 4



EVENTS Principal’s Update

7 T H S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8

CONTENTS ________________ _______________________________________

Principal’s Update 1

Sports Report 2 - 5

Pop Chorus 6

Angelica Del Bono 6

2018 Ski Camp 7 - 11

Foster– care Info Night 12

Careers Information 13

Important Information 14 ________________________________________________________

Year 11 Ski Camp

Thank you to all the staff that were involved in the running of this year’s Ski Camp. It is a very popular year level camp that has been running for several years now thanks to the commitment of the staff prepared to give up so much of their time to allow the camp to run.


Congratulations to the Intermediate Hockey, Year 8 Football and the Intermediate Girls AFL Football teams that were successful and move on to the next level of their competitions. Thank you to all the staff involved in the coaching of the teams.

Pop Chorus

A big well done goes out the students and staff involved in the Pop Chorus who performed last week at the Craigieburn Learning Centre for the Principals’ Forum. They were invited to perform at the forum by members of the department who were extremely impressed by a performance they saw by the students at a network meeting.

Year 9 City Experience

Last week saw the first group of Year 9 students heading off on City Experience. The next week the second group will be out on the City Experience program. Many thanks go out to the staff who volunteer to take the students into the city, as well as to Renata Ditchburn the Middle School Program Manager, for organising and running the program.

Grand National Eisteddfod of Australasia

Congratulations to Angelica Del Bono and Emma Duncan who both participated in the Grand National Eisteddfod of Australasia with Angelica having performed a song that was one of her own compositions.

More details in this newsletter.

Regards Roger Centofanti (on behalf of Lynne Gutterson)


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018

Gladstone Park Secondary College recently competed in intermediate

girls and boys hockey. Despite both teams being competitive and trying

their best, they were defeated by stronger Aitken College teams. Most

of the players were from year 9, so will have the opportunity to play in

the intermediate division again next year. Thanks to Jarrad Rowe of

year 12 and Mr Broomfield and Ms. Woods for coaching the teams.

On Tuesday 21st of August the Year 8 Boys Football team competed in the

State Quarterfinal in Ballarat. In trying wet and rainy conditions the boys

gave it everything they had. Despite coming up against a solid Maribyrnong College team, who were the reigning state

champions, the boys never gave up. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough and the boys took the loss with great pride,

having won their previous 5 games to reach the State Finals. It was a massive achievement considering this team lost

at the region stage last year. Finishing top 8 in the state is a huge effort, one which they should be thoroughly

congratulated on. Well done boys, let’s go one step further next year!

K Karahan

Year 8 Boys Football

AFL Intermediate Girls State Quarter Finals

After convincing wins at regional finals, the intermediate girls AFL team made their way to Ballarat to compete in the state quarter finals. In testing conditions, our winning streak came to an end against a classy opposition in Maribyrnong College – who would go on to be the 2018 State Champions. Placing top 8 in the state, the girls look forward to the opportunity to go one further next year!

We are super proud of the team’s effort under the captaincy of Tamsyn Kirk and would like to extend a big thanks to our many helpers.

E. Dickin & K. Miles

Intermediate Boys Hockey


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018

NMR Regional Finals On September 5th, approximately 65 students travelled over to Meadowglen athletic track to compete in the NMR finals.

Students were very competitive with a lot of medals won. The following students came first and will now head to the

State Finals on Monday 22nd October

Petalina Atoa – 14 Discus and Shot Put

Ben Imbesi – Open Triple Jump and 1500m

Joel Cuzzi – 100m and Relay

Faith Vili – 12-13 Discus and Shot put

Allison Rogers – Open 800m, 1500m and Relay

Flavia Rajapakse Mohottige – 17 200m and Relay

Karla De Keizer – 14 Long Jump

Kim Grover – Relay

Olivia Stanko – Relay

Jason Kenneth – Relay

Xavier Saly – Relay

Riley Hearne – Relay

Many Thanks to the parents for coming along and supporting our school, and a very big thank you to the staff – Ms Miles,

Mr Freeman, Mr Zanetidis, Mr Johnson and student teacher Ms Elif Elma.

Ms Lee-Anne Talbot


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018

NMR Regional Finals


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018

NMR Regional Finals


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018

Pop Chorus Guest Appearance

Angelica Del Bono - Wins 1st Place

On Thursday 23rd August our Pop Chorus vocal students were invited to perform at the Principals’ Forum Meeting held at the Craigieburn Global Learning Centre. Under the direction of our Vocal Teacher, Mr Omar Moustafa, our students did a fine job performing an acapella version of ‘Gold’ by Sting, and ‘When I Grow Up’ from Matilda the Musical of the Tim Minchin fame. Our own principal, Mrs Lynne Gutterson, was in attendance and very proud to see her students representing our school so well, particularly with Gill Callister in attendance, the Secretary of Department of Education and Training (Victoria).

Pitcured above: Mrs Lynne Gutterson, Cassandra Koikas, Miss Tobiah Elliott, Minoli Fernando, Sudara De Silva, Hayley Lofts, Emily Armstrong, Teagan Hussell, Ms Gill Callister, Louise Dumpitt, Elijah Welsh, Olivia Hardeman, Calum Hapugasdeniya, Mr Omar Moustafa.

On Saturday 25 August 2018 Angelica Del Bono had an eventful

weekend during competitions at Royal South Street, Ballarat also

known as Grand National Eisteddfod of Australasia

Within contemporary vocal, singers choose songs that are appropriate

for the chosen category and display vocal technique suitable for the

genre and/or specific song choice. Singers are encouraged to explore

their own interpretations of the song while staying true to the stylistic

qualities of the genre.

This competition was the perfect opportunity for Angelica to express

her style, so she applied for two categories.

Performing in the Contemporary Vocal section on Saturday 25 August

which took place in the Helen McPherson Theatre in Ballarat, Angelica

came first place in category rock/pop/contemporary, Singing “Stop” by

Jamelia, then later that night also first place in the singer songwriter

category with her original song “Stronger” (currently on ITunes).

Also some other exciting news, Angelica Del Bono and Emma Duncan (Year 7 Seal) were lucky enough to be asked to sing

part of a song (chorus) that was featured on The Christian O’Connell Breakfast show in GOLD 104.3 this week.

The song titled “Sing it For Melbourne” and is now a single and has hit No1 on the rock charts and No 10 on the overall

ITunes chart.

All proceeds of the single are going to the “Starlight Children’s Foundation Australia”.

This song was presented to the Lord Mayor of Melbourne who absolutely loved it!


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018


On August 21st 48 students and a group of teachers left Gladstone Park at around 9:00am, bound for Mt Hotham for the

start of the 2018 Ski Camp. The lengthy drive was broken up by a stop in Bright for lunch, before the ascension up the

mountain began. Although the weather wasn’t the greatest on the drive up, we all still experienced some spectacular

views, and some spectacular scares going around the windy roads up the mountain.

Once we arrived at the top of Mt Hotham, all the students were mesmerised by the sight of the snow, which, for a lot of

us, was the first time seeing the snow. We unloaded the bus, checked out our accommodation at Kalyna Ski Lodge, before

going down to get our snowboards, skis and rental clothes in preparation for the next day. After having some time to settle

in, and dinner, we were spoken to by a Ski Patrol officer, before heading to bed for an early rise the next morning.

We woke on Wednesday to a spectacular sunrise, and excitement to get going that morning. After a big breakfast,

prepared by Ms Minahan and Ms Aitken, we headed out to the bottom of The Summit to begin our first lesson with our

instructors. For most of us, the first lesson was spent with a lot of falls and fails, but by the end of the lesson, most

students were ready to keep trying. After morning tea, we headed back out with the teachers and spent 2 hours on The

Summit, practicing the skills our instructors taught us in the morning. By the end of the day, many students had had a go

at riding the chair lift and making our way down to the bottom of The Summit. After such a long first day, we headed back

to the lodge with our fair share of bumps and bruises.

After another dinner prepared by Ms Aitken and Ms Minahan, many students headed back out into the cold to do some

night skiing and night snowboarding at The Big D run. Students and teachers spent about an hour giving the slope a good

go. With most of us having improved our skills throughout the day, we were able to enjoy the night without too many

spectacular fails.

For the next two days, we followed the same routine, rising early to have breakfast before we headed out for our lesson,

then spending the rest of the day with the teachers on the slopes. By the end of the week, all students gave The Summit a

go, riding up to the top on the chair lift. In addition, some students were taken by the teachers to give some other slopes a

go, such as Roadrunner, Sundowner, Mother Johnson’s Return, The Village Circuit, and Playground Trail.

By the end of the week, we were all exhausted and sore, but sad to leave Mt Hotham. We boarded the bus late in the

afternoon, before heading back down the mountain. We stopped over in Glenrowan McDonalds for dinner before arriving

back at GPSC at about 9:00pm on Friday


On behalf of all the students who

attended the camp, I’d like to thank all

the teachers who were involved, Mr

Caven, Mr Jones, Ms Hickling, Mr

Lacivita, Ms Sneddon and Mr Jimmy

Johnsen. We’d also like to particularly

thank Ms Minahan and Ms Aitken for

preparing breakfast and dinner for all

the students and the teachers every day.

All the students had an amazing time!

Abby Boppana – Yr. 11


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018

2018 - Ski Camp


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018

2018 - Ski Camp


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018

2018 - Ski Camp


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018

2018 - Ski Camp


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018


NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018

Careers ACU - Community Achiever Program

How to apply for a Tax File Number.

Essential for employment and study!

This is Engineering!

How do I pay for studies in Australia?

Creative Coworking Space

May – August Finalise course choices

Thursday 27/09/18 VTAC applications close

Monday 08/10/18 Start of Term 4

Tuesday 09/10/18 SEAS applications close

Friday 12/10/18 Scholarships close

31/10/18 – 21/11/18 VCE exams

Monday 26/11/18 Year 12 Graduation

TBC VCE results and ATAR distributed online

TBC Round 1 VTAC offers online

Year 12 Careers Time Line


2018 Important Dates


Parents are reminded that the school does not provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents/

guardians are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport


Reasonably low cost accident insurance policies are available from commercial insurers should you require one.


Please immediately notify the College of any changes to your address or contact details.

Office Hours Monday—Thursday

8:15am to 4:15pm


8:15am to 4:00pm

Last day of each Term the office will close at 2:30pm

The office is CLOSED during all

school holiday periods

ATTENTION YEAR 11 & YEAR 12 PARENTS Parents are reminded that where a Year 11 or Year 12 student is absent from school due to a family holiday, this will be considered an unapproved absence. VCE and VCAL have attendance requirements which must be met in order for a student to pass.

NEWSLETTER 7th September 2018

All upcoming dates can also be

found on our Website:

Friday 7th September Battle of the Bands 7pm—10pm

Monday 10th September to

Friday 14th September Year 9 City Experience

Thursday 13th September Casual Clothes Day - Gold coin $2 Donation

Monday 17th September Year 9 Resilience Program

Wednesday 19th September Parent Teacher Interviews 12:30 - 7:30pm

Friday 21st September End of Term 3 - 2:30pm Finish

Monday 8th October Start of Term 4

Thursday 11th October The Gloscars

Monday 15th October to

Friday 19th October Year 9 City Experience

Tuesday 16th October Art Show 8:00pm

Thursday 18th October T-Shirt signing 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Friday 19th October Year 12 Celebration Day 9:00am - 12:30pm