Download - 7 Shifts in Business The Internet Has Changed Forever


7 Shifts �in business �

the internet has changed forever

7 reasons to be scared


In the 1950s, what was the average life span

of a Fortune 500 company?

75 years Today?

15 years


Who �is it?

A game-changing company that reinvented communication. It invented the spell checker, grammar checker, and laptop word-processor.

In 1989 they earned $500 million in revenue.

80,000 text messages

35,000,000 missed phones


2. Mark�eting

Trivia!�What app (with only 13 employees) sold to Facebook for $1 Billion dollars?

SnapChat reaches 41% of 18-34 year olds in the US.

3. Recruit�ment

Trivia!�What social media app has someone from every Fortune 500 company as a member?

Submit your resume here

Do you think WestJet �

“recruits” �people?

Act like an owner.

4. Lear�ning

TRIVIA!�What % of the material does an average student remember after taking a class?


Learning Friday

“The companies that learn the

fastest will win.” �-Eric Ries

5. Lead�ership

Trivia!�How many times does Steve Nash hi-five teammates in a game?

239 times

“I’m so happy you are a good husband to Mommy.”

If you fail at leadership long enough you’ll

become a leader.

6. Sell�ing

TRIVIA!�How many hours of video is watched on YouTube every day?


Making a sale at the cost of a future customer isn’t worth it

“Sell things people want

to buy.”��

-Derek Sivers

7. Pur�pose

“The only goal of a corporation should be to

maximize shareholder profit.”�

�-Milton Friedman�

“The only goal of a corporation should be to

maximize shareholder profit.”�

�-Milton Friedman�

Every�one �has �bad �


the world could use a


be the change you want to see

in your community

Change is inevitable.�Trust your people.�

Care more.�@StratLab�

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