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Regardless of your skin type, you've probably noticed from time to

time that your skin randomly decides to break out or become sensitive

or irritated. But what gives? As it turns out, there are actually a number

of reasons why your skin may be freaking out. And that kind of sucks,

because who wants to go from having a good skin day to having to

deal with what seems like totally-random texture or inflammation? But

at least if you have an idea of what could be causing your skin to freak

out, you have a better chance of controlling it. To find out what some

of these causes are, I emailed with a few experts.

Clarissa Shetler and Christine Falsetti, founders of C2 California Clean;

Dr. Craig Kraffert, board-certified dermatologist and president of

Amarte; and Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi, founder and director of Capital Laser

& Skin Care and Assistant Clinical Professor for the Department of

Dermatology at the George Washington University Medical Center, all

let me in on some of the factors you may never have expected that

can cause your skin to freak out, plus what to do to get it back under

control. So you have a better idea of what to do to keep your skin

calm, here are seven reasons your skin could be flaring up and what to

do about it:

1. Using The Wrong Skincare

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C2 California Clean Apple Stem Cell Regenerating Serum, $108,


According to Shetler and Falsetti, "The primary reason that skin issues

erupt is pollutants that interact with the toxic chemicals commonly

found in beauty products." They further explain that products that have

these types of chemicals can attract pollutants that clog pores. So to

prevent this from happening, the duo recommends using beauty

products that are 100-percent natural. They explain that products with

hyaluronic acid and plant stem cells, like the serum shown here, will

actually help plump the skin so pollutants won't be able to enter pores

and cause damage.

2. Drinking More Milk

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But it's not just what you put on your skin that can cause it to freak out.

What you put in your body is just as important. According to Dr.

Kraffert, milk is one of the biggest dietary contributors to acne. So if

you've started consuming more milk and also happen to notice more

breakouts, try cutting back or switching to almond or soy milk to see if

it helps keep your acne flare-ups under control.

3. Layering The Wrong Products

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Amarte Aqua Cream, $93, Derm Store

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SOURCE: Anna Webber/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty


If you're big on anti-aging products, Dr. Kraffert warns against using

too many, as combining too many anti-aging ingredients can actually

backfire. One example he suggests avoiding is using a glycolic acid or

vitamin C serum along with a retinoid product. This is because the acid

or vitamin C may cause the retinoid to break down. If this should

happen, it could cause skin irritation and even compromise the

efficacy of the other ingredients you're using. So instead of creating a

complex skin cocktail that may inadvertently cause sensitivity or

irritation, Dr. Kraffert recommends finding a product like this Aqua

Cream that uses retinol and antioxidants in a proper ratio.

4. Using Too Many Retinoids

In addition to layering too many different products, Dr. Kraffert stresses

to also not layer too many retinoids. An example he provides is using a

facial retinoid on your eye area, and then using an additional retinoid

eye cream. He explains that using multiple retinoids can cause

irritation and inflammation. If you've noticed patches of irritation or

inflammation on your skin, check the ingredients of your skincare

products to ensure that you're only using one retinoid.

5. Making A Quick Diet Change

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If you notice random breakouts, texture, or a change in your skin type

(whether it has become oilier or drier), it could also be due to a

dramatic diet change, says Dr. Tanzi. Because doing a "detox,"

"cleanse," or suddenly deciding to take a bunch of vitamins and

supplements can really cause your skin to freak out, she recommends

always making any dietary changes gradually. This way, your skin will

have time to adjust to your diet without flaring up.

6. Seasonal Changes

According to Dr. Tanzi, the weather shifting from cool and dry to warm

and humid (or vice versa) can cause the skin to freak out. This is

because when the weather cools, sebum production tends to drop,

while when the weather warms, oil production can kick into overdrive.

Therefore, the best way to make sure the weather doesn't have

anything to do with your skin's behavior is to anticipate the changes by

adjusting your skincare routine. Dr. Tanzi recommends using "more

emollient moisturizers and creamy cleansers in cooler months and

glycolic acid products in the summer."

7. Attending Parties

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As much fun as parties can be, regardless of the time of year or

occasion, there are a few things they tend to have in common: alcohol,

sugar, and late nights. While it's always fun to indulge at the time,

these common factors can lead to breakouts and skin dehydration,

says Dr. Tanzi. If you notice that your skin tends to freak out especially

after a party, try aiming for moderation to help keep your skin in check.

After all, even though your skin freaking out may seem totally random,

there's usually a reason, and it's usually one you can control.

Images: Unsplash, Pezibear, Couleur, Unsplash, Unsplash/Pixabay;

Courtesy of Brands

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