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7 Human Resource Strategies to Use in a Recession

7 Human Resource Strategies to Use in a RecessionPresentedBy Its All About People

How deep will the recession be? &How long will it last?Estimates for recovery vary wildly from the blackly dismal to the rosily optimistic. It seems the only thing we can know for sure is that no one really knows.

With the future so uncertain, business publications have taken to promoting the philosophy that recessions create opportunity...

at least for those with the moxie to make success happen. While this may come across to some as a tired cheerleading attempt, there is soundness to the ideology.

Even during the Great Depression companies like Kellogg's, Proctor & Gamble and Chevrolet did more than survive, they excelled.

The people who steered their winning course did so with a combination of courage and inventiveness. In other words, they used moxie.

So where do you start? What kind of changes will ensure your company succeeds? Below are seven human resource strategies that are easy to implement and can make a big difference.

1.) Lead with Confidence

During these troubling financial times, it's natural to want to take the backseat until the road ahead becomes clear.

However, companies need strong leadership to prosper, now more than ever. Providing direction inspires confidence in your employees and helps build a faithful staff. Businesses that lead effectively now will retain loyal staff to meet their present and future challenges.

2.) Communicate effectively

Making sure people have the information they need is the foundation for any good relationship

3.) Recruit purposefully

Companies who make severe staffing cuts and don't keep their HR people connected to potential hires will be caught severely short staffed.

4.) Make cuts strategically

Consider outsourcing the functions you can to help reduce costs, but don't forget to take good care of any employees you might eliminate. Generous packages create goodwill and increase loyalty from those who remain.

5.) Be strategic about delivering PD

Use your slower times to sharpen the skills, technical and personal, of your employees.

6.) Take great care of your customers

Remember the days when you attended networking events to stay connected, while secretly hoping you would not get too many new engagements because you did not know where you would find the staff, time or energy to provide the service? It all seems like a distant memory but it was probably less than 12 months ago.

7.) Avoid layoffs with creative strategiesBefore you cut staff, consider alternative ways to save money while still saving jobs. A day off without pay, work sharing arrangements, worker sharing with other companies, salary cut-backs, government assistance programs - these are only a few of the numerous possibilities that may work for you and your employees. Get creative!

Whether you consider yourself to have moxie or not, the current recession calls for courageous and inventive thinking. Implementing ideas like the seven above can not only help your company weather this global storm, but position it for full sail ahead when the storm has passed.

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