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7 Dinner Recipes Using Less Than 7 Ingredients in

Under 10 Minutes


Contents• Prologue

• 1. Sweet & Sour Chicken

• 2. Quick Skillet Lasagna

• 3. Frittata With Cheese and Mushrooms

• 4. Lemon Butter Chicken

• 5. Meatballs and Vegetable Soup

• 6. Cheesy Quesadillas

• 7. Beef Stir Fry



This easy fast recipe ideas are perfect for quick nutritious midweek meals, witch your family will love. They consist of very few ingredients and are quick to prepare. It should take you less than 10 minutes to have dinner ready to be dished up. Serving size on all these recipes are 4 people.

Keep your freezer stocked with fresh food like vegetables for salad, cheese, organic tomato sauce, and ground beef. That way, you'll always have healthy ingredients to add into stews, stir fries and pastas. And in your pantry, keep good-quality canned proteins like tuna, sardines and beans, as well as pasta and ready to use spices. You will then always have something to dish up if you run out of time.


Sweet & Sour ChickenOne packet couscous 400g cooked shredded chicken breast 400g chopped peppers 150ml sweet-and-sour sauce 125ml cup chicken broth 1 cup canned pineapple chunks, drained with 1/2 cup reserved juice.

1. Prepare the couscous according to the instructions on the packet. Keep warm. 2. Meanwhile, combine remaining ingredients (except corn starch and pineapple juice) in saucepan, and simmer over medium heat stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until all are heated through and vegetables are crips-tender. 3. Mix pineapple juice with the cornstarch and pour in with the stir fry mix. 4. Serve over the couscous. (Can also be served over noodles or rice)


Quick Skillet Lasagna

2 cups noodles 400g lean ground beef 340g pasta sauce 200g shredded mozzarella cheese 100g grated Parmesan cheese 1tsp dried oregano

1. Cook pasta according to the directions on the package. 2. Meanwhile, brown meat in a skillet. Set aside. 3. Place half of the cooked pasta in the skillet, cover with half of the sauce, the oregano and the meat. Sprinkle with half of the mozzarella cheese. Cover with the remaining pasta and the fest of the sauce. Sprinkle the rest of the mozzarella and Parmesan cheese over top and cover. 4. Cook over medium heat for 7 minutes Remove skillet from heat and let stand for two minutes. Serve with a salad and or crusty bread.


Frittata with cheese and mushrooms

4 eggs and 2 egg whites 1 cup ricotta cheese 1/2 cup chopped peppers 125g chopped mushrooms salt and pepper 2 tsp butter 1tbs fresh parsley

Set broiler to high. 1. In a skillet, fry mushrooms in 1tsp butter for 2-3 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, a large bowl, whisk eggs, egg whites and ricotta cheese until creamy. Stir in peppers, mushrooms, parsley, salt and pepper. 3. Melt the rest of the butter over medium heat in a 10-inch ovenproof nonstick skillet. Pour the egg mixture into the skillet and cook for 3 minutes (the middle of the frittata might not be completely set which is normal). Don't stir! 4. Move skillet to the broiler and cook for two more minutes, or until the top is set. Cut into wedges and serve with a mixed salad


Lemon butter Chicken

4 thin-sliced chicken fillets Salt and pepper 1tsp dried basil 125ml chicken broth The juice of half a lemon 4tsp coconut oil 4tsp butter

1. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Season chicken with basil, salt and pepper, and cook it 2 minutes per side, or until no longer pink. Remove chicken from pan and keep warm. 2. Add broth and lemon juice to pan, reduce heat and simmer 2 minutes. Add butter And spoon over chicken. Serve with rice or noodles and a side dish like mixed vegetables


Meatball and Vegetable Soup

340g beef broth 400g cooked meatballs 340g can white kidney beans drained 340g can diced tomatoes 240g frozen mixed vegetables 1 cup dried small pasta Fresh basil leaves to taste, chopped. Parmesan

1. Combine all the ingredients except the pasta and parmesan and bring to boil. Stir in pasta and simmer uncovered for 10 minutes, or until pasta is tender. 2. Serve with bread and sprinkle each serving with Parmesan.


Cheesy quesadillas

4 Round tortillas 120ml barbecue sauce 1 cup grated cheese 1 cup chopped peppers 1 cup cooked shredded meat (chicken, or ham etch)

1. Preheat pan. Put tortilla inside and spread with 2 tablespoons of pizza sauce. 2. Add quarter of the filling ingredients to half of the tortilla and cover with the other half. After 2 minutes turn over to cook other side. When done remove from pan and cut in wedges. 3. Serve with tomato soup or a mixed salad, sour cream and salsa.


Beef Stir Fry

125ml soya sauce 2 gloves garlic crushed 1 Tbs cornstarch 500g thinly sliced beef strips 500g stir fry vegetables thawed

1. Heat oil in a skillet over high heat. Add beef and garlic and stir-fry for 2 minutes. 2. Add the vegetables and cook another 4 minutes, or until vegetables are done but still crisp. 3. Add soya sauce, cook until sauce thickens, about 1 more minute. 4. Serve with rice, mash or noodles.


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