Download - 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

Page 1: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

updated 7/25/2008

Interested in transfer options should consult their advisor or the Office of Student Development.

Transfer OptionsFrom Ivy Tech Community College – Bloomington

to Public Colleges and Universities in Indiana

This information is accurate as of the printing date and is subject to change. All students

200 Daniels Way

Bloomington, IN 47404

(812) 332 -1559


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College/University Internet Website Phone Number

Ball State University 1-800-482-4278

Indiana State University 1-800-742-0891

Indiana University-Bloomington 812-855-0661

Indiana University – East 765-973-8282

Indiana University – Kokomo 1-888-875-4485

Indiana University – Northwest 1-877-462-4872

Indiana University – South Bend 219-98-6991

Indiana University – Southeast 1-800-852-8835

Indiana University Purdue University –

Fort Wayne 219-481-6812

Indiana University Purdue University –

Indianapolis 317-274-4591

Purdue University – Calumet 1-800-872-1231

Purdue University–N. Central 219-785-5505

Purdue University – West Lafayette 765-494-1776

University of Southern Indiana 812-464-1765

Vincennes University 1-800-742-9198

expanding. Please check with the Office of Student Development for more information.

Included in this packet is a list of the courses that transfer to the public colleges and universities in


Colleges and Universities

Listed in this Packet

Transferring to Other CollegesIvy Tech Community College – Bloomington has been working with four-year colleges and universities

to develop transfer of credit opportunities for its students and graduates. Any student interested in

transferring course credit to another institution should discuss specific transfer opportunities with either

their academic advisor or program chairperson.

Listed with this brochure are the courses which are transferable from Ivy Tech Community College –

Bloomington on a course-by-course basis. The Ivy Tech Community College courses are listed on the

left with comparable courses indicated in the columns to the right. Each college and university will

make the final determination of transfer credit. Transfer of credit is NOT guaranteed. It is the student’s

responsibility to contact the college or university they wish to transfer to, in order to determine transfer

credit requirements.

The lists of participating college and universities, and transferable credits are continually

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ANP 101 Anatomy and Physiology I =ANAT 201 &


Fundamentals/Mammal Anatomy & Human

Physiology I

ANP 102 Anatomy and Physiology II = PHYSL 210 Human Physiology I

ANP 201 Advanced Human Physiology = PHYSL 211 Human Physiology II

ARH 101 Survey of Art and Culture I = AHS 101 History of Art Survey I

ARH 102 Survey of Art and Culture II = AHS 102 History of Art Survey II

BIO 101 Introductory Biology =BIO 100 or

BIO 111

Life Science or

Principles of Biology I

BIO 211 General Microbiology=

BIO 113 or

BIO 213

Microbiology for the Health Sciences or


CHM 101 Chemistry I = CHEM 100 People and Chemistry

CHM 102 Chemistry II = CHEM 101 Biochemistry

COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = SPCH 210 Fundamentals/Public Communication

COM 102 Intro. to Interpersonal Commun. = SPCH 240 Intro. to Human Speech Communication

ECN 101 Economics Fundamentals = ECON 116 Survey of Economic Ideas

ECN 201 Principles of Macroeconomics = ECON 202 Elementary Macroeconomics

ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics = ECON 201 Elementary Microeconomics

ENG 111 English Composition = ENG 103 English Composition I

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = ENG 104 English Composition II

ENG 211 Technical Writing = ENG 231 Writing in the Workplace

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = HIST 201 US History 1492-1876

HSY 102 Survey of American History II = HIST 202 US History 1877- Present

MAT 111 Intermediate Algebra = MATHS 108 Intermediate Algebra

MAT 112 Functional Mathematics = MATHS 107 Basic Algebra

MAT 115 Statistics = MATHS 181 Elementary Probability & Statistics

MAT 132 Algebra/Trigonometry II = MATHS 112 Trigonometry

MAT 133 College Algebra = MATHS 109 College Algebra

MAT 135 Finite Math = MATHS 131 Finite Mathematics for Business

MAT 201 Brief Calculus = MATHS 132 Brief Calculus for Business

PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy = PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy

PHL 102 Introduction to Ethics = PHIL 202 Ethics

PHY 100 Technical Physics = PHYCS 100 Conceptual Physics

PHY 101 Physics I = PHYCS 110 General Physics I

PHY 102 Physics II = PHYCS 112 General Physics II

POL 101 Introduction to American

Government and Politics = POLS 130 American National Government

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = PSYSC 100 General Psychology

PSY 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology

PSY 205 Abnormal Psychology = PSYSC 431 Psychology of Cognition

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = SOC 100 Principles/Sociology


* CONNECT Program - Guaranteed transfer to Ball State .

Transfer admission information may be accessed at .

Ivy Tech course evaluation may be accessed at .

For additional information call 1-800-482-4BSU or 765-285-8300.

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ACC 101 Financial Accounting = BUS 201 Principles Accounting I

ACC 102 Managerial Accounting = BUS 202 Principles Accounting II

ACC 105 Income Tax = ELEC001

ACC 106 Payroll Accounting = ACCT001

ACC 201 Intermediate Accounting I = ELEC001

ACC 202 Intermediate Accounting II = ELEC001

ACC 203 Cost Accounting I = ACCT001

ACC 204 Cost Accounting II = ACCT001

ACC 205 Seminar in Accounting = ELEC001

ACC 207

Accounting for Government

and Non-Profit Entities = ELEC001

ACC 212 Business Finance = FIN 001

ACC 213 Advanced Spreadsheets = ELEC001

ACC 225 Integrated Accounting Systems = ELEC001

ACC 283 Special Topics in Accounting = ELEC001

ACC 298 Field Study = ELEC001

AFS 101 Fire Technology = HLTH328 Fire Protect Sys/Tech

AFS 104 Building Contruction Fire Service = HLTH001

AHI 125 History of American Technology = HIST001

AHI 131 Survey European History I = HIST001

AHI 132 Survey European History II = HIST001

AHI 139 American History I = HIST201 U S To 1877

AHI 140 American History II = HIST202 U S Since 1865

AHI 235 World Civilization I = HIST101 World Civil To 1500

AHI 236 World Civilization II = HIST102 World Civil Sin 1500

AMT 101 Manufacturing Processes = MCT 370 Fund Machine Tool Proc

AMT 102 Introduction to Robotics = ECT 281 Robotic Controls

AMT 107 CNC Lathe Programming I = IMT 132 Intr Automotive Engines

AMT 201 Manufacturing Systems Control (PLCs) = MCT 295 Indust Appl Computers

AMT 202 Work Cell Design and Integration = MCT 370 Fund Machine Tool Proc

AMT 203 Automation Electronics = ECT 381 Robotic Control Systems

AMT 204 Automation Management = MCT 270 Automat Manuf Sys

AMT 205 Automated Manufacturing Systems = MCT 468 Appl Robot & Automat

AMT 206

Advanced Manufacturing

Systems Control = ECT 381 Robotic Control Systems

AMT 287 Special Topics = TECH001

AMV 100 Intor to Transportation = IMT 130 Intro Ind Mech Tech

AMV 101 Chasis and Suspension Principles = IMT 434 Allied Systems

AMV 107 Engine Principles and Design = IMT 132 Intr Automotive Engines

AMV 113 Electricity for Transportation = ECT 165 D.C. Circuits&Design

AMV 202 Computer Engine Controls = IMT 335 Electronics Diagnosis

AMV 280 Co-op-Internship = IMT 001

ANH 154 Cultural Anthropology = ANTH204 Intro Cultural Anth

ANH 254 Introduction to Archaeology = ANTH001

ANP 101 Anatomy and Physiology I = LIFS231/L Human Anatomy Lab

ANP 102 Anatomy and Physiology II = LIFS241/L Hum Physiology Lab


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ANP 201 Advanced Human Physiology = LIFS001

ANP 203 Human Anatomy and Physiology I = LIFS231/L Human Anatomy Lab

ANP 204 Human Anatomy and Physiology II = LIFS241/L Hum Physiology Lab

AOT 101 Basic Formatting = TECH001

AOT 103 Info/Word Process Concepts = MIS 276 Bus Info Proc Sys

AOT 104 Document Production = TECH001

AOT 108 Shorthand/Notetaking I = ELEC001A

AOT 110 Keyboarding Skill Devel. = ELEC001A

AOT 116 Business Communications = BEIT001

AOT 202 Info/WP Applications = MIS 276 Bus Info Proc Sys

AOT 203 Principles of Office Management = ELEC001

AOT 205 Business English for Info Proc. = TECH001

AOT 212 Micro Word Processing = BEIT001

AOT 213 Adv. Info/WP Applications = ELEC001

AOT 214 Desktop Publishing = ELEC001

AOT 219 Specialized Format/Transactions = ELEC001

AOT 220 Document Management = BEIT001

AOT 221 Office Management/Procedures = BEIT337

APO 111 American National Government = PSCI201 American Govern

APO 112 State and Local Government = PSCI022

APO 201 Introduction to Political Science = PSCI130 Intro Pol Sci

APO 210 Personal Law = PSCI001

APO 211 Intro to World Politics = PSCI001

APO 220 Public Administration = PSCI001

ARH 101 Survey of Art and Culture I = ART 151 Vis Art In Civiliz

ARH 102 Survey of Art and Culture II = ART 151 Vis Art In Civiliz

ARH 110 Art Appreciation = ART 151 Vis Art In Civiliz

ART 111 Drawing for Visualization = ART 001

ART 113 Contemporary Art History = ARTH170 Intro Visual Arts

ART 115 Typography = ART 001

ART 120 Life and Object Drawing I = ARTS101 Art Fund:Beg Drawing

ART 121 Color and Design Theory = ARTS102 Fund:Two-Dim Dsgn&Color

ART 130 Foundation I = ART 001

ART 204 History of Art Survey I = HIST001

ART 208 History of Art Survey II = ART 001

ART 210 Illustration Techniques I = ARTS001

ART 220 Life and Object Drawing II = ARTS215 Drawing I

ART 222 Three Dimensional Design = ARTS104 Art Fund:Three-Dim Dsgn

ART 230 Foundation II = ART 001

ASO 151 Principles of Sociology = SOC 022

ASO 154 Cultural Anthropology = ANTH204 Intro Cultural Anth

ASO 164 Multicultural Studies = ANTH016

ASO 245 Cultural Diversity = SOC 110 U S Diversity:Soc Perspect

ASO 252 Social Problems = SOC 220 Contem Soc Prob

ASO 253 Intro Social Psychology = PSY 270 Psy Orientation Soc Psy

ASO 254 Intro to Archaeology = ANTH001

ASO 261 Sociology of Relationships and Families = SOC 260 Courtship Marr


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AST 101 Chasis and Suspension Principles = GEOL021

AST 102 Two-/Four Wheel Alignment = IMT 001

AST 104 Start and Charge Systems = IMT 233 Basic Auto Serv&Test

AST 105 Fuel Systems = IMT 233 Basic Auto Serv&Test

AST 106 Electronic Ignition Systems = IMT 233 Basic Auto Serv&Test

AST 108 Electrical Accessory Systems = ECT 160 Electron Fundamentals

AST 201 Heating and Air Conditioning Principles = IMT 001

AST 203 Engine Rebuild = IMT 001

AST 204 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle = IMT 334

AST 205 Manual Transmission/Transaxle = IMT 334

AST 206 Heating and Air Conditioning Repair = IMT 334

AST 207 Engine Performance = IMT 233 Basic Auto Serv&Test

AST 209 Automative Braking Systems = IMT 001

AST 215 ASE Certification Review = IMT 001

AST 220 Transaxle and Driveline Service = IMT 334

AST 282 Special Topics = ELEC001

AST 287 Special Topics = IMT 001

ASY 101 Solar System Astronomy = GEOL021

AVT 101 Aviation Fundamentals = AST 130 Intro Aero Tech

AVT 102 Airframe Materials and Processes = ELEC001

AVT 103 Airframe Structures = ELEC001

AVT 104 Intro to Avionics = ELEC001

AVT 105 Powerplant Systems I = ELEC001

AVT 111 Aviation Basics = AST 130 Intro Aero Tech

AVT 130 Reciprocating Powerplant = AST 211 Aircraft Systems I

AVT 134 Turbine Powerplant = AST 311 Aircraft Systems II

AVT 201 Airframe Systems & Cntrg I = ELEC001

AVT 204 Airframe Certification = ELEC001

AVT 207 Powerplant Systems II = ELEC001

AVT 208 Powerplant Inspection and Trble = ELEC001

AVT 287 Special Topics = ELEC001

BIO 100 Human Biology = BIOL112/L Explorat Biolog Phenomena

BIO 101 Introductory Biology = BIOL112/L Explorat Biolog Phenomena

BIO 111 General Microbiology = LIFS274/L Intro Microbiology Lab

BIO 130 Human Biology = BIOL112/L Explorat Biolog Phenomena

BIO 201 General Microbiology = LIFS274/L Intro Microbiology Lab

AVT 202 Airframe Systems & Cntr = ELEC001

BIO 201,

MLT 222 = LIFS374/L Cellular&Microb Biol Lab

BIO 211 General Microbiology I = LIFS274/L Intro Microbiology Lab

BIO 212 General Microbiology II = LIFS001

BIO 220 Environmental Science = LIFS001

BMF 215 = ELEC001

BMF 220 = ELEC001

BNK 215 Principles of Banking = ELEC001

BUS 101 Introduction to Business = MGT 140 Intro to Business

BUS 102 Business Law = BUS 263 Legal Envrnmnt Bus


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BUS 104 Investment = BUS 001

BUS 105 Principles of Management = BUS 001

BUS 110 Business Statistics = BUS 205 Business Statistics I

BUS 110 Business Statistics = BUS 205 Business Statistics I

BUS 202 Human Resource Management = ITE 001

BUS 203 Business Development = ELEC001

BUS 204 Case Problems in Business = ELEC001

BUS 208 Organizational Behavior = ELEC001

BUS 210 Managerial Finance = ELEC001

BUS 230 Business Statistics = BUS 205 Business Statistics I

BUS 287

Special Topics in

Business Administration = ELEC001

BUS 288

Special Topics in

Business Administration = ELEC001

CHD 121 Intro to Early Childhood Prof. = ELEC001

CHD 122 Child Growth and Development = EPSY001

CHD 123 Health , Safety and Nutrition = HLTH111 Person Hlth Behav&Well

CHD 143

Curriculum in the Early

Childhood Classroom = ELEC001

CHD 144

Reflections on Practice in

Early Childhood = ELEC001

CHD 143

Curriculum in the Early

Childhood Classroom = ELEC001

CHD 144

Reflections on Practice in

Early Childhood = ELEC001

CHD 145 CDA Process = ELEC001

CHD 211 School Age Programming = ELEC001

CHD 213 Infant/Toddler Care Programming = ELEC001

CHD 216 The Exceptional Child = SPED226 Except Lrn Reg Clssrm

CHD 221 Emerging Literacy in Young Children = ELEC001

CHM 101 Introductory Chemistry I = CHEM100/L Chem:React & Reason Lab

CHM 102 Introductory Chemistry II = CHEM100/L Chem:React & Reason Lab

CHM 105 General Chemistry I = CHEM105/L Gen Chemistry I Lab

CHM 106 General Chemistry II = CHEM106/L Gen Chemistry II Lab

CHM 111 Chemistry I = CHEM103/L Elem Chem Lab

CHM 112 Chemistry II =

CHEM 100/L

beginning Fall 2005 Chem:React & Reason Lab

CHM 112 Chemistry II =

CHEM104 through

Summer 2005 El Org & Biochem

CIM 101 = MCT 370 Fund Machine Tool Proc

CIM 102 Introduction to Robotics = IMT 132 Intr Automotive Engines

CIM 107 = IMT 132 Intr Automotive Engines

CIM 201 Manufacturing Systems Control = MCT 295 Indust Appl Computers

CIM 202 Work Cell Design and Integration = MCT 370 Fund Machine Tool Proc

CIM 203 Automation Electronics = ECT 381

CIM 204 Automation Management = MCT 270 Automat Manuf Sys

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CIM 205 Automated Manufacturing Systems = MCT 468 Appl Robot & Automat

CIM 206

Advanced Manufacturing

Systems Control = ECT 381

CIM 287 = TECH001

CIS 100 Using Windows Environment = CS 001

CIS 101 Introduction to Microcomputers = CS 101 Inform Tech Literacy

CIS 101 Introduction to Microcomputers = CS 101 Inform Tech Literacy

CIS 102 Information Systems Fundamentals = MIS 110 Bus Inform Process Systems

CIS 102 Information Systems Fundamentals = MIS 276 Bus Info Proc Sys

CIS 104 Introduction to COBOL Programming = CS 253 Cobol Programming

CIS 105 Operating Systems = CS 001

CIS 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems = CS 001

CIS 106 + 251 = CS 469

CIS 107 Micro Programming = CS 001

CIS 109 UNIX Operating Systems = CS 459 Adv Top Comput Sci

CIS 113 Logic, Design and Programming = CS 001

CIS 114

Principles of Management

Information Systems = CS 001

CIS 115 Elect Spreadsheets - Bus = MIS 276 Bus Info Proc Sys

CIS 116 Introduction to Java Programming = CS 320 Java Software Devel

CIS 120 Programming I = CS 001

CIS 201 Database Design and Management = CS 457 Data Base Process

CIS 202 Data Communications = CS 367

CIS 203 System Analysis and Design = CS 001

CIS 203 System Analysis and Design = MIS 301 Sys Anal Inform Tech

CIS 204 Advanced COBOL Programming = CS 357

CIS 205 Database Design = CS 001

CIS 206

Project Development with

High Level Tools = CS 002

CIS 207

Midrange-Mainframe Database

Management Systems = CS 001

CIS 209 Computer Business Application = ELEC001

CIS 210 Cobol III = CS 002

CIS 211 RPG Programming Fundamentals = CS 001

CIS 212 C-C++-C# Programming = CS 256 Prin Struct Design

CIS 213 Assembler Language Programming = CS 365 Comp Org Assem Lang

CIS 217 CICS Command Level Prog. = CS 001

CIS 221 Advanced C-C++-C# Programming = CS 260 Object Oriented Programming

CIS 222 Office Automation = MIS 001

CIS 223 Intergrated Business Software = CS 001

CIS 224 Hardware and Software Troubleshooting = MIS 276 Bus Info Proc Sys

CIS 225

Advanced Database

Management Systems = CS 002

CIS 226 Adv. Electronic Spreadsheet = CS 001

CIS 227 Topics in Information Management = CS 001

CIS 228 Cooperative Education = ECT 351 Coop Indus Pract

CIS 231 Structured Query Language = CS 002

CIS 232 Visual Basic Programming = CS 151 or ECT 170 Intro Computer Sci


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CIS 233 Graphical User Interface: Windows = ELEC001

CIS 235 Network Fundamentals = CS 002

CIS 237 Advanced Visual Basic = CS 253 Cobol Programming

CIS 241 A+ Operating System = ECT 272 Computer Software Components

CIS 243 Novell Network Administration I = CS 001

CIS 244 Novell Network Administration II = CS 001

CIS 245 Networking Technology Concepts = CS 002

CIS 246

Novell Network Hardware

Service and Support = ELEC001

CIS 251 Advanced Operating Systems: Linux = CS 001

CIS 251 + 255 = MIS 276 Bus Info Proc Sys

CIS 252 Web Site Development = CS 170 Web Programming

CIS 252 Web Site Development = ELEC001

CIS 253 Graphic Image Lab = CS 001

CIS 255 Network Server Technology = CS 002

CIS 258

Network Communication

and Connection = CS 002

CIS 258 + 273 = CS 469

CIS 262 Windows Client Operating System = CS 002

CIS 263 Windows Network Operating System = CS 002

CIS 264 Windows Network Infrastructure = CS 002

CIS 266

Administering Windows

Directory Services = CS 001

CIS 267 Special Topics = ELEC001

CIS 273 Special Topics = CS 002

CIS 275

CISCO 1 Cisco Networking

Fundamentals = CS 002

CIS 271 Special Topics = ELEC001

CIS 277

CISCO 3 Local Area Network

and Design = CS 002

CIS 276

CISCO 2 Routers and Internet

Operating Systems = CS 002

CIS 278

CISCO 4 Wide Area Network

and Design = CS 002

CIS 280 Co-op-Internship = ECT 351 Coop Indus Pract

CIS 283 Special Topics = MIS 001

CIS 286 Special Topics = CS 002

CIS 287 Special Topics = CS 002

CIS 288 Special Topics = CS 002

COA 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = SOC 022

COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = COMM101 Intro Sp Commun

COM 102

Introduction to

Interpersonal Communication =


beginning Summer


COM 102

Introduction to

Interpersonal Communication =


through Spring 2005 Intro Sp Commun

COM 201 Introduction to Mass Communication = COMM001

COM 202 Small Group Communication = COMM261 Small Group Commun


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COM 203 Oral Interpretation of Literature = COMM265 Oral Interp Lit

CRJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems = CRIM 150 Crim Just Sys

CRJ 103 Cultural Awareness = CRIM001

CRJ 105 Introduction to Criminology = CRIM 200 Criminology

CRJ 111

Introduction to Traffic Enforcement

and Investigation = CRIM001

CRJ 113 Criminal Investigations = CRIM001

CRJ 115 Criminalistics = CRIM285 Intro Criminalistics

CRJ 118 Introduction to Law Enforcement = CRIM220 Intro Law Enforcement

CRJ 121 Juvenile Law and Procedures = CRIM001

CRJ 123 Juvenile Justice System = CRIM001

CRJ 202 Adjudication = CRIM001

CRJ 203 Police and Community Relations = CRIM222 Pol-Comm Relat

CRJ 205 Procedural Criminal Law = CRIM280

CRJ 222 Special Issues in Youth Service = CRIM001

CRJ 223 Special Issues in Corrections = CRIM 001

CRJ 255 Interview and Interrogation = CRIM001

CRJ 280 Internship = CRIM298

CUL 283 Special Topics = HLTH211/L Emer Med Skll Prof Lab

DCT 101 Basic Drafting = IMT 101

DCT 103 CAD Fundamentals = IMT 001

DCT 104 Mechanical Drafting = IMT 001

DCT 105 Architectural Design and Layout = MCT 133 Intro Construction Tech&Mgt

DCT 106 Descriptive Geometry = IMT 208

DCT 107 Advanced CAD = IMT 203 Intro Solid Modeling

DCT 108 Residential Drafting = MCT 106 Archit Draw&Plan I

DCT 109

Construction Materials

and Specifications = ELEC001

DCT 113 Intermediate CAD = IMT 001

DCT 201 Schematic Drafting = IMT 001

DCT 202 CAD Programming Language = IMT 303

DCT 203 Stat. and Strength of Mater = ELEC001

DCT 204 Architectural CAD = MCT 106 Archit Draw&Plan I

DCT 205 Introduction to Plastics = IMT 001

DCT 206 Merch. & Elect. Equipment = IMT 406 Strength Matls

DCT 207 Die Design Drafting = IMT 407 Tool Die Design

DCT 208 Structural Detailing = MCT 001

DCT 209 Estimating/CAD = ELEC001

DCT 210 Surveying I = MCT 420 Plane Surveying

DCT 211 Commercial Structures I = MCT 106 Archit Draw&Plan I

DCT 212 Commercial Structures II = IMT 001

DCT 213 CAD Mapping = IMT 002

DCT 214 Machine Design = IMT 299 CAD Fundamentals

DCT 215 Electronic Drafting/CAD = TECH002

DCT 216 Jig and Fixture Design = TECH001

DCT 217 Product Design = IMT 404 Engineering Design & Mgt

DCT 227 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance = TECH001


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DCT 230 Computer Rendering and Animation = IMT 203 Intro Solid Modeling

DCT 292 Special Topics = IMT 299 CAD Fundamentals

DCT 293 Special Topics = IMT 001

DSN 101 = IMT 103 Intro Technical Graphics CAD

DSN 102 = IMT 103 Intro Technical Graphics CAD

DSN 103 CAD Fundamentals = IMT 101

DSN 104 Mechanical Graphics = IMT 001

DSN 105 Architectural Design I = MCT 001

DSN 106 Descriptive Geometry = IMT 208

DSN 107 History of Architecture = ARTH374 Hist Architect

DSN 108 Residential Design = MCT 206 Archit Draw&Plan II

DSN 109

Construction Materials and

Specifications = MCT 001

DSN 110 Architectural Rendering = MCT 001

DSN 113 Intermediate CAD = IMT 103 Intro Technical Graphics CAD

DSN 201 Schematics = IMT 001

DSN 202 CAD Customization and Programming = IMT 001

DSN 204 Architectural Design II = MCT 106 Archit Draw&Plan I

DSN 204

& 208 = MCT 306 Archit Draw&Plan III

DSN 205 = IMT 001

DSN 206 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment = IMT 001

DSN 207 Die Design = IMT 001

DSN 208 Structural Design and Detailing = MCT 001

DSN 209 Estimating = MCT 214 Plan Interp Quant Take-Off

DSN 210 Surveying = MCT 420 Plane Surveying

DSN 211 Commercial Structures I = MCT 001

DSN 212 Commercial Structures II = MCT 306 Archit Draw&Plan III

DSN 213 CAD Mapping = IMT 001

DSN 214 Kinematics of Machinery = IMT 001

DSN 215 Electronic Schematics = IMT 001

DSN 216 Jig and Fixture Design = IMT 001

DSN 217 Design Process and Applications = IMT 001

DSN 220 Advanced CAD = IMT 203 Intro Solid Modeling

DSN 221 Statics = IMT 302 Applied Statics

DSN 222 Strength of Materials = IMT 001

DSN 225 Portfolio Preparation = TECH001

DSN 227 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance = IMT 001

DSN 228 Civil I = MCT 001

DSN 229 Civil II = MCT 001

DSN 230 Computer Modeling and Animation = ELEC001

DSN 251 Dynamics = IMT 001

DSN 252 Mechanics of Solids = IMT 001

DSN 280 Co-op-Internship = MCT 001

DSN 283 Special Topics = IMT 299 CAD Fundamentals

DSN 292 Special Topics = IMT 001


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ECE 102

Reflections on Practice in

Early Childhood = ELED110 Found Early Chldhd Ed

ECE 103

Curriculum in the Early

Childhood Classroom = ELED001

ECE 120 Child Growth and Development = EPSY342 Grow Dev Child

ECE 130

Developmentally Appropriate Guidance

in a Cultural Context = ELED001

ECE 200 Family-Teacher Partnership Skills = ELED001

ECE 204 Families in Transition = ELED001

ECE 210 Early Childhood Administration = ELED001

ECE 225 Infant and Toddler Practicum = ELED001

ECE 233 Emerging Literacy = ELED324 Emergent Literacy

ECE 243 Cognitive Curriculum = ELED001

ECE 260 Early Childhood Professional = ELAF001

ECN 101 Economics Fundamentals = ECON100 Basic Economics

ECN 201 Principles of Macroeconomics = ECON200 Princ Macroeconomics

ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics = ECON201 Princ Microeconomics

EDN 105 Design Presentations = FCS 252 Interior Design Graph II

ELC 101 Electrical Shop Practice = ECT 130 Elec Compu Tech

ELC 102 Electrical Code = TECH001

ELC 103 Electrical Print Reading = TECH001

ELC 121 Circuits I = ECT 165 D.C. Circuits&Design

ELC 122 Circuits II = ECT 220 A.C. Circuits&Design

ELC 125 Industrial Wiring Fundamentals = ECT 130 Elec Compu Tech

ELC 126 Electrical Circuits = ECT 160 Electron Fundamentals

ELC 201 OJT-Tech. Concent. I = TECH001

ELC 202 OJT-Tech. Concent. II = TECH001

ELC 203 OJT-Tech. Concent. III = TECH001

ELC 204 OJT-Tech. Concent. IV = TECH001

ELC 205 OJT-Tech. Concent. V = TECH001

ELC 206 OJT-Tech. Concent. VI = TECH001

ELT 100 Circuits I = ECT 160 Electron Fundamentals

ELT 101 Circuits II = ECT 165 D.C. Circuits&Design

ELT 102 Circuits Lab = ECT 130 Elec Compu Tech

ELT 103 Digital Principles = ECT 231 Digital Computer Logic

ELT 104 Computer Fund. For Tech. = CS 101 Inform Tech Literacy

ELT 105 Solid State I = ECT220 A.C. Circuits&Design

ELT 106 Digital Applications = ECT 231 Digital Computer Logic

ELT 113 Basic Electricity = ECT 160 Electron Fundamentals

ELT 120 Introduction to Electronics = ECT 130 Elec Compu Tech

ELT 121 Circuits I = ECT 160 Electron Fundamentals

ELT 122 Circuits II = ECT 165 D.C. Circuits&Design

ELT 124 Digital I = ECT 231 Digital Computer Logic

ELT 125 Digital II = ECT 232 Digital Computer Circuit

ELT 126 Solid State I = ECT 220 A.C. Circuits&Design

ELT 130 Fiber Optics = ECT 001

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ELT 201 Solid State II = ECT 221 Circuit Analysis I

ELT 202 Microprocessors = ECT 334 Microproc Architec Org

ELT 203 Introduction to Industrial Controls = IMT 101

ELT 204 Linear Integrated Circuits = ECT 001

ELT 207 Digital Troubleshooting Tech. = ECT 232 Digital Computer Circuit

ELT 214 Industrial Instrumentation = ECT 220 A.C. Circuits&Design

ELT 221 Solid State II = ECT 221 Circuit Analysis I

ELT 222 Microprocessors = ECT 001

ELT 223 Electrical Machines = ELEC 001

ELT 224 Linear Integrated Circuits = ECT001

ELT 226 Computer Troubleshooting = ECT 231 Digital Computer Logic

ELT 227 Peripherals = IMT 103 Intro Technical Graphics CAD

ELT 228 Communications Electronics = ECT 160 Electron Fundamentals

ELT 229 Telecommunications = ECT 165 D.C. Circuits&Design

ELT 233 Industrial Motors and Controls = ECT 130 Elec Compu Tech

ELT 234 Advanced Problem Solving = ECT 281 Robotic Controls

ELT 235 Process Control = ECT 001

ELT 237 Calibration = ECT 001

ELT 282 Special Topics = ECT 281 Robotic Controls

ELT 283 Special Topics = ECT 001

ELT 287 Special Topics = ECT 325 Analog Integr Prec Circu

ELT 290 Special Topics = ECT 232 Digital Computer Circuit

ENA 101 Technical Writing in the Workplace = ECT 001

ENC 101 = ECON100 Basic Economics

ENG 101 English Composition = ENG 101 Freshman Writing I

ENG 103 Speech = COMM101 Intro Sp Commun

ENG 110 = ENG 105 Freshman Writing II

ENG 111 English Composition = ENG 107 Rhetoric & Writing

ENG 110,211 = ENG 107 Rhetoric & Writing

ENG 111 English Composition = ENG 101 Freshman Writing I

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = ENG 105 Freshman Writing II

ENG 201 Technical Writing = ENG 013

ENG 202 Creative Writing = ENG 013

ENG 205 Creative Writing = ENG 013

ENG 206 Introduction to Literature = ENG 013

ENG 207 Introduction to World Literature I = ENG 236 World Lit & Culture I

ENG 209 Introduction to World Literature II = ENG 237 World Lit & Culture II

ENG 210 Literature and Life = ENG 001

ENG 211 Technical Writing = ENG 105 Freshman Writing II

ENG 214 Introduction to Poetry = ENG 013

ENG 215 Childrens Literature = ENG 280 Children's Literature

ENG 220 Introduction to World Literature I = ENG 236 World Lit & Culture I

ENG 221 Introduction to World Literature II = ENG 237 World Lit & Culture II

ENG 222 American Literature I = ENG 240 Major Amer Authors

ENG 223 American Literature II = ENG 240 Major Amer Authors

ENG 224 Survey English Literature I = ENG 250 Major Eng Authors

ENG 225 Survey English Literature II = ENG 001


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ENG 227 Introduction to World Fiction = ENG 231 Intro To Fiction

ENG 235 Introduction to World Fiction = ENG 235 Major World Authors

ENG 240 Childrens Literature = ENG 280 Children's Literature

ENG 245 Literature of the Old Testament = ENG 001

ENG 249 Linguistics = LING210 Intro Linguistics

ENG 250 English Grammar = ENG 022

ENV 104 Plant Operations - Sanitary = HLTH356 Water & Envrnmntl Hlth

ETH 101 Into to Ethics = PHIL201 Ethics & Good Life

FIT 100 Lifetime Fitness and Wellness = PE 101/101L Fitness Life Lab

FST 104 Food Prod. Methods & Procs. = FCS 001

GEO 105 World Geography = GEOG130 World Geography

GEO 207 World Geography = GEOG130 World Geography

GRA 102 Introduction to Machine Printing = MCT 151

GRA 104,201 Art and Copy Preparation = MCT 255 Manufact Materials

GRA 106 Introduction to Color Printing = ART 001

GRA 201 Photomechanical Reproduction = ART 001

GRA 202 Science of Color = ART 200

GRA 213 Desktop Publishing = MCT 350

GRA 215 Computer Graphics II = ELEC001

GRA 287 Special Topics = MCT 255 Manufact Materials

HAH 110 Art Appreciation = ART 151 Vis Art In Civilization

HAH 130 Art History I = ARTH271 Surv Art Hist I

HAH 131 Art History II = ARTH272 Surv Art Hist II

HEA 101 Heating Fundamentals = TECH001

HEA 103 Refrigeration I = TECH001

HEA 104 Heating Service = TECH001

HEA 106 Refrigeration II = TECH001

HEA 201 Cooling Service = TECH001

HEA 202 Electrical Circuits and Controls = ELEC001

HEA 204 Commercial Refrigeration = ELEC001

HEA 205 Heat Pump Systems = ELEC001

HEA 206 Advanced Cooling Service = ELEC001

HEA 212 Advanced HVAC Controls = TECH001

HEA 293 Special Topics = TECH001

HEG 249 Elements Gen. Linguistics = LING210 Intro Linguistics

HEG 250 English Grammar = ENG 001

HEH 110 Introduction to Humanities I = LLL 170 Humanities Modern World

HEH 111 Introduction to Humanities II = REL 001

HEL 220 World Literature I = ENG 236 World Lit & Culture I

HEL 221 World Literature II = ENG 237 World Lit & Culture II

HEL 222 American Literature I = ENG 240 Major Amer Authors

HEL 223 American Literature II = ENG 240 Major Amer Authors

HEL 224 Survey English Literature I = ENG 250 Major Eng Authors

HEL 225 Survey English Literature II = ENG 001

HEL 227 Intro to World Fiction = ENG 231 Intro To Fiction

HEL 232 = ENG 001


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HEL 240 Childrens Literature = ENG 280 Children's Literature

HEW 101 English Composition I = ENG 101 Freshman Writing I

HEW 102 English Composition II = ENG 105 Freshman Writing II

HEW 108 Technical Writing = ENG 105 Freshman Writing II

HEW 112 = ENG 105 Freshman Writing II

HEW 202 Creative Writing = ENG 001

HEW 210 Adv. Expository Writing = ENG 105 Freshman Writing II

HHS 101 Medical Terminology = ATTR225 Med Term Allied Hlth Profess

HHS 102 Medical Law and Ethics = ELEC001

HLF 101 French Level I = FREN101 Elem French I

HLF 103 French Level II = FREN102 Elem French II

HLF 201 French Level III = FREN201 Interm French I

HLF 203 French Level IV = FREN202 Interm French II

HLS 101 Spanish Level I = SPAN101 Elem Spanish I

HLS 103 Spanish Level II = SPAN102 Elem Spanish II

HLS 201 Spanish Level III = SPAN201 Intermed Span I

HLS 203 Spanish Level IV = SPAN202 Interm Span II

HLT 225 Finance and Budgeting for Health Care = ELEC001

HLT 226

Organizational Development

in Health Care = ELEC001

HMM 118 = MUS 233 Music Appreciation

HMS 101 Introduction to Human Services = SOWK130 Intro Fields Soc Welfare

HMS 102 Helping Relationship Techniques = SOWK001

HMS 103 Interviewing and Assessment = CRIM001

HMS 104 Crisis Intervention = SOWK001

HMS 105

Introduction to Correctional

Rehabilitation Services = CRIM150 Crim Just Sys

HMS 111 LTC Activity Director = SOWK001

HMS 113 Problems of Substance Abuse in Society = HLTH001

HMS 201 Internship I = ELEC001

HMS 202 Internship II = SOWK001

HMS 203 Internship Seminar I = SOWK001

HMS 204 Internship Seminar II = SOWK001

HMS 205 Behavior Modification-Choice Theory = ELEC001

HMS 206 Group Process and Skills = SOWK001

HMS 207 Program Planning and Policy Issues = SOWK252 Social Welfare & Sowk

HMS 212 Family and Child Welfare = SOWK240 Family & Child Welfare

HMS 220 Issues and Ethics in Human Services = SOWK002

HMS 240

Rehabilitation Process:

Probation and Parole = ELEC001

HMT 100 OSHA Regulations = HLTH314 Ind Hlth Saf Legis

HMT 104 Haz-Mat Health Effects = HLTH223

HMT 200

Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) Regulations = HLTH316

HMT 201 Contingency Planning = HLTH416 Adm Ind Hlth Prog

HMT 203 Environmental Sampling = HLTH377 Envrnmntl Fld Sampl&Anal

HMT 220

Hazardous Materials Recovery,

Incineration, and Disposal = HLTH222

HOS 101 Sanitation and First Aid = HLTH211 Emer Med Care&First Aid


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HOS 104 Nutrition = FCS 201 Fundamentals Nutrition

HOS 108 Human Relations Management = FCS 001

HOS 201 Hosp. Org. & Human Res. Mgt. = FCS 001

HPP 111 Introduction to Philosophy = PHIL 101 Intro Philosophy

HPP 212 Introduction to Ethics = PHIL201 Ethics & Good Life

HPP 213 Logic = PHIL105 Intro to Logic

HPP 220 Philosophy of Religion = PHIL001

HRM 204 Food & Beverage Management = FCS 001

HSA 101 History of Organized Labor = HIST001

HSS 100 Theatre Appreciation = THTR150 Beginning Acting

HSS 101 = ATTR225 Med Term Allied Hlth Profess

HSS 105 = ATTR001

HSS 143 Speech = COMM101 Intro Sp Commun

HSS 148 Interpersonal Communication =

COMM001 after

spring 2005

HSS 148 Interpersonal Communication =


spring 20005 Intro Sp Commun

HSS 200 Advanced Public Speaking = COMM101 Intro Sp Commun

HSS 201 Voice and Articulation = COMM201

HSS 202 Oral Interpretation of Literature = COMM265 Oral Interp Lit

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = HIST201 U S To 1877

HSY 102 Survey of American History II = HIST202 U S Since 1865

HSY 105 World Civilization I = HIST101 World Civil To 1500

HSY 107 World Civilization II = HIST102 World Civil Sin 1500

HSY 235 World Civilization I = HIST101 World Civil To 1500

HSY 236 World Civilization II = HIST102 World Civil Sin 1500

HUM 101 Survey of Humanities = LLL 170 Humanities Modern World

HUM 102 Ethics = LLL 170 Humanities Modern World

HUM 118 Music Appreciation = MUS 233 Music Appreciation

HUM 201 Humanities I = LLL 170 Humanities Modern World

HUM 202 Humanities II = REL 001

IDS 102 Intro to Print Reading = IMT 103 Intro Technical Graphics CAD

IDS 103 Motors and Motor Controls = IMT 130 Intro Ind Mech Tech

IDS 104 Fluid Power Basics = IMT 329 Fluid Pow Tech

IDS 114 Introductory Welding = ECT 130 Elec Compu Tech

IDS 260

Quality Control & Advanced

Problem Solving = TECH002

ILT 101 Industrial Lab Techq. = TECH001

ILT 201 Ind. Instrmnt & Techq. I = ELEC001

ILT 202 Ind. Instrmnt & Techq. II = ELEC001

ILT 203 Enviornmental Monitoring = HLTH377 Envrnmntl Fld Sampl&Anal

ILT 206 Food and Drug Analysis = ELEC001

ILT 207 Wastewater Analysis = HLTH356 Water & Envrnmntl Hlth

ILT 217 Wastewater Analysis = ELEC001

ILT 287 Special Topics = CHEM001

ILT 287 Special Topics = CHEM351 Organic Chem I

IMT 102 Intro to Print Reading = IMT 001


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IMT 103 Motors and Motor Controls = ELEC001

IMT 104 Fluid Power Basics = TECH001

IMT 106 Millwright I = TECH001

IMT 120 Metallurgy Fundamentals = AST 001

IMT 122 Electrical Wiring Fundamentals = ECT 160 Electron Fundamentals

IMT 201 Fluid Power Systems = IMT 329 Fluid Pow Tech

IMT 203 Machine Maintenance-Installation = IMT 001

IMT 203 Machine Maintenance-Installation = IMT 333 Power Systems

IMT 205 Programmable Controllers I = IMT 103 Intro Technical Graphics CAD

IMT 206 Programmable Controllers II = TECH001

IMT 207 Electrical Circuits = ECT 165 D.C. Circuits&Design

IMT 210 Pumps = TECH001

IMT 283 Special Topics = ELEC001

IMT 288 Special Topics = TECH001

IMT 293 Special Topics = ELEC001

IND 201 Business & Industry = ELEC001

INF 101 Intro to Microcomputers = CS 101 Inform Tech Literacy

INT 102 Structural Systems = FCS 152 Interior Design Graph I

INT 103 Introduction to Interior Design = FCS 151 Design Fundamentals

INT 104 Textiles for Interiors = FCS 217 Textiles I

INT 105 Design Presentations = FCS 252 Interior Design Graph II

INT 106 Building Systems II = FCS 001

INT 108 Interior Design II = FCS 001

INT 109 History of Interiors = FCS 001

INT 201 Interior Materials = FCS 252 Interior Design Graph II

INT 202 Contract Design = FCS 260 Interior Construct&Detail

INT 207 Studio I = FCS 260 Interior Construct&Detail

INT 216 Computer Graphics = IMT 299 CAD Fundamentals

IST 102 Techniques of Supervision I = MGT 301 Survey of Management

LEG 101 Introduction to Paralegal Studies = CRIM001

LEG 102 Legal Research = CRIM001

LEG 103 Civil Procedure = CRIM001

LEG 106 Tort Law = CRIM001

LEG 109 Family Law = CRIM001

LEG 111 Criminal Law and Procedure = CRIM280

LEG 202 Litigation = CRIM001

LEG 203 Law Office Technology = CRIM001

LEG 204 Legal Writing = CRIM001

LEG 209 Family Law = CRIM001

LEG 211 Criminal Law and Procedure = CRIM001

LEG 212 Bankruptcy Law = ELEC001

MAT 103 Geometry-Trigonometry = IMT 208

MAT 104 Algebra-Trigonometry = MATH112 Trigonometry

MAT 110 Contemporary Coll. Math = MATH001

MAT 111 Intermediate Algebra = MATH111 Interm Algebra

MAT 112 Functional Mathematics = MATH102 Quantitative Literacy

MAT 114 = LIFS001


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MAT 115 Statistics = MATH241 Princ Statistics

MAT 121 Geometry-Trigonometry = MATH112 Trigonometry

MAT 131 Algebra-Trigonometry I = MATH112 Trigonometry

MAT 132 Algebra-Trigonometry II = MATH115 Coll Alg & Trig

MAT 133 College Algebra with Analytic Geometry = MATH111 Interm Algebra

MAT 134 Trigonometry = MATH112 Trigonometry

MAT 135 Finite Math = MATH201

MAT 136 College Algebra = MATH111 Interm Algebra

MAT 136 + MAT 137 = MATH112 + 115

MAT 137 Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry = MATH112 Trigonometry

MAT 141 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers = MATH305 Math Elem Tchrs II

MAT 201 Brief Calculus = MATH001

MAT202 Brief Calculus II = MATH001

MEA 101 Medical Terminology = ITE 001

MEA 102 First Aid and CPR = HLTH211 Emer Med Care&First Aid

MEA 113 Pharmacology = ELEC001

MEA 114

Medical Assisting Laboratory

Techniques = LIFS001

MEA 120 Medical Assisting Clinical Externship = CLS 001

MEA 130 Medical Office Admin. = ELEC001

MEA 132 Cmpt. Cnpts. In Med. Office = MIS 276 Bus Info Proc Sys

MEA 135

Medical Word Processing

and Transcription = CS 151 Intro Computer Sci

MEA 151 Pharmacy Technician I = ELEC001

MEA 130 Medical Office Admin. = ELEC001

MEA 132 Cmpt. Cnpts. In Med. Office = MIS 276 Bus Info Proc Sys

MEA 135

Medical Word Processing

and Transcription = CS 151 Intro Computer Sci

MEA 151 Pharmacy Technician I = ELEC001

MEA 152 Pharmacy Technician II = ELEC001

MEA 153 Adm. Aspects of Pharm. = ELEC001

MEA 201

Medical Word Processing

and Transcription = TECH001

MEA 203 Disease Conditions = ELEC001

MEA 204 Medical Office Management = ELEC001

MEA 209 Electrocardiograph-Basic Techq. = ELEC001

MEA 210 Intro to EKG Interpretation = ELEC001

MEA 213 Advanced Insurance Coding = ELEC001

MEA 215 Advanced Medical Terminology = ELEC001

MEA 216 Nutrition = ELEC001

MEA 225 Insurance Coding Externship = ELEC001

MEA 226 Advanced Clinical = ELEC001

MEA 227 Medical Office Management = ELEC001

MEA 234 Phlebotomy Externship = ELEC001

MEA 291 Special Topics = ELEC001

MEA 293 Special Topics = ELEC001

MHR 202 Abnormal Psychology = PSY 001

MIN 287 Special Topics = ELEC001

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MIT 102 Introduction to Print Reading = IMT 001

MIT 104 Fluid Power Basics = IMT 329 Fluid Pow Tech

MIT 114 Introductory Welding = MCT 371 Manufac Process Material

MIT 120 Metallurgy Fundamentals = MCT 225 Manufact Materials

MKT 101 Principles of Marketing = MKTG001

MKT 102 Principles of Selling = MKTG001

MKT 201 Introduction to Market Research = ELEC001

MKT 202 Logistics-Purchasing Control = MKTG001

MTT 101 Introduction to Machining = ITE 222 Metals Tech I

MTT 102 Turning Processes I = AST 001

MTT 103 Milling Processes I = AST 001

MTT 104 Machinery Handbook = TECH001

MTT 106 Advanced Print Interpretation = IMT 438

MTT 110 Turning and Milling Processes = MCT 370 Fund Machine Tool Proc

MTT 208 CNC Programming I = MCT 376 Comput Numer Contr

MTT 209 CNC Programming II = MCT 376 Comput Numer Contr

MTT 210 Interactive CNC = TECH001

MTT 220 CAD-CAM I = IMT 203 Intro Solid Modeling

MUS118 Music Appreciation = MUS 233 Music Appreciation

NUR 150 Nursing and Universal Needs = NURS105

NUR 151 Nursing and Universal Needs Practicum = NURS105

NUR 152 Nursing Related to Health Deviation I = NURS001

NUR 153

Nursing Related to Health

Deviation I Practicum = NURS001

NUR 154 Pharmacotherapeutics = NURS001

NUR 249 Transition to ASN Nursing = NURS151

NUR 250 Nursing Related to Health Deviation II = NURS001

NUR 251

Nursing Related to Health

Deviation II Practicum = NURS001

NUR 252 Nursing Related to Developmental Needs = NURS001

NUR 253

Nursing Related to Developmental

Needs Practicum = NURS001

NUR 254 Professional Nursing Issues = NURS001

NUR 284 Special Topics = NURS001

NUR 290 Special Topics = NURS001

NUR 290A Special Topics = NURS001

OAD 103 Word Processing Applications = ELEC001

OAD 110 Presentation Graphics = ELEC001

OAD 114 Desktop Publishing = ELEC001

OAD 119 Document Processing = ELEC001

OAD 121 Office Procedures = ELEC001

OAD 207 Integrated Applications = BUS 170 Information Tools

OAD 216 Business Communications = ELEC001

OAD 218 Spreadsheets = ELEC001

OAD 220 Records and Database Management = ELEC001

OAD 221 Office Administration and Supervision = ELEC001

OAD 280 Co-op-Internship-Externship-Practicum = ELEC001

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OAD 287 Special Topics = ELEC001

OAD 288 Special Topics = CRIM001

OAS 216 = ELEC001

OPM 102 Techniques of Supervision I = ELEC001

OPM 211 Labor Relations = ELEC001

PAR 102

Emergency Medical Technician -

Basic Training = HLTH211/L Emer Med Skll Prof Lab

PAR 202 Trauma = ELEC001

PAR 207 Cardiology = ELEC001

PAR 208 Medical Emergency = ELEC001

PAR 209 AGE Emergencies = ELEC001

PAR 211 OB/GYN Neonatal = ELEC001

PAR 217 Behavioral Emergency = ELEC001

PAR 218 Ambulance = ELEC001

PFW 100 Lifetime Fitness-Wellness = P E 101/L Fitness Life Lab

PHA 101 Applied Physics I = PHYS101 Intro Phys Sciences

PHA 102 Applied Physics II = PHYS101 Intro Phys Sciences

PHA 103 Applied Physics III = PHYS105 Gen Physics I

PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy = PHIL101 Intro Philosophy

PHL 102 Introduction to Ethics = PHIL201 Ethics & Good Life

PHL 108 Philosophy of Religion = PHIL001

PHL 213 Logic = PHIL105 Intro to Logic

PHY 100 Technical Physics = PHYS101/L Intr Phys Sci Lab

PHY 101 Physics I = PHYS105/L Gen Phys I Lab

PHY 102 Physics II = PHYS106L Gen Phys II Lab

PHY 110 Technical Physics = PHYS101/L Intr Phys Sci Lab

PMT 101 Introduction to Plastics = ELEC001

PMT 106 Plastic Materials and Testing = ELEC001

PNU 104 Nutrition = ELEC001

PNU 106 Anatomy & Phys. For PN = ELEC001

PNU 121 Introduction to Nursing I = ELEC001

PNU 122 Introduction to Nursing II = ELEC001

PNU 126 Integrated Life Science = ELEC001

PNU 127 Care of the Adult I = ELEC001

PNU 128 Care of the Adult II = ELEC001

PNU 129 Care of the Adult III = ELEC001

PNU 130 Care of Older Adult = ELEC001

PNU 131 Nursing Care of the Child-Bearing Family = ELEC001

POL 100 Introduction to Political Science = PSCI130 Intro Pol Sci

POL 101

Introduction to American Government

and Politics = PSCI201 American Govern

POL 112 State and Local Government = PSCI201 American Govern

POL 201 Introduction to Political Science = PSCI130 Intro Pol Sci

POL 211 Introduction World Politics = PSCI001

POL 220 Public Administration = PSCI001

POL210 Personal Law = PSCI001

PPF 119 CAD Fundamentals = IMT 299 CAD Fundamentals

PST 121 Risk Management = HLTH212 Ind Hlth Saf Mgt

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PST 220 Incident Management Systems = HLTH411 Anal Tech Ind Hlth

PST 221 Computer Design and Planning = HLTH328 Fire Protect Sys/Tech

PST 288 Special Topics = PSCI001

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = PSY 101 Gen Psychology

PSY 201 Lifespan Development = PSY 266 Development Psy

PSY 205 Abnormal Psychology = PSY 001

PSY 210 Drugs and Human Behavior = PSY 001

PSY 240 Human Sexuality = PSY 100 Psy Hum Sex Res

QSC 101

Quality Control Concepts and

Techniques I = MCT 473

QSC 102 Statistical Process Control = ELEC001H

QSC 201 Advanced Statistical Process Control = ELEC001

QSC 202

Quality Control Concepts and

Techniques II = MCT 473

QSC 203 Metrology = GEOG001

QSC 203 Metrology = GEOG314 Meteorology

QSC 204 Total Quality Management = ITE 468

QSC 287 Special Topics = ELEC001

RAD 288 Special Topics = PHYS105 Gen Physics I

RAD 288A Special Topics = PHYS105L Gen Phys I Lab

RES 210 Cardiopulmonary Diagnost. = ELEC001

RES 211 Critical Care II = ELEC001

RES 224 Clinical Medicine II = ELEC001

RES 225 Emergency Management = ELEC001

RES 226 Continuing Care = ELEC001

SCA 111 Applied Physical Science = PHYS001

SCI 100 Earth Science = GEOL 160/L Earth & Sky Sci Lab

SCI 101 Physical Science = PHYS101/L Intr Phys Sci Lab

SCI 103 Physics I = PHYS101 Intro Phys Sciences

SCI 105 Physics II = PHYS105 Gen Physics I

SCI 107 Chemistry = CHEM001

SCI 111 Physical Science = PHYS101/L Intr Phys Sci Lab

SCI 113 Anat. & Physiology I = LIFS231/L Human Anatomy Lab

SCI 115 Anat. & Physiology II = LIFS241/L Hum Physiology Lab

SCL 101 Elem. Organic+Biochemistry Lab = CHEM104L El Org Biochem Lab

SCM 101 Elem. Organic+Biochemistry = CHEM104 El Org & Biochem

SCM 104 = CHEM100/L Chem:React & Reason Lab

SCM 111 Chemistry I = CHEM105 Gen Chemistry I

SCM 112 Chemistry II = CHEM106 Gen Chemistry II

SES 100 Earth Science = GEOL 160/L Earth & Sky Sci Lab

SES 207 World Geography = GEOG130 World Geography

SIC 101 Introductory Chemistry I = CHEM105 Gen Chemistry I

SIC 102 Introductory Chemistry II = CHEM106 Gen Chemistry II

SIL 101 Introductory Biology = BIOL112 Human Aspects Biology

SIL 211 Biology of Microorganisms I = LIFS274 Intro Microbiology

SIL 212 Biology of Microorganisms II = LIFS001

SIP 101 Physics I = PHSY105/L Gen Phys I Lab

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SIP 102 Physics II = PHYS106 Gen Physics II

SLS 100 Human Biology = BIOL112/112L

SLS 202 Biology of Microorganisms = LIFS174

SLS 203 = LIFS001

SMA 115 Survey of Calculus I = MATH001

SMA 118 Calculus with Analytic Geom. I = MATH131 Calculus I

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = SOC 100 Foundations Social Life

SOC 115 Sociology of Relations and Family = SOC 260 Courtship Marr

SOC 201 Social Problems = SOC 220 Contem Soc Prob

SOC 212 Cultural Diversity in the United States = SOC 110 U S Diversity:Soc Perspect

SOC 222 Multicultural Studies = ANTH016

SOC 245 Cultural Diversity = SOC 110 U S Diversity:Soc Perspect

SOC 252 Social Problems = SOC 220 Contem Soc Prob

SOC 253 Introduction Social Psychology = PSY 270 Psy Orientation Soc Psy

SOC 261

Sociology of Relationships

and the Family = SOC 260 Courtship Marr

SPC 101 Stat. Process Control = MCT 001

SPC 102 Adv. Stat Process Control = TECH001

SPC 103 MP Partcp. Tec. & Qual. Im. = TECH001

SPC 104 Intro to Nondestruc. Test = TECH001

SPC 105 Nondestruct. Test Appl. I = ELEC001

SPC 106 Nondestruct. Test Appl. II = ELEC001

SPC 107

Quality Control Concepts

and Techniques II = TECH001

SPC 109 Engineering Materials = MCT 225 Manufact Materials

SPC 206 Mechanical Metrology = IMT 001

SPC 287 Special Topics = TECH002

SPN 101 Elementary Spanish I = SPAN101 Elem Spanish I

SPN 102 Elementary Spanish II = SPAN102 Elem Spanish II

SPN 201

Intermediate Spanish Level I

(Spanish III) = SPAN201 Intermed Span I

SPN 202

Intermediate Spanish Level II

(Spanish IV) = SPAN202 Interm Span II

SPS 101 Physical Science = PHSY101/L Intr Phys Sci Lab

SPT 101 Technical Physics = PHYS001

SUP 102 Techq. Of Supervision I = ELEC001

SUP 203 Reliability Objectives = ELEC001

SUP 205 Techq. Of Leadership = ELEC001

SUP 224 Operations Management = ELEC001

TAA 221 = IMT 001

TAA 222 = IMT 001

TAM 310 = AST 001

TBM 105 = MCT 211 Construct Meth&Equip

TBM 155 = ECT 369 Electric Constr

TBM 160 = MCT 211 Construct Meth&Equip

TBM 180 = MCT 211 Construct Meth&Equip

TBM 255 = ITE 432 Construct Tech I

TDA 165 = ELEC001

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TDI 134 = IMT 101

TDI 140 = AST 001

TDI 150 = MATH122 Analytic Geometry

TDI 190 = IMT 001

TDI 276 = IMT 001

TEC 101 Processes and Materials = MCT 270 Automat Manuf Sys

TEC 102 Technical Graphics = IMT 101

TEC 103 Collaborative Team Skills = TECH001

TEC 104 Computer Fundamentals for Technology = CS 151 Intro Computer Sci

TEC 106 Hazardous Materials Control = HLTH429 Haz Sub Waste Mats

TEC 113 Basic Electricity = ECT 001

VIS 101 Fundamentals of Design = ARTS102 Fund:Two-Dim Dsgn&Color

VIS 102 Fundamentals of Imaging = ARTS235 Photography I

VIS 115 Introduction to Computer Graphics = ARTD220 Graphic Design I

VIS 201 Electronic Imaging = ELEC001

VIS 205 Business Practices for Visual Artists = MCT 132

VIS 207 Portfolio Preparation = ART 001

WLD 108 Shielded Metal Arc Welding I = TECH001

WLD 109 Oxy-Acety Gas Welding and Cutting = TECH001

WLD 110 Welding Fabrication I = IMT 001

WLD 114 Introductory Welding = TECH001

WLD 120 Metallurgy Fundamentals = MCT 371 Manufac Process Material

WLD 207 Gas Metal Arc (MIG) Welding = TECH001


DegreeLink --Indiana State University offers students the opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree through transfer

of the associate degree or transfer of credit on a course-by-course basis. For information on DegreeLink go to Completed program articulation agreements are located at

For additional infromation call 812-237-4113 or 1-888-237-8080.

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ACC 101 &

ACC 102

Accounting Principles I & Accounting

Principles II (with two A grades) =BUS A100 & BUS


Basic Accounting Skills AND Principles of

Financial Accounting

ACC 101 &

ACC 102

Accounting Principles I & Accounting

Principles II (with both grades"B" or 1

"A" and 1 "B")

= BUS-A100 Basic Accounting Skills

BUS 101 Introduction to Business = BUS X100 Indto. to Business Administration

BUS 102 Business Law = BUS L201 Legal Environment of Business

COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = CMCL C121 Public Speaking

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = PSY P 101 Introduction to Psychology

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology =SOC S101 or SOC

101Introduction to Sociology or Intro. to


ENG 112 Exposition and Persuations = ENG W132 Elementary Composition II

BIO 101 Introductory Biology = BIOL L104 Introductory Biology Lectures

CIS 101 Introduction to Microcomputers = BUS K201 The Computer in Business

ENG 111 English Composition = ENG W131 Elementary Composition

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = HIST H105 American History I

PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy = PHIL P100 Introduction to Philosophy

POL 101 Intro to American Gov. & Politics = POLS Y103 American Politics

COM 102 Intro. To Interpersonal Communications = CMCL C122 Interpersonal Communications

ANH 154 Cultural Anthropology = ANTH-E 105 Culture & Society

ANH 254 Introduction to Archaeology = ANTH-P 200 Introduction to Archaeology

BIO 201 General Microbiology = BIOL-UN 200

CHM 111 Chemistry I = CHEM-C 101 Elementary Chemistry 1

CHM 112 Chemistry II = CHEM-C 102 Elementary Chemistry 2

COM 203 Oral Interpretation of Literature = THTR-T 215 Oral Interpretation I

COM 204 Voice and Articulation = CMCL-UN1 200

ENG 202 Creative Writing = ENG-W 103 Intro. Ctreative Writing

ENG 205(202) Creative Writing = ENG-W103 Intro. Ctreative Writing

ENG 207(220)

Introduction to

World Literature I = ENG-L 213 Literary Masterpieces

ENG 209

Introduction to

World Literature II = ENG-L 214 Literary Masterpieces II

ENG 220

Introduction to

World Literature I = ENG-L 213 Literary Masterpieces

ENG 221(222) American Literature I = ENG-UN1


ENG 223 American Literature II = ENG-UN1


ENG 224 Survey English Literature I = ENG-UN1


ENG 225 Survey English Literature II = ENG-UN1


ENG 227 Introduction to World Fiction = ENG-L 204 Introduction to Fiction

ENG 240 Childrens Literature = ENG-UN1


ENG 249 Linguistics = LING-L 103 Introd to the St. of Language

ENG 250 English Grammar = ENG-G 205 Introd to the English Language

*Continued on Next Page

Effective Spring 2002 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

Effective Fall 2003 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

Effective Fall 1994 with a grade of C or higher, uless specified differently


Effective Fall 1992 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

Effective Spring 1998 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

Effective Fall 1993 with a grade of C or higher, uless specified differently

Page 25: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal




FRE 101 French I = FRIT-F 100 Elementary French I

FRE 102 French II = FRIT-F 150 Elementary French II

HSY 105(235) World Civilization I = HIST-W100 Issues in World History

HSY 107(236) World Civilization II = HIST-UN 200

HSY 125


Technology = HIST-UN1 100

HSY 235(105) World Civilization I = HIST-W 100 Issues in World History

HSY 236(107) World Civilization II = HIST-UN1 200

HUM 100 Theatre Appreciation = THTR-T 210 Appreciation of the Theatre

HUM 201 Humanities I = CMLT-C 255 Modern Lit and Other Arts

HUM 202 Humanities II = CMLT-C 256 Literature and the Other Arts

MAT 201 Brief Calculus = MATH-M 119 Brief Survey of Calculus I

MAT 218 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I = MATH-M 211 Calculus I

PHL 213 Logic = PHIL-P 150 Elementary Logic

PHL 220 Philosophy of Religion = PHIL-P 281 Philosophy of Religion

POL 112 State and Local Government = POLS-UN1


POL 210 Personal Law = BUS-L 100 Personal Law

POL 211 Introduction World Politics = POLS-Y 109 Intro to International Politics

POL 220 Public Administration = POLS-UN1 200

PSY 240 Human Sexuality = PSY-P 204

Psychological & Biological

Bases of Human Sexuality

PSY 242 Educational Psychology = EDUC-P 254

Educational Psychology

for Teachers - All Grades

PSY 253

Introduction Social

Psychology = PSY-UN1


PSY 280 Health Psychology = HPER-UN1 200

SCI 100 Earth Science = GEOL-G 103

Earth Science -


SOC 115(261)

Sociology of Relations

and Family = SOC-S 220 Culture & Society

SOC 164

Introduction to

Multicultural Studies = SOC-UN1 100

SOC 201(252) Social Problems = SOC-S 201 Social Problems

SOC 212(245)

Cultural Diversity

in the United States = SOC-UN1 200

SOC 222(164) Multicultural Studies = SOC-UN1


SOC 245(212) Cultural Diversity = SOC-UN1 200

SOC 252(201) Social Problems = SOC-S 201 Social Problems

SOC 253 Intro to Social Psychology = SOC-S 230 Society & the Individual

SOC 261

Sociology of Relationships

and the Family = SOC-S 220 Culture & Society

SPN 101 Elementary Spanish I = HISP-S 100 Elementary Spanish

SPN 102 Elementary Spanish II = HISP-S 150 Elementary Spanish II

SPN 201 Spanish Level III = HISP-S 200 Second Year Spanish I

SPN 202 Spanish Level IV = HISP-S 250 Second Year Spanish II

ARH 101 Survey of Art and Culture I = FINA UNDI 1

ARH 102 Survey of Art and Culture II = FINA UNDI 1

BIO 211 General Microbiology = BIOL-UNDI 1

BIO 212 General Microbiology II = BIOL-UNDI 1

CHM 101 Chemistry I = CHEM-C101 Elementary Chemistry I

INDIANA UNIVERSITY - Bloomington Cont.

Effective Spring 2003 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

*Continued on Next Page

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CHM 102 Chemistry II = CHEM-C102 Elementary Chemistry II

ECN 101 Economic Fundamentals = ECON UNDI*

ECN 201 Principles of Macroeconomics = ECON-E202 Introduction of Macroeconomics

ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics = ECON-E201 Introuction to Microeconomics

ENG 211 Technical Writing = ENG-W231 Professional Writing Skills

HSY 102 Survey of American History II = HIST-H106 American History II

PHL 102 Introduction to Ethics = PHIL-P140 Introduction to Ethics

PHY 100 Technical Physics = PHYS UNDI* 4cr

PHY 101 Physics I = PHYS-P201 General Physics I (4cr)

PHY 102 Physics II = PHYS-P202 General Physics II (4cr)

POL 100(201)

Introduction to

Political Science = POLS-Y 100 American Polit. Controversies

POL 201(100) Political Science = POLS-Y 100 American Polit. Controversies

PSY 201 Lifespan Development = PSY-P2016 Objec. In Lifespan Development

PSY 205 Abnormal Psychology = PSY UNDI*

SCI 111 Physical Science = PHYS UNDI*

BIO 121 General Biology = BIOL-L 112 Biological Mechanisms

BTN 220 Molecular Biology = BIOL L211 Molecular Biology

BTN 221 Microbiology = BIOL M250 Microbiology

BTN 222 Microbiology Laboratory = BIOL M255 Microbiology Laboratory

CHM 105 General Chemistry I = CHEM C117 Intro to Chemical Principles

CHM 106 General Chemistry II = CHEM C118 Principles of Chemistry & Biochemistry II

MAT 111 Intermediate Algebra = MATH M014 Basic Algebra

MAT 115 Statistics = MATH UNDI Undistributed at the 100 level

MAT 133 College Algebra = MATH M025 Precalculus Mathematics

MAT 134 Trigonometry = MATH M026 Trigonometric Functions

MAT 135 Finite Math = MATH M118 Finite Mathematics

MAT 211(231) Calculus I = MATH M211 Calculus I

MAT 212(232) Calculus II = MATH M212 Calculus II

CRJ 101 Intro. to Criminal Justice Systems = CJUS P100 Intro. to Criminal Justice Systems

CRJ 105 Intro to Criminology = CJUS P200 Theories of Crime and Deviance

CRJ 280 Internship = CJUS P281 Internship

ANP 101 Anatomy and Physiology I = ANAT-UN 100

ANP 203 Human Anatomy and Physiology I = ANAT-UN1 200

ANP 203

AND 204

Human Anatomy & Physiology I

and Human Anatomy & Physiology II =

ANAT-A 215


Human Anatomy AND


ANP 204 Human Anatomy and Physiology II = PHSL-UN1 200

BIO 100 Human Biology = BIOL-L 100 Humans & the Biological World

BIO 110 Entomology = BIOL-L 104 Introductory Biology Lectures

BIO 122 General Biology II = BIOL-L 111 Evolution & Diversity

BIO 121 &

BIO 122

General Biology &

General Biology II =

BIOL-L111, L112

& L113

Evolution & Diversity,

Biological Mechanisms & Biology Laboratory

BTN 100 Survey of Biotechnology = BIOL-L 104 Introductory Biology Lectures

BUS 294 ES

(HPR 212) Special Topics/Intro. to Exercise Science = HPER-P 212 Introduction to Exercise Science

*Continued on Next Page

Effective Summer 2004 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

Effective Fall 2005 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

INDIANA UNIVERSITY - Bloomington Cont.

Effective Spring 2004 with a grade of C of higher, unless specified differently

Effective Fall 2004 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

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BUS 294 SK

(HPR 205) Special Topics/Structural Kinesiology = HPER-P 205 Structural Kinesiology

BUS 294 SM

(HPR 211) Special Topics/Sports Management = HPER-P 211 Introduction to Sports Management

ENG 206 Introduction to Literature = ENG-UN1


HPR 212

(BUS 294 ES) Special Topics/Intro. to Exercise Science = HPER-P 212 Introduction to Exercise Science

HPR 205

(BUS 294 SK) Special Topics/Structural Kinesiology = HPER-P 205 Structural Kinesiology

HPR 211

(BUS 294 SM) Special Topics/Sports Management = HPER-P 211 Introduction to Sports Management

ENG 210 Literature and Life = ENG-L 208

p g

Literature and Culture

ARH 110 Art Appreciation = FINA-H 100 Art Appreciation

ENG 221 American Literature I = ENG-L 214 Literary Masterpieces II

ENG 222 American Literature I = ENG-UN1


HUM 117 Music Theory = MUS-Z111 Intro to Music Theory

ANP 101 &

ANP 102

Anatomy and Physiology I &

Anatomy and Physiology II = ANAT-A 215 Human Anatomy

ANP 102 Anatomy and Physiology II = ANAT-UN1


ART 111 Drawing for Visualization = FINA-UN1


ART 115 Typography = FINA-UN1


ART 120 Life and Object Drawing I = FINA-UN1


ART 220 Life and Object Drawing II = FINA-UN1


ANP 101,

ANP 102, &

ANP 201

Anatomy and Physiology I,

Anatomy and Physiology II, &

Advanced Physiology =

ANAT-A 215


PHSL-P 215

Human Anatomy



ANP 201 Advanced Physiology = PHSL-P215 Physiology

BIO 220 Environmental Science = SPEA-UN1


CRJ 103 Cultural Awareness = CJUS-P 150 Introductory Topics in Criminal Justice

CRJ 260 Research Methods in Criminal Justice = CJUS-P 281 The Nature of Inquiry

HUM 118 Music Appreciation = MUS Z101 Music for the Listener

PAR 102 Emergency Medical Technician =

HPER-H 160,

HPER-H 401 &


First Aid & Emeregency Care, Emergency

Medical Techical Abmulance, & Emergency

Medical Technician Lab

RELG 101 = REL-R 153 Religions of the East

RELG 201 = REL-R 250 Introduction to Buddhism

EDU 101 Introduction to Teaching = EDUC-F200 Examining Self As A Teacher

EDU 201 Using Computers in Education = EDUC-W200 Using Computers in Education

EDU 224 Intro. to Scientific Inquiry = EDUC-Q200 Intro. to Scientific Inquiry

EDU 250 Educational Psychology = EDUC-P251

Educational Psychology for

Elementary Teachers

IVY 120 New Student Seminar = EDUC-U212 Current Issues

PSY 102 Advanced Intro. Psychology = PSY-P102 Introductory Psychology 2

PSY 211 Research Methods in Psychology = PSY-P211 Methods of Experimental Psychology

*Continued on Next Page

Effective Fall 2007 with a grade of C or higher, uless specified differently

Effective Spring 2007 with a grade of C or higher, uless specified differently

Effective Summer 2006 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

Effective Summer 2005 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

INDIANA UNIVERSITY - Bloomington Cont.

Effective Spring 2006 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

Effective Spring 2005 with a grade of C or higher, unless specified differently

Page 28: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal




GEO 207 World Geography = GEOG-G120 World Regional Geography

HPR 216/

HPER216 Current Concepts in Physical Fitness = HPER-UN 200

updated 7/25/2008

Office of Admissions - Indiana University [email protected]

300 North Jordan Ave. - Bloomington, IN 47405 (812) 855-0661





COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = C 121 Public Speaking

ENG 111 English Composition = W 131 Elementary Composition I

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = W 132 Elementary Compositioni II

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = H 105 American History I

PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy = P 100 Introduction to Philosophy

POL 101 Intro to American Government and Politics = Y 103 American Politics

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = P 103 General Psychology

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = S 100Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic






BIO 101 Introductory Biology = BIOL L 100 Humans & the Biological World

COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = CMCL C121 Public Speaking

ENG 111 English Composition = ENG W 131 Elementary Composition

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = ENG W 132 Elementary Composition II

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = HIST H 105 American History I

PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy = PHIL P 100 Introduction to Philosophy

POL 101Introduction to American Government and

Politics= POLS Y 103 American Politics

Effective Fall 2008 with a grade of C or higher, uless specified differently

Effective Spring 2008 with a grade of C or higher, uless specified differently

INDIANA UNIVERSITY - Bloomington Cont.


While every effort is made to provide accurate and current information, Indiana University reserves the right to change without notice

statements listed herein concerning rules, policies, courses, or other matters.

Please direct any questions to:


Page 29: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = PSY P 103 General Psychology

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = SOC S 100 Introduction to Sociology





BIO 101 Introductory Biology = BIOL L 100 Humans & the Biological World

COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = CMCL C121 Public Speaking

ENG 111 English Composition = ENG W 131 Elementary Composition

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = ENG W 132 Elementary Composition II

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = PSY P 101 Introduction to Psychology

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = SOC S 161 Principles of Sociology





BIO 101 Introductory Biology = L 100 Humans & the Biological World

COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = C 121 Public Speaking

ENG 111 English Composition = W 131 Elementary Composition

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = H 105 American History I

PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy = P 100 Introduction to Philosophy

POL 101 Politics = Y 103 Introduction to American Politics

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = P 103 General Psychology

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = S 161 Principles of Sociology





ACC 203 Cost Accounting I = BUS A202 Cost Accounting

BUS 101 Introduction to Business = COAS W100 Introduction to Business

BUS 102 Business Law = BUS L201 Legal Environment of Business

BUS 110 Business Statistics = ECON E280



BUS 203 Business Development = BUS W211 Contemporary Entrepreneurship

ECN 201 & ECN

202 Macroeconomics & Microeconomics =

ECON E100 &


Current Economic Topics &

Fundamentals of Economics

HHS 101 Medical Terminology = AHLT M195 Medical Terminology

MAT 201 Brief Calculus = MATH M119 Brief Survey of Calculus I

ARH 101 Survey of Art and Culture I = FINA A101 Ancient and Medival Art

ARH 102 Survey of Art and Culture II = FINA A102 Renaissance through Modern Art

BIO 101 Introductory Biology = BIOL L100 Humans & the Biological World

CIS 101 Introduction to Microcomputers = CSCI C106 Intro to Computers & Their Use

COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = SPCH S121 Public Speaking

ENG 111 English Composition = ENG W131 Elementary Composition

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = ENG UN Undistributed English


The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1995

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 1998

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1998

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:



Page 30: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = HIST H105 American History I

HSY 102 Survey of American History II = HIST H106 American History II

PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy = PHIL P 100 Intro to Philosophy

PHY 101 Physics I = PHYS UN Undistributed Physics

PHY 102 Physics II = PHYS UN Undistributed Physics

POL 101 American Government & Politics = POLS Y 103 Introduction to American Politics

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = PSY P 101 Introductory to Psychology

SOC 111 Sociology = SOC S163 Social Problems

ANP 203 & ANP

204Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II =

ANAT A215 &


Basic Human Anatomy & Basic Mammalian


102 Anatomy & Physiology I & II = ANAT A215 Basic Human Anatomy

ANP 201 Advanced Human Physiology = PHSL P215 Basic Mammalian Physiology

ARH 110 Art Appreciation = FINA H100 Art Appreciation

ASY 101 Solar System Astronomy = AST A100 The Solar System

BIO 201 General Microbiology = MICR UN Undistributed Microbiology

BIO 211 General Microbiology = BIOL UN Undistributed Biology

BIO 212 General Microbiology II = BIOL UN Undistributed Biology

BIO 212 Environmental Science = SPEA E162 Environment and People

CHM 101 Introductory Chemistry I = CHEM 101 Elementary Chemistry I

CIS 102 Info. Systems Fundamentals = CSCI C100 Computing Tools





CIS 104 Intro. to COBOL Programming = CSCI C203 COBOL & File Processing

CIS 106 Microcomputer Operating Systems = CSCI C100 Computing Tools

CIS 107 Microcomputer Programming = CSCI A201 Intro. to Programming I

CIS 204 Advanced COBOL Programming = CSCI UN Undistributed Computer Science

CIS 207Microcomputer Database Management

Systems= CSCI C100 Computing Tools

COM 102 Intro to Interpersoanl Comm = SPCH S122 Interpersonal Communication

COM 205 Creative Writing = ENG W203 Creative Writing

ENG 206 Introduction to Literature = ENG UN Undistributed English

ENG 211 Technical Writing = ENG W231 Professional Writing Skills

GEO 105 World Geography = GEOG G201 World Regional Geography

MAT 111 Intermediate Algebra = MATH M117 Intermediate Algebra

MAT 133 College Algebra = MATH M125 Pre Calculus Mathematics

MAT 134 Trigonometry = MATH M126 Trigonometric Functions

MAT 135 Finite Math = MATH M118 Finite Mathematics

PHL 102 Introduction to Ethics = PHIL P140 Introduction to Ethics

PSY 201 Lifespan Development = PSY UN Undistributed Psychology

PSY 205 Abnormal Psychology = PSY UN Undistributed Psychology

SCI 111 Physical Science = CHEM C104 Physical Sciences and Society

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1999

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 2000

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

* Continued on next page


The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 1998

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 2000

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

Page 31: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

ACC 101 Principles of Accounting I = BUS A201 Intro to Financial Accounting

ACC 102 Principles of Accounting II = BUS A202 Intro to Managerial Accounting

SPN 101 Elementary Spanish I = SPAN S100 Elementary Spanish I Beginners

SPN 102 Elementary Spanish II = SPAN S150 Elementary Spanish II

BIO 130 Human Biology = PHSL P130 Human Biology





ACC 101 Principles of Accounting I = BUS A201 Intro to Financial Accounting

ACC 102 Principles of Accounting II = BUS A201 Intro to Financial Accounting

ACC 203 Cost Accounting I = BUS A202 Intro. to Managerial Accounting

ACC 204 Cost Accounting II = BUS A202 Intro. to Managerial Accounting

PSY 101Introduction to Psychology

(formerly SOC 102)= PSY 120 Elementary Psychology

SOC 111Introduction to Sociology

(formerly SOC 104)= SOC S161 Principles of Sociology

ELT 124 Digital I (formerly ELT 103) = EET UNDI Undistributed

ELT 125 Digital II (formerly ELT 106) = EET 111 Digital Circuits

BIO 101 Introductory Biology = BIOL 100 Introduction to the Biological World

ENG 111 English Composition (formerly ENG 101) = ENG W131Elementary Composition separate exam

required for ESL students)

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = HIST H105 American History I

HSY 102 Survey of American History II = HIST H106 American History II

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 2005

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Summer 2001

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1993

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 2001

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 1991

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Summer 1993

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:



The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1990

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

Page 32: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

PHL 102Introduction to Ethics

(formerly ETH 101)= PHIL 111 Ethics

ACC 109 Personal Finance = BUS F260 Personal Finance

AMT 102 Introduction to Robotics = IET UNDI Undistributed

ANP 101 Anatomy and Physiology I = BIOL UNDI Undistributed

ANP 101 Anatomy and Physiology I = BIOL 203 Human Anatomy and Physiology

ANP 102 Anatomy and Physiology II = BIOL 204 Human Anatomy and Physiology

ANP 102 Anatomy and Physiology II = BIOL UNDI Undistributed

BIO 211


(formerly BIO 111) = BIOL UNDI Undistributed

BUS 101 Intro to Business = BUS W100 Business Administration Intro.

BUS 102 Business Law = BUS L203 Commercial Law

BUS 102 Business Law = OLS 268 Elements of Law

BUS 105 Principles of Management = OLS 274 Applied Leadership

BUS 208 Organizational Behavior = BUS UNDI Undistributed

BUS 208 Organizational Behavior = OLS 252 Human Relations in Organizations

CHD 121 Intro to Early Childhood Prof. = EDUC E335 Intro to Childhood Education

CHD 122 Child Growth and Development = EDUC P249


Early Childhood

CHD 123 Health, Safety, and Nutrition = HPER UNDI Undistributed

CHD 124 Cultural & Developmental Awareness = EDUC UNDI Undistributed

CHD 209 Families in Transition = SOC UNDI Undistributed

CHD 221 Emerging Literacy = EDUC UNDI Undistributed

CHM 101 Chemistry I = CHM UNDI Undistributed

CIS 101 Intro to Microcomputers = CS 106 Intro to Computers





CIS 102 Data Processing Fundamentals = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 104 Intro. to COBOL Programming = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 104 Intro. to COBOL Programming = CS 155 COBOL Programming

CIS 204 Advanced COBOL Programming = CS 155 COBOL Programming

CIS 106 Microcomputer Operating systems = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 106 Microcomputer Operating systems = CPET 181 Computer Operating Systems Basics

CIS 107 Microcomputer Programming = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 107 Microcomputer Programming = CS 203 Small Busines Systems w/Basic

CIS 109 Unix Operating Systems = CPET 181 Computer Operating Systems Basics

CIS 113 Logic, Design, & Programming = CS 203 Small Business Systems w/Basic

CIS 113 Logic, Design, & Programming = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 115 Electronic Spreadsheets = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 201 Database Design and Management = CS UNDIUndistributed with topic: Comprehensive

Database Applications

CIS 201 Database Design and Management = OLS 399Undistributed with topic: Comprehensive

Database Applications

CIS 202 Data Communications = CPET 355 Data Comm. & Networking

CIS 203 Systems Analysis & Design = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 204 Advanced COBOL Programming = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 209 Computer Business Applications = OLS 280 Microcomputer Software Applications

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1996

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1996

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

*Continued on Next Page



Page 33: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

CIS 211 RPG Programming Fundamental = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 211 RPG Programming Fundamental = CS 102 Business Computer Systems w/RPG

CIS 212 "C" Programming = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 216 Advanced RPG Programming = CS 102 Business Computer Systems w/RPG

CIS 223 Integrated Business Software = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 224 Hardware and Software Troubleshooting = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 226 Advanced Electronic Spreadsheets = CS UNDI


Spreadsheets/Integrated Applications

CIS 226 Advanced Electronic Spreadsheets = OLS 399


Spreadsheets/Integrated Applications

CIS 227 Topics in Information Management = CS UNDI Undistributed

CIS 235 Network Fundamentals = CPET 281 Local Area Network and Management

CIS 255 Network Operating = CPET 281 Local Area Network and Management

CIS 258 Network Communication & Connectivity = CPET 355 Data Comm. & Networking

CIS 258

Network Communications and Connectivity,

or CIS 263 Windows NT Network

Administrator I

= CPET 281 Local Area Network and Management

CIS 273Network Administration, or CIS 243 Novell

Network Administration= CPET 281 Local Area Network and Management

CIS 277 Local Area Network = CPET 384 Wide Area Network Design

CIS 278 CISCO Wide Area Network & Design = CPET 384 Wide Area Network Design

COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = COM 114 Fundamentals of Speech Communications

COM 102Introduction to Interpersonal

Communication= COM 212

Approaches to Study of Interpersonal


DCT 109 Construction Materials & Specifications = ARET UNDI Undistributed





DCT 202 CAD Programming Language = ARET UNDI Undistributed

DSN 103 CAD Fundamentals = ARET 123 Construction Graphic Communication

DSN 220 Advanced CAD = ARET UNDI Undistributed

ECN 101 Economics Fundamentals = ECON UNDI Undistributed

ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics = ECON UNDI Undistributed

ELT 120 Fundamentals of Electronics = EET 107 Intro to Circuit Analysis

ELT 121 Circuits I = EET 152 Electrical Circuits II

ELT 122 Circuits II (formerly ELT 100, 101, 102) = EET 152 Electrical Circuits II

ELT 124 Digital I (formerly ELT 103) = EET UNDI Undistributed

ELT 126 Solid State I (formerly ELT 105) = EET UNDI Undistributed

ELT 126 Solid State I (formerly ELT 105) = EET 204 Analog Electronics II

ELT 221 Solid State II (formerly ELT 201) = EET UNDI Undistributed

ELT 221 Solid State II (formerly ELT 201) = EET 204 Analog Electronics II

ELT 223 Electrical Machines = EET 231 Electrical Power and Controls

ELT 224Linear Integrated Circuits (formerly ELT

204)= EET 204 Analog Electronics II

ENG 024Intro to College Writing I (formerly BSA

024)= ENG W130

Principles of Composition (separate exam

required for ESL students)

ENG 025Intro to College Writing II (formerly BSA

025)= ENG W130

Principles of Composition (separate exam

required for ESL students)

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = ENG UNDI Undistributed

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = POLS Y205 Elements of Political Analysis



The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1996

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

*Continued on Next Page

Page 34: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

ENG 211 Technical Writing = ENG UNDI Undistributed

HEA 101 Heating Fundamentals = MET Undistributed

HEA 103 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration I = UNDI Undistributed

HOS 101 Sanitation & First Aid = RHIT 191 Food Service Sanitation

HOS 102 Basic Food Theory & Skills = RHIT 291 Quantity Food Production

HOS 104 Nutrition = F&N 203 Food Selection and Preparation

HOS 109 Hospitality Purchasing = RHIT 311Y

Purchasing for Rest., Hotels, &


HOS 201

Hospitality Org. and Human Res.

Mgmt. = RHIT 100 Intro to Food Service and Lodging

HOS 202 Garden Manager = RHIT UND Undistributed

HOS 204 Food and Beverage Cost Control = RHIT 341 Cost Controls in Food Service & Lodging

HOS 280


(formerly CUL 206) = RHIT 301 Practicum in RHIT

HOS 102 Basic Food Theory & Skills = Elective Undistributed

LEG 102Introduction to Legal Research &

Writing= POLS Y205 Elements of Political Analysis

LEG 204 Advanced Legal Research & Writing = POLS Y205 Elements of Political Analysis

LEG 209 Family Law (formerly LEG 109) = POLS Y200 Contemporary Political Topics

LEG 211 (formerly LEG 111) = POLS Y200 Contemporary Political Topics

MAT 050

Introductory Algebra

(formerly BSA 050) = MA 109 Elementary Algebra

MAT 111 Intermediate Algebra = MA 113 Intermediate Algebra





MAT 121 Geometry-Trigonometry = MA UNDI Undistributed

MAT 131 Algebra/Trigonometry I = MA UNDI Undistributed

MAT 131 Algebra/Trigonometry I = MA 153 Algebra/Trigonometry I

MAT 132 Algebra/Trigonometry II = MA 154 Algebra/Trigonometry II

MAT 132 Algebra/Trigonometry II = MA UNDI Undistributed

MAT 201 Brief Calculus = MA 229 Calculus for Mngrl. Soc. & Biol. Sci. I

MKT 204 Marketing Management = BUS UNDI Undistributed

MT 205 Programmable Controllers = EET 231 Electrical Power and Controls

OAD 103

Word Processing Applications

(formerly AOT 103) = OLS 124

Word Processing Applications

(formerly BUFW C124)

OAD 119Document Processing

(formerly AOT 212)= OLS 124

Word Processing Applications

(formerly BUFW C124)

OAD 119Document Processing

(formerly AOT 212)= OLS 324

WordPerfect, Desktop Publishing, Harvard


OAD 207Integrated Applications

(formerly AOT 207)= OLS 280 Computer Applications for Supervision

OAD 214Multimedia Design

(formerly AOT 214)= OLS 324

WordPerfect, Desktop Publishing, Harvard


OAD 221 Office Administration and Supervision = OLS 180 Administrative Office Procedures

OAD 260Advanced Document Processing

(formerly AOT 260)= OLS 124

Word Processing Applications

(formerly BUFW C124)

OAD 280 Co-op/Internship = OLS 211 Professional Practice I

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1996

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

*Continued on Next Page



Page 35: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

OAD 280 Co-op/Internship = OLS 211 Professional Practice II (w/dept. approval)

OAD 281-293Special Topics in Admin. Office Tech.

(formerly AOT 283)= OLS 399 Special Topics (with dept. approval)

PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy = PHIL 110 Introduction to Philosophy

PHY 101 Physics I = PHYS UNDI Undistributed

PHY 101 &

PHY 102Physics I =

PHYS 218 &

PHYS 219General Physics

PHY 101 &

PHY 102Physics II =

PHYS 218 &

PHYS 219General Physics II

PHY 102 Physics II = PHYS UNDI Undistributed

PST 121 Industrial Safety & Loss Prevention = OLS 331 Occupational Safety & Health

PSY 201 Lifespan Development = PSY UNDI Undistributed

PSY 205 Abnormal Psychology = PSY UNDI Undistributed

SCI 111 Physical Science = UNDI Undistributed

TEC 102 Technical Graphics = ARET 123 Construction Graphic Communication

TEC 104 Computer Fundamentals for Technology = EET UNDI Undistributed

ACC 101 Acounting Principles I = BUS A201 Principles of Financial Accounting

ACC 102 Acounting Principles II = BUS A202 Principles of Managerial Accounting





MAT 101 &

MAT 102 Algebra I & Algebra II = MATH 111 Intermediate Algebra

ANP 201 Adv. Human Physiology = BIOL N217 Human Physiology

BIO 101 Introductory Biology = BIOL N 100 Contemporary Biology

ECN 101 Economics Fundamentals = ECON E101 Sur. Curr. Econ. Iss. & Problem

ENG 111 English Comp: Strategies for Inquiry = ENG W131 Elementary Composition I

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = HIST H105 American History I

MAT 111 Intermediate Algebra = MATH 111 Algebra

PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy = PHIL P110 Introduction to Philosophy

PHY 101 Physics I = PHYS 218 General Physics I

PHY 102 Physics II = PHYS 219 General Physics II

POL 101 Politics = POLS Y103 Intro to American Politics

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = PSY P101 Introductory Psychology I

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1991

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 2000

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1996

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Summer 1992

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:



PHY 101 and PHY 102 are transferable only if the courses include labs. Credit for PHYS 219 wil be granted only if the student has

completed the prerequisite of PHYS 218.

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1993

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

Page 36: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = SOC S100 Introduction to Sociology

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = SOC R100 Introduction to Sociology

ACC 101 &

ACC 102

Accounting Principles I &

Accounting Principles II (minimum grade of

B required) = BUS A100 Business Acounting Skills

ACC 101 &

ACC 102

Accounting Principles I &

Accounting Principles II (minimum grade of

A required) =

BUS A100 &

BUS A201

Business Acounting Skills &

Introduction to Financial Accounting

BSA 044 Mathematics = MATH M010 Pre-Algebra

BSA 050 Introductory Algebra = MATH 001 Introduction to Algebra

BUS 101 Introduction to Business = BUS X100 Bus. Administration: Intro.

BUS 102 Business Law = BUS L203 Commercial Law I

MAT 044 Mathematics = MATH M010 Pre-Algebra

MAT 050 Introductory Algebra = MATH 001 Introduction to Algebra

MAT 121 Geomerty-Trigonometry = MATH 002 Geometry

MAT 131 &

MAT 132

Algebra/Trigonometry I &

Algebra/Trigonometry II =

MATH 153 &

MATH 154

Algebra and Trigonometry I &

Algebra and Trigonometry II

MAT 135 Finite Mathematics = MATH M118 Finite Mathematics

MAT 201 Brief Calculus = MATH M119 Brief Survey of Calculus I

PSY 201 Lifespan Development = PSY B210 Lifespan Development

PSY 205 Abnormal Psychology = PSY B280 Abnormal Psychology





COM 101 Fundamental Public Speaking = COMM R110 Fundamentals of Speech Comm.

COM 102 Intro to Interpersonal Comm. = COMM C180 Intro to Interpersonal Comm.

ENG 211 Technical Writing = ENG W231 Professional Writing Skills

LEG 101 Introduction to Paralegal Studies = POLS Y211 Introduction to Law

LEG 102 Legal Research and Writing = POLS Y221

Legal Research and Writing for

Paralegal Services

LEG 103 Civil Procedures = POLS Y222 Litigation for Paralegal Studies I

LEG 104 Torts = POLS Y226 Tort Law for Paralegal Studies

LEG 107 Contracts and Commercial Law = POLS Y225 Contract Law for Paralegal Studies

LEG 108 Property Law = POLS Y224 Property Law for Paralegal Studies

LEG 109 Family Law = POLS Y228 Family Law for Paralegal Studies

LEG 110 Wills Trusts and Probate = POLS Y229 Estate Law for Paralegal Studies

LEG 111 Criminal Law and Procedures = POLS Y227 Criminal Law for Paralegal Studies

LEG 202 Litigation = POLS Y223 Litigation for Paralegal Studies II

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = ENG W132 Elementary Composition II

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1994

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 1997

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

*Continued on Next Page



The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1996

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1996

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

Page 37: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

BIO 211 Microbiology I = BIOL 200 UNDI

BIO 212 Microbiology II = BIOL 200 UNDI

ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics = ECON E201 Intro to Microeconomics

HSY 102 Survey of American History II = HIST H106 American History II

MAT 133 College Algebra = MATH 153 Algebra and Trigonometry I

MAT 133 &

MAT 134

College Algebra & College

Algebra/Trigonometry =

MATH 153 &

MATH 154

Algebra and Trigonometry I &

Algebra and Trigonometry II

PHL 102 Introduction to Ethics = PHIL P120 Personal and Social Ethics

LEG 209 Family Law = POLS Y228 Family Law for Paralegal Studies

LEG 210 Wills Trusts and Probate = POLS Y229 Estate Law for Paralegal Studies

LEG 211 Criminal Law = POLS Y227 Criminal Law for Paralegal Studies

ARH 101 Art History I = HER H101 History of Art I

ARH 102 Art History II = HER H102 History of Art II

ECN 201 Macroeconomics = ECON E202 Intro to Macroeconomics





CHM 101 Chemistry I = CHEM C100 Chemistry

LEG 106 Torts & Claims Investigation = POLS Y226 Tort Law for Paralegal Studies

MAT 115 Statistics = STAT 100 UNDI

CIS 101 Intro to Microcomputers = CSCI N100

Introduction to Computers

and Computing

LEG 212 Bankruptcy Law = POLS Y230 Bankruptcy Law for Paralegal Studies

AMT 102 Introduction to Robots = CIMT 260 Robotics/Automated Material

AMT 201 Manufacturing Systems Control (PLCs) = CIMT 243 Automated Manufacturing Pro

ART 111 Drawing for Visualization = CGT 112 Sketching for Visual & Communication

ART 112 Electronic Layout = CGT 251 Principles of Creative Design

ART 114 Graphic Design = CGT 100 UNDI

ART 115 Typography = CGT 100 UNDI

ART 116 Electronic Illustration = CGT 117 Illustrating for Visualization & Comm.

ART 117 Production = CGT 100 UNDI

ART 202 Special Projects I = CGT 200 UNDI

ART 217 Advanced Graphic Design = CGT 200 UNDI

ART 218 Digital Production = CGT 200 UNDI

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 2000

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:



The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1998

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 2000

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

*Continued on Next Page

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1999

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 1998

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 2001

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 2002

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

Page 38: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

BIO 201 General Microbiology = BIOL 100 UNDI

CIS 101 Intro to Microcomputers = CIT 106 Using a Personal Computer

CIS 102 Information Systems Fundamentals = TECH 100 UNDI

CIS 110 BASIC Prog. Lang. = CPT 263 BASIC Programming

CIS 201 Database Design and Management = TECH 200 UNDI

CIS 203 Systems Analysis and Design = CPT 254 Info Systems Concepts

CIS 205 Database Design = TECH 200 UNDI

CIS 207

Microcomputer Database

Management Systems = TECH 200 UNDI

CIS 217 Programming II = CPT 265 COBOL Programming

CRJ 101 Intro to Criminal Justice Systems = SPEA J101 American Crim. Just. System

CRJ 113 Criminal Investigations = SPEA J320 Criminal Investigation

CRJ 203 and Community Procedures = SPEA J321 American Policing

CRJ 121 Juvenile Law and Procedures = SPEA 100 UNDI

CRJ 123 Juvenile Justice System = SPEA J305 The Juvenile Justice Systm

CRJ 131 &

CRJ 133

Community Based Corrections &

Legal Issues in Corrections = SPEA J331 Corrections

CRJ 202 Adjudication = SPEA J306 The Criminal Courts

CRJ 280 Internship = SPEA J380 Internship in Criminal Justice

DCT 104 Product Drafting = MET 102 Production Drawing

DCT 105 Facilities Design and Layout = ART 155 Residential Construction

DCT 109 Construction Materials and Specifications = ART 165 Building Systems and Materials





DCT 113 Intermediate CAD = CGT 100 UNDI

DCT 202 CAD Programming Language = CGT 200 UNDI

DCT 204 Architectural CAD = ART 200 UNDI

DCT 206 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment = ART 284 Mechan. Systems for Building

DCT 208 Structural Detailing = CET 200 UNDI

DCT 210 Surveying I = CET 104 Elementary Surveying

DCT 213 CAD Mapping = CET 200 UNDI

DCT 216 Jig and Fixture Design = CIMT 245 Computer-Aided Tool & Fixture Design

DCT 217 Product Design = MET 200 UNDI

DCT 228 Civil I = CNT 200 UNDI

DCT 229 Civil II = CNT 200 UNDI

DCT 230 Fundamentals of Computer Animation = ART 120 Architectural Presentation

DCT 230 Fundamentals of Computer Animation = CGT 200 UNDI

DSN 103 CAD Fundamentals = ART 117 Construction Drafting/CAD

DSN 103 CAD Fundamentals = CGT 100 UNDI

DSN 106 Descriptive Geometry = CGT 100 UNDI

DSN 220 Advanced CAD = ART 200 UNDI

DSN 220 Advanced CAD = CGT 116



DSN 220 Advanced CAD = CNT 200 UNDI

DSN 221 Statics = CET 160 Statics

DSN 221 Statics = MET 200 UNDI

DSN 222 Strength of Materials = MET 200 UNDI

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 2002

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

*Continued on Next Page



Page 39: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal

IDS 103 Motor and Motor Controls = CIMT 100 UNDI

IDS 104 Fluid Power Basics = MET 100 UNDI

IDS 104 Fluid Power Basics = MET 230 Fluid Power

IMT 201 Fluid Power Systems = MET 200 UNDI

LEG 211 Criminal Law = SPEA J301 Substantive Criminal Law

MTT 204 Abrasive Processes = CIMT 200 UNDI

MTT 208 CNC Programming I = MET 200 UNDI

MTT 209 CNC Programming II = MET 200 UNDI



TEC 101 Manufacturing Processes = MET 242 Manufacturing Processes II

TEC 102 Technical Graphics = CGT 100 UNDI

TEC 104 Computer Fundamentals for Technology = CNT 105 Introduction to Construction Technology

TEC 104 Computer Fundamentals for Technology = CPT 100 UNDI

VIS 101 Fundamentals of Design = CGT 111 Design for Visual & Communication

VIS 102 Fundamentals of Imaging = CGT 211 Raster Imaging for Computer Graphics

VIS 103 Intro to Multimedia = CGT 100 UNDI

VIS 105 Video and Sound I = CGT 100 UNDI

VIS 110 Web Design and Authoring = CGT 100 UNDI

VIS 115 Introduction to Computer Graphics = CGT 100 UNDI

VIS 201 Electronic Imaging = CGT 216 Vector Imaging for Computer Graphics

VIS 205 Business Practices for Visual Artists = CGT 200 UNDI

*Continued on Next Page

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 2002

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

Page 40: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal





VIS 206 Advanced Multimedia = CGT 200 UNDI

VIS 207 Portfolio Preperation = CGT 200 UNDI

VIS 209 3D Rendering & Animation = CGT 241 Intro to Animation & Spatial Graphics

VIS 288 Advanced Web Animation = CGT 200 UNDI

WLD 120 Metallurgy Fundamentals = MET 100 UNDI

CIS 257 Advanced Web Design = CPT 254 Info Systems Concepts



Your course not listed or you think it will transfer for something else? Go to the following website for accurate

transfer infromation -, Select"Ivy Tech Bloomington" from the drop down

box, and click on Show Results. For information about PASSPORT and Degree Articulations go to or call 317-917-5720.

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 2003

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

Page 41: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal





SOC 101 Human Relations = SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology

AOT 290 Speed Building = UND Speed Building

BSA 82 Keyboarding II = UND Keyboarding II

BSA 290 Health Occup Prep = UND Health Occup Prep

SOC 101 Human Relations = SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology

COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = COM 115



ENG 111 English Composition = ENGL 104 English Composition I

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology

ANP 101 Anatomy & Physiology I = UND Anatomy & Physiology I

ANP 102 Anatomy & Physiology II = UND Anatomy & Physiology II

CIS 101 Intro to Microcomputers = CIS 204 Intro Comp=Based Systems

CIS 115 Elect Spreadsheets-Bus = CIS UND Elect Spreadsheets-Bus

COM 102 Intro Interpersonal Comm. = COM 114 Fundamentals of Speech

HHS 102 Medical Law & Ethics = UND Medical Law & Ethics

MAT 111 Intermediate Algebra = MA 041 Intermediate Algebra

NUR 151 Nrsng & Unvsal Need Prct = NUR UND Nur& Unvsal Need Prct

NUR 154 Pharmacotherapeutics = NUR UND Pharmacotherapeutics

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = PSY 120 Elementary Psychology

CIS 116 Intro Java Programming = CIS UND Intro Java Programming

HSY 101 Survey American History I = HIST 151 American History To 1877

HSY 102 Survey American History II = HIST 152 US Since 1877

PHYS 101 Physics = PHYS 220 General Physics

PHYS 102 Physics II = PHYS 221 Gen Physics

BUS 101 Introduction to Business = MGMT UND Introduction to Business

CIS 102 Info Systems Fundamentals = CIS UND Info Systems Fundamentals

SCI 111 Physical Science = EAS UND Physical Science

BSA 070 College Success Skills = UND College Success Skills

MAT 50 Basic Algebra = MA 21 Beginning Algebra

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1998

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 2000

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1994

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 1996

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 1997

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Summer 2001

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Summer 2002

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 2001

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

* Continued on next page


Page 42: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal





BUS 102 Business Law = MGMT 354 Legal Found Business

CIS 227 Topics in Info Management = MGMT 102 Computer Uiliz For Management

PHL 101 Intro to Philosophy = PHIL 110 Intro to Philosophy

ELT 100 Circuits I = ECET 102 Electrical Circuits I

ELT 101 Circuits II = ECET 152 Electrical Circuits II

ELT 102 Circuits Lab = ECET UND Circuits Lab

ELT 103 Digital Principles = ECET 105 Digital Fundamentals I

ELT 103 Digital Principles = ECET UND Digital Principles

ELT 104 Computer Fund Tech = ECET 110 Computer System Archit

ELT 105 Solid State I = ECET 154 Analog Electronics I

ELT 106 Digital App = ECET UND Digital App

ELT 120 Intro Electronics = ECET UND Intro Electronics

ELT 121 Circuits I = ECET UND Circuits I

ELT 122 Circuits II = ECET UND Circuits II

ELT 124 Digital I = ECET UND Digital I

ELT 125 Digital II = ECET UND Digital II

ELT 201 Solid State II = ECET UND Solid State II

ELT 202 Microprocessors = ECET 354 Microprocessor Funda

ELT 204 Linear Inter Circuits = ECET UND Linear Inter Circuits

ENG 024 Intro to College Writing I = ENGL UND Intro to College Writing I

ENG 032 Reading Strat for College II = ENGL 018 Fundamentals of Reading

GTS 294 Orientation/Career Enhancement = UND Orientation/Career Enhancement

QSC 204 Total Quality Mgmt. = IET 378 Prin Total Qualty Mgmt

ELT 115 Intro to Lasers = ECET UND Intro to Lasers

ELT 228 Comm Electrncs = ECET UND Comm Electrncs

ELT 290 Electro Optics = ECET UND Electro Optics





BIO 101 Introductory Biology = BIOL 100 Introduction to the Biological World

ENG 111 English Composition = ENG W131 Elementary Composition

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = POLS Y205 Elements of Political Analysis

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = HIST H 105 American History to 1877

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = PSY 120 Elementry Psychology

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = SOC S 161 Principles of Sociology

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 2003

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 2005

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Summer 2005

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:

The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Fall 2003

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:


The following courses will transfer provided that it was completed at Ivy Tech Community College during the Spring 2002

semester or later and that a grade of C or higher was earned:


Page 43: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal





ANH 154 Cultural Anthropology = ANTH 100 Introduction to Anthropology

ANH 254 Introduction to Archaeology = ANTH UND Undistributed

ANP 101 Anatomy and Physiology I = BIOL UND Undistributed

ANP 102 Anatomy and Physiology II = BIOL UND Undistributed

ANP 101 &

ANP 102

Anatomy and Physiology I &

Anatomy and Physiology II= BIOL 203&204

Human Anatomy and Physiology (in-depth)

Human Anatomy and Physiology(pre-req

BIOL 203)ARH 110 Art Appreciation = A&D 255 Art Appreciation

BIO 100 Human Biology = BIOL UND Undistributed

BIO 101 Introductory Biology = BIOL 211 Social Impact of the Biological Sciences

BIO 111 General Microbiology = BIOL UND Undistributed

BIO 211 General Microbiology I = BIOL UND Undistributed

BUS 105

Principles of Management

(Effective Spring 2005)=

OLS 274 Applied Leadership

BUS 208

Organizational Behavior

(Effective Spring 2005)=

OLS 252 Human Relations in Organizations

CHM 101 Introductory Chemistry I = CHM UND Undistributed

CHM 102 Introductory Chemistry II = CHM UND Undistributed

CHM 101 &

CHM 102Introductory Chemistry I & II = CHM 111&112

General Chemistry

General Chemistry (continuation)

CHM 111 Chemistry I = CHM UND Undistributed

CHM 112 Chemistry II = CHM UND Undistributed

CIS 101 Intro. to Microcomputers = CPT 135 Introduction to Micro-computers

COM 101

Fundamentals of Public Speaking

(Effective Spring 2005)=

COM UND Undistributed

COM 102Introduction to Interpersonal

Communication (Effective Spring 2005)= COM 212

Approaches to the Study of Interpersonal


COM 201

Intro to Mass Communication

(Effective Spring 2005)=

COM 250 Mass Communication and Society

COM 202

Small Group Communication

(Effective Spring 2005)=

COM 320 Small Group Communication

ECN 101 Economics Fundamentals = ECON UND Undistributed

ECN 201 Principles of Macroeconomics = ECON UND Undistributed

ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics = ECON UND Undistributed

ECN 201 &

ECN 202

Principles of Macroeconomics & Principles

of Microeconomics=

ECON 210 &


Principles of Economics &


ENG 111 English Composition = ENGL 101 English Composition I

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = ENGL 102 English Composition II

ENG 111 &

ENG 112

English Composition & Exposition and


ENGL 106 &

UND-2 First Year Composition

ENG 202 CreativeWriting (Effective Spring 2005) = ENGL UND Undistributed

ENG 205 CreativeWriting (Effective Spring 2005) = ENGL UND Undistributed

ENG 206

Introduction to Literature

(Effective Spring 2005)=

ENGL 231 Introduction to Literature

ENG 207

Introduction to World Literature I

(Effective Spring 2005)=

ENGL UND Undistributed

ENG 209

Introduction to World Literature II

(Effective Spring 2005)=

ENGL UND Undistributed

ENG 211 Technical Writing = ENGL 421 Technical Writing

ENG 212

Western Literature I

(Effective Spring 2005)=

ENGL UND Undistributed

ENG 213

Western Literature II

(Effective Spring 2005)=

ENGL UND Undistributed

*Continued on Next Page


Page 44: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal





ENG 214

Introduction to Poetry

(Effective Spring 2005)=

ENGL 237 Introduction to Poetry

ENG 220

Introduction to World Literature I

(Effective Spring 2005)=

ENGL UND Undistributed

ENG 221

Introduction to World Literature II

(Effective Spring 2005)=

ENGL 250 Great American Books

ENG 222 American Literature I=

ENGL 350

Survey Of American Literature From

Its Beginnings To 1865

ENG 223 American Literature II=

ENGL 351

Survey Of American Literature From 1865 To

The Post-World War II Period

ENG 224 Survey English Literature I=

ENGL 240

Survey Of The British Literature: From The

Beginnings Through The Neoclassical Period

ENG 225 Survey English Literature II=

ENGL 241

Survey Of The British Literature: From The

Rise Of Romanticism To The Modern Period

ENG 227 Introduction to World Fiction = ENGL 238 Introduction To Fiction

ENG 240 Children's Literature = EDCI UND Undistributed

ENG 245

Literature of the Old Testament

(Effective Spring 2005)=

ENGL 264 The Bible as Literature

ENG 249 Linguistics = ENGL 227 Elements Of Linguistics

ENG 250 English Grammar = ENGL UND Undistributed

FIT 100 Lifetime Fitness and Wellness = PES 111 Lifetime Fitness

GEO 207 World Geography = EAS 120 Introduction To Geography

HSY 101 Survey American History I = HIST 151 American History To 1877

HSY 102 Survey American History II = HIST 152 United States Since 1877

HSY 105

World Civilization I

(Effective Spring 2005)=

HIST UND Undistributed

HSY 107

World Civilization II

(Effective Spring 2005)=

HIST UND Undistributed

HSY 125 History of American Technology = HIST UND Undistributed

HSY 235 World Civilization I = HIST UND Undistributed

HSY 236 World Civilization II = HIST 104 Introduction To The Modern World

HUM 100 Theatre Appreciation = THTR 201 Theatre Appreciation

HUM 118 Music Appreciation = MUS 250 Music Appreciation

MAT 111 Intermediate Algebra = MA 111 Intermediate Algebra

MAT 115 Statistics = STAT 301 Elementary Statistical Methods

MAT 121 Geometry-Trigonometry = MA UND Undistributed

MAT 131 Algebra/Trigonometry I = MA UND Undistributed

MAT 132 Algebra/Trigonometry II = MA UND Undistributed

MAT 131 &

MAT 132

Algebra/Trigonometry I &

Algebra/Trigonometry II=

MA 153 &

MA 154

Algebra/Trigonometry I

Algebra/Trigonometry II

MAT 133 College Algebra = MA 153 Algebra/Trigonometry I

MAT 134 Trigonometry = MA UND Undistributed

MAT 133

& 134 College Algebra & Trigonometry = MA 153 & 154

Algebra/Trigonometry I

Algebra/Trigonometry II

MAT 135 Finite Math = MA UND Undistributed

MAT 136 College Algebra = MA 153 Algebra/Trigonometry I

MAT 137 Trig with Analytic Geometry = MA 154 Algebra/Trigonometry II

MAT 201 Brief Calculus = MA 220 Introduction to Calculus

NUR 260 Understanding Pathophysiology = NUR 214 Introduction To Pathophysiology

PHL 101

Intro to Philosophy

(Effective Spring 2005)=

PHIL 110 Introduction To Philosophy

PHL 102 Introduction to Ethics = PHIL UND Undistributed

PHL 213 Logic = PHIL 120 Critical Thinking


*Continued on Next Page

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PHL 220 Philosophy of Religion = PHL UND Undistributed

PHY 101 Physics I = PHYS UND Undistributed

PHY 102 Physics II = PHYS 219 General Physics II

PHY 101 &

PHY 102

Physics I &

Physics II=

PHYS 218 &

PHYS 219

General Physics

General Physics (pre-req PHYS 218)

POL 100 Intro to Political Science = POL 200 Introduction To Study Of Political Science

POL 101 Intro American Government & Politics = POL 101 American Government And Politics

POL 112 State & Local Government = POL UND Undistributed

POL 201 Intro to Political Science = POL UND Undistributed

POL 210 Personal Law = POL UND Undistributed

POL 211 Introduction to World Politics = POL 130 Introduction To International Relations

POL 220 Public Administration=

POL 120

Introduction To Public Policy

And Public Administration

PSY 101 Intro to Psychology = PSY 120 Elementary Psychology

PSY 180 Ethics in Helping Professions = PSY UND Undistributed

PSY 201

Lifespan Development

(Effective Spring 2005)=

PSY UND Undistributed

PSY 205

Abormal Psychology

(Effective Spring 2005)=

PSY 350 Abnormal Psychology

PSY 240 Human Sexuality = PSY 444 Human Sexual Behavior

PSY 242 Educational Psychology = EDPS UND Undistributed

PSY 253 Introduction Social Psychology = PSY 240 Introduction To Social Psychology

PSY 280 Health Psychology = PSY 251 Health Psychology

SCI 100 Earth Science = EAS 100 Planet Earth

SCI 111 Physical Science(Before Spring 2001) = PHYS UND Undistributed

SCI 111 Physical Science(After Spring 2001) = PHYS 214 The Nature Of Physics

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = SOC 100 Introductory Sociology

SOC 115

Soc. Of Realtions/Families

(Effective Spring 2005)=

SOC 350 Social Psychology Of Marriage

SOC 164 Intro toMulticultural Studies = SOC UND Undistributed

SOC 201 Social Problems (Effective Spring 2005) = SOC 220 Social Problems

SOC 212

Cultural Diversity in the U.S.

(Effective Spring 2005) = SOC UND Undistributed

SOC 222

Multicultural Studies

(Effective Spring 2005) = SOC 310 Racial And Ethnic Diversity

SOC 245 Cultural Diversity = SOC 310 Racial And Ethnic Diversity

SOC 252 Social Problems = SOC 220 Social Problems

SOC 253 Introduction Social Psychology = SOC 340 General Social Psychology

SOC 261 Soc. Of Realtionship & Families = SOC 350 Social Psychology Of Marriage

SPN 101 Spanish Level I = SPAN 101 Spanish Level I

SPN 102 Spanish Level II = SPAN 102 Spanish Level II

SPN 201 Spanish Level III = SPAN 201 Spanish Level III

SPN 202 Spanish Level IV = SPAN 202 Spanish Level IV

All information is subject to change. Students wishing to transfer from Ivy Tech Community College to

Purdue - West Lafayette should contact an academic advisor in the Purdue school of their proposed major to

learn how the credit transferred will apply to specific programs of study.

For current list of transfer courses, call credit evaluation at 765-494-6482

Effective Summer 2005 Online courses PHY 101 & 102 will not be accepted for transfer credit.


*No credit granted if courses were taken prior to effective date, unless otherwise indicated.

Page 46: 7-25-08 TRANSFER PACKET 201 Lifespan Development = PSYSC 321 Experimental Child Psychology PSY 205 Abnormal





ACC 101 Financial Accounting = ACCT 201 Acounting Principles I

ACC 102 Managerial Accounting = ACCT 202 Acounting Principles II

ANP 101 Anatomy and Physiology I = BIOL 121 Human Anatomy & Physiology I

ANP 102 Anatomy and Physiology II = BIOL 122 Human Anatomy & Physiology II

BIO 101 Introductory Biology = BIOL 105 Biology of Human Concern

BUS 101 Introduction to Business = MNGT 141 Introduction to Business

BUS 102 Business Law = BLAW 263 Legal Environment of Business

BUS 105 Principles of Management = MNGT 201 Survey of Management

CIS 101 Intro to Microcomputers = CIS 151 Computer Applications in Business

CIS 113 Logic, Design & Program = CIS 111 Intro to Programmnig Logic

CIS 203 System Analysis & Design = CIS 375 Systems Analysis and Design

COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = SPCH 101 Introduction to Speech

COM 102 Intro. to Interpersonal Communication = SPCH 107 Interpersonal Communication

ECE 243 Cognitive Curriculum = EDUC 346 Early Childhood Curriculum II

ECN 201 Principles of Macroeconomics = ECON 209 Macroeconomics

ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics = ECON 208 Microeconomics

ENG 111 English Composition = ENG 101 Rhetoric & Composition I

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = ENG 201 Rhetoric & Composition II

ENG 211 Technical Writing = ENG 210 Technical Writing

HAH 110 Art Appreciation = ART 201 Introduction to the Visual Arts

HAH 130 Art History I = HUM 221 Western Tradition in Art History I

HAH 131 Art History II = HUM 222 Western Tradition in Art History II

HEH 110 Intro to Humanities I = HUM 211

The Western Tradition

in the Humanities I

HEH 111 Intro to Humanities II = HUM 212

The Western Tradition

in the Humanities II

HHS 101 Medical Terminology = HP 115

Medical Terminology

for the Health Professions

HPP 111 Intro to Philosophy = PHIL 200 Introduction to Philosophy

HPP 212 Introduction to Ethics = PHIL 201 Introduction to Ethics

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = HIST 101 United States to 1865

MAT 111 Intermediate Algebra = MATH 100 Intermediate Algebra

OAD 207 Integrated Applications = CIS 261 Advanced Microcomputer Applications

OAD 216 Business Communications = ASBE 231 Business Communication

PHY 101 Physics I = PHYS 175 General Physics

PHY 102 Physics II = PHYS 176 General Physics II

POL 101 Intro. to American Gov. & Politics = POLS 102 Introduction to American Politics

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology = PSY 201 General Psychology

SCI 111 Physical Science = PHYS 101 Introduction to Physical Science

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = SOC 121 Principles of Sociology

Transfer Admissions Information can be found at:

For additional information call 812-464-8600 or email the Registrar at [email protected] .


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ACC 101 Accounting Principles I = BMA 201 Principles of Accounting I

ACC 102 Accounting Principles I = BMA 202 Principles of Accounting II

ACC 105 Income Tax I = BMA 255 Income Tax Accounting

ACC 106 Payroll Accounting = BMA 206 Advanced Accounting

ACC 201 Intermediate Accounting I = BMA 205 Intermediate Accounting I

ACC 203 Cost Accounting I = BMA 260 Cost Accounting

ACC 225 Integrated Accounting Software = BMA 291 Computerized Accounting

AFS 102 Fire Apparatus & Equipment = EFR 103 Fire Apparatus & Equipments

AFS 103 Firefighting Strategy & Tactics = EFR 206 Firefighting Strategy & Tactics I

AFS 104 Building Construction Fire Science = EFR 102 Building Plans, Fire Codes & Construction

AFS 105 Fire/Arson Investigation = EFR 203 Fire Cause and Determination

AFS 201 Fire Protection Systems = EFR 101

Fire Protection Systems, Prevention

and Education

AFS 204 Fire Science Hydraulics = EFR 201 Fire Science Hydraulics

AMT 102 Intro to Robotics = TRO 125 Intro to Robotics & Automation

AMT 201 or

IMT 205 or

AMT 203 or

AMT 206

Mfg. Systems OR

Programmable Controlls OR

Automation Electronics OR

Adv. Mfg. Systems = TRO 200 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)

AMV 101 &

AST 280

Chassis & Suspension &

Co-op/Internship = TAA 130 Suspension & Steering

AMV 113 Electricity for Transportation = TTT 110 Transportation Electrical

AMV 202 &

AMV 221

Computer Engine Controls &

Drivability Diagnosis = TAA 201 Drivability II

ARH 101 Survey of Art and Culture I = HAH 130 Art History I - Pre-history to 1500

ARH 102 Survey of Art and Culture II = HAH 131 Art History I I -1500 to Present

ART 115 Typography = TPA 130 Type & Layout Fund.

ART 117 Production = TPR 107 Principles of Layout

ART 217 Advanced Graphic Layout =

TPA 210 &

HAH 204

Graphic Deisgn II &

Graphic Design II

AST 201 Heating & Air Conditioning Principles = TTT 230 Heating & Air Conditioning

AST 204 &

AST 205 &

AST 220

Automotive Transmission &

Manual Transmission Transaxle &

Transaxle & Driveline Service = TAA 220 Automotive Power Trains

AST 209 &

AST 280

Automotive Braking Systems &

Co-op/Internship = TAA 120 Wheel & Brake Systems

AVT 141 Aviation Basics I = TAM 102 General Aviation Maintenace

AVT 142 Aviation Basics II = TAM 104 Intro to Electricity

AVT 144 Aircraft Electricity = TAM 106 Materials, Processes & Welding

AVT 145 Aircraft Ground Servicing = TAM 107 Hydraulics & Pneumatics

AVT 146 Aviation Regulations = TAM 162 Aircraft Sheetmetal

AVT 148 Aviation Materials & Processes = TAM 164 Aircraft Systems

AVT 222 Nonmetallic Structures = TAM 166 Composite & Nonmetallic Structures

AVT 223 Aircraft Finishes = TAM 167 Aircraft Electricial

AVT 224 Aircraft Inspection = TAM 267 Airframe Inspection

AVT 225 Airframe Fluid Systems = SMT 105 (Or Higher)

AVT 226 Airframe Electrical Systems = SPT 100 (Or Higher)

AVT 231 Reciprocating Powerplants = TAM 202 Powerplant Fuel & Induction Systems


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AVT 232 Turbine Powerplants = TAM 204 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul

AVT 233 Powerplant Fuel & Induction Systems = TAM 206 Powerplant Systems & Properllers

AVT 234Reciprocating Engine Ignition &

Fuel Systems = TAM 207 Powerplant Electrical

AVT 235 Powerplant Fuel & Indicating Systems = TAM 262 Turbine Engines

AVT 236Turbine Starting Systems &

Auxiliary Power= TAM 264 Engine Installation & Troubleshooting

AVT 237 Propellers = TAM 271 Engine Inspection

BCT 111 Woodworking Fundamentals = TBM 265 Cabinet & Millwork

BCT 201 Resid. Wire = TBM 155 Elect. Wire

BCT 203 Masonry Fundamentals = TBM 180 Conc. & Mason

BCT 221 Interior Trim = TBM 160 Finish Carp.

BCT 28X Special Topics = TBM 260 Problems in Remod.

BIO 101 Introductory Biology = SLS 100 Human Biology

BIO 211 General Microbiology = SLI 211

Microbiology for the Health

Professions I

BIO 212 General Microbiology II = SLI 212

Microbiology for the Health

Professions II

BUS 101 Introduction to Business = BMM 100 Intro to Business

BUS 102 Business Law = BML 203 Legal Environment of Business

BUS 102 Business Law = EPF 220 Legal Aspects

BUS 105 Principles of Management = BMM 250 Principles of Management

BUS 108 Personal Finance = Refer to VU Economics Faculty

BUS 110 Business Statistics = BMM 265 Business Statistics

BUS 202 Human Resource Management = BMM 256 Human Recource Management

BUS 205 &

MKT 205

Risk Management &

Principles of Insurance = BML 210 Principles of Insurance

BUS 207 International Business = BIT 111 Intro to International Business

BUS 210 Managerial Finance = BMM 275 Fund. Of Business Finance

CHD 122 Child Growth & Dev. = HHH 130 Infant/Toddler & Child Care

CHD 209 Families in Transition = HHH 156 Marriage and Family

CHD 216 The Exceptional Child = AED 291 Intro to Exceptionalities

CHD 217 Skills for Parenting = HHH 137 Home Management

CHD 251 Early Childhood Professionalism = AED 290 Initial Experiences in Ed

CHM 101 Chemistry I = SCI 101 Chemistry I

CHM 102 Chemistry II = SCI 102 Chemistry II

CIS 101 Intro to Microcomputer = BPP 110 Intro to Computer Applications

CIS 102 Info. Systems Fundamentals = TTT 120 Computers for Technology

CIS 104 Intro to Cobol = BPP 180 Cobol

CIS 113 Logic Design & Programming = BPP 175 Prog. Design & Quick Basic

CIS 116 Intro to Java Programming = BPP 252 Visual J++

CIS 120 Programming II Cobol = BPP 180 Cobol

CIS 201 Database Info Sys. Design & Mgmt. = BPP 234 Database

CIS 202 Data Communications =

BDP 230/

BDP 130 Communications & Networking

CIS 203 Systems Analysis & Design = BDP 295 Systems Development

CIS 211 RPG Programming Fund. = BPP 204 RPG/400

CIS 212 C/C++ Prog. = BPP 203 Visual C++

CIS 224 Hardware/Software Troubleshooting = BDP 146 Personal Computer Mgmt.

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CIS 232 Visual Basic = BPP 176 Intro to Visual Prog.

CIS 252 Website Development = BPP 107 Webpage Design (HTML)

COM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking = HSS 143 Speech

COM 102 Intro to Interpersonal Communication = HSS 148 Interpersonal Communications

CON 106 Const. Print Reading = TTT 102 Drafting

CON 204Estim. & Specif. =

TBM 270 &

TBM 255

Const. Labor Rating &

Transfer must take at VU

CUL 202 &

CUL 207

Specialty Cuisine &

Classical Cuisine= EPZ 260 Haute Cuisine & Specialty Food Items

DCT 109 Const. Materials and Specifications = TDA 115 Arch. Materials I

DCT 109 Const. Materials and Specifications =

TDA 115 &

TDA 165

Arch. Materials I &

Arch Mat'ls II

DCT 210 Surveying I = TCE 100 Surveying Fundamentals

DSN 103 CAD Fundamentals = TTT 140 Intro to CAD

DSN 106 Descriptive Geometry = TDI 150 Descriptive Geometry

DSN 221 Statics = TDS 265 Intro. to Structures

ECN 101 Economic Fundamentals = AEC 100 Elements of Economics

ECN 201 Principles of Macroeconomics = AEC 202 Macroeconomics

ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics = AEC 201 Microeconomics

ELT 121 &

ELT 122

Circuits I &

Circuits II = TEC 110 Basic Component & Circuit Analysis

ELT 124 &

ELT 125

Digital I &

Digital II=

TEL 130 &

TEL 180

Digital Logic I &

Digital Logic II

ELT 128 Intro to Lasers = TLO 240 Intro to Lasers

ELT 228 &

ELT 230

Communication Electronics &

Advanced Communication Elect. = TEL 245 Communications Electronics

ENG 111 English Composition = HEW 101 English Composition I

ENG 112 Exposition and Persuasion = HEW 102 English Composition II

ENG 211 Technical Writing = HEW 108 Technical Writing

GRA 102 Intro to Machine Printing = TPR 105 Survey of Printing Techniques

HHS 101 Medical Terminology = DHR 110 Medical Term. for Allied Health

HHS 102 Medical Law and Ethics = DHR 130 Medicolegal Aspects of Health Records

HMS 101 Intro to Human Services = ASO 153 Intro to Social Work

HMS 103 Interviewing and Assessment = ASO 240 Social Work Practice

HMS 105 Intro to Corr. Rehab Services = EPG 120 Intro to Corrections

HMS 130 Social Aspects of Aging = ASO 250 Sociology of Aging

HMS 140 Loss and Grief = ASO 260 Sociology of Death and Dying

HMS 215 Juvenile Delinquency = EPG 250 Juvenile Delinquency

HMS 220 Issues and Ethics = APS 180 Ethics in the Helping Professionals

HMS 240 Rehab., Probation & Parole = EPG 265 Contemporary Community Corrections

HMT 100 OSHA Regulations = SCH 100 OSHA Regulations

HMT 104 Environmental Toxicology = SCH 250 Health Effects of Hazardous Materials

HMT 200 EPA Regulations = SCH 200

Hospitality Security &

Hospitality Customer Service &

Hospitality Security

HMT 201 Contingency Planning = SCH 220 Dining Room Management

HMT 203 Sampling Procedures = SCH 240

Hazardous Materials Sampling and

Monitoring Procedures


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HMT 205 DOT Regulations = SCH 210 Hospitality Customer Service

HMT 220

Hazardous Materials, Recovery,

Incineration = SCH 120 Industrial Processes

HMT 240 Incident Management = SCH 230 Hazardous Materials Incident Management

HOS 101 Sanitation and First Aid = EPF 120 Food Service Sanitation

HOS 102 &

HOS 103

Basic Foods & Skills Theory &

Soups, Stocks, Sauces = EPZ 110 Quality Food Production

HOS 105 &

HOS 207

Introduction to Baking &

Advanced Baking & Chocolates = EPZ 210 Pastry & Bake Shop Production

HOS 109 Hospitality Purchasing = EPF 155 Quantity Food Purchasing

HOS 201Hospitality Organization and

Human Resources Management = EPF 200 Hosp. & Human Resources Mgmt.

HOS 203 Menu, Design and Layout = EPF 230 Menu Planning & Facility Design

HOS 204 &

HOS 205

Food & Beverage Cost Control &

Food & Beverage Cost Control Appl. = EPJ 230 Hosp. Forecasting & Cost Control

HOS 221 &

CTR 114

Catering Administration &

On/Off Institutional Catering = EPF 240Banquet Catering & Operational Management

HOS 280Co-op Internship/Externship/

Practicum = EPZ 270 Culinary Practicum

HRM 202 Front Office = EPJ 120 Front Office Management

HRM 206 Supervisory Housekeeping = EPJ 150 Housekeeping & Maintenance Mgmt.

HSY 101 Survey of American History I = AHI 139 American History I

HSY 102 Survey of American History II = AHI 140 American History II

IDS 102 &

WLD 120

Intro to Print Reading &

Mettalurgy Fund. = TMT 105 Metallurgy & Intro to Print Reading

IDS 103 Motors/Motor Control = TRO 206 Motor Control

IDS 104 &

IMT 201

Fluid Power Basics &

Fluid Power Systems = TRO 160 Hydraulics & Pneumatics

IDS 114 Intro to Welding = TMT 160 General Welding

IDS 260 Quality Control & Adv. Prob. Solving = See Business Quality Cert.

INT 103 Intro to Interior Design = HHH 101 Clothing, Textiles & Furniture

INT 105 Design Presentations = HHH 120 Foundations

LEG 101 Intro to Paralegal Studies = EPP 100 The Legal System and Ethics

LEG 102 Legal Research & Writing = EPP 120 Legal Research & Writing

LEG 103 Civil Procedures = EPP 160 Civil Litigation and Procedures

LEG 106 Torts & Claims Investigation = EPP 150 Investigations and Tort Law

LEG 107 Contracts & Commercial Law = EPP 170 The Legal Assistant in the Bus. World

LEG 108 Property Law = EPP 200 Land Transactions

LEG 202 Advanced Trial Procedures = EPP 210 Evidence and Litigation

LEG 204 Advanced Legal Writing = EPP 290 Research/Professional Seminar

LEG 209 Family Law = EPP 230 Family Law/Employee Benefits Law

LEG 210 Wills, Trusts, and Probate = EPP 220 Probate Law

LEG 212 Bankruptcy = EPP 240 Debtor-Creditor & Bankruptcy

MAT 201 Brief Calculus = SMA 115 Survey of Calculus I

MEA 102 First Aid and CPR = PHE 211 First Aid

MEA 135 Medical Word Processing/Trans. = DHR 205 Medical Transcription/Word Processing

MEA 137 Insurance and Basic Coding =

BOS 225 &

BOS 236

Medical Insurance Coding &

Medical Insurance Billing


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MEA 154 Pharm. Externship = SPA 125 Practicum

MKT 101 Principles of Marketing = BMM 280 Principles of Marketing

MKT 101 Principles of Marketing = EPJ 210 Conventions in Marketing

MKT 102 Principles of Selling = BMM 255 Principles of Salesmanship

MKT 104 Promotion Management = BAM 260 Advertising and Promotion

MKT 110 Consumer Behavior = BAM 155 Consumer Behavior

MKT 202 Logistics/Purchasing Control = BPM 211 Materials Management

MKT 206 Sales Management = BAM 250 Sales Management

MKT 207 Public Relations = Humanities

MKT 220 Principles of Retailing = BAM 200 Retailing

MTT 101 Intro to Machine = TMT 135 Manufacturing Processes

MTT 110 Turning/Milling Process = TMT 140 Basic Machining

OAD 216 Business Communication = HEW 205 Business Communication

OAD 218 Spreadsheets = BOS 233 Spreadsheets

OAD 219 Advanced Document Processing = BOS 200 Keyboarding III

OAD 220 Records and Database Mgmt. = BOS 155 Records Management

OAD 221 Office Administration & Supervision =

BOS 260 &

BOS 270

Office Management &

Professional Seminar

OPM 102 Supervision = BMM 257 Supervision

OPM 224 Operations Management = BPM 110 Intro to Production Management

OPM 224 Operations Management = BPM 212 Production Control

PAR 102 EMT - Basic = DHO 212 Emergency Medical Care

PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy = HPP 111 Introduction to Philosophy

PHL 102 Introduction to Ethics = SPP 212 Introduction to Ethics

PHO 104 Basic Photography = HAH 220 Photography I

PHO 201 Principles of Color = HAH 221 Photography II

PHY 101 Physics I = SPI 101 Physics I

PHY 102 Physics II = SPI 102 Physics II

POL 101

Introduction to American Government

and Politics = APO 111 American National Government

PST 121 Risk Management = EFR 100 Firefighter Occupation, Health & Safety

PST 220 Incident Management Systems = EFR 207 Firefighting Strategy & Tactics II

PST 220 Incident Management Systems = SCH 230 Hazardous Materials Incident Mngmnt.

PSY 201 Lifespan Development = APS 201 Developmental Psychology

PSY 201 Lifespan Development = ASO 260 Human Behavior & Social Environment

PSY 205 Abnormal Psychology = APS 249 Abnormal Psychology

PTA 205 Clinical II = DHP 224 Clinical Education II

PTA 215 Clinical III = DHP 225 Clinical Education III

PTA 224 Current Issues and Review = DHP 230 Seminar in Physical Therapy Assisting

QSC 101 Quality Control Concepts = Business Division

QSC 102 Statistical Process Control = BPM 213 Statistical Quality Control

QSC 204 Total Quality Management = BPM 215 Total Quality Management

RES 121 Intro to Respiratory Care =

DHI 100 &

DHI 150

Respiratory Care I &

Respiratory Care II

RES 122 Therapeutic Modalities = DHI 240 Respiratory Care III

RES 123 Cardiopulmonary Phys. = DHI 190 Cardiopulmonary Phys.

RES 124 Clinical Practicum I = DHI 1550 Clinical Education I


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RES 125 &

RES 222

Critical Care I &

Critical Care II=

DHI 250 &

DHI 280

Respiratory Care IV &

Ped. & Neonatal Resp. Care

RES 127 Clinical Practicum II = DHI 245 Clinical Education II

RES 128 &

RES 227

Clinical Practicum III &

Clinical Practicum III=

DHI 255 &

DHI 285

Clinical Education III &

Clinical Education IV

RES 126 Clinical Medicine I = DHI 260 Cardiopulmonary Pathology

RES 221 Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics = DHI 230 Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics

RES 223 Respiratory Pharmacology = DHI 200 Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology

RES 226 Continuing Care = DHI 270 Cardiopulmonary Rehab & Home Care

RES 229 Emergency Management = DHI 275 Adv. Resuscitation Techniques

SCI 111 Physical Science = SPS 101 Physical Science

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology = ASO 151 Principles of Sociology

SUR 292 Pharmacy = DHS 110 Pharmacology for Surgical Technologists

TEC 102 Technical Graphics = TTT 101 Intro to Drafting

TEC 102 Technical Graphics = TTT 101 Introduction to Drafting

TEC 104 Computer Fundamentals for Technology = TTT 120 Computers for Technology

TEC 106 Hazardous Materials & Control =

EFR 204 &

EFR 205

Hazardous Materials I &

Hazardous Materials II

TEC 113 Basic Electricity = TEL/TTT 100 Basic Electricity & Electronics

VID 101 Broadcast Practices = HBR 140 Beginning TV Production

VID 102 Mass Communication = HBR 100 Intro to Mass Communication

VID 107 Field Production = HBR 270 Electronic News Gathering

VID 109 Studio II = HBR 260 Video Editing & Post Production

VID 207


Internship = HBR 280 Producing and Directing

VID 280 Co-op Intern = HBR 285 Internship

VIS 101 Fundamentals of Design = HAH 111 Two Dimensional Design

VIS 201 Electronic Imaging = TPA 200 Computer Imaging

VIS 207 Portfolio Prep =

HAH 212 or

TPA 250

Art Portfolio Assessment or

Portfolio Review

WLD 108 &

WLD 202 &

Shielded Metal Arch Welding I &

Arc Welding II & = TRO 200 Programmable Logic Controllers

Transfer Admissions Information can be viewed at:

For current list of transfer courses call 1-800-742-9198.


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Ivy Tech Community College

Mission Statement

As a statewide, open-access, community college, Ivy Tech Community College provides

residents of Indiana with professional, technical, transfer, and lifelong education for

successful careers, personal development, and citizenship. Through its affordable, quality

educational programs and services, the College strengthens Indiana's economy and

enhances its cultural development.

Region 14/Bloomington

Mission Statement

The mission of Region 14/Bloomington is to serve our diverse communities as a

comprehensive community college by creating and sustaining strategic partnerships for

the purpose of delivering high quality educational and training programs.