Download - 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    ET CC C R Raiser First Name Last Name Committed In Designation

    1Linda Moore Steven Adsmske $2,700Attendee

    1 1Bibb Hubbard Steve Akey $2,700Attendee

    1 1Kevin Varney Alie Albri!"t $2,700 Attendee

    1 1 1#an osent"alSeretary Madeleine Albri!"t $2,700Attendee

    1 1Ann %asta!ne Mi"ele Altemus $1,700 $1,000Attendee

    0Lee Satter&eld'om Amontree $2,700Attendee

    1 1Ann Stok Brent Anderson $2,700Attendee

    1Ann Stok 'odd Ando"ik $2,700 Attendee

    0'odd (eiler Sean Astin $2,700Attendee

    1 2 1Lee Satter&eldKris Balderston A)S)*+ Attendee

    1 oel-oe Mi"ele Ballantyne $2,700 Attendee

    1 1#avid StevensMor!an Barnes $2,700Attendee0%a.riia Mars Melinda Bates Attendee

    1 1Kat"y ot"/#oAdrienne Beker 200 100Attendee

    1Brian (ol 'aylor Beis $,000 Attendee

    1 1Ann Stok akie Bellanti $2,700Attendee

    1 1 oel-oe Arik Ben3vi $2,700Attendee

    0#an osent"alSandy Ber!er $2,700Attendee

    0#an osent"alSusan Ber!er $2,700Attendee

    1 1%a.riia Mars +ail Berry (est $2,700 Attendee

    0Bibb Hubbard %"arles Best $100Attendee0Me!an Beyer #on Beyer $2,700Attendee

    1 2 1 1(ayne o!ersMe!an Beyer $2,700%o/"ost

    1 1#an osent"al'erry Bis" $2,700Attendee

    0Lee Satter&eld'ony Blinken $2,700 Attendee

    1 1Sally 4a5ton S"aron Blok $2,700Attendee

    1Ann %asta!ne %indy Bro6n $2,700 Attendee

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    0#an osent"al%arol Bro6ner $2,700Attendee

    0Brian (ol oss Buntrok $2,700

    1 2#avid Stevens*at"an Bur" 2700Attendee

    0#avid StevensMart"a Burke $1,000Attendee

    1 1Ann Stok *ate Byer $20Attendee

    0Ann %asta!ne Mary Bet" %a"ill $2,700Attendee

    2Ann Stok Heat"er %a.ell $2,700 Attendee

    1 1 2 1Lee Satter&eldBrooke %arnot $2,700Attendee

    1 1Bibb Hubbard oye %arrier $2,700Attendee

    1 1#avid Stevens4eter %arroll $2,700Attendee

    0%a.riia Mars %"eri %arter Attendee

    1 1Kat"y ot"/#o4"illi. %arter $2,700Attendee

    1Kat"y ot"/#o#avid %ase $2,700Attendee0Ann Stok S"eila %asey Attendee

    1 1 1 1Kim %ubine Ann %asta!netti $2,700%o/"ost

    1 1 1 1Ann %asta!ne #avid %asta!netti $2,700 %o/"ost

    1 1S"erri +oodm Morro6 %ater $2,700Attendee

    1Me!an Beyer %ourtney %" $2,700 Attendee

    1 1Kim %ubine Lon %" $2,700Attendee

    0#avid StevensBrian %"a..elle $2,700Attendee

    0Ann Stok li3abet" %"eek ones $2,700 Attendee

    0Me!an Beyer Soraya %"emaly $2,700Attendee1 1#avid StevensBrad %"eney $2,700Attendee

    1 1#avid StevensBrian %oester $2,700Attendee

    1Kat"y ot"/#ooss %o"en 2700 Attendee

    0Kevin Varney Steven $1,000Attendee

    1 1 '"omas %orri!an S'A88

    0#avid StevensBill %os!rove $2,700Attendee

    1 1Ann Stok a"el %ot"ran $20Attendee

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    1 1Sally 4a5ton Sara" %raven $2,700Attendee

    1 1 1 1 Kim %ubine $2,700%o/"ost

    1 1Ann %asta!ne Betsy #9amoos $2,700Attendee

    1Ann %asta!ne Lei!" #9amoos %:M4 Attendee

    1 1#avid StevensMar!aret #alton $2,700Attendee1 1#avid StevensSeretary o"n #alton $2,700Attendee

    0Sally 4a5ton *any #ek $1,000Attendee

    1 1Kat"y ot"/#oLaura #em.sey $2,;; $2Attendee

    0Lee Satter&eldMi"ael #eSantis $2,700Attendee

    0#an osent"al#avid #i5on $2,700Attendee

    0#an osent"alMonia #i5on $2,700Attendee

    1 1Kim %ubine #an #obbin $2,700Attendee

    1 1Ann %asta!ne Mary #ona"ue $2,700Attendee

    2 1Ann Stok 4"ili. #u

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    0Sara" 8arns6o%at"y 8arns6ort" $2,700Attendee

    1 2 1Ann Stok Sara" 8arns6ort" $2Attendee

    1 oel-oe Mike 8eldman $2,700 Attendee

    1Kat"y ot"/#o*ate 8ik 2700 Attendee

    0Sally 4a5ton %"ris 8inn $2,700Attendee

    1 1Bibb Hubbard %elia 8is"er $2,700Attendee

    0S"erri +oodm Ladeene 8reimut" $1,000 Attendee

    1 1Kevin Varney Manana 8reyre $2,700Attendee

    2Me!an Beyer Amb> Laurie 8ulton Attendee

    1 1Bibb Hubbard Ki +alla!"er $2,700Attendee

    0'odd (eiler Set" +ar&eld $1,000 Attendee

    0#an osent"ala?eev +arside 00Attendee

    1#an osent"alSu3y +eor!e $2,700Attendee0%a.riia Mars "oda +likman Attendee

    1 1Kim %ubine Steve +oodin $2,700 %o/"ost

    1 1S"erri +oodm o"n +oodman $2,700Attendee

    1 1 1 1Kat"y ot"/#oS"erri +oodman $2,700%o/"ost

    1 1%arol 4ensky Bobbie +reen %:M4 Attendee

    1 1i"ard Mint3 Helaine +reen

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    0Ann Stok '"omas Hardy Attendee

    1 2#an osent"alHo.e Harrin!ton $2,700Attendee

    1 2Sandy Ber!er 'ony Harrin!ton $2,700Attendee

    1Lee Satter&eldvan Haymes $2,700 Attendee

    1 1Lee Satter&eldLori Hendriks %:M4 Attendee2Ann Stok Mad!e Hennin! Attendee

    1 1Lee Satter&eldAle5is Herman $2,700 Attendee

    0Linda Moore Mar!aret Hoare $1,000Attendee

    1 1 e S"6aber Karl Ho

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    1'ray Bernstei %"ristina Valentine $2,700Attendee

    1 1 2 1%a.riia Mars on Keo"ane $2,700%o/"ost

    0Brian (ol Brue $2,700Attendee

    1%a.riia Mars Bradley Kiley $2,700 Attendee

    1Kevin Varney Helen Kirs" $2,700Attendee0Kimball StroudSusan Ko" $00Attendee

    2Ann Stok Amb> Karen Kornblu" $2,700 Attendee

    1#an osent"alMi"ele Kreiss $2,700Attendee

    1 oel-oe ak Krum"olt3 $2,700Attendee

    0 e S"6aber %"arito Kruvant 2700Attendee

    2Ann Stok anie LAS' *AM Attendee

    1Brian (ol Melissa Lavinson A)S)*+

    1Brian (ol S"aree La6ler $2,700Attendee

    1Brian (ol 'om La6ler $2,700Attendee

    2Bibb Hubbard o"n Leary $2,700 Attendee

    1Lee Satter&eld#avid Leavy $2,700Attendee

    1Lee Satter&eldKatie Leavy $2,700 Attendee

    1 oel-oe enni Le%om.te $2,700Attendee

    1Sally 4a5ton Anne Le6is $2,700Attendee

    2%a.riia Mars eta o Le6is A)S)*+ Attendee

    1Ann Stok Leslie Libby $2,700Attendee

    1Lee Satter&eldileen Libutti $2,700Attendee2Lee Satter&eld4"yllis Libutti $2,700Attendee

    0%a.riia Mars d Lieberman $2,700Attendee

    0%a.riia Mars velyn Lieberman $2,700Attendee

    1Ann Stok Ann Lloyd Breeden $2,700Attendee

    1 oel-oe %lare Lok"art $2,700Attendee

    1 1%a.riia Mars oe Lok"art $2,700%o/"ost

    0#an osent"alSean Lon! $2,700Attendee


  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    1Kevin Varney +reta Lundeber! $2,700Attendee

    18ran (atson Mike Lyle $2,700 Attendee

    1Kim %ubine Anita Lynn $2,700Attendee

    1Kim %ubine Haniel Lynn $2,700Attendee

    0i"ard Mint3 ane Marus $2,700Attendee0i"ard Mint3 i"ard Marus $2,700Attendee

    1 1 %a.riia Mars"all A)S)*+ %o/"ost

    1 1%a.riia Mars ob Mars"all %:M4 Attendee

    0%a.riia Mars '"ur!ood Mars"all Attendee

    1#an osent"alulie Mason $1,200 $1,00Attendee

    1%a.riia Mars 4atrik M%art"y %:M4 Attendee

    2 1Ann Stok #ebby M+inn $2,700Attendee

    1Kevin Varney Me! MLau!"lin $2,700Attendee

    1Kim %ubine Kiki MLean $2,700Attendee

    1Sally 4a5ton vette Me

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    1 1 2 1%a.riia Mars rik Mullen %o/"ost

    1Kat"y ot"/#o*at"an *aylor $2,700Attendee

    1Lee Satter&eldMar!aret *edelko $2,700Attendee

    1Lee Satter&eldim *eu"auser $2,700Attendee

    0#an osent"alames :9Brien $2,700Attendee

    0#an osent"alMary :9Brien $2,700Attendee

    1Kat"y ot"/#oen :9%onnor $2,700Attendee

    1Kevin Varney 'om :9#onnell $2,700Attendee

    0Bibb Hubbard obert :9Hatnik $00Attendee

    0Bibb Hubbard Su3anne :9Hatnik $00Attendee

    1 1 4eter :9Kee

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    1obert ayma *iole abner $2,00 $100Attendee

    1 oel-oe %at"erine ansom $2,700 Attendee

    1#avid Stevens%at"erine ead $2,700Attendee

    1 e S"6aber ri eadin! $2,700Attendee

    1 1#an osent"alAviva osent"al $2,700%o/"ost1 1 #an osent"al $2,700%o/"ost

    1 1 1 1eta o Le6is Kat"y ot"/#ou@uet $00%o/"ost

    1Sally 4a5ton %ari udd $2,700Attendee

    2Bibb Hubbard Lauren uder 4eter Sel

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    1 e S"6aber Asi< S"aik" $2,700Attendee

    0Ann %asta!ne '"omas S"ea $1,200Attendee

    0Susan *ess Audrey S"e..ard Attendee

    1 oel-oe %ary S"erman $2,700 Attendee

    0#an osent"allaine S"oas $2,700Attendee1#avid Stevensill S"o6ell $2,700Attendee

    1Ann %asta!ne Beneva S"ulte $2,700 Attendee

    1Kim %ubine Kris S"6enkmeyer Attendee

    0Lee Satter&eld*ikki Silver $00Attendee

    1Me!an Beyer 8era Simone $2,700Attendee

    0 e S"6aber Smita Sin!" 2700Attendee

    2%a.riia Mars odney Slater %o/"ostD

    1 oel-oe %"i. Smit" $2,700 Attendee

    1Kat"y ot"/#o*any Soderber! $2,700Attendee

    1S"erri +oodm Stan Solo6ay $1,700 $1,000Attendee

    1Sean :9S"ea Amy Souders $2,700Attendee

    14eter :9Kee

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    1#avid StevensMark Eandi $2,700Attendee

    1Ann Stok #ebora" $2,700Attendee

    16 16 37 220 Attending $176,47 $0!,3"0

    3 3 14 26 #a%e A&&' $6!4,!6

    0 0 0 73 No


  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    Notes Emai& ())*+ation Em+&oer

    s6adamskeF4ubli elatio GS +overnment

    stevenakeyF Vie 4residen Brid!estone Amerias, )n>

    [email protected]

    jstewart@albri%"air Albri!"t Stonebrid!e +rou.michele.altem Attorney G>S> #e.artment o< )nterior

    amontree005eutive Vi AH)4

    [email protected]

    seanastin2@ Ator Sel< m.loyed

    kmbalderston +eneral Mana8leis"man Hillard

    e>mor!anbar %oder Vie6 %areLives in Me5io [email protected]

    sendtoabF"o%"ie< 5euti Killer %ontent, )n>

    dison letri )nstitute 4A%


    arikF!.!>o %onsultant '"e +lover 4ark +rou.

    sberger@albri%onsultant Albri!"t Stonebrid!e +rou.

    susanhbergereal state A vers And %om.any


    "arlesFdon * % #onors%"oose>or!donbeyer@g Member o< % GS %on!ress

    Has invite and link me!anbeyer %onsultant Sel< m.loyed

    terrybis"Fma4ubli Aairs GS#A

    sharblock@st Senior %ouns G>S> #e.artment o< Labor

    West ront !trategies

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    lovecraven@g#iretor o< t" Gnited *ations 4o.ulation 8und

    kubineFa 4resident %" %ubine Adams I Hussey

    betsyd?amoo Mana!er # o< Sout"6est 8L

    %"ek under Mary Bet" %a"ill

    ?"dmodFaol> Homemaker4resident 8inanial Servies oundtable

    n!dekF!ma$arketing %&eHilton (orld6ide

    4ayment .lan ladem.F!maLead AssoiatBoo3 Allen Hamilton

    mi"ael>desa 5eutive Sel< m.loyed

    davidFdi5on %onsultant #i5on-#avis Media +rou., LL%

    mdi5on1F %onsultant Sel< m.loyed

    doneillFatio4resident Ation Mailin!

    donahue.maryMana!er AH)4

    Brin!in! to event

    mae@wmlaboAttorney (oodley J M+illivary

    niole>elkon #iretor o< t" GS #e.artment o< State

    A%M to .ik u. "ek

    Brin!in! to event

    bainennisF"%onsultant Sel<!eennisF 5ternal ela Atlanti %ounil



    Laura>skena Attorney #e.artment o< Veterans Aairs

    [email protected] %onsultant '"e +lover 4ark +rou.

    Sendin! "ek to Ann /smtutty7F!mail>om

    e#[email protected]#e.uty Assist#e.artment o< #e

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    at"y!oodm 4resident and%onsortium 8or :ean Leaders"i.

    %ouldn9t attend .rior event

    i"ard Mint39s 6i

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    'ravelin! t"ardyF!mail>om

    "o.eF"arrin etired

    a"arrin!tonF%"air Albri!"t Stonebrid!e +rou.

    Assistin! Ale5is Hermanmad!e"ennin!Fme>om

    msa!e;;0; Vie 4residen A'J'


  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    %"ek under Kelsey Valkelseyk>valen *irector :miia

    Has invite and link ronkeo"aneF%onsultant Armed 8ores Servies %or.oration

    brueFkielo 8ounder Kielo" %onsultin!


    %"ek under Susan +o"elen>kirs"F"otmail>omabin&lmsF 8ilmmaker Ko" 'V 4rodutions

    mi"ele>kreis Lo!istis %oorSel< m.loyed

    ?krum"olt3F!%onsultant '"e +lover 4ark +rou.

    "aritoFrea %"ie< 5euti %reative Assoiates )nternational


    melissa>lavin +overnment 4+J

    s"aree>la6ler *ot m.loyed

    tomFla6lerstLobbyist La6ler Strate!ies

    davidleavyFSenior 5eut#%)

    ?en!ebretse %onsultant +lover 4ark +rou.

    AnneFanneleMarketin! 5 Sel< m.loyed

    Attended Ba!ley [email protected]


    e"libuttiF!m Attorney Le6is o"s


    breedenalF! Hi!"er dua Gniversity o< i"mond

    larellok"ar Marketin! 8el Bully )nterative

    Gsin! Lee9s link ?oeF!.!>omMana!in! #ir +lover 4ark +rou.

    seaneye@ms %: ndeavor ner!y Holdin!s LL%

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    !lundeber!F Vie 4residen'"e Boein! %om.any

    anita"sue"ly )' %onsultant BMi

    "aniellynnF +eneral Mana%or.orate 5eutive Board

    janemarcus@ #evelo.ment Senior Servies o< Ale5andriari"ard>mar +ublic (elatio'"e Harbour +rou.

    $2,700 a..lied to .revia.riiamars %onsultant Sel< m.loyed

    Busy t"at ni!"t ,[email protected]

    4ayment .lan / remain mason?ulieFa%ommuniati Albri!"t Stonebrid!e +rou.

    %ouldn9t attend .rior event

    Set u. as a raiser one debby>m!innF!mail>om


    kikiFmlean%onsultant Sel< m.loyed

    ymmemint3 %onsultant '"e Harbour +rou.

    angelcmitchell#iretor o< : Ardmore %onvention %enter

    danamitchell Mana!er o< )n8ederal Aviation Administration

    Hasn9t 6ritten yet Lee lmooreFte"net>or! #e6ey S@uare +rou.

    kmoranCF 4ro

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    %4M rea"ed out to as%[email protected]

    nat"anb>nayl %onsultant Sel< m.loyed

    mnedelko##@y%onsultant Sel< m.loyed

    jneuhauser"/ )nvestment M8B J %o

    ?m.obrienF Albri!"t Stonebrid!e LL%rooso1FAttorney GS +overnment

    ?enmoonF! #e.uty ("ite 5eutive :Ne o< t"e 4resident

    t.odattorney #iretor LB S"ool o< 4ubli Aairs

    donroberto etired


    $2,700 a..lied to .reviokee

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    niole>rabner Attorney (ilmerHale

    at"erineFr Soial Media %reative ead, )n>

    erireadin!F %onsultant %"emonis )nternational

    Has link and invite avivarosent" %onsultant osent"al Strate!ies, LL%Has link and invite dkrosent"alF4artner Albri!"t Stonebrid!e +rou.

    Has link and invite kat"yFrot"/d* 5e Blue Star 8amilies

    ari>ruddFo 'ea"er Sel< m.loyed

    emryan"@a Assistant Se G>S> #e.artment o< State

    1 years old

    ro!ervsala3a 4ubli Aairs ALEA Strate!ies

    leesatter&el 5eutive Vi Meridian )nternational %enter

    nis"ie!!F!Senior Vie 4r8enton %ommuniations

    4ayment .lan / 6ill &n s"idebraF 4resident and Street +rou., LL%

    aised by Laura #em. kevin>s"mie Vie 4residen GS %"amber o< %ommere

    niks"mit;F+overnment G>S> +overnment

    wwschneid@aAnalyst %ovin!ton and Burlin!

    4resident GS +lobal Leaders"i. %oalition OGS+L%P

    kmas"uilin Homemaker

    li3Fs"rayer> Attorney Stein S.erlin!

    4ayment .lan / $1k no rseidmanFts)onsultant 'S# %ommuniations, )n>

    petesel#ridge %"ie< o< 4roto GS #e.artment o< State

    bs"aranF! 8inanial Man Ma!netar 8inanial


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    as"aik"Fob 4resident and4a5'erra )n>

    ts10022Faol>%onsultant *e6 4artners

    4ayment .lan raised baudreys"e.F(omen9s HeaSel< m.loyed

    ?ills"o6ellFm+overnment :6en 8inanial %or.

    nikkisilverFm4roduer :n Sreen ntertainment


    lstakForo %"ie< :.erati %ororan +allery o< Art

    oSenior Mana!8B %a.ital Markets

    Bundlin! 6it" laine H david"steven%: Mort!a!e Bankers Assoiation

    marylarkest HomemakerstokannF!*ot m.loye *ot m.loyed

    1yn.!tout@g vent 4lanner%ornuo.ia, )n>

    %4M rea"ed out to [email protected]

    Has link and invite kimballFkimballstroud>om

    hilary.swab@g8ederal 4oliy%SH

    [email protected]

    kt"om.sonF 4artner #eloitte

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    May make a donation [email protected]

    [email protected] Ad?unt 4rotra Student

    M':''AF% 4rinter %4 #iret, )n>%"ek under Mark %as


    6tyndallFmeMana!er #uke ner!y

    Has invite and link kevin>.>varneyF!mail>om

    melanne>verv#iretor o< + +eor!eto6n Gniversity

    [email protected]

    m6arrenFalb4artner Albri!"t Stonebrid!e +rou.

    Hasn9t 6ritten yet

    6eilerF :6ner 8ootStom.

    ?amaiadrive eal state Sel< m.loyed

    aised by Laura #em.?anee6"itF! %"ie< 5euti 4en8ed

    %"ek under osa (illi a6r6s6Faol>om%ame in t"rou!" S"errbark6itFya" +overnment #e.artment o< #e

  • 7/26/2019 7 1 15 Commitment Sheet


    mark>3andiF onomist Moody9s Analytis

    4ubli elatio *ational +allery o< Art3iskaFveri3o

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]