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Core User: Core user is an employee of client who is having good knowledge in client business process. as a consultant we don't involve in project preparation phase. Development server: will be used to configure the client business process in SAP (Consultant)Quality server: will be used to test the scenario (Consultant and Core User)Production server: will be used for day to day live transactions in SAP (End User, Core User etc) Consultant doesn't have access to Production server End user doesn't have access to Development serverASAP methodology:1. Project preparation: User licenses Landscape Infrastructure Team size: MNC clients 50 (SD 8), unknown clients 20 (SD 3) Domestic client: Consultants will go to client place to implement SAP MNC (Foreign) client: one consultant from each module will go to client place and remaining consultants work from Off-shore (implementation partner location) Project tenure: Domestic client 6 months and MNC client 12 months Go-live date Kick off meeting: (invite all consultants who are going to involve in the implementation project) introduction about client business rules & regulations of client roles & responsibilities of consultant share core user details, project start date and Go-live date with Consultants after Kick off meeting all Consultants move to client place, here 2nd phase starts2. Business Blue Print: requirements gathering based on questionnaire provided by implementation partner prepare AS-IS document (present business process of the client) TO-BE document (how is going client business process in SAP) prepare BBP document GAPs analysis document BBP sign off (Core user confirmation)

3. Realization: mapping client TO-BE business process into SAP we do Configuration in Development server Baseline Configuration (specific to one module) Final Configuration (depend on other modules) Cross client (Workbench requests): if we do any configuration in one client, it is automatically updates in other clients within a server Development server is divided into 3 cross clients Sand box client (R&D), Configuration client, Internal testing client (Quality server) Parent request: to transport configuration data from one server to another server Child request: to carry the configuration data from one server to another server Unit testing: specific to one module Integration testing (depend on other modules) prepare Test case documents prepare User manuals (step by step guidelines to end users along with screen shots to create master data, transactional data Configuration document (KT purpose) Functional specification document4. Final Preparation: Core user / End user training UAT Sign off document after UAT sign off, we transport all requests from Quality server to Production server, then we start Cut over activities Cut-over activities: uploading master data and open transactional data (open orders) from legacy system to SAP system consultant has to do recording and send it to ABAPers prepare Excel sheet and send it to Core user based on recording ABAPer will develop BDC and give it to consultant Core user fill the data in Excel sheet and give it to consultant consultant will test in quality server, if everything is fine, consultant will go to production server and upload the data from Legacy system to SAP Cut over strategy: to upload the data from Legacy to SAP, client has to stop the business to avoid data discrepancies Cut over period 5. Go Live:

Support Project:Handling the issues raised by the client who already implemented SAPService Level Agreement (SLA): agreement b/w client and support partner priority of Issues: High (4 hrs), Medium (24 hrs), Low (72 hrs) Change request (CR)Ticket process End user raise an issue to Help desk Core user receives the issue at Help desk Core user tries to solve the issue, if he is not able to solve the issue, then he raises the issue in Ticketing tool with priority the support consultant Coordinator receive the mail from ticketing tool the Coordinator analyze the issue and allocate it to the respective Module consultant the Consultant receive the mail and reply acknowledgement mail to Core user, End user and Coordinator after sending the acknowledgement Consultant has to analyze the issue and check in staging (pre-production) server if we get the same error, then we go to the Development server and do the necessary configuration changes then we transport from Development to Quality server then we request to Core user to test it and confirm after getting confirmation from core user, we transport it from Quality to Production server