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 Teacher: _______________ Tutor: __________________ 

Part I - Listening

1 – Listen to the hobbies and write numbers according to the order you listen to.

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 1 from 5

Name: _____________________________  NO._____ 

lass: ______ !ate: ___________________________ 

"#aluation Test6th grade


1 2 3   4   5

6 7 8 9 100


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a$ Joe is 13 years old.e$ Joe’s mother is sleeping.b$ He is an excellent student.%$ Joe’s

father is having a shower.c$ Joe doesn’t have a girlfriend.g$ Nicole is out riding her bike.d$ 

Patrick is Joe’s rother.h$ Joe’s sister is studying with Nicole.

  Part II – &eading om'rehension

&ead the te(t care%ully.

This is Joe ullivan! "e is thirteen years old and he is in the # th grade! "e studies at

t. John’s chool in $ondon but he isn’t an e%cellent student. &ight now' he is at

home waiting for his best friend' (atrick' and thinking about his girlfriend' Nicole.

(atrick has )ust arrived and he is talking to Joe: 

Patric): "i Joe! "ow are you*

*oe: +’m fine' and you*

Patric): ,ine' too! -hat are you doing*

*oe: +’m watching T! + love The Simpsons!

Patric): /nd your mother' what’s she doing*

*oe: + don’t know but + think she’s cooking!

Patric): +s your father at home*

*oe: 0es' he is! "e is having a shower!

Patric): -hat about Nicole* +s she out riding

her bike*

*oe: No' she isn’t. he is studying 1nglish! 2y sister is with her.

Patric): -here are they*

*oe: They are at the city’s library. 2y sister is coming back home at five o’clock.

Patric): $ook! +’ve got a new 33! +t’s an action film. 3o you want to watch*

*oe: 45! /nd then we could listen to the new lack eyed peas 73.

Patric): ounds great!

1 – +rite True ,T$ or alse ,$ according to the te(t.

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By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 3 from 5

1.1- orrect the %alse sentences.

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– /nswer the 0uestions about the te(t.

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a8 -here is Joe*

b8 -hat is Joe watching*

c8 +s Joe’s father riding his bike*

d8 -hat’s Joe’s mother doing*

e8 -hat’s Nicole doing*

f8 -here is Joe’s sister*

g8 -hat are Joe and (atrick going to watch*

Part III - rammar

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1 – Loo) at the chart and write sentences about what &ichard can and can2t do. ollowthe e(am'le.

1. &ichard can eat a whole cake in 5 minutes. 

. &ichard_________________________________________________________.

3. &ichard_________________________________________________________.

4. &ichard_________________________________________________________.

5. &ichard_________________________________________________________.

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 6 from 5


1 eat a whole cake in 9 minutes  

cook lasagne 6

3 swim for ; minutes  

5 fly a helicopter. 6

7 repair a car   

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– Loo) at the chart again. om'lete the 0uestions and8 or the answers li)e insentence number

1. 7an he eat a cake in 9 minutes* 0es' he can.

. 7an he cook lasagne* ______________________________________________.

3. ________________________for ; minutes*____________________________.

4. _________________________________________*_______________________.

5. _________________________________________*_______________________.

3 – +rite the #erbs in brac)ets in the Present ontinuous. ollow the e(am'le.

+t’s aturday and the sun ,1$  is shining <shine8. (atrick and Joe ,$

 _______________________<prepare8 their basket for a picnic. They ,3$

 ______________________ <take8 orange )uice' apples' bananas' and sandwiches.

They also have two towels because they ,4$  _______________________ <go8 to

swim. &ight now they ,5$ ___________________________<sit8 under a tree. (atrick

,7$  ________________ <take8 off his clothes and Joe

,9$ _________________________ <drink8 orange )uice. Now' they ,$

 __________________________<swim8 in the river. / dog ,;$ ______________________ <eat8 their food but they can’t see it because

they ,1<$ _______________________<play8 in the water. The dog ,11$

 _______________________ <go8 away with some food in its mouth.

4 – =uild sentences in the Present ontinuous.

".g. he = cook = not = fish. She is not cooking fish .

1. "e = to eat = an apple = . ____________________________________________.

. They = to run = not = . _______________________________________________.

3. 0ou = to sit = in the caf> = *___________________________________________.4. -e = to play = tennis =.________________________________________________.

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5. + = to sleep = not =.___________________________________________________.

Part I> - +riting

Imagine you are at a summer cam' and you are learning a new s'ort. +rite aletter to a %riend. ?se the 0uestions to hel'.

-here are you* 3o you like itthere*-hat sport are you learning*"ow many hours a day do youpractise*

+s the weather good*"ave you got any new friends*-hat do you do in the evenings*

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