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6.15Alkenone PaleotemperatureDeterminationsT. D. Herbert

Brown University, Providence, RI, USA



6.15.3 OCCURRENCE OF ALKENONES IN MARINE WATERS AND SEDIMENTS 3966.15.3.1 Genetic and Evolutionary Aspects of Alkenone Production 398

6.15.4 FUNCTION 399

6.15.5 ECOLOGICAL CONTROLS ON ALKENONE PRODUCTION AND DOWNWARD FLUX 4006.15.5.1 Effects of Water-column Recycling and Sediment Diagenesis on the Alkenone Unsaturation Index 404

6.15.6 CALIBRATION OF U37k0 INDEX TO TEMPERATURE 407 Culture Calibrations 4076.15.6.2 Particulates 4096.15.6.3 Sediment Traps 4106.15.6.4 Core Tops 410


6.15.8 PALEOTEMPERATURE STUDIES USING THE ALKENONE METHOD 4136.15.8.1 Holocene High-resolution Studies 4146.15.8.2 Millennial-scale Events of the Late Pleistocene and Last Glacial Termination 4156.15.8.3 Marine Temperatures during the LGM 4176.15.8.4 SST Records of the Late Pleistocene Ice Age Cycles 4206.15.8.5 SST before the Late Pleistocene 4216.15.8.6 Comparison with other Proxies: d18O 4226.15.8.7 Comparison with other Proxies: Microfossils 4236.15.8.8 Comparison with other Proxies: Mg/Ca 424

6.15.9 CONCLUSIONS 425



The organic biomarker proxy for past seasurface temperatures (“U37

k ”) came to paleoceano-graphy from an unexpected direction. Nearly allpaleoceanographic tools rely on some aspect ofthe fossilized hard parts of marine organisms.Thus, assemblages of calcareous microplanktonsuch as foraminifera and coccoliths, or of siliceousplankton such as radiolaria and diatoms, providedthe basis for the CLIMAP reconstruction of the IceAge ocean (CLIMAP, 1976, 1981). Additionally,a host of chemical methods relies on the same hardparts to furnish isotopic and trace element

signatures, and generally requires that skeletalmaterial be well preserved. The alkenone methoddiffers in several important ways. Individualmolecules, extracted and separated from a matrixof hundreds to thousands of other organiccompounds, are the targets. In most cases, theremnant alkenones and alkenoates that are thesubject of this review constitute no more, andoften considerably less, than a few percent of theirinitial flux that left the surface layer of the oceanand fell toward the sediments. Good preservationis thus not a major issue for use of the proxy. Inaddition, while many geochemical techniquesassume that skeletal material is a passive recorder


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of isotopic and trace element composition ofseawater, and that incorporation of paleo-environmental signals follows thermodynamiclaws that can be modeled using nonbiogenicphases in the laboratory, the alkenone methodassumes that the ratios of biomarkers measuredwere actively regulated by the producing organ-isms in life according to the temperature of thewater in which they grew.

Alkenone paleothermometry promises a directestimate of near-surface ocean temperatures.Alkenones and the related alkenoates comeexclusively from a few species of haptophytealgae. These organisms require sunlight, and theygenerally prefer the upper photic zone. Theenvironmental information contained in theirmolecular fossils therefore is quite specific,although, as will be discussed at length in a latersection, ambiguities still exist on the depth andseasonal variations of alkenone-producing speciesin the ocean. In contrast, many assemblages ofplanktonic organisms such as foraminifera andradiolaria contain many species known to livewell below the surface mixed layer. The linkbetween microfossil assemblages and sea surfacetemperature and salinity is therefore indirect andstatistical, rather than mechanistic.

As originally defined by the Bristol organicgeochemistry group (Brassell, 1986a,b), the U37


index reflected the proportions of the di-(C37:2),tri-(C37:3), and tetra-(C37:4) unsaturated ketones.Subsequent work showed that there was noempirical benefit to including the C37:4 ketonein a paleotemperature equation. The currentlyaccepted U37

k0 index (Prahl and Wakeham, 1987)varies positively with temperature, and is definedas C37:2/(C37:2 þ C37:3), where C37:2 representsthe quantity of the di-unsaturated ketone and C37:3

the quantity of the tri-unsaturated form. Thealkenone paleotemperature proxy thus dependsonly on the relative proportions of the commonC37 ketones and not on their absolute amounts.Furthermore, although the alkenones are producedby calcareous algae, they survive in sedimentswhere carbonate has dissolved, as first recognizedby Marlowe et al. (1984a,b) and Brassell et al.(1986a). The above expression for the indexshows that it can vary between 0 and 1.0; thus, itmay saturate at either extremely cold or warmtemperatures.

Alkenones appear recalcitrant to diagenesis inthe water column and within sediments relative toother large macromolecules. Indeed, the firstreported occurrence of alkenones came not fromrecent material, but from Miocene age sedimentsof the Walvis Ridge (Boon et al., 1978). Shortlythereafter, these compounds were linked tomodern haptophyte algae, principally Emilianiahuxleyi (de Leeuw et al., 1980; Volkman et al.,1980a,b; Marlowe et al., 1984a,b). Reviews of

lipid analyses of Deep Sea Drilling Projectsediments revealed that most sediments of Pleis-tocene through mid-Eocene age appeared tocontain measurable quantities of alkenones andalkenoates (Marlowe et al., 1984a, 1990; Brassell,1993). Brassell et al. (1986a) provided the seminalstudy linking alkenone unsaturation to paleotem-perature fluctuations in the Late Pleistocene. Afternoting that modern surface sediments differed intheir unsaturation ratios depending on latitude,Brassell et al. (1986a,b) reconstructed alkenoneunsaturation in conjunction with benthic andplanktonic foraminiferal d18O over the last8 £ 105 yr in a core from the subtropical NorthAtlantic. The unsaturation index declined duringglacial periods, suggesting cooler surface oceantemperatures during ice age conditions. Theauthors further demonstrated that the alkenoneindex gave a continuous paleoclimatic curve,even in intervals barren of foraminifera due todissolution. Prahl and Wakeham (1987) andPrahl et al. (1988) proposed the first quantitativecalibration of alkenone unsaturation to growthtemperature. Unsaturation parameters measuredon a strain of E. huxleyi grown in the laboratory atknown temperatures were compared to theunsaturation index on particulate material col-lected from the near-surface ocean in the northeastPacific. Prahl and Wakeham (1987) showed thatthe laboratory calibration appeared to apply wellto the field observations of unsaturation and thewater temperature in which the alkenones appar-ently were synthesized. The calibration of alke-none unsaturation to temperatures expanded withthe first systematic study of core-top sediments bySikes et al. (1991). That study produced twoimportant results: (i) the unsaturation index inrecent sediments followed a relation to overlyingsea surface temperatures (SSTs) very similar tothe Prahl et al. (1988) calibration, and (ii) thereappeared to be no ill effects on the unsaturationindex over the time of core storage. Pristine orfrozen samples were therefore not needed toproduce good estimates of the U37


index forpaleoceanographic studies.

As with any paleoceanographic proxy, anumber of uncertainties must be evaluated thatcould affect the accuracy measurement as anestimate of past SSTs. The principal caveatsraised can be broadly categorized as ecological,physiological, genetic, and diagenetic. All des-cribe factors, which could cause the U37


index todeviate from a unique relation to SSTs. Ecologicalconcerns come from observations that alkenone-producing species do not inhabit precisely thesame depth throughout the ocean, and that theyvary in abundance seasonally. The alkenoneunsaturation parameter recorded by sedimentscould therefore measure past temperatures veryprecisely, but at which depths, and with what

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seasonal bias? It is also possible that theproportions of alkenones synthesized by hapto-phyte algae vary with growth rate, independent oftemperature. Our present state of ignorancedictates that we do not know the growth phaseof haptophyte material exported out of thephotic zone—whether the products represent theinitial exponential growth phase observed inculture or stationary growth. Natural populationsalso differ in their genetic composition. Alkenone-producing species are notable for their wide rangeof environmental tolerances. The consequencesfor the U37


index of genetic variations withinstrains of the same producing species and betweenthe different alkenone-synthesizing species arestill debated. In addition, alkenones measured insediments represent the surviving molecules of aseries of degradational pathways that begin in thewater column, proceed to the sediment/waterinterface, and may continue into the sediment.Should there be a bias in the relative lability ofthe C37:2 and C37:3 ketones, this would beimparted to paleoceanographic reconstructions oftemperature.

As should become clear, the U37k0

index appearsnevertheless to provide a remarkably faithfulestimate of paleotemperatures near the sea sur-face. At the same time, difficulties in matching thespace and timescales of modern process studies tothe information contained in sediments mean thatthe caveats raised above remain significant. Fieldstudies provide only snapshots of haptophyteabundance and alkenone unsaturation parameters,sediment traps provide only a few years of data atonly a few locations in the global ocean, and it isunclear how well laboratory cultures replicate thenatural environment. I have endeavored to treatdifferent lines of evidence systematically, but Ihave found it difficult to discuss each aspect in apurely serial way. The reader will therefore beasked to digest a review in which very diversemeasurements and paradigms are woven togetherto answer the central question of how toreconstruct past ocean surface temperatures withthe U37




Alkenones occur as a typical suite of 37-, 38-,and 39-carbon chained (C37, C38, C39) ketones inmarine particles and sediments. This set ofcompounds (Figure 1) constitutes a “fingerprint”for alkenones extracted from sediments. Theirexistence went undetected until chromatographiccolumns capable of sustaining the high tempera-tures at which long-chained alkenones elute cameinto existence in the late 1970s (Volkman et al.,1980b). Although all alkenones are straight-chainhydrocarbons, they may differ in the number of

double bonds (unsaturation) in the chain, and inthe structure of the terminal ketone group(terminal carbon in the chain bonded to either amethyl or ethyl group). The C37 alkenones used inthe U37


index are methyl ketones. 38-carbonchained molecules include not only tri- and di-unsaturated methyl ketone forms, but also C38:3

and C38:2 ethyl ketones (de Leeuw et al., 1980;Volkman et al., 1980a). A C38:4 ethyl ketone hasbeen reported from sediments underlying coldwaters (Marlowe et al., 1984b). As discussed atgreater length in a later section, the totalconcentration of the four common C38 ketones isgenerally nearly the same as the sum of the twocommon C37 ketones in marine particulates andsediments (Conte et al., 2001). Di- and tri-unsaturated C39 ethyl ketones (Figure 1) are alsocommonly observed at ,10–20% of the concen-tration of C37 ketones in analyses of alkenone-containing materials (Prahl et al., 2001). NovelC35 and C36 methyl ketones have been reportedrecently from Black Sea sediments (Xu et al.,2001); these apparently come from precursororganisms not commonly found in normal marinewaters.

C36 and C37 fatty acid methyl esters (alkenoates)and C37 and C38 alkenes also accompany alkenonesin alkenone-producing species (Volkman et al.,1980b; Marlowe et al., 1984b; Conte and Eglinton,1993; Rosell-Mele et al., 1994; Grossi et al., 2000;Mouzdahir et al., 2001). The relative proportionsof alkenones, alkenoates, and alkenes vary greatlybetween different strains of alkenone-containingspecies grown in culture (Conte et al., 1994a,1995). The chain length and degree of unsaturationof alkenoates and alkenes follows the pattern of thelong-chained alkenones (Marlowe et al., 1984b;Conte and Eglinton, 1993; Grossi 2000). Unfortu-nately, alkenoates and alkenes rarely reach morethan 10% of the concentrations of the C37 ketonesin sediment extracts (the author has never observedsignificant quantities of C37 or C38 alkenes), andthus have limited utility for paleoceanographicreconstructions.

Our laboratory has found few marine sedimentlocations where alkenones cannot be extracted inenough quantity for quantification. Exceptions tothe rule include very oligotrophic oceanic gyrelocations, such as the Ontong-Java Plateau, andthe red clay province of the North Pacific, wherealkenone determinations are exceedingly difficult.Typical quantities of C37 ketones in marinesediments range from 100 ppb to 10 ppm oftotal sediment (dry weight). Alkenones can beextracted from sediments and particulates as partof a total lipid extract. From 1 g to 5 g ofdry sediment is extracted with organic solvent(typically 9 : 1 methanol : methylene chloride)by Soxhlet apparatus, by repeated sonication atroom temperature, or by an Accelerated Solvent

Systematics and Detection 393

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Extraction system such as that offered by DionexCorp. Some laboratories analyze alkenones aspart of the total lipid extract; others prefer torun “cleaner” fractions following one of a numberof schemes of fraction purification usingsilica gel columns or thin-layer chromatography(Villanueva et al., 1997). Most open-oceansediment extracts do not contain appreciableamounts of interfering lipids; however, somesamples with more complex matrices may benefitfrom cleanup procedures.

Gas chromatography coupled to one of severaldetectors separates alkenones from their lipidmatrix and permits their quantification. Relative tomost lipid compounds in sediments, alkenoneshave high molecular weights and high boilingpoints. Elution through a nonpolar chromato-graphic column separates alkenones largelythrough boiling point, and subordinately bychemical interactions with the column film.Boiling point is largely determined by themolecular weight of the lipid. Because the massdifferences between C37:4, C37:3, and C37:2 ketonesare small (molecular weights of 526 amu,528 amu, and 530 amu, respectively), long

chromatographic columns and/or slow tempera-ture programs are required to completely resolvethe component alkenones. In analogy with the U37


index, unsaturation ratios can be defined by theproportions of di- and tri-unsaturated C38 ketones(Conte et al., 1998a). These relate linearly to theU37


index in culture (Conte et al., 1998a;Yamamoto et al., 2000), water-column (Conteand Eglinton, 1993; Conte et al., 2001) andsediment studies (Figure 2). However, analyticalchallenges are greater for the four C38 ketones,whose pairs of ethyl and methyl di- and tri-unsaturated ketones prove very difficult to separatecompletely (Figure 1). Unsaturation ratios basedon the C38 ketones therefore rarely appear in thealkenone literature. C39 ketones make up only aminor component of an alkenone-containingextract, and are rarely quantified.

Most alkenone determinations are made with aflame ionization detector (FID). This detector issimple, reliable, and highly sensitive. However,the FID functions essentially as a carbon detector,and does not give diagnostic information on thestructure of the compounds detected. Alkenonesare identified by FID by their elution times and by

Figure 1 Typical GC-FID chromatograms of alkenone-containing sediment extracts.

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reference to external standards added to theinjected solvent. Should other compounds sharea common elution time (co-elution) with thealkenone chromatographic peaks, they cannot beseparated from the signals of interest. The accu-racy of gas chromatography (GC)-FID analysistherefore depends on the quality of chromato-graphic separations in the GC column, and on thepresence or absence of interfering compounds.Fortunately, experience shows that interferinghigh molecular weight compounds are very rarein extracts of marine particulates in sediments.The stability of alkenones during microbialdegradation, relative to other high molecularweight lipids, apparently enhances the alkenonesignal in sediment extracts. Alkenones stand outnot only as some of the most abundant compoundsdetected in typical lipid extracts, but also as one ofthe few sets of chromatographic peaks to elute latein the separation. Indeed, the virtual isolation ofthe alkenone “fingerprint” from the majority ofchromatographic peaks almost certainly led to theinitial recognition of their paleotemperaturesignificance.

Other detection techniques offer more speci-ficity, but require more analytical time andeffort. Alkenones can be determined by GC-mass

spectrometry (GC-MS) (Boon et al., 1978;de Leeuw et al., 1980), which identifies eachcompound by the molecular ion and characteristicfragmentation patterns. However, because theionization efficiency for alkenones is low,GC-MS generally has lower sensitivity thanGC-FID. Chemical ionization coupled to massspectrometry can improve detection limits foralkenones (Rosell-Mele et al., 1995a; Chaler et al.,2000), but few laboratories employ this technique.GC-MS is therefore used primarily to confirmcompound identification by GC-FID, and to detectthe presence of co-eluting peaks in the region ofalkenone elution if such contamination is sus-pected. Recently developed variants of GC-FID,such as multidimensional gas chromatography(Thomsen et al., 1998) and comprehensiveGC £ GC (Xu et al., 2001), promise to improvethe specificity of alkenone detection, while main-taining the high throughput and sensitivity of GC-FID. This GC £ GC method introduces “slices” ofa separation by a first chromatographic column viathermal modulation into a second column ofdifferent polarity. The two-dimensional separ-ations achieved appear to enhance the discrimi-nation between potentially interfering compounds(Xu et al., 2001).

Figure 2 Relationship observed between the U37k0 index and the Uk

38me index [C38:2me/(C38:2me þ C38:3me)] in a setof cores along the California margin (Herbert, unpublished). See Figure 1 for identification of the alkenone peaks.Note that the two indices are closely related, although the U38me

k index has a slope and intercept offset from the U37k0

index. Scatter in the relationship primarily comes from analytical difficulties in quantifying the C38me peaksaccurately.

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In the absence of agreed-upon alkenonereference standards, the results of a recentinterlaboratory comparison (Rosell-Mele et al.,2001) offered a largely pleasant surprise. Theintercomparison produced a greater consistency inthe alkenone unsaturation parameter betweenlaboratories than might have been anticipated.Splits of homogenized unidentified sedimentsamples were sent to each participating labora-tory. Bristol University also prepared mixtures ofsynthetic C37:3 and C37:2 ketones. Laboratorieswere asked to perform replicate extractionsand chromatographic determinations followingtheir standard procedures. Interlaboratory varia-bility for the U37


index, the most commonlymeasured alkenone unsaturation parameter, trans-lated to a maximum of 2.1 8C between labora-tories (95% confidence limit). Individuallaboratories routinely obtain precision on replicatemeasurements on the order of 0.005 U37


units, or,0.15 8C. The interlaboratory comparison alsofound no difference between the mean valuesdetermined by laboratories that put lipid extractsthrough cleanup procedures and those that ana-lyzed total lipid extracts. This result indicates thatreliable alkenone determinations can be made formost marine sediments with minimal samplepreparation. Care should, however, be used tomake sure that compounds are correctly identifiedand resolved in samples with unusually largeamounts of labile compounds, such as found inshallow continental margin sediments. Earlydiagenesis generally removes interfering com-pounds in more slowly accumulating pelagicsediments.

Analytical challenges most likely occur at theextreme ends of the unsaturation index, whereeither the C37:3 or C37:2 alkenone abundancesbecome very small, and in coastal sediments,where one encounters a more complex matrix oflipids than true for open-ocean sediments. Ternoiset al. (1997) showed that a short (30 m) columnon Norwegian Fjord samples (U37


,0.2) did notresolve C37:2 ketones from C36:3 FAMEs, andhence produced erroneous estimates of sea-surface temperature. Using a 50 m column onthe same samples obviated these problems. Amore subtle error may come from irreversibleadsorbtion of alkenones on the chromatographiccolumn (Villanueva and Grimalt, 1996; Grimaltet al., 2001). The effect is negligible for mostsamples, but can become significant when one isanalyzing either the C37:2 or C37:3 alkenone nearits limit of detection. Grimalt et al. (2001)recommend determining the irreversible adsorb-tion for a GC system by varying the concen-trations of extracts and determining the interceptsof a plot of C37:3 and C37:2 peak area versusconcentration. Their modeling demonstrates thattemperature errors can arise at both the high and

low ends of the U37k0

scale, but will more likelyaffect results at the warm end of the U37


range(Grimalt et al., 2001). Chromatographic biaseswill be toward warmer apparent temperatures athigh U37


values and lower apparent temperaturesat low values. Villanueva and Grimalt (1996)recommend introducing at least 5–10 ng ofalkenones into the GC to avoid the bias ofirreversible adsorbtion, corresponding to athreshold of 50 ng g21 alkenone concentration inthe sediments if 1 g is extracted. Our laboratoryhas also found that buildup of nonvolatilecompounds on either a guard or chromatographiccolumn will lead to preferential absorbtion of theC37:3 alkenone, or a bias toward warmer tempera-ture estimates, even in samples with largequantities of both ketones (see also Villanuevaand Grimalt, 1996). The solution is to trim thecolumn at the injection point by 20–30 cm daily,and to monitor the deterioration of the column byrunning known material frequently to detect drifts.


Long-chained alkenones were first identified inMiocene through Pleistocene age marine sedi-ments on the Walvis Ridge (Boon et al., 1978).A group led by de Leeuw (de Leeuw et al., 1980)in the Netherlands subsequently identified C37 andC38 alkenones in recent sediments of the BlackSea, where E. huxleyi dominates the coccolitho-phorid flora. Simultaneously, work at BristolUniversity established the connection betweenalkenone synthesis and certain species of extanthaptophyte (coccolithophorid) algae (Volkmanet al., 1980a,b; Marlowe et al., 1984a,b, 1990).Researchers at Bristol began to culture theproducing species in the lab and to examinemodern sediments for the presence of long-chained alkenones. It is now clear that two widelydistributed species of coccolithophorid algae,E. huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica, are theprincipal alkenone synthesizers in the modernocean (Conte et al., 1994a; Volkman et al., 1995).Other coccolithophorid species tested to date donot yield alkenones. In addition, alkenone pro-duction has been reported from some, but not all,species of the noncalcifying haptophyte generaIsochrysis and Chrysotila (Conte et al., 1994a;Marlowe et al., 1984b; Versteegh et al., 2001;Volkman et al., 1989). Cruises along theCalifornia margin and the equatorial Pacificsuggest that noncalcifying haptophyte algaeoften dominate over coccolithophorid forms(Thomsen et al., 1994). The possibility thereforeexists that other noncalcifying haptophyte speciesthat synthesize long-chained alkenones may wellhave gone undetected (Brassell et al., 1987).

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As far as is known, no marine algal groups otherthan the haptophytes synthesize long-chainedalkenones.

The coccolithophorid algae, of which theprincipal alkenone producers represent a subset,play an important role in the cycles of bothorganic and inorganic carbon in the ocean (Balchet al., 1992; Sikes and Fabry, 1994; Thomsenet al., 1994). Coccolithophorids surround their cellwith a number (in the case of E. huxleyi, ,23) ofminute (micron-sized) calcite platelets. The intactaggregate is referred to as a coccosphere; afterdeath the coccosphere may disintegrate into itscomponent coccoliths. The biogeography ofcoccolithophorids is quite well understood, thanksto the distinctive liths produced by differentspecies (Winter et al., 1994). E. huxleyi is themost abundant and ubiquitous extant coccolitho-phore (Okada and Honjo, 1973; Winter et al.,1994). In many plankton studies, it may compose60–80% of the coccolithophorid assemblage.E. huxleyi appears to tolerate a large range oftemperatures, salinities, nutrient levels, and lightavailability (Winter et al., 1994). It thereforeoccurs in waters of nearly all temperatures,excluding those of the truy polar oceans, and inwaters ranging from the highly saline (41‰) RedSea to the brackish Sea of Azov and Black Sea(Bukry, 1974). Unlike many coccolithophorids,which thrive in the oligotrophic central gyreregions of the ocean, E. huxleyi can flourish inmore eutrophic environments. E. huxleyi bloomsappear to be triggered under conditions of ahighly stratified upper water column, a shallow(10–20 m deep) mixed layer, and high lightintensities (Nanninga and Tyrell, 1996). E. huxleyimay have a competitive advantage over otherphytoplankton under conditions of high lightintensity and low inorganic phosphate ability, asconcluded by modeling work on mesocosmexperiments in Norwegian fjords (Aksnes et al.,1994). Doubling rates can be as fast as 2.8 d21

(Brand and Guillard, 1981). Under bloom con-ditions, E. huxleyi occurs in large enough quan-tities in the surface ocean that scattering of lightby the platelets can modify the optical propertiesof the water observed by satellite (Balch et al.,1992). Indeed, dense milky patches of E. huxleyiblooms as large as 105 km2 have been observedfrom space in the high latitude (40–608N) NorthAtlantic and North Pacific oceans, off the Falk-lands in the South Atlantic, and on the northAustralian margin (Brown and Yoder, 1994).

G. oceanica, the other known alkenone-synthesizing species of importance, has a morelimited oceanic distribution. G. oceanica appar-ently does not occur in waters colder than ,12 8C(Okada and McIntyre, 1979). It commonly occursin tropical and subtropical waters, in particular,the high fertility regions of the eastern Pacific and

the Arabian Sea (Houghton and Guptha, 1991;Roth, 1994). This preference is consistent with apulse of G. oceanica observed along the Californiamargin during spring upwelling conditions (Ziveriet al., 1995). However, the abundance ofG. oceanica in the western equatorial Pacificwarm pool demonstrates that the species does notrequire high nutrient concentrations. It reportedlytolerates very high salinities (45–51‰) (Winter,1982), but cannot grow in water of low (15‰)salinity (Brand, 1984). As with E. huxleyi,G. oceanica can often dominate coccolithophoridassemblages, where it thrives (Roth, 1994).

The alkenone-producing species are typicallyreduced in abundance or excluded in oceanicprovinces that favor diatom growth (Brand, 1994).Thus, they do not occur in the truly polar Arcticwaters, and in the much broader siliceous provincein the Southern Ocean, where they taper to zeroabundance poleward of ,608 S (Nishida, 1986;Sikes and Volkman, 1993). The abundance ofE. huxleyi and G. oceanica is also reduced inregions of high silicate availability, such as inmany coastal zones and upwelling regions. Wherenutrients such as nitrate and phosphate, or tracemetals, such as iron, are low, the competitiveadvantage reverses to favor coccolithophores overthe siliceous phytoplankton (Brand, 1991).

A series of reports of alkenone occurrences insediments from brackish and freshwaters indicatesthat haptophytes other than the recognized marineproducers may generate inputs of long-chainedketones in these environments. In some cases, thealkenone unsaturation ratio is consistent withopen-marine settings, and may point to theextreme tolerance of E. huxleyi to low salinities.For example, Ficken and Farrimond (1995)studied a Norwegian Fjord recently opened tothe open ocean by human activity. The sedimentsrecorded the transition from fresh to brackish(10‰) conditions by an abrupt increase in C37

alkenones in the marine section. The U37k0

tem-peratures recorded in the recent interval liebetween 7 8C and 10 8C using the standard marinetemperature calibration, suggesting to the authorsthat E. huxleyi was likely the producing organism.The earlier lacustrine sediment sequence alsocontained alkenones, although at low levels.These differed from the marine sequence in theirhigh abundance of the C37:4 ketone (Ficken andFarrimond, 1995). Indeed, unusually high con-centrations of the tetraunsaturated ketone seem tosignal a “brackish” component to the haptophyteflora in environments such as the Baltic Sea(Schulz et al., 2000) and Chesapeake Bay (Merceret al., 1999), and also to characterize lacustrinesediments (Cranwell, 1985; Volkman et al., 1988;Li et al., 1996; Thiel et al., 1997; Mayer andSchwark, 1999; Zink et al., 2001). No study has

Occurrence of Alkenones in Marine Waters and Sediments 397

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yet confidently connected particular producingorganisms to these “freshwater” alkenones. Genetic and Evolutionary Aspectsof Alkenone Production

Given that the synthesis of various alkenonesand alkenoates is evidently regulated closely bythe haptophyte producers, the question arises as towhether a universal response of parameters suchas the U37


unsaturation index would be expectedin the face of genetic diversity. Genetic variationscould affect the use of alkenone paleothermometryin at least three different scales. In wide-rangingorganisms such as E. huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa,strains evolve with physiologies attuned to thelocal environment (Paasche, 2002). The extent ofgenetic exchange between strains is unknown. Ifas a result of genetic isolation, the relationsbetween alkenone unsaturation and growth tem-perature differ from strain to strain, then onewould somehow have to account for this variationin paleoceanographic studies, or at least attempt toestimate how much uncertainty should be addedto paleotemperature determinations due to straineffects. At a larger biogeographic scale, where therelative abundance of E. huxleyi and G. oceanicavaries widely, one needs to decide whether eachspecies has a significantly different U37


–temperature relation, and, if so, then how toproceed to quantify the proportions of alkenoneflux due to the two species. A temporal scaleproblem exists as well. The stratigraphic range ofalkenones in sediments far exceeds the paleonto-logical range of the extant alkenone-producingspecies (Marlowe et al., 1990; Brassell, 1993).Does one assume that the U37


measured before theappearance of E. huxleyi or G. oceanica denotesthe same temperature as a calibration derived fromthe modern organisms?

Genetic differences between strains ofE. huxleyi and G. oceanica undoubtedly exist.Growing isolates in cultures is one way toestablish which features might show geneticvariation. Among the characters whose variationappears genetic are growth rate, temperaturepreference, salinity tolerance, calcite productionrate, chloroplast pigment composition, and long-chained lipid composition (Fisher and Honjo,1989; Paasche, 2002). As examples, Brand (1982)found that clones isolated from the cold waterGulf of Maine are genetically adapted to lowertemperatures than those from the warm SargassoSea. Brand also determined that the oceanicgenotypes from the Sargasso Sea cannot grow in15‰ salinity, while coastal genotypes can (Brand,1984). The relative success of the strains reversedwhen the strains were grown in saline conditions.Reproductive rates of G. oceanica clones from

open ocean and neritic strains also differed incultures (Brand, 1982). However, genetic vari-ation does not always correspond to geographicalseparation. Young and Westbroek (1991) studiedseveral genetically different morphological formsof E. huxleyi, whose populations were onlypartially separated by temperature preferences.Brand (1982) discovered that while strains ofG. oceanica from the coastal waters might differgenetically, strains of E. huxleyi from the sameregions did not.

At the same time, molecular and paleontologicalevidence is growing to support the strong geneticsimilarity of all marine alkenone producers. Twodominant morphotypes (A and B) of E. huxleyi arerecognized. Yet Medlin et al. (1996) found littlegenetic variation when they compared ssu rRNAfrom three geographically isolated type A clonesand a type B clone. In their judgment, the degree ofseparation did not warrant separating the A and Bmorphotypes at the species level. Two studies thatsequenced portions of the genome of a number ofcoccolithophorid species were also revealing.Fujiwara et al. (2001) recognized four cladeswithin the coccolithophores based on the genefor the subunit of the Rubisco enzyme rbc L.They recognized Emiliania–Gephyrocapsa asone clade, with identical nucleotide sequencesfor the rbc L subunit. By sequencing the spacerregion of the Rubisco operon, Fujiwara et al.(2001) found that the noncalcifying alkenone-producing genus Isochrysis is an ingroup of theEmiliania –Gephyrocapsa clade. The authorssuggest that Isochrysis may have secondarilylost the ability to form coccoliths. Ultrastructuralsimilarities in the endoplasmic reticulum ofEmiliania, Isochrysis, Gephyrocapsa, and Chryso-tila also link the known alkenone-producingspecies (Fujiwara et al., 2001). An independentstudy of the sequence of 18S rDNA by Edvardsenet al. (2000) confirmed the genetic clustering of theEmiliania – Gephyrocapsa clade within thecoccolithophores.

A recent morphometric study of the distributionof Gephyrocapsid coccoliths hints that the pre-viously recognized species may all belong to onebiological species with strong morphological varia-tions along environmental gradients. Bollman(1997) looked at a set of 70 globally distributedHolocene sediment assemblages to make quanti-tative determinations of Gephyrocapsid coccolithmorphometric parameters such as size, bridgeangle, ellipticity, and the width of the central collar.Bollman found strong environmental controlson the occurrence of morphotypes. Temperatureand chlorophyll abundance (inferred from sate-llite data) proved to be the strongest predictors,although there was also a weak influence ofsalinity on the occurrence of some morphotypes.The largest morphological differences between

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samples corresponded to the greatest environmen-tal differences. Furthermore, within assemblages,Bollman found gradations in morphotypesbetween the end-members he recognized.Bollman proposed that six major morphotypeswould be conventionally associated with dif-ferent Gephyrocapsid species (his GephyrocapsaEquatorial ¼ G. oceanica; Gephyrocapsa Oligo-trophic ¼ G. carribbeanica; Gephyrocapsa Trans-itional ¼ G. margerli; Gephyrocapsa Cold ¼G. muellerae; Gephyrocapsa Large ¼ G. oceanicarodela; Gephyrocapsa Minute ¼ G. aperta).Although Bollman admitted that paleontologicalexamination cannot answer the question ofwhether his six morphotypes represent six bio-logical species or only one species with strongmorphological plasticity, he clearly leans towardthe latter. This result is in accord with what manynannofossil authors see as difficulty in Gephyro-capsid species concepts (Ziveri et al., 1995;W. Wei, personal communication). For example,Wei’s (1993) stratigraphic study of the evolutionof Plio-Pleistocene nannofossils distinguishes thefirst appearance of several “species” of Gephyro-capsids that would include most definitions ofG. oceanica, at ,0.9 Ma. However, Wei labelsthese as Gephyrocapsa sp. C–D to denote the stateof taxonomic uncertainty.

Results suggesting the close evolutionaryrelationship between alkenone-producing speciesare encouraging as paleoceanographers apply thealkenone method to sediments that predate theappearance of modern taxa. E. huxleyi firstappeared during marine oxygen isotope stage 8(Thierstein et al., 1977), at ,280 ka. Its appear-ance can be shown to be globally synchronous towithin 5–10 kyr by comparing its first appearancedatum to oxygen isotope data measured inforaminifera in the same sediments. How sharplythe evolutionary first occurrence of E. huxleyiappears depends on sediment location and sampleinterval; in some cases its coccoliths rapidlybecome abundant, while in others its arrival isless dramatic (Thierstein et al., 1977). Emilianiaalmost certainly descended from a Gephyrocapsidancestor (McIntyre, 1970). The species apparentlyreached its modern levels of abundance earlier inthe tropics (ca. 85 ka) than at higher latitudes(Jordan et al., 1996). Before the advent ofE. huxleyi, G. oceanica was globally domi-nant during some intervals of the Pleistocene(Thierstein et al., 1977; Bollman, 1997). Thegenus Gephyrocapsa has been reported in sedi-ments as old as Middle Miocene (South Atlantic:Jiang and Gartner, 1984; Equatorial Pacific: Pujos,1987), although its first frequent occurrence is inthe mid-Pliocene (,3.5 Ma, Bollman, 1997). Allmorphological variations of Gephyrocapsa haveexisted since at least 620 ka, with the exception

of Bollman’s (1997) Gephyrocapsa Cold andGephyrocapsa Oligotrophic.

Marlowe et al. (1990) produced an importantreview that compared the occurrence of alkenonesin sediments with micropaleontological data onthe coccoliths of the same material. Theirsynthesis indicated that a number of morphologi-cally related species in the family Gephyrocapsa-ceae were potential sources of alkenones andalkenoates (genera Crenalithus, Dictyococcites,Emiliania, Gephyrocapsa, Pseudoemiliania, andReticulofenestrata). The Gephyrocapsaceae werethe only nannofossil family uniformly associatedwith alkenone-bearing sediments. The extinctgenus Reticulofenestra evolved early in theEocene and continued through the Pliocene,where it most likely left the genus Gephyrocapsaas its descendant (Rio, 1982). Reticulofenestra isthe only genus of Gephyrocapsids to accompanyalkenones in Miocene, Oligocene, and Eocenesamples (Marlowe et al., 1990). In the Pleistocene,Gephyrocapsa coccoliths always appear wherealkenones have been detected (Marlowe et al.,1990).

Cretaceous precursor alkenones have beenreported; their evolutionary relationship with themodern clade of alkenone-producing organisms isunknown. Cretaceous alkenones (Farrimond et al.,1986; Yamamoto et al., 1996) differ from themodern suite in that C41 and C42 ketonesdominate, and these consist (to date) only ofdi-unsaturated forms.

In sum, genetic and micropaleontologicaldata suggest very close evolutionary relation-ships between the alkenone-producing species.Alkenone production occurs (and occurred) inspecies or variants already known to be closelyrelated by micropaleontologists. Critical questionssuch as the degree of genetic exchange betweenspecies variants, and the degree of genetic vari-ability within living populations, remain to bedetermined. Ignorance of the role of alkenones inthe cells of haptophyte algae, and of geneticversus environmental controls on alkenone para-meters, means that genetic effects in both spaceand time remain important unknowns in alkenonepaleotemperature research.


Alkenones occur in both motile and coccolith-bearing forms of E. huxleyi (Volkman et al.,1980b; Conte et al., 1995; Bell and Pond, 1996).The role that alkenones play in the producingorganisms is not understood. That they play somecritical role in E. huxleyi and related species issuggested by the large fraction of cellular invest-ment accounted for by alkenones and alkenoates(Prahl et al., 1988; Conte et al., 1994b; Epsteinet al., 2001; Versteegh et al., 2001)—generally

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5–10% of cell carbon. Marlowe et al. (1984a) andBrassell et al. (1986b) proposed that alkenoneunsaturation helps to regulate membrane fluidityat different temperatures, in analogy with theknown function of membrane lipids in manyplants. This model clearly associates the unsatura-tion index with a physiological response to growthtemperature. However, alkenones have not beenconclusively associated with the membranes ofhaptophyte algae. Conte and Eglinton (1993) didnot detect alkenones in fragmented membranes ofE. huxleyi. Mouzdahir et al. (2001) interpreted therapid light-dependent degradation of C31 and C33

alkenones in contrast to the recalcitrance of C37

and C38 alkenones as an indication that theshorter-chained alkenes resided in membranes,while the longer-chained ketones resided else-where in the cell. Epstein et al. (2001) noted thatcell quotas of alkenones increase with decreasinggrowth rate in cultures grown from an initial stockof nutrients. In analogy with triacylglycerides incultures of other marine plankton, they proposedthat alkenones may serve as storage molecules forthe producing organisms. If this view is correct,then we have no clear reason why the unsaturationshould relate to growth temperature.


Since alkenone-producing haptophytes can livein a range of depths in the photic zone, and varygreatly in their productivity over the course of anannual cycle, there is much to be learned abouthow the ecology of these organisms can affect theU37


signal eventually encoded in the sediments.Depending on the depth of maximum productionrelative to the mixed layer, alkenone producersmay synthesize biolipids in temperatures repre-sentative of SST, or offset to colder temperaturesby several degrees. Phytoplankton production isalso quite seasonal in most ocean locations. Ifalkenone production follows a strong annualcycle, then again the U37


temperature couldcontain a bias relative to mean annual conditions(in the latter case, the bias could be toward eithercolder or warmer than average temperatures,depending on the season of maximum pro-duction). Profiles of coccolith and alkenoneabundance through the photic zone, and overthe yearly cycle, give indications of how eco-logical biases may vary between differentoceanic provinces. Sediment traps intercept fall-ing coccoliths and lipids to give windows intohow the annual cycle in the near-surface isexported downward to the seafloor. A number ofsuch studies will be reviewed below for their

implications for the U37k0

thermometer. Many aremicropaleontological, assessing both the absolutevertical fluxes of the alkenone producers E. huxleyiand G. oceanica, and the proportions of thesespecies relative to the entire coccolithophoridassemblage. Lipid analyses also are available tomeasure the abundance of alkenones in theupper water column, and their flux into sedimenttraps. Unfortunately, very few studies combineboth micropaleontological and geochemicalapproaches.

Nearly all micropaleontological time-seriesdata collected on near-surface samples andsediment traps found either E. huxleyi orG. oceanica to dominate the coccolith flora on anannual basis. The density of living coccolitho-phorids is best measured by counting the numberof intact coccospheres per unit volume of watersampled (e.g., Haidar and Thierstein, 2001).E. huxleyi accounts for the majority of the cocco-lithophorids surveyed in time series acquired offBermuda (Haidar and Thierstein, 2001; 64% on anannual basis), the San Pedro Basin off SouthernCalifornia (Ziveri et al., 1995; 30–80% duringthe annual cycle), the Northeast Atlantic (Broerseet al., 2000b; 69% and 72% at two sites surveyed),and off the coast of Northwest Africa (Sprengelet al., 2000). G. oceanica was the most impor-tant taxon in year-long sediment trap studiesof the Arabian Sea upwelling area, followed byE. huxleyi (Andruleit et al., 2000; Broerse et al.,2000c).

Depth profiles of cell densities in the photiczone generally show E. huxleyi to live within themixed layer. Cortes et al. (2001) studied theseasonal depth distribution of coccolithophoridspecies off Hawaii. Sampling showed that themain production occurred in the middle photiczone (50–100 m), which lay within the mixedlayer for most of the year. While the depthof maximum E. huxleyi density varied duringthe annual cycle, it generally lay betweenthe shallowest sampling level (10 m) and100 m. Depth profiles off Bermuda (Haidar andThierstein, 2001) found that maximum densitiesof E. huxleyi were nearly always shallower than100 m, and more commonly within the upper50 m. The highest cell densities for E. huxleyirecorded were at 1 m depth in March, after theseasonal advection of nitrate into the mixed layer.Seven years of water-column particulate data offBermuda confirm that alkenone concentrations inthe surface mixed layer are 2–4 times higher thanin the deep fluorescence maximum at 75–110 m(Conte et al., 2001).

Hamanaka et al. (2000) conducted the onlypublished study that directly estimated alkenoneproduction as a function of depth habit. Theseauthors incubated phytoplankton at 0 m, 5 m,10 m, 25 m, 40 m, and 60 m depth, and measured

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growth rates by spiking the water withd13C. Maximum incorporation into alkenonesoccurred at 5 m depth, which coincided with thepeak in alkenone concentration in particulates.Production rates at the surface and below 5 mwere very low (from 269 ng l21 d21 at 5 mto 1.4 ng l21 d21 at 25 m). The depth of maximumalkenone synthesis lay well above the depth of thechlorophyll maximum at 25 m, indicating that thealkenone-producing species were offset verticallyfrom the majority of the phytoplankton commu-nity. An array of shallow sediment traps inter-cepted the largest alkenone flux at 15 m, justbelow the layer most productive of alkenones.

There is, however, indirect evidence to suggestthat alkenone synthesis may occur at depths belowthe mixed layer in some environments. U37


valuesin particulates often correspond to temperaturescolder than the mixed layer. For example, Prahlet al. (2001) found that the alkenone flux tosediment traps in the Wilkinson Basin (coastalnortheastern United States) peaked during sum-mer time when surface waters stratified and asubsurface chlorophyll maximum was establishedin the upper seasonal thermocline. The U37


temperatures of the summer particulates corres-ponded to temperatures at the base of the upperthermocline, 6–7 8C colder than the ,5 m thicksummer mixed layer. Similarly, Ternois et al.(1996) used the U37


of sediment trap material totime series of upper water-column temperatures inthe western Mediterranean to deduce that thedepth of maximum alkenone production variesover the annual cycle. The U37


temperature duringthe spring season corresponded to a maximumproduction depth of 50 m, while that depthapparently shallowed to 30 m during the secondphase of high production in the fall months. BothOhkouchi et al. (1999) and Prahl et al. (1993) havefurther argued that U37


values should be system-atically offset to colder temperatures than themixed layer in gyre regions, where the deepnutricline tends to produce subsurface chlorophyllmaxima. It should be noted that in order to use theU37


value to estimate the depth of alkenonesynthesis, one has to assume a temperaturecalibration. The suggestion of subsurface pro-duction is not purely circular, however, as one cancompare the qualitative features of the U37


valuesover the annual cycle with the temperature timeseries. Thus, the U37


of falling particles actuallydecreased from spring into the onset of summerwater-column stratification in the Wilkinson Basinstudy (Prahl et al., 2001), in direct contrast to thewarming of the surface layer.

Alkenone production also occurs in the contextof the annual cycle of upper water-column tempera-tures. Standing stocks of alkenone-producingspecies and their falling products display strongchanges over the course of the year in all studies

to date. In most cases, the time of maximumabundance of E. huxleyi and/or G. oceanica, andthe maximum flux of alkenones into sedimenttraps, coincides with the dominant period forphytoplankton blooming. Thus, production peaksin spring months in most subtropical and mid-latitude locations (Prahl et al., 1993; Sprengelet al., 2000, 2002; Broerse et al., 2000b; Antiaet al., 2001; Cortes et al., 2001; Harada et al.,2001; Haidar and Thierstein, 2001). In the typicalcycle, cell densities of E. huxleyi increase in theupper photic zone after the seasonal advection ofnitrate that occurs with winter and early springmixing (Haidar and Thierstein, 2001). Theabundance of E. huxleyi may increase by anorder of magnitude (Cortes et al., 2001) or more(Haidar and Thierstein, 2001) in the upper watercolumn during the spring bloom, as does its flux tosediment traps in locations such as the NortheastAtlantic (Broerse et al., 2000b). A sediment trapsample obtained in May in the Norwegian Seaintercepted a nearly monospecific bloom ofE. huxleyi (Cadee, 1985). Flux maxima are, how-ever, more commonly diffuse, occupying 2–3months of time (Broerse et al., 2000b). Alkenonefluxes in sediment traps generally show a springpeak, indicating that surface ecological signalsare exported to depth (Ternois et al., 1997;Sicre et al., 1999).

Maximum alkenone production may be shiftedto the summer months in some regions. Forexample, Prahl et al. found that alkenone flux tosediment traps peaked during the early summermonths at the Wilkinson Basin location (438N),after the water column had stratified. At higher-latitude locations such as the Norwegian Sea andthe Barents Sea in the northern hemisphere(Samtleben and Bickert, 1990; Thomsen et al.,1998), and in the Indian Ocean sector of theSouthern Ocean (Ternois et al., 1998), the flux ofE. huxleyi and alkenones is phased even morestrictly to the summer months. Winter productioncan reach vanishingly small amounts duringwinter months in such harsh environments(Ternois et al., 1998; Broerse et al., 2000a).While such a pattern follows the classic seasonalprogression of maximum production with latitude,exceptions to the rule occur. Goni et al. (2001)recorded a two- to threefold increase in theorganic-carbon normalized fluxes of alkenonesin the Gulf of California from June to October,well past the expected spring bloom. The latterauthors speculated that maximal alkenone pro-duction could be separated from that of otherphytoplankton groups by competition. Groupssuch as diatoms that often dominate peak bloomperiods (Giraudeau et al., 1993; Broerse et al.,2000a,c) also generally show higher seasonalvariability than does E. huxleyi (Beaufort andHeussner, 1999, 2001; Harada et al., 2001).

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A competitive interaction apparently was obser-ved by Ziveri et al. (1995), who found that thehighest coccolith and coccosphere flux occurredin winter in the San Pedro basin off SouthernCalifornia. This peak preceded the springupwelling season favored by diatoms. Furtherevidence of E. huxleyi and/or alkenone productionoffset from that of other phytoplankton groups canbe found in the studies of Ziveri et al. (2000),Harada et al. (2001), and Muller and Fischer(2001).

A number of oceanic regimes also producetwice-yearly flux maxima of alkenone produc-tion. In the Mediterranean, a fall bloom of alken-one production occurs (Ternois et al., 1996; Sicreet al., 1999). This is also true off Hawaii (Corteset al., 2001), in the central equatorial Pacific(Harada et al., 2001), in the Sea of Okhotsk(Broerse et al., 2000a), and in the NorwegianSea (Thomsen et al., 1998). A lack of dissolvedsilica may inhibit diatom growth and promotehaptophyte production during the fall months insuch locations (Broerse et al., 2000a).

The monsoonally driven upwelling system ofthe Arabian Sea offers a special occasion to studythe seasonality of alkenone production. In thisenvironment, G. oceanica dominates, althoughE. huxleyi still occupies the second position inthe coccolith flora (Andruleit et al., 2000; Broerseet al., 2000c). Winds favorable to upwelling occurtwice per year. The Southwest monsoon in latespring/early summer sees the peak in upwellingconditions (Prahl et al., 2000), while a secondarymaximum occurs when the winds shift directionduring the northeast monsoon (Andruleit et al.,2000; Prahl et al., 2000). Coccolithophore fluxes,comprised of 60–70% G. oceanica and E. huxleyi,increase during the southwest monsoon, at thesame time as the maximum in silica flux (Broerseet al., 2000c). Flux maxima lasted for nearly threemonths in this sediment trap study. In anothersediment trap experiment conducted in theArabian Sea, Prahl et al. (2000) determined thatdistinct alkenone flux maxima occur at the startand stop of the northeast and southwest monsoons.A lag in alkenone flux relative to other phyto-plankton biomarkers suggested a successionaldelay in haptophyte production during the moredramatic southwest monsoon (Prahl et al., 2000).No observable offset in production occurredduring the less distinctive northeast monsoon, orat the close of the southwest monsoon. Duringpeak monsoonal upwelling, alkenone fluxesreached ,25 times those of the unproductivemonths of the year.

Because only a few sediment trap experimentsreport data for much more than one year’sduration, we have only a glimpse at the import-ance of interannual variability in the productivityof alkenone-synthesizing species. Reports do

suggest large changes in the downward flux ofeither E. huxleyi or alkenones between years.Three years of sediment trap data from thenorthwestern Mediterranean Sea revealed, inaddition to the bi-annual flux maxima mentionedearlier, considerable interannual variability (Sicreet al., 1999). In general, Sicre et al. (1999) foundthat maximum alkenone fluxes coincided withmaximum total organic carbon (TOC) fluxes. Inthe year 1994, however, there were comparableTOC fluxes to other bloom periods withoutcorrespondingly large C37 ketone fluxes. Thisstudy also reported large variability in theamplitudes of the spring and fall blooms inalkenones. For example, the spring and fallblooms produced fluxes of C37 ketones of8 mg21 m22 d21and 16 mg21 m22 d21, respect-ively, in 1989–1990, but in 1994, the fall bloomamounted to a flux of only 0.1 mg21 m22 d21 tothe 200 m trap. Muller and Fischer’s (2001) four-year sediment trap study in the upwelling regionof North Africa also documented approximatelysevenfold variations in the annual flux of alke-nones to sediment traps. These authors found norepeatable seasonal cycle in alkenone fluxes attheir study location. Strong year-to-year variationsin coccolith and coccosphere fluxes have alsobeen identified in sediment trap data from theNorth Atlantic (Ziveri et al., 2000) and in water-column censuses off Bermuda (Haidar andThierstein, 2001). Conte et al. (1998b) report aparticularly interesting short-lived alkenone fluxpeak in a Sargasso Sea sediment trap experiment.This region produces a classic spring bloomfollowing the winter deepening of the mixedlayer. The pulses of alkenone production detectedby Conte et al. (1998b) preceded this predictablepart of the annual cycle. Several short-lived fluxevents occurred, usually during December toJanuary, but not for every year studied. Duringthe flux events, falling organic matter wasenriched in labile, phytoplankton-derived debris,including alkenones. For unknown reasons, atransient event in the surface water was ineffi-ciently degraded and sent rapidly to depth(Conte et al., 1998b).

Tiered sediment trap arrays present a picture ofhow seasonal and episodic production works itsway toward the seafloor. Nearly all such arraysshow that the near-surface temporal variability isattenuated with depth. The seasonal variability, soevident in many shallow sediment trap time series,is reduced by factors of 2 (Broerse et al. (2000a),Sea of Okhotsk; Ziveri et al. (2000), NorthwestAtlantic; Muller and Fischer (2001), northwestAfrican margin), to 3 (Harada et al. (2001), centralequatorial Pacific; Thomsen et al. (1998),Norwegian Sea). This attenuation presumablycomes both from the selective biological degra-dation of more labile lipids at shallow depths,

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and a diffuse supply of fine-grained sedimentparticles at depth that partially masks the varia-bility of surface production (see more below).

These observations raise the question of exactlywhat factors control the downward transport ofalkenones. Clearly, as molecules associated withorganisms only 10–20 mm size (before decompo-sition and disaggregation of coccoliths), they musthave vanishingly low settling rates without the aidof processes that cause aggregation. The majorityof sediment trap studies find that the coccolithand/or alkenone flux is highly correlated with thetotal mass flux over the yearly cycle (Beaufort andHeussner, 1999; Andruleit et al., 2000; Broerseet al., 2000a,b). This may signal the generalsynchronization of E. huxleyi and/or G. oceanicaproduction with the total biogenic flux, which thensweeps smaller particles out of the photic zone(Thomsen et al., 1998; Ziveri and Thunell, 2000).To support this idea, shallower sediment trapcollections find that the intact coccosphere flux,which must represent the most recently producedand least remineralized component of the hapto-phyte flux, coincides with the time of highestdetached coccolith flux, and that these peak thesame time as the highest total mass flux (Broerseet al., 2000a). Broerse et al. (2000a) note the roleof marine snow in entangling coccospheres in theautumn bloom in the Sea of Okhotsk, and acomplementary role played by large diatomsin the spring. Coccospheres represent only atiny portion of the coccolith carbonate flux(Broerse et al., 2000a; Ziveri et al., 2000; Ziveriand Thunell, 2000); most of the coccolith fluxmust undergo multiple cycles of release andreaggregation (Ziveri et al., 2000).

Studies that report alkenone fluxes relative tototal organic carbon (normalized to TOC intypical units of 100–1,000 mg g21 TOC) alsoprovide evidence that much of the alkenone fluxfrom the photic zone comes from bloom episodes.Such normalized alkenone concentrations insediment traps ranged from lows of 29 mg g21 Cduring unproductive winter months in the Wilk-inson Basin (northeast margin of the US) to highsof 1,054 mg g21 C during the early summer bloomperiod (Conte et al., 1998b; Prahl et al., 2001).Similar results were reported in the SouthernOcean (Ternois et al., 1997), Mediterranean Sea(Sicre et al., 1999), and Norwegian Sea (Thomsenet al., 1998). Alkenone accumulations duringtimes of very low flux may indeed representthe sedimentation of “relict” material synthe-sized during more productive seasons (Conte et al.,1998b; Sicre et al., 1999; Prahl et al., 2001).There are, however, several sediment trapstudies that do not report significant correlationsbetween the alkenone flux and the total organicflux (Ternois et al., 1996; Muller and Fischer,2001).

Evidence has recently emerged that somebenthic environments may also receive a diffusesupply of fine-grained particles with associatedalkenones. Processes such as resuspension ofcontinental margin and slope sediments duringmajor storms, and benthic currents may thuscontribute lateral supplies of alkenones to thesediments. Fluxes of coccoliths in a deep-seacanyon setting in the Bay of Biscay increasedsignificantly during the fall and winter stormymonths (Beaufort and Heussner, 1999), as didcoccolith and alkenone fluxes during summerresuspension months in the Norwegian Sea(Andruleit, 1997; Thomsen et al., 1998). Core-top U37


estimates can apparently be affected by theinput of fossil alkenones in the Norwegian andBarents Sea. Thomsen et al. (1998) determinedU37


values in shallow sediment traps consistentwith production in (cold) surface temperatures, butshowed that deeper traps and surface sedimentshad U37


indices 5–10 8C too warm for thelocations. The presence of pre-Quaternary cocco-liths in floral assemblages unequivocally indicatesthat some portion of the flux comes from theerosion of older slope and shelf sediments(Beaufort and Heussner, 1999, 2001; Weaveret al., 1999). A number of other sediment trapshave found higher coccolith fluxes at depth than inshallow traps, indicating a lateral source ofmaterial (Sprengel et al., 2000, 2002; Ziveriet al., 2000; Antia et al., 2001).

The effect of lateral transport on U37k0

tempera-ture estimates will depend on the age of thetransported material (e.g., contemporary or fossil),the location from which it comes (e.g., fromsimilar latitude and surface temperature, or fromlong distance), and the ratio of the advected flux tothe alkenones sedimented in the vertical sense.Deep equatorward benthic currents are apparentlyresponsible for transporting alkenones, along withthe fine fraction, a great distance from their sourcein at least two instances. In the southwesternAtlantic, recent age sediments under the Brazil–Malvinas Confluence and Malvinas Currentproduce anomalously cold (by 2 – 6 8C) U37


temperature values (Benthien and Muller, 2000).The remainder of the 87 core tops that theseauthors analyzed in a large region from 58N to508 S had U37


values in good agreement withglobal core-top calibrations to local mean annualSST. Benthien and Muller (2000) argue thatsediments in these specific regions were trans-ported northward and offshore by benthic currents,and hence contain U37


signals of their origin incold waters. Benthic boundary current advectionof alkenones has been documented in a differentway by Ohkouchi et al. (2002) in Bermuda Risedrift sediments. Compound-specific AMS 14Cdating of alkenones shows that they may besignificantly older than foraminifera in the same

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layers. The authors attribute this to southwardadvection of the fossil fine fraction material fromthe Nova Scotia margin. However, there may alsobe environments with significant lateral transportin which the effect of allocthonous material doesnot swamp primary coccolithophorid ecologicalsignals. For example, Beaufort and Heussner(1999) found that the seasonal cycle of successionin coccolithophorid species was preserved in theBay of Biscay sediment trap time series, despitethe input from resuspended margin sediments.The primary U37


signal would presumably bepreserved as well in such a case. Effects of Water-column Recyclingand Sediment Diagenesis on the AlkenoneUnsaturation Index

As they descend through the water column andare incorporated into sediments, alkenone andother lipid biomarkers encounter differentdegradational conditions (Prahl et al., 1989a;McCaffrey et al., 1990; Sun and Wakeham, 1994;Koopmans et al., 1997; Rontani et al.,1997; Teece et al., 1998; Sinninghe-Damste et al.,2002). The amount of time that lipids spendexposed to these metabolic pathways variessubstantially, as does the degradational efficiencyof each pathway. Rapid transit under oxic con-ditions generally occurs through the water column.Slow passage, often under suboxic to anoxicconditions, characterizes the entrance of alkenonesinto the sedimentary record. The key question forpaleoceanographers is whether these stepsproduce measurable changes in the alkenoneunsaturation index.

The fraction of alkenones buried in sedimentsrepresents less than 1% of the initial flux from thephotic zone in most cases. This attenuation can bemeasured by comparing tiered sediment trapfluxes to surficial sediment fluxes. The synchroni-zation of alkenone flux peaks between shallow anddeep traps shows that the time required foralkenone-containing particles to reach the seaflooris only one to two weeks (Conte et al., 1998b;Muller and Fischer, 2001). Somewhat sloweraverage sinking velocities pertain to periods oflow alkenone and total mass flux (Muller andFischer, 2001). During their descent, alkenones arestrongly recycled, both relative to their initial flux,and relative to bulk organic matter (Sicre et al.,1999; Muller and Fischer, 2001). Alkenones doappear more resistant to degradation than mostother lipids of planktonic origin (Prahl et al., 2000;Volkman et al., 1980a). Recycling in the sedi-ments adds further attenuation to the roughly oneorder of magnitude loss in the water column. In theslow deposition rate of most marine environments,alkenones will be exposed to degradation under

oxic conditions for thousands of years. However,where sediment accumulates more rapidly, asalong continental margins, and where oxygenlevels in either the bottom water or sediment porewaters plummet, alkenones will be exposed tononoxic bacterial metabolic pathways. Compari-son of sediment trap fluxes to surface sediments inpelagic regions suggests alkenone preservationfactors of 0.2% (relative to the deep trap flux)(Muller and Fischer, 2001), 0.6% (Prahl et al.,1989b), and 1% (Prahl et al., 2000). In pelagicenvironments, degradation of alkenones in surfacesediments appears approximately an order ofmagnitude more efficient than the reduction inbulk organic carbon (Prahl and Muelhausen, 1989;Prahl et al., 2000; Muller and Fischer, 2001).However, much better preservation occurs inhigh sediment flux settings. The highest preser-vation efficiency of alkenones reported is 44% inthe shallow (,300 m) and high deposition ratesetting of the Wilkinson Basin (Prahl et al., 2001)and nearly 100% in the anoxic bottom sedimentsof the Guaymas Basin (Goni et al., 2001). Prahlet al. (1993) used an onshore–offshore sedimenttrap and sediment transect to demonstrate that thepreservation efficiency of alkenones and totalorganic carbon was high, and similar (,25%) attheir near-shore site (water depth 2,717 m), butfell systematically in the direction of the openocean to only 0.25% in the most distal site.The deepest water site clearly displayed prefer-ential loss of alkenones relative to bulk organiccarbon (Prahl et al., 1993). Preservation efficiencyin sediments thus seems to depend strongly onexposure time to oxic degradation (Madureiraet al., 1995; Prahl et al., 2001).

None of the sediment trap studies reportssignificant shifts in the alkenone unsaturationindex as a consequence of degradation. Asediment trap deployment in the northwesternMediterranean Sea found that despite a fivefoldloss in alkenones between shallow and deep traps,there was no apparent offset in the U37


ratio of thebiomarkers. Sawada et al. (1998) similarly foundno shift in the unsaturation index through theenormous vertical path length of the northwestPacific (traps arrayed at 1,674 m, 4,180 m,5,687 m, and 8,688 m). Furthermore, the U37


composition of underlying sediments agreedwith sediment trap estimates, indicating thatearly diagenesis in the sediments did not modifythe unsaturation index relative to the incomingcomposition. Other comparisons of the U37


indexbetween sediment traps and core tops find verygood agreement as well (Muller and Fischer,2001; Prahl et al., 1989b, 2001).

Several investigators have conducted laboratorystudies of the effects of degradation on thealkenone unsaturation index. In the earlyhistory of the development of the U37



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Volkman et al. (1980a) compared the unsaturationindex in fecal pellets of the copepod Calanushelgolandicus with that of the E. huxleyi used tofeed them. No change in the index was observedafter passage through the guts of these zooplank-ton. Grice et al. (1998) obtained similar resultsby feeding the alkenone-synthesizing haptophyteI. Galbana to the copepod Temora. The best studyof sedimentary processes comes from Teece et al.(1998), who exposed alkenones to microbialdegradation under different conditions for almost800 days. Oxic, sulfate-reducing, and methano-genic experiments produced time series of thedegradation rates of alkenones and other lipids.After rapid initial degradation of lipids, the fate ofalkenones varied significantly. About 85% of theinitial alkenone inventory had been degradedunder oxic conditions by the end of the exper-iment. The two anoxic pathways yielded differentresults. Under sulfate-reducing conditions, degra-dation essentially ceased with ,60% of thealkenones remaining. Methanogenic conditionsled to preservation not much better than for oxicconditions (,80% degradation). Teece et al.(1998) conclude that the different apparentalkenone degradation rate constants under differ-ent anoxic conditions lead to subtleties in under-standing the preservation of alkenones undervarying redox states. A very important finding,however, was that the U37

k0 index did not shiftbeyond a very modest increase (0.03 units,equivalent to less than 1 8C apparent temperaturechange) reported for the oxic experiment(Teece et al., 1998).

Two sediment studies present the dissentingview that the alkenone unsaturation index mayshift to higher U37

k 0

values (higher apparenttemperature) during diagenesis. Gong andHollander (1999) compared near U37


sedimentdata acquired down-core at two sites in the SantaMonica Basin that differed in bottom-wateroxygenation. They attribute a positive U37


offsetat the oxic site to indicated preferential degra-dation of the C37:3 ketone. In order to estimate theoffset, Gong and Hollander had to match samplesof the same age between the cores. Thus, some ofthe apparent temperature offsets of up to 2.5 8Cdepend on the quality of the age models. Never-theless, Gong and Hollander (1999) presentevidence over the last two centuries of depositionfor an average U37


offset equal to 0.9 8C at theoxic site. Another way to study the possibility ofdiagenetic alteration of the U37


index is to look forgradients in the index with preservation of initiallyhomogeneous material. Fine-grained turbidites,the sedimentary product of near-instantaneousemplacement of well-mixed sediment on theseafloor, offer this opportunity. After the emplace-ment of the turbidite layer (often 10–100 cmthick), a well-developed redox front moves

downward from the sediment–water interface.The top of the turbidite layer will experiencesignificant oxidation, while the base may suffernone at all. Hoefs et al. (1998) studied U37


indicesthrough oxidation fronts in a number of fossilturbidite layers cored on the Madeira abyssalplain. They reversed the conclusion of Prahl et al.(1989b), who had earlier found negligible shift inthe U37


index in a relatively young turbiditesequence in the same region. Hoefs et al. reportedthat alkenones were degraded to a far greaterdegree (factors of 50–1,000) in the oxidized zonesof the turbidites relative to total organic carbon.The samples with the lowest alkenone concen-trations produced U37


estimates 2.5–3.5 8C war-mer than samples in the unaltered bases of theturbidites. Hoefs et al. (1998) conclude thatdiagenesis may indeed selectively degrade theC37:3 ketone and produce significant artifacts forpaleoceanography.

Grimalt et al. (2000) mounted a seriouscriticism of the evidence for differential diagen-esis based on the turbidite studies. They noted thatthe amount of apparent temperature changedepended strongly on the reported alkenoneconcentrations. The strongest evidence for differ-ential diagenesis (Hoefs et al., 1998) comes fromsamples with extraordinarily low alkenone con-centrations. Grimalt et al. conclude that the shiftto higher U37


values could well be an analyticalartifact of attempting to analyze the C37:3 ketoneat its limit of detection. As noted earlier,irreversible chromatographic column adsorbtionsbecome significant at very low concentrations ofeither ketone. In Madeira Abyssal Plain sedi-ments, the initial (unoxidized) C37:3 ketoneconcentration is quite low relative to the di-unsaturated ketone, and it could well reach itslimit of detection under the concentrationsanalyzed by Hoefs et al. (1998).

What is the long-term fate of the alkenoneunsaturation index in sediments? The time avail-able for alteration in sediments dwarfs the fewthousand years of near-surface exposure. It isdifficult to completely answer the question, sincewithout knowing a priori what correct SSTestimates would be for ancient sediments, wecannot get a direct estimate of diagenetic offsets orlack thereof. Nevertheless, some qualitative linesof reasoning suggest that the alkenone indexprobably remains quite stable on geological time-scales. The signature of differential diagenesis onthe U37


index would include long-term trendstoward reduced concentrations of alkenones withgreater time and burial depth. Most authors wouldexpect that a diagenetic overprint, if there is one,would be at the expense of the C37:3 ketone. If onemodels the degradation as first-order with concen-tration of the C37 ketones, then one can imaginethat slightly different rate constants could be

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involved. The available evidence suggests that,once the alkenones have survived the relativelyhigh metabolic activity of the upper few centi-meters to tens of centimeters of the sedimentcolumn, these rate constants must be very small.That is because the time alkenones and other lipidsspend below the surficial layer is one order ofmagnitude longer at 104 yr, and three orders ofmagnitude greater at 1 Myr than the time spentduring early diagenesis. Over these long time-scales, decay rate constants of perceptible sizeshould produce nearly monotonic trends inalkenone loss as a function of sediment age, evenif there were primary variations in the initialalkenone concentration of the sediment, becausethe sediment age would be many e-folding times ofthe inverse rate constant. Our laboratory has foundthat, to the contrary, alkenone concentrations are

frequently higher in sediments hundreds ofthousands to millions of years old than they arein the core-top material of the same sites (Figure 3).The implication we draw is that variations in initialnear-surface alkenone concentration persist forvery long durations in the deeper sediment columnwithout diagenetic attenuation. Furthermore,alkenones appear stable when normalized toother products of photosynthesis. Figure 4 displaysthe alkenone content of sediments from the OmanMargin (ODP Site 723) normalized to total organicnitrogen and chlorins, an early diagenetic trans-formation product of chlorophylls, as a function ofage. Considered individually, all three data setsshow high-amplitude variations with time that arerelated to changes in their production andpreservation in this dynamic upwelling zone.This variability disappears into near-monotonic

Figure 3 Alkenone concentrations (mg g21 dry sediment weight) determined over a 2.8 Ma record from ODP Site1012 off the southern California coast. Note the absence of a down-core decrease in alkenone concentrations thatwould suggest progressive diagenetic loss of alkenones in older sediments. Evolutionary conservatism in alkenone

synthesis is suggested by the stability of the chain length index�P



C37 þP


over the record.

Figure 4 Down core trends in alkenone-normalized organic Nitrogen and total chlorins from ODP Site 723 (OmanMargin). The records extend from the late Holocene at the core top to ,70 ka. Note the monotonic decrease of thetwo organic classes relative to alkenones. This behavior is consistent with the progressive degradation of these more

labile components and the diagenetic stability of the C37 alkenones.

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trends of increasing normalized alkenone concen-tration with greater age (Figure 4), which are bestexplained as preferential degradation of organicnitrogen and chlorophyll relative to alkenones.

Sediments with elevated pore-water tempera-tures provide at least one exception to this generalrule of the diagenetic stability of alkenones.Simoneit et al. (1994) measured alkenone abun-dances in sediments of the Middle Valley of theJuan de Fuca spreading center. Hydrothermalalteration of the sediments resulted in the loss ofalkenones at temperatures greater than 200 8C.The Simoneit et al. (1994) study thus sug-gests caution in using the alkenone unsatura-tion index in other regions of unusually highgeothermal gradients, or in very deeply buriedsediments.



The calibration of the alkenone unsaturationindex actually resolves into two questions forpaleoceanographers to address. The first concernsdefining an equation, or sets of equations if oneshould not prove globally applicable, which relatethe unsaturation index to the water temperature inwhich the producing organisms grew. The secondinvolves understanding how the unsaturationindex recorded in sediments, which represents anenormous integration of growth– temperaturehistories of individual organisms, and relates toa consistent measure of sea-surface temperature(e.g., SST versus subsurface depth, and annualversus seasonal temperature). These are not oneand the same question, because E. huxleyi andrelated species may not always live in the mixedlayer, and because their production may varyseasonally. For this reason, I evaluate evidence inthe following section for how the influences ofwater-column habitat, seasonality, and particletransport through the ocean may affect the interpre-tation of the sedimentary U37


index.One can approach the question of the quantita-

tive relation of the U37k0

index to growth temperatureat considerably different scales of time, genetic,and environmental variability. Culture studiesallow the experimentalist to eliminate manyconfounding variables in the natural environment(genetically mixed populations, varying nutrientavailability, different depth habitats, etc.) to isolatethe influence of factors such as growth tempera-ture, physiological state (exponential versus late-log, versus stationary growth), and nutrientavailability on alkenone and alkenoate systema-tics. Despite the elegance of the experimentalapproach, results from such studies must be viewedas models for what may exist under natural

conditions, not necessarily as calibrations. Bycollecting particulate material in the water column,either by filtering material in the euphotic zone, orcollecting falling particles in sediment traps andrelating their alkenone composition to time seriesof near-ocean temperatures, we move closer torelating the growth environment of the alkenone-producing algae to the signals sent to the sediment.This comes at the cost of unknown geneticvariability in the natural populations, and someambiguity in the actual time and depth of alkenonesynthesis and, hence, the appropriate growthtemperature versus alkenone/alkenoate relations.Near-surface sediments now provide a globaldatabase to examine the paleo-environmentalinformation contained in the preserved record ofalkenones and alkenoates. The time averaginginherent in sedimentation means that oneis integrating temporal, physiological, and geneticinfluences on scales not approached in thelaboratory or in field studies. However, corre-lations from the sediments to environmentalvariables in the water column rely on statisticalrelations, since one cannot directly link thesediment U37


index to particular ecological con-trols on the unsaturation–temperature relation. Culture Calibrations

Prahl and co-workers (Prahl and Wakeham,1987; Prahl et al., 1988) conducted seminalstudies that still provide the widely accepted cali-bration of the U37


index to growth temperature.These papers report the U37


values of one strainof E. huxleyi grown at different temperatures.Prahl and his collaborators argued that the goodcomparison of their laboratory results to theresults of U37


analyses of water-column particu-lates collected at known temperatures in theeastern Pacific suggested that they had arrived ata valid calibration between 5 8C and 25 8C. It maywell be that linking laboratory to field data helpedensure the robustness of their calibration. Therelationship derived by Prahl and Wakeham (1987and amended slightly by Prahl et al. (1988))followed a linear relationship with temperature.Extrapolated to the limits of the U37


index of 0 and1, it suggests a lower temperature limit of ,1 8C,and an upper limit of ,28 8C. Both the verycoldest and warmest surface temperatures of theocean would therefore lie outside the range ofthe U37


index.Numerous culture studies of alkenone-producing

species and strains have followed Prahl’s initialstudies, under the theory that cultures uniquelyallow the experimentalist to isolate factors thatmay influence alkenone and alkenoate distri-butions. Experience shows that differences canexist between results obtained from using batch

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or continuous culture methods on the same strainof alkenone-producing algae (Popp et al., 1998),from the phase of growth from which alkenonesare harvested (Conte et al., 1998a; Epstein et al.,1998, unpublished; Yamamoto et al., 2000), andfrom different laboratories culturing the samestrain (see results of culturing E. huxleyi strainVAN556 by Conte et al. (1998), compared toPrahl et al. (1988), or to data presented by Sawadaet al. (1996) showing differences between twolaboratories). Furthermore, replicate culturesgrown in the same laboratory under ostensiblysimilar conditions can yield a spread of U37


values(Conte et al., 1995; Versteegh et al., 2001). Inbatch culture, a nutrient medium is provided toa strain inoculate. After a period of rapid(exponential) growth, the cell density approachesa limit, and may even decline. The investigatorcan harvest cells at various times during thesequence to determine alkenone and alkenoateconcentrations. Continuous cultures maintainthe organisms in the exponential growth phaseby supplying nutrients. Growth of alkenone-producing haptophyte algae in chemostats(Popp et al., 1998) represents a particularlysophisticated manipulation, as these culturesgrow in a medium of constant (low) nutrientavailability. It is not clear whether batch orcontinuous growth models better represent naturalconditions, or whether the sinking flux of alken-ones and alkenoates in the ocean comes frompopulations in exponential, late logarithmic, orstationary growth state.

All culture studies confirm the first-orderdependence of U37


and other alkenone (Conteet al., 1998a) unsaturation parameters on growthtemperature, but produce results that conflict inmany ways. The study of Prahl et al. (1988)demonstrated that haptophytes grown in thelaboratory adjust their unsaturation to temperaturechanges on a timescale of days; culture work byConte et al. (1998a) suggested rapid adjustment ofalkenoate/alkenone ratios to changes in growthtemperature as well. However, culture calibrationstudies suggest very large variations in the relationof unsaturation to growth temperature that maydepend on genetic and physiological factors(Conte et al., 1995, 1998a; Epstein et al., 1998).Twenty-four strains of alkenone-producingspecies cultured by Conte et al. (1995) at 15 8Cgave U37


values that ranged from 0.3 to 0.55. Onlyone of these approached the value of ,0.56appropriate for the Prahl et al. (1988) temperaturecalibration and, indeed, Conte et al. (1995)obtained a U37


value of ,0.4 at 15 8C forVAN55, the strain used by Prahl and Wakeham(1987) and Prahl et al. (1988). Volkman et al.(1995) suggested that cultures of G. oceanicaproduce a significantly different relation ofunsaturation to growth temperature; however,

their experimental results do not agree withG. oceanica cultures grown by Sawada et al.(1996) or Conte et al. (1998a).

It also seems clear that factors such as growthphase, light, and nutrient levels can significantlyinfluence the unsaturation index of haptophytesgrown in the laboratory (see summary in tables 4and 5 of Versteegh et al., 2001). Both Conte et al.(1998a) and Epstein et al. (1998) found changes inthe unsaturation index between log, late-log, andstationary phases of growth. Epstein et al. (1998)proposed that nutrient availability, which wouldcontrol growth rates of cultured and naturalpopulations, could significantly affect thecalibration of unsaturation to growth temperature.Both investigations found increasing alkenoneconcentrations (pg cell21) in late logarithmic andstationary phase growth. Conte et al. (1998a) alsodocumented very large ranges in the ratios ofalkenoates to C37 and C38 ketones (0–2.8), and inthe

PC37 :

PC38 ketone ratio depending on

growth phase. Comparison of these parameters tofield data led Conte et al. to conclude that naturalpopulations most closely resemble late-log ofstationary populations grown in the laboratory. Incontrast to the batch culture experiments discussedabove, Popp et al. (1998) used chemostats tocontrol steady-state growth rates, which they arguemay be a better model for natural systems. Thelatter study found no significant dependence of U37


on growth rate at constant temperature.A number of studies have investigated whether

genetic and/or physiological differences create“fingerprints” in other aspects of alkenone/alkenoate systematics that might allow investi-gators to distinguish past variations in species/strain production in sediments. Volkman et al.(1995) and Sawada et al. (1996) suggested that theproportions of C37 to C38 ketones (“chain lengthindex”), or alkenoate/alkenone ratios, might relateto the proportions of E. huxleyi to G. oceanica atthe time of production (see also Yamamoto et al.,2000). Further culture work by Conte et al.(1998a) does not support either suggestion (seealso Section 6.15.4).

Nearly all culture calibration studies predicthigher growth temperatures for the same unsatura-tion index than postulated by the Prahl et al. (1988)regression, although several (Conte et al. (1998a)and G. oceanica cultures of Sawada et al.(1996)) fall very close to the Prahl relation. If thisensemble of culture data is correct, field andsediment studies applying the Prahl et al. (1988)calibration might frequently overestimatetemperatures. As we evaluate water-column,sediment-trap, and core-top data, we shouldassess whether the large range of possible U37


–temperature relations suggested by culture studies,whether of genetic or physiological origin, demon-strably affect the accuracy of a unified calibration

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relation. One would expect to find that differenthaptophyte biogeographic regions produce distinctcalibrations of unsaturation to temperature, and tosee the influence of nutrient availability in offsetsbetween upwelling and nonupwelling regions. Particulates

By studying alkenone parameters in particulatematter collected in the photic zone, we lose theability to manipulate potential genetic orphysiological influences, but we gain the abilityto compare alkenone systematics to temperaturesin the natural setting. Calibration equations can begenerated and tested by comparing the alkenoneunsaturation index in suspended particles withambient water temperatures. One generallyassumes that the measured water temperature isthe same as the temperature in which thealkenones and alkenoates were synthesized. Thismay not always be correct for particles sinking ormixing through a temperature-stratified watercolumn. In fact, given a general tendency forparticles to sink, the temperature of alkenonesynthesis might be higher than the temperature inwhich the particles are collected, but almostcertainly not be lower (Sicre et al., 2002). Apotential temporal offset also exists between thetime of alkenone synthesis and the measurement.Thus, the alkenone temperatures could be set tothe temperature of previous “bloom” conditions,rather than the currently measured water-columntemperature.

In contrast to culture studies, relationshipsbetween U37


and temperature in suspended par-ticulate organic carbon show much more agree-ment with the Prahl et al. (1988) calibrationequation. Several large-scale compilations ofwater-column unsaturation ratios have been pre-sented (Brassell, 1993; Sikes et al., 1997; Conteet al., in press), as well as regional studies inthe North Atlantic and Mediterranean (Conte et al.,1992; Conte and Eglinton, 1993; Sikes andVolkman, 1993; Ternois et al., 1997; Sicre et al.,2002). Data have been variously interpreted asrequiring regional calibrations of growth tempera-ture (Conte and Eglinton, 1993; Ternois et al.,1997), or as requiring modifications of the originalPrahl et al. (1988) culture-based U37


equation to amore appropriate relation based on water-columnparticulates equation (Brassell, 1993; Sikes andVolkman, 1993; Conte et al., in press). Thearguments favoring regional calibrations arebased on regression estimates of a small numberof samples, and are not yet compelling. In the caseof the Black Sea, however, Freeman and Wakeham(1992) determined a water-column U37


that wouldunderestimate SST by more than 5 8C. It nowappears that the Black Sea represents a specialcase of mixing of brackish water haptophyte

alkenone-producing algae with open-ocean vari-ties. In other cases, a regional particulate U37


calibration does not accurately predict surficialsediment values in the western Mediterranean Sea(Ternois et al., 1998; Cacho et al., 1999).This discrepancy points out the dangers of usingcalibrations based on limited temperature rangesand short space- and timescales to derive accurateU37


paleotemperature equations.The most extensive synthesis of water-column


–temperature relations argues for the globalapplicability of a single calibration equation(Conte et al., in press; Figure 5). This studyexamines 392 samples from all major oceanbasins, gathered in the mixed layer (0–30 m) toprevent including samples acquired in the seaso-nal thermocline, which might be falling from thewarmer layer above. Although the data set isweighted heavily to the North Atlantic, it includesprovinces dominated by G. oceanica as well asE. huxleyi (see also the recent study by Bentalebet al. (2002) for additional water-column data inthe G. oceanica province of the western equatorialPacific), upwelling zones and gyres. Regionaldata sets fall nicely along a global relation,contradicting earlier interpretations (e.g., Conteand Eglinton, 1993; Ternois et al., 1998),which proposed that regional U37


–temperatureequations were needed for accurate temperatureestimates. The similarity of the regional data setsis striking enough for Conte et al. (in press) toconclude that differences in the genetic makeup ofnatural alkenone-synthesizing populations, and

Figure 5 Compilation of the U37k0

index of mixed-layerparticulates in relation to in situ temperature (Conteet al., in press). The heavy solid line indicates the linearPrahl et al. (1988) paleotemperature relation used for

sediment estimates.

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differences in their growth environment (differingnutrient fluxes and/or water-column stability) donot significantly detract from the use of a globalcalibration equation for paleotemperatureestimation.

In my judgment, however, Conte et al. (in press)overstep their data by arguing that the correct formof a global equation must be nonlinear, and thatwater-column calibrations conflict with sediment-based U37


–temperature regressions. Conte et al.propose a third-order polynomial equation todescribe the flattening of the U37


–temperaturerelation near the cold and warm ends of the dataset. As they note, the data suggest more variabilityof the index in relation to temperature at the warmand cold extremes of the surface ocean. Thescatter may reflect some combination of theimportance of nonthermal factors on alkenonesynthesis near the extremes of temperatureencountered by haptophyte algae (Conte et al.,in press), but it may also include analytical errors,as C37:3 and C37:2 alkenones approach theirdetection limits in warm and cold waters,respectively (cf. Grimalt et al., 2001; Pelejeroand Calvo, in press). In any event, the third-orderpolynomial fit of water-column U37

k0 to in situtemperatures improves the r2 value to 0.97 ascompared to the r2 value of 0.96 for a linear fit,and reduces the standard error of estimate from1.4 8C to 1.2 8C. The slope (0.038) and intercept(20.104) of a linear fit of water-column particu-late U37


to in situ temperature may not bestatistically different from the canonical Prahlet al. (1988) equation or its nearly identical core-top version (Muller et al., 1998). If the Conte et al.(in press) calibration is accurate, then the authorsfind offsets between the temperatures derivedfrom U37

k0 analysis of core-top sediments and themean annual temperature of the surface watersoverlying the core sites. U37


sediment values atmid-latitudes would be systematically high com-pared to mean annual growth temperatures.Whether the sediment bias of 2–3 8C at mid-latitudes inferred by Conte et al. (in press) existsdepends critically on the choice of the third-orderpolynomial description of the U37


–temperaturerelationship, and may be premature. As discussedbelow, sediment-up calibrations do not favor thepolynomial formulation preferred by Conte andcolleagues. Sediment Traps

Sediment trap material provides a valuableview of the U37


and quantity of alkenonestransiting to the seafloor. Few time-series experi-ments have been reported to date, although datafrom the Gulf of California (Goni et al., 2001) andoff the coast of Angola (Muller and Fischer, 2001)offer reasonable resolution for 1.5 yr and 4 yr

periods, respectively. Goni et al. (2001) comparedthe U37


of monthly sediment collections in theGulf of California to sea surface temperaturestaken from satellite (AVHRR). Their results(Figure 6) show that the U37


index closely trackschanges in the satellite-derived SST, with little orno time offset. For most of the year, thetemperatures estimated from the Prahl et al.(1988) calibration agree with SST. Somewhatlower than predicted U37


values were obtainedduring the warmest summer months (inferred SST.28 8C). These results could be rationalized bysome combination of subsurface alkenone pro-duction during the summer thermal stratification,errors in the satellite SST measurements, andnonlinearity in the U37


index at the warm extremeof growth conditions. Muller and Fischer’s time-series data from the Cap Blanc upwelling centeroff the coast of southwest Africa also show astrong seasonal cycle in U37


that is consistent withchanges in SST. After removing a small temporaloffset due to the sinking time of particles from thesurface ocean to their sediment traps, the authorsconclude that both the amplitude and absolutevalues of the U37


temperature estimates are ingood agreement with weekly sea surface tempera-ture estimates. Core Tops

Surficial sediments should reflect the weightingfunction of alkenone production at all seasons anddepths throughout the annual cycle—the inte-grated production temperature (IPT) concept ofConte et al. (1992). Core-top material alsoprovides the benefit of temporal and spatialaveraging of other factors, such as geneticvariability and variations in growth rate that mayinfluence alkenone systematics. This comes atcosts: the time averaging varies with sedimen-tation rate and bioturbation, and much information

Figure 6 Comparison of Gulf of California sedimenttrap U37


time-series versus SST estimated from satellitemeasurements (Goni et al., 2001). Note the rapidresponse of the U37

k0 index to changes in SST. The U37k0

index may not record the warmest temperaturesaccurately; see text for discussion.

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that relates to the original production of alkenonesin the surface ocean is lost. Furthermore, asediment-based regression compares surficialmaterial, representing centuries to millennia ofocean history to the short period of instrumentaltemperature data used by ocean atlases such as theLevitus (1994) global climatology.

Large data sets (Herbert et al., 1998; Rosell-Mele et al., 1995b; Sonzogni et al., 1997) of core-top U37


show strong convergence with the originalPrahl et al. (1988) temperature calibration,using mean annual surface temperature (MAST)(0–10 m) as the reference (Figure 7). A recentcompilation by Muller et al. (1998) synthesizedresults of over 300 core-top analyses from thedifferent ocean basins, determined by variouslaboratories. The Muller et al. (1998) data setencompasses the entire range of temperatures andbiogeographic provinces of alkenone producers,but is biased toward continental margin sedi-ments. Muller et al. noted that U37


in core topsalso correlated highly to seasonal temperaturesin the upper water column, as these covary withmean annual temperature. The correlationdecreased significantly, however, if alkenoneunsaturation was regressed against temperaturesat 20 m and below. Sediments thus provide strongempirical evidence that alkenones synthesisoccurs in the mixed layer in most areas of theocean. Updated recently to 490 samples byP. Muller (P. Muller, personal communication),the core-top calibration of U37


to mean annual seasurface temperature does not differ statisticallyfrom the original Prahl et al. (1988) culture and

water-column line. A single global, linearregression of U37


to MAST produces a standarderror of estimate of 1.4 8C, of the same size as theConte et al. (submitted) linear fit of particulatematter U37


to water-column measurements. Acareful statistical comparison now needs to beperformed to determine whether core-top andwater-column regressions to temperature differbeyond the uncertainties of regression parameters.

The reproducibility of the U37k0

values in surfacesediments from the same region can be quiteextraordinary. Figure 8 displays two regionswhere our laboratory was able to obtain recentsediments from a number of box cores off thecoast of California. The temperature estimatesderived from U37


analysis not only agree closelywith MAST using the Prahl/Muller equation, butthey agree with each other to very nearly theanalytical error.

Little support for the large range in alkenoneparameters (ratios of C37 to C38 ketones, alke-nones to alkenoates, etc.) observed in cultureexperiments comes from the sediment realm. Asone example, I compared (Herbert, 2000) thefrequency distribution of the ratio of total C37

Figure 7 Global compilation of near-surface sedimentU37

k0 values (Muller et al., 1998; Muller et al., unpub-lished; Herbert, unpublished) plotted versus meanannual SST from the closest grid point of the Levitus

(1994) World Ocean Atlas.

Figure 8 U37k0 temperature estimates taken from the

top cm of box cores off the California Coast (Herbertet al., 1998). Note that the temperature estimates areconsistent to nearly the analytical error of the gas

chromatographic technique.

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ketones (P

C37) to total C38 ketones (P

C38) in acore-top data set generated by our laboratory. Thedata set is weighted to samples along theCalifornia margin, but also includes samplesfrom the North Atlantic, equatorial Pacific, centralPacific gyre, Peru margin, and western Pacific.The tight cluster of core-top values around a meanof just over 1.0 contrasts with the extremeheterogeneity of culture results, but is in verygood agreement with the average ratio of 1.04from a large upper water-column data set offBermuda (Conte et al., 2001). The values wefound are similar to the mean of ,1.2 determinedby Rosell-Mele et al. (1994) in North Atlanticcore top and by Sonzogni et al. (1997, 1998) inIndian Ocean sediments, and the average of ,1.15reported by Sawada et al. (1996) from the Sea ofJapan. Core-top data do not therefore encouragethe idea that alkenone systematics can “finger-print” regional variations in the fractionof production due to E. huxleyi and G. oceanica(cf. Volkman et al., 1995; Sawada et al., 1996).

The success of core-top temperature calibra-tions indicates that physiological state, geneticvariability, and depth and seasonality of pro-duction play secondary roles to the control on thesedimentary U37


index exerted by mean annualnear-surface temperature. In most cases, thesefactors produce errors at the level of 1.5 8C or lessin the global core-top calibration. To thisobserver’s opinion, core-top data cannot bereconciled with the large variations in the U37


index attributed to genetic or physiological factorsby some culture studies. This does not indicatethat the culture data are wrong in a technicalsense, but that their results cannot alwaysbe extrapolated to the natural environment(Popp et al., 1998).

Core-top data sets still leave significant roomfor improvement in several important regards. Theimportant question of nonlinearity at the high andlow ends of the U37


–temperature relation remainsunsettled. In particular, several studies suggestthat the U37


–temperature relationship flattens attemperatures above 26 8C or 27 8C (Sikes et al.,1997; Sonzogni et al., 1997; Bentaleb et al.,2002). However, other studies of sedimentsunderlying tropical waters find that the linearPrahl relationship seems to hold throughout thecalibration range (Pelejero and Grimalt, 1997;Pelejero and Calvo, in press), and the globalsediment compilation of Muller et al. (1998)provides no support for a nonlinear relationship.One would expect that calibrations on the extremeends of the temperature range become difficult.Analytical difficulties grow as the di-unsaturatedketone becomes a minor peak at the low end of theindex; similar difficulties pertain to the detectionof the C37:3 ketone in the face of chromatographicinterferences in sediments under very warm ocean

surface waters. In addition, it is also likely thatseasonal production biases become large in high-latitude waters, emphasizing the need to combinemodern-day ecological information with core-topdata to better calibrate the U37


signal in coldwaters. We also have little consensus on thetemperature significance of the tetra-unsaturatedC37 ketone. Originally included in the original U37


index by Brassell et al. (1986a), the C37:4 ketoneappears only in cold waters and in sedimentsunderlying cold waters. Prahl et al. (1988) foundthat including the tetra-unsaturated ketone in atemperature equation did not improve the fit, andtherefore omitted it from their U37


index. Itremains to be explained why the C37:4 ketoneshould be common in the high-latitude NorthAtlantic, where surface temperatures fall below10 8C (Conte et al., 1994a; Rosell-Mele et al.,1994, 1995a; Rossell-Mele, 1998; Calvo et al.,2002; Sicre et al., 2002), but rare to absent inwater-column particulates and sediments of thevery cold waters of the Southern Ocean (Sikes andVolkman, 1993; Sikes et al., 1997; Ternois et al.,1998). Rosell-Mele and co-workers (Rosell-Mele,1998; Rosell-Mele et al., 2002) propose that thepresence of large amounts of the C37:4 ketone inlipid extracts may signal low salinity waters, atleast in the North Atlantic.


The resemblance of core-top alkenone unsa-turation data to both mean annual SST and theoriginal Prahl et al. (1988) culture calibration is aquite remarkable result that is not completelyunderstood. As the review above suggests, thecalibration of a temperature proxy for paleo-environmental analysis involves a host of steps,ranging from the physiology and genotype of theproducing organisms, their ecology, and even-tually the transport and degradation of particles inthe water column and sediments. In the case of thealkenone thermometer, it is comforting to notethat water-column and sediment calibrations comequite close. The consistency of the sedimentregression to the original Prahl et al. (1988) linearrelation is in some sense fortuitous. Other culturestudies produce results that differ as much as 5 8Cfrom the standard Prahl et al. (1988) calibration,and there is no inherent reason to prefer a linearcalibration of unsaturation to growth temperatureto a nonlinear one. Further, we know that alkenoneproducers do not operate at constant ratesthroughout the year in most regions of theocean, and that they do not always live in themixed layer. One should therefore keep in mindthat the Prahl et al. (1988) and the identical Mulleret al. (1998) relation of U37


with the mean annualSST are idealizations. We can note, however, that

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at least some of the caveats raised in theapplication of alkenone thermometry do notseem born out by sedimentary evidence. Thehypothesis of Epstein et al. (1998) predicts thatphysiological factors would lead to a large offset inthe U37


temperatures estimated from alkenonessynthesized in upwelling and nonupwellingregions. Core-top data cover the oceans wellenough to state that such an upwelling/nutrientbias must be no larger than the mean standarderror of the entire regression (^1.4 8C), if it existsat all. Similarly, core-top data sets cover a largespan in the proportions of strains of E. huxleyi, andin the contribution of G. oceanica to alkenoneproduction, yet no statistical evidence emerges totreat the U37


of different oceanic biotic provincesdifferently.

The convergence of so much sedimentary datato a simple model must mean that an apparentlyfortuitous result (the good relation with meanannual SST) has an underlying predictability. Oneof the few efforts to quantify the consequences ofseasonal variations in production and/or remine-ralization of alkenones is instructive. Conte et al.(in press) modeled the impact that such variationswould have on the U37


in a time-averagedsediment. They found that seasonality producedonly small offsets (,1 8C) from SST in the net(IPT) alkenone signal except at very highlatitudes. Unless the season of the alkenone-producing bloom is restricted to the precise timeof the coldest or warmest seasonal temperatures, itis not easy to cause the U37


delivered to sedimentsto depart much from the mean annual SST. Thislesson was demonstrated by Sonzogni et al.(1997) and Muller et al. (1998), who used satellitechlorophyll estimates to make seasonallyweighted flux estimates of alkenone productionat core locations, assuming that alkenone fluxescorrelate with bulk phytoplankton production.They found that the resulting flux-weightedtemperature corrections to mean annual SSTwere negligible. It may also be that when subsur-face production occurs, the temperature near thetop of the seasonal thermocline is not colder bymore than 1–2 8C from mean annual SST.

Alkenone production in oceanic gyres doesappear to give evidence for a subsurface tempera-ture bias. For example, Prahl et al. (1993), Dooseet al. (1997), and Herbert et al. (1998) all reportcore-top U37


values lower than mean annual SSTby 1–2 8C in gyre locations in the eastern NorthPacific, consistent with subsurface fluorescencemaxima (Prahl et al., 1993), and maximal pro-duction during the late winter and early spring inthe region. Ohkouchi et al. (1999) argued similarlyfor a subsurface gyre bias in a survey of core tops inthe central North Pacific Ocean. One can thereforeexpect that a careful treatment of the core-topdatabase may develop rules for how the U37



will deviate systematically (,1 8C) according todistance from the nearest coastline, or some othersimple proxy for gyre versus margin position. Theinfluence of diagenesis on U37


values cannot beexcluded, but its impact apparently ranges fromnegligible (most studies) to perhaps a warm bias,1 8C (Hoefs et al., 1998; Gong and Hollander,1999).

Caution should probably be used in interpretingsmall down-core changes in U37


in high- and low-latitude regions. Here, one is in less reliableanalytical territory (Grimalt et al., 2001; Pelejeroand Calvo, 2003), and the core-top and water-column U37


data can be modeled by either linearor polynomial fits (Sikes et al., 1997; Sonzogniet al., 1997). Even if evidence eventuallyconclusively supports nonlinear fits at the coldand/or warm extremes of the U37


range, interpret-ing small changes in these regions quantitativelyis probably a losing game. Flattening of the U37


relationship with temperature would mean that theindex loses sensitivity to temperature in very highand low latitudes. At the same time, the analyticalerror grows. One therefore needs to be wary ofgenerating spuriously large temperature changesfrom U37


deviations of dubious reliability. As apractical limit, I suggest not interpreting U37


deviations quantitatively for paleotemperaturesat values lower than ,0.20 or higher than ,0.96(5 8C or 27 8C, respectively, according to thePrahl/Muller equations).


The rapidity and high precision of alkenoneanalysis makes the technique ideally suited toproduce time series of past near-surface oceantemperatures. High signal-to-noise ratio can bedemonstrated in a number of ways. The ocean-drilling program acquires offset holes at drillingsites to assure the continuity of the recoveredsedimentary record. High-resolution analyses ofoffset holes that cover the same stratigraphicinterval show that even small-scale changes in theU37


index are reproducible (Zhao et al., 1993).Alkenone temperature estimates that cover theLate Holocene paint a picture of subdued SSTchanges, in accord with polar ice cores evidencethat describes this period as quite stable incomparison to other recent intervals of Earthhistory. Alkenone-derived temperatures over thepast 10 ka rarely deviate from modern values bymore than 1–2 8C, even in very densely sampledrecords (e.g., Schulte et al., 1999; Zhao et al.,2000). In contrast to foraminiferal faunal andd18O estimates, the alkenone technique apparen-tly has the reliability necessary to define LateHolocene cooling trends of only20.27 8C kyr21 to

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20.15 8C kyr21 in a coherent manner in thenortheast Atlantic and Mediterranean sea(Marchal et al., 2002).

In the following sections, I divide alkenonepaleotemperature studies roughly by the time spancovered. While arbitrary to some degree, thisshould allow the reader to gauge the contributionsof the alkenone technique to important paleocli-matic questions, which tend to be arrayed by theage and duration of Earth history studied. Inaddition, studies at different time resolutions willhave different sets of supporting information,caveats, and questions to be addressed by futurework. Nearly all of the studies cited rely on thestandard Prahl et al. (1988) temperature scale.However, a few applications of nonstandardcalibrations exist in the literature (Pelejero et al.,1999a; Wang et al., 1999; Calvo et al., 2002). Holocene High-resolution Studies

Because instrumental records rarely date backmore than a century, the alkenone technique mayplay an important role in characterizing past oceansurface temperature variability on timescales of afew years to centuries. Alkenone analyses maythus complement information derived from geo-chemical analyses of corals, whose usefulness instudying past El Nino cycles and other phenomenais now well established. Unlike corals, alkenone-producing organisms range over nearly the entireocean. Only certain locations will be favorable,however, for preserving alkenone signals for high-resolution analysis. These generally occur alongcontinental margins, where sediment flux is high.Areas along various coastlines where anoxic, ordysaerobic bottom water contacts sediments havethe additional potential to resolve yearly or evenseasonal variations, through the deposition oflaminated sediments. Such highly productive,highly preserving settings have elevated alkenoneconcentrations in the sediments. Because so littlematerial (perhaps only 100 mg) is required for areliable U37

k0 determination, very high resolutionsampling becomes feasible.

Two regions of the eastern Pacific have beentested by the alkenone method for details of pastEl Nino (ENSO) variability. A set of early papersby Farrington et al. (1988) and McCaffrey et al.(1990) targeted the Peru upwelling zone, whichexperiences large surface warmings during ElNino conditions. The authors used 210Pb-datedbox cores to study the alkenone record of the pastfew centuries at three locations along the Perumargin. Samples were taken at estimated 5–10 yrintervals, with one long record extending back to,1680 AD (McCaffrey et al., 1990). U37


tem-perature variations correlated in part with histori-cal ENSO indices, but without one-to-one

matches. McCaffrey et al. (1990) attributed themismatches to a combination of dating uncertain-ties, the difficult in precisely resolving layers forsampling, and redistribution of the alkenonesignal over a broader stratigraphic interval, sothat ENSO anomalies are smoothed. They alsonoted that alkenone records may be biased awayfrom ENSO warm events by the decline inphytoplankton production that accompanies ElNino anomalies.

Sediments from the Santa Barbara Basin offSouthern California display layers that can besampled at annual resolution. A pioneering studyby Kennedy and Brassell (1992) produced annual-resolution data from the core top to an estimatedbasal age of 1915 AD, based on a varvechronology. The authors showed that SSTs variedby 1–2 8C on an annual basis in this time interval.Intervals of major historical El Nino-relatedwarmings along the California Coast stood outin most cases as warm U37


anomalies. Ourlaboratory produced a slightly longer record thatconfirms most of the details of the Kennedy andBrassell (1992) record, although the absolutetemperature estimates are offset due to interla-boratory differences. We found that the alkenonemethod detected 80–90% of the known El Ninowarmings over the last century. We also foundthat most warm intervals had low alkenoneabundances, which would be consistent with thehistorical association of decreased upwellingalong the California margin during major ElNino events. Zhao et al. (2000) extended theSanta Barbara record to 1440 AD with approxi-mately biannual sample resolution. They foundthat SST oscillated around its modern mean valueof 15.5 8C with an amplitude of less than 3 8C.Their sampling recognized 5 of 12 very strongENSO events over the period 1840–1920 forwhich ENSO anomalies in the equatorial Pacifichave been defined. A significant trend to low SSTaround the turn of the twentieth century coincideswith a known period of low SST along theCalifornia margin. Other approximately centen-nial-scale oscillations are evident in the timeseries as well (Zhao et al., 2000). Significantly, the,500 yr record shows no linear temperature trendover time, and no dip in SST during the Little IceAge period of the late 1500s to early 1600s. IfZhao et al. (2000) alkenone record accuratelyreflects regional SST, then the Little Ice Agecooling of the North Atlantic may not have beenexpressed along the west coast of North America.

It is still too early to assess how well thealkenone method will resolve variations on theENSO timescale. Issues of chronology are signifi-cant, since a varve counting error of only a fewyears will produce miscorrelations betweenalkenone records and other historical indices ofthe ENSO phenomenon. It is also not clear

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how reliable individual core records will be atrecording SST at the annual scale. Patchiness ofSST anomalies and surface productivity mayimpose noise on already small (1–3 8C) anomaliesin mean annual SST. For ENSO-related alkenonework to progress, we will need more recordsgathered from the same basin, sampled with thebest possible chronology. These will give us amore reliable sense of the success rate of thealkenone paleothermometer in resolving veryshort-lived SST variations in the late Holocene.

On somewhat longer timescales, several studieshave used the alkenone index to resolve variationsof SST within the Holocene (last 12 kyr). TheHolocene represents an interesting mix of some ofthe factors that on longer timescales help to driveice age cycles. Northern hemisphere summerinsolation peaked at ,9 ka, and has declinedcontinuously since that time as the Earth’s orbitalconfiguration shifted. The Holocene has not,however, seen any significant change in icevolume or atmospheric CO2. A coherent long-term cooling of between 1 8C and 2 8C over thepast 9–10 ka seems to have occurred in theAtlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, accord-ing to U37


time series (Zhao et al., 1995; Bardet al., 2000; Cacho et al., 2001; Calvo et al., 2002;Marchal et al., 2002). The cooling appears ampli-fied in some regions, such as the Mediterranean(Cacho et al., 2002). In detail, the timing ofpeak Holocene temperatures progresses within theMediterranean (Cacho et al., 2002). Marchal et al.(2002) point out that the cooling trend exhibitedby U37


in the North Atlantic is consistent withevidence for late Holocene glacial readvance inIceland, with borehole temperature reconstruc-tions from Greenland ice cores, and with pollendata in Europe and North America that indicate asouthward migration of the cool spruce forest.

The cooling trend detected in the North Atlanticappears to be a regional, rather than global pattern.Alkenone data from the Indian Ocean (Bard et al.,1997; Cayre and Bard, 1999), the South China Sea(Wang et al., 1999; Kienast et al., 2001; Steinkeet al., 2001), and the western tropical Atlantic(Ruhlemann et al., 1999) in fact show very slightsea surface warming from the early Holocenetoward the present. High-resolution samplingalong the western margin of North America(Prahl et al., 1995; Kienast and McKay, 2001;Herbert, unpublished data) shows no trend at allduring the last 9 ka, although the alkenone data dosuggest millennial oscillations of perhaps 1 8Camplitude. Variability within the Holocene alsoemerges from the Doose-Rolinski et al. (2001)high-resolution study of SST over the last 5 ka inthe Arabian Sea. The authors sampled a high-deposition rate core at ,20 yr intervals, andmeasured the d18O of planktonic foraminifera inaddition to alkenone unsaturation. Total variance

within the 5 kyr period is ,0.6 8C (1s), buttemperature extremes of up to 3 8C are recorded(it should be noted that the authors used anonstandard calibration whose slope wouldincrease the estimated temperature changes bynearly 50% compared to the canonical (Prahl et al.,1988 equation). Stronger than average northeastmonsoon winds were inferred to result in coolerthan average temperatures, with the reverseoccurring when stronger south west monsoonsdominated the system. Variance in SST appar-ently increased in the last 1,500 years, suggestinghigh variability of monsoonal winds duringthe latest Holocene in comparison to the mid-Holocene. Millennial-scale Events of the LatePleistocene and Last GlacialTermination

The discovery of very rapid climatic anomaliesin the high-latitude North Atlantic region sparkedthe search for similar events in other regions.Among the prominent anomalies are the YoungerDryas event, Dansgaard–Oeschger (D/O) cycles,and Heinrich events. Pollen successions innorthern Europe identified a brief interval duringthe last deglaciation when climate returned to verycold conditions. Spectacularly revealed in theisotopic record of Greenland ice cores (Dansgaardet al., 1989; Johnsen et al., 1992; Grootes et al.,1993), the Younger Dryas interval lasted from,11 ka to ,13 ka. Greenland ice cores alsodemonstrate a highly unstable climate during thelast glacial interval (marine oxygen isotope stages2 and 3). Isotopic changes equivalent to 6–8 8Cchanges in air temperature occur as rapid burstsknown as the D/O cycles. These appear to begrouped in units of 3–4 cycles, which terminate ina longer period of unusually cold temperatures inGreenland. The D/O cycles can be recognizedone-to-one in marine cores from the NorthAtlantic (Bond et al., 1993). There, regionallycoherent pulses of ice-rafted debris that originatesfrom Canada, Iceland, and the Norwegian Sea, aretermed Heinrich events. The most recent of theseoccurred during late glacial time at ,18 ka. Mostauthors correlate the Heinrich events with theterminations of bursts of D/O cycles (Bond andLotti, 1995).

Regional amplitudes of the millennial-scaleevents, and their timing relative to the Greenlandice sheet template, constitute important pieces ofthe puzzle. Many theories propose that themillennial events originate from instabilities inthe North Atlantic thermohaline circulation(Broecker, 1994) and propagate through the deepocean “conveyor belt.” It is also possible that themillennial-scale temperature changes originateoutside the North Atlantic, and are merely well

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expressed there. Millennial anomalies could alsospread by means other than the thermohalinecirculation. It seems likely that good regionalcoverage of SST anomalies may in the endprovide the “fingerprints” necessary to decidewhich models of millennial-scale variabilityduring glacial times are the most plausible.

Alkenone SST reconstructions in the NorthAtlantic and Mediterranean show the YoungerDryas, D/O cycles, and Heinrich events veryclearly (Eglinton et al., 1992; Zhao et al., 1993;Rosell-Mele et al., 1997; Cacho et al., 1999, 2002;Bard et al., 2000; Calvo et al., 2001). Millennial-scale temperature changes apparently are exportedfrom the North Atlantic by the Canary Current(Zhao et al., 1995; Bard et al., 2000) or throughthe atmosphere (Cacho et al., 2002). Recognizingthat the Greenland anomalies propagate into thesubtropical North Atlantic helps to explaininitially puzzling features of high-resolutionalkenone data taken during the glacial interval.Zhao et al. (1995) found that the time of maximumglobal ice volume (last glacial maximum (LGM),21–23 ka) did not have the coldest SST of theglacial period off Northwest Africa. It has sincebecome clearer that the interval of Heinrich eventH2 (18 ka) produced the coldest temperatures ofthe late glacial period in the North Atlantic, andthat this cooling is detected in numerous cores offnorthwest Africa (Zhao et al., 1995). While theLGM period saw cold SST in the subtropicalNorth Atlantic relative to the Holocene, it wassandwiched between even colder periods paced bymillennial climate instability.

The alkenone records from the MediterraneanSea by Cacho et al. (1999, 2002) show some of the

most spectacular evidence for how millennialevents pervade the regional climate of the NorthAtlantic and Western Europe (Figure 9). All of themillennial features of the Greenland ice cores forthe last 50 ka are immediately recognizable aslarge SST changes, some as rapid as 6 8C percentury (Cacho et al., 2002). Intervals calibratedas colder than 12 8C by the U37


method also havepulses of the polar foraminifera G. pachyderma(left-coiling variety). The coldest events corre-spond in each case to the time of Heinrich periodsof intense ice rafting in the high-latitude NorthAtlantic. Because the times of Heinrich events donot stand out as the coldest millennial periods inthe Greenland ice core record, the SST data implythat these events may have a different spatialpattern and mode of propagation compared to theD/O anomalies. As found in cores off northwestAfrica, the LGM in the Mediterranean did nothave the coldest temperatures recorded during thelast 50 ka. These occurred at ,16–18 ka, ,24 ka,,30 ka, ,39 ka, and ,46 ka (Cacho et al., 2002).

Details of millennial variability away from theNorth Atlantic are still emerging. A YoungerDryas cooling occurred along the northwestmargin of North America (Kienast and McKay,2001; Seki et al., 2002). Its timing is identical tothat of the Younger Dryas in the circum-NorthAtlantic region within the error of AMS 14Cdating. Off the coast of British Columbia, theYounger Dryas produced a cooling of ,4 8C fromthe Allerod–Bolling warm interval, and endedwith a warming of almost 6 8C to peak Holocenetemperatures at 10–11 ka (Kienast and McKay,2001). The Younger Dryas event shows up alongthe central California coast in subdued form at

Figure 9 High resolution alkenone temperature estimates obtained by Cacho et al. (2002) from the MediterraneanSea in relation to oscillations in temperature recorded by d18O in Greenland ice cores. Important millennial events(Younger Dryas ¼ YD, H ¼ Heinrich Event, D/O ¼ Dansgaard/Oeschger Event) line up between the records to the

precision of the independent chronologies.

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ODP Site 1017 (Seki et al., 2002). There, thecooling appears to be ,12 8C according to U37


estimates. The Seki et al. work also demonstratesthat this part of the California margin felt theeffects of D/O and Heinrich perturbations on SST.Substantial (3–4 8C) temperature anomalies cor-relate to the Greenland D/O events. The coldesttemperatures of the 80 kyr record correspond tothe intervals of North Atlantic Heinrich events(Seki et al., 2002). In the tropics, the YoungerDryas period apparently led to small (0.5–1 8C)coolings in many locations in phase with the NorthAtlantic cooling. Well-dated alkenone evidencefor a tropical expression of Younger Dryascooling come from the South China Sea (Kienastet al., 2001; Steinke et al., 2001; Wang et al.,1999), the Indian Ocean (Bard et al., 1997; Cayreand Bard, 1999), and the South Atlantic (Kimet al., 2002). Evidence for millennial-scalevariability matching the Greenland ice core recordis weaker—the very highly sampled 40 kyr recordof Wang et al. (1999) in the South China Sea doesnot reveal significant changes in SST correspond-ing to either D/O or Heinrich events, but Schulteand Muller (2001) found small SST anomalies inthe Arabian Sea at the same time as the NorthAtlantic millennial events.

Rapid temperature changes detected byalkenone paleothermometry may actually beanti-correlated to the North Atlantic pattern insome places. This effect is in fact predicted by theconveyor belt theory for the origin of millennialvariability. If the North Atlantic thermohalinecirculation drives millennial cycles in tempera-ture, then the excess or deficit of heat transportedto the high-latitude North Atlantic is compensatedby adjustments in the cross-equatorial heat trans-port from the southern hemisphere. Records fromthe western tropical Atlantic and from thesouthern hemisphere might thus show warmingat the same time as the coolings observed inGreenland ice cores. Resolving this question putsa premium on good dating, since the events inquestion lasted only centuries to one to twomillennia. Ruhlemann et al. (1999) produced adensely dated (by AMS 14C) record of SST from ahigh deposition rate core off Grenada in thewestern tropical Atlantic. Both d18O of theplanktonic foraminifer G. ruber and the U37


index show modest warming during the YoungerDryas and Heinrich event H1 times. The authorsconclude that the apparent antiphasing of westerntropical and North Atlantic SST supports thethermohaline model of millennial-scale events.Mazaud et al. (2002) attempted a similar analysisin the Southern Indian Ocean. In their case, theyused a geomagnetic intensity signal in thesediments to attempt to synchronize alkenoneand paleontological estimates of SST tothe Greenland ice core data over the interval

32–50 ka. Alkenone analyses suggested thatoscillations of 1–2 8C did occur at millennialtimescales in this region. While several coldpulses appear to coincide with North AtlanticHeinrich events, longer coolings that may cor-relate to clusters of D/O cycles appear anti-correlated to the North Atlantic. The evidence thusfavors a model that allows for different modes ofproducing and/or propagating different styles ofmillennial change of the surface temperature field. Marine Temperatures during the LGM

Alkenone paleothermometry arrived at a timeof controversy on the spatial pattern of cooling atthe LGM. New estimates of tropical coolingderived from the Sr/Ca of fossil corals challengedthe results of the seminal CLIMAP effort to mapsurface ocean temperatures at the last Ice Age(CLIMAP, 1976, 1981) CLIMAP employed avariety of planktonic microfossil groups, princi-pally foraminifera, to derive seasonal anomaliesof LGM temperatures relative to present day. Oneof the most significant conclusions of the studieswas the poleward amplification of glacial cooling.The tropical ocean temperatures remained verynear their present values, while temperaturesdecreased by as much as 8–10 8C in the NorthAtlantic, and 4 – 6 8C in the high latitudeSouthern Ocean (CLIMAP, 1976, 1981). CoralSr/Ca thermometry placed tropical cooling insome places at 4–6 8C (Beck et al., 1992;Guilderson et al., 1994). Noble gases in con-tinental groundwaters also suggested more cool-ing at low latitudes than evident in the CLIMAPreconstruction (Stute et al., 1995).

The LGM is defined by the period during the lastglacial cycle when ice volume reached its largestextent, at ,21–23 ka (EPILOG definition of Mixet al., 2001). Since the definition relates to icevolume and carries a specific chronostratigraphicvalue, it does not necessarily correspond to the timeof coldest ocean temperatures, as demonstrated inthe high-resolution studies mentioned in theprevious section. As reviewed by Mix et al.(2001), the best criterion for defining the LGMcomes from multiple bracketing AMS 14C dates.Oxygen isotopic data provide the next best tool forrecognizing the LGM interval. The temperaturesand temperature differences I review here followthe chronostratigraphic definition of the LGM. Inmost cases, the LGM is defined by isotopic data,rather than radiocarbon dates. The reader shouldalso keep in mind that the LGM temperatureanomaly depends on the reference frame. One getssomewhat different numbers if one uses only thelatest Holocene alkenone SST points to define thecontrast to LGM temperatures, as opposed to peakHolocene temperatures, because regional coolingand/or warming has occurred in the Holocene in

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many regions. All anomalies discussed here will beexpressed as the differences between alkenone SSTestimates at the stratigraphic level of the LGM andthe latest Holocene samples, which I assumerepresent temperatures very close to modern day.

In this author’s opinion, alkenone reconstruc-tions favor rather decisively what might be termeda “modified CLIMAP” view of ocean surfacecooling at 21 ka (Figure 10). Cases certainly occurwhere the U37


index indicates substantially morecooling at the LGM than the CLIMAP reconstruc-tion (e.g., Jasper and Gagosian, 1989). Thealkenone method typically favors more Ice Agetropical cooling than suggested by CLIMAP, butpreserves the fundamental conclusion that thetropics cooled much less than did the highlatitudes. In one particularly telling study, Bardand co-workers (Bard et al., 1997; Sonzogni et al.,1998) looked at an array of 20 cores in the IndianOcean between 208N and 208 S. U37


data showedmore cooling (2–3 8C) away from the equator, butonly ,1 8C cooling within 58 of the equator.Significantly, the alkenone temperature estimatesweighed in with cooling in the northern IndianOcean, where foraminiferal estimates had shownno cooling and even warming at the LGM (Bardet al., 1997; Sonzogni et al., 1998). The differencein results between faunal and alkenone techniquesmight be due to the superior signal-to-noise ratioof alkenone analysis, to the fact that foraminiferalfaunas in the tropics respond to variables otherthan temperature, and to the observation thatglacial faunas frequently have poor analogues in

the modern ocean, making micropaleontologicalestimates more open to doubt. Other regionswhere the alkenone technique has been used toestimate tropical ocean temperatures at the LGMinclude the western equatorial Pacific (Ohkouchiet al., 1994), the South China Sea (Wang et al.,1999; Pelejero et al., 1999a; Steinke et al., 2001),and the tropical Atlantic (Zhao et al., 1995;Schneider et al., 1996; Sikes and Keigwin, 1994).

One should note that the impact of a fewdegrees of cooling in the tropical ocean is notclimatically trivial. Since one-half of the Earth’ssurface lies between 30o of the equator, anycooling has a significant effect on the globallyintegrated surface cooling during the last Ice Age.It also seems likely that more U37


work willresolve spatial patterns of cooling that implicatedynamical adjustments of the tropical surfaceocean to the changed sea level, orbital, and CO2

boundary conditions at the LGM.Evidence in hand already suggests that the

ocean cooled differently according to region at theLGM. Although the details of how SST evolvedduring the last glaciation and through the glacialtermination differ widely, one can distinguish twomajor patterns: those regions where the SSTprofile looks much like the oxygen isotopecurve, and hence sea level and ice volume, andthose in which SSTs depart significantly from theglobal pattern of ice volume. Many records showthat SSTs ran in parallel with the ice volumecycle; e.g., in the high-latitude North Atlantic(Villanueva et al., 1998; Calvo et al., 2001), theSouth China Sea (Huang et al., 1997; Pelejeroet al., 1999a; Steinke et al., 2001), off Hawaii(Lee et al., 2001), and parts of the South Atlantic(Schneider et al., 1995, 1996; Kirst et al., 1999;Sachs and Lehman, 2001). However, U37


dataindicate that another common pattern was for SSTto rise in advance of deglaciation. SST led icevolume temporally in the equatorial Pacific (Lyleet al., 1992) and tropical Indian Ocean (Bard et al.,1997). However, even within one ocean basin,there were strong regional differences in thetiming of maximum cooling. Kirst et al. (1999)used three cores to form onshore – offshoretransect along the Namibian upwelling margin inthe South Atlantic. They demonstrated that boththe U37


and the C37 total ketones (an index ofproductivity) varied systematically along thetransect in the timing of maxima and minima.Warming began well before the LGM close to theAfrican continental margin. At the same time thatwarming occurred, the concentration of C37

ketones declined steeply in the sediments. Off-shore, temperatures followed ice volume closely.Kirst and colleagues ascribe the patterns they seeto the impingement of warmer waters from theNorth along the coastal margin at the LGM, whenwind systems were reorganized. The incursion of

Figure 10 Compilation of all available alkenoneestimates of cooling of ocean surface temperatures atthe LGM relative to the late Holocene. The estimateshave been projected onto the sine of latitude toapproximately compensate for the distribution ofocean surface area from the equator to the poles. Notethat the Ice Age anomalies are much stronger at mid andhigh latitudes than in the tropics. Scatter at any givenlatitude reflects variability in the quality of the chronolo-gical control used to assign the LGM level in alkenonetime series, but also includes an important contribution

from real heterogeneity of cooling at the LGM.

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this warmer subtropical water coincided with lessfavorable conditions for upwelling along theNamibian continental margin. The offshore coresstayed distant enough from the front of equato-rially derived water that they do not display theearly warming, and instead sense the basin-widecooling that reached its peak at the LGM. My ownlaboratory has found a similar pattern off theCalifornia margin, where core locations nearthe present-day southern boundary of the coldCalifornia Current show only small cooling at theLGM (Herbert et al., 2001; Figure 11). As offBenguela, cores along the California marginsome distance from the frontal boundaries displaythe close association between cold SST and the

LGM that one would intuitively expect. Alkenoneevidence thus suggests that several of the majoreastern boundary current systems retracted pole-ward at the LGM.

A review of the current literature suggests thatsubstantial gaps in coverage of the LGM surfaceocean by the alkenone method still exist. Very fewrecords have been obtained from the interior gyresof the major ocean basins. The sedimentsunderlying these regions are less favorable foralkenone analysis, because they tend to have slowdeposition rates and low biomarker contents dueto low overlying productivity. Nevertheless,the gyres are very broad features in the modernocean, and their thermal state at the LGM should

Figure 11 Regional variation in the timing of SST rise at the last two glacial terminations revealed by alkenonedeterminations along the California margin (Herbert et al., 2001). Data are arranged from north to south todemonstrate the regional nature of SST response (dark lines). Benthic d18O data acquired on the same cores (lightercolor) demonstrates unequivocally that SST rose early relative to the global sea level rises at each termination at manysites. The strongest anomalies occur in the southern California borderland region, which today represents theboundary between the cold, equatorward flowing California Current, and subtropical waters that flow northward

seasonally (Herbert et al., 2001).

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not be neglected. In addition, the record of SSTsfrom the southern hemisphere badly lags theamount of data now available for much of thenorthern hemisphere. The Bard et al. (1997) studydemonstrates nicely that SST rose in synchroneityin both hemispheres between 208N and 208 S inthe Indian Ocean beginning at ,15 ka. Suchcommon phasing might indicate that forcing byCO2 and/or water vapor link the surface ocean ofboth hemispheres during deglaciation (Bard et al.,1997). More spatial coverage from other parts ofthe southern hemisphere is still needed. Thetemperature history of the warm pool of thewestern equatorial Pacific also awaits moreinvestigation. However, this region is not wellsuited for the U37


proxy, as its temperature lies ator above the saturation of the U37


index ataround 28 8C. SST Records of the Late PleistoceneIce Age Cycles

The rapidity and precision of alkenone analysesmake them ideally suited for producing time seriesof the SST response to the late Pleistocene cyclesin glaciation. However, legitimate questions ariseabout how the proxy will work on long time-scales. As with all biologically based proxies, thepossibility exists that the response of the alkenoneunsaturation could have changed over evolution-ary time. That question is sharper in the case of theU37


proxy, because one of the principal modernproducing species, E. huxleyi, first appeared in thegeological record during marine oxygen isotopestage 8, at ,280 ka (Thierstein et al., 1977).Indeed, micropaleontological examinations showthat the rise to dominance of E. huxleyi occurred atdifferent times during the last glacial cycle,depending on region (Jordan et al., 1996).Gephyrocapsids dominated the coccolithophoridassemblage until the Holocene in regions such asthe Benguela upwelling system (Summerhayeset al., 1995). Several studies that document thesequence of coccolithophorids in late Pleistocenerecords fail to find any indication that theproportions of alkenone-producing species affectSST reconstructions by the U37


method. Forexample, Doose-Rolinski monitored the pro-portions of Gephyrocapsa to Emiliania at highresolution in the late Holocene in their ArabianSea core. High-frequency SST changes did notcorrespond to changes in the ratio of these species.Jordan et al. (1996) also failed to find a relationbetween reconstructed SST changes and changesin the abundance of E. huxleyi in a 130 kyrrecord from the tropical Atlantic. Other workdemonstrates that the proportions of C37

ketones to C38 ketones do not vary down-coreover long time periods, consistent with the

evolutionary conservatism of alkenone synthesis(Muller et al., 1997; Rostek et al., 1997,Yamamoto et al., 2000).

Alkenone paleotemperatures appear to givereliable information on orbital-scale changes inSST over the past 500 ka. The 100 kyr cycle ofglaciation dominates all long alkenone SSTrecords (Eglinton et al., 1992; Emeis et al.,1995a; Schneider et al., 1995, 1996; Sonzogniet al., 1998; Villanueva et al., 1998; Herbert et al.,2001). There is no indication of significant lineartrends in SST over the late Pleistocene, whichmight warn of systematic diagenetic or evolution-ary artifacts. Rather, the results of alkenone workto date show remarkably consistent patterns ofSST change in relation to oxygen isotope evidencefor glacial–interglacial climate state. Alkenonedata suggest that a number of previous interglacialintervals have been warmer by up to 3 8C from thelate Holocene. In particular, alkenone estimatesfor temperatures at the peak of the previousinterglacial period (oxygen isotope stage 5e), fallconsistently above the late Holocene. This result isconsistent with the higher northern hemisphereinsolation at 125 ka as compared to the Holocene,and with some evidence for sea level higher thanthe modern during the last interglacial period. Thealkenone results contrast with the CLIMAPreconstruction for isotope stage 5e, which showedno systematic departures in SST from modern-dayvalues (CLIMAP, 1984). The alkenone estimatesof a warm stage MIS 5e are consistent, however,with the warm temperatures derived from sparseMg/Ca data from planktonic foraminifer (Leaet al., 2000; Nuernberg et al., 2000). Oneshould note, however, that the magnitude ofthe MIS 5e anomaly declines if it is referencedto the Holocene insolation maximum at 9 ka,because many alkenone records show 1–2 8Cwarming in the early Holocene compared to themodern day.

Alkenone data do show characteristic regionalpatterns of SST change over the 100 kyr glacialcycles of the late Pleistocene. Records from theNorth Atlantic tend to show the classical “saw-tooth” pattern of long decline in SST, followed bya rapid rise at glacial terminations (Villanuevaet al., 1998; Calvo et al., 2001). Similarasymmetrical cooling and warming also appearsin the higher-latitude South Atlantic (Kirst et al.,1999) and South China Sea (Pelejero et al.,1999a). In many places, however, the oceanreached its coldest temperatures well beforemaximum glaciation. Thus, records from theIndian Ocean consistently show that the coldesttemperatures in that region coincided with MIS 4(Rostek et al., 1993; Emeis et al., 1995a; Bardet al., 1997). Our own data from off the Californiamargin show that the early warming (relative todeglaciation) detected at the end of the last Ice

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Age recurred at each of the glacial terminationsfor the last five glacial cycles (Herbert et al.,2001). In some cases, the positive relationbetween colder U37


estimates and increasedconcentrations of C37 ketones in the sedimentimplicates enhanced upwelling as the cause ofcold Ice Age temperatures (Kirst et al., 1999).However, in many locations the pattern ofcoccolithophorid productivity is completelydecoupled from SST, or in inverse relation to theexpected increase with colder temperatures ifupwelling were the cause. In these cases, thetemperature changes must involve changes inocean heat transport that occur at a larger scalethan the regional changes in wind field.

The spectral content of alkenone record hasonly been assessed in a few records. In onenoteworthy example, Schneider et al. (1999)provide evidence that tropical Atlantic SST has astrong imprint from the precessional (,21 kyr)cycle of insolation. Precessional variability drivescontrasts in summer and winter heating, particu-larly at low latitudes. An expected result is thatprecession regulates the monsoonal cycle of thetropics. This result is consistent with the strengthof precession and the weakness of obliquity(41 kyr) components in the spectra of equatorialU37


records. Both Schneider et al. (1999) and ourown unpublished work off the California marginalso show that the 41 kyr component in SST islarger at higher latitudes in late Pleistocene timeseries than it is in low-latitude records.

One puzzle that remains is the persistentevidence from alkenones that the previous glacialperiod (MIS 6) was not nearly as cold as the mostrecent glacial maximum in many locations.Relatively warm estimates for MIS 6 typicallycome from tropical and subtropical regions(Rostek et al., 1993, 1997; Emeis et al., 1995a;Schneider et al., 1996; Villanueva et al., 1998).However, many other tropical locations provideSST estimates as cold as the most recent cycle forthe previous glacial period (Pelejero et al., 1999a;Wang et al., 1999; Sicre et al., 2000). At highlatitudes, the temperatures recorded by alkenonesfor MIS 6 are in line with those of the last glacialperiod (Schneider et al., 1996; Villanueva et al.,1998; Kirst et al., 1999; Calvo et al., 2001;Herbert et al., 2001 and unpublished). Further-more, the stage-6 warm anomaly does not repeatitself in previous glacial intervals where U37


analysis has been performed. There is thereforeno obvious reason to dismiss the alkenone result,other than that it does not square with oxygenisotope evidence for a glacial climate as extremeas the most recent episode. If it correctlyinterpreted, the alkenone data would show thatthe tropical ocean responded in different ways toglacial maxima over the course of time. SST before the Late Pleistocene

What is the long-term prospect for usingalkenones to deduce the large-scale thermalevolution of the oceans in the Cenozoic? Thereis certainly enormous potential. Unlike the d18Oproxy, the alkenone unsaturation index depends intheory only on temperature, and thus isolatestemperature changes from other influences such assalinity and global ice volume that mingle in thed18O record of both benthic and planktonicforaminifera. And unlike micropaleontologicallybased methods for SST reconstruction, which relyon knowledge of the present-day preferences ofextant species, the alkenone paleothermometermay range well back in time, provided that it hasbehaved in an evolutionarily conservative manner,and provided that diagenesis does not overprintthe original SST signal. Although one wouldclearly prefer that the modern calibration of theU37


index apply accurately throughout the span ofalkenone records, all is not lost if this assumptionis not correct. There should still be at a minimum arole for a proxy that can unambiguously recordspatial and temporal variability of SST in longpaleoceanographic time series.

It is one of the ironies of the paleoceanographicrecord that alkenones are frequently more abun-dant in sediments before the appearance ofE. huxleyi than they are in the period in whichthis coccolithophorid dominates the floral assem-blage. Three studies that relate the concentrationsof C37 ketones to the abundance of E. huxleyifound that the ratio of alkenones to total organiccarbon actually increased in sediments older thanthe E. huxleyi acme (Muller et al., 1997; Rosteket al., 1997; Sicre et al., 2000). Down-core profilesof alkenone concentration often increase with age,a pattern opposite to what would be expected oflong-term diagenetic control on their abundance(Muller et al., 1997). At the same time, time seriesof alkenone parameters such as the chain lengthratio (dC37:/dC37 ketones) show no change withtime over the past few glacial cycles (Muller et al.,1997; Rostek et al., 1997). Our laboratory hasproduced longer records that also lead us toconclude that alkenones are very refractory, onceincorporated into the sediment. Alkenone datafrom a 2.8 Myr record off the coast of SouthernCalifornia (Z. Liu et al., unpublished data) showhigher concentrations in the older part of therecord than in the late Pleistocene (Figure 3).Furthermore, there is no suggestion of a mono-tonic increase in SST going backward in time, asmight be expected if diagenesis biased theunsaturation index. Changes in the dominantwavelength of the SST oscillations match thespectral evolution of oxygen isotopes from 41 kyrdominance in the early Pleistocene to the laterrise of the 100 kyr cycle in the late Pleistocene

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(cf. Ruddiman et al., 1986). We also note theconservatism of the chain length ratio over this3 Myr interval.

Although reports of alkenones in sediments ofPliocene, Miocene, Oligocene, and even Eoceneage are common (see Lichtfouse et al., 1992;Brassell, 1993; van der Smissen and Rulkotter,1996; Rinna et al., 2002), the late Pliocene periodprovides the only example where data have beengenerated in enough continuity to see theevolution of SST as recorded by the U37


index.The alkenone method appears to resolve majorcooling in both the North and South Atlanticduring the onset of northern hemisphere glaciation(between ,3 Ma and ,2.5 Ma). My laboratorygenerated a low-resolution record (,50 kyrsampling) of alkenone temperatures from ,6 Mato ,2.3 Ma in the subtropical North Atlantic(Herbert and Schuffert, 1998). We found warmtemperatures before the period of time whensizable ice sheets grew in the northern hemi-sphere. Furthermore, variability was low (,1 8C).Larger-amplitude SST changes appeared at thetime that northern hemisphere ice volume beganto grow. The changes presumably record the onsetof large, orbitally driven variations in ice volume.An even more substantial change in the pattern ofSST over this critical paleoclimatic interval comesfrom the South Atlantic (Marlow et al., 2000).This study followed SST off the Benguela marginfrom 4.5 Ma to the present, again at 40–50 kyrresolution. According to the alkenone index, anearly 10 8C cooling occurred between ,3 Maand ,1.8 Ma. The authors ascribe the cooling to along-term increase in upwelling along the Ben-guela margin, but acknowledge that basin-widechanges in heat transport could also be involved.Put together, the two studies of late Pliocene SSTdemonstrate that the alkenone proxy will playa useful role in understanding the couplingbetween the growing amplitude of northernhemisphere glacial–interglacial variability andocean dynamics in the late Pliocene and earlyPleistocene. Comparison with other Proxies: d18O

It should be possible to test the fidelity ofalkenone SST reconstructions with an indepen-dent paleothermometer such as d18O. There are anumber of reasons why this comparison is notstraightforward, however. First, many planktonicforaminifera live below the mixed layer for part orall of their life cycle. Comparing their isotopictemperatures with the unsaturation index of thealkenone producers, which must live in the photiczone, may not yield consistent estimates of pasttemperature changes. Many foraminifera have sea-sonal cycles of production far more pronounced

than those of E. huxleyi and G. oceanica, so onemay expect offsets in paleotemperatures due toseasonal biases of either foraminiferal or alkenoneproduction. The ideal comparison of foraminiferalisotopic and coccolithophorid U37


estimatesshould therefore come from the tropics, wherethe seasonal amplitude in temperature is small andwhere some species of planktonic foraminiferaspend most of their life in the mixed layer. Theideal foraminiferal species for comparison shouldbe G. ruber, which contains algal photosymbiontsand consistently shows mixed-layer isotopictemperatures in recent sediments. G. ruberdominates many tropical assemblages. It becomesrare in waters colder than ,20 8C. The next bestchoice should be G. sacculifer, also a tropicalspecies. Isotopic depth ranking shows, however,that G. sacculifer may often live below the mixedlayer. In addition, G. sacculifer adds a calcitecrust during gametogenesis that apparently formsat greater depth. Its isotopic temperatures aretherefore likely to be somewhat cooler than themixed layer.

Planktonic d18O values inherently contain moreuncertainty as paleothermometers than do alke-none data. The analytical signal-to-noiseratio favors the U37


technique by four to fivetimes (e.g., a typical analytical uncertainty of0.1‰ in d18O corresponds to a temperatureuncertainty of 0.4–0.05 8C). Planktonic forami-niferal isotopic values also incorporate the effectsof changing global ice volume and regionalevaporation/precipitation on the isotopic compo-sition of the water in which the foraminifera grow.Indeed, one of the promises of SST proxies suchas the U37


index is to constrain temperatures sothat the other components of foraminiferal d18Ocan be studied.

The amplitudes of temperature change at theLGM inferred by both alkenones and planktonicd18O seem largely consistent. Broecker (1986)pointed out that the magnitude of tropical seasurface cooling at the LGM was strongly con-strained by the modest amount of isotopicenrichment in ice age foraminifera beyond thatrequired by the global ice volume effect. Estimat-ing the ice volume effect precisely has beendifficult. The canonical ice volume effect of1.2‰ comes from a sea-level/d18O calibration(Fairbanks and Matthews, 1978). More recentestimates based on pore-water deconvolution putthe ice volume effect at 0.9–1‰ (Schrag et al.,1996). As discussed previously, alkenone SSTestimates support tropical cooling of 1–2 8C inmost locations. This cooling is enough to favor therecent smaller estimates for the global ice volumeeffect, because it would correct the typical glacialisotopic enrichment of 1–1.5‰ by several-tenthsof a per mil (see Figure 12). Alternatively, onecould infer a relative freshening of many tropical

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locations from the comparison of temperature andisotopic change. Pelejero et al. provide a regionaldata set of G. ruber isotopic values with corre-sponding alkenone SST estimates in the SouthChina Sea (Pelejero et al., 1999a). Cores in thenorthern part of the Sea display amplitudes ind18O of 1.4–1.6‰ between the late Holocene andLGM. The corresponding alkenone temperatureanomalies are ,3.2–3.5 8C, equivalent to ,0.7‰in d18O by the temperature effect. The lowerlatitude sites from the South China Sea producesmaller glacial–interglacial differences in d18O(1.3–1.4‰) and in U37


temperatures (2.3–2.6 8C). Cores collected off Hawaii yield glacial/interglacial isotopic differences from G. ruber of1.1–1.3‰ and alkenone-based cooling of 2–3 8C(Lee et al., 2001). However, Muller et al.compared isotopic and alkenone data in a tropical(118 S) core from the South Atlantic and foundhigher isotopic amplitude (1.9‰) accompanied byan ,3.5 8C temperature change deduced from theU37


index. Such evidence certainly suggests thatregional changes in the d18O of seawater in thesurface ocean at the LGM will have to beconsidered in addition to the global ice volumeeffect.

Several studies have in fact attempted to deduceregional changes in salinity by pairing foraminif-eral d18O data with alkenone paleotemperatureestimates. In a seminal paper, Rostek et al. (1993)subtracted the isotopic temperature effect froman Indian Ocean d18O curve obtained fromG. ruber using the U37


index. Their reconstructionput salinity of the tropical Indian Ocean as1 – 2 psu more saline than today, and alsosuggested that the salinities were fresher thanmodern during the previous interglacial peak atMIS 5e. Regional reconstructions of both d18Oand U37


from the Mediterranean also appear to

resolve glacial– interglacial shifts in salinity(Emeis et al., 2000; Cacho et al., 2001, 2002).The isotopic shift immediately outside the Medi-terranean in the Gulf of Cadiz is modest (1.8‰),as is cooling (,3.5 8C). Glacial age isotopicanomalies grow progressively in the Mediterra-nean from 2.5‰ in the Alboran Sea to over 3‰ inthe eastern Mediterranean (Emeis et al., 2000;Cacho et al., 2001, 2002). Much of the greaterisotopic amplitude can be explained by intensesurface-ocean cooling in the interior Mediterra-nean (5–8 8C, depending on location), away fromthe Atlantic connection. However, the residualisotopic enrichment within the Mediterraneanindicates that this region was even more salinethan today during the last glacial period,especially in the eastern basin. Another regionallycoherent pattern of salinity change comes from theSouth China Sea (Wang et al., 1999). Surfacewaters in this region, in contrast to the Mediterra-nean, apparently freshened during the LGM incomparison to the present day.

One danger, of course, for alkenone deconvolu-tion of planktonic d18O records comes from thefact that the proxies originate from two differenttypes of organisms. Some of the differences inamplitude and timing of the two signals may resultfrom ecological changes, rather than changes inthe d18O of the water the foraminifera grew in.Such ambiguities are present in all multiproxypaleo-environmental work; resolving them is oneof the chief challenges of paleoceanography. Comparison with other Proxies:Microfossils

CLIMAP (1976, CLIMAP, 1981) produced itsreconstruction of temperatures at the LGM byusing the modern-day ecological preferences of

Figure 12 Alkenone data acquired with planktonic foraminiferal d18O can be used to remove the temperature effectfrom oxygen isotopic signals in order to assess global (ice volume) and regional (evaporation/precipitation balance)contributions to isotopic change. Data come from an equatorial Atlantic core studied by Schneider et al. (1996); theisotopic deconvolution was made by the present author. Note that the structure and amplitude of the temperature-corrected planktonic d18O record are consistent with current thinking on the global ice volume signal for the late

Pleistocene 100 kyr cycles.

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microfossil groups to estimate past SSTs. Sincethe CLIMAP effort, micropaleontologists havedeveloped new methods of reconstructing SST inaddition to the transfer-function method pioneeredby CLIMAP investigators. Rather different sets ofglacial–interglacial temperature anomalies canresult from applying different microfossil calibra-tions to the same data set (see Mix et al., 2001;Waelbroeck and Steinke, 2002). It is thereforesimplistic to compare alkenone methods to aparticular mode of micropaleontological recon-struction as a general test of either the geochem-ical or microfossil approach. Furthermore, thereare relatively few cores in which the microfossilrecord (generally from planktonic foraminifera)has been directly compared with the U37


measure-ments. Experience shows that spatially sparse datasets can often produce apparent conflicts at theLGM that come simply from extrapolating resultsfrom one proxy over too great a distance (Broccoliand Marciniak, 1996).

Temperature estimates produced by alkenoneand foraminiferal assemblage methods generallyagree quite well for the Holocene (but see Marchalet al. (2002) for some discrepancies in the NorthAtlantic and Mediterranean). Alkenone tempera-tures usually fall in between the warm and coldseason estimates of foraminifera (Chapman et al.,1996; Wang et al., 1999; Perez-Folgado et al.,2003). Since both methods are in some senseoptimized for late Holocene conditions, this isperhaps not surprising. Estimates of SST at theLGM more commonly diverge (Chapman et al.,1996; Huang et al., 1997; Perez-Folgado et al.,2003). It is not evident how to reconcile changesin the U37


index relative to seasonal SST estimatesderived from foraminiferal faunas. In one of thebest-studied examples, Chapman et al. (1996)found that U37


estimates for glacial temperaturesfollowed summer temperatures estimated fromplanktonic foraminifera at a subtropical northAtlantic site. Chapman et al. (1996) argued thatthe alkenone producers must have changed theirseason of production from late winter and spring(present-day) to summer during glacial and earlyHolocene times. This ecological switch, accordingto the authors, explains why the alkenonethermometer would underestimate glacial SSTcooling at the study location. Chapman et al.(1996) do note that the temperatures inferredfrom alkenones match the isotopic temperaturesderived from the planktonic foraminiferG. bulloides very well. Precisely the oppositetemporal dichotomy between U37


and foraminif-eral estimates was obtained from the SouthChina Sea, where glacial alkenone temperaturesare consistently colder than the cold seasonforaminiferal estimate (Huang et al., 1997).

As noted earlier, most alkenone estimates fromthe tropics support more cooling than inferred by

CLIMAP (see Bard et al., 1997; Sonzogni et al.,1998; Pelejero et al., 1999; Lee et al., 2001). It isnot clear if the differences are larger than overlapof the standard error of the techniques. In mostcases, the alkenone method has a clear advantagein signal-noise for resolving smaller temperaturechanges (see, e.g., Lee et al., 2001). Comparison with other Proxies: Mg/Ca

As with the U37k0

proxy, Mg/Ca measurements inforaminiferal calcite may yield paleotemperaturemeasurements without the ambiguities of d18O ormicropaleontological assemblage analyses. Incontrast to the alkenone proxy, preservationmarkedly affects the Mg/Ca ratio in foraminiferalshells, and hence the paleotemperature estimate(Brown and Elderfield, 1996; Lea et al., 1999,2000; Rosenthal et al., 2000). The alkenone tem-perature proxy may also have the advantage inseveral other aspects. Synthesis of alkenones istied to the photic zone, unlike that of foraminiferalcalcite. The signal-to-noise ratio of alkenonemeasurements is superior for the paleotemperaturerange 5–25 8C, where the exponential dependenceof Mg/Ca results in a relatively low temperaturesensitivity (Lea et al., 1999, 2000; Elderfield andGanssen, 2000). At higher temperatures, theMg/Ca proxy may become superior because ofthe same exponential sensitivity to temperature.Furthermore, the Mg/Ca proxy should not losesensitivity to temperature at the warm end ofocean temperatures, unlike the alkenone proxy.The Mg/Ca proxy should therefore be the tool ofchoice in determining past changes in SST inwarm pool regions of the ocean.

Two direct comparisons of U37k0

and Mg/Caestimates of glacial–interglacial SST changescome from the tropical Atlantic. Elderfield andGanssen (2000) compared the Mg/Ca and d18O of5 species of planktonic foraminifera at core siteBOFS31K, the same core analyzed by Chapmanet al. (1996) for foraminiferal SST estimates.Elderfield and Ganssen (2000) refer to Mg/Catemperatures as “calcification temperatures” toaccount for the observation that many planktonicforaminifera calcify significantly below the mixedlayer. Mg/Ca data produced two down-coreclusters of species: a cold group (G. inflata,N. pachyderma, and G. menardii) and a warmgroup with Mg/Ca temperatures consistently3–3.5 8C warmer (G. ruber and G. bulloides).Core-top temperatures estimated from the warmgroup fell ,2 8C colder than modern SST, whilethe alkenone estimate falls right at mean annualmodern SST (Elderfield and Ganssen, 2000).Temperature changes estimated from G. rubertrack alkenone temperatures very closely, whilemaintaining the ,2 8C offset toward colder tem-peratures. Mg/Ca measurements on G. bulloides

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show almost no cooling for most of the glacialperiod. Elderfield and Ganssen conclude that theforaminiferal Mg/Ca temperature estimates at theLGM follow the alkenone estimate (,2 8C) moreclosely than the foraminiferal transfer functionestimate (cooling of ,5 8C). Their work also hintsat the ecological uncertainties that enter intointerpreting temperature records from differentplanktonic organisms that may have had divergingdepth and seasonal habitats over the course ofglacial to interglacial climate change.

Nuernberg et al. (2000) compared the Mg/Caand alkenone approaches over three glacial–interglacial cycles at a cores at 18 S in the centralSouth Atlantic. The foraminifer used wasG. sacculifer. Core-top temperature estimatesdiffered by ,2 8C. Once again, the Mg/Caestimate fell consistently cooler than the alkenonerecord down-core. In most cases, the temperaturecurves were offset by 2–3 8C. Occasionally, as atthe last glacial termination, the two temperatureprofiles coincided. The authors noted strongqualitative similarities in the two paleotempera-ture data sets. Both gave similar cooling at theLGM (3.5 8C for the U37


index, 3.4 8C for Mg/Ca),a warmer-than-Holocene stage 5e, and a warmerprevious glacial cycle than the last glacial interval.Both geochemical proxies gave smaller SSTchanges at the LGM than planktonic foraminiferaltransfer function estimates, which gave 9 8Ccooling during the cold season and 5 8C coolingfor the warm season. They also agreed on thegreater warmth of MIS 5e, while the foraminiferaltransfer function did not. But the correlationcoefficients for the Mg/Ca and U37


proxies werenot strong: 0.49 over the 270 kyr record, and 0.78over the last 90 ka (Nuernberg et al., 2000).


This review paints an optimistic picture of theability of alkenone unsaturation indices recordedin sediments to capture past SST change on a widevariety of timescales. I believe this optimism isjustified on a number of grounds. First, theanalytical precision of the estimate is outstanding.One can anticipate that interlaboratory differenceswill diminish over time as a result of intercalibra-tion experiments (e.g., Rosell-Mele et al., 2001)and the maturation of analytical protocols. Theprecision of alkenone analyses is meaningful, inthe sense that core-top sediments from the sameregion yield very similar values for U37


, and verysimilar down-core estimates of cooling at timehorizons such as the LGM. Unlike the SST proxiesderived from foraminifera, the alkenone indexsurvives extensive degradation in the watercolumns and sediments. And, it seems unlikelythat the calibration of alkenone unsaturation to

growth temperature will change with additionaldata.

The relationship observed in sediments closelymimics the relation measured between unsatura-tion in photic zone particulates (Conte et al. inpress) and in situ temperature. We should note,however, that the calibration of sedimentary U37


to mean annual SST represents a statisticalrelationship and should not be interpreted in toosimplistic a manner. We have seen above that thisrelation holds for sediments because alkenonesynthesis generally occurs in the mixed layer, andbecause alkenone production by selected hapto-phyte algae is less seasonal than many otherplanktonic groups. Furthermore, temperaturesduring the season of maximal alkenone productiongenerally come close to mean annual SST. Theindex, therefore, is a quite robust proxy for meanannual temperature. It should be kept in mindthat regional variations in the factors that controlthe depth and seasonality of alkenone produc-tion can cause the index to deviate from meanannual SST.

As is the case for many other paleotemperatureproxies, uncertainties grow at the extreme ends ofthe temperature range sampled by the U37


index.These come in part from analytical problems, andin part from the lack of a theoretical basis forpreferring a linear or curvilinear calibration atvery cold and warm temperatures. The behavior ofalkenones as fine-grained particles may causemore significant problems for the proxy than doesthe calibration uncertainty. Recent evidence foradvection of alkenones by deep currents (Benthienand Muller, 2000; Ohkouchi et al., 2002), suggeststhat paleoceanographers ignore sedimentology attheir peril. In particular, the spectacular evidencefrom U37


for rapid SST changes in some driftsediments (Sachs and Lehman, 1999) may need tobe reinterpreted as a signal of pulses of input fromhigh latitudes. New tools such as 14C AMS datingof alkenones will lead us to a clearer picture ofwhich sedimentary environments are the mostfavorable for applying the U37


index as a measureof past SST. The comforting news is that the veryhigh correlation between sediment core-top U37


and mean annual SST indicates that advectioncannot be a pervasive problem.

Alkenone paleotemperature estimates havealready weighed in significantly on the contro-versy of tropical SST at the LGM. The “modifiedCLIMAP” view they support seems consistentwith tropical cooling of 2–3 8C estimated fromMg/Ca of planktonic foraminifera (Lea et al.,2000; Nuernberg et al., 2000; Stott et al., 2002;Visser et al., 2003). SST change over deepertimescales awaits more investigation by thealkenone method. All indications point to thediagenetic stability of alkenones over millions ofyears. The long evolutionary history and apparent

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conservatism of alkenone synthesis suggest thatthe proxy will play a useful role in solvingmajor paleoclimatic questions over most of theCenozoic.


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Treatise on GeochemistryISBN (set): 0-08-043751-6

Volume 6; (ISBN: 0-08-044341-9); pp. 391–432

Alkenone Paleotemperature Determinations432