Download - 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

Page 1: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,


Entries for figures appear in italics. Entries for tables appear in bold.

abandoned cubs 315abdominal effusions 75, 75–76 see also

ascitesabortion 395acrosomal

integrity 171–175membranes 164, 164–165reaction 169–171, 170, 485

adaptationsto captive environment

346–347, 514dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381digestive system 102–105,

378–380, 379highly specialised 378vocalisation 382–383, 383see also anatomy/physiology

Adventure World ( Japan) 202Aeromonas 366age, and reproductive traits 176ageing see geriatric animalsaggression, male

and cub rearing practices 334historical perspectives 458life history/behavioural traits 87,

94–96, 97and mating 159, 289–292, 290

see also belowplay fighting 338, 338, 348role of AI 490selection against 346–347

aggressive behaviour management98, 346–347, 348hyper-aggression/misdirection

of aggression in captivity346, 348

opportunities for familiarity346, 349

seasonal testosterone patterns346, 348

selection against aggression346–347

stepwise controlled exposure 347aggressive behaviour, other animals

344–346AI (artificial insemination) 469, 470,

471, 471–472for aggressive pairs 490anaesthesia 471at Chengdu Research Base

485–490cold storage of semen 479, 484combined AI/natural mating 474,

479, 484comparative data 471–472critically ill sperm donor 474,

474–479, 490future priorities 490–491and gene diversity 491historical perspectives 458, 461for inexperienced

animals 490insemination methodology 471for mate incompatibility 470and natural mating 263–266,

479, 484number of sperm required 491oestrus, indications 471results, reproductive successes

473–474, 474semen processing for assisted

breeding 470–471testing/improving efficiency 491timing of 484, 491 see also vaginal

cytologytranscervical 479, 479


© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 2: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

AI (artificial insemination) (cont.)ultrasound assessments, Berlin

Zoo 415, 428, 428–431, 429ultrasound assessments,

San Diego Zoo 431–437, 432,433, 434

for weak sexual behaviour 470,485, 490

at Wolong Center 474, 474–484see also genome resource banks;

sperm cryopreservationallergies 393–394

soybean meal 394altricial offspring 383, 471

immune systemunderdevelopment 384

prolonged/high dependency 315,342, 348

ambassadorial value, ex situpopulation 11

American Zoo and AquariumAssociation (AZA) 20

anaesthesia 60–61, 61, 66–68for AI 160, 471alternative approaches 375anaesthetic maintenance

techniques 360–361avoiding use 411–412, 469

see also restraint withno sedation

biomedical survey 40blindfolding 357cheetah biomedical survey 20–21documentation/record forms 361for electroejaculation 360emergence/recovery 361–362endoscopy, gastrointestinal

442–443endotracheal intubation 358,


management 360and hypertension 372

induction/intubation 357–359intravenous catheter 359isoflurane delivery system 358ketamine hydrochloride 357medical management 355–362, 356oxygen facemask 357, 358physiologic monitoring 357pre-procedural planning 355–356staffing/personnel 360–361supplementary anaesthesia

358, 358ultrasound assessments 411,

417–418vital sign monitoring 360

anatomy/physiology 378dietary/digestive adaptations

102–105, 378–380, 379elongated radial sesamoid bone

102, 102gastrointestinal tract 102–105highly specialised nature 378microbial symbionts 104skeletal 380–381skull/dental modifications

102urinogenital 381, 381–382, 382for vocalisation 382–383, 383

androgenprofiles, males 219, 219–221,

225–226RIA 206

Annual Technical Meeting for GiantPandas 25, 26

anorexia 401geriatric animals 368

anovulatory endocrine profile 211anthropogenic stress see stressanti-inflammatory medication

368–370appetite, reduced, in geriatric

animals 368artificial insemination see AIascarid infection (Baylisascaris

schroederi) 78–79, 364–365, 366,388, 388

ascites (fluid accumulation) 367, 394,416, 418–419, 438 see alsoabdominal effusions

assisted breeding 469, 470–471see also AI

atropine see anaesthesiaavoidance, stress 302–303

and enclosure size 299AZA (American Zoo and Aquarium

Association) 20

bacteriadiarrhoea see enteritis,


microbial symbionts 104pathogens 366see also infection

baiji river dolphin population, habitatviability assessment 25

bamboo 101, 102, 113–115digestion 108–113, 388logistics of supply 124–125,

281, 295nutritional constituents 115as primary food 129–130

542 Index

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 3: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

protein 123selective intake 105species consumed 115see also food; nutrition

Bashania fargesii 113 see alsobamboo

Baylisascaris schroederi 78–79, 364–365,366, 388, 388

behaviouraggressive see aggressive

behaviourrepetitive see stereotypies

behavioural conditioning see operantconditioning

behavioural deficitsbiomedical survey 40, 49and cub rearing practices 334

behavioural homeostasis 302behavioural management strategies,

Wolong Centerabnormal behaviours 276–277behavioural signs of oestrus 287conservation initiatives/

reintroduction 296cross-disciplinary studies 296data gathering 295–296empty time 282ethological needs model of

motivation 276future priorities 294–296improved captive breeding

success 275–276natural mating/cub rearing

aims 275olfactory management 286reproduction in the wild 274reproductive behaviour

studies 287scientific application, value of 294social traits relevant to

reproduction 285–286stereotypies 276–277, 277

and suboptimal enclosures276

targeting needs 274–275see also environmental

enrichment; matingintroductions; neonatalmanagement; operantconditioning

behavioural responses to stress304–305, 306–307assessment 302–303avoidance 302–303conserve-withdraw

response 302and enclosure size 299

fight-flightresponse 302

measuring 301–302monitoring 305–307, 307–309,

308, 307–311behavioural survey data 92–96, 92–96behavioural traits see life history/

behavioural traitsBeijing Zoo 25Berlin Zoo, ultrasound health

assessments 411, 411–417AI guided/post-breeding

monitoring 415, 428,428–431, 429

anaesthesia 411for ascites removal 416for catheterisation 415–416conscious assessment 411–412drawing of female urinogenital

tract 419, 424to determine ovarian

functioning 416for general health assessment

416–417pancreatitis 416, 417prostate gland, presence 425reproductive assessments,

females 419, 419–422reproductive assessments, males

424, 424–428transabdominal 411transcervical (for AI) 415transcutaneous/transrectal

414, 414biodiversity 539biological data see databiomaterials, minimal export 34, 247biomedical approach, need for 32biomedical survey, reproductive

success in captivity 245, 365, 462,499, 499–500anaesthesia 40behavioural deficiencies 40, 49biomaterials, minimal export 34communication/translation 38conclusions 52cross-cultural learning/working

34, 53–54, 521–522data/information 37, 52, 53disease monitoring 53factors limiting 38funding/donors 38–40, 40future priorities 52–54genetic management plan 53genetic over-representation 48, 48historical/behavioural data

collection 43–44

Index 543

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 4: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

biomedical survey, reproductivesuccess in captivity (cont.)implementation 33–35leadership 33management, population 37–38measuring stress in wild

pandas 53MOU (memorandum of

understanding) 34, 40, 54–58nutrition survey 43participating institutions/

investigators 38–39physical examination 41–43planning 32radio-collars ban 53reintroduction 53reporting/sharing results 34reproductive potential 44–45respect for hosts 34results 44–46rules/guidelines 34–35semen collection 41skills diversity 38, 52–54skin biopsy 41Stunted Development Syndrome

50, 50–51suboptimal nutrition 49–50team diversity 34testicular hypoplasy/atrophy

51–52timing 40tattooing 41, 42transponder chipping 40–41, 42unknown paternity 46, 47, 53

blindfolding 357blood pressure see hypertension/

epistaxisblood sampling

avoiding stress of 224–225without sedation 355

brain function, effects ofenvironmental enrichment294–295

breeding 3–4behaviour and management

working group, CBSG 30behavioural management

strategies 287, 287and behavioural traits see life

history/behavioural traitsdelayed 338–339, 348historical perspectives see

historical perspectives onbreeding

male breeding history,morphometric/testiculartraits 160–161, 171, 171–174

vs non-breeding males 176,176–179

programmes 456, 512–514recommendations see

demographic/genetic trendsanalysis

self-sustainability goal 59–60, 85,245–246, 456, 527

success in captivity see biomedicalsurvey; success (captivebreeding)

wild vs. captive males 176, 176,499, 499–500

see also aggression; endocrinology(reproductive hormones);pregnancy; reproductivebiology

cagerestraint 354squeeze 232

Canoidea socialization studies 334capacitation, sperm 169–171, 170, 485captive animals see ex situ populationcaptive management working group,

CBSG 378carbohydrates 121–122carcinoma, squamous cell 81cardiac disease 402, 402–403caregivers, human 317cat socialization, domestic 345–346catarrhal/mucus excretion 387–388catastrophe modelling 511catheterisation, semen collection

415–416CAZG (Chinese Association of

Zoological Gardens) 23–31, 39,524

CBSG see Conservation BreedingSpecialist Group

Cervus programme 250–251charisma, giant panda 299, 521cheetah biomedical survey 19–22

anaesthesia 20–21methodological challenges 20reproductive inefficiency 19–20

Cheetah Species Survival Plan(SSP) 20

Chengdu Base of Giant PandaBreeding 23, 39, 440Laboratory of Genetics and

Reproductive Studies 247sperm cryobiology 485, 485,

485–490chewing/mastication, feeding

enrichment strategies 281–282,282, 295

544 Index

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 5: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

China Conservation and ResearchCenter for the Giant Panda seeWolong Center

China Wildlife and ConservationAssociation 524

Chinese Association of ZoologicalGardens (CAZG) 23–31, 39, 524

Chinesegoal of independence,

conservation 536location, training courses 536

Chongqing Zoo 39chromic shifts 242clinical pathology 65–66, 68, 68–72

see also diseases/pathologycold storage, sperm see sperm

cryopreservationcolic 366colitis, catarrhal/ulcerative 387–388collaborating organisations

endocrinology 200paternity assessment 247see also partnerships

colonoscopy 451, 451–452colostrum 320–321, 330–331, 384colour-flow imaging 437Columbus Zoo 39communication/translation

biomedical survey 38open see databases/knowledge

collection; partnershipscomputer analysis (Cervus

programme) 250–251computerised record-keeping 96conditioning see operant conditioningconservation

‘conservation assessment andresearch techniques’ CBSGworkshop 528

future priorities 536–539goals 299habitat loss 4–5hedge/insurance role of ex situ

population 527–528in situ 455initiatives, and behavioural

management strategies 296multidisciplinary nature 523–524role of zoos 523training/information sharing

needs 528see also in situ population (status/

threats); partnershipsConservation Breeding Specialist

Group (CBSG) of IUCN 19, 39, 462baiji river dolphin population 25biomedical approach, need for 32

captive management workinggroup 378

consensus/conclusions 31–32demographics working group

28–29genome resource bank 30goals 28health/disease priorities 377masterplan for captive giant

pandas 25mortality, veterinary and

nutrition working group30–31, 378

reproduction, behaviour andmanagement workinggroup 30

role 23–31South China tiger captive

breeding managementplan 25

team members 25–26see also workshop proceedings

conserve-withdraw response 302cooperative strategies see partnershipscorticosteroids 217, 217–219, 224–225

RIA 206courses, training see training coursescreatine assessment/fluid balance

203–204cross-cultural learning/working,

biomedical survey 34, 53–54,521–522 see also partnerships

cross-disciplinary studies 296, 438see also partnerships

cross-fostering 343–344, 344, 347crowds, human see noise stresscryopreservation, sperm see sperm

cryopreservationcubs see neonatal management/

neonatescultural/international collaboration

see cross-cultural learning/working; see also partnerships

cytology, vaginal see vaginal cytologyCWCA (China Wildlife and

Conservation Association) 524

databases/knowledge collectionapplication to in situ

pandas 525biomedical information 84, 375,

406–407biomedical survey 37, 43–44,

52, 53capacity building

development 536improving overall 465–466

Index 545

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 6: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

databases/knowledge collection (cont.)information survey, historical

88, 88lack, wild pandas 6mutual information sharing 535reasons for knowledge increase

521, 521–522, 522–523, 539record-keeping 96, 349sharing/cooperation 85, 463,

528, 535species-specific 525–527see also partnerships; studbooks;

trainingDavis, D. D. 378decision tree, mating 287, 287, 294decondensation, sperm 169–171,

170, 485delayed breeding 338–339, 348demodecosis 77, 77, 365, 404demographic/genetic trends analysis

495–497adaptation to captive

environment, avoiding 514changing demographics in ex situ

population 497–502cooperative strategies 516–518demographic vs genetic priorities

514–516excluded groups 506fecundity 498, 498–499,

500, 500–502genetic diversity 505, 507, 514genetic fragmentation 507, 508genetic management

workshop 496genetic summary, population 506global captive breeding

programme requirement512–514

heterozygosity 513inbreeding in managed vs

unmanaged populations 508inbreeding/relatedness avoidance

507, 507–508, 514, 517life table projections 503–504management groups 517–518metapopulation management

512, 513methodology 497paternity determination 497,

505–506paternity uncertainties,

resolving 516pedigree analysis 505population genetics 505–508population increases 496,

498, 498

productivity/genetic managementstrategies 514, 516

sexual incompatibility 499software 497, 508Species Survival Plan (SSP) 496studbooks 495–496, 516survival 502–503, 503wild/captive reproductive success

499, 499–500wild-caught animal input

506–507wild panda sperm collection 513see also population modelling

demographics working group, CBSG28–29

dental adaptations 102, 102, 380–381dental disease 76–77, 373, 373–374

antibacterial therapy 374see also oral pathology

depression, emotional 401development, stunted see Stunted

Development Syndromediabetes insipidus 400–401diarrhoea, haemorrhagic/bacterial

390, 390–392diet see bamboo; food; nutritiondigestive system 386

adaptations 102–105, 378–380, 379allergies 393–394ascites 394colitis, catarrhal/ulcerative

387–388dietary factors 388digestive capabilities 108,

108–113disorders 366microbial symbionts 104mucus excretion 104, 387–388mixing 113pancreatitis 366rates of transit 112–113, 113,

118–124vomiting 393see also enteritis; oral cavity

pathology; parasites; viraldiseases

diseases/pathology 377–378abdominal effusions 75, 75–76ascites (fluid accumulation) 367cardiac 402, 402–403clinical pathology 65–66, 68,

68–72colic 366demodecosis 77, 404diabetes insipidus 400–401and emotional factors 401fits/seizures 401, 402

546 Index

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 7: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

future priorities 406–407infectious disease research 466monitoring, biomedical survey 53multi-systemic illness 392musculoskeletal system 404neurological system 401–402ocular system 404–406and reintroductions into wild

377–378respiratory system 403testicular hypoplasia 79, 79–81uterine/cervical infection 81, 81veterinary training priorities 378see also anatomy/physiology;

digestive system; geriatricanimals; medical issues/management; neonatalpathology; parasites; renalsystem; reproductivebiology; skin disease;Stunted DevelopmentSyndrome; viral disease

distemper virus vaccinations 364distribution see population

distributiondiversity, genetic see genetic diversityDNA extraction 248, 248–249DNA sequencing 248 see also

genotypingdolphin populations, habitat viability

assessment 25domestic carnivores, socialization 336domestic cat socialization 345–346duodenoscopy 449–451

early socialization see rearing;socialization

E. coli 390educational value, ex situ population

11–12electroejaculation 360, 415–416 see

also sperm/semenembryonic mortality/abortion 395emotional factors, and health 401empty time behavioural management

strategies 282enclosures

size 279–280and stress 299structural complexity/choice

options 280, 280–281, 295suboptimal 276visits by cubs 319–320see also environmental

enrichment; housingendangered species see in situ (wild)

population, status/threats

endocrine profilesandrogen, males 219, 219–221anovulatory breeding

season 211peri-oestrual 208–209, 209pregnancy 209–210, 211pubertal oestrus 211

endocrinology, reproductivehormonesanimals studied 200collaborating organisations 200delayed implantation 198endocrine profiles see abovegestation span 198monitoring and management

226–227oestrus, behavioural

changes 198pregnancy, behavioural

changes 198pseudopregnancy 198–199see also urine/faecal hormone

measurementsendomyocardial fibrosis 402,

402–403endoscopy, gastrointestinal 440–441

anaesthesia 442–443animals evaluated 441colonoscopy 451, 451–452correlations with specific

histories 453duodenoscopy 449–451enemas 442equipment 443–444fasting 441future priorities 452–453gastric ulcers 448, 448, 452gastroscopy 447–449,

448, 452laparoscopy 440methodology 441–444oesophagoscopy 444–446preparation 441, 441–442results/discussion 444–452veterinary staff training 453wider use of technique 453

endotracheal intubation 358,358–359

enemas 442enrichment, environmental see

environmental enrichmententeritis, haemorrhagic/bacterial

diarrhoea 390, 390–392dietary modifications 390E. coli 390and multi-systemic illness 392oral inoculation 390

Index 547

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 8: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

environmental enrichmentdiet supplementation/enrichment

strategies 281–282, 282, 295effects on health/brain function

294–295ensuring bamboo supply 281, 295implementation 466–469measuring 284–285, 294novel items 284observing natural situation 277tailored programmes 295temporal feeding pattern

alterations 283–284see also enclosures

enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) 207–208oestrogen conjugate EIA 207progestin EIA 207–208RIA vs EIA 204

escape response see avoidanceEscherischia coli 390ethograms, stress 307, 307ethological needs model of

motivation 276 see alsobehavioural managementstrategies

Euler equation 503–504ex situ (captive) population

changing demographics 497–502first cub 455, 457global breeding programme

requirement 512–514hedge/insurance role 527–528masterplan 25reproductive success see

reproductive success incaptivity

status/threats to 9–11as threat to in situ population

6–7value see below

ex situ population, value 11–14ambassadorial 11educational 11–12funding 12–13insurance 12research 13unknown 13–14Western 7–9

excretionmucus 104, 128, 130, 387–388neonates 325, 329–330, 330see also faeces; urinary/faecal

hormone measurementsexport/import

biomaterials, avoiding 34, 247policies 522

extinction risk 511–512

eye 404–406examinations without sedation

355and UV radiation 405

faeces 126, 126–128analysis 268, 270hormone analysis 204, 213, 213

see also urinary/faecalhormone measurements

mucus excretion 104, 128, 130,387–388

neonates 325, 329–330, 330Fargesia spathacea 113 see also bamboofasting, for endoscopy 441fat 123fecundity 498, 498–499, 500

age-specific 500, 500–502see also demographic/genetic

trends analysisfeeding/nutrition, neonates 128–129,

318, 320–327apparatus 323–324colostrum 320–321, 330–331,

331, 384formula milk 321, 321–323, 323

see also hand rearingmaternal milk 321position 316, 325–326regimes 325, 325–326transitions 326–327tube feeding compromised

infants 324–325weaning onto solids 326–327see also food (adults); nutrition


females 213, 213–217, 217ultrasound health assessments

419, 419–422, 422, 422–424urinogenital tract 419, 424see also maternal behaviour;

pregnancy; vaginal cytologyfertility onset, male 194fibre, dietary 121–122

and health 388lignin 111supplementation/feeding

enrichment strategies281–282, 282, 295

fight-flight response 302fighting, play 338, 338, 348 see also

aggressionfinancial issues see fundingfluid

accumulation see ascitesbalance, assessment 203–204

548 Index

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 9: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

foetal development 438food, adults

geophagia 115–117intake 105, 105–108lignin 111non-bamboo foods 115–117, 124,

125–126sources, wild pandas 6timing alterations 283–284see also bamboo; feeding

(neonates); nutritionformula milk 321,

321–323, 323founders 506–507fragmentation, genetic 507, 508freezing/frozen sperm see sperm


biomedical survey 38–40, 40loans, panda 537–538and panda charisma 522–523value of ex situ population 12–13

future priorities 14AI 490–491alternative anaesthetic

approaches 375behavioural competencies for

reintroduction 98behavioural management

strategies 294–296, 469capacity building programme

development 536colour-flow imaging 437computerised record-keeping 96conservation/reintroduction 296,

536–539continuing routine medical

examinations 84cooperation/partnerships 296,

407, 536–539cub rearing management 87–88,

97–98data gathering 84, 295–296, 375,

406–407demographic 516–518diet/nutrition 129–130diseases 85, 377, 406–407disease monitoring 53endoscopy, gastrointestinal

452–453enhanced reproductive

representation 462–465enrichment, implementation 295,

466–469establishing successful breeding

traits 98

foetal development studies 438genetic management

planning 53genome banks 194, 270,

492–493improve overall health

knowledge 465–466infectious disease

research 466increase cub survival 465information/technology sharing/

transfer 85life history/behavioural traits

96–99loans, North American zoos

536–537male seasonality studies 194measuring stress in wild

pandas 53medical management 374–375microsatellite analysis, faecal/hair

samples 268, 270miniaturisation, instruments 437neonatal management 331–332onset of male fertility

studies 194operant conditioning 368, 375optimising use of frozen-thawed

sperm 193–194ovulation-determination,

ultrasound 438paternity assessment 268–271pregnancy diagnosis 438rearing practices 347–349record-keeping 349reintroduction 53reproductive biology 52–54,

193–194species-specific instruments 437speed up research progress

469–470Stunted Development Syndrome

83, 438testicular hypoplasia/atrophy

studies 194ultrasound use 437–438urinary/faecal hormone

measurements 221–226vaginal cytology 241–242

gastric ulcers 448, 448, 452gastrointestinal distress 387–388

see also digestive systemgastrointestinal endoscopy see

endoscopyGeneral Adaptation Syndrome 301

Index 549

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 10: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

genetic diversity 505, 507, 514and AI 491Laboratory of Genomic Diversity,

USA 248maintenance goal 246see also heterozygosity;


fragmentation 507, 508management 53, 492–493, 496over-representation 48, 48 see also

genetic diversity;heterozygosity; inbreeding/relatedness

population see populationgenetics

see also demographic/genetictrends

genome resource banks (GRBs)183–184, 270, 469, 485Action Plans 492CBSG 30developing 194, 270global management plans 493strategies/facilities for genetic

management 492–493wild male sperm banking 493see also semen cryopreservation

genotyping facility, development of247–248, 248training seminar 248

geophagia 115–117geriatric animals 353–354, 367–368

anorexia/reduced appetite 368dental disease 373, 373–374operant conditioning 368quality of life 368, 370, 374, 375see also hypertension/epistaxis;

osteoarthritis; renalinsufficiency

gestation span 198giant panda

Annual Technical Meeting forGiant Pandas 25, 26

biological data/tools collection,species-specific 525, 525–527

captive see ex situ populationcharacteristicscharisma/uniqueness fascination

1–3, 299, 521current distribution 463, 463emblem of fragile biodiversity 539as endangered species see in situ

(wild) population, status/threats

as flagship for cooperation 539Genome Resource Bank (GRB) 183

iconic status 1in situ see wild populationjuveniles/cubs see neonatal

managementpopulation see populationrange map, wild populationssurvival, demographic trends

502–503, 503wild see in situ population

GRBs see genome resource banks

habitat loss, wild pandas 4–5hair samples analysis 268, 270hand rearing 292,

315–316abandonment 315caregivers 317housing/environmental

requirements 317, 317illness/injury 316incubators 316, 318–319malpositioning 316maternal milk supply,

inadequate 316multiple births/twins 316nursery admittance 316skin coloration 316transition housing 319visits to adult enclosures 319–320vocalisation/activity levels 316see also feeding (neonates);

neonatal management;rearing; socialization

healtheffects of environmental

enrichment 294–295and emotional factors 401improve knowledge 465–466priorities 377see also diseases/pathology

heterozygosity 513table 251see also genetic diversity;

inbreeding/relatednesshistorical information survey 88, 88historical perspectives on breeding

160, 455–456AI 458, 461behaviour management/operant

conditioning 469biomedical survey 43–44conservation in situ 455current distribution 463, 463enhanced reproductive

representation 462–465enrichment, implementation


550 Index

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

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first ex situ cub 455, 457future priorities 462improve overall health knowledge

465–466infectious disease research 466male aggression 458mentoring 463neonatal mortality 1963–2002

457, 460–461oestrus failure 458refusal to mate 458

1963–1989 456–4581990 to present 460–462


population 1936–2003 458resource/knowledge sharing/

cooperation 463speed up progress 469–470self-sustainability goal, ex situ

breeding programmes 456homeostasis, behavioural 302hormones see corticosteroids;

endocrinology; urinary/faecalhormone measurements

hookworms 389housing/environmental requirements,

hand reared cubs 317, 317transition housing 319see also enclosures

hunting, wild pandas 6hyper-aggression/misdirection of

aggression in captivity 346, 348see also aggression

hypertension/epistaxis 372–373and ketamine anaesthesia 372taking readings 354, 372, 372

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalactivity (HPA) measures 301–302

illness see diseases/pathologyimmune system underdevelopment,

cubs 384immunisation see vaccinationimmunoassays 204

RIA vs EIA 204see also enzyme immunoassays

(EIAs); radioimmunoassays(RIAs)

import see export/importin situ (wild) population

biological data 525biomedical survey 53vs captive males, reproductive

success 176, 176, 245, 499,499–500

conservation 455endangered see belowinput to gene pool 506–507maternal behaviour 293, 339–340sexual behaviour 274sperm banking 493, 513see also reintroduction to wild

in situ (wild) population, status/threatsto 4–7from ex situ (captive) population

6–7food sources 6habitat loss 4–5hunting 6information lack 6

inbreeding/relatednessavoidance 507–508, 514, 517genetic estimation 251, 268managed vs unmanaged

populations 508see also genetic diversity;

heterozygosityincubators 316, 318–319inexperienced animals

AI for 490delayed breeding 338–339, 348maternal skills 343, 347,

348–349see also mentoring

infectionbacterial pathogens 366neonates 384, 384–386parasitic see parasitesreproductive tract 395uterine/cervical 81, 81see also diseases/pathology

infertile animals, evaluating 241information see databases/knowledge

collectioninoculation see vaccinationinsemination methodology see AIinsurance value, ex situ

population 12interdisciplinary studies, behavioural

management strategies 296see also partnerships

international learning/working,biomedical survey 34,521–522see also partnerships

intubation see anaesthesiaisoflurane see anaesthesiaIUCN (World Conservation Union

Species Survival Commission)see Conservation BreedingSpecialist Group

Index 551

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 12: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

Japan (Adventure World) 202jaw/dental modifications 102, 102,


ketamine see anaesthesiakidneys see renal system; urinogenital

tractkinship 510, 515

minimisation strategy 514–516knowledge see databases/knowledge


labelling, avoiding 348Laboratory of Genomic Diversity,

USA 248laparoscopy 63, 440leadership, biomedical survey 33learning see inexperienced animals;

see also mentoringlibido, lack see sexual behaviourlife history/behavioural traits, and

breeding successaggression 87, 94–96, 97, 98behavioural characteristics

87–88behavioural survey data 92–96,

92–96computerised record-keeping 96cub rearing management 87–88,

97–98distribution by location, gender

and origin 92establishing behavioural

competencies forreintroduction 98

establishing successful breedingtraits 98

future priorities 96–99gender and origin of animals

surveyed 94historical data results 91–92, 93historical information survey

88, 88keeper survey of behavioural

traits 88–91, 89–90short oestrus period 87

life table projections 503–504lignin 111loans, North American zoos 536–537

funding 537–538lordotic posture, failure 339

male/saggression see aggressionbreeding history, morphometric/

testicular traits 160–161, 171,171–174

breeding vs non-breeding 176,176–179

fertility onset 194prostate gland, presence 425seasonality studies 194, 346, 348ultrasound health assessments

424, 424–428, 428management

in China 22–23, 25, 26CBSG working group 378genetic 53, 246, 492–493, 496genetics workshop 496groups, demographic/genetic

trends analysis 517–518nutritional 124–126olfactory 286population 37–38see also aggressive behaviour

management; medical issues/management; neonatalmanagement

mange, demodectic 77, 77, 365, 404mastication, feeding enrichment

strategies 281–282, 282, 295maternal behaviour, and cub rearing

practices 334, 342–343critical timeframe determination

343, 348cross-fostering 343–344, 344, 347later learning of maternal skills

343, 347, 348–349over four month cub-dam

separation 342, 347premature (under four month)

cub-dam separation342–343, 349

prolonged dependency 342, 348maternal behaviour, other animals

340–341maternal behaviour, wild pandas 293mating

aggression see aggression;aggressive behaviourmanagement

assessing AI vs natural 263–266behavioural management

strategies 275decision tree 287, 287, 294incompatibility 470, 499introduction of animals for

287–292lordotic posture failure 339mounting positions 290multi-male mating strategies in

captivity 340, 348–349natural/ AI combined 263–266,

474, 479, 484

552 Index

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 13: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

problems and cub rearingpractices see sexual behaviour

refusal see sexual behaviour, lackof libido

separation 292timing, monitoring see vaginal

cytologysee also breeding; reproductive

biology; sexual behaviourmean kinship see kinshipmeasurements, body see

morphometricsmedical issues/management, captive

populationsanimals surveyed 60breeding trauma 367common medical problems of

adults 365–367continuing routine

examinations 84cooperative programmes 353data collection 84, 331, 375disease identification/

management 85future priorities 82–83, 374–375identification, permanent 63–64information/technology sharing/

transfer 85interdisciplinary approach 59laparoscopy 63, 440morphometric methods/results

64–65, 68, 68operant conditioning 368, 375procedural techniques 61–63self-sustainability goal 59–60, 85semen collection 66ultrasound 62–63see also anaesthesia; disease/

pathology; geriatric animals;neonatal management;preventive medicine;restraint with no sedation;stunted developmentsyndrome

medicationanti-helmintics 365NSAID 368–370

Mellen, Jill 25memorandum of understanding

(MOU) 34, 40, 54–58mentoring 463, 490

female maternal skills 343, 347,348–349

multi-male mating strategies 340,348–349

see also inexperienced animalsMexico, Zoologico de Chapultepec 202

microchip transponders 63–64microbial symbionts 104microsatellite analysis, faecal/hair

samples 268, 270milk

collection without sedation 354formula 321, 321–323, 323inadequate 316maternal 321

Miller, Philip 25missionary approach, avoiding 34,

521–522morphometrics 64–65, 68, 68

and diet/nutrition 126male breeding/testicular traits

160–161, 171, 171–174neonates 327, 327–328, 328

mortality, veterinary and nutritionworking group, CBSG 30–31, 378see also neonatal mortality

motivation, ethological needs model276 see also behaviouralmanagement strategies

MOU (memorandum ofunderstanding), biomedicalsurvey 34, 40, 54–58

mounting positions 290lordotic posture 339

mucus excretion, digestive 104, 128,130, 387–388

multi-disciplinarynature of conservation work

523–524skills diversity, biomedical survey

38, 52–54musculoskeletal system 404

National Conservation ManagementPlan for China 377

natural/combined mating 263–266, 474,

479, 484conditions, approximating to 277

see also enclosure design;environmental enrichment

nature reserves 455neonatal management/neonates

292–294birth weights 327body weight/growth monitoring

327, 327–328, 328database 331excreta 325, 329–330, 330future priorities 331–332immunoglobulin transfer

320–321, 330–331medical issues 330–331

Index 553

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 14: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

neonatal management/neonates (cont.)natural/dam rearing 292–293peer exposure 293, 348placentation,

endotheliochorial 330and reintroduction to wild 293temperature monitoring

328–329twin swapping 316, 330twins 293–294weaning 293wild panda maternal

behaviour 293see also altricial offspring;

feeding/nutrition; handrearing; rearing;socialization

neonatal mortalityembryonic mortality/abortion 395

1963–2002 457reducing 460–461, 465

neonatal pathology 383–386bacterial infection 330, 384,

384–386and hand rearing 316immune system

underdevelopment 384post-weaning stress 294twinning 383

neurological system 401–402fits/seizures 401, 402

noise stress, anthropogenic303–305analysis of impact, methodology

303–304charisma/crowd attraction 299ethograms 307, 307findings 311hypotheses tested 311independent variables/stressors

305–306monitoring 305–307, 307–309,

307–311reactive responses 304–305,

306–307and reproductive failure 303

nonhuman primate socializationstudies 334, 335–336, 340–341,344–345

North AmericaCheetah Species Survival Plan

(SSP) 20panda loans see loanssee also USA

NSAID medication 368–370nutrition/diet 101–102

allergies 394

anatomical adaptations seeanatomical adaptations toherbivory

biomedical survey 43body mass 126carbohydrates 121–122enrichment strategies 281–282,

282, 295and enteritis 390evaluation/assessment 126–128faeces 126, 126–128fat 123fibre 121–122future priorities 129–130and habitat restriction by

humans 123and ill-health 388life stage considerations 128–129management/dietary husbandry

124–126nutrient guidelines 118–124protein 122–123requirements/availability

117–118, 118suboptimal, biomedical survey

49–50vitamins/minerals 124water 118–121see also bamboo; food

ocular system see eyeoesophagoscopy 444–446oestrogen 221–223

conjugate EIA 207conjugate RIA 205

oestrusbehavioural changes 198, 287early socialization, influence on

behaviour 336failure 458indications, for AI 471monitoring for timed matings

239–241 see also vaginalcytology

pubertal endocrineprofile 211

short oestrus period 87ultrasound assessments 416, 438

olfactory management 286open communication see database

knowledge collection;partnerships

operant conditioning 368, 375, 469for vaginal swabs 232, 233, 233,

241, 354see also restraint with no


554 Index

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 15: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

opposable thumb (elongated radialsesamoid bone) 102, 102

oral cavity pathology 386–387, 386 seealso dental disease

oral inoculation, enteritis 390osteoarthritis 368–370

anti-inflammatory medication368–370

radiographic indicators 368, 368vertebral spondylosis 368

ovarian functioning see oestrus

pacing see stereotypiespancreatitis, ultrasound assessments

416, 417parasites 364–365, 388–390

anti-helmintics 365ascarids (Baylisascaris schroederi)

78–79, 364–365, 366, 388, 388demodectic mange 365hookworms 389protozoan 389roundworm 389

parentage see paternity, assessment ofunknown

partnerships, human 18–19, 21–22,461–462, 520–521biomedical information 407biomedical survey 34, 38CBSG/Chinese federal agencies

level 524cross-cultural learning/working,

biomedical survey 34, 53–54,521–522

cross-disciplinary studies 296, 438CWCA/CAZG/western zoos level

524demographic/genetic trends

analysis 516–518endocrinology 200ex situ/in situ benefits 520, 538fostering 523–525, 538–539individual/personal interactional

level 524–525information sharing/cooperation

85, 463, 528, 535international relationships

521–522multi-disciplinary nature of

conservation work 523–524multi-disciplinary skills diversity,

biomedical survey 38, 52–54mutual information sharing 535panda as flagship for cooperation

539paternity assessment 247team diversity 34

see also databases/knowledgecollection; trainingopportunities/courses

parvovirus vaccinations 364paternity, assessment of unknown

246–247, 258, 497, 505–506, 516addressing 258–263assessing AI vs natural mating

263–266avoiding export of biomaterials

247biomedical survey 46, 47, 53collaborative effort 247computer analysis (Cervus

programme) 250–251DNA extraction 248, 248–249DNA sequencer 248future priorities 268–271genetic diversity maintenance

goal 246genetic management need 246genetic relatedness estimation

251, 268genome banks 270genotyping facility, development

of 247–248, 248heterozygosity table 251low reproductive success in

captivity 245microsatellite analysis, faecal/hair

samples 268, 270paternity assessment example

251, 251–258, 252pedigree construction 251, 263polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

amplification 249–250self-sustainability goal 245–246training seminar 248twins/genetic over-representation

266, 266validation with blinded

samples 258pathology see diseases/pathology;

neonatal pathologyPCR (polymerase chain reaction)

amplification 249–250pedigree

analysis 505construction 251, 263

peer exposureneonatal management 293, 348play fighting 338, 338, 348

peri-oestrual endocrine profile208–209, 209

Phillips, Lyndsay 25Phyllostachys nigra 115 see also bamboophysiology see anatomy/physiology

Index 555

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 16: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

placentation, endotheliochorial 330play fighting 338, 338, 348poaching, wild pandas 6polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

amplification 249–250population

current distribution 463, 463ex situ (captive) see ex situ

populationincreases 496, 498, 498management, biomedical survey

37–381936–2003 458wild see in situ population

population genetics 505–508excluded groups 506genetic diversity 505, 507, 514genetic fragmentation 507, 508genetic summary, population 506inbreeding/relatedness avoidance

507–508, 514paternity determination 497,

505–506pedigree analysis 505summary 506wild-caught animal input

506–507see also demographic/genetic

trendspopulation modelling 508, 511

catastrophe modelling 511extinction risk 511–512input parameters 508, 510mean kinship 510, 514–516, 515scenarios modelled 508–510starting conditions 511see also demographic/genetic

trendspractice see inexperienced animals;

see also mentoringpregnanediol-3-glucuronide (PdG) RIA


behavioural changes 198delayed implantation 198diagnosis 438endocrine profile 209–210, 211foetal development 438ultrasound assessments 422,

422–424, 428, 428preventive medicine 362

quarantine procedures 363routine examinations 362–363see also parasites; vaccinations

progestins 223–224EIA 207–208

progesterone excretion over successiveyears 211, 211–212

prostate gland, ultrasoundassessments 425

protein 122–123protozoan parasites 389psychological well-being 401pseudopregnancy 198–199pubertal oestrus endocrine profile 211pyelonephritis/anaemia in adult

398, 398

quality of life 368, 370, 374, 375

rabies vaccinations 364radial sesamoid bone 102, 102radiography without sedation 355radioimmunoassays (RIAs) 205–206

androgen 206corticosteroid 206oestrogen conjugate 205pregnanediol-3-glucuronide (PdG)

205–206RIA vs EIA 204

radiotelemetry collars 312ban 53

rearing 87–88, 97–98future priorities 347–349by humans see hand rearinginfluence on behaviour see

socialization, earlypeer group and subsequent

development 348record-keeping 349research methodology 335and subsequent maternal

behaviour see maternalbehaviour

and subsequent sexual behavioursee sexual behaviour

see also aggressive behaviourmanagement; neonatalmanagement

record-keeping 349computerised record-keeping 96

reintroduction to wildbehavioural management

strategies 296biomedical survey 53establishing behavioural

competencies for 98neonatal management 293

relatedness see inbreeding/relatednessrenal system, disease/pathology

396–400insufficiency 370–372

556 Index

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 17: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

kidney failure in geriatric panda399–400

kidney failure in young panda396–398

pyelonephritis/anaemia in adult398, 398

see also urinogenital tractrepetitive behaviour see stereotypiesreproductive biology

acrosomal membranes 164,164–165

age and reproductive traits 176anaesthesia 160animals evaluated 160breeding vs. non-breeding males

176, 176–179disease/pathology 394–396embryonic mortality/abortion 395future priorities 193–194goals 159–160, 193 see also

self-sustainabilityGRBs 183, 194historical data 160 see also

historical perspectives onbreeding

infections of reproductivetract 395

male aggression see aggressionmale breeding history,

morphometric/testiculartraits 160–161, 171, 171–174

male seasonality studies 194onset of male fertility studies 194optimising use of frozen-thawed

sperm 193–194and stress 303testicular anomalies 396, 396testicular hypoplasia/atrophy

studies 179, 179–181, 194ultrasound assessments 419–422,

422–424, 424–428uterine lesions 396, 396see also breeding; mating;

sperm/semenreproductive potential, biomedical

survey 44–45reproductive success in captivity

and AI 473–474, 474behavioural management

strategies 275–276captive vs wild males 176, 176,

245, 499, 499–500see also biomedical survey

research resource, ex situ (captive)population 13, 37

resources, information see databases/knowledge collection

respiratory system 403restraint with no sedation 354–355

blood pressure monitoring 354blood sampling 355milk collection 354ocular examinations 355radiography 355restraint cage 232, 354ultrasound examinations 354,

354, 411–412vaginal swabs 232, 233, 233,

241, 354see also operant conditioning

roundworm 389

Saint Louis Zoo 39San Diego Zoo 39, 200 see also belowSan Diego Zoo, ultrasound health

assessments 417–419, 418, 419AI, guided/post-breeding

monitoring 431–437, 432,433, 434

anaesthesia 417–418ascites 418–419reproductive assessments,

females 422, 422–424reproductive assessments, males

428, 428Seal, Dr Ulysses S. 23, 23–25seasonality

female see oestrusmale 194, 346, 348

sedation, without restraint seerestraint with no sedation; see alsoanaesthesia

selection, against aggression 346–347see also adaptations

self-sustainability goal, ex situbreeding programmes 59–60, 85,245–246, 456, 527

semen see sperm/semensexual behaviour, and cub rearing

practices 334, 336–340delayed breeding 338–339, 348female oestrus behaviour 336sex differences 337–338wild panda observations

339–340see also aggression; aggressive

behaviour management;mating

sexual behaviour, lack of libido 334,458and AI 470, 485, 490see also aggression; aggressive

behaviour management;mating

Index 557

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 18: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

sexual behaviour, other animals335–336

sharing knowledge see databases/knowledge collection;partnerships

siblings see peer exposureSIMPOP 508Sinarundinaria ssp. 115 see also bambooskeletal adaptations 102, 102, 380–381skills diversity biomedical survey 38,


biopsy biomedical survey 41coloration, neonates 316

skin disease 403–404demodecosis 77, 77, 365, 404squamous cell carcinoma 81, 404,

474, 474–479and stereotypic behaviours 403

skull/dental modifications 102, 102,380–381

Smithsonian’s National ZoologicalPark 39, 201, 523

social environment 401social traits relevant to reproduction

285–286socialization, early

contemporary practices/earlycub-dam separation 335, 349

influence on later behaviouraltraits 334

and subsequent maternalbehaviour see maternalbehaviour

and subsequent sexual behavioursee sexual behaviour

wild panda observations 339–340socialization, other animals

Canoidea studies 334domestic carnivores 336domestic cat 345–346nonhuman primate studies 334,

335–336, 340–341, 344–345solitary carnivores 341and subsequent aggressive

behaviour 344–346and subsequent maternal

behaviour 340–341and subsequent sexual behaviour

335–336wild carnivores 336worth/value of studying 348

softwareCervus programme 250–251demographic trends 497, 508SIMPOP 508VORTEX 508

solitary carnivores, socialization 341South China tiger captive breeding

management plan, CBSG 25soybean meal allergies 394Species Survival Plan (SSP) 496sperm/semen

banks see genome resource bankscapacitation/acrosome reaction/

decondensation 169–171,170, 485

collection 41, 66, 161, 161–162,499–500 see alsoelectroejaculation

critically ill donor 474,474–479, 490

morphology 163, 163–164,171–175

motility 169number required, for AI 491ovum interaction/zona

penetration 169–171, 170, 192,192–193, 485

processing for assisted breeding470–471

quality/acrosomal integrity171–175

ultrasound assessments 415–416wild panda sperm collection 513see also AI

sperm cryopreservation 166–169,183–184, 469, 491cryobiology 485, 485, 485–490cryodilutants 165, 182, 182efficiency at Chengdu Research

Base 485, 485,485–490efficiency at Wolong Center 474,

474–484freezing method, impact 184–185,

185, 185, 185–187, 187freezing rate impact 185–187,

187, 187fresh/cold use 181–183functionality 191glycerol temperature/duration of

exposure 187–189, 189optimising use of frozen-thawed

sperm 193–194storage 479, 484testing/improving efficiency,

fresh/thawed 491see also AI

squamous cell carcinoma 81, 404, 474,474–479

squeeze cages 232stereotypies 276–277, 277

and stress 302–303, 311vomitting 393

558 Index

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 19: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

stressanthropogenic activities 312anthropogenic noise see noiseavoiding stress of blood testing

224–225behavioural assessment 302–303behavioural homeostasis 302conservation goal, keeping

animals in captivity 299conserve-withdraw response 302definition of stress 300deleterious consequences 299discussion/future priorities

311–312and enclosure size 299fight-flight response 302General Adaptation

Syndrome 301hormones see corticosteroidshypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal

activity (HPA) measures301–302

individual assessment approach300

measuring reactive response301–302

post-weaning 294radiotelemetry collar 53, 312stereotypic behaviour

302–303, 311in wild pandas, biomedical

survey 53studbooks 349, 495–496, 516 see also

databases/knowledge collectionStunted Development Syndrome 68,

70, 70–75biomedical survey 50, 50–51causality 83, 438diet 75disease/infection 75

success, captive breeding seereproductive success

Switzerland see Conservation BreedingSpecialist Group (CBSG) of IUCN

symbionts, microbial 104

tattooing 63–64biomedical survey 41, 42

teamdiversity 34members, CBSG 25–26see also partnerships

TEST cryodilutant 165testicular

anomalies 396, 396hypoplasia/atrophy studies 51–52,

79, 79–81, 179, 179–181, 194

morphometric traits 171, 171,171–174

testosterone patterns, seasonal 346,348

threats (wild pandas) see in situpopulation (status/threats)

thumb, opposable (elongated radialsesamoid bone) 102, 102

tiger captive breeding managementplan, CBSG 25

traffic stress 312training opportunities/courses 528,

528, 528–535Chinese independence goal 536Chinese location 536mutual information sharing 535needs 528seminar, genotyping facility 248tailored courses 535training trainers 536veterinary 378, 453

transabdominal ultrasoundassessments 411

transcervical AI 415, 479, 479transcutaneous/transrectal

ultrasound assessments 414, 414for ascites removal 416for catheterisation prior to

semen collection byelectroejaculation 415–416

to determine ovarianfunctioning 416

for general health assessment416–417

pancreatitis 416, 417transponder chipping biomedical

survey 40–41, 42trichrome staining 233–236tube feeding compromised infants


genetic over-representation266, 266

hand rearing 316neonatal management 293–294neonatal pathology 383swapping 316, 330

ulcerative colitis 387–388ulcers, gastric 448, 448, 452ultrasonography 62–63, 410–411

AI, Berlin Zoo 415, 428,428–431, 429

AI, San Diego Zoo 431–437, 432,433, 434

anaesthesia 411, 417–418ascites 416, 418–419, 438

Index 559

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 20: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

ultrasonography (cont.)catheterisation 415–416colour-flow imaging 437conscious assessment 354, 354,

411–412cross-disciplinary studies 438drawing of female urinogenital

tract 419, 424foetal development 438future priorities/applications

437–438for general health assessment


application 438miniaturisation 437ovarian functioning 416, 438pancreatitis 416, 417pregnancy diagnosis 438prostate gland, presence 425reproductive assessments,

females 419, 419–422, 422,422–424

reproductive assessments, males424, 424–428, 428

species-specific instruments 437Stunted Development

Syndrome 438three-dimensional 437transabdominal 411transcervical (for AI) 415transcutaneous/transrectal

414, 414see also Berlin Zoo; San

Diego Zooultra violet (UV) radiation 405University of California at Davis 39urine/faecal hormone measurements

199–200, 202–203androgen profiles, males 206, 219,

219–221, 225–226corticosteroids 206, 217, 217–219,

224–225creatine assessment/fluid balance

203–204data analysis 208discussion/future priorities 221enzyme immunoassays 207–208faecal extraction methods 204faecal hormone analysis

213, 213gonadotrophin-treated/untreated

females 213, 213–217, 217immunoassays 204oestrogens 205, 207, 221–223,

236–238, 236–237

pregnanediol-3-glucuronide (PdG)RIA 205–206

progesterone excretion oversuccessive years 211,211–212

progestins 207–208, 223–224radioimmunoassays (RIAs)

205–206RIA vs EIA 204

urinogenitaladaptations 381–382, 16, 16, 382tract, ultrasound assessments

419, 424USA

Fish & Wildlife Service, importpolicy 522

Laboratory of Genomic Diversity248

see also North Americauterine/cervical

infection 81, 81lesions 396, 396

UV radiation 405

vaccinations 363–364distemper virus 364enteritis 390parvovirus 364rabies 364

vaginal cytology, oestrus cyclemonitoring for timed matings231–232animals used/study group 232case studies/representative

profiles 238–239, 238daily collection of swabs 242evaluating infertile animals 241evaluating underlying

mechanism 241false/second chromic shifts 242future priorities 241–242methodology 233–236morphology/staining traits

236, 236oestrus cycle monitoring

239–241training females to allow

procedure 232, 233, 233,241, 354

trichrome staining 233–236in relation to urinary oestrogen

236–238, 236–237vaginal cytological monitoring of wild

pandasvertebral spondylosis 368veterinary training 378, 453

560 Index

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information

Page 21: 6 x 10.5 Long Title - Cambridge University · 2006-11-25 · dental/skeletal 102, 102, 380–381 digestive system 102–105,

viral diseases 392–393distemper 392, 393parvovirus 392

vitamins/minerals 124vocalisation, adaptations to

382–383, 383neonates 316

vomitting 393VORTEX 508

weaning 326–327critical timeframe determination

343, 348neonatal management 293post-weaning stress 294

water 118–121 see also fluid balancewell-being, psychological 401 see also

stresswild carnivores, socialization 336wild giant pandas see in situ populationWildt, David 25, 33Wolong Center (China Conservation

and Research Center for the GiantPanda) 39, 81, 274AI efficiency 474, 474–484breeding programme 23–25cold storage of semen 479, 484combined AI/natural mating 474endocrinology studies 202environmental enrichment 303male squamous cell carcinoma

case 474, 474–479timing of AI 484transcervical AI 479, 479see also behavioural management

strategiesworking groups

behaviour and management,CBSG 30

conservation assessmentand research techniques,CBSG 528

mortality, veterinary andnutrition, CBSG 30–31, 378

workshop proceedings 26, 26–28captive management working

group 378demographics working group

28–29genetic management

workshop 496mortality, veterinary and

nutrition working group30–31, 378

reproduction, behaviour andmanagement workinggroup 30

World Conservation Union SpeciesSurvival Commission seeConservation Breeding SpecialistGroup

worms see parasites

Zoo Atlanta 39, 200zoo science 17–19

multidisciplinary/integrativeapproach see partnerships

practical applications 17–18priorities 35whole animal approach 18

Zoological Society of San Diego see SanDiego Zoo

Zoologico de Chapultepec(Mexico) 202

Index 561

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-83295-3 - Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and ManagementEdited by David E. Wildt, Anju Zhang, Hemin Zhang, Donald L. Janssen and Susie EllisIndexMore information