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6 Drought Landscaping Tips that

Will Save You Time and Money

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Drought-Tolerant You can still save water without

letting go of your garden.

Drought-tolerant landscaping allows you to keep plants in your yard all while reducing water use.

With few practices in place, you can make sure that your garden stays healthy and gorgeous year round.

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Let’s talk about few tips how you can make this happen.

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Rethink Your Lawn Green grass looks great but unfortunately also

requires tons of water to maintain.

If you still have your lawn, consider replacing it with drought-tolerant plants or an artificial turf.  

You can make your outdoor living space as vibrant without the natural grass and also a lot easier to care for.

Search for drought-tolerant landscaping design ideas online and you’d find several inspirations to match your personal preferences with.

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Go Native Some are reluctant to plant native plants thinking

they’re boring and dull. Drought-tolerant plants such as the California Poppy and Lavender can as well bring life and color to your yard.

Even ornamental grasses that do not grow flowers can also add interest to your garden with their varying textures and layers.

You don’t need to limit your choices to imported plants as you can also feature native plants that have already adapted with the local climate, can protect themselves from harmful pests, and can thrive with minimal upkeep.

Another good thing about California native plants is that they don’t require use of fertilizers which means extra savings for you and reducing pollutants making their way to water bodies.

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Water Wisely Give your plants just the right amount of water they

need. Group them according to their needs and make sure to water early in the morning.

Water tends to evaporate more quickly in the afternoon, which means your plants do not get to benefit as much when you water them at this time.

Also, consider setting up a drip irrigation system instead of dragging around the garden hose or using sprinklers.

This way, water is delivered straight to the roots. You can also check out drip irrigation systems that can be set up to automatically turn on and off.

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Back your watering with mulching.

Mulch prevents water from evaporating quickly by locking moisture in.

They also help prevent weed growth.


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Consider Rainwater Harvesting

Make maximum use of rainwater by investing in rain barrels.

This also helps minimize water run-off as you direct water right into the soil for your plants to benefit from instead of letting them flow into the sewage system, and only carrying with them more pollutants.

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Add Outdoor Features

Experiment with other outdoor elements that you can integrate into your garden such as boulders or fountains that recycle water.

The varying scale and texture of stones make a surprising focal point to your plant bed, while an outdoor fountain complements your greens with the soft, calming sound of flowing water it produces.

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Check These Out! Drought-tolerant landscaping comes with

several challenges.

It’s important to try and test which works and which doesn’t.

Follow these tips to help you get started on your water-wise garden project.

Also, you can always call for help from experts gardeners or landscape professionals near you.

Check out: for more details: