Download - 6 Characteristics of the Best Marriage Enrichment Retreats

Page 1: 6 Characteristics of the Best Marriage Enrichment Retreats

What to Look for in a Marriage Retreat



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Why Marriage Retreats Are Successful A marriage retreat is designed to help

couples retreat from their daily, stressful lives and focus on each other by engaging in a four-day getaway.

A successful couples retreat (one that saves marriages and strengthens relationships) has the following characteristics that help spouses to experience growth together:

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1. It’s in a relaxing, peaceful location. Couples retreats that are

located in a hotel lobby or church meeting room are not going to elicit relaxed, calm feelings from participants.

Retreats that are held by the beach, for example, will help relieve the stress and tension in the couples’ hearts, minds and relationships.

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2. It’s hosted by professionals. Look for a retreat that’s led by

professional marriage coaches who have had years of experience AND success working with couples whose marriages are on the rocks.

This proof of success will show you that they’re not in it for the money but for truly helping couples save their relationships.

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3. You have free time.

When you go to a marriage retreat, you want free time (just the two of you) to talk and listen to one another. This free time will give you a chance to let everything sink in and to try new things together.

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4. It’s all-inclusive.

All-inclusive marriage retreats are the best kind. Why? You don’t have to worry about paying for food and lodging while you’re there. You pay for it all up front, which saves you money in the end.

Not having to worry about paying for trivial things like that will eliminate unnecessary stress.

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5. You engage in one-on-one sessions.

One-on-one sessions with the marriage coaches are essential. During these sessions you will have the chance to express your deepest feelings and thoughts with the help of a caring counselor who will work with both of you to get to the root of the issue.

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6. There are planned activities.

If the marriage retreat leaders don’t plan any special activities for you and your spouse to engage in and learn from, it’s not an excellent retreat.

There MUST be some sort of activities that have a purpose behind them to help you learn more about each other.

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Don’t Settle for an “OK” Marriage Retreat There are so many couples retreats to

choose from, but the best marriage counseling retreats at least have these six characteristics. Don’t settle for a retreat that doesn’t look or feel right. Do your research and you’ll be happy with the result.

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Book Your Marriage Retreat Today

In order to find the best marriage enrichment retreat, you might have to look a little harder and a little longer, but it will be worth it. When your marriage is at stake, you don’t want to risk not getting the best help.

To book your retreat today, visit or call (877) 376-7127.