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Sitges is my summer heaven

By Bea Morodo

Although the town has other fun things for example go for a walk

you’re at the beach relaxing. The sour, salty, sea water smell under your

nose. The burning sand under your feet. Now imagine yourself at a long,

blue, cold pool getting refreshed and playing around. Then still wet

running and hopping around the green grass. After going for a bike ride

with a sweet, creamy,

cold surprise waiting for

you. You must be

wandering if such place

exists well you are now

in Sitges.

Sitges is a town

situated next to the

Mediterranean coast,

near to Barcelona and Tarragona. Sitges is divided in 4 parts the town,

the coast boardwalk, the

church and the garden

houses. That’s where my Sitges house is.

Sitges History

the garden houses are divided in blocks with 1 or 2 different houses in

it. My family’s house shares a “block” with our neighbors. Though before

the whole “block “was ours. About 8 or so years ago we had the whole

“block”. It belonged to my grandmother, her siblings and her father. They

had to decide who would have the house some of her 5 siblings had

already found beach summer house or a place to stay in but Totona

(that’s her nickname) didn’t find a different place to spend the summers

on. So they sold the other half to build an exact replicate of our house

(only on the outside) next to us for her. We have it in two sections

Totona’s part and my grandma’s part though we all share and go wherever

we want (in our houses)

Ready Ready Ready Ready let’slet’slet’slet’s go!go!go!go!

I like to go to Sitges. I go about 2 to 3 times a year. One is in

summer and then we go there a few times a year. When I’m there in the

summer I go 1-3 weeks.

I go with my family, my parents, my sisters, Ana and me. If not we

go with my grandmother and my parents arrive to Sitges later or before.

Normally we go in Ave to Tarragona and get a taxi to Sitges. When we

go in airplane (happens an only a few times) we go to Barcelona and get

a taxi from there. Airplane is shorter though Ave is more practical for us.

Activities y holidays

there are different activities you can do and some of them are in the

town. You can go there for shopping (necessary things) like bread and

newspapers in the morning. My grandma goes once a week to Mercadona.

So you see that you can go there for groceries, newspapers, and bread.

The final stop at the ice-cream shop. Or for example the fairs and

holidays. One holiday we

celebrate in Sitges is Gigantes y

Cabezones it consists in seeing

like a parade of people with very

tall (surely have walking sticks or they are 2 persons) dressed as giants

and masks that some people put of huge head persons (these are like a

type of whole head huge head mask. Another holiday is Domingo de

Ramos what you have to do is with the Palmas almost everyone goes to

the church with their Palmas or Ramos de Romero. Then there’s the night of

fireworks it takes event the 23 of August. It is then most beautiful night

of Sitges the different colors and patterns of the fireworks. It really

fun, but maybe that’s not what you’re looking for.

Water Activities

There two options for water

activities: 1. Beach 2.Pool. They

are both really cool and wet!

Going to the beach is awesome

you can play, surf, swim and make sandcastles .Though I have done a

different activity in the beach one that people describe as ocean activity .

Do you know what I’m going to say? Yes, Boat riding. A few times in

Sitges I go on a boat but now I am going to explain a certain trip.

It was a sunny morning a bunch of persons were hunched up in a group

my uncle would take us in La Guindilla his boat. I decided to go before

we went to Carrefour bought some sodas and ice-pops and headed to the

port. When we were leaving the port we saw Daniel, my cousin (actually

my dad’s cousin) also leaving the port with her jet-ski. It was skipping in

the water .We met at a hidden bay they showed us. Danni attached a rope

from the jet-ski to La Guindilla. Her jet-ski didn’t have an anchor. We

ate our snack and we all wanted to ride the jet-ski with Danni. I was going

to be first but Cosima was I got a little angry but I was second and

that’s good. The floating motorbike was bumping and hopping in the waves

.There were gigantic jelly fish you didn’t want to fall. I was holding her

waist tight when I finished me screamed and squealed my happy

awesomeness. Then we went back home and I told my parents every detail.

You can also go in the pool. All of us; my cousins, my sisters and

me do swimming classes. Sometimes we hide and plead to not to go but

other times we want to be first. It’s basically doing lots and lots 20 -50

pools of different swimming styles. Afterword, we play and splash

around the pool. We put the slide so that we slide to water. Once

someone pushed me to the pool when I had my clothes on it was fun though

wet, cold and the fact that I just soaked my clothing.

So you see that there are lots of things you can do in Sitges: go

swimming, plying around or celebrating holidays. I love Sitges and I can’t

wait for this summer .It’s going to be the summer of my life, as always.

Interesting fact: La

Guindilla still floats

even If it’s cut in half

People from Sitges all go to

see the fireworks. The beach

is full.

This is Sitges where the arrow is pointing

Palmas: symbolic structure made of straw

usually with decorative around it can have

lots of sizes though normally small

Jet-ski: motorbike that has a ski under and it

rides on water instead of ground

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New York

By. Sandra

New York is a state that is very well

known. A visit to New York would probably be

very expensive but usually a tourist would go

shopping, watch musicals, watch some sports

and visit very well-known buildings. A lot of

movies are made there or the background is

copied from their buildings or important places.

It is a very important city and there is always

something to do, it is a very busy city.

Important places

In New York a day or tourist are very

busy and there is always some special building or

special place that you have to go see. They have

really important building there and really well

known. Some places that tourists should go to

are: Grand Central Station, The Empire Estate, 5th

Avenue The statue of liberty and many other

interesting places. Grand Central Station is a

amazing train station with shops restaurants and

of course trains. There is a certain part of a

movie that is made in that train station,

Madagascar. New York has a lot of important

places that you should visit.

Central Park

Another place tourists should go to in

New York is Central Park. It is a huge park that is

so well known. There are so many things to do

there. Something that a lot of little kids would

usually like to do there is visit the zoo it is very

entertaining and has a lot of animals. In Central

Park since it is so big many people like to run

around or ride on their bike. There are some

horse carriages that can give you a ride and there

you have runners and cyclers next to you. There

is one big pond in Central Park that has some

ducks and fish. Some people take a toy boat that

you can control and there are loads of those in

the summer. It is a very lively place to go to.


In New York

there are a lot of fun

places to go and so many

fun things to do.

Something that is really fun to do is to watch

sports. They have really good athletes and very

entertaining things in the breaks. What would be

your favorite sport to watch? My favorite to

watch is NBA basketball. It is so fun and when

you are on a team of a certain sport and then

you go to watch it you learn. In the basketball

games there are cheerleaders and they do there

short dances in between the quarters of the

game. In addition they have

other sports to watch like,

American football, Bull riding

and baseball! They all have

something in common, they

have entertainment in

between acts and during.

They are all fun to watch.


In New York they have a lot of plays.

They have very good actor and very good

costume and awesome decoration. The plays are

really well rehearsed and there are no mistakes.

Everything seems really well prepared.

New York is a really busy city with a lot

of tourist and a lot of important buildings. New

York is a city that you should visit at least once in

your life.


Annie, Matilda, Blue

Man Group, The Lion

King, and many


Some New York

sport teams are:

Nicks (basketball)

Yankees (baseball)

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Surfing by Luis Botin

Do you know how to surf? If you don’t, then you should probably try surfing in a nice beach to

learn with easy waves. Maybe, if you learn enough, some day you can be a famous big wave

rider and ride the big monsters like Mavericks or

Teahupoo. To be a good surfer, you need to do

lots of things. 1. When you are learning how to

surf, you need to pick the just right place to surf

with easy waves. 2. While you are riding those

waves you need to improve your position. 3.

After that, when you have stepped up to a higher level wave, you can use that wave to get used

to staying under water when you fall or when you are paddling up and a big wave series

catches you. 4. Those days when you feel like having fun, you can pick a good quality wave

and with that wave everything is easier and you can improve your surfing.5. You have to make

sure that you pick a board that matches your level 6. After doing all of those things, if you are

good and brave enough, you can go big wave riding.

Learning how to surf

Learning how to surf is really

important because if you choose the

wrong place to surf, maybe if the

wave is too easy for you, you can get

bored and go home or maybe the

place you chose is too hard for you

and you keep getting eaten by the waves and keep falling and you decide that it is too hard. I

learned how to surf in Biarritz, in France but there are lots more like Florida or Santander. The

reason I picked that place was because there are lots of surf schools there. I also picked it

because the waves are easy to catch and it is easy to stand up in your board. And your board

has to be big so it is balanced when you stand up and the board drops in the wave when you

are getting it.


Position is also very important

but your position will affect your

surfing for the rest of your life

so you better have a good one.

When you are catching the

wave, your chest has to be up

and your head has to be facing

the side of the wave where you

want to go to and then you

paddle hard, stand up, and enjoy

the wave. In the “Take off” you need to have one foot in the back of your board and the other

foot in the middle of the board and flex your knees to stay balanced. Then, when you are riding

it, to gain speed, you go up and down with your body.

Under the water

The only thing bad about surfing is that if you fall, or if the

wave devours you, I call it the washing machine, the wave

pulls you all the way down and the it pulls you up and then

down again then to one side then to another and to survive all of that in a big wave you need to

be expecting that. The most important thing when you are down there, you CANT panic. If

you do then you lose your breath and if it’s a big wave, it’s a

60/70% chance that you may drown. So basically, don’t panic.

Quality Surfing

The funnest waves are the quality ones because they let you do

anything you want like tricks, tubing, and you have lots of

balance which makes it easier to finish the waves and when you

finish the waves it feels like paradise. A really good quality

wave is is a beach called Nihiwatu, in Indonesia. The waves are

medium size and it can get really big and the good thing is that

the current always goes the same way and when you fall it

carries you to this kind of channel where there are no waves at all so you can paddle back out


When you are riding a wave, sometimes

you get a feeling that your board is too

big or too small or too thick or too thin.

Every single surfing brand has different

boards. Some famous short-board brands

are Al’Merrick, Bradley, DHD. And a

really famous brand called Dick Brewer

makes really good long-boards and guns

which people use to ride the big Monsters in Mavericks or Teahoopu. There are lots of types of

surf-boards. There are short-boards, long-boards, fishes and guns. Short boards you need lots

of balance and its easy to turn but its really hard to control. Beginners, use longboards because

you don’t need balance and its easy to stand up but some really good surfers ride big waves

with longboards. Fishes are for everything except for big waves. And finally, Guns are only for

the REALLY big waves

Big wave riding

There are lots of big wave riders. Some of them film videos of the big monsters that they ride.

I have seen lots of videos of big wave riding but most of those videos are in these three places:

Mavericks, Tahiti and Portugal. There is more big waves in other places like Indonesia or

California but they are not that famous for having big waves. But all of the big wave riders

know how to survive those waves when they fall and MOST OF ALL, they know that they

cant panic under that. And once they are up if another big wave of those pulls you down again,

then your having a really bad day but normally, there are jet ski’s picking you up and taking

you back out.

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A dog is a wonderful creature. It can guide

humans and can track down criminals with its

amazing senses of smell. But over this dog are

still like humans, they need exercise, sleep and

need to have medical checks as well.

Sleep Sleep isn’t usually a big deal in a dog’s life

because there usually always sleeping or resting

in or out of the house. If a dog isn’t sleeping for a

long time it needs to go to a vet urgently.

Dogs need to sleep or rest more than humans

since they do more exercise. They also need to

relax to store and “charge” energy.

Dogs like to sleep inside on hot days the most

because they don’t want to run to get even

hotter. On the opposite dogs don’t sleep that

much on cold days, they want to run get hot then

go to sleep!

Exercise Dogs exercise is very important to a dog and its

safety. A dog should run, walk, mile a week, at

least, that is if you have a medium sized dog. If

you have a small dog it should run, walk, half a

mile every week.

On the other hand, if it’s an old dog it should run,

walk, half a mile as well so it doesn’t push its self to

hard and die. Dogs have to run or walk to survive and

stay healthy, just like any other animal on earth.

Feeding To feed a dog you need a good bowl and good

food for them. There bowl should be a little

larger than there head, so they can actually eat

from it. To give them their food there bowl

should be filled a little over the middle so they

don’t get fat and unhealthy quickly.

The size of the food is necessary for a dog. Each

part of dog food should be, roughly, about the

size there eye; this is something I have figured


If you think this is too much information to

remember just look at the bag that you buy the

dog food in.


Grooming a dog’s fur is something you should do

often to keep a dog fresh.

Dogs should be groomed once months if they

have lots of fur, but this rule will only apply to

every season except winter. Dogs shouldn’t be

groomed in winter

because they would

be freezing cold.


Dogs, just like

humans, have to take

pills, medicine and injections for they have a

wider variety of diseases than human beings.

One of the most horrible deceases is a sort heart

worm. It’s found in hot countries like Spain,

Africa, Egypt and New Zealand. The only way for

dogs not to get this worm into their fury body is

by getting a vaccine, it can’t be cured after

they’ve had it.


Some people groom

dogs with lots of

nice fur and make

clothes out of them!

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It’s not just you, nobody likes moving

“Noooooooooooooo!” you scream, and then you run

to your room and burst out in tears. Anyone can tell

that you just got the news that you’re moving.

Nobody likes moving. Moving is more than going on a

plane and living in a hotel for a couple of days or

weeks, moving is….. well……. It’s starting a new life all

over again from the start, moving is trying new

different foods and schools and friends and more,

moving is getting news from your parents that will

kill you in just half a second, moving is just plain hard.

If you are trying to survive moving then take it from

me, it’s not worth it, you can’t survive it.

Telling you the “Big news”

Every parent has their own little way of telling you

the “Big News” that you’re going to move sometimes they call

it something really awesome like “a great new adventure” or “a

great new beginning” when really, it’s just a great new

argument. Most parents will try to “spice it up” which never

really helps at all. Some parents don’t, in fact they do the

opposite they try to make it sound terrible to make you think

that they understand you. Most parents try to find your happy

place and then they shoot it right at you: “hey there kiddo,

guess what, we’re moving”. Besides they say guess what, and

they get you all exited like you think they’re going to say like

we’re going to be on T.V or we’re going to Micropolix. In

addition to this I would like to point out the time my parents

took me to Glee live, then to eat pizza, then bought me a HUGE

glee live T- shirt and a glee sign just to find my happy place to

tell me that we’re moving. Although moving is really hard on

the other hand, even though it’s the end of your life in one

country, it’s also the beginning of a new one in another country.

Catching Up

If you think about it moving is starting all over again

but this time completely differently you try completely

different foods that you didn’t even know existed, sometimes

there is the exact same restaurant but the food tastes really

different like when I went McDonalds in Spain and said “boy,

the food here sure is really different than the food back in

England, apart from the food there are different cultures in

different countries, obviously different languages, a different

school, different friends, sometimes even different clothing!

This is one of the reasons moving is hard: because you have to

get used to something completely new that you’ve never seen

before. Besides, it’s not just getting used to something different,

it’s also catching up to the people who have already gotten

used to it and I don’t know if it’s just me but I’m usually the

last one in my family to catch up to all this new stuff. IT’S SO


From the start

Like I said before, moving is starting all over again it’s like

erasing everything you had, did or made and then doing it all

over again but you know it’s not going to be at all like how it

was before. You just throw your life in the trash and then go

buy a new one like it’s that easy. Trying to take your life away

to make you get a new one and besides, I’m not sure why but

for adults it’s much easier to start all over again. I think it’s

because adults always just say “hey we should have a coffee

tomorrow” but kids have to call and then ask their dad and

then dad always tells you to ask your mom but you’re busy that

day so you wait another week.

How hard? Very Hard

Everyone knows how hard moving is. IT’S SO HARD!

And I should know, I’ve moved 4 times, been in 13 countries

and now I’m going to move to Miami which is going to be my

5th time. Moving is hard for many reasons. By this I mean you

miss your friends your school your house, you neighbors, you

even miss your teachers! Your parents always tell you it’s going

to be fine and easy to find new friends and “Come on, it’s not

like it’s the end of the world” but it’s not easy it’s not fine and

most of all, it IS the end of the world. Moving is really hard but

whether it’s hard or not, your parents always win and you

always have to go through with getting on that evil vicious

plane and hear that mean cruel voice saying we are now

landing in _____________. UGH! I HATE THAT!

Moving has its ups and downs, mostly downs but that

doesn’t matter. Just remember moving isn’t your parents trying

to kill you (in the end they do end up killing you), so don’t just

yell and throw pie at them. Sometimes, you just have to move

and it’s not their decision. Please, take it from the experienced


Andrea R.

Moving Having to go and live someplace else.

Big News When your parents tell you that your moving

Argument A Fight

Spice it Up When your parents make something sound better

than it is

Vicious Mean

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Taylor performing Mean and Our Song

Taylor Swift

By Roosa K.

Table of Contents:

• Was It An Easy Walk To Stardom?

• Amazing Albums

• What Taylor Accomplished

Do you have a dream that you wish could come true? Taylor

Swift did. And she made her dream come true. Taylor Swift

sings songs spectacularly! Putting it simply, that is why decided

to write this article on her. In this piece you’ll learn how Taylor

became a star, a little about her amazing albums, her terrific

tour, and a few of her awards and achievements along her


Was It An Easy Walk To Stardom?

At the age of 14, Taylor had begged her parents to move to

Nashville Tennessee, the place where a country music singer

could make their dreams come true. Eventually, the Swift family

did move to Nashville, from their home in Wyomissing,

Pennsylvania. There, Taylor went into the buildings of record

companies around Nashville asking them to sign her to record

deal. At 14 Taylor actually did get signed to a record deal at RCA

records, a major record company. RCA records had signed huge

stars like Kelly Clarkson and Christina Aguilera. Taylor was

excited about the deal, but the records label told her to wait.

They said that they were going to sign her, but not put out any of

her albums. Instead, they were going to “shelf” her and see if

she makes any progress in a year, and depending on that they

would sign her. After, a whole year had gone by and Taylor had

worked her best to sing at as many karaoke contests and fairs

as she could, but that still wasn’t enough. RCA records told her

to wait until she was 18 and then they might put out her albums.

Finally, Taylor decided that RCA records wasn’t where she

belonged, so Taylor walked away. One night while Taylor was

performing at the Bluebird Café a man named Scott Brochetta

came up to her after her song, and told Taylor that he had just

left Universal Studios (another record label) but that he wanted

her to sign to his small record label called Big Machine. He

admitted that he didn’t have a building for his label, or the

equipment, but he would not give up on this. It was risky, but

Taylor knew in her gut that it would be the right record label for

her, so she signed to it. And that is where her dream began.

Amazing Alums

Taylor Swift has release 4 albums in the past 7 years of activity.

In 2006 she released her self-titled debut album. It sold over a

million copies in its first week! That was a great achievement

for the new star. Taylor had now become pretty popular, and the

people couldn’t get enough of her, so in 2007 Taylor had to

release a new “mini” album called “Beautiful Eyes” including

deluxe versions of the songs from the album Taylor Swift” and

songs like “ I heart ?”, and “Beautiful Eyes”. 2008 was a year of

success for Taylor Swift. She had released her new album

“Fearless”. The fans and critics loved it! The songs from this

album had made it up to the Billboard Top 100 charts, Top

Country charts, AND Top Pop charts which was a major

accomplishment. Finally, in 2010 Speak Now was released full of

diary-like songs. In 2011 Taylor launched her Speak Now World

Tour because her songs were so popular. At last, Taylor Swift

released her 4th studio

album in October 2012

called “Red”. By the end

of October her songs

were by far the most

popular. Songs like “We

Are Never Ever Getting

Back Together”, had

become #1 on UK’s

itunes most

downloaded tracks.

Taylor Swift’s albums

have been doing so


What Taylor Accomplished

Taylor Swift is the proud owner of many awards. She

has won eight Grammys, and multiple ACM awards. Taylor has

also set two world records! What

really matters, is that Taylor has

stolen the hearts of all her fans!

Taylor has followed her dreams and is

living it! After all her hard work Taylor

finally has become what she has

wanted to be all along! Dream is what

she did. It doesn’t hurt to follow your

dreams, does it?


A debut album is

the first album an

artist releases

A Grammy is an

award that artists

get for outstanding

work in the

recording industry

An ACM is an

award presented by

the Academy of

Country Music

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The Farm

By: Genevieve Krieger


Do you like to get dirty? Walking down a muddy trail on a sunny day, as

the fragile ferns sway with the breeze, and the towering trees hover above

you. If you do, then you’d probably like the farm. The farm is called The

Farm because it was one up until 5 years ago, filled with the noises of the

playful little lambs, the soft neigh of the horses, and the loud squawks of

the chickens at 6:30 in the morning. If you just want to get away from it all,

the farm is a great place to have fun!

Up Into the Branches of a Tree

Sometimes when I want to get away from it all, I climb my tree. You

probably have no clue what I’m talking about, do you? Well my tree is a

GIGANTIC evergreen tree surrounded by soft ferns that sway gently with

the breeze. The tree smells sweet, with sap slowly trickling down the

trunk. It is the tallest climbable tree near the house, and has been alive for

over 100 years! I enjoy climbing up vigorously, but I get slowed down a lot

because I have to make sure that I don’t step on any loose branches. I

poke around for a place to relax when I get to the top, making sure to still

cling on to a secure branch. The summer breeze softly pushes me back

and forth; while I watch the friendly looking clouds slowly travel across the


The climb down isn’t easy! All the muscles in my body are tense. Every

time you take one foot off of the tree and move it to a lower branch is

terrifying. Looking down is torture. And when you reach the ground you

feel as if you just might kiss it!

The Waterfalls

Oh, the waterfalls. They tower above you, sending a constant flow of

water down, down, down. Even though the sound of the water is so loud

that you have to scream in order for the person next to you to hear, they

are defiantly my favorite place to be! When I’m there, I feel engulfed by all

of the beautiful nature.

Every year we need to re-route our path up the waterfalls. This is because

whenever there is a flood, the structure changes. I’m always the one who

does most of the route testing, I don’t know why but this has been

happening ever since I learned how to climb! Last summer the climb was

really long. You had to leap from

rock to rock, (that is, if you don’t

want to fall into the cold water!)

hoist yourself up and over a

slippery boulder, shimmy under

the tree that had fallen 2 feet

away, and then you start the

exiting part! You can slide down

the all-natural waterslide, or

continue up the waterfalls. If you

choose to go down the slide, you wade over to the left for about 15

seconds, and then the current pulls you down, letting you crash into a

small pool of water back at the bottom after a series of twists and turns.

But if you want to venture up, you simply climb. Up you go, over the

boulders that used to be a bluestone quarry. Once you get to the top,

you see a network of streams flowing towards the falls. It feels surreal up

there because even though you are feet away from all of the racquet and

noise, all you can hear is the soft trickle of the water. All that you can see

is the sun shining softly, making the temperature just


Berry Season Has Come Around

The different kinds of berries are located in different

around the farm. The blackberries are at the top of a

mountain called liardi, up there is a picturesque view of

the “town” which is basically just one street with a couple

of houses and stores.

You never know where you’ll find strawberries, so when

you see them you pick them. The strawberries are tiny,

and they grow on thin vines on the ground. Every time you find a vine, you

feel like you just won a gold medal!

Blueberries are everywhere! We literally have thousands of them. Even

so, we have to get our hands on them before the bears do, because they

can strip a whole bush in less than 5 minutes! Raspberries grow on the

very top of Liardi (the same place as the blackberries but at a higher

elevation). The raspberries are extremely hard to pick, because they have

ten times as many thorns as a rosebush… So if I could wear armor when I

pick them, I would! It is extremely hard to find night berries, and even

more so mystery berries, which I have only found once. That is just

another wonder of nature at the farm. ☺


The farm is one of my favorite places to be. It is the place I have known

as a home for my entire life. When you’re there, you get intertwined with

the beauty of its nature. The birds chirping a happy song in the trees as

the sun makes its way across the sky. The soft rustle of leaves as a deer

frolics in the bushes. If I had the option to stay forever in the forests, living

peacefully with the other parts of nature, I just might.

Percentage of Berries Blue







picturesque: as if it were a picture

evergreen: a type of forest tree that doesn’t die in the winter

sap: a sticky liquid that is produced by trees

quarry: a wall of rock that people excavate to help them with


surreal: something that doesn’t quite seem real

Make Sure You…

-Don’t grip on places with sap (a sticky situation might occur)

-Check to see if a branch is sturdy before leaning on it

-Clear all spider webs from your path

-Don’t fall off ☺

-Don’t try to grab a branch that breaks and hits you on the head

The top of the falls

The Rockslide

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rothers Are Special by: Emma Gimeno

Brothers. Brothers are special. You won’t find anyone like

them. They are like, another best friend. Sure, they can be

incredibly annoying, but they’re brothers, and a brother’s

job is to be annoying. They are annoying, but they’re not

always like that. They’re fun, kind, they’re hilarious! You

can trust them more than anyone else. You might say you

have a BFF, but BFFs don’t last forever, because you

eventually grow apart. But brothers, they are true BFFS

because they will always be there for you, right by your

side. Brothers are special.

They Drive You CRAZY!

Brothers can be annoying. Especially when there is

two of them and you are the only girl.

Brothers go into your room and start looking

through YOUR stuff, looking for something to entertain

themselves with. In YOUR room! Why can’t they use their

own things? They think its ok to just, go into your room,

while you are doing homework, and start playing their

clarinet right in your face JUST to annoy you! They play

baseball in the yard, and throw the ball at your bedroom

window. Every minute you hear, “Thud” coming from the

window. You go over to the window and tell them to stop.

They say,

“What? We weren’t doing anything!” But of course, you

didn’t even buy it for a second. You walk back to your

room, and then you hear “Thud…….Thud……Thud” again. By

that time, you’re about ready to strangle them. But of

course, you can’t because that would get you into big


Brothers sing, shout, and make strange noises.

They NEVER stay quiet. It’s like, if they stay quiet for more

than a minute, they might die or something. They are SO

loud, it drives me crazy! They get on your nerves, they

insult you, they make fun of you, they mess with you, they

will do ANYTHING to get on your nerves. They are so


Incredibly Kind

Brothers can sometimes be a bit mean to you, but

usually, they are very kind. They help you with your

homework, if you need help with it. They let you use their

things. They include you in their games. They support your

ideas, and the things that you do. They give you good

advice. They teach you new things. They are helpful. (If you

don’t have a brother, I bet you want one now don’t you?)

Another reason why brothers are so kind is because they

understand you, sometimes even more than your parents.

Fun, Fun, and FUN!

Even though brothers can be EXTREMLY annoying,

they are EXTREMLY fun too. They come up with really cool

games, and things to do like, making a go cart,

skateboarding down a hill without stopping, playing hide

and seek around the whole house, making a fort out of

pillows. They play baseball and soccer with you, they make

up really weird sports like, crazy-ball (that’s what they

called it…) It’s like tennis, but instead of using a racket, you

use any part of your body when the ball comes to you. It’s

actually pretty fun. Whenever I’m bored, I just go and hang

out with my brothers, and I end up having a lot of fun!

Brothers don’t only stand up for each other, but

they stand up for you too.

If one of their friends is trying to be funny, and starts

insulting you and making fun of you, and hurting your

feelings, your brothers will say,

“Hey man, back off! Don’t be a jerk,” Brothers stick up for

you, they get protective of you, because they care about

you. At times, it may seem like your brothers absolutely

hate your guts, but they love you and they know it. When

you have brothers, you always feel like someone’s always

got your back. Your brothers are always there for you. They

will always be there for you.

Funniest People You Will EVER Meet!

Brothers are hilarious! They are probably the

funniest people you will ever meet. What makes them

hilarious is that they don’t even try to be funny, they just

are! They’re so random. They say random things, they

make weird faces, they dance, they sing. That’s what makes

them hilarious.

One time, I was in the car with my brothers, my mom had

run into the grocery store to buy dinner. I was sitting in the

car with my brothers. The car was quiet. There wasn’t a

single sound coming from any of our mouths. Suddenly, My

older brother screams as loud as he can, like a little girl. A

high pitched and loud scream. Then, he goes quiet, as if

nothing happened, with a straight face. My little brother

and I looked at each other. We both burst out laughing,

hysterically. I literally couldn’t breathe! It was hilarious. And

my older brother sat there, as if nothing happened, just

looking out the window. It was so funny, I couldn’t stop


Brothers are so special. If you don’t have brothers, I bet you

want ones now! They are so amazing. Some people, think

that brothers are terrible, but they’re only focusing on the

not so good things about them. If you think about it,

brothers are the best! They are so cool, fun, funny, special.

Brothers are brothers. And no one can change them.

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In this you will learn about one game that I

really like called Minecraft. I really like this

game because it is a world of blocks were you

can build your own house and things don’t have

gravity so you can build things in the air. In this

essay you are going to learn about many things in

Minecraft. These are all the things you are going

to learn about in Minecraft: Monsters, Portals,

and cheats, Things with gravity and good houses

you should make so that monsters don’t get

inside. I hope you enjoy reading this essay.


There are many different monsters in

Minecraft. One or two of them are ones that we

already know about. The first monster that I am

going to tell you about is the zombie. If one of

these green creatures sees you you have to

either kill it or he kills you or you go running

super-fast and he doesn’t

see you anymore. Then we

also have the creeper. A

green creature that will

get close to you and KA-

BOOM!!! He will explode

and you will be flying

through the air. Next we

will talk about the

skeleton. A white skeleton

with a bow that almost

never misses at the time

of shooting you arrows

that could kill if you didn’t have any armor on.

We are now going to see about the spider. Big

and black with eight red eyes, this spider

wouldn’t leave you alone if you hit it it would

jump at you every single time until you killed it.

Now introducing the Enderman. This creature is

big and black grabs your blocks and teleports so

you don’t kill it. Then we have the slime. This

humongous green cube won’t attack you, and if

you kill the first big cube

another two will appear and

then when you kill one of the

medium size one three little

ones will appear.


There are many cheats in

minecraft. One of the cheats

in is to change to creative. To do that cheat you

have to put: /gamemode 1. And then there is also

a cheat to change to survival and to do that you

have to put: /gamemode 0. Then there is a cheat

to give you xp and to do that you have to put: xp

(the number of xp you want). And then if you put

/help a bunch of other cheats will appear. And I

can’t remember any other cheats so I guess

that’s all.


In minecraft there are only two types of

portals. One of the portals in minecraft is the

portal to the nether. But it’s like the

underworld. What your supposed to do in the

nether is go inside a castle and in the castle you

have to get into this room were you have to kill a

final boss called a Wither. The wither is actually

in the castle, you have to create the wither and

then you kill it. The wither has three heads. One

in the middle and two on the sides. The two on

the sides are bombs and the wither will shoot

them at you and he has infinity. Then there is

also a portal to this place called “the end”. In

the end you are supposed to kill a dragon called

the ender dragon.


I hope that you learned a lot about this cool

game. I hope you enjoyed reading this essay and

I also hope that you buy the game so that you

see how fun it is to play minecraft. I hope you

keep reading my essays.

Picture of a creeper

Picture of an enderman

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TyrannosaursTyrannosaursTyrannosaursTyrannosaurs RexRexRexRex

Have you ever been inspired by an animal? I’ve been. The

animal I’ve been inspired by is the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were enormous,

amazing, fantastic animals that once lived on earth. Their name meant

“terrible lizard” but hey wait a second weren’t they amazing and

fantastic? Well, yes they were but during all those millions of years they

were alive they brought a terrible reign of terror and chaos to earth. All

those three periods of time where dinosaurs lived were just plain wild

and dangerous. Oh alright! I’ll show you the three periods but be careful.

The three periods are the Triassic, the Jurassic, and the Cretaceous. Now

that’s all you have

to know finally

now we can get to

the dinosaurs and

the one you will

see next will make

the hair on your

back prickle.

Tyrannosaurus RexTyrannosaurus RexTyrannosaurus RexTyrannosaurus Rex

You now know that dinosaurs were terrible beast but not all

of them. The ones that were terrible were the meat eaters and the one

here would happily munch on a human being. But now suddenly in a

split of a second you find you find yourself in a cretaceous forest. You

explore and you try to find out how you´ve come here. Hmm…… I was

reading a nonfiction writing and then Boom! I was here but suddenly

something interrupts your thinking the ground starts to tremble! It can´t

be an earthquake there were no earthquakes in the prehistoric time or

were there? When you look around to see what’s happening you spot a

gigantic, colossal lizard with gaping jaws launching towards you. You can

see the weird creature has amazingly small arms for its body with only 2

fingers in each arm. But just in time you see everything vanish from your

eyes. You’re your now reading again the nonfiction writing. Sorry if I

made you suffer. I won´t do it again. My purpose was to see if you could

guess what dinosaur it was. Well what dinosaur do you think it was? You

really can´t guess. Fine, I will give you a clue. It’s the most famous

predator dinosaur( gave you the answer in the title oops!). Do you finally

know who he is? Well our first and only guest is…………Of course our big

old pal Tyrannosaurs Rex (I´ve agreed with him and now for short he lets

us call him just T.rex)

T.rex was a 6 meter tall, 14 meter long, 7 toned beast with

68, 16 centimeters long, 2,5 centimeters wide, serrated dagger-like

teeth. It terrorized what it is Alberta (Canada), Colorado, Dakota,

Montana and

Texas. Also like

seen in this map

T.rex also lived in

Asia. T.rex was

the land animal

with the

strongest bite

force with the record of 57,000 newtons. That’s 10 times more than a

modern day alligator and 3 times more than of a lion. Being bitten by

one is like being sat on by an elephant! Or if you understand it better like

this, T.rex’s bite was equivalent to three tons. Its bite could practically

crush a pickup truck. Good gracious T.rex is not living in our time with all

the cars roaming around. It was such force that when it bit it prey it

could crush the big bones of its victim and leave a hole 11 centimeters

deep. Its jaws were practically like a giant bulldozer ripping tons and

pounds of meat, flesh and bone. Actually scientist think T.rex was a

warm blooded animal because of the appearance of smaller members in

its family having feathers. T.rex may have had feathers himself. If T.rex

was a warm blooded animal he would have to eat a quarter of the

weight in his body with meat from his prey every day. He would need to

hunt all the time. For detecting its prey T.rex had an excellent smell just

like of vultures and condors. It could smell prey kilometers away.

Actually if a T.rex entered a room full of people in a few seconds or

minutes it could tell how many people there would be only by their

specific smell. It also had great eyesight which in Jurassic park it’s

incorrectly said that’s its vision is based on movement. T.rex eyes were

facing forward which made each capacity of vision in the eye to cross

giving it the power to see its prey from all the sides and angles which

means this beast could see in 3D, just like us. T.rex not only ate

herbivores, and carrion but other T.rex. Either from a carcass or

cannibalism. If two T.rex fought for prey and it killed its opponent the

prize would be eating its opponent and the carcass. Scientists argue all

the time if T.rex was a scavenger or a hunter. There have been T.rex bite

marks in other dinosaurs like Hadrosaurus and Triceratops which is a

There may have been also the fantastic proof that it hunted.

possibilty that T.rex hunted in packs. In this way there would be

enough food for the young T.rex. T.rex probably ambushed its prey

and then sprinted after it taking large steps at 30 kph (kilometers per

hour). Though being so heavy maybe meant it couldn’t run after prey

because it could risk falling and injuring itself. Adding to that since his

little arms couldn’t make the T.rex stand it would die from hunger or

being eaten by another T.rex. Also its great sense of smell and vision just

like vultures and condors use it today may have meant it used it to

scavenge dead animals. T.rex was big enough to steal carcasses from

smaller carnivores. Actually the only dinosaur that could steal a T.rex’s

prey was another T.rex. T.rex was an apex predator that’s for sure.

Anyways I think T.rex is like modern day carnivores for example lions,

lions both hunt and scavenge. So it’s logical that T.rex would do the

same. The only thing T.rex had that was useless were its incredible small

arms for its body there were actually as small as an adult’s arm ending

in two fingers with claws. This is one of things scientists are stunned at.

How would T.rex use those tiny arms? There were too short to reach the

T.rex’s mouth. However those arms were pretty strong and scientist

think they were strong

enough to hold down its prey.

But amazing even though

T.rex was a fierce dinosaur it

had its gentle side like every

other animal. Its gentle side

would be with its babies.

Knowing that these

Cretaceous terror would

actually be a good parent left

scientist with their mouths

open. That same powerful

smell would also be used to

see if their babies were in danger. At that point T.rex would burst out

running towards the attacker. In the nest, the mom would go on the

hunt for meat since she is the one that needs more energy to lay more

eggs while the father would protect the nest. Baby T.rex were small

compared to their adults. I mean you think the bigger the animal the

bigger the baby but it wasn’t this case. Baby T.rex just out of the egg

would be 30 or 40 centimeters of diameter. Baby T.rex were in a world

of terror. There were lots of animals that would kill baby T.rex. Well

looks like were to the en d of this nonfiction piece. I hope you have

enjoyed learning about this amazing interesting, creature and that

reading this nonfiction piece has made you be at least a little more

interested in dinosaurs. Remember, you never know when you may find

a dinosaur. The next new discovery may be just around the corner.

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The Beach of Kraljevica Kraljevica (cry-yev-itza) is an amazing place…Especially the

beach when you walk on the nice hot and humid sand boiling

your feet in a relaxing kind of way, the sand is almost white it’s

soft so soft to the touch; it’s like a blanket of comfort and

warmth. When you look up to the sky the sun glaring down at

you and you smile knowing that the weather is great and so is

life. I chose Kraljevica, because it is part of my families’ history

from my dad’s side and I go there every year once we even

rented an amazing boat there. Plus they have great foods.

Where Is Kraljevica Kraljevica is on the edge of an independent country called

Croatia (Cro-asha) Croatia is located right next to Italy and is

an hour away from Venice if you go by boat (recommended.) It

is also in Europe just saying in case you wanted to know in

Croatia the national language is Croatian (duh) Croatia is also a

very talented place, because if you

see that you are having trouble

understanding what it is that they

are saying they will try using many,

many, many different languages until

they see that you understand them

whatever language they are speaking

to you in and that is very good.

Child Friendly? Kraljevica’s beach is super safe as long as your child knows how

to swim, because if not you have to swim with them which my

dad said was quite the workout, because it does get very deep,

because first it’s shallow then it goes straight head first drop.

One Reason why Kraljevica’s is so safe In case you wanted to

know is that was only inhabited by sharks once and the

inhabitants left about a week later while nobody had gotten hurt

and that was the only time in its entire existence so that’s one

reason down why it’s so safe.

Another reason why Kraljevica’s beach is so child friendly is

that there are never any riptides or gigantic waves or and the

tides never pull you out to sea, so all in all not a place that you

would want to go to if you want to go surfing.

My last reason why is that everybody and I mean everybody is

super nice and will talk to you in a calm and patient voice and if

you don’t understand it they will very patiently go over it with

you in a way that they think that they think that you can

understand. Also the people you meet on the beach are as nice

as the people that you might see in the middle of the town,

because it’s a very small town.

Yummy Foods! A few of Croatia’s famous and international foods are the

civappcici (chi-vap-chi-chi) which is like a sausage that and it is

either fried or grilled and usually comes with French fries and

ketchup and sometimes a small or medium salad that you don’t

want it you don’t have to eat it (I don’t eat it.) Civappcici can be

found in any Croatian or Serbian restaurant.

Another Famous Croatian food is risotto. Risotto is any type of

rice, but must be kept wet at all times so that when you for

example put some cheese in and wait for it to finish and when it

finish’s you look in to the risotto the cheese has been melted


Time For The Beach! Really anytime is good for the beach, but the best time for the

beach is when everyone is having a

snack and that means that there aren’t

as many people as usual. Also you should

try is to get there at around sunset or

just before cause than you can relax with

your family while enjoying miraculous

sunset right in front of your very own


By: Mario Kehler☺

A Kriljevica


Page 14: 5C informational Articles

Champions is a really hard tournament where

grate teams try to win, and play really well, and

try to make it really hard for the team they are

going to play against. This is what you should

know about champions.

How to get in champion

Teams get into champions by getting 1, 2, 3 in

their league. Like Real Madrid, Barca and

Malaga. In Germany the teams are Bayern de

Munich, Bayern Leverkusen and Borussia

Dormunt. From there they go to a mini league

of 4 teams and the 2 first teams pace to the

next level that is elimination. But I will talk

about that in my next writing.

Spanish teams that have won Champions

There have been many Spanish teams that have

been in champions League but only a few have

won this European cup. First I am going to tell

you the the teams that have won it and they are

really good teams Atlético de Madrid has won

1, Sevilla has won 1 to, Zaragoza has won 1,

Barcelona 4 and Real Madrid 9. The teams that

have are in champions are Real Madrid,

Barcelona and a new team Malaga. Those are

the teams that have been in champions.

How to win champions

Teams win Champions by passing all the levels.

The first level is the mini league is

when there are 4 teams trying to get

into 1st and 2nd place because if

you get in 4th and 3rd you lose and do not pass

to the Eighth of final. That is when sixteen

teams are divided by two so two teams play and

only the teams that win go to the next level so 8

teams are left to go to quarterfinals. And the

same thing happens 8 teams for example

Madrid vs Milan, Barca vs Chelsea, Manchester

vs Malaga and Bayern vs Man.City and only 4

teams win so they pass to semifinal where 4

teams play like Madrid vs Bayern and Barca vs

Man.City. Then only to teams are left like Real

Madrid vs Barca and who wins that of course

Real Madrid would win, wins champions.

Other continental cups

Champions league is not the only European cup

or the only continental cup there are many

other cups in other continents or even In

Europe there is the UEFA cup that one is for the

teams that got fourth, fifth And sixth in their

league. But then there are other cups in other

continents like the Copa America that cup is for

South America and their is the Asian Cup and

the African Cup. Those are all the other cups.

Champions is really hard to win, and it is really

hard to admit that your team lost, and is

eliminated and can’t win. But there is times that

your team wins and other and other times that

they lose. Last year Chelsea won champions

against Bayern in the final but this year those

two teams have been eliminated or not

classified. This year there is lots of good teams

and teams that are really dangerous in attack

and in defense. Champions is really interesting

this year and you should see it. But this is all

you have to know about


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Page 16: 5C informational Articles

Far Cry 3

I am going to show you the parts of Far Cry 3.


When you are doing missions and side

missions you have to kill people if not you will die.

Missions and side missions give you money and xp

or experience. They also unblock new skills you can

get. If you do a side mission where you have to kill

an animal for its skin you can keep the skin to craft

something. Most of the time they tell you to grab a

weapon that is not yours to kill the animal. In some

side missions they give you weapons like a

flamethrower to burn drugs… Some side missions

are more fun than others.

Things in the game

Let’s start with cars and boats. First of all

the most common cars are jeeps and these trashy

cars. Then there are quads and buggies. The best

and rarest cars are the jeeps with a mounted

machinegun. Then the super rare indestructible

trucks are super rare but the only non-

indestructible truck is the one that carries gasoline.

Then the boats are jet skis, rafts and the rarest ones

are the ones with machineguns.


Then there is hunting, crafting and plants. You have

to hunt to craft objects like weapon holsters and wallets etc.

and you have to gather plants to get hunting senses and

medicine plants to get cured while fighting. You have to kill

2 sharks to get all 4 weapon slots and 2 shark skins to get

the wallet of 6,000 bucks and tiger skin etc. Also to get

some crafting things you actually have to do side missions

like to hunt the rare 1 horn buffalo to get the wallet of

10,000 bucks. The better the crafting thing you need the

harder it is to get the animal or plant.

Camps Then there are camps the camps have bad people

but you can make them yours if you kill everyone or

everything. There are alarms in the camps you can shut them

off. When you shut them off they can’t call for reinforcements

to kill you but they won’t call reinforcements until they see

you. You should try to do silent assassinations to get no

alarms on. Also if you do it silently they give you stuff if you do

a certain amount of camps silently without any alarms or

them seeing you. If you think alarms are all you are wrong

they can also shoot into the air a flare so they can call

reinforcements manually if you turned off the alarm. These

are things in camps.

Extra things you should know

Some extra things you should know are that if you

collect a certain amount of Relics you can get new

weapons or other things like upgrades. You should also

now that don’t throw away or sell animal skins unless you

have already crafted all you needed with that animal skin.

Especially if they are rare. Some other things you should

now are like try to be more stealthy than brutal or you will

die more often.


There are 3 types of gameplay one of those is campaign it is

the fun nest and the best. It is the best because there are side

missions and missions and also there are more weapons and

hidden objects. The other 2 types of gameplay are coop and

online. These two are the same except for one thing that the

coop is with your friends not with people you don’t now. In

online you play with people all over the world


Then there are people that play games with you throwing

knives and they give you money if you win then there are

Rakyat warriors they help you but don’t kill them or try to

they are very strong also. Some people don’t do anything

because they are civilians then there are different types of

bad people. The first ones are normal then crazy people

that come at you with knives and they are crazy also there

are types with explosive bottles. Another one is sniper or RPG

that means that he has a sniper rifle or he has a type of rocket

launcher. Then there is the last one that is heavy he has a lot

of body armor and has a very heavy machinegun.

These are things in Far Cry 3.

Crafting: To






Relics: A


object in

the game.

Rakyat: A

warrior of

the island

making the

island safe.

Page 17: 5C informational Articles

A little drawing I made. Pic.1

is an armature, Pic.2 is with


STOP MOTION AMIMATION Have you ever wanted to have your little toys or things come to life? All you need is a camera! You can get a toy car and move it, little by little, take a photo every time you move it a bit. Watch the results on the camera. You will probably be surprised. At least I am when I see the results. Any kind of camera that can take photos works.

WHAT YOU NEED TO DO AN ANIMATION To start stop motion, these are the main things you will need:

� A Camera � A figure (you can use a person to do the

animations) � And A Background (if you are doing a

little film)

You make the animations by taking a photo of your figure, then move it a bit and take another photo, Then again, again, again, and again.

ADDING DETAIL In Stop Motion detail is important to add. There are many tips I have, homemade detail. I’ll tell you about Eyes, Texture and, Jumping.

For the eyes, get round beads that have a hole through them, mote like beads you can make necklaces or bracelets with. Around the hole, you paint with a permanent marker, a ring around the hole. Then you put the finished “eye” in your clay figure, wherever you want the eye to go.

For the texture, you can find things in your house like the sides of a bottle top, or probably a wire cup with the wires in some crossed shape.

If you want to make them jump, hardest of all, take a photo of the background and then the animation of the figure, floating by wires, on the same background, don’t move the camera during the photos. On software, I use, “GIMP*” you open

the background photo, and open the first flying photo in another layer. Go onto the flying layer and erase the wire stands you used. You will see the background photo after you erase the stands. It looks like it flies for real!

ARMATURES In lots of animations, the character has a metal skeleton inside called an armature. They are used to have the character stay in place. Because clay sculpture without one would simply fall apart. People even do the animation with the armature, like some tests to see if they work… I see pretty awesome animations with the pure armature. Some you can buy on internet, others can be homemade. The ones that you buy are made out of metal bars and bolts, for the homemade ones all you need are wires. For me armatures are the biggest advantage for stop motion! The “simple ones” all you need are wires, easy to move, but hard at the same time, paperclips are not so helpful for this because they are too hard. For the base all you need is two strips of wire (it can be one long one too), twist them together until it is a pretty hard but bendable wire. For the arms and legs all you need is to do

the same, then, stick it in the part you want it. The other armatures you can buy on internet. After that you can put clay on, here is a tip for the “hard armature”, you

can put clay on everything other than knee down, and then focus the camera Knee up. Put strong magnets on the bottom so they stand still. You save clay and have good balance.

*GIMP is a program that comes with almost all

windows computers, but you have to download it on mac

Page 18: 5C informational Articles

Guitar feelings

By Fernando UrrutiaUrrutiaUrrutiaUrrutia

All types of music. All types of feelings. Playing an instrument is something

beautiful. Knowing you can make music, feelings. It is a way of letting a door

open for your feelings.

The guitar is also a magical instrument, like all. You can play all types of

music. All types of feeling. That’s why I want to leave a door open for some

people on playing the guitar. Even though you can’t learn so much from a book,

here are some basic tips of how to play the guitar.

How to hold the guitar?

The first thing you need to know is how to hold the guitar. With your left

hand you hold the weight of the guitar. You put your right hand on the mouth of

the guitar like on the picture bellow.

The pitches that the guitar hits when it sings?

The notes

The notes, or how I like to call it, the pitches that the guitar hits when it

sings, are very simple. There are many notes when you play chords but I won’t

explain it.


Guitar- a



Mouth- the

mouth of

the guitar is

the hole in

the guitar

where the

strings pass


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Thousands of people are staring at you in amazement. You are

one of the greatest violinists of all time. Your sound is

pounding throw the place .You finish and people start cheering

like crazy but wait is that really you if you want to become that

picture you have to know the basics of the violin and some

violinists. If you want to become a violinist the secret is

practicing. Wouldn’t you like to know about the marvelous


Parts of the violin

There are lots of parts to the violin. Some are important and

some are not so important. What I consider the most

important part is the stick or sound post that holds up the

violin. If you break that the entire violin falls down. The curved

holes are named the f-holes. The f-holes are where the sound

comes from. Then there’s the

string. That if not tensed weigh a

lot. The bridge, which gives you a

separate place to play. Next the

tuners for when the violin is un-

tuned, the strings don’t sound

right. There are two tuners one tunes better than the other; it

is the spiral kind tuner for bigger mistakes. Finally the chin rest

that helps you’re positioning. Each part has a job and there all

very important without one of the parts it would be much

different. Now for a little challenge the quiz.

1. Which is the most important part of the violin?

(a)Stick (B) F-hole(c) Tuners

2. Which tuner tunes the best?

(A) top (b) bottom (c) both

3. Where does the sound come from?

(A) Strings (b) f-holes (c) none

The position of the violin

In violin there are 3 positions. One for the bow, another

position for the violin and a position for shifting but that’s

more advanced. The position is easy once you get it. Let’s

start with the violin position. First you look and see the chin

rest; you put your chin there. Next you put right hand

beyond the bridge. Then you slowly put you put your hand

so it touches the strings and makes a little hole where two of

your fingers can fit. Finally that’s the end, violin position


Now bow position. First you put your thumb in the

little kind of semicircle there is. After you put your pinky

standing up in the tip of the bow. Finally you put all your

fingers touching the bow. Now you’ve got the violin position

gear. For advanced players the shifting position. In shifting

you have to have the two positions I told you already. You

just have to let your finger slide so it sounds like a kind of

police alarm. Shifting is to make the notes you play higher.

Position is practice and don’t worry if at first you don’t get it


TRICKS There are an infinite number of tricks. I only know some of

them. You start learning tricks depending on what piece you

are playing or what you are a doing. I know tricks about

how to care the violin and for playing. Tricks don’t have

names. The first trick is about caring the violin. When you

see that a string from the bow has popped off, you don’t just

pull it. If you do there is a possibility of all the strings falling

off. Another trick is when you’re playing a finger on a string

and 3 notes or less on a different string continuously you

leave the note on the string and when you play a different

note you just don’t press so it’s easier. At first it’s hard

because your fingers want to go to the correct place but it’s

easier. What I do is memorize the part and instead look at

your fingers. The next is never ever leave your violin upside

down it would be bad because it could get un-tuned. Those

are some of the most important and helpful tricks I know.


There are lots of violinists but I am going to tell you

about the ones I have watched .Ara Malikian is a violinist

born in Armenia. He has practice since very little and now

has gone around the world. He has done many discs. He

plays in many different styles. He plays for adults and even

children. The children really enjoy him. He is a very good

violinist and unique. Not many violinist come from this

country. He is very modern. He is getting known by people

and that is good. Now he has a very good, fantastic courier.

Joshua Bell a professional violinist from the United States of

America, very well known for his skills. He has played with

many famous orquestra.He can play in different tempos and

styles. Once he played an act in the metro and

only one person knew who he was. He is known

by people who are music lovers. He was

introduced to the violin when he was 4. He

didn’t choose. He was born in Indiana and

when he was 14 he played in an orquestra as a

solo. Now he has a Stradivarius that cost 3, 5 million and is

playing around the world.


I remember when I started playing the violin, I didn’t really

like it. I started when I was 5 until when I was about 8 and I

started to like it. You learned something that can inspire you to

play the marvelous violin. Wouldn’t you like to start playing



1.A, 2. A3. B

Joshua Bell

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Have you ever watched a baseball game and

thought to yourself, maybe one day that will be me,

making an amazing play? Well, to be able to do that

you have to love the game and you have to know how

to play. So after reading this piece I hope you will

have gained both.

To play 1st

base you always have to be alert

and ready because the

ball could come from

anywhere at any time.

You have to wait a few

feet of the base until

the ball is hit. Then if

the ball isn’t hit to you

then you hustle back

to put your foot on the

base. If you have the

ball in your bare hand

or in your glove and

you have touched the

base before the

batter, they are out. Try not to take your foot off the

base unless totally necessary. If the ball is far away

then you have to try to step out as far as you can with

your other foot that isn’t on the base to get as close

to the ball as possible.

Both of

the positions

have to always

know what the

other one is

doing. When the

ball is hit to the

left side of the

infield, the 2nd

basemen covers


base. But if

the ball is hit to

the right side of

the infield, the

shortstop covers


base. When

the ball is hit to the left side of the outfield, the

shortstop has to be the cutoff. A cutoff is a person

who runs out to the outfield and the outfielder

throws the ball to him/her. And if the ball is hit to

the right side of the outfield the 2nd

basemen is

the cutoff.


base is in the infield just like 2nd


shortstop and 1st

base. If there is a force out ,

meaning runners on 1st

and 2nd

base, then all the 3rd

basemen has to do is step on the base to get an out.

But, if there is no force out, only a runner on second,

then the 3rd

basemen has to tag the runner to get an


The balls that will come to the outfield will

either be a grounder or a pop-fly. A pop-fly is a ball

that comes high in the air and then falls and if you

catch it, before it touches the ground, then the batter

who hit that high ball is out. A grounder is a ball that

comes rolling on the ground. To field a grounder you

have to always keep your body in front of the ball so it

won’t go all the way into the outfield.

The pitcher’s job is mainly to pitch to the

batter. There are 4 basic

pitches that a pitcher can

pitch. One is a fastball; a

fastball is basically when the

pitcher throws the baseball

as fast and as hard as he/she

can, strait down the middle.

The second basic pitch is a

curveball. A curveball is

when the pitcher throws and

curves his wrist in a special way which makes the ball

curve in towards the batter. The third basic pitch is

similar to the curveball because it also curves, just

away from the batter instead of towards him/her. It is

called a screwball. There is one more common pitch

left and it’s called a change-up. The change-up isn’t

really a specific pitch; it is kind of a trick that the

pitcher plays on the batter. The trick is that if the

pitcher has been throwing the ball really fast then

they throw the ball a lot slower so the batter wouldn’t

expect it and they won’t be able to hit it. The catcher

is really an important position because it is the only

one facing out to the field so he can see everything

that the batters are doing so if someone is trying to

steal a base the catcher can get them out.

Baseball is a great sport for many people have

said so, for an example, in the words of the famous

George F Will: “Baseball, it is said, is only a game.

True. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole in Arizona.”

That quote shows that to most people, baseball is

more than just a game. And as the amazing Babe Ruth

once said, “Every strike brings me closer to the next

home run.” So, if you ever think of giving up, think of

all the other people in the world who achieved their

dream because they decided to follow it.

Smart Tip: If you

are only running to


base then you

can run through

the base so you

don’t have to slow

to a stop.

Smart Tip: When

you are running to 2nd

and 3rd

base you

always have to stop on

the base because if

you step off the base

the other team can tag

you with the ball and

then you are out.

Pitch: When

the Pitcher

throws the


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A Board with Wheels that you Ride

The wind is blowing in your face and hair, you feel

free. Do you know what you are doing? You are

skateboarding. And that is why I like

skateboarding. Because you feel free, wind in your

face and it is wonderful. Have you ever had this

feeling? As you can tell from the beginning, I have.

The fantastic feeling of freedom. In this piece I

will go over the skateboarding competitions, the

types of skateboarding, the main tricks and the

skateboarding pro’s


There are two main types of skateboarding. There

is street skating and ramps. I personally like

skating ramps.

STREET – Street skating is what it is called.

Skating on the street doing tricks and grinds*. You

might do lines* and go down a few hills.

*grind- too put your trucks on a surface and slide

across it

*line- a sequence of tricks without stopping.


In skateboarding there are many complex tricks

such as the Ollie, Kickflip or PopShuvit.

Ollie- This is the easiest trick and the first you will

probably learn if you want to skate. This is just a

jump in the air. You might use this to jump on

ledges and grind or onto other surfaces.

1. Place your feet close together on the board

2. With your foot on the end, push so the

front of the board goes up

3. Quickly with your second foot, slide across

to the part of the board that YOU MUST


KICKFLIP- this is when the board flips in the air. I

am not going to explain how to do this because it is

too hard to. This also has the same use as the Ollie.

POPSHUVIT- This is when the board flips around in

the air. It is easier than the Kickflip and has the

same uses.

1. Put your feet on the board close together

2. With the foot on the end of the board, push

so the board goes up

3. With your other foot, push back so the

board turns around.


In skateboarding there are many competitions.

Some are only focused on skate boarding such

as the Maloof money cup and some are focused

on many other sports like the X-games. In

competitions there are rounds of types of

skating for example a round for vert skating

and a round for street skating.

Maloof money cup is as I said only focused on

skateboarding. There are rounds such as best

trick or best grind. You can win a lot of money if

you win this competition.

The X-games have many other sports such as

BMX or rally cars. But it is also has

skateboarding and rounds such as highest jump.

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Have you ever been in sinkable beds? Have you

ever burnt your feet in the beech? Because I have

and if you really want to know read on this is your



It is a magnificent place sense it has 3 maids

making delicious food. It has a big fat fluffy sofas

that sink when been sit on. A big table to eat big

meals with families. The floor is a big fluffy carpet

that make your feet sink into them (not that fluffy,

but they are ruff.)It has humongous comfortable

big rooms with big double person beds; they are

big dumpy sinkable beds that make you sleep in no

second. And from the top (it has three floors) you

can reach and open the window and feel the

breeze blow on your face see the shiny sun and

see the birds way high up in the air flying and the

ocean so blue with crashing waves, fish, shell’s,

boats, fishing boats, police boats, tourist boats,

cruise liners and so on it goes. Then you can go

and sit down in one fluffy sofa and turn on the TV

and start watching cartoons, eat, sleep what can’t

you do in this house.


Beach, beach, beach the best thing of all where my

mother takes the sun, and burns her back. Where

we have baths to refresh. So you go to the beach

and step on the sand, so first you feel your feet

tickle then the tickle transforms into hot, HOT very

HOT to burning. Then you start limping and

looking at your bag for sandals. Then there are

people one kilometer away from you and laughing

at your burnt foot while you limp, then their feet

start burning also, you booth are laughing at the

same time now. Now you’re running to the

water, then you jump and splash. Now you are all

soggy and you are walking towards home. Now

you know you always have to wear sandals when

you are in the beach!


It is called the cupcake. It is called like that

because its form looks like a cupcake. It is not an

island since it is connected to Santander. iIt’s a

piece of land with shape of a cup cake when

looking from the distance. It has a train with

normal road wheels; it is just a tourist attraction.

It has 3 models of the boats of Christopher

Columbus (very small Boats) and 1 model of a

famous boat that I which I don’t remember the

story. It has a big

park with a beach

right beside it which

has a slide that slides

you down to the

beach. And best of

all it has a big zoo

with lots of penguins

and sea lions and

ducks that get knotty

and climb to the roof. And at the top there is a

castle which is now a university where my

grandfather used to teach. From up there you can

see everything, the birds, Santander, the misty fog

of the morning

and the sea.



Know you know where to go in Santander and

what you need and special tips that I’ve given you.

Now you are ready to start a new adventure!!



1The Cupcake

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