Download - 5 Ways To Recession Proof Your Business (What a pretentious title)


5 Ways to Recession Proof

Help Grow Your Business

I know, bad title. Sorry.


1.  My superpower is __________ . 2.  I will build my tribe by__________ . 3.  I will transform my industry by ______ . 4.  I will get feedback by __________ .  5.  I will change the world by _________ .


A campaign to try and reduce drug use did the opposite. Don’t tell people what to do.

Who is it?

A game-changing company that reinvented communication.

It invented the spell checker, grammar checker, and laptop word-processor

In 1989 they earned $500 million in revenue

“Many people believe that the typewriter and word-processor business is a buggy-whip industry, which is far from true. There is still a strong market for our products in the United States and the world.”  

In 2013 the the Chicago Sun laid off all their


In 2016 Finland will no longer teach cursive handwriting

in school

1. What’s your


What’s your unfair advantage? Are you faster, better, stronger, more trustworthy, happier, bigger, easier, funnier, wider, dryer, wetter, simpler, smellier, tastier, grumpier, brighter, open longer, cleaner, spicier, rarer, taller, smaller, saltier, sweeter, slimier, shinier, louder, prouder, or safer.

Just being “cheaper” isn’t a sustainable competitive advantage.    

“But Jeph I don’t don’t have a superpower!”    

Read more

Studied his opponents more

Practiced More

Wrote more

The most successful people just work harder at what they are

trying to accomplish.

How will you be different?


Who are you willing to say

no to?

2. Who’s in your tribe?  

You never get more out of your online presence than

you put into it.

3. Eat People how are you transforming your industry?

Waste what’s abundant.  

What’s your content strategy?  

Figure out ways to engage online….just don’t be mean  

4. How are you getting


On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being never 10 being absolutely, how likely would you be to recommend us to a friend or family member?  

What are you experimenting on?  

5. How are you changing the world?  


What will your

legacy be?  

1.  My superpower is __________ . 2.  I will build my tribe by__________ . 3.  I will transform my industry by ______ . 4.  I will get feedback by __________ .  5.  I will change the world by _________ .